

  Chapter 631 The Plan Begins (One more chapter for the friends in the group)

  Renekton shook his head slowly and denied: "No, I just want to keep my unique humanity."

  "Heh, stupid idea." The lamp god sneered, and then ended the topic directly: "When will it start?"

  "Wait a little longer, there are still helpers who haven't arrived yet."

  Renekton shook his head. As he finished speaking, Leonard, wearing a white shirt, black vest, and black trousers, appeared out of thin air in the square.

  Renekton casually threw out a ring inlaid with fine gems. This was a magical item from the demigod of the Loen military. It was a ring that could perform short-distance flash and teleportation.

  Leonard subconsciously reached out to catch the ring that fell to him, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. Just as he was about to ask about its effect, green pea vines suddenly fell from the surroundings. The green

  vines quickly submerged the surroundings, intertwined and intertwined, and quickly formed a forest, layered up, and the top could not be seen at all.

  Bernadette walked out of the forest deep in the green vines. Her eyes lingered on Leonard for a while. The lavender glow in her eyes floated, appearing extremely deep and sacred.

  After a moment, she retracted her gaze and said calmly, "'Parasite'?"

  Without waiting for Pales's answer, Bernadette turned her gaze to Renekton and asked calmly,

  "What are you going to do?"

  Renekton knocked on the lamp wall with his right index finger holding the wishing lamp, and a golden figure filled with chaos and distortion appeared in the eyes of Leonard and Bernadette.

  The lamp god raised his figure a little, looked down at the few people, and looked down at the mechanical square outside the vines, and said in a majestic and low voice,

  "This is the last wish, don't forget your promise."

  Renekton nodded and responded calmly,

  "Of course, the deification ceremony of George III in Rune will begin soon, which is also to help yourself."

  The golden figure of the lamp god floated in the air and stopped talking.

  Renekton took out a gray-white spell from Zaratul from his arms, poured spirituality into it, and whispered in the dragon language:

  "I make a wish: Let the Trier of the Fourth Epoch come to reality!"

  The gray-white spell cracked in his hand, and an invisible torrent burst out from the spell, quickly sweeping around, crossing the forest of green vines, descending on the real mechanical square, and spreading out quickly.

  The pale golden figure of the lamp god floating in the air stretched out his hands synchronously, grasped and pulled hard. The

  invisible torrent suddenly surged, instantly covering the entire cathedral area and the adjacent Erato area, hill area, and part of the cemetery area, covering the Sacred Heart Monastery, the largest church of the "Eternal Sun" in Trier, and the Iron Church, the main church of the "God of Steam and Machinery" Church.

  The invisible torrent penetrated reality, distorting the surrounding time and space, pulling the ruins of the Trier of the Fourth Epoch under Trier into reality, and overlapping the ruins with the real Trier.

  The originally clear sky suddenly became dim, the sun suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by gray clouds with fog.

  Under the dim sky, two fire giants as tall as hills wielded swords, chains, spears and other weapons and tangled with each other.

  Their battle caused red, white, and purple flames to scatter around them, and a rain of fire filled with high temperature and destruction fell around them.

  This was Medici and the leader of the Sauron family who entered the underground Quaternary Trier ruins after losing control. They did not descend directly to Trier on the ground because of their "wish" just now, but the power of the angels was vented and still affected the city on the ground.

  In the Erato district, in the Sacred Heart Monastery where the patron angel Saint Viev sat, the blazing sunlight suddenly broke out. The clear, transparent, and blazing sunlight intertwined into an "ocean" in the air, intercepting the rain of fire that fell from the sky due to the battle between the two fire giants.

  In the vast white ocean of light, the space also became chaotic. The pouring rain of fire kept falling but could never touch the ground. It could only be assimilated by the light little by little and disappeared into thin air.   

  At the same time, in the steel church, a dim light that was not bright, clear, or colorful, as if composed of a vast amount of imaginary things, emerged.

  This light quickly floated around the square, constantly spreading outward, forming pieces of light fragments like broken glass, like pieces of swaying light spots.

  On the light spots floated images of humans discovering fire, walking out of caves, building houses, smelting steel, making tools, and creating machinery. They carried years and history, carried the civilization of human society, and were fragments of civilization.

  These fragments of civilization kept floating and spreading around, like a thin, invisible scroll, trying to re-glass the surrounding overlapping space.

  Bernadette calmly looked at the floating and spreading historical scroll, and said calmly:

  "I will stop him. He will not leave my sight before the true god of the star world intervenes."

  As the voice fell, the green vines intertwined around him swayed rapidly, and Bernadette's figure instantly became virtual, decomposing into a stream of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature, rushing towards the floating and spreading scroll like a torrent, destroying it from the inside.

  Watching Bernadette leave, Renekton raised his right hand wearing a mechanical glove, and light blue time continued to overflow between his fingers. He drew a layered symbol of an illusory door in mid-air.

  In an instant, the surrounding starlight became dazzling, and pieces of bright starlight flew out of the void, interweaving and reorganizing around to form a dark blue door covered with mysterious patterns. The

  light blue starlight passed by, and the figures of Renekton and Leonard disappeared instantly, and then appeared inside the steel church.

  Ignoring the vigilant eyes of the clergy in the surrounding churches, Renekton raised his hand and snapped his fingers, aiming at the various guns and cannons that came over.


