

  Chapter 621 Fairy Tale

  "The Hanged Man" Alger calmly looked at "The Moon" Emlyn, automatically ignoring his unnecessary words, and asked directly:

  "What is the test given to you by the blood clan?"

  Emlyn did not keep it secret, and responded calmly:

  "Find the members of the Rose School hidden in Backlund, and by the way, find out the attitudes of those who believe in the "Original Moon" in the Rose School towards the Rose School."

  Rose School, why did the blood clan suddenly attack the Rose School, because of those believers of the "Original Moon"? . The blood clan is not good at divination, and does not have the observation ability of a detective. Unless there are corresponding magical items, it is difficult to find illegal "alien" paths above Sequence 5, especially since Emlyn doesn't seem to be very smart.

  As his thoughts drifted, Klein manipulated the "world" to speak in a low voice,

  "You can go and cooperate with the people of the Rose School's Temperance Faction. They know more about 'alien species' than you do."

  Emlyn of the Temperance Faction pondered and nodded, "I see."

  Emlyn's topic passed quickly, and after a brief silence, "Justice" Audrey looked around and said,

  "I met with Herwin Rambis, a member of the Psychological Alchemist Council, again last week, and learned from him new information about the president of the Psychological Alchemist Council."

  "The unknown president has regained his demigod status, but he seems to have developed some mental illness due to the previous assassination. For the time being, several members of the Council will jointly assume his duties."

  "During the conversation, he tried to give me some psychological hints, but fortunately I informed Mr. Fool in advance and received the blessing of an angel, so I was not actually affected."

  Hvin Rambis, President of the Psychological Alchemy Society, the angel's "blessing". Leonard chewed these words repeatedly in his mind. Every piece of news here was enough to shock him, but after discovering the calm reactions of other members around him, he immediately reacted, restrained his emotions, and treated himself as an ordinary listener.

  Renekton looked at Miss Justice who wanted to seek the opinions of the Tarot Club members, and chuckled and said:

  "Don't worry, almost all secret organizations are doing this kind of thing, but after thousands of years, they still haven't been able to shake the rule of the Orthodox Church and the major royal families."

  "Justice" Audrey was stunned for a moment, and wanted to nod her head in praise, but she felt something was wrong. Our Tarot Club also belongs to the category of secret organizations. Well, Mr. "White Tower" means secret organizations other than our Tarot Club. After all, Mr. "Fool" is a real god like the Seven Gods, not the evil god believed by those secret organizations.

  After a moment's thought, Audrey nodded to Renekton and said,

  "I understand. Thank you for your reminder, Mr. White Tower."

  Renekton nodded to Miss Justice and then started a new topic:

  "Medici went to Intis recently. Due to his special nature, this evil spirit, the Red Angel, who can represent disaster and strife to some extent, may cause Intis to fall into chaos or even war."

  Because of his own symbolism, he has a corresponding influence on his surroundings. However, because the other party was once an angel king and has sufficient status, this influence in the sense of mysticism will be amplified a lot, and it may even turn into a war. Klein quickly interpreted the meaning of Renekton's words in his mind.

  "Intis? Why did he go there?" Anderson, the "Chariot", asked subconsciously.

  "Of course there is something that attracts Him, and it is in Trier." Renekton responded with a chuckle, and after a pause, he continued: "It will be very lively there in the next period of time."

  Anderson smacked his lips and said in a tone of watching the fun:

  "Your tone is a bit gloating, is it because the troops sent by the Intis military are approaching the southern continent?"

  Ignoring Anderson's question, Renekton leaned back and leaned against the back of the chair, as if the topic was over.

  "The Hermit" Cattleya glanced at Renekton in front of her and asked with some doubt in her tone:

  "Among the magazines published in the southern continent, there are some series called Black Forest Fairy Tales. Are the contents in them related to some history of the Second Age?"

  "After I accidentally deciphered some of the contents, the 'Mystic' potion on my body showed signs of being digested."

  Renekton leaned forward and looked at "The Hermit" Cattleya with some surprise, and said with a smile:

  "I didn't expect that the first people to discover it were not those people from the Church of Knowledge. That's right, 'Mystics' have a natural advantage in judging the right and wrong of information."

  "You can collect more newspapers, magazines and books from Clock Tower Publishing House. There is a lot of hidden and encrypted information in them. The greater the difficulty, the more precious the information you gain. These are some small surprises I left for readers. Some of the content should speed up the digestion of your 'Mystic' potion."

