
Fairy Tail - White Haired Mage

Allen had finally succeeded in occupying the position that had been assigned to him. The position is the Monarch of Creation and Destruction. With the position he had obtained, he changed many of the rules in the Douluo Dalu universe. The rules changed by Allen brought huge changes to the world of Douluo Dalu. Apart from Allen, there are many of his acquaintances who succeeded in inheriting Monach's position. For example, Gu Yuena, who was Allen's partner, held the position of Monach of Life and Death and several others. Slowly, the world that was previously intended for monarchs to regulate the world in the universe has begun to experience development where many humans have succeeded in reaching Monarch level strength. Allen and the other monarchs felt a very long peace. The same also applies to creatures living in the world ruled by monachs. It's just that the long peace was suddenly shattered. The universe where Allen and the others live will collide with other universes. The impact of the collision of the two universes will produce a very large explosion - the Big Bang. This threat is known to all powerful beings in the two universes. Even though they knew it, none of them were able to withstand the threat they would face. They began to accept the fate they would face. The two universes finally met and a very strong and devastating Big Bang explosion occurred. All living creatures in both universes were affected and died except for one of them. That person is Allen. At that time he was on the verge of death due to the explosion. Suddenly a beam of light immediately enveloped his body and then disappeared from the location where he was at that time. The light took him to a world in another universe. During the transfer process, Allen fell into a coma. There was something else that happened to him. This was his body slowly turning back into that of a seven year old child. Even though he has returned to being a child. He still retained the power he had. It's just that the energy he has has been changed to follow the energy used by the new world where he is. Even though his energy has followed the energy used in the world he is in now, Allen can still use all the abilities he had before except for the abilities of creation and destruction. These two powers can no longer be used by him, or in other words, he does not have access to use these abilities. Even though he can no longer access these two abilities. Allen's other abilities are terrifying. He could easily manipulate the nine elements consisting of lightning, earth, air, fire, wind, light, darkness, healing, and space. Each of these elements has various abilities ranging from low destructive power to very frightening destructive power. It took him a full week to adapt to the new energy he was currently using. After he finished adapting, Allen immediately visited a city that was close to his current position. In this city, Allen will find out that the world he is currently in is a world he recognizes. ------------- Patreon.com/Allengraynet

Allen_Graynet · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 17: First Guild Master – Fairy Tail – Mavis Vermilion


The back yard of Allen's house. Allen was sitting relaxing enjoying the evening atmosphere with a cup of orange juice plus a book he was currently reading. The moon shines very brightly showing its beauty. The moonlight reflects on the surface of the lake, making the view of the lake very beautiful that night.

In a dark corner in Allen's yard. A figure was seen who was currently there. The figure is a girl who has a beautiful and sweet appearance. She has long wavy pastel colored hair. Her skin is white followed by green pupils. She wore a long dress that matched the color of her clothes. It can be seen that the girl is not wearing sandals or shoes on her feet.

The girl's gaze looked at Allen with a look full of interest.


Suddenly the girl saw that Allen, who was sitting relaxed in front of her while reading a book, disappeared. Simultaneously, suddenly a voice appeared right behind her.

"It's not good to enter someone's house without permission"


The girl was very surprised to hear the voice that suddenly appeared. She immediately jumped out of the hiding place he was in and immediately turned to look at the figure who had appeared right behind her. The figure that appeared was Allen who was currently holding the book he had previously read.


"How do I know where you are?" Allen immediately interrupted the girl's words, he then continued, "I have very good perception abilities, in fact my perception abilities can let me know anything that happens throughout this continent as long as I want it."


The girl immediately fell silent listening to the explanation given by Allen. Allen sighed then walked out of the girl's hiding place and re-entered the bright yard of his house.

"So, tell me the reason behind the First Guild Master – Fairy Tail – Mavis Vermilion wanting to meet me?"

Mavis was slightly stunned the moment she heard her name mentioned by Allen. She then regained her composure as she asked, "You know me?"

"As long as one reads books about guild history in the guild library. They will know that you are the First Guild Master – Fairy Tail – Mavis Vermilion" Allen replied casually , "So, tell me. What is your purpose in meeting me using your astral body? Do you want to ask me for help in healing your original body which is in the guild dungeon?"

Mavis' body shook violently when she heard this. She stared at her with a look full of disbelief and surprise. Tonight, she had been surprised twice by the boy in front of her. The first is that the child can know where she is even though she herself uses the astral body. Meanwhile, secondly, the child knows about the current condition of her body.


"Have you forgotten what I said before?" Allen asked then sighed, "I have excellent perception abilities. I can know all the events on this continent as long as I want. I know the condition your body is experiencing right now. Your body has been trapped in the lacrima in a sleeping state, hasn't it? Now, what is your purpose in coming to see me? Do you intend to ask for help healing your body?"

Mavis was pensive when she heard this. She then smiled sadly then shook her head and said, "You can't possibly do something like that."


"Because my body has received a curse from a Monarch named Ankhseram"

Mavis was no longer hiding anything, especially Allen already knew the whereabouts of her body. Therefore, she immediately informed her of her current situation.