  Dots of blue starlight appeared and swam quickly around, causing the surrounding time and space to distort and completely isolate from the outside world, even information could not be interacted with.

  This is the "mysterious realm" belonging to the "secret servant". It comes from the mystical knowledge previously analyzed from Antigonus. Renekton used his own information and abilities to complete the incomplete "mysterious realm".

  This new "mysterious realm" has a certain secret effect. Although it is not directly separated from reality like the "secret world" created by the "secret servant", as long as they cannot leave this area, all interactions with reality will be blocked, which can buy some time for them to steal the seal.

  As the "mysterious realm" took shape, the steel church instantly became gloomy and dark, as if it was isolated in a dark wilderness.

  Leonard and Renekton's figures blurred for a moment, and then disappeared from the sight of the clergy in the church and the believers who had not yet recovered from the accident. A middle-aged man wearing a white shirt, black vest, and bow tie appeared in front of the two, looking blankly at the gun barrels pointed at him and the extraordinary ability that had already taken shape.

  Pales, who was parasitic in Leonard's body, took action. He directly stole the positions of the two and exchanged them with a member of the Mechanical Heart team who was still in the basement. In

  the underground area of ​​the Iron Church, Pales continued to steal the positions to take Renekton and Leonard to the place where the church stored the seal.

  The Mechanical Heart members who were startled on the way had no time to react before Pales stole the corresponding thoughts. Their infiltration process was particularly smooth.

  Outside the Iron Church, countless complex and pure knowledge gathered into a light that floated quickly in the air, intertwined with those civilization fragments that had no real form like light spots, and used a large amount of complex and useless information to explode these nameless fragments.

  Among the floating spots of light, the figure of Bonova, who had long chestnut hair, blue eyes, tall stature, and handsome appearance, emerged.

  He looked calmly at Bernadette, who remained in the form of an information creature. His blue eyes turned brass with an unnoticeable metallic luster. In his sight, everything around him was returning to its essence, including Bernadette, who had become an information creature.

  After a short silence, with Bonova as the center, the physical rules around him were quietly changing. The transmission of information was disturbed and no longer smooth or invisible.

  In mid-air, one magical item after another flew out of the void. Some of them were small black-gray metal hammers, some were silver-white spears wrapped with lightning, and some were dark mirrors that could not reflect anything.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 632 God of Steam and Machinery

  Under the Iron Church, Renekton and Leonard's figures kept flashing, and soon they came to the mechanical hall at the bottom of the church, where magical items were stored and sealed.

  "So many!"

  Leonard looked at the walls around him that were piled with magical items like exhibition counters, and couldn't help but sigh.

  Compared with the Church of the Night, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery is particularly rich in magical items. Even the Charles Gate under the Saint Samuel Church in Backlund is far less rich than the items stored and sealed under the church.

  Pales snorted disdainfully, and his old voice calmly echoed in Leonard's ears:

  "This is the church of 'steam'. Every 'craftsman' is a well-deserved master of manufacturing, both in reality and in the field of mysticism."

  "I know, I just couldn't help but sigh when I saw so many magical items." Leonard pulled his throat and defended himself.

  Renekton ignored the exchange between Leonard and Pales. His eyes calmly wandered around. The deep blue and purple light in his eyes outlined one strange symbol after another, and he quickly recorded and analyzed the information around him.

  After a moment, he retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at Leonard, and said calmly:

  "Arrodes' information is fine. You can act now. You only have three seconds." As soon as

  the voice fell, Renekton's body instantly became virtual, decomposing into a stream of complex and pure information, easily penetrating the obstacles set around, and surging into the depths of the mechanical hall.

  "Take a few magical items that you like." Pales' voice then echoed in Leonard's ears. After

  a slight hesitation, Leonard quickly rushed towards a steam rifle with a thickened and lengthened barrel.

  As he made the move, a series of time worms composed of twelve-segment patterns flowed out of his body, quickly moving and gathering in the air, forming a twelve-segment ancient mottled huge clock phantom.

  This shadow is like the surface of a wall clock carved out of stone, divided into twelve grids in total, each grid is either gray or dark blue, interspersed with each other, with clear boundaries and different symbols.

  On the huge mottled shadow of the clock, the pointer turned one grid clockwise, and the melodious, illusory bell sound instantly echoed throughout the mechanical hall. An

  indescribable invisible torrent surged out of the huge shadow, as if it had come through a long history, and quickly swept around.

  The time around was accelerated, and the seals originally set for different magical items had loopholes and began to fail.

  The humming sound of the wind exploded underground, carrying fine wind blades, constantly blowing and hitting the magical items around. The

  invisible fluctuations dissipated not smoothly, and the surroundings suddenly darkened, as if it was late at night, and a sense of tranquility and peace descended with the stars.

  The air became scorching, as if he was in a dry desert. Leonard opened his mouth slightly and gasped. At this moment, it seemed that breathing became difficult, and drops of sweat seeped out of his pores.

  He became extremely angry and wanted to smash and destroy everything around him. He didn't know why he was angry, but he just couldn't control himself, as if there was a raging fire burning in his heart.

  Pale white fluorescence continued to overflow from his body, like a worm, quickly wriggling in the air, and constantly drilling into the magical items around him one by one.

