

  Chapter 636: Probing

  Leonard looked at the scenery that was getting farther and farther away from him in panic and astonishment. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't make any sound, and he couldn't interact with the outside world.

  In his sight, Amon suddenly approached Pales and inserted a hand into Pales' chest.

  The colorful stained glass window appeared in his field of vision, blocking his sight. Leonard felt that his interaction with the real world had returned. He was a little dazed, and roared in anger:


  His roar was constantly lengthened as he retreated, and disappeared into the air.

  He kept walking backwards through several streets before his body stopped. He was very familiar with the surrounding environment. It was the St. Samuel Church where he came almost every day!

  In the church of bones a few streets away, Pales looked down at his pierced chest pain and torn heart, and a weak self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  On the huge mottled clock shadow above his head, a pointer twisted by a time worm turned slightly, and an invisible torrent surged across a long history, and then disappeared completely in an instant.

  Amon retracted his right hand that was grasped in the air, chuckled and sighed:

  "Hey, isn't it too late for you to react now?"

  "The Church of Bones cannot block the eyes of the gods for too long. If you had tried your best to stop it from the beginning, or even destroyed the Church of Bones, there would still be a high probability of success, but you spent your time and energy on sending the Night Watcher away from here. Now, you have missed the best opportunity to escape."

  While speaking, his body suddenly split, turning into countless time worms swimming in the Church of Bones, forming a huge ancient mottled clock shadow.

  The pointer turned quickly clockwise, and an indescribable invisible torrent instantly gushed out, submerging the entire Church of Bones.

  "Alas~" Pales sighed softly. His already white-haired face looked even older. Age spots began to appear on his body. The Time Worms with twelve transparent segments under his skin could no longer be hidden.

  Amon's voice came from the shadows of the Time Worms wandering in all directions, echoing around with ridicule and sarcasm:

  "I'm a little curious, why didn't you change the parasitic object? Do you think I really didn't find you at that time? Or do you believe in the 'Sage', no, now the 'Knowledge Emperor', and believe that He can protect you?"

  "Hehe. Have you finally reacted and found that you were blindly confident, that you were too unlucky, and that everything was too coincidental?"

  "Although I sometimes hate that paranoid, his ability to compile stories is really good. Even in sleep, he can silently exert influence through the spiritual world."

  "After ignoring my existence, did you find that everything went smoothly? You were able to obtain two seals from the Steam Church that were enough to replenish yourself. Ha, if you are not allowed to recover a little strength, how can you become arrogant!"

  Every word of Amon made Pales' face look worse, until the restless time worms on his body could no longer be suppressed, and drilled out from the surface of his skin, revealing translucent granulations, swaying and growing in the air.

  Gradually, this change seemed to reach a certain limit, and the time worms separated from Pales' body, turning into a wisp of pale white light and shadow, sinking into the huge mottled shadow of the clock directly above the Church of Bones.

  Pales' figure gradually became fainter until it disappeared into thin air.

  A pale white light burst out from the ancient mottled clock shadow hanging in the air, quickly submerging the Church of Bones. When the light disappeared, Amon's figure appeared under the tall cross, holding a crystal column made of light and shadow in his hand. Many "Time Worms" with twelve links were swimming and wandering in it.

  He raised his hand and pressed the monocle on his right eye. With a smile on his lips, he muttered to himself in a flat tone:

  "It has been more than a thousand years. Pales, you are still so naive and kind. You gave up the chance to escape for an insignificant night watchman, but this also saved me a lot of trouble. The gifts prepared for "Night" and the "mob" are useless."

  "And I said that the paranoid was asleep. How could he do so many things through the spiritual world? It's just some speculations, plus some appropriate guidance, to let things develop along a suitable trajectory."

  As the words fell, the Church of Bones quickly became transparent and sank into the deep and dark sea of ​​collective subconsciousness below.

  Amon raised the monocle on his right eye, and a pale stream of light separated from his body and rushed into the distance.

  After doing this, his figure quickly disappeared from the spot.


  Thunder suddenly exploded in the clear sky, and a few dark clouds floated out, and soon dispersed in the whistling wind.

  In the prayer hall of St. Samuel's Church, Leonard hesitated to take a step, but didn't know where to go. The fight between Amon and Pales was not something he could participate in. After

  hesitating for a moment, he walked to the dark holy emblem in front of the hall. Since the old man sent me to the church, it at least means that it is safe here. Or, does He want me to ask the goddess for help?

  "Wait for you to ask for help? Then I'm afraid I won't even have a body." Pales's somewhat weak voice echoed in Leonard's ears.

  Leonard was stunned for a second, his eyes widened in disbelief, then he lowered his head, pretending to pray, and asked in a low voice:

  ". Old man?"

  "You... you are not dead? I saw Amon's hand pierced your chest, and I thought..."   

  "Do you think He has eaten me as a snack?" Pallez interrupted Leonard unhappily. After a two-second pause, he continued, "The clone has indeed been eaten by Amon."

  "Clone?" Leonard exclaimed in surprise, and then realized that he was praying. After confessing in his heart, he lowered his head.

  "I swallowed two seals of the 'Thief' path underground in the Steam Cathedral before, which made my condition better. When I encountered Amon just now, I had already separated a Sequence 2 clone and took the initiative to let him steal my own destiny, so as to lower the status and make this Sequence 2 clone the main body."

