

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

FF Naruto, the god of fuinjutsu chapter 1

Chapter 1: In the void

My name is... well, I don't know. I genuinely do not remember it. There are very few things I can remember. Very few vague things at least.

I remember a few faces, a few people smiling, and then the only thing I remember is this place. Well, I had to give it a name, so I named it the void.

I feel like I have been here forever. At the very least, the last time I actually bothered to even try to keep track of time, it was 200 days. I honestly do not remember.

It has been so long, I actually think that I have gone insane long ago. Staying in a place, unable to move, breathe, eat, sleep or live life.... It sucks.

Some people would have probably gone completely mad, but I would like to believe that I can at least think properly.

One thing is for sure, my emotions have been dulled. To an extreme. I mean, I used to feel anger. Anger for being trapped, which was quickly followed by fear. Fear of staying here for too long. Eventually it all changed into self-pity, but now, I don't even remember how it feels like to feel nothing.

I don't even have a body, just a white coloured blob floating in space. Luckily there is still some stuff which can keep me sane. I occasionally see blobs similar to me as well.

Out of curiosity, I have followed the blobs before. However, for some reason, the blobs always disappear. I mean, I rarely see blobs, and even when I can see them, I can never get close to them.

The blobs then eventually fade...That is the best way I can explain it.

Anyways, as I was continuing to wander around, I saw a red coloured blob. Like always, I floated to it, but surprisingly, unlike always, where I always feel a barrier, this time, I felt suction.

Well, that's new. I wasn't really scared. I mean, what could happen to me. Death? Please, at this point, you are giving me a present.

As I got closer to the blob, I saw that a part of the blob broke off. It literally broke off. That was weird. I don't know why I suddenly remember the word 'Agar.io.'

Just like a passing thought, and no matter how hard I tried to remember where the word came from, I couldn't. Well, I wasn't bothered. I mean, for the past god knows how many years, I have experienced spontaneous memory bursts like this, and have given up to actually try and remember somethings.

Then, the larger blob just faded. I quickly lost interest in the larger blob and followed the broken part. It was glowing in a bright red-colour.

'Well... this is new as well,' I thought again.

This time I didn't move closer. It's not that I was scared, I don't feel fear after all, no it was as if something was telling me to wait for the light to calm down.

Soon, it did. Hah, I say soon like I have a sense of time. Well you get the point, the blob eventually shot towards me really fast.

Then I felt something. After god knows how long...I felt something...I felt pain.

What was my reaction? To be honest, I am happy. Well I am not an M, but it was the first time in a while I felt alive.

After that, I felt knowledge. I saw a lot of symbols, all of which I could understand.

I felt excited. I mean, I was bored out of my mind, and now there is something new, something which I am sure I didn't learn but I knew. I wanted to figure out how the blob gave me this knowledge? Can I get more?

As I was in the middle of my thoughts, I started to fade. My own blob-like existence started to disintegrate.

'Well, it seems like I can finally die. It would have been nice if I at least looked through this knowledge though.' These were my last thoughts before I died.


I immediately shot up. I looked around me and saw hands. I immediately touched my face, then my legs. I then got off of the floor and jumped. I could feel.

I ran out of the tent which I was in, and I didn't even realise that I was surrounded in mist. I felt a breeze on my cheeks, I felt cold, I felt.... I felt alive.


I then look around, I was with a few other children who were lazilly walking out of their own tents.

I then look at the person who shouted at me. He had no expression on his face. He was taller than us at least. He then continued to shout," You maggots are lucky that the council has allowed you to live. If you ask me, the village has gone soft. Not only have we changed the final exams to make it easy for you lot, we are even allowing orphans into the academy. What I am trying to say is CHERISH THAT WE HAVE GRATEFULLY ALLOWED YOU TO KEEP YOUR LIVES, AND WAKE UP BEFORE I CALL YOU!"'

(A/N: Well, first chapter of my naruto fanfiction. NGL, I have rough ideas, and am probably not going to upload this, but if I do, I hope you lot enjoy.)