

  Chapter 626 Trier

  Zaratul's eyes flashed with surprise, but he quickly concealed it, maintaining a calm attitude, looking at the gradually clear figure on the sofa opposite.

  He has a rectangular face, a white wig on his head, two slightly upturned beards on the sides of his mouth, thick eyebrows, and large eyes, which are quite similar to the characters on playing cards.

  He is wearing a formal dress, a cloak, and very long toe shoes. His dress is completely out of touch with the current era, like an antique living in the last hundred years.

  "Prince Sonia of the Kingdom of Loen, Grove Augustus."

  Rekton whispered the other party's identity, and then the brilliance flowing in his eyes converged, and the figure reflected in the starlight quickly dissipated.

  Renekton retracted his gaze, looked at Zaratul and sighed:

  "I didn't expect Mr. Zaratul's friend is a prince."

  After a pause, he added:

  "Next time, don't take such a long detour to your own doorstep. It's a waste of time to go in and out." As soon

  as he finished speaking, his body suddenly disintegrated into a stream of invisible information, surging into the spirit world and rushing to the distance.

  Looking at the place where Renekton disappeared, Zaratul sighed softly:

  "This is a bit like the 'insight' of the 'White Tower' path, but it can easily see through the 'secret' I impose. Even if you have fully analyzed the extraordinary ability of an 'insighter', you can't do it, unless you get the support of a certain angel."

  "His fate doesn't seem to intersect with mine. Why do I always feel uneasy?"

  Zaratul whispered to himself twice, got up from the sofa, and his figure quietly disappeared in the room as he took a step.

  Time soon came to noon, and Renekton came to Leonard's house again.

  Sitting on the sofa in the living room was a middle-aged man with obvious Intis descent. He had deep facial features and yellow eyebrows, and his posture on the sofa seemed very casual.

  Renekton raised his eyebrows, and a deep lavender color floated in his eyes. The image of the Intis man lazily leaning on the sofa in his vision faded, and turned back to Leonard with black hair and green eyes, wearing a white shirt, black vest and black trousers.

  He nodded to Leonard and said in a calm voice:

  "It seems that you are ready. Let's go."

  Huh~ Leonard got up from the sofa with a long breath, took two steps closer to Renekton, and asked casually:

  "Shall we travel to the spirit world?"

  "Yes." Renekton stretched out his left hand and put it on Leonard's shoulder. The figures of the two quickly faded and disappeared silently in the living room.

  In the West District, on King's Avenue, a young postman riding a bicycle on the road suddenly slowed down. He raised his hand and pressed the monocle on his right eye, and sighed faintly:

  "Palles didn't change his parasitic object. Is he trying to play a psychological game with me, or is there something special about that night watcher that makes him think he can use the other party's identity to gain some support, so as to increase his bargaining chips against me?"

  "The fate of Backlund has accumulated too much chaos, and it will soon explode. Things are becoming more and more interesting."

  "I'm here, Zaratul is here, if Pales doesn't change his parasitic object, He will still come back here, then, will the 'Fool' be attracted here as well?"

  "Maybe I need to inherit the relics of that paranoid, so that my body can sneak into Backlund, and when Pales returns to Backlund with a lot of harvest, I can give Him a little surprise."

  Curling the corners of his lips, the young postman stepped on the pedals again, sitting on the bicycle and quickly passing through the crowd.

  In Trier, the capital of the Republic of Intis, is located in the square area on the north bank of the Serenzo River. The figures of Renekton and Leonard are outlined in an empty alley.

  Renekton looked around and walked to the street outside the alley, chuckling:

  "This is my first time in Trier, which is full of sunshine, prosperity and openness. The atmosphere here is really different."

  "You can tell the atmosphere here just after arriving here?"

  Leonard questioned, and then followed Renekton out of the alley, curiously looking at this metropolis that is different from Backlund. Unlike

  Backlund, which is shrouded in smog all year round, Trier has good weather and beautiful scenery. Many roses of different colors are planted on both sides of the street. The air is filled with a faint floral fragrance, as if it can sweep away the haze in the heart and make people feel happy.

  Taking a deep breath of Trier's smog-free air, Leonard looked around curiously and said,

  "I heard that the humanities and arts are well developed here, and it is a holy place for painters, musicians, and novelists. It does look a bit like that, but it doesn't seem that prosperous?"

  Renekton walked forward slowly, with a deep blue and purple glow in his eyes. He took in all the information floating around him and quickly digested it.

  After a moment, he said as if he was reading a written propaganda report:   

  "This is the Plaza District, a small town. It is named after the Triumphal Square built by Emperor Roselle. It has a large area of ​​suburban forests and is one of the best wine producing areas. The popularity of Chayo wine in the world is second only to the Aulmire red wine."

  "If you want to see tall buildings, you should go to Districts 2 and 3. That is Trier's art district, financial district, and administrative district. There you can see the prosperity similar to Backlund's Hillston District."

  "Isn't this your first time here? How do you know so much information?" Leonard turned his head to look at Renekton in surprise. In

  his ears, the old voice of Pales echoed:

  "While talking to you, he has already received most of the information here by relying on his own special abilities. His understanding of this city has even surpassed that of most Trier people."

  Leonard sighed in his heart.

  Being away from Backlund, Pales was in a good mood. His voice continued to echo in Leonard's ears as he explained,

  "This is a special feature of the 'Secret Peepers' path. When they reach the angel level, they can transform themselves into information creatures, and naturally they can easily read and receive the information around them."

