

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Breaking through by walking chapter 6

"What the...just how many mortal realms are there?" Victor asked, confused.

From the map he could see that his world looked like a mere seed, among many thousands of seeds.

[There are hundreds of thousands of Mortal Realms hosts. Some are ruled by magical beasts, while some have killed themselves. There are a lot of planets which have just died out.]

"Alright then, that is enough of that, for now, I need to breakthrough into rank 2. System, you said it would take me 1,000 steps to break through, so in total, I just need 3,000 steps right?"

[That is the correct host.]

"Alright, for now, I will use the Map, and walk in the direction of the sunfall kingdom." Victor said.

He didn't really have a plan on what his goals are now. He just wants to get stronger first, and then deal with messes like other mortal planes,

Victor walked till nightfall, which was about 6 hours. He has accumulated around 43 thousand steps.

His system is currently level 2, and has the capacity to hold 100 thousand steps, so it will take a while for him to upgrade it.

"System, can you help me break through into Rank 2 now please." Victor said.

[Alright host, now you can breakthrough into rank 2.]

Then, just like before, Spiritual Energy entered his body, and nourished it. Even though he asked the system to break through all 3 ranks at the same time, it usually takes slightly longer for the body and soul.

That is because your body needs to be nourished by the spiritual energy constantly, so as to allow it to slowly advance into the next rank, but Victor was skipping all that.

The soul needs to expand, and if the expansion is too fast, it might accidentally tear his soul in half.

His core however was a different thing. As long as he accumulated the required energy, Spiritual Energy can enter his core, and his core will automatically be strengthened, and hold more energy.

'It seems like in the future, I should break through smaller ranks constantly, instead of breaking through an entire rank all the way. This way, not only can I gain control over my power, I can allow my body, core and soul to rest as well.' Victor thought.

After about 10 minutes, the process was done.

[The host has broken through into Rank 2 for your body, core and soul.]

"Right, I will call it a day for now." Victor said.

He then opened his shop menu and bought some things with his current steps.

[Item: Sandstone spear

Ability: Easy to pierce through beats of the sand element

Peak Rank 1 weapon, which cannot be upgraded

Cost: 10,000 steps]

[Item: Sandstone armor set

Ability: Resist Sand elemental beasts

Peak Rank 1 weapon which cannot be upgraded

Cost; 10,000 steps]

[Item: Bag of travel

Ability: A bag which contains everything necessary for a traveler

Cost: 1,000 steps]

"Alright, now I have around 19 thousand steps left, enough to buy some pills."

Victor bought some Realm control pills he saw before, and many pills similar to them. He couldn't constantly eat the Realm control pills as it would lose its effectiveness, but he could eat similar types of pills.

He spent 10 thousand steps on those pills and bought 10 of them, he now had 9 thousand steps left.

Victor wanted to buy Martial Arts from the shop, but he couldn't find any inside of it, so he asked the system about it.

[Host, any Martial Arts contain the will of the creator of the arts, so technically, it is sentient. The shop does not sell sentient beings for now.]

"Okay then, seems like for now I will have to focus on the Talen family arts." Victor said.

And that is what he did for the next 7 days.

It has been 7 days since Victor set up his 'base' in the desert. He has been spending his time trying to gain control over his spiritual energy, and he has gotten complete control over it.

Also, after upgrading his soul realm to rank 2, and actually trying to learn the Family Martial Arts, Talen was able to bring the Talen Family Footworks technique, and Talen Family Spear Technique to its perfection.

"That's weird, I remember dad saying it takes one at least a few years to train the family arts to its perfection, I did it in a week."

There are 3 levels for the mastery of a martial art, the beginning stage, the great completion stage, and the perfection stage.

[Thats because of a variety of reasons. You should know that your father was a Rank 6 cultivator, and having a person at that level teach you, even if it is a little bit, will allow you to learn the technique faster. The host has also trained in these arts before, so it is normal to advance so quickly. The main thing is, host, you are more talented than anyone in the mortal realm, so learning a mere Mortal Rank arts quickly is nothing big.]

"Hahaha, maybe I am really talented, I never really knew as I never bothered to practice the arts properly. Anyway, I think that we have been here long enough, it is time for me to continue my journey ." VIctor said, packing his stuff up.

Victor then proceeded to open the Quest function.

[Main Quest 1.1: Upgrade system to level 3, unlock a new function of the host's choosing, out of the 3 options given to the host, and get one item corresponding to the new function.]

"Okay then, now I have to walk 81 thousand steps to upgrade the system." Victor said, as he set off towards the Sunfall kingdom again.