  Pales briefly explained his self-rescue operation just now, and then sighed:

  "I was still careless. I only paid attention to Amon and forgot about Adam. I entered the script they prepared in advance."

  Leonard almost exclaimed again. He swallowed his saliva, suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and asked hesitantly:

  "Adam? Isn't He gone?"

  After a moment of silence, Pales sighed and explained:

  "He just returned to his original body, not dead. The current 'True Creator' can be regarded as a 'Dreamer'."

  "Have you forgotten that the future He proclaimed will surely come true? How can an old and frail 'Worm of Time' like me avoid the story written by a visionary? To be precise, I am now an even weaker 'Trojan Horse of Fate'."

  Leonard listened in silence. After praying together, he stood up and left the prayer hall of St. Samuel's Church.

  Coming to the fountain square, looking at the people coming and going around, Leonard let out a long breath. His heartstrings, which had been tense because of Amon's appearance, finally relaxed.

  He walked to the edge of the square, feeding the pigeons on the square, and asked in a deep voice:

  "Old man, didn't you send me to the church just now so that I could pray to the goddess?"

  "Can your goddess hear your prayers? Will she answer your prayers?" Pallez mocked, and then sighed: "There are too many people praying to Him every day. It is impossible for Him to listen to every word, even if it involves Amon."

  "Then why don't you pray to the 'Fool'?" A peaceful voice with a happy mood sounded at the side.

  "Yes, why am I." Leonard suddenly froze, his expression stiffened again. He had heard this voice before, just now, in the house he rented.

  On Leonard's right hand, a white dove with a black eye on its right eye shook its head and uttered Amon's voice:

  "Why are you all silent?"

  "Are you wondering why I haven't left Backlund when I have obtained the characteristics of the 'Worm of Time'? Or are you wondering why I dare to appear directly next to the church of 'Night'?"

  Pales's old voice echoed around: "A clone who is barely a Sequence 4." The

  white dove with black eye circles raised its wings, pressed the black eye circle on its right eye, and chuckled:

  "Then why don't you come out and swallow me in one bite? What are you afraid of?"

  Before Amon's words fell, the white dove suddenly lost its voice, and its body disappeared from Leonard's hand as if it was erased bit by bit by an eraser.

  A beautiful black-haired woman with no expression and looking very young appeared silently beside Leonard.

  Her black eyes were dark and deep, but lacked sufficient spirituality and looked quite dull.

  The silent darkness spread from under her feet, quickly spreading out in circles of ripples, dissolving Amon's hidden clones one by one, turning them into part of the tide.

  The light around suddenly dimmed, there was no sound at all, and there was a dead silence in the quiet atmosphere.

  "Heh," "It seems..." "You can still" "Take action." "Goodbye."

  Amon's voice sounded intermittently around, as if the purpose of sending his clone here was to confirm the status of the "Goddess of Night."

  Leonard's throat moved twice, swallowing the saliva secreted from his mouth. He looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him in a bit of a loss.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 637 Communication

  "Is it you?" Pales' voice was filled with some confusion and surprise, but he quickly restrained his emotions and said in a very respectful tone:

  "Thank you for your help. I'm very sorry, my current condition is really not good, and I can't show up to see you in person."

  "Yeah." The woman in a black classical robe with a hood nodded expressionlessly, and then her voice was flat and emotionless and she said:

  "Amon appeared here to test me."

  She did not explain what Amon wanted to test, and ended the topic directly, and said:

  "His goal has been achieved, and he will not come to you again. Leading away the 'sage' is the limit of what the 'true creator' can do. If he continues, their alliance will be broken."

  "You can find someone to cooperate with and try to clean up His clone left in Backlund."

  As the words fell, the figure of this beautiful but lacking spirituality lady disappeared as if being erased bit by bit by an eraser. The dim light around her returned to normal, and the noisy sound rang in her ears again.

  Leonard looked at the white dove that landed at his feet, subconsciously took a step back, looked around cautiously, and then asked:

  "Old man, was the person who suddenly appeared just now a big figure in the church? Looking at her, I couldn't feel any emotion in my heart, as if I was facing the deepest and most terrifying darkness."

  "Big figure? He is indeed a big figure in your church." Pales laughed twice and didn't explain too much.

  "He?" Leonard was slightly surprised for a moment, and then he felt it was reasonable. He must be an angel who could so easily clear out the clones of Amon around.

  After a pause, he asked: "Which prince in the Holy Scripture is he?"

  "If He wants you to know, you will know naturally. If he doesn't want to, I can't tell you, and you won't hear it if I tell you."

  "Okay, don't bother me anymore. I was injured too badly this time. I have to sleep for a while, otherwise I might lose control at some point."

  Pales fell silent after saying a few words. No matter how Leonard shouted, there was no response.

  In the Port of Layak, Leiston Province, Renekton leaned on the stone guardrail along the coastline with the drinks and pies he had just bought, looking at the crowds walking on the street in the distance.

  The next second, a silvery white flashed across his eyes, and they instantly became extremely deep, obviously losing focus, and were all blank.

  In this state, pictures spontaneously emerged in his mind, very blurry, and he could only barely see a staggered light and shadow, as if there was a mottled ancient stone wall clock looming, and as if countless crawling insects were constantly gnawing at the pure white light curtain, creating one hole after another to fill the shadow.

  After a moment of silence, Renekton muttered in a low voice like a dream:

  "The Trojan Horse of Fate, the Borer of Time. The Loophole in the Rules. The Incarnation of All Errors"

  This state did not last too long, and Renekton quickly came back to his senses, and pure and clear light overflowed from his eyes, as if countless information was flowing, calculating one possibility after another.