  "Why do you think the people of the Moss Ascetic Order came up with the idea that 'everything is number, knowledge is supreme'? In their eyes, the world is a product of countless complex and complicated information, and the 'Hidden Sage' is the embodiment of spiritual numbers, which is knowledge itself."

  Leonard smacked his lips and said, "It sounds like it makes sense."

  Pales snorted disdainfully,

  "The ideas of every secret organization have their own merits, otherwise how can they attract people to join?"

  After reading the surrounding information, the brilliance in Renekton's eyes gradually dimmed. He listened to the conversation between Leonard and Pales for a while, and then interrupted,

  "The idea of ​​'everything is number, knowledge is supreme' only partially explains this world. It is not perfect or complete. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many sequences other than 'Voyeurs' and 'Generalists', right?" After

  a pause, he continued:

  "Whether it is the Orthodox Church or the secret organization, their philosophy is to look at the whole world from a certain perspective. The conclusion drawn in this way is bound to be incomplete."

  "But it is precisely because of the incompleteness that it is safer and easier to understand. Just like ordinary people cannot look directly at mythical creatures, you cannot look directly at the reality of this world."

  "Why us?" Leonard asked subconsciously.

  "Because I am not in this group." Renekton explained with a chuckle, and then quickened his pace towards the direction of Triumph Square.

  Leonard, who was lagging behind for a distance, lowered his head and muttered to himself:

  "Old man..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Pales:

  "I said, you have to wait until you reach Sequence Four and obtain divinity before you are qualified to know more. If you want to truly understand this world, you must at least become an angel."

  "Unfortunately, the path of 'Night' makes it difficult to become an angel, let alone a demigod. You have too many competitors."

  "Unless a large-scale war breaks out and the church is forced to train new people on a large scale, it will be impossible for you to rely on the church's path to become a demigod without waiting for decades."

  "If there is really no chance of being promoted to 'Night Watcher', the worst that can happen is that I can find a way to hunt down a demigod of the Spirit Cult and jump to the 'Corpse Collector' path."

  Leonard murmured in a low voice, then quickened his pace and caught up with Renekton who was walking in front.

  The Triumphal Square was crowded with people, including many tourists from other places, local vendors, pedestrians, and postmen. Around the square, there were painters obsessed with creation, and wandering poets playing music on the streets. There were also several sheriffs in the crowd to maintain order.

  After receiving enthusiastic invitations from countless ladies and even men, Leonard sighed with some discomfort:

  "The people here are really unrestrained, and Backlund should not be completely different from Loen."

  Renekton looked at Leonard who was still in disguise, and said in a flat tone:

  "This shows that your charm has been fully recognized, Mr. Wandering Poet, or you can let the old man choose a person with ordinary looks and temperament for you as a disguise, or directly steal your presence."

  "Is it okay, old man?" Leonard asked the old man in his body in a low voice.

  Pales snorted coldly, and said in a dissatisfied tone:

  "You are getting more and more rude."

  "You can, but you don't have to. This is the enthusiasm of Intis. As long as you are not ridiculously ugly, there will always be people who like you and come up to chat with you. People here like physical enjoyment. Of course, they are more attracted to the Fergold in your pocket and just want to spend another pleasant night with you."

  "Grandpa knows Intis very well." Renekton turned his head slightly, looked at Leonard and chuckled.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 627 Medici

  The Cathedral District is named after the main church of the Steam Church in Trier, where the angel Bonois Gustav sits.

  In the mechanical square in front of the Iron Church, there are various types of machinery. Some of them are placed in place, some are moving on the tracks built on the ground, and some are turning propellers and hovering in the air.

  Compared with the church and the square, the intuitive feeling here is more like a science and technology museum. Almost all the mechanical creations that can be seen on the market have samples here.

  People come and go around, and no one notices Renekton standing quietly in the center of the square. Everyone ignores him tacitly, but whenever they pass by his area, those people will subconsciously make way to avoid collision.

  Relying on "psychological invisibility", Renekton entered the prayer hall of the church without any hindrance, and sat on a bench in the corner, just letting the people in front of him help him block the triangular holy emblem in front of him, which is composed of a solid triangle and symbols such as steam, gears, and levers.

  The deep blue and purple light in his eyes slowly floated, outlining one symbol after another in his eyes.

  In this state, the things in his sight changed rapidly, revealing an information structure that was difficult to see under normal circumstances. The complex and complicated information floated around and constantly interacted with the environment.

  Unexpectedly, the information related to this church had an additional layer of bronze light that was not bright or clear. It seemed light, but it gave people an extremely heavy feeling, just blocking Renekton's sight. I

  am indeed prepared for the ability of the "secret peeper". I can see through this barrier, but the movement caused will inevitably alarm the bishop in this church, and may even lead to Bonova who is staying in the church.

  As his thoughts floated, Renekton gave up the idea of ​​directly observing this church. He looked around calmly, and then walked out of the church.

  After leaving the Iron Church, Renekton's body quickly became virtual, decomposing into streams of information, rushing towards the north bank of the Serenzo River.

  In the Plaza area, near the Botanical Garden, in a hotel called Golden Sunshine, a vast amount of pure knowledge penetrated the walls and poured into the room on the third floor of the hotel, quickly reorganizing Renekton's body.

  As soon as his figure emerged, Leonard was suddenly transferred from the next room by Pales.

  Leonard was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said in a deep voice:

  "Old man, next time you do this, can you tell me before you do it? What if I happen to be in the bathroom?"