  Deep in the mechanical hall, Renekton's figure walked out from the constantly gathering of complex and pure knowledge.

  This place was built like a gorgeous palace. Gold is the main element used for decoration. Whether it is a high-back chair, or a vertical tall stone pillar, floor wall. Everything is bright gold, with a sense of luxury and artistic beauty. In the

  center of the palace, there is a golden and gorgeous chair, a strange and gorgeous throne made of gold and inlaid with many gems.

  The legacy from Roselle, numbered 0-45, also known as the seal of the throne of knowledge, is also Renekton's target this time!

  On top of this seal, there was a book bound in grey-brown parchment. The pages turned spontaneously, and various meaningless words and symbols appeared continuously, as if recording the information transmitted by the throne of knowledge.

  As soon as I approached the throne of knowledge, countless pieces of information flooded into my mind, as if everything around me was transformed into abstract and distorted information, swarming into my eyes and into my mind.   

  The mechanical glove on Renekton's right hand lit up with a dim, unclear, and colorless light. This light seemed to be composed of a large number of illusory things, gathering into pieces of broken light spots, evolving the fragments of civilization, and having the ability to contact abstract things, like an insatiable container, constantly carrying the information instilled by the throne of knowledge. With the

  help of this emptiness, Renekton's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of the throne of knowledge. He reached out and took away the parchment book that was placed on the left armrest and kept flipping through the overflowing information.

  More and more complex information swarmed into his mind, and Renekton's movements slowed down. The deep blue and purple brilliance in his eyes kept shaking, as if it was about to break.

  Taking a deep breath, he turned back and sat directly on the throne of knowledge.

  At this moment, he seemed to have become the master of knowledge, the emperor of knowledge, able to see and manipulate all the information in the world. His mind continued to expand, and all kinds of thoughts grew, as if he had become an omniscient and omnipotent existence.

  The deep blue and purple radiance in his eyes shattered bit by bit, turning into pieces of stardust that overflowed from his eye sockets. His body became illusory, as if countless stars were flickering, scattering, and merging with the golden chair under him.

  Under the brilliant sunshine, most of the city was shrouded in gray fog and dark clouds, appearing dim, mysterious, chaotic, and distorted.

  In the clear sky, a brilliant starry sky loomed, and a series of dim, unclear, colorless, and hazy glimmers that seemed to be composed of a large number of illusory things were generated from nothingness, falling from a very high distance and rushing towards the dark clouds and gray fog that covered most of Trier.

  Wherever this light passed, all matter disintegrated, dissipated quickly, and was reduced to the most basic particle structure.

  The overlap between Trier on the ground and the Quaternary ruins underground was broken, the gray color in the air quickly faded, and the bright sunshine enveloped the city again.

  At the same time, a "light" that could not be seen by most extraordinary people surged out from the void. This light had no entity, as if it was composed of a stream of complex information. It moved like a torrent in an illusory manner, and in the blink of an eye, it contained the light that disintegrated matter and split the underground ruins and the surface city.

  The surrounding light became dim and deep again, and time and space were distorted, so that the surging, hazy light that seemed to be composed of a large number of illusory things was completely isolated from the outside world.

  A dark and slightly illusory wilderness was reflected. Above the wilderness, countless figures were swaying in the wilderness. Some of them were people, some were animals, and some were strange objects.

  Above these figures, a vague and erratic figure was looming. It was wearing an exaggerated cloak depicting a group of stars. Under the cloak, the dim starlight was like blinking eyes, sometimes gathering, sometimes dispersing, without a real shape.

  In the astral world, a perfect place, indescribable steam is rising. Brass, dark, and green gears are meshing with each other, turning with a click. Between the levers, chains, gears, and other things that interact with each other, a vague and hazy figure that gives people a very heavy feeling is looming.

  Rays of dull and unclear light are generated from nothingness. This light has no color, as if it is composed of countless tiny things, which together interweave a thin and invisible picture like a projection.

  This picture flew out from the perfect place and slowly unfolded in the astral world, but in the blink of an eye it came to reality and came to the sky above Trier.

  On the picture is a depiction of the enlightenment and development of human society in different classes. It is the accumulation of civilization for thousands of years. It gives people a direct feeling of vastness, grandeur, thickness and breadth, but it seems extremely depressing and heavy, as if it can crush everything. The

  dark and slightly illusory wilderness that enveloped Trier was swallowed up by the picture of civilization without any hindrance.

  The "Hidden Sage" enveloped by the picture of civilization instantly turned into an information creature. The invisible torrent of information surged wildly in the picture of civilization, trying to drown everything with huge amounts of information and destroy this picture of civilization.

  However, this is the accumulation of thousands and tens of thousands of years of civilization, and the history left by generations of human beings calculated in billions. It is completely enough to carry the information torrent set off by the "Hidden Sage".

  Temporarily trapping the "Hidden Sage", several invisible information flows rushed out of the Perfect Land, quickly fell from the Star Realm, and in a flash arrived in Trier in the real world, easily crossed the obstacles, and entered the Iron Church isolated by the "Mysterious Realm".

  Under the Iron Church, Leonard, who had picked up two magical items, heard the voice of Pales before he had time to ask about the effects of the items in his hands:

  "He is coming."

  Leonard was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked:

  "Who is coming? The angel sitting in this church? Isn't He being held back by the 'Mysterious Queen'? What happened outside?"