  After a moment, his eyes became clear again. He let out a long breath and whispered to himself:

  "Did Amon get the 'Time Worm' feature from Pallez?"

  As his thoughts floated, he noticed a gaze that had been staring at him, or more precisely, at the drink and pie in his hand.

  He followed his spiritual intuition and looked over. A little boy about ten years old, with light blue eyes and deep features, could make people's eyes light up, but he was thin, with some fresh scars on his exposed arms, calves, and face. The

  little boy looked at the pie in his hand and kept swallowing his saliva. It seemed that he had not eaten for a long time.

  Renekton put the drink in his hand on the guardrail behind him and waved to the little boy. The other party pursed his lips tightly and did not approach. Instead, he took a step back with a deep wariness in his eyes.

  Renekton retracted his hand, smiled at him, and then put the pie in his other hand on the guardrail behind him, and then turned and left in the other direction of the coastal street.

  The other party was just an ordinary little boy. Just a simple gaze was enough for him to take in all the information about the other party.

  "A homeless child who has almost forgotten his own name, but his fate is a bit interesting. He looks ordinary and at most will have some intersections with the Iron Cross, but my intuition makes me feel that it is not that simple. Will he come into contact with some high-level things in the future that I can't predict, and thus change his fate?"

  Behind him, the homeless child had taken away the drinks and pie he left behind, but he did not eat them directly. Instead, he cautiously tore a small piece of the pie and fed it to the ants under the shade of a tree nearby.

  Retracting his attention, under the cover of illusion, Renekton quietly turned into a pure information flow creature, surging into the spirit world.

  Above the gray fog, Klein listened to Leonard's previous experience described to "The Fool" through prayer, and learned that Amon's body had appeared in Backlund for a period of time.

  After a short silence, he sighed leisurely, "I know."

  The leisurely tone of "The Fool" fell into Leonard's ears, which relieved his tense nerves. Mr. "The Fool" did not seem to take this matter too seriously, but was more sighing about the old man's experience. Next time, no, there will be no next time. I don't want to meet Amon again in my life.

  Retracting his scattered thoughts, Leonard looked at Mr. "The Fool" who was surrounded by endless gray fog and seemed to be overlooking the whole world. He took a deep breath and continued:   

  "Dear Mr. Fool, please tell the World that I have taken two magical items from the mechanical hall under the Steam Church. He can choose one of them as his reward." After a

  brief pause, he gave a general description of the two magical items. He did not give too clear effects and negative effects, because he himself did not know. Pales fell into a deep sleep, and he was not good at divination. He could only let Klein do the divination himself, and then choose, and then tell him the result.

  After finishing the prayer, Leonard felt that in the empty room, the shadows in the corners, the dust floating in the air, and the birds passing by outside the house, everywhere might be Amon's clones.

  "I feel like I need some psychological treatment." Leonard sighed in a low voice.

  After two seconds of silence, he still couldn't adapt. He always felt that there were eyes everywhere, staring at him with malice.

  "I need to move. I simply cannot stay in this place. After a long time, even if there are no problems, I will scare myself into having problems."

  As he moved, a "light" suddenly poured into the room. It was a "light" formed by a torrent of information that was as complex as a torrent and as terrifying as a flood. The moment it appeared, it quickly collapsed inwards and reconstructed the figure of Renekton.

  Leonard was nervous for a moment, but he felt relieved after seeing the appearance of the person clearly. He chose his words carefully, and finally just sighed:

  "Amon has been here."

  Renekton nodded. He was not surprised by this, and responded calmly:

  "I guessed that there will be an opportunity for His promotion soon. In the absence of other goals, it is a wise choice to find Pales to take back the last characteristic at this time."

  Pales woke up from his sleep and snorted in a bad tone:

  "Huh, why didn't you tell me about this in advance?"

  "Obviously, I just realized this not long ago. I have been in contact with the spiritual world too frequently recently, and I was affected unconsciously. I forgot some things for a short time, and even the spiritual intuition was disturbed."

  Renekton spread his hands, looking helpless.

  "Alas~" With a deep sigh, Pales regained his calm tone and said, "Help me find a descendant of the Jacob family. I want to find something to make up for myself from the secret treasure left by the Jacob family in the memory of Flora Jacob."

  Renekton did not immediately agree to Pales' request, and said hesitantly:

  "How real is the treasure left by a family of thieves and liars?"

  After a pause, he added: "In the late Fourth Epoch, Jacob was played by Amon for a long time."

  Pales was silent for a long time before he sighed helplessly:

  "Even if it is a trap left by Amon, the bait inside is at least real, and He has taken the characteristics of the 'Worm of Time' from me. If I don't take the bait there while He is preparing the ceremony, should I wait for Him to take time to recycle the things inside?"

  After thinking for a moment, Renekton nodded gently and said:

  "Okay, I will find a descendant of Jacob's family to help you open the treasure and set the traps inside. As a reward, you need to separate a portion of the 'parasite' characteristics for him after the matter is over." "

  If the bait in Amon or Jacob can restore me to my condition, if it is just an empty treasure shell, then he can only blame his bad luck."

  "Okay, I'm going to sleep for a while, don't disturb me, an old man if you have nothing to do."

  As the voice fell, Pales fell silent again.

