
Exploring the Multiverse

Join Kade Mercer as he travels through anime and fiction worlds one after another with the help of his abilities————- First world: Solo Leveling Second world: Marvel Cinematic -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER!!! I don’t own anything apart from my OC characters Be aware that I'm only doing the mainstream animes/Manwha/Manhua/Novels/Games as my knowledge beyond mainstream ones is non-existent

Ikkarus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 10

As Kade advanced toward the enormous statue, the rest of the group looked on in horror and disbelief. The towering figure, crowned and seated, radiated an aura of immense power, its glowing eyes fixed on Kade. The room seemed to hum with anticipation, the air crackling with energy.

"Kade, no!" Mr. Song shouted, his voice trembling. "You don't know what you're doing!"

But Kade's smile only widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh don't worry Mr Song, I know exactly what I'm doing," he replied maniacally, continuing his deliberate pace toward the statue.

The statue, sensing a challenge, grinned even wider and changed his direction towards Kade, with its massive form casting a long shadow over the group. The ground shook with each of its movements, the sound of stone grinding against stone echoing through the cavernous space. The hunters, still bowing, could barely breathe, the weight of their fear pressing down on them.

As the statue raised its colossal hand, poised to strike, Kade stopped and looked up, meeting its gaze with the same craze look. "I wonder if my body is fond of stones" he muttered, his voice barely audible over the statue's rumbling movements.

The statue's hand came down with a force that could crush boulders, aiming to obliterate Kade. With a swift, almost imperceptible movement, Kade dodged to the side, the statue's hand slamming into the ground and creating a shockwave that sent dust and debris flying.

Kade leaped onto the statue's arm, sprinting up its length with a speed and agility that left the hunters stunned. Reaching the shoulder, he planted his feet firmly and looked directly into the statue's glowing eyes. "You should have stayed seated," he said with a grin, his voice dripping with menace.

With a sudden, explosive burst of energy, Kade drove his fist into the statue's eye. The impact was powerful, but instead of shattering, the eye merely cracked, a small fissure spreading from the point of impact. The statue let out a surprising deafening roar, stumbling backward as it clutched at its damaged face.

(A.N: don't quote me on this one, I don't remember if the statue can even talk)

Kade frowned. "Tougher than I thought," he muttered, leaping back as the statue swung its other arm in a wide arc. The force of the swing created a gust of wind that nearly knocked Kade off his feet. He landed gracefully on the ground, his mind racing.

"Kade!" Jin-Woo yelled, his voice a mix of fear and awe. "What are you doing?!"

Kade didn't respond, his focus entirely on the statue. He needed a new plan. The statue's movements were slow but powerful, and its stone body was far more resilient than he had anticipated.

The statue, recovering from Kade's attack, raised its arms, ready to strike again. Kade darted forward, aiming for the legs. If he could destabilize it, maybe he could create an opening. But as he approached, the statue's leg swung out in a kick, catching Kade off guard and sending him flying across the room. He hit the ground hard, but felt no pain due to his unique body constitution.

"Kade!" Joohee screamed, as she worried about the newly registered hunter

Kade got up, but notice a deep cut in his stomach which is rapidly healing. "Alright, big guy," he muttered with his usual foxy smile, "let's try this again."

He sprinted back toward the statue, weaving and dodging its attacks including a beam of fire from its eyes. This time, he aimed for the joints, striking with precise, powerful blows. The statue roared in anger, its movements becoming more erratic as Kade's attacks began to take their toll. Small cracks appeared at its knees and elbows, but the statue fought back with relentless fury.

One of its massive fists clipped Kade's shoulder, sending him sprawling again. He quickly got up by flipping his body backwards and dodged an incoming kick.

As he dodged the kick, he didn't waste time and threw a powerful uppercut to the knee which successfuly connected, with this Kade finally shattered the joint. The statue's leg gave way, and it crashed to the ground, its immense weight sending shockwaves through the room. Kade didn't let up, continuing to attack the fallen figure. He pounded on the chest, his fists a blur of motion.

The cracks spread rapidly, and with a final, decisive punch, Kade shattered the statue's chest. The immense figure had one last look at Kade before losing the glowing lights on its eye, its massive form crumbling into a pile of rubble at Kade's feet.

The other statues seems to stop moving as well after the lost of the crowned statue

The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the hunters as they slowly raised their heads, disbelief etched on their faces. Kade stood amidst the wreckage, dusting off his hands as if he had just completed a mundane task despite the hard-fought battle

Jin-Woo approached him cautiously, his eyes wide with shock. "Kade…how…how did you do that?"

Kade turned to him, his smile as creepy as ever. "Sometimes, Jin-Woo, you just have to believe in yourself," he said, his tone light. "Or, in my case, not believe at all."

Mr. Song, still kneeling, looked up at Kade with a mix of gratitude and wariness. "You saved us…thank you," he said slowly, his voice filled with a new respect.

Kade waved a hand dismissively. "Don't mention it. Now, let's see if there's anything valuable among the rubble, shall we?" He began to walk away, leaving the stunned hunters to gather their thoughts.

As they started sifting through the debris, Jin-Woo couldn't shake the feeling that there was much more to Kade than met the eye. The way he had moved, the sheer power he had displayed – it was unlike anything Jin-Woo had ever seen.

With the statue defeated and the door once again open, the group cautiously made their way out of the room, but as Jinwoo, the last person in the room, was about to walk past the enormous door, it shut itself with an unnatural speed for its size trapping jinwoo inside by himself.