  "'Steam' is coming, and I can't see what's happening outside anymore." Pales responded with a sigh.

  "Who?" Leonard suspected that he had heard wrongly. His head was a little confused, and the only thought that could still float in his mind was, "I'm done, I'm going to die, I hope the church will not be implicated."

  Before Leonard could recover from this shocking information, the runaway seals in the mechanical hall fell silent one by one. Obviously nothing happened, they just fell silent strangely.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 633 Conqueror

  In Leonard's invisible field of vision, invisible information flows fell from the ceiling above his head, sank into the out-of-control seals, and turned into temporary seals, sealing them up.


  "I'm just an old man with a weak body. Why should I get involved in the disputes of your existence?"

  Pales sighed softly, and his figure loomed on Leonard's body.

  Above his head, a series of time worms with twelve transparent links were intertwined end to end, forming an ancient and mottled huge shadow.

  This shadow was like the surface of a wall clock carved from stone, with two pointers made of time worms on it, turning one by one. The

  illusory and erratic bell sound instantly echoed around, and an indescribable invisible torrent emerged, as if it came from a long history.

  The seals acting on the surrounding magical items had their duration stolen, and they collapsed and dissipated in the next second.

  Pale and transparent time worms flew out of these magical items and quickly merged into Pales's illusory figure.

  The next second, more information flows fell from the top of his head, interweaving a mottled light and shadow, carrying civilization and time, and pressing down on Pales with an indescribable sense of heaviness, engulfing him and Leonard, and more information flows directly flowed into the depths of the mechanical hall.

  In the painting formed by the mottled light and shadow, Leonard's body turned into something like a baby's palm, with five tiny fingers spread out, constantly changing the skin color according to the surrounding environment.

  Outside the mechanical hall, Leonard's figure flashed with the blue light, and with the help of Pales, he was directly teleported to the square outside the steel church through the ring on his hand.

  As soon as the figure emerged, Leonard found that everyone around him seemed to be in a daze. He looked around and asked:

  "Old man, why don't we teleport directly outside Trier?"

  Pales snorted and said:

  "Do you think I don't want to? Look up. The surroundings are completely blocked. Before the battle between the 'Hidden Sage' and 'Steam' comes to an end, we can't leave here at all."

  Leonard looked up as Pales prompted, and the constantly floating mottled light and shadow came into his eyes. He lost consciousness in an instant.


  "I asked you to look, and you just look, don't you think about it, a true god, an evil god who is almost a true god, this kind of battlefield is something you, a little Sequence Six, can see?"

  In a daze, Pales's unpleasant voice echoed in his ears, a little angry, and a little helpless.

  Leonard shrugged his head. He didn't hear what Pales said very clearly, and he didn't have the energy to think. The tingling sensation in his head made him feel as if he had just undergone a craniotomy.

  Under the Iron Cathedral, in the mechanical hall used to seal and store magical items, streams of information were floating rapidly. While calming down the out-of-control magical items, a blurry figure made of light and shadow appeared in front of Renekton.

  At this time, Renekton had completely lost his flesh and blood body and turned into a statue made of countless starlight, intertwined with the throne of knowledge below him, like a statue that could break and disappear at any time.

  Renekton remained leaning in his chair, supporting his head with one hand, looking at the blurry light and shadow that appeared in front of him, and said in a hoarse and intermittent voice:

  "Are you. Stiano?"

  The blurry light and shadow did not answer his question, but instead narrated to itself:

  "I noticed you a long time ago. You are very smart, and you don't hide your own uniqueness too much, which makes me unable to guess your identity."

  "At first, I thought you were a layout of Herabergen, and then I thought you should be some attempt of the 'Hidden Sage'. I also suspected that you, like the 'Ancient Sun God', came from the previous civilization."

  "Now it seems that all my guesses are wrong, or they are all correct, but you have a deeper identity, which is deeply related to the 'Wilderness of Knowledge' sealed in the Western Continent."

  Renekton remained leaning in his chair, without movement. He did not answer the other party's questions, and he didn't even have any emotion.

  It was more difficult to contain and digest this "Knowledge Emperor" than he expected, not only because Roselle was contaminated by the "Original Moon" at that time, but also because the "God of Steam and Machinery" in front of him had done some tricks on the "Knowledge Mentor" characteristics contained in it, which increased the difficulty of his integration, and he was unable to exclude and separate the characteristics of the "Knowledge Mentor".

  While trying to contain the characteristics of the "Knowledge Emperor", Renekton looked at the light and shadow in front of him and chuckled:

  "I think you should be Stiano."

  In the Sacred Heart Monastery, pure white and blazing sunlight poured out like a torrent, quickly submerging most of Trier's sky, and condensed into a female figure wearing a pure white clergy robe with gold thread near the Trier North Train Station, where the ground city and the underground ruins are most closely connected.   

  She is the only female angel mentioned in the holy scriptures of the "Eternal Blazing Sun" Church. She is Saint Viev, one of the patron angels of the city of Trier!

  His eyes are golden and blazing, like the sun at noon. His whole body is blooming with divine radiance. He calmly looks at the two purple-red flame giants who are fighting in a dimension that does not completely overlap with reality.