  Cattleya was stunned for a moment. She suddenly thought of the fact that there was a lot of meaningless and confusing information in the knowledge instilled by the "Hidden Sage" recently. Those information may not be meaningless, but encrypted.

  Thinking of this, she looked at Renekton in astonishment and asked hesitantly,

  "Recently, the knowledge that the Hidden Sage has imparted to the Secret Peer has been filled with a lot of useless and confusing information. Is it also encrypted?"   

  "That's right." Renekton nodded slightly, then chuckled and explained:

  "I think knowledge cannot be obtained without effort, even if 'knowledge chasing people' will bring some pain, and this kind of random indoctrination of knowledge will make people lost and unable to find the direction that really suits them, so I gave the 'Hidden Sage' some suggestions and asked Him to add a layer of password to the knowledge that was indoctrinated."

  "This is also a kind of protection. Before the 'Secret Peers' decipher the password, the knowledge does not belong to them, and naturally it will not cause too much harm."

  "Different types of knowledge are given different passwords. Each 'Secret Peer' can focus on the field he is good at."

  Cattleya was stunned for a second, then nodded slowly. The "knowledge chasing people" problem that troubled all the "Secret Peers" path extraordinary people was solved in this way, in an incredible way.

  Under normal circumstances, no one would give suggestions to the "Hidden Sage", let alone be adopted by the other party. This is a privilege that even the followers may not have. Thinking of this, she subconsciously glanced at the "World" at the bottom.

  What are you looking at me for? Dissatisfied with the Fool, and want the World to give Mr. Fool some advice? Noticing the gaze of the Hermit Cattleya, Klein asked the World to look back at her expressionlessly.

  After Cattleya retracted her gaze, Klein concentrated on thinking about what Renekton had just said. Was he dividing the subjects for the Secret Peeps, allowing them to choose the direction they like to delve into? Reasonable yet outrageous operations. Klein suddenly felt that what he had done in this world after being released by Sefirah Castle was still too conservative.

  As his thoughts floated, Klein gradually had some ideas in his mind. The spiritual world creatures should have a strong ability to accept information. If I can exert some influence on them and make them potential believers of the Fool, I won't have to worry about the anchor problem in the future. Moreover, because they are spiritual world creatures, they will not be paid attention to by major forces.

  Thinking of this, he immediately manipulated the "world" and asked Renekton:

  "Can we let the 'Hidden Sage' impart some knowledge to the spirit creatures?"

  Renekton was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect why Klein would ask this question, but he still thought about it and responded:

  "In theory, it is possible, but this requires a certain connection with Him, unless it corresponds to a certain sequence of the 'Peeper' path of the spirit creature."

  "And it must be a spirit creature with sufficient wisdom, otherwise it will not use the knowledge given to it."

  That's right. If I want to select believers from the spirit creatures, they must be rational enough and relatively friendly to humans. There don't seem to be many spirit creatures that can meet the conditions. After

  thinking for a moment, Klein decided to change his thinking. The workload of selecting spirit creatures is too large. If I can let others help me complete this process without knowing it. Got it, I can do this.

  A flash of inspiration came to Klein, and he asked the World to turn to Renekton and asked,

  "If the Hidden Sage adds information about the spirit world to the Knowledge Chaser, will there be any problems?"

  "No problem. Those who can access these Knowledge Chaser are already Beyonders. As long as the information is not too dangerous, they can bear it."

  Renekton answered while guessing what Klein was planning. He wanted to use Beyonders who were interested in the spirit world to help him select a group of suitable spirit world creatures? Well, he wouldn't want to spread faith among spirit world creatures, right? Why not go directly to the Seven Lights?

  "I understand." The World Gehrman Sparrow responded in a hoarse voice, and then fell silent.

  Seeing that the communication between "World" and "White Tower" had ended, Cattleya lifted the non-existent glasses on her nose, looked at Renekton and asked:

  "Are the eight animals that appear in the Black Forest fairy tales metaphors for the eight ancient gods of ancient times?"

  Renekton chuckled and nodded: "Haven't you received feedback from the potion?"

  "It still needs some confirmation. Before this, I didn't guess the identity of each animal."

  Cattleya explained simply.

