
Exploring the Multiverse

Join Kade Mercer as he travels through anime and fiction worlds one after another with the help of his abilities————- First world: Solo Leveling Second world: Marvel Cinematic -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER!!! I don’t own anything apart from my OC characters Be aware that I'm only doing the mainstream animes/Manwha/Manhua/Novels/Games as my knowledge beyond mainstream ones is non-existent

Ikkarus · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 11

A.N: from this point onwards, the cannon events will be thrown out the window, I'll be changing the whole story of SL to fit my story with Kade as the centre of attention, so forget about the cannon as this will be anything but,

Back to the story


The room plunged into darkness as the massive doors slammed shut behind Jin-Woo, the sound reverberating through the cavernous space. Panic surged through him, his heart pounding in his chest. He spun around, desperately searching for a way out, but the doors remained firmly sealed.

Outside, the rest of the group pounded on the door, their shouts muffled by the thick stone. "Jin-Woo! Hang on!" Mr. Song yelled, his voice filled with desperation. "We'll get you out!"

Jin-Woo's mind raced, but there was no immediate escape. The statues around him, though no longer moving, seemed to watch him with their cold, stone eyes. The weight of the silence was oppressive, his own breathing loud in his ears.

A sudden, sharp pain shot through his head, and Jin-Woo stumbled, clutching at his temples. The room seemed to spin around him, the glowing eyes of the fallen statue flickering back to life. A strange, otherworldly voice echoed in his mind.


Jin-Woo's eyes widened in shock. "Who…who are you?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You have been chosen…" the voice continued, ignoring his question. "You possess the potential…"

The pain in Jin-Woo's head intensified, and he fell to his knees, a cry of agony escaping his lips. Images flashed before his eyes – battles, monsters, and power beyond his wildest dreams. The voice grew louder, more insistent.

"The new vessel…accept the power and overcome death!"

Jin-Woo gasped for breath, the pain nearly unbearable. He had no idea what was happening, but he could feel something within him stirring, a latent energy awakening. "What…what do you want from me?" he managed to ask, his voice strained.

"Survive," the voice answered simply. "Prove your worth…"

Suddenly, the pain vanished, leaving Jin-Woo breathless and trembling. He looked around, but nothing seemed different. The statues were still, the room silent. Yet, something had changed within him. He could feel it – a new presence, a new power.

A glowing screen appeared before his eyes, filled with strange symbols and text. He blinked in confusion, trying to make sense of it.

[System Initializing…]

[Welcome, Player.]

Jin-Woo's heart skipped a beat. "Player? What is this?" he murmured, reaching out to touch the screen. His fingers passed through it, the text shifting and changing.

[You have been chosen by %#^%^#^^*#. Complete the tasks to grow stronger and survive.]

Tasks? Grow stronger? Jin-Woo's mind raced with questions, but the screen continued to display more information.

[First Quest: Survive the Trial.]

The ground beneath him began to tremble, and Jin-Woo looked around in alarm. The statues, previously dormant, started to move again. The room was coming to life, the air thick with the hum of magic.

"No…not again," Jin-Woo muttered, his body tensing. But this time, something was different. He could feel the power coursing through him, a strength he had never known before.

[Quest: Defeat the Statues.]

Jin-Woo clenched his fists, determination flooding through him. He had no idea what this "System" was or why it had chosen him, but he knew one thing – he would not die here.

The first statue lunged at him, its stone axe raised high. Jin-Woo moved instinctively, dodging to the side with a speed that surprised even him. He felt a surge of energy, his muscles responding with newfound power.

With a swift motion, he grabbed a fallen piece of rubble and swung it with all his might at the statue's leg. The impact shattered the stone, the statue stumbling and falling to its knees. Jin-Woo didn't hesitate, using the momentum to leap onto the statue's back and drive the rubble into its head. The statue crumbled, defeated.

[Quest Progress: 1/10 Statues Defeated.]

Jin-Woo's eyes widened as he saw the progress bar appear on the screen. "Ten statues?" he muttered. "Alright then…let's do this."

The other statues were closing in, their movements slow but relentless. Jin-Woo felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the will to survive fueling his actions. He moved with a rough but precision that seemed almost unnatural, his strikes were without technique, but somehow devastating.

One by one, the statues fell, each defeat marked by a notification from the System. Jin-Woo's confidence grew with each victory, the power within him responding to his determination. However, the exertion was taking its toll. Each movement felt heavier, each breath more labored. His muscles screamed in protest, the fatigue setting in like a vice.

As Jin-Woo fought, the statues seemed to adapt, their attacks becoming more coordinated. They moved in unison, surrounding him, their glowing eyes filled with an eerie intelligence. Jin-Woo's strikes, once so effective, now barely managed to chip away at their stony exteriors.

[Quest Progress: 6/10 Statues Defeated.]

Jin-Woo panted, sweat dripping down his face. He narrowly avoided a crushing blow from one of the statues, rolling to the side and lashing out with a desperate kick. The statue's leg cracked, but it retaliated with a backhand swing that caught Jin-Woo across the chest, sending him sprawling.

Gasping for air, Jin-Woo forced himself to his feet. He could feel his strength waning, the power he had been granted starting to flicker like a dying flame. He had to keep going. He had to survive.

[Quest Progress: 8/10 Statues Defeated.]

The final two statues moved in, their synchronized attacks leaving Jin-Woo little room to maneuver. He blocked one strike, only to be caught by another, the impact rattling his bones. He stumbled back, his vision blurring.

"Not…yet," he muttered, his voice hoarse. "I won't die here…"

With a primal scream, Jin-Woo surged forward, tapping into the last vestiges of his strength. He struck out wildly, his movements fueled by desperation. His fist connected with the first statue's head, shattering it into pieces. The second statue lunged, but Jin-Woo dodged, using the rubble from the fallen statue to crush its knee. As it fell, he delivered a final, decisive blow, obliterating its head.

[Quest Complete.]

Jin-Woo stood amidst the rubble, his chest heaving, the silence of the room broken only by his heavy breathing. He dropped to his knees, every muscle in his body screaming in protest. The glowing screen reappeared, displaying his progress and rewards. Jin-Woo's eyes widened as he saw the notifications.

[Level Up!]

Then he felt the power within his body vanish, making him kneel and weak due to fatigue.

The power he had a moment ago, Jinwoo felt it being washed away as if it was only there to help him survive the trial. But he didn't care, all he cared about was that he survived and would go home to his sister in one piece.

The doors slowly creaked open, the light from the outside flooding into the room. Jin-Woo turned, his eyes meeting those of his fellow hunters. They looked at him with worried eyes as they rushed towards him. Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile. Not being able to bear the fatigue, he started falling but was caught by Joohee, who was crying while hugging him.

Meanwhile, on the side, Kade was looking at Jinwoo with a mischievous smile. He felt something different but couldn't pinpoint what it was. Before he exited the double dungeon room, he felt something watching him, as if it was waiting for him to go, and his hunch got stronger when he saw the door closing with Jinwoo inside.

'Whoever it is, they must have wanted something from Jinwoo. I wonder what it is,' Kade thought as he discreetly made his exit, not wanting to stick around longer than he already had.