  "Old man? Old man?" Leonard called a few times, and when he saw that Pallez really didn't say anything, he gave up and whispered:

  "He woke up and fell asleep so suddenly, I didn't know I would have thought he was autistic."

  Renekton explained calmly:

  "He should have left one or two awake Time Worms to deal with emergencies in the outside world, so he was able to wake up quickly after I arrived."

  Leonard nodded in agreement, then looked at Renekton and asked: "Where do you plan to find the descendants of Jacob's family?"

  Renekton replied calmly: "I know the second mate of the 'Golden Dream'. He is a descendant of Jacob and is currently staying in the southern continent to help me deal with some affairs." Leonard nodded thoughtfully:

  "No wonder you asked for a copy of the characteristics of the 'Parasite'."

  (End of this chapter)


  Chapter 638 Invitation

  In the southern continent, the port of Kasthi in the northeast of Uttar Pradesh is the most prosperous port city in Uttar Pradesh except for the destroyed port of Berens. It is also the largest port in the entire West Balam.

  At the dock of the port, a huge sailing ship reflecting golden light in the sun is docked here. No ship dares to approach it, leaving a relatively wide sea around it. In the case of the crowded dock, this scene is quite eye-catching.

  On the deck, a sturdy figure climbed up the rope ladder from the side of the ship. He was wearing a black cloak, his eyebrows were burnt yellow, his eyes were deep blue, and his facial features clearly showed the characteristics of Intis and Lenburg.

  On the deck, the boatswain Daniels, who saw this scene, asked,

  "Hey, Danitz, why did you come on board a day in advance?"

  Danitz waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk about it anymore. He walked to the side of Daniels who was sitting on the wooden barrel, sat down on the ground, and let out a long breath, saying,

  "Oh, don't mention it. This damn place is not a place for treasure hunters to come. Fortunately, we can finally leave the southern continent. If I stay any longer, my head will be filled with knowledge by the priests of the Church of Knowledge. It's scary to think about it."

  "You'd better not let the captain hear you. The last time, Yodson complained like you, he was indoctrinated with knowledge for a month by the so-called 'knowledge chasing people' of the Moss Ascetic Order. Until now, he hasn't been able to decipher the encrypted knowledge. He looks like he's going to break down."

  As Daniels spoke, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up a little, and he couldn't suppress it. It seemed that this matter made him very happy.

  Anderson quickly showed the same mocking expression as Daniels. After laughing enough, he felt that it was not good to laugh at his companion behind his back. He coughed twice and asked curiously:

  "Can't that guy steal other people's memories? Does he need to learn? Can't he just steal it?"

  "If it were that simple, I would have become a learned man like the captain."

  Anderson, the protagonist being talked about by Danitz and Daniels, walked out of the cabin and defended himself in a weak tone.

  His originally good-looking face was all decadent, with dark circles around his lake green eyes, and the dark stubble around his lips was as long as a fingernail. His blond hair was very messy, as if it had been baptized by the sea breeze and bird claws at the same time.

  He walked a few steps on the deck, then sat directly on it, leaning his back against the cabin, and explained in a calm tone:

  "After all, the things you 'steal' are not yours, especially ideals, dreams, and memories, which are highly personal. 'Stealing' too much can easily lead to problems with your self-awareness."

  "Before the demigods, 'thieves' could not rely on 'stealing' to make themselves knowledgeable. At most, they could 'steal' some knowledge to use when needed."

  Danitz was stunned for a second before realizing that this person was Jodson. He smacked his lips, looked at Daniels in astonishment, and asked:

  "What kind of torture made a playboy who cares most about his image become like this? He is even sloppier than those pirates."

  "Heh, sloppy, what's that? Try to fill your head with all kinds of messy and useless information. They will keep echoing in your head, attracting your attention, allowing you to understand them, find patterns, crack codes, and master them."

  "Son of a bitch, they are even more cruel than the Church of Knowledge. The captain only asks us to read books and give us lessons, but those people of the Moss Ascetic Society directly pour knowledge into our heads. We can't stop them, and we can't escape. I even want to replace my head."

  As he spoke, the expression on Yodson's face became ferocious. He pressed his head tightly with both hands and shook it, as if he wanted to pour out everything inside.

  Danitz kept shaking his head as he watched this scene. After thinking for a while, he comforted him with words that were not very comforting:

  "In the words of the Moss Ascetic Society, this is called using asceticism to fight against loss of control."

  "I'm a playboy, not an ascetic." Yodson retorted weakly.

  Danitz and Daniels stopped talking. They didn't have any good ideas. They could only suggest that the other party go to the captain, read more, master the corresponding knowledge, and then crack the encrypted knowledge in his mind and thoroughly digest and absorb it.

  The school in the Pas River Valley teaches this knowledge. Maybe Yodson needs to go abroad to study.

  As his thoughts drifted, a hooded and cloaked figure suddenly appeared in Danitz's sight. He stood up from the deck reflexively, took a defensive posture, and asked in a deep voice:

  "Who are you?"

  Renekton looked back at Danitz and Daniels who were on guard against him, sighed, raised his hand and wiped his face, lifted the illusion on his body, and revealed a pale and transparent body.

  After a period of recovery, he had left the state of half flesh and blood and half starlight aggregate, and turned back to human appearance, but under the surface of the skin, it seemed that there was a bottomless darkness hidden, and the bright starlight was floating, twisting, stretching out eyes, cold and indifferent, evil and crazy eyes.