  "I'm not blind." Pales replied impatiently, and then asked Renekton:

  "What information did you collect in the Steam Church?"

  Renekton shook his head, sat on the armchair beside him, and responded in a flat tone:

  "Nothing was collected. The church has prepared in advance to prevent the 'secret peepers' from directly reading the information after reaching the high sequence."

  "Wait a day or two, I have left 'secret eyes' around and on some believers, and I can get the information in the church through roundabout means."

  "It's just right, you can go to Medici during this time and let Him make some noise in Trier."

  "Are you sure Medici will listen to you, what's the good for Him?" Leonard looked at Renekton who was half lying in the armchair with suspicion.

  Renekton chuckled and said:

  "He has no reason to refuse. If He wants to get the things underground, He must make some noise. And since I can find Him, it means I can do it myself, and then divert the attention of all parties to Him, and achieve my goal just the same."

  "Underground?" Pallez murmured.

  Leonard noticed the change in Pales' tone, and asked with some confusion:

  "Old man, what's underground here?"

  Pales sighed lightly, and said with some reminiscence in his tone:

  "Under Trier is buried the remnants of the 'Pale Calamity'. Although the Seven Gods won the victory at the time, many difficult to resolve historical problems were also generated. The underground of Trier is one of them."

  "It is shrouded in pollution all year round. That kind of pollution is not strong for ordinary people and extraordinary people of middle and low sequences, but it is fatal to extraordinary people after reaching high sequences. The higher the sequence, the more serious the impact."

  "Old man, have you also experienced the 'Pale Calamity'?"

  Leonard sighed. Every time he talked about history-related topics, Pales's knowledge always surprised him and made him feel a sense of time disconnection.

  Paris said in a flat tone:

  "No, I was busy avoiding Amon's pursuit at the time, and I didn't know much about the 'Pale Disaster' that the 'God of Death' and the 'Original Witch' in the southern continent had launched."

  Seeing that the topic of Pales and Leonard was getting further and further away, Renekton shook his head, and his body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into streams of information, rushing into the spirit world.

  Relying on his understanding of the "conqueror" characteristics that Medici contained, Renekton made a simple "prophecy" in the spirit world.

  After a moment, the vast and pure knowledge surging around reorganized Renekton's body, and the deep silver-white in his eyes quickly faded, changing to the original light blue.

  "It really doesn't work."

  With a low sigh, Renekton took a deep breath and directly recited the honorific name pointing to Medici:   

  "The great god of war, the symbol of iron and blood, the master of chaos and turmoil."

  As he recited the honorific name, he followed the established mystical connection and felt the presence of Medici. This connection only existed for a moment, and then the other party directly cut it off.

  "The 'conspirator' wouldn't be so unprepared, is he inviting me?"

  He whispered to himself, and Renekton once again transformed into an information flow creature and rushed to the location of Medici that he had grasped just now.

  On the south bank of the Serenzo River, west of the observatory area where the main entrance to the catacombs is hidden, in a hot spring hotel.

  Waves of complex and pure knowledge surged out of the void, quickly shuttled through the rooms of the hotel, and then surged away, rushing to the boulevard on the other side of the Serenzo River.

  The waiters and travelers staying in the hot spring hotel were still busy with their own affairs, and did not feel the changes just now.

  In the room on the far left of the hotel, a young woman with obvious Intis bloodline was lying in the indoor hot spring with her eyes closed. On the table beside her, the flames of the burning candles suddenly jumped and kept jumping up, like a red door. Medici's figure walked out of the flames.

  A lip with illusory fangs and scarlet tongue on his left cheek opened and mocked:

  "Stupid Medici, do you still think you are the former 'Red Angel'? You haven't adjusted your honorific name for so long, and people almost found us by automatic response."

  "Stupid!" The lips on Medici's right cheek also mocked.

  "Hehe, how do you two idiots know that I didn't mean it?" Medici smiled indifferently, touching the cracked mouth on his face with his right hand, as if he wanted to tear it off, but he didn't know where to


  Einhorn's consciousness on Medici's left cheek made a sound of pah, and said with disdain and sarcasm:

  "We have been together for thousands of years. Can't I see whether you are doing this on purpose?" While

  Medici was communicating with Soran and Einhorn, the light around them suddenly dimmed, and one after another pale blue stars fell from the sky, covering the entire hotel room in the hazy starlight.

  The next second, the lady who was resting with her eyes closed on the edge of the indoor hot spring suddenly opened her eyes. Her red eyes exuded a pure and clear brilliance, reflecting a brilliant galaxy, which looked extremely cold and sacred.

  The sudden change made Medici's lips on both cheeks close at the same time, and he stopped talking.

  "You two wimps, you should be witches lying in bed instead of hunters running around outside."

  Medici mocked Soran and Einhorn, then looked down at the female "hunter" lying in the hot spring with a changed aura, laughed and said,

  "When did the 'Eye of Secrets' of the 'Secret Peer' become able to control others remotely? And it's attached to a beautiful lady. Do you have any special hobbies?" The

  woman with pure starlight in her eyes looked ahead absentmindedly, her voice a little erratic, as if she was talking in a dream,

  "It just left some pollution on the 'hunter' lady you chose. But you, gave a lady the 'hunter' potion. When did you awaken the same hobby as Chick? It really makes people worry about the future of the 'hunter' path." Medici

  still kept a faint smile on his face, a smile closer to mockery, and said with emotion,

  "It's a pity that you didn't become a 'hunter'. What you said just now successfully provoked Soran and Einhorn."

