
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 422 A look

At this moment, Hody Jones, who is going to Ryugu Castle, saw that he was kicked away by the straw hat Luffy, and all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates came to disturb his good deeds, and his face is gloomy.

Although he had long expected that he might be defeated by these guys

But when he really saw these guys come to stop his plan that is about to be successful for more than ten years, the anger in his heart rose.

And seeing the residents of The Fishman Island, they would rather let the Straw Hat Pirates destroy the Ryugu Kingdom than let him get the country.

Seeing this scene, Hody Jones is going to explode.

Being stopped by humans has made him extremely angry with humans, and now even the residents of The Fishman Island are on the side of humans.

Hody Jones' face is full of murderous intent.

He will never spare these fishman traitors.

When he takes the country, he will show these guys what real cruelty is.

It is because of the existence of these guys that fishman will always be bullied by humans.

This country doesn't need a guy like that.

Only those who are hostile to human beings and want to trample human beings are fit to live in this country.

Get all the guys who have fantasies about humans out of here!

The country will be reborn in his hands!

Hody Jones looked at the video, and although he is suddenly attacked by the straw hat Luffy, he still stood up.

The corner of his mouth could not help but raise a smile.

Even if he is defeated, he will let the world see his strength.

It just so happens that the human beings all over the world now can see the true strength of the fishmans.

Hody Jones has fully realized the strength of Luffy two years later through the previous images.

Especially seeing him fight Doflamingo in Dressrosa and Cracker.

This strength is indeed very strong, much stronger than he had imagined before.

It is not ashamed to lose under such strength.

In this way, he is also on the same level as Doflamingo and Cracker.

Just to let the idiots on The Fishman Island recognize the status quo and not make senseless resistance.

He has more power to rule the country than the weak Neptune.

No matter how powerful the Straw Hat Pirates are, they are only human after all, they have to leave sooner or later, how stupid it is to put hope on human beings.

This country belongs to the fishmans, only the most powerful fishmans deserve it, and only the most powerful fishmans can protect the country.

That man is him, Hody Jones!

Why don't these idiots understand this?!

At this moment, the fishfolk in the video are bursting into excited cheers because Neptune and the others were rescued by Straw Hat Crew.

On the other hand, the New Fish-Man Pirates were a little furious.

Hody Jones looked at Jinbei with a sullen face.

"Jinbei, it looks like we've all been fooled. I should have discovered this long ago when you were obediently caught."

Hody Jones roared: "What a wonderful relationship you have with humans! I hate people like you the most. Fisher Tiger, who grew up with you in Fishman District, and Arlong that is equivalent to your younger brother were all defeated by humans, but you didn't avenge them, and even joined forces with humans. You are no better than Neptune. Poor trash! If I become the king of this island, it will change everything, and this year's World Summit is a good opportunity, I will kill all the human kings of the world in Mariejois, thereby creating a terrible legend of the underwater kingdom! I also want to bring people from all over the world to the bottom of the sea as slaves, so that no one will dare to disobey the fishmans in the future, even in the world of pirates. Look at these powerful pirates, straw hats, this is your future! We have 100,000 people! Let's do it! New Fishmen Pirates!"

Hearing Hody Jonesr's crazy speech, people all over the world couldn't help but look at him.

This guy really stupid..

He even thought about participating in the World Summit as the king of the Ryugu Kingdom, and then taking the opportunity to kill all the kings of the affiliated countries who participated in the meeting.

He also wanted to capture humans as slaves.

Hearing his words, the whole world is instantly enraged by this guy's arrogance.

If it is said that what Hody Jones did in the Ryugu Kingdom before, it belongs to the internal affairs between the fishmans and the mermaids.

No matter who wins or loses, this is the Ryugu Kingdom's own business.

not directly related to them.

Even if Hody Jones got the country, they could only feel sorry for Neptune.

But this guy Hody Jones wants to do this kind of thing after taking power.

No one can bear to hear this.

The kings of the affiliated nations were furious when they heard that Hody Jones wanted to behead them at the World Summit.

Originally, when the kings of the joined countries participated in the World Summit, Marine would personally escort them to protect their personal safety.

They weren't worried about the danger, and the meeting took place in the Holy Land of Mariejois, where the Tenryuubito lived.

But think that Mariejois was once burned by the fishman Fisher Tiger.

Fisher Tiger is able to get out of Mariejois, which also shows that Mariejois is not as safe as they thought.

If Hody Jones attacked when no one expected it, maybe he would really succeed.

When they thought of this possibility, they were fortunate that this matter was exposed, otherwise they would be in danger at the World Summit two years later.

For a time, the kings of the Affiliated Nations immediately contacted the World government and asked them to deal with this dangerous element.

This is a lunatic. If he really kills so many kings of the Affiliated Nations, then the whole world will be in chaos. don't know how many people will be displaced and lose their lives because of this.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