  "Uh" Danitz's throat bulged, swallowed twice, laughed dryly, and asked nervously: "Are you out of control?"

  "Not yet."

  Renekton responded indifferently, then turned to look at Yodson, who had completely lost his playboy image, and said in a flat tone:   

  "Do you want to become a 'parasite'?"

  Gulp~ Yodson, who originally thought that his emotions were relatively stable and not as nervous and embarrassed as Danitz and Daniels, swallowed his saliva and asked with some surprise and expectation:

  "Of course, that is a demigod existence. You, have the characteristics of a 'parasite'?"

  After a pause, he sighed with some disappointment:

  "But I haven't even digested the magic potion of the 'Dream Thief' on me yet, and I don't have the money to buy the characteristics or materials of the demigod level."

  Renekton ignored Yodson's words and said calmly:

  "There is a secret treasure left by the Jacob family, and it needs Jacob's descendants to open it."

  "As a key, you can obtain a characteristic of a 'parasite', and you can also call some people to explore the treasure with you. The thing that person despised is also a good gain for you."

  "That one? The saint of the Zoroast family, or an angel?" Johnson's expression became more and more solemn. After a long silence, he suddenly laughed: "Okay, I am not the only descendant of the Jacob family, but the treasures are not much."

  After a pause, he added: "But you need to make the person from the Zoroast family guarantee that there is no problem with the 'parasite' characteristics given to me, and He cannot use me as a tonic to restore himself."

  Renekton looked at Johnson with some surprise. He didn't expect that he directly guessed part of Pales' identity, and was very decisive. He did not take the opportunity to raise the price and get more for himself.

  Jodson looked back at Renekton and chuckled:

  "If we need a descendant of the Jacob family, then they are definitely not from the Jacob family. There won't be too many people who are interested in the treasure of the 'Thief' family and can also produce a 'Parasite' characteristic."

  "First of all, Amon can be ruled out. He definitely doesn't need to discuss this kind of thing with anyone, and he doesn't even need a key to enter."

  "Excluding him, the most likely person is the Zoroast family. They also control the 'Thief' path and are persecuted by Amon. Whether it is to protect themselves or to restore themselves, it is reasonable for them to target the treasure of the Jacob family." "As

  for the adjacent path, Amon exists on this path. Who would want to exchange their life for this path to deliver dessert to people after a meal?"

  Renekton nodded slightly, agreeing with his speculation, and then asked in a flat tone:

  "Do you need to ask Edwina for leave?"

  "No, I'll write a leave note to the captain and let the messenger give it to her."

  Jodson waved his hand and stood up from the deck, as if he couldn't wait to explore for treasure.

  Walking to Renekton's side, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Danitz and Daniels, and chuckled,

  "I'll go find out the situation first. If it's appropriate, I'll write to the captain and organize the crew to explore the treasure." As

  soon as he finished speaking, Renekton put a hand on Jodson's shoulder. The bodies of the two people became virtual at the same time, decomposing into a stream of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature, rushing into the distance like a torrent, and sinking into the spirit world.

  After a period of "spiritual wandering", Renekton brought Jodson to Backlund.

  In the West District, in the detached house rented by Leonard, a torrent of information that was as complex and terrifying as a torrent surged out of the spirit world, quickly gathered in the living room, and reorganized the bodies of Renekton and Jodson.

  Jodson looked around and said with a sigh:

  "So fast, I stole the 'Traveler's Door' from a 'Traveler' before, but both the speed and distance are far inferior to your 'Spiritual Wandering' in the form of information."

  Renekton ignored Jodson, looked around the room, and then stretched out his hand to pull at the void in front of him.

  The pale blue starlight spread in front of him, forming an illusory door like a water curtain, and Leonard was pulled out from the other side of the door.

  After stumbling two steps and stabilizing his body, Leonard glared at Renekton, and said angrily and helplessly:

  "I'm already going downstairs, you don't have to drag me here directly, right?"

  "I still have to go back to the South Continent." After a simple explanation, Renekton immediately changed the subject and looked at Jodson on the side and said:

  "He is the descendant of Jacob. You can let him stay with you before Pales wakes up, giving him a chance to play the role of 'Cryptocracy Scholar' again."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 639 Meeting

  After briefly explaining a few things to Leonard, Renekton left Backlund.

  In the living room, only Leonard and Johnsen were left, staring at each other.

  After looking at the descendant of the Jacob family from head to toe, Leonard smiled politely and extended his hand, saying,

  "Hello, Leonard Mitchell, Night Watcher of the Church of Darkness."

  "Yodeson Jacob, currently a treasure hunter who is also a part-time missionary."

  After a brief self-introduction, Yodson asked directly,

  "When can that Pales wake up? Is he or He from the Zoroast family?"

  Missionary and treasure hunter, what a strange combination of professions. Leonard thought for a while and was about to answer Yodson's question when Pales' voice suddenly echoed in his ears:

  "Let him wait for a month. During this period, you can take him to deal with various extraordinary events and train him. This little guy's potion is digested in a mess. In this state, the only result of being promoted to a demigod is that he will lose control."

  "Also, next time, remember to tell that rude guy not to disturb an old man's sleep all the time."

  As the voice fell, Pales fell silent again.

  Leonard opened his mouth, but the question could not be uttered, and finally turned into a sigh.

  Then he looked at the somewhat slovenly-looking Jodson and said calmly,

  "He asked you to wait for a month. You need to digest the potion well during this time."