  "Only Soran, that idiot, this level of provocation has no effect on me." Einhorn's consciousness on Medici's left cheek added.

  Soran's consciousness roared with some humiliation:

  "Shut up, the one who was polluted by him is my direct descendant, which is related to whether our subsequent plans can proceed smoothly."

  Medici looked at the direct descendant of Soran sitting in the hot spring with calm eyes, and said in a flat tone:

  "You also heard that this lady is related to our subsequent plans. Since she was accidentally polluted by you, shouldn't you make some compensation?"

  The descendant of the Soran family sitting in the hot spring uttered words like a dream again:

  "Of course, I have a way to make you able to resist the pollution underground, enter it smoothly, and find the out-of-control 'conqueror' to take back your characteristics."

  "What method, take the initiative to approach the pollution there and become a part of it?" Medici asked with some sarcasm.

  The almost dreamlike voice sounded again: "Magnify some of your characteristics."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 628 A Simple Plan

  The expression on Medici's face fluctuated slightly, and soon subsided, but the lips of Soran and Einhorn on his left and right cheeks laughed, and said sarcastically:

  "Medici, your secret has been discovered."

  "Maybe he has never been Medici."

  "Two idiots." Medici snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "Being forced to be bound to you is the biggest stain in my life."

  Without waiting for Soran and Einhorn to refute, he looked at the descendant of the Soran family who was contaminated by Renekton, and spoke again:

  "What is the difference between this trait being amplified and contaminated?"

  "This is the ability of the 'Black Emperor' channel. In essence, the pollution in you has not become more serious."

  "If you have thought it over, you can come to find me at the Ruwa Comprehensive Execution Ground in the Red Hat District."

  The dreamy voice fell, and the starlight in the room quickly dissipated. The "Eye of Secrets" attached to the descendant of the Soran family detached itself, turning into a stream of information that could not be observed by the naked eye and drilled into the spiritual world.

  Without the influence of the "Eye of Prying Secrets", the descendant of the Sauron family who was soaking in the hot spring collapsed and slowly sank into the water.

  Medici looked at the descendant of the Sauron family who was about to sink to the bottom, and the mouth on the right cheek opened slightly, exhaling a white frost-like cold breath, instantly freezing the hot spring in the hotel room.

  Medici looked at the frozen figure and sighed,

  "What a pity. We finally found a suitable carrier, but it was contaminated by that guy."

  On the left cheek, Einhorn's consciousness said,

  "He did it on purpose. We are not 'parasites' like Amon. Such a suitable carrier is not easy to find. If we destroy her, we can only rely on his help to enter Trier's underground ruins in a short time."

  Soran snorted coldly and complained with dissatisfaction,

  "Stupid Medici, if it weren't for your honorable name automatically responding to prayers, he would never have found us, let alone come here so quickly."

  Medici sneered, and didn't care about Soran and Einhorn's complaints,

  "Hehe, why can't I deliberately attract him here and let him ask for help?"

  Einhorn snorted disdainfully and said,

  "You can only pretend to be bluffing? Just like when Amon and Adam, no, your Lord, were hunting you down, you almost didn't have the strength to speak, but you still stayed there to bluff people."

  The smile that Medici had always maintained on his face gradually disappeared, his eyes suddenly became gloomy, he took a deep breath, and exhaled for a long time. After reorganizing his emotions, he spoke again:

  "You don't really think our previous plan was perfect? ​​Do I need to remind you of the dangers of Trier in the Fourth Epoch?"

  "The guys who participated in the 'Pale Disaster' at the time were far more than we understood before. The impact left by the ruins is complex and dangerous."

  After a moment of silence, Soran, who had become accustomed to quarreling, still opened his mouth and sneered:

  "Don't talk as if you participated. At that time, you were locked up with us in the ruins under Backlund and went crazy!"

  Medici smiled disdainfully:

  "As the God of War, my control over war is not comparable to ordinary angels like you two."


  Soran and Einhorn spit at the same time.

  After a short silence, Soran said,

  "Let her go back. She is no longer of any help to us. If she stays with us, she may become a pawn of that guy."

  Neither Medici nor Einhorn spoke. The room suddenly became quiet, leaving only the sound of flames.

  The purple-red flames were like long snakes swimming freely in the hot springs that were frozen into ice.

  But in a moment, a layer of thick water vapor filled the room. The woman lying in the hot spring slowly opened her eyes, looked around in a daze, and looked at herself who was naked. Her face turned red and white.

  Retracting the "Peeping Eye" on the descendant of the Soran family, Renekton returned to the hotel in the square area.

  After a simple lunch, Renekton and Leonard went to the opera house near the boulevard to appreciate Intis's art and performances. They did not return to the square area until the end time.

  In the Intis restaurant on the Serenzo River, Leonard sat by the window, holding a glass of the most famous Chayo wine in his hand, leisurely as if he was on vacation.

  Looking at the Serenzo River outside the window, Leonard suddenly sighed: "The women of Intis are really enthusiastic." Renekton asked

  without raising his head: "Have you had in-depth exchanges with a certain lady?"

  Leonard was stunned for a moment, then shook his head repeatedly:

  "Of course not, I just sighed that this kind of thing is not in line with the teachings of the goddess. The goddess teaches us to be loyal to our wives and families."