"The Curse of Ankhseram is a very deadly curse. This curse makes it impossible to kill a person even if their head has been separated from their body. Whenever someone who received this curse was attacked, the injuries received by that person would quickly recover. Apart from that, the most terrible thing about this curse is that someone who suffers from this curse will always kill someone who is near them. Actually that's not the case. However, every time someone who receives this curse thinks about life and values life, this curse will immediately activate and kill everything around him."

"Hmm," Allen hummed softly then said, "So you were sealed in the lacrima just because you wanted to minimize the effects of the curse?"

"…That's not entirely true" Mavis shook her head.

"Okay, before continuing. Why don't we talk sitting down? Come on, be my guest tonight."

Allen immediately walked past Mavis towards the seat previously occupied by him. Mavis blinked, she turned to look at Allen with a look full of curiosity. She then walked towards Allen and sat down in the place he had prepared.

"You are a very interesting child" Mavis said with a small smile, "You know, I was very surprised when I found out that you had made changes to the Fairy Law magic created by me"

"This is just a small change, nothing to discuss too much"

"Hmm," Mavis shook her head and said, "That's quite a big change. It may seem small to you but to us it is huge." Mavis was silent for a moment then asked, "Allen, who are you really?"

"…As long as you don't reveal my secret to the others. I don't mind sharing secrets with you. Count it as payment for telling us a little about yourself."

"I can do it! I am someone who is very good at keeping secrets."

"Is that so?" Allen asked softly, "What I know is that women usually find it very difficult to keep secrets. They will definitely use interesting topics to make gossip and then it quickly spreads to everyone."

"Hey! It is not polite!" Mavis immediately said with a frown, "Not all women are like that! There are also women who are good at keeping secrets just like me."

"Usually people who say they are good at something are actually not good at what they do."

Mavis immediately frowned when she heard this. Allen chuckled softly at Mavis's expression then said, "You remind me of an acquaintance I have."

Mavis's sullen expression immediately disappeared when she heard this.

"…Would you believe it if I said that I was actually a former Monarch?"

Mavis' calmness immediately disappeared when she heard Allen's words. She would probably think those words were a joke if they were said by someone else. But, the moment she heard that sentence said by Allen. She felt that the sentence was not a joke but the truth.


"Well," Allen nodded and continued, "However, not from this world---No, not from this universe but from another universe."

"Another universe…"

"You must be very surprised, right?" Allen smiled, he then continued, "The universe is not just one but there are many. The universe we currently occupy is one of many universes in existence. Man is but an ant in the whole universe."

"But…How did you come to this universe? Besides, how can you return to being the human you are now?" Mavis asked curiously.

"The universe I lived in previously experienced a tragedy with another universe. The two universes collided with each other, causing both universes to be destroyed. When the universe was destroyed, all living creatures living in both universes were also destroyed. It is just…"

"Just before I received the devastating impact of both universes. A light protected me then suddenly transported me to this world. My transfer meant that my position as a Monarch had disappeared followed by my body returning to the body of a child. However, I still retain the power that I have even though the abilities I gained after inheriting the position of Monarch seem to have disappeared."

"Abilities acquired?"

"Each Monarch has their own executive abilities" Allen explained slowly to Mavis, "Let's take my example. I am a Former Monarch who holds control over both creation and destruction. I have the exclusive ability to create or destroy things. With this ability, I can create a planet or destroy a planet. However, because this position is no longer held by me, this ability has disappeared or in other words, it is no longer possible for me to use this ability."

Mavis slowly digested the information she had just received.

"To be honest, if you want to ask the reason behind my coming to this world. I don't know the reason either. The light that came to protect me suddenly transported me to this world. He has even transformed my power into the power used by this world with a level of power equivalent to my power when I still held the position of Monarch."

"…The Monarch who cursed you was a Monarch who mastered the ability of death and life, wasn't he?"

"Hm," Mavis nodded at this.

"If it's just him, I can help you get rid of the curse he gave you."

"Really?!" Mavis immediately stood up from her chair quickly, her body moved violently hearing this, a light of hope appeared in her eyes "Y-you...You can do it?"

"Well," Allen nodded and continued, "The Monarch who cursed you is a Monarch whose power is below mine. The highest position among Monarchs is the Monarch of creation and destruction. They are the leaders of the Monarchs. In other words, they are the most powerful Monarchs. Even though I no longer hold the position of a Monarch, my power is still at the same level as when I was the Monarch of Creation and Destruction. Therefore, it is easy for me to destroy the curse of the Monarch of Death and Life."

A feeling of excitement overwhelmed with pleasure immediately rose within Mavis. She then suddenly remembered something, "This…Can you help the others too?"

"Another?" Allen asked while raising his eyebrows, "You mean, Zeref? Do you want me to help him remove the curse?"

"Hm," Mavis nodded seriously, "Can you do it? He had suffered from the curse. Therefore…Can you help to remove the curse he is suffering from? Please" Mavis immediately lowered her head as a sign that she was really serious about begging Allen.

Allen smiled then said, "You seem to have feelings for him."