  Brilliant gold, sunshine-like gold bursts out from his body, like a scorching sun at noon, waving terrifying light and heat, penetrating the barriers of space, and joining the battlefield of the two flame giants.

  This blazing sunlight has surpassed the power of a Sequence 2 "Light Chaser". This is a miracle, the power of the "sun".

  Under the blazing sunlight, the flame giant, who was already at a disadvantage, quickly retreated. The blazing purple-red flame on his body kept shaking, as if it would go out at any time.

  An exaggerated straight sword stained with rust and blood and surrounded by flames was dragged out of the void by Medici, who was transformed into a fire giant. With the momentum of "conquering" everything, he inserted the straight sword into the head of the fire giant who was restricted by the scorching sun, piercing from the forehead and out from the back of the head.

  The body of the fire giant stiffened instantly and fell straight down.

  Medici had an illusory and ferocious mouth on each cheek. He dragged the straight sword with one hand and approached step by step, plowing a gully filled with red magma and constantly emitting sparks on the ground.

  At the same time, several red flames leaped up from all parts of Trier, approaching Medici and the fallen fire giant.

  Saint Viev stood calmly in the air, and the scorching sun burst out from Him again, as if the light that could purify everything was intertwined into an "ocean", and even the space was in chaos under this light.

  The figures who were approaching this side in the form of fire meteors were intercepted in the air and could not get closer.

  In the ruins of the Fourth Epoch, Medici placed one foot on the chest of the fallen fire giant, fixing him in place. He held the straight sword with purple-red flames in his hands and swung it downwards, with the will of "iron blood", "conquest" and "harvest".

  A "conqueror" was declared dead!

  The purple-red meteor showers stained with blazing white filled the sky, falling densely, like an unavoidable natural disaster.

  When the purple-red fire rain touched the area outside the overlapping area of ​​the underground ruins and Trier in reality, it instantly vanished.

  Those fire rains within the overlapping area of ​​the underground ruins and Trier in reality were thrown into the thick, broad, vast and magnificent picture of civilization. The

  picture carrying human civilization and history suddenly shook, and broke apart inch by inch, and a series of "light" without substance burst out from the cracks.

  With the influence of the death of a "conqueror", the "Hidden Sage" finally got rid of the civilization scroll created by the "God of Steam and Machinery", and began to vent his power, will and breath.

  In Trier of the Fourth Epoch, it seemed that something was provoked by Him, and the sound like tinnitus echoed in the ears of every living being around.

  In their eyes, there appeared an endless wilderness, a wilderness where countless figures wandered, a wilderness formed by the precipitation of countless information.


  The overlapping voices echoed in everyone's ears, as if countless people were wailing, angry, wailing, and cheering. At

  this moment, all the extraordinary people who stayed in Trier showed more or less signs of being out of control. There was a lot of information in their minds, some useful, some useless, crazy to fill their minds and destroy their fragile nerves.

  In the mechanical square outside the Iron Church, at the moment when the civilization scroll was torn by the "Hidden Sage", Pales took over the control of Leonard's body and used the travel ring to start a teleportation.

  On the north bank of the Serenzo River, Leonard's figure suddenly fell out of the spirit world. On his exposed body, such as his neck, arms, and cheeks, the flesh and blood cracked, bulged outward, and turned over, as if something was about to grow.

  In the mechanical hall under the Iron Church, Renekton, who had lost his barely maintained figure and was left with only a slowly floating starlight, suddenly became happy.

  Opposite him, the blurred light and shadow became more and more blurred, and from time to time, pixel-like light spots appeared and disappeared.

  "Your blockade has failed."

  Renekton's voice came from the slowly floating starlight, leaving an echo-like reverberation around, an echo that could tear the spirit and stimulate the spirit.

  At the same time, the slowly floating starlight quickly decomposed and turned into a "light" that was difficult to be observed by the naked eye, a "light" composed of waves of complex information.

  This "light" has no entity, and in an illusory posture, it surges like a torrent, directly penetrating the roof and walls, and rushing out of the mechanical hall underground.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 634: Escape from the Scene

  Outside the Iron Church, the sky was suddenly covered by starlight. The light blue starlight was intertwined with black and white, like a huge chessboard, easily covering half of Trier, making all actions around slow down, as if the passage of time was infinitely delayed.

  The "chess game of years" used by the "Hidden Sage" even briefly affected the true God.

  In the Iron Church, the information flow that was rushing through the fragments of civilization with mottled light and shadow suddenly stopped, and transformed into countless bright and shining stars, which quickly wandered and intertwined in the air, outlining symbols representing the fields of change, secrecy, time, and destiny.

  The church instantly became gloomy and dark, and the surrounding time and space were distorted, completely isolated from the outside world, and even information could not be exchanged.

  Renekton used the simulated "mysterious realm" to temporarily cut off the church from the outside world. Without the support of the outside body, most of the civilization fragments floating around like spots of light disappeared instantly.

  This state lasted only for a moment. This was the church of the God of Steam and Machinery. He easily reestablished his connection with his original body and broke the secret that enveloped the church.

  Renekton, who had transformed into a torrent of information again, seized the opportunity and rushed out of the increasingly dangerous church.

  The torrent of information rushed directly into the spirit world the moment it left the Iron Church, and quickly roamed deep into the spirit world.

  At the deepest and highest point of the spirit world, seven different colors of bright light containing endless knowledge slowly crawled.