  "Justice" Audrey listened carefully to the conversation between the few people. Seeing that the communication between Ms. "Hermit" and Mr. "White Tower" had ended, she looked at "Hermit" Cattleya on her side with great curiosity, raised her hand and asked:

  "Ms. 'Hermit', what is the content of the fairy tale you interpreted?"

  "Can you sell me a magazine or newspaper that records fairy tales? I'm very interested in it?"

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 622 Two Methods

  "This is not something that needs to be kept secret." The "Hermit" Cattleya nodded in response, and then told the fairy tale she had interpreted:

  "In the rich Black Forest live many magical animals. Some of them are cunning and ferocious wolves, some are tall savages, some are beautiful bats, and some are lizards that are good at hiding themselves."

  "One day, the silent strange bird discovered a large river flowing through the edge of the forest. The strange bird had never seen a river in the forest, and it found it very novel, so it tried its best to dig a shallow ditch in the forest, connecting it to the river outside the forest, allowing the river water to flow into the forest along the ditch. From then on, there was a river in the forest, which would carry away fallen leaves and water the trees."

  "This story is very short, belonging to an inconspicuous page in the magazine. I didn't pay much attention to it at first. I got a hint of inspiration from the conversation of the crew members by chance. I thought of the ancient legend I heard from an elder, interpreted it, and drew strength from the mystical knowledge contained in the story to create a strange magic."

  A somewhat strange story, with a sense of absurdity and weirdness, a little unreasonable, but thinking carefully, it feels like a subtle metaphor. "Magician" Fors put his hands on the edge of the table and listened very attentively.

  As a best-selling novelist, she is very interested in this style of story that is different from the mainstream. After listening to the story of the "Hermit", she became curious about the author who wrote this story. I wonder if the person who wrote this story is a naive child or a wise elder with extensive knowledge and rich knowledge.

  The short story, the straightforward style, sounds like a children's book. Is it to reduce the difficulty of reading? "Justice" Audrey was thinking with some curiosity. This was the first time she heard a story of this style.

  "What a strange story, it seems like describing an absurd dream." "Star" Leonard directly expressed his feelings, and then he looked at "Hermit" Cattleya and asked curiously:

  "What legend or ancient history does this story correspond to?"

  "It is related to the 'Phoenix Ancestor' Greygari." After a slight pause, Cattleya looked around at the Tarot Club members before continuing:

  "In some ancient legends, this ancient god opened up the underworld somewhere in the spiritual world, but according to the description of my elder, the underworld is just a by-product of Greygari's action. What He really wants to do is to open up a strange river."

  This is what she heard from the "Mysterious Queen" when she was on the "Dawn". It is said that it was discovered by Emperor Roselle in an ancient ruins in the southern continent.

  "Ancient God Greygari?" The eyes of the Tarot Club members subconsciously looked at "Sun" Derrick who was sitting on the right side of the mottled long table.

  Noticing everyone's gaze, Derrick thought for a moment and shook his head, saying,

  "I don't know. Silver City doesn't have many records of the ancient gods. It only mentioned that this 'Phoenix Ancestor' opened up the underworld."

  "Justice" Audrey turned her gaze to Renekton, who was sitting next to Derrick, and asked with some certainty,

  "Mr. 'White Tower', you should know, right?"

  "Yes." Renekton nodded slightly, without explaining more. He

  just knew, but was unwilling to share. No, he hoped that we could interpret the hidden content like Ms. Hermit.

  After a simple analysis, Audrey looked at Renekton and smiled,

  "Mr. 'White Tower', can I order some newspapers and magazines from the Clock Tower Press?"

  Renekton nodded and said,

  "Yes, in fact, it won't be long before you can buy these in Backlund. With the support of the Church of the Night, books from the Southern Continent will soon spread to Loen."

  "I thought the relationship between the Southern Continent and the Kingdom would be more tense now."

  Audrey was a little surprised, but soon figured out that the Kingdom and the Church were not the same.

  As the topic of discussion came to an end, "Sun" Derrick finally found an opportunity and asked,

  "Everyone, to be promoted to the 'Priest of Light', I need to be in pure darkness and bury my whole body in ice that would not normally melt. However, in the City of Silver, exposing yourself to darkness is a very dangerous move. You may disappear directly or be attacked by monsters."

  Leonard opened his mouth and wanted to say that pure darkness is very easy to create, but the words behind "Sun" made him decisively stop what he was about to say. Is the darkness in the God-Forsaken Land so dangerous?