  After explaining his own marriage concept, Leonard immediately changed the subject and said:

  "When are you going to take action? If this goes on, I'm almost forgetting our purpose."

  "You can completely think of yourself as coming here for vacation, but you will encounter some accidents at the end of the journey." Renekton replied with a chuckle.   

  Leonard's expression froze, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

  After a short silence, Renekton suddenly looked up at the other side of the Serenzo River and sighed:

  "Medici's decision was faster than I expected. I thought he would at least struggle for two or three days."

  "What decision?" Leonard asked casually, and found that Renekton's figure across the table had disappeared.

  "Didn't you say you would treat me? Why did you leave me alone in the end?"

  Leonard complained in a low voice, and then called the restaurant waiter to settle the bill.

  Although the Ruwa Comprehensive Execution Ground is an execution ground, it is not dirty or gloomy. Instead, it is cleaned very cleanly. Even a little bit of death and cold breath can't be felt. It looks like it has been thoroughly purified. The

  vast and pure knowledge poured out from the spirit world, quickly gathered and reorganized at the edge of the street, revealing Renekton's figure.

  Medici, wearing a black trench coat and a half-top hat, leaned against the gas lamppost across the street. He looked calmly ahead and said in a flat voice:

  "I'm a little curious, what is your plan?"

  Renekton said frankly:

  "My plan? It's very simple. I will amplify your movements underground to attract the attention of the Church of the Eternal Sun and the Church of Steam on the ground. Then I will go to the Steam Church to get something." "

  It's really simple."

  Medici sighed, neither saying whether he believed it nor whether he didn't.

  Renekton pondered and sighed:

  "Sometimes, the simpler the plan, the more efficient it is."

  "I'm not one of those people who likes to perform, cheat, and fool others. There's no need to make things so complicated and gorgeous. As long as the goal is achieved, it's fine."

  Medici nodded without comment, skipping the topic and saying:

  "How do you plan to amplify my characteristics so that I can resist the pollution underground?"

  Renekton smiled and didn't answer directly. He reached out and fumbled in the void for a while, and took out a proportionally reduced golden kettle from somewhere. There was a wick extending from the mouth of the kettle.

  Under Medici's gaze, Renekton raised his hand and rubbed the wall of the wishing lamp twice. A stream of golden water overflowed from the mouth of the kettle and gathered into a twisted golden figure in the air.

  The djinn floated in the air, looking down at Medici who was standing on the ground. His voice was filled with indescribable majesty and heaviness, and he said,

  "Tell me your wish."

  "This wishing lamp is in your hand." Medici looked at the golden kettle-shaped lamp in Renekton's hand curiously.

  Renekton and the djinn looked at each other, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Medici and said,

  "Magnify his characteristics of the 'City of Disaster' to resist the underground pollution of Trier."

  "Yes, but it can only last for three days."

  The golden figure of the djinn nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand in the direction of Medici and grasped it. Invisible power surged out of his body, causing the surrounding air to distort.

  Suddenly, one after another human figures appeared around the execution ground. They wandered around in a daze. Some of their clothing styles were very ancient, while others were in line with the current trend, like ghosts from different times in the past.

  Some of them were headless, some were charred to charcoal, and some had completely twisted limbs, as if to show the punishment they had endured before death.

  Medici was stunned for a moment. He had not noticed how these things appeared. He looked at Renekton with suspicion. Just as he was about to speak, he spat out a series of sparks.

  Red sparks and rust emerged from his body unconsciously, infecting the surroundings. The air seemed to be mixed with the smell of gunpowder.

  ".War!" ".War!


  The figures wandering around in a daze made a hoarse sound, as if they were roaring, shouting, and worshiping something.

  At the center of all this was Medici, who was about to be drowned in rust and sparks. On both sides of his cheeks, the lips belonging to the consciousness of Soran and Einhorn began to shout along with the surrounding figures, extremely fanatical and extremely twisted.

  "Control yourself and don't make too much noise, otherwise you will be discovered by the patron angel before you enter the underground, and then be purified."

  Renekton reminded calmly. His voice seemed to make Medici, who was struggling to hold on, finally regain some reason. He suppressed the consciousness of Soran and Einhorn, and purple-red flames rose from his body, and then turned into a flaming spear and sank into the sky.

  As Medici left, the figures who were walking forward in a daze disappeared one after another, and the smell of gunpowder in the air dissipated in the air with the evening breeze. The

  golden figure of the lamp god floated to Renekton's side and said in a calm tone:

  "You have successfully deceived a 'conspirator'."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 629 Catacombs In

  the observatory area on the south bank of the Serenzo River, at the entrance to the catacombs, a red flaming spear dropped from the sky and sank into the ground. The flowing flames quickly outlined the figure of Medici on the ground.

  On both sides of his cheeks, Soran and Einhorn had regained consciousness. They opened and closed their slightly illusory lips and said,

  "Medici, you've been deceived. That level of pollution will definitely have an impact on us. I even suspect that it will erase and replace my self."

  "I smell the scent of death. Is that really the influence of the 'City of Disaster'?"

  Medici shook his head. His tone was not too worried. Instead, he said eagerly,

  "I don't know, but it cannot be denied that some of my characteristics have indeed been magnified. I can feel that something underground is calling me, not just the crazy leader of the Soran family, there are other things underneath, things that are very attractive to me."

  "Madman." Einhorn cursed under his breath, and then said seriously, "Sauron, let's stop him together. Medici's consciousness may have been affected unknowingly."