  Their position suddenly became very close, as if within reach, and the colorful light was reflected around.

  Under their influence, part of the information in the spirit world was hidden, and part became abnormally active. The concepts of the position and direction of the spirit world became confused, like a group of randomly spliced ​​building blocks that had been disrupted.

  With the help of the seven lights, Renekton quickly moved away from the spirit world area corresponding to Trier.

  Behind him, mottled light and shadows composed of countless fragments of civilization floated quickly, approaching the information torrent of Renekton's incarnation, but were soon dispersed by the chaos of the spirit world.

  One after another, dull, unclear, and colorless light grew from the void, obliterating the huge chessboard phantom created by the "Hidden Sage", destroying the barrier composed of colorful mountains, penetrating the difficult-to-connect enchantment that was isolated from the outside world, and madly poured into the spirit world.

  Deep in the spirit world, the seven lights that disturbed the information and position of the spirit world stopped moving, and they returned to the highest point of the spirit world, as if they were flowing quietly and eternally. The

  "Hidden Sage" followed the "God of Steam and Machinery" into the spirit world. In this spirit world that was already interwoven with countless information, the illusory "light" composed of waves of complex information expanded rapidly, instantly covering the surrounding spirit world area, turning into an illusory ball of light, separating the surrounding area from the spirit world as a whole.

  It was as if the hazy light composed of a vast amount of illusory things was constantly collapsing inwards, converging, and condensing into an illusory yet heavy book. The

  illusory book kept turning, reflecting the floating information around it and absorbing it. In

  a short moment, the illusory light ball formed by the huge amount of information around it was full of cracks, and the surrounding area was reconnected with the spirit world.

  The illusory light ball instantly decomposed and turned into a huge and terrifying torrent of information again, rushing towards the distance like a torrent, with no intention of continuing to entangle.

  Only countless mottled light and shadows were left floating in place, outlining a vague figure, looking at the direction where the "Hidden Sage" retreated, and then taking a deep look at the seven pure lights at the highest point of the spirit world. Accompanied by an incomprehensible sigh, this vague figure disappeared into the spirit world.

  Intis, the easternmost reed port of Upper Hornachis Province, was originally just a small port that relied on fishing for its livelihood. With the development of the shipbuilding industry and the advantages of the inland sea, it gradually relied on the trade between Intis, Feysac and Loen to develop into the most prosperous city on the coast of the Intis Sea.

  In a warehouse near the port dock, a faint blue light floated from the void, quickly contracted, and condensed into an illusory "Traveler's Gate" covered with mysterious patterns.

  Leonard walked out of the door with a somewhat frivolous step. The traces of his flesh and blood cracking and turning outward had disappeared, leaving only the dried blood that had not been wiped off. The

  "Traveler's Gate" behind him quickly disintegrated and disappeared. Leonard looked around and complained in a low voice:

  "Old man, why didn't you say that the side effect of this ring is getting lost? I almost walked into a church belonging to the Steam Church just now."

  "Before you got lost, I didn't know that one of its effects was to make people lost."

  Pallez responded simply, and his voice sounded a little weaker than before.

  Leonard's eyebrows twitched, and he had the urge to take off the ring on his hand and throw it away immediately. He took a deep breath, suppressed the urge in his heart, and continued to ask:

  "Effect one, what other negative effects does it have?"

  "Wearing it for a long time will make people lazy and not even want to think." Pales briefly introduced the second negative effect of the ring. At the end, he did not forget to mock Leonard:

  "This has no effect on you. You don't like to think anyway."

  Leonard breathed a sigh of relief and did not argue with Pales about his dislike of thinking about this issue. He turned to ask about the previous situation:

  "Old man, do you think he succeeded?"

  "Also, who made that sudden horrible sound just now? Him, or "Him?"

  "What language is that, and what does it mean? It doesn't sound like a meaningless roar, but the pronunciation seems completely different from the languages ​​of the northern and southern continents, nor does it sound like dragon language, giant language, or elf language."   

  Pales chuckled, then said in a mocking tone:

  "Look, you asked a lot of questions, but you never thought about getting the answers by thinking for yourself."

  After a slight pause, Pales calmed down and sighed:

  "If he hadn't succeeded, even if he was far away from Trier, you could still feel the movement of the God War now." "

  Similarly, being able to make such a roar, even I was affected. Could it be an ordinary existence?"

  "Even you were affected?" Leonard sighed in disbelief, then nodded thoughtfully and said, "No wonder I fell out of the spirit world directly at that time, I thought you did it on purpose."

  Pales sneered: "Hehe, I'm not that bored. Teasing you can't make me feel a sense of accomplishment."

  Leonard directly ignored Pales's subsequent words, and asked with a little concern:

  "Old man, were you injured just now?"

  "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

  Pales snorted, but then spoke with pleasure:

  "Although I was injured, I am now in better shape than before. I didn't expect that there would be a seal of the 'thief' path in the basement of the Steam Church. This gave me some supplements." After

  a pause, he continued:

  "I am in good shape now. I can finally try to explore the treasure of the Jacob family that I found in the memory of Flora Jacob. Remember to find a descendant of the Jacob family at the next hermit gathering of fate."

  While Leonard and Pales were talking, a "light" composed of a large amount of information surged out from the spirit world and quickly gathered in the warehouse to reorganize Renekton's body.