  "He? An angel parasitizing on you. It seems that you get along quite well. It feels like a best-selling story."

  Jodson looked at Leonard again with curiosity, as if he was looking at a rare object.

  Southern Continent, the south bank of the Pas River Valley, the mansion of Mesanyes.

  Luca Brewster, Ms. Gran, Sasriel, Prak Eggers and others gathered here, representing the Church of Knowledge, the Moss Ascetic Order, the Protestant Church and the independent Spiritual Church, gathered here to discuss how to deal with the Intis military and the "Eternal Sun" and "God of Steam and Machinery" churches declaring war on the Pas River Valley.

  Grant glanced at the people on both sides of the conference room and said calmly:

  "Intis's declaration of war was expected. The two major churches plus the extraordinary people and military configuration of the Intis military are in an absolute advantage, but they can't mobilize too many people, and more forces need to stay in the mainland of the Northern Continent."

  "The royal families and churches of the other northern continent countries are restraining each other. As long as they don't really unite, we can mediate."

  "What we really need to care about are the local forces in the southern continent, such as the Spirit Cult, East Balam Restoration Society, Rose School, Demon Family, and believers of the Original Moon. If we can't suppress them or even expel them, it will be difficult for the southern continent to be completely unified."

  Prak Eggers shook his head slowly and said,

  "Except for the demons, other forces have long been deeply rooted in the southern continent. It is not possible to completely solve them in a short period of time."

  Mesanyes tried to speak: "Expel them to the south of the Star Plateau and completely block them there?"

  Luca Brewster shook his head slowly and said in a solemn tone:

  "No, that will only pollute the land completely, and make it a breeding ground for the evil gods to breed their minions, and may even allow some evil gods to descend upon this world."

  Gradually, the conference room fell silent again, and everyone turned their attention to Sasriel, who had not spoken a word. He represented the Aurora Society in the past, the Protestant Church in the present, and the will of the only true God in the southern continent.

  Sasriel's eyes, which seemed to be covered with shadows, reflected the different expressions of the people. He chuckled and said calmly,

  "When my Lord wakes up from his slumber, he will be able to exert influence from the spiritual world and completely clean up the faith of those fallen people."

  Halfway through the meeting, "light" suddenly poured in from the surroundings, and a terrifying torrent of information floated in the conference room for a second, then collapsed inward and gathered, reorganizing Renekton's body.

  He swept his eyes over everyone in the conference room, lingered on Sasriel for a moment, and retracted his gaze before the other party looked over. He nodded gently to everyone and said,

  "Sorry, I went to Backlund and am a little late."

  Grant frowned and looked at Renekton, and said with some concern:

  "There is indeed a problem with the things that guy left behind. You can see that it is difficult to even maintain a human body now. Don't you need to stabilize your own state first?"

  "It's not serious. Some pollution. I will be able to clean them up after a while and completely accommodate the characteristics."

  Renekton explained with a smile, then turned his head to look at Prak Eggers and said calmly:

  "Mr. Prak, do you have the idea of ​​continuing to be promoted? Become a 'Death Archon', or even a 'Pale Emperor'?"

  Everyone in the conference room looked at Renekton in surprise, but no one spoke, and no one questioned it.

  After a short silence, Prak slowly nodded and said:

  "If it were before, I would hesitate. Compared with strength, I care more about my humanity, but now, we really need more power."   

  Renekton nodded calmly and said,

  "When you are ready, you can find me."

  "Of course, this is not free. The corresponding price will be paid and repaid by you after you are successfully promoted."

  "No problem." Prak nodded slowly and responded.

  After finishing this topic, Renekton looked at Sasriel again and said calmly,

  "How many high-sequence characteristics are scattered in the God-Forsaken Land? With limited resources, it is a good choice. We can collect characteristics from the God-Forsaken Land and cultivate more high-sequence extraordinary people." "There are some in various ways

  , but most of them exist in the form of monsters. If you want to obtain them, you also need to send out a lot of high-sequence extraordinary people."

  "It is not suitable for survival there. It is difficult to get effective responses to prayers and it is difficult to get additional help. Moreover, it is difficult for ordinary extraordinary people to enter or leave."

  Gran summarized along with Sasriel's words: "Just like the ruins of the God War in the easternmost part of the Sonia Sea, there are many good things, but it is too difficult to obtain them. The gain does not outweigh the loss."

  In the conference room, everyone's boiling mood seemed to be poured down by a basin of cold water, and the expectations in their eyes were instantly swept away.

  After thinking for a moment, Renekton asked again:

  "You should know the potion formulas of Sequence 3 and Sequence 2 of the 'Giant' pathway. Can you tell me? I can hire some locals to help collect the characteristics."

  "Okay." Sasriel nodded slightly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, as if he was very happy to see such a development.

  One topic after another was raised and discussed and resolved, until the sky outside the stained glass window was completely dark. Everyone ended today's meeting, some merged into the shadows, some wandered in the spiritual world, some entered the spirit world, and some turned into information creatures, leaving the conference room from all directions, leaving only Mesanyes sighing and walking out of the main door.

  Renekton and Grant, who had turned into information creatures, entered a brightly lit suburban manor one after another. Strange lighting tools made of glass were scattered throughout the manor, and the blazing white sunlight illuminated the manor as brightly as day.