  "War. War"

  What responded to Einhorn was Soran's unconscious mumbling. The former 'conqueror' fell into the same dazed state again.

  "Damn it, crazy, all crazy."

  Einhorn gritted his teeth and spat out a sentence. He did not try to wake up Soran or Medici again. Affected by the evil spirit state of the Trinity, he could clearly feel that his state began to slip and he could fall into the vortex of madness at any time.

  Without Einhorn's interference, Medici walked smoothly into the catacombs. Every step he took forward would leave a red blood-stained footprint on the ground.

  As he continued to go deeper, Medici felt the call more and more intense. His heartbeat became violent unconsciously, causing an echo in the empty tomb.

  "Mirror world, it's in the mirror world."

  On Medici's face, Soran and Einhorn's consciousness each formed a mouth, whispering constantly, urging Medici to move forward.

  "Shut up!" Medici growled, and red sparks spewed out of his mouth, as if the whole person would ignite at any time.

  Soran and Einhorn's consciousness were completely unaffected, and they continued to urge Medici like a madman.

  Letting out a long breath, Medici rubbed his forehead helplessly and muttered to himself:

  "What a headache. I was hypnotized by that guy. Who is helping him? The genie? Or the stinky lizard from before?"

  In the upper area of ​​the catacombs, several college students from Intis Academy of Fine Arts sneaked in, preparing for a thrilling adventure to find inspiration for their own creations.

  In the middle of the team, a young girl wearing a light yellow dress and a beret on her head, dressed elegantly, held the boy in front of her with one hand and put the other hand on her chest. She looked around carefully and whispered:

  "Bernier, are we really going to explore here at night?"

  The boy called Bernier held the other's hand tightly and slowed down his pace a little to let the beautiful girl behind him get closer to him. He looked around with a very relaxed expression and said:

  "Of course, there is more atmosphere at night. Only by experiencing this gloomy and terrifying environment in person can you create a real painting."

  "Besides, there is actually nothing here except those horrifying legends. People who come here are scaring themselves. I have been here several times. Believe in my judgment."

  While the two were talking, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the front of the team:

  "Hey, who left the footprints on the ground, and drew such realistic bloodstains."

  Bernier pushed away the classmate in front of him, looked at the bright red footprints on the ground that extended to the catacombs, chuckled and said:

  "This must be a prank by a classmate in school. We haven't even entered the tomb yet. This prank is too fake."

  "That's right." The boy who first discovered the footprints at the front of the team nodded, agreeing with Bernier's judgment.

  Looking at the bright red footprints on the ground, he stepped on them curiously, and the footprints on the ground just happened to overlap completely. This discovery surprised him very much. He walked two steps along the footprints, then turned around and shared with his friends behind him:

  "Hey, look, this footprint is exactly the same size as my foot!"

  Behind him, the classmates who had been standing in a group had disappeared at some point. His heartbeat suddenly slowed down, and he pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing an ugly smile:

  "Where were you hiding? Bernier? John? Paine?"

  Gulp~Gulp~ He moved his throat and swallowed the saliva secreted in his mouth due to nervousness. He looked around twice and his voice unconsciously increased:

  "Bernier? Stop playing, come out quickly, or I'll go back by myself."

  At the entrance of the catacombs, Bernier and others looked at the classmates who were walking faster and faster along the bright red footprints on the ground, looked at each other in confusion, and then quickened their pace to catch up.

  Bernier felt the force on his hand and slowed down his pace. At the same time, he called out to the student in front who was walking forward with his head down:

  "Missl, walk slower."

  The boy called Missl turned a deaf ear to the voice behind him and walked faster and faster until he was soon drowned in the darkness.

  At this time, a boy walking behind Missl raised his hand and said uncertainly:   

  "Did you notice that Misr's footsteps just now overlapped with the bloody footprints on the ground?"

  Beside him, a tall boy with thick hair on his body and obvious Feysac or plateau ancestry said hesitantly:

  ".This is a prank, I just stepped on the bloody footprints on the ground."

  No one answered his words. The surroundings were so quiet that even the breathing was clearly audible. He turned back stiffly, but found that the classmates who were behind him just now had disappeared.

  "Don't, don't, don't scare me!"

  ".Paen? .John?"

  After hesitating for two seconds, he suddenly took a step and ran in the direction where he could vaguely see the street lights behind him. His steps were very fast, as if there was an invisible monster chasing him.

  It was obviously very close, but he ran until he was out of breath and still didn't get close.

  "This, this is not right." He stopped and looked around nervously, his hands subconsciously making the pattern of the sun on his chest: "Praise the sun!"

  At the Ruwa Comprehensive Execution Ground, Renekton cleared the abnormal aura remaining around, looked in the direction of the catacombs, and whispered to himself:

  "The water of the 'River of Everlasting Darkness' is really good. Medici, Soran, and Einhorn didn't realize that they had just fallen into a dream for a short time. He should have entered the underground by now."

  In his hand, the wishing lamp that looked like a golden kettle burst into a faint golden light, and the voice of the lamp god came from it:

  "Acting with you just now was an extra help, and I also helped you amplify the obsession in His heart. In exchange, you need to provide me with extra help later."

  Renekton smiled and said calmly: "Your last wish was destroyed by Amon, which made me waste a wish. This should be regarded as a compensation for that wish. This is an after-sales service in the rules of human transactions."

  "I am a 'disordered person', and I never follow the rules."

  "Besides, neither you nor I are human, and we don't need to abide by the trading rules set by humans."