  After two seconds of silence, seeing that no one answered "Sun" Derrick's question, Renekton raised his hand and knocked on the table, extending two fingers and saying:

  "There are two ways. One is to actively accept the pollution in the darkness and transform yourself into a monster in the darkness. Under the protection of the authority of "fallen", you will not disappear in the darkness, nor will you be attacked by other monsters. In this way, all darkness will become pure darkness."

  "The second way is to create darkness with a temporary dream world and let the spirit accept the protection of the "dream". This can effectively slow down the erosion of darkness, and the duration should be enough for you to complete a promotion."

  "As for how to complete the promotion in a dream, you should have a way to do it in Silver City."

  Klein, whose figure was shrouded in thick gray fog, frowned slightly. Thoughts floated through the darkness with a temporary dream world in his mind one after another. This is a bit like the ocean that evolved from the ruins of the gods' war. At night there, if you can't enter the dream world, you will disappear directly. What is the connection between the two?

  The "Hermit" Cattleya and the "Chariot" Anderson who had been there also thought of the ocean that evolved from the ruins of the gods' war.

  The former looked at Renekton thoughtfully, and the latter asked decisively:

  "Is this the reason why in the ocean that evolved from the ruins of the war between gods, if you can't enter in time at night, you will disappear? What is the relationship between that place and the Land Forsaken by the Gods?"

  "They all originate from the remnants of the divine power of the Goddess of Night." Renekton responded calmly.   

  "What about the monsters that emerged from the darkness of the God-Forsaken Land?" Cattleya asked.

  Renekton glanced at "Sun" Derrick who was sitting on his right, and then said,

  "That is the influence left by the Creator that Silver City believes in. He himself holds the authority over shadows, corruption, darkness, and filth. He represents the danger in darkness and can allow darkness to breed monsters."

  The expression on "Sun" Derrick's face was blank for a moment, but he quickly sorted out his emotions and asked sincerely,

  "Mr. 'White Tower', do you know how to create darkness with temporary dreams?"

  Renekton and "World" looked at "Star" Leonard at the same time. The latter was stunned for a moment, then coughed lightly and said calmly,

  "This is very simple. I can make a talisman for you, but I can't guarantee that it can fight against the darkness in your place. Your description just now sounds very dangerous."

  "Star" is a member of the Church of Evernight, or once was. "Justice" Audrey, "Hermit" Cattleya, "Hanged Man" Alger, and "Chariot" Anderson all had this thought in their minds at the same time.

  "Sun" Derrick subconsciously turned his head to look at the top of the mottled long table. Mr. "Fool" responded, "That should be no problem." Thinking of this, he looked at "Star" Leonard and thanked him sincerely:

  "I understand, Mr. 'Star', thank you very much for your help."

  Being thanked so solemnly made Leonard a little uncomfortable. He raised his hand and replied with a chuckle:

  "This is not a very troublesome thing."

  After solving the problem of the little sun, the Tarot Club members continued to share other things.

  Time passed little by little until "Fool" Klein announced the end of today's Tarot Club. After everyone stood up and saluted, a series of deep red lights rose up and took everyone away from the space above the gray fog.

  After the Tarot Club ended, Klein prepared a ceremony to communicate with the Seven Lights of the Spirit World in the room. He was going to seek some help from "Red Light" El Moria, who had knowledge of the creatures and places of the Spirit World.

  The candles that had been placed were lit, and then herbal powder and pure dew were sprinkled into them. The faint herbal fragrance filled the room.

  "'Red Light' shouldn't mind that I just randomly put together these ritual materials."

  He whispered to himself, took a step back, clasped his hands, and chanted in ancient Hermetic language:

  "The light of the spirit world that never fades, the embodiment of endless knowledge, the red of authority and will."

  Just after he finished chanting the honorific name, before he had time to express his needs, Klein felt a great will coming along the connection of the ritual, as if it was ready to break through the spirit world and descend into reality.

  Noticing the actions of "Red Light" Al Moria, Klein took out a paper man from his pocket and shook it out. A

  whimpering cold wind suddenly blew between the candles in the center of the ceremony. The paper man hovered in the air for a while, and a deep red light burst out from the candles and fell on the paper man, covering it with a layer of deep red robes, and then slowly fell to the ground.