  Renekton appeared in a steel jungle behind the manor. This was a literal steel jungle. Various metal machines were placed high or low on the ground, and from time to time there were sounds of electric currents and sparks. In the center of

  this steel jungle, Russell, wearing a simple and thin linen gown, holding a blueprint in his hand, directed two craftsman cats, Bree and Ritz, who were hung with various tools, to work around.

  Bugs Bunny was also here, lying on a strange tree full of various fruits, and from time to time he fed some fruits to Russell, Bree and Ritz who were busy below.

  Renekton quietly appeared beside Russell and asked curiously:

  "As a mechanical puppet, do you have a sense of taste?"

  "No, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying it."

  Russell replied without raising his head, and then continued to direct Bree and Ritz to transform the surrounding machinery.

  Waves of complex information poured in, and Grant also appeared here. She walked to Renekton and gave a brief introduction:

  "The technology to use the characteristics of the 'Light Chaser' as energy supply to various aspects has been basically completed. This involves a higher level of extraordinary power, which is not something that ordinary people can participate in. It can only rely on 'craftsmen', and most of the craftsmen refuse to join the 'God of Steam and Machinery' Church."

  "The material problem also limits the promotion of technology. The most suitable material for transporting energy is gold. Not to mention that the amount of gold is limited. If this thing is used as a material and laid throughout the city, it will become a paradise for thieves."

  Renekton looked at Roselle on the side and asked casually, "Can you make corresponding laws?"

  Roselle shook the drawings in his hand and said helplessly,

  "Making laws is what the 'Judge' should do. I am better at making loopholes in the existing order and rules."

  "Of course, if you are willing to help me gain more power, this matter will be very simple."

  Renekton nodded after thinking about it:

  "It's not impossible. I know the whereabouts of the Brass Book of Trunsoest. You can try to get it after you are resurrected."

  Roselle took a step back, put down the blueprint in his hand, looked at Renekton seriously, and said word by word:

  "What are you planning? What do you want to take from me?"

  "Instead of letting the 'Pale Death' you need to create exist as a seal, it is better to cultivate a real 'Pale Emperor', don't you think?"

  Renekton pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled. Under the translucent skin, the eyes twisted into starlight kept floating, making his smile look a little scary.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 640: Ghost Empire

  Roselle took a deep breath and exhaled for a long time. After he calmed down, he spoke again:

  "Those are Bernadette's things. I have no right to decide."

  "I left so little for Bernadette, but you are thinking about all of them. Isn't that a bit too much?"

  "It's a deal. Do you need a new seal or some help when necessary? I can restore the mask after taking out the "Death Archon" feature."

  Renekton shook his head, emphasizing that he was proposing a deal.

  Roselle no longer dwelled on this issue and said casually: "You should go to Bernadette to discuss it. Of course, the things that have been given to her are at her disposal."

  "Okay." Renekton nodded lightly and ended the topic.

  He looked around, sweeping over the mechanical devices one by one, and raised his right hand wearing a mechanical glove to the air, pressed down a few times, and invisible ripples spread, and all the objects around floated up spontaneously.

  The restraints and seals that were originally placed around these items failed one after another. The golden sunlight instantly covered the surroundings, turning the surroundings golden and completely drowning the vision. The

  blazing sunlight lasted for less than a second before it quickly converged. The physical rules around it changed to a certain extent and no longer adapted to the diffusion and spread of light.

  "In a sense, I am also one of the best craftsmen in the world."

  With a self-sigh, Renekton cast a layer of colorless light on the objects floating in the air around him, decomposing them bit by bit, and then reorganizing them.

  A layer of hazy light composed of countless illusory things quickly spread around, wandering in the air, outlining three-dimensional, difficult to see and describe mysterious symbols, as if a constantly interweaving, layered spider web, restraining the pale golden sunlight, hiding it, and flowing around according to a fixed trajectory.

  The mechanical devices floating in the air fell one by one, the indicator lights lit up, and the buzzing sound of mechanical operation was emitted.

  Looking at the machines running around him, Roselle clapped his hands and exclaimed:

  "How smart, laying the energy transmission lines in the void. Except for some high-sequence and special-path Extraordinary people, no one else will notice the change at all, and there is no need to worry about people digging up the pipes and stealing materials."

  "However, how to solve the pollution problem? Although the pollution in the air is very thin, it is fatal when accumulated over a long period of time."

  "Moreover, this is a bit too tempting for the Extraordinary people of the 'Thief' path. It is simply a gift from nature. You can grab the raw materials of a Sun Domain Talisman in the air without having to pray for it."

  "In the future, you must write a sentence on the city's propaganda slogan: Amon and dogs are not allowed to enter."

  "Why dogs?" Grant looked at Roselle in surprise.

  "Well, these are some deep philosophical factors, and there is no need to delve into them." Roselle said perfunctorily and seriously, then looked at Renekton and asked:

  "Do you have a way to solve the pollution problem?"

  Renekton shook his head slowly and said, "No."

  After a pause, he continued, "Wait for a while, until I have completely absorbed the characteristics in my body, I will try to use pollution to fight pollution."

  ".You are a little crazy, are you really sure that you can solve the pollution left in that characteristic?"

  Roselle frowned and looked at Renekton. He was not a psychologist, but he could also feel Renekton's mental confusion, with a heavy, depressed and crazy feeling.

  Shaking his head and sighing, he suddenly changed the subject:

  "Do you know the 'Ghost Empire', one of the most famous treasures on the five seas, it is said that it contains most of the heritage of the Trunsost family. Although the ship has disappeared, there are still legends that it haunts the Sonia Sea. Are you interested in exploring it?"