  The voice of the Djinn seemed indifferent and majestic, making people unconsciously want to agree with His words and follow His ideas.

  "I know the unique whereabouts of the Judge." Renekton did not continue to argue with the Djinn, and threw out the news of the Brass Book of Terensost to appease this temporary collaborator.

  Before the Djinn could ask more, his body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into a stream of complex and pure information, surging towards the square area on the north bank of the Serenzo River.

  In the hotel near the botanical garden in the square area, countless complex information poured in from around the room, quickly converging to outline Renekton's figure.

  Regarding the internal information of the Steam Church, Arrodes, a seal belonging to the Steam Church, should know a lot. As his thoughts floated, Renekton walked to the desk against the wall and sat down, picked up the paper and pen on the table and began to write a letter to Klein.

  After writing the letter, he simply arranged a ceremony to summon the messenger. After a short delay, Renette Tinicole, who was holding four blond and red-eyed heads, appeared in the hotel room.

  "Did anything happen?" Renekton asked curiously. After all, normally, this kind of summoning ceremony can be responded to immediately and appear immediately.

  "In" "with" "Sea" "Hide and seek"

  Renette Tinicole's voice was very calm, and it seemed that she didn't take Siea's pursuit too seriously. Renekton nodded slightly and no longer paid attention to this issue. He handed the letter he had just written to the other party and said,

  "Postage paid on delivery."

  "No problem"

  Renette Tinicole answered with a head in her right hand, then stretched forward and bit the letter handed over by Renekton. Then her other three heads spoke at the same time:

  "Recently." "Spiritual world." "Very chaotic."

  As the voice fell, Renette Tinicole's figure faded and disappeared in the room.

  Renekton looked at the place where the other party disappeared and fell into deep thought. Isn't the spirit world always in chaos? Does the messenger mean that some bad things have happened in the spirit world?

  Thinking for a moment, he summoned his book messenger and established a connection with his clone left in the southern continent:

  "What happened recently?"

  After a moment, neat lines of handwriting appeared on the pale yellow paper of the book messenger:

  "Everything is happening gradually, there is nothing too abnormal, except that the demons seem to have become more active, and many have joined the Rose School."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 630 Special Service

  The demon has become active. Did the last attack of the 'Dark Side of the Universe' cause Him to be further eroded by the 'Mother Tree of Desire'? Or was it a chain reaction caused by the help that Angerwede gave to the demon monarch?

  While thinking, Renekton asked about Angerwede's situation on the letter paper.

  Soon, the clone replied on the letter paper:

  "I don't know. I just completed the promotion of 'Insighter' and I have to deal with the affairs you left behind. I don't have time to pay attention to the old dragon who lives in the spiritual world."

  Renekton rubbed his nose awkwardly, and then asked about the situation in the southern continent before ending the communication and throwing the book messenger back to the spiritual world.

  Knock, knock!

  The knock on the door sounded at the right time. Renekton turned his head and looked around. His eyes easily penetrated the wall and the wooden door and saw the hotel waiter standing in the corridor. The other party was holding a gold-stamped book with a thick cover.

  Renekton stood up from his chair, stretched his body, walked to the door, reached out and pressed the door handle, gently turned it and pulled it inward.

  Seeing the door open, the waiter waiting outside showed a professional smile. His eyes slid from Renekton and looked into the room. He quickly retracted his gaze and chuckled at Renekton, saying,

  "Mr. Tynes, I'm sorry to bother you. You seem to seldom go out. The boss asked me to remind you that the Church of the Eternal Sun will hold a grand ceremony in the Triumphal Square tonight, and there will be a dance party afterwards. As a tourist, this is an experience you absolutely cannot miss. Even if you are not a believer of the Sun, it is worth a visit." Did he

  see that I hadn't left the room for too long, so he asked the waiter to observe the situation? In the future, I still have to pass through the lobby when I go out, so that the people in the hotel can see me? As his thoughts floated, Renekton chuckled and asked back,

  "What if I were a believer of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom?"

  The waiter's expression froze, but he quickly adjusted his expression, keeping a smile and saying,

  "As long as you don't directly express your beliefs in front of the believers of the Eternal Sun, they won't reject or deliberately embarrass you."

  "If someone asks you questions about faith, you can avoid the topic and evade the question. This is the tacit understanding of everyone."

  "It seems that you are not a believer of the 'Sun' either." Renekton chuckled and paused for a moment. He continued to ask, "But I'm a little curious, why the ceremony is held in the evening instead of at noon, when the sun is the brightest."

  The waiter maintained a polite smile on his face and explained very patiently:

  "Although the believers of the 'Eternal Sun' worship the sun, it does not mean that they are not afraid of the scorching sun. Now the weather in Intis is approaching summer, and no one can stand the exposure to the sun, and there will be a dance after the ceremony, so it is arranged to start at dusk, and the dance can start when the sun sets."

  "Thank you for your information. I'll go to the Triumphal Square to take a look."

  Renekton nodded politely. After watching the waiter leave, he closed the door and sat down at the desk again.

  At the oriel window behind him, Leonard leaned against the window frame, admiring the night view outside, and said,

  "The waiter just now should not only be here to introduce the ceremony to you."

  Renekton nodded without comment, and said in a flat tone,

  "He is also responsible for promoting the special services of this hotel, well, or Trier's special services, with a clear price tag. As long as you pay, you can choose a young man or woman from the gold-stamped book to spend a night with you, well, maybe including himself."