  Klein bowed slightly to the paper figure, which had suddenly put on a crimson robe and became extremely majestic, and said,

  "Good afternoon, Mr. El Moria."

  The "red light" El Moria who possessed the paper figure saluted very solemnly and responded,

  "Good afternoon, Your Highness, congratulations on taking a big step towards returning to the highest position."

  Klein nodded slightly and said, "Don't be so polite."

  "Okay, Your Highness." After a pause, as if he could see that Klein still had doubts, El Moria continued to add,

  "We, the Seven Lights, are very close to the gray fog, so we have also seen some changes in the gray fog and the gradually recovering aura in your body."

  "Your Highness, do you have any questions you want to ask me?"

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 623: Brotherhood of Pure Light

  Klein organized his words a little, and then responded:

  "I need some information about spiritual creatures, preferably those with good intelligence and relatively friendly to humans."

  "No problem." El Moria, who was possessed by the paper man, nodded slightly in response, and then he added:

  "Your Highness, do you need actual books, or would you like to receive information directly through the secret ceremony? If it is the latter, it is best to do it in batches. Information related to the spiritual world will be more or less polluted. If there is too much information, the pollution will accumulate to exceed the upper limit of your body's tolerance."

  After thinking for a moment, Klein asked again:

  "If I want to pass this information to the 'Hidden Sage', what do you suggest I do?"

  "Red Light" El Moria hesitated for a moment, and then said:

  "If it is that person, I suggest doing nothing. He, who can be equivalent to knowledge itself to a certain extent, has almost mastered most of the information in this world, which naturally includes information related to the spiritual world and spiritual creatures."

  "Excuse me, Your Highness. What do you want to do or achieve through the 'Hidden Sage'? Maybe I have other ways to help you?" The

  "Hidden Sage" can be equivalent to knowledge itself to a certain extent. Such a "He" only grasps most of the information in this world. Can "Omniscience" really know everything? Retracting his scattered thoughts, Klein exhaled lightly and looked at the paper man in a crimson robe and said,

  "I plan to spread the knowledge of spiritual creatures through the 'Hidden Sage'. With the help of communication between humans and them, I will spread some influences secretly and prepare some anchors for myself in advance."

  The "Red Light" Al Moria attached to the paper man changed his posture and said in a cheerful tone,

  "Your Highness, you may have a better choice."

  Before Klein asked, he continued,

  "You should have heard of the Pure Light Brotherhood. It is a secret organization founded by me and several other Pure Lights as the leaders, and many spiritual creatures, to teach people knowledge."

  "Your Highness, if you don't mind, I and the others can spread your name in the Brotherhood of Pure Light."

  "However, there are not many humans who have actually joined the Brotherhood of Pure Light. Most of the members are relatively friendly spiritual creatures who like to pursue knowledge. As long as they can sense your aura, I think they will be happy to become your believers."

  Brotherhood of Pure Light, I actually forgot about this organization. Well, I can only say that their presence is too low, and except for the Seven Lights of the Spirit Realm, I have never come into contact with the members of this organization, so it is normal that I didn't think of it for a while.

  Most of the members are spiritual creatures, which is very consistent with my needs. This way, it can be kept secret. After all, there is now another Sequence One Zaratul among the people who are watching the "Fool".

  After thinking for a moment, Klein nodded lightly and responded, "Okay."

  After a pause, he added, "Just spread the name of the 'Fool'. It is their freedom to believe or not. I don't need the anchor for the time being, I just prepared it in advance."

  And I still have the vest of "Sea God", and there are a group of devout believers of Sea God. Although the image of "Sea God" is very different from mine, that belief can barely be used.

  As his thoughts drifted, Klein bowed slightly to Red Light El Moria and said,

  "Thank you for your help. I have no other questions."

  "Okay, Your Highness, if you have any questions, you can always find me. As long as I am within the coverage of the spirit world, I can respond in time or come."

  Red Light El Moria controlled the paper man to bow slightly and interrupted the ceremony directly, and his consciousness returned to the depths of the spirit world.

  The red robe on the paper man slowly disappeared, and then fell to the ground as if it had lost its support, turning back into an ordinary paper man.

  Looking at the paper man and the room that had changed normally, Klein gently rubbed his fingers and controlled the power of the air bomb so that it could just extinguish the candle.

  Then he opened the window again, letting the sunlight outside penetrate into the house, dispelling the chill brought by the ceremony just now.