Mavis' face immediately turned red when she heard this.

"Well, if I could meet him, I would help him. But…" Allen paused for a moment then continued, "I will only help remove the curse he experienced when I met him, not look for him. He needs me and I don't need him. You have to understand this, okay?"

"Hm," Mavis raised her head again then nodded her head solemnly. She knew that it was too much for him to ask Allen to find Zeref's whereabouts even though Mavis knew that such a thing would be easy for Allen to do. Allen has promised to cure both of them. For Mavis, that was enough.

Allen immediately got up from his seat and said, "Okay, since you understand everything. Let's go remove the curse"

Allen then mobilized his magic energy. A gray magic circle array appeared in front of him. Simultaneously, a portal directly leading to the room where Mavis' real body was sealed immediately appeared.

"Let's go"


Mavis happily followed Allen from behind. Both of them entered the portal. As soon as the two of them entered, the portal immediately disappeared as if it had never appeared at all.


Guild Dungeon – Fairy Tail.

In the underground room, there was a large light purple lacrima there. Inside the lacrima, a girl's body appears. The girl sealed in the lacrima was the First Guild Master – Fairy Tail – Mavis Vermilion. Right at the same time, there were two people who were currently there. These two people are Allen and Mavis Vermilion.

"You weren't wearing clothes when you were sealed? You know, at least wear underwear when it's sealed. This is quite embarrassing, especially if it is seen by many people."

"Ugh?" Mavis was stunned to hear Allen's question. She made a sullen face and said, "It wasn't my fault! That's not what I want either! That's what my friend did. He probably thought that it was better to seal my body without clothes than to wear them."

"That friend of yours…He didn't do---"

"Allen!" Mavis shouted with her face red from embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't discuss that" Allen sighed then raised his hand towards the front while mobilizing his magic energy, "Full Purification"

A bright green magic circle appeared right in front of the lacrima. At the same time, Mavis' real body was suddenly enveloped in a bright green light. Mavis, who is currently using her astral body, is looking attentively at the curse removal process that Allen is currently carrying out. The green light that enveloped Mavis' body did not last long. It only lasts a moment then disappears.

"Full Recovery"

Right after the green light covering Mavis' real body disappeared. Allen immediately released his other abilities to improve Mavis' body condition because she had been asleep for a very long time. He wanted to eliminate the negative effects received by Mavis' original body which had been asleep for a very long time. The green light covering Mavis' body slowly began to disappear.

"How?" Mavis asked quickly.

"It's finished. The curse you received has disappeared. You no longer need to be afraid of accidentally killing someone. I have also cured the negative effects your body receives from being asleep for a very long period of time. You can eliminate this astral body of yours. I will free your original body from that lacrima."


Mavis nodded, but not before she did what Allen asked. Mavis immediately hugged Allen from behind. This hug given was not a romantic hug between a man and a woman. The hug given by Mavis was a hug of thanks for helping her free herself from the curse she had received.


"Thank you…Thank you very much, Allen. Thank you for helping remove the curse on my body."

"Well," Allen smiled and said, "Okay, you can let go of this hug. I don't want to receive a hug from a woman who already has someone she loves."

Mavis chuckled at this. Slowly her astral body began to disappear, leaving only Allen alone in the room. Allen immediately placed his hand on the lacrima that was currently sealing Mavis' body. A large gray magic circle array appeared in the room and also in front of the lacrima sealing Mavis' body.

The room had been covered by Allen's spatial abilities. He did this to block the sound of the explosion that would appear as a result of him destroying the lacrima that sealed Mavis' body. He also enveloped Mavis's body with spatial abilities so that when he detonated the lacrima, Mavis received no damage at all.


A loud explosion suddenly appeared in the room. The lacrima that sealed Mavis' body was immediately destroyed with just one attack released by Allen. Right at the same time, it was seen that Mavis' body had not suffered any damage. His body was currently still floating in the air while Allen started to make other movements.

He immediately took out his black robe and then draped it over Mavis' body. He then slowly lowered Mavis' body and caught her gently.

Allen then started to shake Mavis' body slowly and said, "Come on, sleep beauty, you can wake up now."

Mavis could hear Allen's words clearly. Even though she was trapped inside the lacrima previously, Mavis was still able to maintain her consciousness. This also led her to know that Allen had made improvements to her magic. Makarov was the one who told him about this.

Because the negative effects that her body should have had been removed by Allen. Mavis didn't feel a stiff feeling appear in her body. Therefore, a smile appeared on her face before her eyes even opened.

"Sleeping Beauty? That title seems to really suit me." Mavis chuckled as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Allen who was smiling at him, "Even though I've said it before, but, let me say that I'm back to using my original body. Allen, thank you for helping heal me."

"You're welcome."

Allen then put Mavis down gently and said, "Let's go back"

"Hm," Mavis nodded gently.

Allen immediately retracted the spatial ability released by him that enveloped the room. He then opened a portal that led directly to his yard. Allen immediately walked through the portal he opened followed by Mavis. As soon as the two of them entered the portal, the portal disappeared from that place as if it had never appeared at all.