  He was wearing a black robe with a hood. Half of his body under the robe was squirming flesh and blood, and the other half was a statue made of dark liquid and bright starlight. There was no clear separation line between the two sides, just like two immiscible liquids fixed in a human-shaped container. Any movement would make them shake.

  "You" Leonard stared at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him in astonishment, and he swallowed back the words he had not finished.

  He was startled by the sudden appearance of Renekton. If it weren't for the familiarity of the other party, he would have activated the ring on his hand and teleported to another place.

  Pales's old voice echoed around with some mockery:

  "You have a little indigestion."

  "The characteristics of the seal include pollution from the 'original moon' and the characteristics of the 'universal' path affected by 'steam'. I can't accommodate it well for the time being."

  Renekton nodded calmly but unusually coldly to explain the reason for his current state.

  With his movements, the body made of starlight and flesh and blood twisted its facial features into a vortex, and then twisted back under his deliberate control, turning into a normal human face with only half flesh and blood.

  Leonard swallowed his saliva subconsciously and slightly turned his eyes away. The starlight floating in the dark liquid gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. Even if he just observed it, he might be immersed in it and be affected by some knowledge and information in it.

  "You finally know what you shouldn't look at." Pales' voice echoed in Leonard's ears.

  Renekton's eyes stayed on Leonard for a while, and through him he saw Pales. The "worm of time" seemed to have recovered a little.

  Retracting his gaze, Renekton tried to make his voice tinged with a smile and said:

  "It seems that you have gained a lot."

  After a pause, he looked at Leonard's right hand wearing a ring and continued:

  "This ring is my reward to you. You can use it to go back to Backlund directly. I need to stay here for a while to solve the problem in that feature and completely accommodate it."

  ". No problem."

  Leonard was slightly stunned, and then realized that the latter sentence was said to himself. He nodded immediately, used the ring on his hand to open a "traveler's door", and teleported out of the warehouse directly.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 635 Amon's Surprise

  In the prayer hall of the Iron Church, Bonova sat at the front, closest to the triangular holy emblem, with his hands clasped in front of his mouth and nose, praying calmly.

  Behind him, Archbishop Thomas Morais of the Trier Diocese of the Steam Church, who had very neatly groomed short gray hair and deep facial features, was reporting to Bonova about the Steam Church's experience and losses in the previous incident.

  His gray-brown eyes suppressed the anger that could not be concealed, and his voice was stained with hoarseness. As the Archbishop of the Trier Diocese, he did not even see the intruder and let the other party leave safely.

  After listening to the story quietly, Bonova nodded calmly, drew a triangular holy emblem on his chest, and chanted in a low voice:

  "Praise you, great god of steam and machinery, you are the embodiment of essence, the guardian of craftsmen, and the glory of technology."

  As the prayer fell, Bonova stood up from his chair, turned to look at Archbishop Thomas Morais behind him, and said calmly:

  "I felt the oracle. God said: Let war come, let disputes begin, let the glory of technology cover the southern continent, and all rebels, ignorant people, and blasphemers will be purified!"

  Thomas Morais stretched out his hand and tapped his chest three times, drawing a triangular holy emblem. He saluted the triangular holy emblem in front of him devoutly and said:

  "Respect your will!"

  Then he looked at Bonova again, and said in a firm and serious tone:

  "Your Highness Bonova, I will go to the parliament center in the Erato District to convey God's will to the members of the parliament. However, do we need to contact the Church of the Eternal Sun? If we rashly start a war, they may not agree."

  "They will agree. This is what they want to see."

  Bonova responded with a firm tone, and there was a hint of emotion in his pale blue eyes.

  After a two-second pause, he walked to the back of the prayer hall, to the underground mechanical hall where the sealed objects and magical items were stored. The items there needed to be resealed.

  In the province of Leiston, south of Intis, along the port of Layak on the Misty Sea, an illusory "light" composed of waves of complex information rose from the distant horizon and surged towards it at a very fast speed. The terrifying torrent of

  information, as complex as a torrent, converged at a private port in the southernmost part of the city, and quickly reconstructed Renekton's body.

  He raised his right hand wearing a mechanical glove and snapped his fingers. Fragmented starlight floated past, and his appearance, image and temperament changed rapidly. Half of the flesh and blood and half of the starlight gathered into a body that quickly turned into a complete body of flesh and blood. Even the cold, depressed and crazy feelings on his body seemed to be fading quickly.

  "Cinderella", who can change her appearance, combined with some illusions, successfully concealed his problems.

  Exhaling lightly, Renekton looked around, and then walked to the place described in the letter that Bernadette had sent to the "speedster" messenger.

  Below the gorgeous clock tower decorated with gold, several green vines fell from the air, covering Renekton's body like a waterfall, and brought him into a forest isolated from reality, which was interwoven with countless green vines. Bernadette's

  figure appeared on the swing made of vines in front of her. She half leaned there, and her breath was a little erratic, as if she was injured in the stalemate and tug-of-war with Bonova before.

  She looked straight ahead and said with some fatigue in her tone:

  "You are not in good condition. Is there a problem with the properties of the seal?"

  Renekton nodded calmly and said, "There is some pollution. I need some time to solve them."