  After doing all this, Klein let out a long sigh, sat down in an easy chair beside him and sighed:

  "The attitude of the Seven Lights is always so good that I am not used to it. Although the last time, 'Orange Light' Hilarion explained it very thoroughly, but are they investing too much in me and trusting me too much?"

  In the Rorsted Islands, the "City of Generosity" Bayam has become much more depressed.

  Two fat mice pulled a pumpkin carriage out of the spirit world and finally stopped outside a house with a gas wall lamp on, near the port.

  Renekton and Roselle, who was wearing a dark red coat with rusty gold lines, walked out of the carriage one after another, submerging their figures in the shadows of the corners.

  After hiding their figures, Renekton asked:

  "What are you doing here?"

  "My reputation in the Rorsted Islands is not very good. If the Storm Church finds out, do you plan to accept the divine punishment with me?"

  "We are not going to the church here. Those barbarians will not notice you unless you expose yourself."

  Roselle waved his hand disdainfully, paused for two seconds, and then he continued:   

  "Bernadette told me there are descendants of Charles here, and I wanted to come and see."

  "He is my first child and only inherited a few characteristics from me, but he had to choose the path of 'universalist'."

  "As a father, I owe him something. I am not as emotionally invested in and concerned about him as Bernadette and Bonois. It's because he is not as cute as his brothers and sisters."

  "However, he is a lot like me, except for his talent. He also admires me very much. He obviously doesn't have any talent, but he tries hard to become an excellent 'craftsman'. I can see that this is not his interest. If he has a choice, he should want to be a 'warrior', which will make it easier for him to become a qualified playboy."

  Roselle's voice gradually became lower until it was completely drowned out by the sound of the wind blowing around him.

  He took a deep breath and exhaled, adjusting his mood. He tilted his head and said,

  "Let's go and meet him. Oh, and help me cover up my appearance."

  Renekton nodded slightly, snapped his fingers, and used the mysterious magic of "Cinderella" to cover up Roselle's appearance. Then he followed Roselle and walked to the front door. After

  standing in front of the door for a while, Roselle raised his hand and knocked on the door.

  The sound of "dong dong dong" rang in the quiet night. After a long time, footsteps were heard in the house, followed by the sound of the front door being creaked open.

  The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man with a lean body and tanned skin. He held the door frame with one hand and placed the other hand on the handle behind the door, refusing to enter. He spoke with a tone of caution and doubt:

  "Who are you?"

  Renekton calmly looked at the man who hid half of his body in the shadow inside the door. A deep color floated in his eyes, and then he chuckled and said:

  "In some ways, he is indeed very similar to you. He looks like he has indulged in excessive sexual activities. If it weren't for the physical enhancement of the 'archaeologist', he would have fallen on a woman's bed long ago."

  Inside the house, the middle-aged man, whose skin was already a little dark, looked even darker. He glanced at Renekton behind Russell's body with a sinister look, opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Russell before he opened his mouth.

  "Your name is Sharf?"

  "Yes." The middle-aged man with dark skin looked at Russell in doubt, not understanding why the other party asked this, but his mouth responded before his brain did, and answered Russell's question truthfully.


  Sharf immediately reacted after noticing his abnormality. He subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but his body strangely took a step forward, half a foot out of the door, exposing his body completely to the crimson moonlight.

  Roselle looked at Sharf calmly, sighed softly in the other's nervous, surprised, and vigilant eyes, and asked in a gentle tone:

  "Who is your father? Why did you escape from the Steam Church?"

  Sharf wanted to refuse to answer, but his body went against his will and confessed his information without reservation:

  "Roger Gustav, I don't like the atmosphere of the Steam Church. I yearn for freedom and like to go to bed with ladies of different styles every day, instead of staying in the church and accepting their surveillance, living like a gear that can't decide for itself." Roselle sighed,

  his voice became calm, and said helplessly:

  "But at least it's stable, isn't it? Under the protection of the Steam Church, you can live a normal life without too many troubles, and you don't have to be targeted by the believers of the 'Original Moon' like now, and you don't have to be polluted."

  "Why pollution? Maybe it's a blessing?"

  Sharf's expression twisted, and his head looked up at the red moon in the sky uncontrollably. He wanted to worship devoutly, but his body was against his will and remained frozen in place, which made his expression more and more distorted.