  "Your change of topic is a bit abrupt."

  Renekton stated calmly, and then stopped talking, waiting for Roselle's subsequent words.

  "I have some guesses. If nothing unexpected happens, nothing unexpected will happen."

  After a short silence, Renekton couldn't help but complain, "You also understand nonsense literature." Roselle

  raised his neck with some pride and said, "I used to be a surfing expert, okay? Okay, don't interrupt me."

  With a light cough, Roselle organized his words and continued,

  "Doesn't the 'Fool' have the Black Emperor card? If we find a descendant of the Terunsoste family, or some items left over from the Terunsoste Empire, and use the connection in mysticism, there is a high probability that we can encounter the ghost ship."

  "A 'Knowledge Emperor' with keen insight and predictive ability, plus the special status of my 'Black Emperor', this plan has a high probability of success."   

  "Although you are not in good condition now, you still have the ability to give abstract knowledge substantial power. I have the personality and you have the power. When combined, wouldn't you be a real 'Black Emperor'?"

  "What do you think? Are you interested in cooperating?"

  After a brief thought, Renekton nodded slowly and said,

  "We can try, but it's not easy to find descendants of Terunsoste."

  Roselle seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, and replied quickly:

  "It doesn't matter. If you can't find descendants, you can use some items from them instead. You can make up for it by distorting some rules and concepts, although the effect will be a little worse."

  "It would be great if there was a Judgment Card, but unfortunately I don't know where that card has gone." "

  The blood clan had in-depth cooperation with the Terunsoste Empire in the Fourth Epoch. They should have a lot of things preserved there. Aren't you familiar with the Duke of 'Full Moon'? Go and take a look at him."

  Renekton nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

  After a brief exchange, he returned to the bedroom of the manor, contacted Klein through the breath of the gray fog, and told him about Roselle's idea of ​​exploring the "Ghost Empire."

  Above the gray fog, Klein sat back in the high-back chair that belonged to The Fool, lost in thought.

  The Ghost Empire, the most famous treasure on the Five Seas, is hard not to be tempted.

  It is said that it is a ghost ship as big as a city. After the collapse of the Terensost Empire, the nobles transferred all their treasures and wealth to it, preparing to escape from the northern continent. However, in the end, it was strange that none of the scheduled passengers and crew survived and arrived at the port.

  Klein recalled all the information he knew about the Ghost Empire, and then he materialized paper and pen, and used this gray fog to do a simple divination.

  After a moment, he opened his eyes again, left the back of the chair, and sighed softly:

  "Sure enough, it failed. If this kind of ghost ship can be found through divination, it will not become a legendary treasure."

  After a long breath, he turned the information he just talked about with Renekton into a light and shadow, and fell into the deep red star representing the "moon".

  "Emlyn should be carrying out the mission given by the blood clan now. I wonder if he has time to look for items from the time of the Trunsost Empire. Moreover, they need to be items that belonged to members of the royal family at that time."

  "Intis has already declared war on the independent regime of the Paz Valley in the southern continent. They actually still have the mind to look for treasures. Are they too confident, or do they not take the Intis military and the two major churches of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' and the 'God of Steam and Machinery' seriously at all?"

  Klein sighed a few times in a low voice. After a while, he heard Emlyn's reply:

  "Dear Mr. Fool, please tell the World and the White Tower that I will buy a batch of items from the Terensost Empire among the vampires, but they will most likely be ordinary items, and I cannot guarantee whether the items I buy belong to the royal family members at that time."

  Klein leaned back in his chair and nodded slightly. After such a long time, unless it is a magical item full of special features, the spirituality inside would have long been lost. The cost of items full of special features is too high. It is better to buy more ordinary antiques. Maybe if you are lucky, there will be some personal belongings belonging to a royal family member at that time.

  Thinking of luck, Klein suddenly thought of a baby who had mastered part of the power of destiny.

  He then materialized the fake "world" and pretended to pray to himself:

  "Dear Mr. Fool, please tell Mr. Moon not to rush to act. I will find a way to temporarily increase his luck and increase his chances of success."

  After saying that, Klein directly turned this image into a ray of light and shadow, and cast it into the crimson star representing Emlyn, the "Moon".

  After doing all this, he quickly left the gray fog.

  On the north bank of the Pas River Valley, in the bedroom on the second floor of the suburban manor, Bugs Bunny put down a bunch of red or green fruits next to Renekton, then skillfully jumped onto Renekton's legs, lay down leisurely, and looked at the crimson moon outside the window.

  Renekton put one hand on Bugs Bunny's ear, pinched it twice, and whispered:

  "Aren't you afraid of my appearance?"

  Bugs Bunny shook his head, put his hands on his hips, and said in a very powerful way:

  "As a 'biologist', I can see the inner truth of living things through the surface. All people are just a pile of moving flesh and blood, but they are different because of different desires."

  Renekton paused, his eyes became deep, and he looked down at Bugs Bunny lying on his feet, frowned and asked:

  "Where did you hear this theory from?"

  "Many of the rural witch doctors here believe in this theory, and I think it makes sense."

  Bugs Bunny answered casually without noticing.

  This place really needs some spiritual purification to bury those inappropriate ideas. As his thoughts floated, Renekton continued to pinch Bugs Bunny's ears and whispered:

  "Don't learn from those rural witch doctors in the future. They are all potential believers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

  (End of this chapter)