

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

FF Naruto, the god of fuinjutsu chapter 2

Chapter 2: Brain stimulation seals

(End of the day)

Well, that was a long day filled with emotions. I found out that I was in some place called Kirigakure, which is one of the 5 Great Nations.

The leader of the village is the Mizukage, and from what I can understand, these villages were basically places which host ninja's.

And who was I? I was in the body of an orphan from the many orphanages in the Mist. He has no back story, his parents were just ordinary ninja's that died. The bodies current age is 8 years old.

For the entire day our sensei went on to explain about how we are worthless compared to those of the noble clans, and we should just be prepared to die. Pfft, like I was going to let that happen. I can finally live, I do not wish to go back to the void so soon.

Anyway, our sensei also started to teach us lessons out in the open field. Apparently we were not good enough to go to classrooms with the nobles, and should just learn on the fields.

He said if we were ever able to reach the noble student standards, they will let us transfer there.

Right now, they were teaching on cardboard, and gave us some paper to take notes, which I did do.

Anyway, as I enter my tent, I once again look through the knowledge from the red blob. I realized that it was fuinjutsu. According to sensei, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu are the basic of a ninja, and there are several other types, Fuinjutsu is one of them.

As I was analyzing the knowledge, I saw a specific seal which caught my interest,' Brain Stimulation Seal.'

Brain Stimulation Seal- with this seal, not only will I be able to increase my memory capacity, I will be able to access information inside of my brain with ease.

With this seal, I will be able to remember my past life, which was something that I wanted to do. Maybe it's because my emotions were suppressed for so long, I am extremely curious about how I died, and who I was.

There was a slight problem. To use this seal, it needs to be either, written on fuinjutsu paper, which is made from a specific tree, or it needs to be etched directly on my brain.

The better choice will obviously be the latter, than I won't need to have paper dangling on my forehead 24/7, but the problem is, who will do it?

I obviously cannot ask anyone else to do it, from what I know, the fuinjutsu knowledge of this world is extremely low, I don't even know if a Brain Stimulation Seal exists. If it does not, powers from all over the world would want to get their hands on my knowledge.

So, the best case is for me to operate on myself, but for now, I will need a temporary solution, which is using fuinjutsu paper.

But for that I will need money, something which I do not have. From what sensei told us, we orphans inside of the academy get paid in meals, and costs of the academy.

So essentially, we get no money at all. There are ways to earn, it's sort of like incentives for orphans, which is being in the top for tests. If I am able to reach the top of the orphans class, I will get 1,000 Ryo.

This is really little money, but I have to start somewhere.

However, that isn't the only way to get money for me. Sure, it's the only legal way, but that doesn't really matter for me. I just have to be careful.

Anyways, for the next 6 months, I will be unable to do anything. I cannot even practice the fuinjutsu. I mean, I might have the knowledge, but I do not have any experience in writing the seals. I mean, from what I understand, the knowledge absorption is the toughest part of the fuinjutsu.

So for now, I have 1 goal in mind, to get my memories back. Sure, it might not be worth going through all this trouble to get them back, but, I still want them, or I will always feel a part of me missing.

It has been 6 months, and our first test has been completed. It was a 2 part test, our knowledge, and physical capabilities.

They have only been making us run around and do some push-ups. According to our sensei, this is to build a proper foundation in taijutsu, and increase our chakra amount. Yeah I didn't buy that bullshit for 1 second, we could literally see the people in the 'Noble' class learning the clone jutsu,

Anyway, I went according to my plan, I trained and studied. To be completely honest, I will never be bored of learning, I mean I have been in the void for very long, so I want to learn as much as possible, but the problem was the physical aspect.

It is just tiring. I mean sure, I do it because it is important, but other than that I see no point. Mainly because I have a specific seal, called the 'Muscle Growth Seal' which will cause the muscles in my body to develop to the peak. Sure, it is limited by my age, but that doesn't matter. I do know other similar seals but they all have a few drawbacks.

'It is decided, after today, I will not train more than necessary, I just need to get my hands on the bloody paper first.'

Right now I have 1,000 Ryo in my hand, and I will soon be able to make seals.

With the 1,000 Ryo I have, I can buy 1 Explosive Tag seal. Now, I would have directly bought the fuinjutsu paper, but that will cause me a few problems.

1-In the Kirigakure, there are only 2 known merchants who sell Fuinjutsu items, and they are the main suppliers of the seals in the village. They have a direct supply of the fuinjutsu paper from the village so they can make their Seals. Now, if someone else suddenly asks for a Fuinjutsu paper, it might attract their attention. After all, it might suggest that there are other Fuinjutsu experts, and that their business might take a loss.

2- I might grab the Mizukage's attention. From what I understand, the 2 Merchants in Kirigakure abuse their power. They sell their Seals to the village at an expensive cost. I mean sure, the Kage can just get a supply route from another Shinobi Village, but they always mysteriously get attacked. It is probably the merchants stopping the supply.

Now, the Kage could send in higher rank ninja's to get the supply, but it isn't cost efficient. From what I understand, sending a high ranking ninja, like a Jounin, would cost at the very least 1 Million Ryo. The profits they can make from the seals is nowhere near that cost, and any other lower ranking Ninja just gets killed.

I mean the merchants aren't dumb, they won't increase the prices too much, if not the Kage might actually be willing to tank the cost and send Jounin Ninja to bring the items.

Why did the Kage just not kill them? Well, I found out that a Kage is nothing but a strong Ninja at the seat of Power. In the end, the main head is the Daimyo. If the kage did start killing Nobles that pissed him off, then he would be stripped of his position.

Well these 2 are the main reasons anyway, but I don't need to worry too much. Once I get 1 Explosive-Tag, I will be able to get more money than I currently have.