  Leonard was stunned for a moment. He could see that the waiter was hiding something, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of thing. After a pause of two seconds, he asked in confusion,

  "How do you know?"

  "Even if the book is closed, I can see all the information inside."

  Renekton shrugged and responded flatly. After a slight pause, he added,

  "You suddenly appeared in my room just now. The waiter obviously thought too much, so he didn't open the gold-stamped book in his hand, and instead talked about the ceremony and the ball."

  "Uh" Leonard was stunned for a moment. The embarrassment made him want to change hotels overnight. After a moment of silence, he let out a long breath and said:

  "The old man asked me to ask you what you did when you went out. He observed that Trier's fate seemed to have some deviations, some unpredictable deviations."

  "Is the 'Fate Trojan' so sensitive to changes in fate?"

  Renekton looked at Leonard with some doubts in his eyes, waiting for the other party's answer.

  The next second, the old voice of Pales sounded from Leonard's body:

  "I have been the 'Time Worm' for a long time, and after coming to Trier, I have been observing this city. Some fluctuations in fate naturally cannot be hidden from me."

  Renekton nodded, accepted this explanation, and then recounted what he had done before leaving the restaurant.

  After a short silence, Pales said:   

  "You actually deceived Medici and tricked him into the underground of Trier. If I give you a bottle of 'Trickster' potion now, it will surely melt in your mouth. Even the 'Mentor of Deception' should be able to digest most of it."

  "But the ruins underground in Trier are very special. The churches of 'Eternal Sun' and 'God of Steam and Machinery' dare not go deep into them. How can you let Medici help you attract firepower there?"

  "When the time is right, I will connect that area to the city on the ground." Renekton leaned back in his chair and stated his plan.

  Pales' tone became hesitant:

  "The noise is too loud and will threaten the lives of the entire city. 'Sun' and 'Steam' will definitely find out about the problem here. If they attack at the same time, there is no way for the two of us angels to escape Trier safely."

  "Besides, as long as the Seven Gods maintain the superficial peace, there is no reason for the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' to interfere with reality to help you, as long as the Seven Gods maintain the superficial peace."

  Renekton chuckled, then shook his head and explained:

  "It will be okay. You don't think I have the ability to overlap the entire Quaternary Ruins with Trier, do you?"

  "At most, it will only overlap some key areas to delay the high-end combat power of the church. As for ordinary people, as long as they don't come into direct contact, the underground pollution will not have any effect on them. However, the wild extraordinary people in this area will inevitably suffer. If they cannot escape and hide themselves in time, they will inevitably be discovered by the people of the two major churches."

  Pales was silent for a moment, then sighed and asked: "Since Medici has been tricked by you into the underground ruins, when do you plan to act?"

  "That depends on His progress and when I can get the detailed information of the Iron Church."

  While speaking, Renekton stood up from his chair, put on a thin coat, then turned to Leonard and said,

  "Want to see the dance here?"

  "Of course."

  Leonard agreed casually, but soon thought of the misunderstanding of the hotel waiter just now. He sighed, and then changed his words:

  "Forget it, I'd better go out by myself later."

  Renekton nodded slightly, without saying anything more, opened the door and walked out. This time he did not act through the "Spirit Wandering" method, but passed the premise of the hotel and went out of the door under the watchful eyes of the two hotel waiters.

  In the Triumphal Square, unlike the lively atmosphere during the day, the square was brightly lit at night. Melodious music came from the phonographs around the square. The tall boarding poles around the square had colored lights shining on the ground, swaying everywhere. Men and women dressed in gorgeous, exquisite, or exaggerated clothes held each other's hands and danced in the center of the square, like an open-air dance hall.

  This was definitely what Roselle had spread. He sighed in his heart, and Renekton followed the crowd around him to wander among the shops selling snacks and drinks around the square. The conversations and laughter around him were endless, completely different from the style of Loen, Feynapotter, and the southern continent. There were some shadows of the earth in his memory.

  "Heh, I'm used to this identity, and it makes me have unnecessary associations?"

  He whispered to himself, and Renekton gathered his mind, immersed himself in the lively atmosphere around him, and felt the emotions of the people around him bit by bit. This would allow him to better understand human nature and fight against his own madness and divine side.

  After two days of sightseeing in Trier, Renekton finally felt the movement from the underground ruins. His figure quickly became blurred and disappeared in the busy streets.

  Not long after, he came to the Mechanical Square in the Cathedral District. Staring at the steel church that stood across the square like a giant machine, he sighed:

  "Gorgeous mechanical art, I hope this church can be preserved intact after today."

  Beside him, golden water flowed slowly, gathering in the air into a pale golden figure full of distortion and chaos.

  In the Mechanical Square, ordinary people and extraordinary people passing by all ignored the Lamp God tacitly, as if they could not see Him at all.

  Floating in the air, the genie looked at the magnificent church in front of him and asked in a flat voice:

  "Why don't you rush directly to the kingdom of the 'God of Steam and Machinery' in the Star Realm? With your nature, you are not afraid of His influence at all, and you may even be able to directly contaminate Him. What are you worried about?"

  "The steam just doesn't dare to eat me, but it doesn't mean that He has the ability to seal me. Besides Him, there are six other gods in the Star Realm. Then I will become His key to mastering the 'Wild Knowledge'."

  "Besides, everyone has their own secrets."

  The genie looked down at Renekton and said with a hint of sarcasm:

  "Do you want to betray yourself?"

  (End of this chapter)