  Bernadette nodded slightly, skipped the topic directly, and said,

  "I just foresaw some of the future. The war will be ignited in the southern continent, sweeping across the entire southern continent little by little, spreading to the five seas, and spreading to the countries of the northern continent."

  "This is an inevitable development. Some beings want to launch a war of gods and annex each other's power. Some want a full-scale war to cover up their true purpose. Some need to reduce their own pressure and stir up disasters and chaos. Others want to complete a grand ceremony."

  Renekton pulled the corners of his mouth to reveal a sarcastic smile, and looked forward with deep eyes, as if he could see the figures hidden in the dark through the intertwined information.

  Bernadette did not ask who wanted to start a war of gods, and who needed a grand ceremony. After a brief silence, she sighed and said,

  "I will stay in Backlund in the near future. If things go well, I will let the Dawn help you intercept part of Intis's army in the foggy sea."

  Renekton smiled and greeted Bernadette,

  "Thank you for your help. I am thinking of issuing a bounty to the pirate generals and pirate kings on the sea."

  "It has always been adventurers and bounty hunters who regard pirates as bounty targets. You are the first to issue a bounty to pirates."   

  Bernadette sighed in a low voice, and as her voice fell, her body suddenly became ethereal, decomposing into a stream of complex information flows, surging away.

  Without Bernadette's support, the layers of green vines around them quickly shrank and disappeared, and Renekton's figure reappeared under the clock tower at the dock.

  Looking at the sun gradually setting on the sea in the distance, Renekton sighed and murmured:

  "It's a bit troublesome. It will be difficult for me to adjust my condition without a month or two. I hope there won't be too many changes during this period."

  While sighing in a low voice, his disguise quickly disappeared, and his body, which was half flesh and blood and half starlight, became illusory, and gradually disintegrated into a pure and complex information flow, turning into a pure information flow creature, flowing to the crowded place at the port. In the

  western part of Backlund, in a three-story detached house near Böklund Street, countless starlight flew out of the void and quickly constructed a dark and dark "Traveler's Door" engraved with countless mysterious patterns and symbols.

  Leonard walked out of the "Traveler's Gate" in a good mood. He was holding two magical items that he had brought out from the underground of the Iron Church. Although he had not had time to check the effects of these two items, they must be powerful and dangerous enough to be placed in the mechanical hall underground by the Steam Church.

  "Old man, do you know what the effects and negative effects of these two items are?"

  "I think I should know what their negative effects are."

  A light, smiling young man's voice broke into Leonard's ears. The latter looked up in astonishment and looked at the sofa in front of him. On the sofa, a figure appeared.

  It was a young man with black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a black classical robe and a pointed soft hat of the same color. He had a wide forehead and a thin face. He was playing with a crystal monocle in his hand.

  He seemed to have been there all the time, waiting for him, quietly watching him walk out of the "Traveler's Gate".

  Amon put the monocle back on his right eye and asked with a smile:

  "Pallez, do you like the surprise I prepared for you?"

  As he made the move, the light around him suddenly became brighter, and a cross hundreds of meters high fell from a height and stuck heavily on the floor of the living room. With this huge cross as the center, gray stone pillars, tall walls, and colorful stained glass emerged from the ground.

  In an instant, a church of bones appeared. In this church, every stone pillar, every arch, and every dome was inlaid with dense skulls. They came from demon wolves, dragons, giants, demons, and strange birds. They stared at Leonard with different eye holes, staring at him and Pallez who was parasitic on him.

  On the walls, windows, and doors around the church, transparent and distorted faces stood out, as if the souls sealed here were isolated from the existence of the spiritual world and the astral world!

  "Some time ago, that paranoid committed suicide. As his only legitimate heir, I had no choice but to inherit his legacy."

  "In this church of bones, the eyes of the gods will also be blocked, and no one will disturb us."

  While speaking, Amon stood up from the sofa, and his figure suddenly became as tall as a hill. A series of shadows of the Time Worm with twelve transparent links spread out from his body, some of which wandered and intertwined in the church of bones, and some gathered above his head to form an ancient and mottled huge shadow.

  Leonard stood there blankly. As soon as his thoughts and ideas emerged in his mind, they were stolen away, which made him enter a state of loss and confusion, unable to react to the outside world.

  "Ah~" A somewhat old sigh sounded from Leonard.

  The next second, Pallez, with white hair and wearing an exaggerated and simple white robe, floated out from Leonard. His figure quickly expanded and became as tall as Amon in the blink of an eye.

  Above his head, a shadow of a stone-carved wall clock also appeared. It was divided into twelve grids, each of which was either gray or dark blue, interspersed with each other, with clear boundaries and different symbols.

  Dong! Dong!

  The melodious and illusory bells rang out in no particular order, and an indescribable invisible torrent emerged around him, as if it had come through a long history.

  Something seemed to have changed around him, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that nothing had changed.

  Without Amon stealing his thoughts and ideas, Leonard finally came back to his senses from his dazed state. He looked at the church of bones that had reappeared around him at some point, the two tall figures confronting each other, and the shadows of the time worms wandering around him. He was filled with unprecedented panic and fear.

  Pales looked down at Leonard and waved his hand in disgust. A cobalt blue talisman in Leonard's pocket quietly shattered, and his body instantly became ethereal, like a non-existent thing, flying backwards uncontrollably.

  (End of this chapter)