

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Breaking through by walking chapter 7

After walking for the entire day, which was around 12 hours, Victor accumulated 100,000 steps.

"Finally, system, you can upgrade yourself again." Victor said, as he was setting up his tent to rest for a while.


[The host has leveled the system up to level 3]

[The host now has 3 choices for the next function.]

[Trading function- The host can trade anything from the outside world into the system, for anything of an equal price, even steps]

[Martial Arts function: This is a separate dimension, where the host can practice martial arts and comprehend them at a faster rate or buy martial arts. The host can bring people with him, but the dimension will only have a 1% effect on them. The rate at which you comprehend your Martial Arts depends on your cultivation as well.]

[Law dimension- This is a dimension where the host can cultivate any and all types of laws as well. The host can bring others with him, but the effect on them will be only 0.0001%, and the rate at which you comprehend your Laws also depends on your cultivation]

"While all of them seem important, for me right now, only the Martial Arts function is useful." Said victor after thinking for a bit.

While the Trading function is good, and will help him a lot, he doesn't really have much to spare to trade with, it will be more useful for him in the future.

The Law dimension is also the same. While he does need to comprehend the laws, if you are not a cultivator at the Peak of Rank 3, you won't be able to comprehend the laws at all, so it is useless to him now.

The Martial Arts function is perfect, as not only will he be able to practice even more quickly there, he will be able to buy more Martial Arts to help him.

"Okay then system, please unlock the Martial Arts function for me." Victor said.

[Unlocking the Martial Arts function for the host.]


[Finding a suitable Martial Arts for the host.]


Then, a book appeared in front of Victor, and he reached out his hand and grabbed it. The status of the book then showed up.

[Item: The 3 ways of the spear

Ability: To help the user comprehend the way of the spear

Rank: Quasi-Divine

Skills: Help to comprehend Spear Intent, Spear Heart and the Spear Soul

Cost: 1 Divine step]

"Spear intent! What the hell! Helping one to comprehend Spear Intent, and what's further

beyond? Even my father, someone at the Peak of the legendary rank, was only able to comprehend Quasi-Spear Intent! And he was feared throughout the lands! If this book really helps me to comprehend spear intent, I will be invincible within the same realm." Victor exclaimed.

"System, quick, how do I enter into the Martial Arts dimension?" Victor asked excited.

One must know, for any weapons user, to unlock the intent of a weapon is to be favoured by the weapon itself, and to gain the respect of the weapon. It will also boast ones combat prowess by at the very least 1 hundred fold!

[Host, you have to either meditate or sleep and you will automatically enter the world. Be warned host that your body will be vunurable, and any distractions will cause you to break out of the world]

After hearing that, Victor quickly finished setting his tent up.

Then, he opened up the World Map to check some thing.

"Alright, the closest living being is at least a few days away from here, so I can start to comprehend sphere intent!" Victor said.