
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 421 Counterattack

Even Neptune, Shark, and the fishmans and mermaid already knew that Princess Otohime was killed by Hody Jones.

But seeing Hody Jones admit it in front of people's face still sparked anger in their hearts.

All of them were deceived by Hody Jones.

It is not humans who really killed Princess Otohime, but their own people, a fishmans, Hody Jones.

They have always attributed this hatred to human beings.

What should have been accomplished eight years ago, because of this hatred, has not progressed until eight years later.

Hody Jones bastard!!!

Everyone glared, even the Five Elders looked at the arrogant fish in the image with some angry eyes.

Goddamn beast.

Without this guy, the fishmans, mermaid and Poseidon would have been under the control of the World government.

There simply won't be so many variables.

Damn this guy.

Hody Jones... The Five Elders looked at Hody Jones in the image with murderous intent.

But they also smile, because now they can use Hody Jones.

Helping the fishman avenge their princess, this is a big favor.

Just use the head of Hody Jones to appease these fishmans, let them put down their guard, move to the land obediently, and dedicate their lives to the World government.


In the video, Hody Jones, who thought he had the chance to win, very arrogantly revealed his conspiracy in front of Neptune and the others.

On that day, he bribed the human pirates to set fire to the box containing the joint document, and he himself killed Princess Otohime while the chaos was happening.

After that, put this charge on the head of the human pirate, and kill him quickly.

Hody Jones said fiercely: "She's in the way, isn't she, Shirahoshi! She regards revenge on human beings as a bad thing! If everyone on the island needs to get along well with human beings, that woman almost achieves this goal, which is really in the way! Your mother is a woman who deserves to be dead, that's why I killed her, and the murderer was me!" Listening to Hody Jones' insult to Princess Otohime, the people of The Fishman Island were full of anger.

This bastard not only killed their respected princess, but described her as a damn woman who got in the way.

She has been working hard to give them a better future.


For a time, everyone was furious. If eyes could kill, at this moment, Hody Jones had died millions of times.

However, to Hody Jones's surprise, Shirahoshi said with tears in her eyes when she heard Hody Jones's words:

"I already knew that."

Hody Jones is confused now, and he asked with a sullen face: "Shirahoshi, how did you know that I was the one who killed your mother?"

Shirahoshi hear from Megalo that he saw Hody Jones kill Princess Otohime.

shee also said that because her mother had agreed with her before she died, she could not hate her murderer.

So Shirahoshi has been hiding this secret for years without telling it.

People watched the video of the young Shirahoshi in the video holding the secret and hiding in the hard-shell tower alone, hugging her knees and weeping.

The sadness that overflows the screen is almost like a river.

However, an untimely laughter made people glared.

"Hahaha...Megallo, you actually told this stupid woman about this, if you tell others, our plan will be ruined.


Hody Jones pointed at Shirahoshi and sneered: "Shirahoshi, listen up, people in the world will call you a fool, because you didn't hate me, that's why this country is about to perish, your father, brother, and With you and all the citizens, you will be killed... Haha...that is a big mistake."

Saying that, Hody Jones fired n attack, and a string of water droplets shot through the bodies of Neptune and Shark like a bullet.

Shirahoshi pursed her lips and wept as she watched her father and brothers who fell to the ground.

Is she wrong?

People couldn't help but feel distressed when they looked at Shirahoshi who was dejected.

Although they do not approve of this kind of behavior that forgives the enemy without a bottom line.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself. The idea of ​​Princess Otohime is indeed too ideal, and it is worthy of respect, but it is not worth learning.

But at that time Shirahoshi is only six years old, how could she refuse the promise of her mother before she died.

Seeing that the Neptune family is about to be destroyed by Hody Jones.

The people of the Ryugu Kingdom were all shocked. Could it be that the Ryugu Kingdom would really fall into the hands of Hody Jones.

At this moment, several children appeared in front of Mrs. Shyarly, who had just been injured by Hody Jones and is being treated.

They wept and asked Mrs Shyarly when the Straw Hat Crew would come to destroy the country.

If they can, they hope it is now.

They would rather let the Straw Hats destroy the country than Hody Jones kill Neptune and get the country.

The children's voices spread through the crowd.

The residents of The Fishman Island began to call out to the Straw Hat Pirates, and the people of The Fishman Island even shouted for people to destroy the island.

Hearing the voices of the people, Hody Jones only thought it was ridiculous, and then pressed Neptune's neck and planned to execute Neptune, so that these guys could recognize the reality.

Shirahoshi cried when he saw this scene: "Mr. Luffy, please protect my father."

At this moment, Megalo, who is caught beside him, suddenly couldn't help but vomit.

they saw a person being spat out of its mouth.

It is the straw hat Luffy.

Just when Neptune is on the verge of life and death, Luffy turned up and kicked Hody Jones away.

In an instant, a deafening sound erupted from the entire square.

Everyone is shouting Luffy!

Seeing this scene, people immediately understood what was going on.

It seems that this is what Jinbei and Luffy got after the argument.

Wait until the people are completely desperate, and then let Luffy appear and save the country as a hero.

That's the only way to keep people from thinking Luffy they're intruders.

The hatred will not be perpetuated.

Seeing this, people couldn't help laughing.

Hody Jones had just swelled up.

Make everything you do public.

Make people hate him.

Obviously this guy wants to rule this country, but instead of winning the hearts of the people, he pushes the people to their opposite time and time again.

It can only be said that this guy is too inflated, this may be more than ten years of hard work, and once he turns over, he can't control himself at all.

If Hody Jones wins the hearts and minds of the people before that, he will pull the people to his side.

Then the situation would be very different.

Even if Luffy appeared at this time, it would be an enemy of the entire Ryugu Kingdom.

At this time, Luffy's appearance is an opportunity for Hody Jones to integrate domestic forces and consolidate his own rule.

When Luffy and the others leave, he will be able to make a comeback sooner or later.

However, Hody Jones perfectly avoided all the correct answers, not to mention the magical operation of forcing the Straw Hat Pirates, who had nothing to do with this matter, to become enemies before.

This guy is really heading in the wrong direction.

He had endured it for more than ten years, and there were still so many conspiracies and calculations, but he lost his mind at the most critical moment.

At the same time as Luffy appeared, Nami on the other side also rescued Neptune and the others.

At the same time, Franky also appeared in the square driving the repaired Sunny, along with Zoro who escaped from Ryugu Castle.

The Straw Hat Pirates are all here.

Counterattack officially started.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