  "How did you encounter the believers of the 'Original Moon'?"

  Renekton ignored his increasingly hideous and distorted expression and asked his question curiously. Without the "werewolf" characteristics, he could still mix with the believers of the "Original Moon". Is this Gustav's fate? Renekton

  glanced at Russell beside him with a strange look. He suspected that this was the fate brought about by the mystical connection between Russell and the "Original Moon".

  Roselle ignored Renekton's gaze and relied on his own authority to oppress Sharf, twisting his will and forcing him to answer the question he could not refuse:

  "At a gathering of extraordinary people on Oravi Island, I purchased a set of artificial vampire characteristics. I want to create a magical item that can strengthen physical fitness and create mystical potions to solve the problem of physical weakness caused by long-term indulgence."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 624 Travel

  "Ah~" Russell sighed deeply, looking like he didn't want to say more.

  "It does look like you."

  Renekton looked at Russell, swallowed, and then took a half step forward. His right hand wearing a mechanical glove was placed on Sharf's shoulder. The bronze glove was covered with a layer of black, which continued to spread to Sharf's body.

  Sharf kept his body movements, and even his expression did not change. Only a trace of fear and panic appeared in his light blue eyes.

  The black that spread from the mechanical glove continued to surge, separating the depraved thoughts in Sharf's heart bit by bit, and sank into the shadow under his feet. The

  supplemented shadow instantly came to life, flooding up like a stream, and formed an uncontrolled independent creature beside Sharf.

  It was all black, but the outline of its body was almost exactly the same as Sharf's, except that it was missing a layer of clothing. There were many cracks on the black figure that looked like strange patterns, and crimson moonlight shone through them.

  "Hmph!" Russell snorted coldly, clenched his right fist, and swung forward.


  A violent noise followed, and Roselle's fist ignored the distance and direction and smashed directly into the dark figure, smashing it into pieces, disintegrating into a dark and rapidly disappearing crimson moonlight.

  As the "Fallen Shadow" separated from Sharf was shattered, he suddenly entered a state of a sage without desires, standing there calmly, as if he didn't even have the desire to speak.

  "Did you strip him of too much desire?"

  Roselle looked at Renekton suspiciously.

  The latter shrugged and replied calmly: "It should be said that apart from mating, there is nothing else in his mind."

  Roselle was silent for a second, then changed the subject:

  "I originally planned to take him back to the Southern Continent and let him stay with me, but given his current condition, I think it's better to forget it. I always feel that his behavior will affect my reputation, so I'd better put him on the 'Dawn' first."

  "Okay, now that things here are done, take Sharf to the 'Dawn' first, and then send me back to the Southern Continent."

  "I'm not your driver."

  Renekton complained, but still summoned a pumpkin carriage pulled by two fat rats, and stuffed Roselle and his descendant Sharf in.

  Russell leaned against the pumpkin carriage and sighed:

  "There is no way. Recently, Bernadette has been staying near Backlund. The deification ceremony of a certain member of the Loen royal family is coming to an end. Although they have lost Adam's support, they will not give up. Moreover, few people know that Adam's identity has disappeared."

  "This is obviously driven by the will of the 'True Creator'. Although the deification ceremony of the 'Dreamer' is no longer needed, the outbreak of a large-scale war can also attract the attention of the gods and reduce the pressure on the southern continent."

  Renekton did not respond. He drove the pumpkin carriage to send Russell and Sharf to the 'Dawn' and the southern continent respectively.

  After several trips back and forth, Renekton arrived in Backlund until the sky gradually brightened.

  In the West District, in the detached house where Leonard lived, Renekton's figure quickly appeared on the sofa in the living room. He rubbed his forehead with one hand, and seemed to be a little sleepy.

  The moment he appeared, Leonard noticed that there was an extra person in his room. He breathed a sigh of relief after seeing who it was. He walked a few steps from the dining room to the living room, looked at Renekton and asked:

  "Why are you here?"

  Renekton chuckled and responded, "I invite you and grandpa to travel to Trier with me."

  "Travel? A trip for the purpose of stealing?"

  Pales sneered through Leonard's mouth, and after a slight pause, he continued:

  "You'd better make enough preparations. If you appear in the vision of 'Steam', I believe He will come out from the perfect land to welcome you in person at that time."

  Renekton nodded slightly, did not deny what Pales said, but did not care too much and said:

  "Don't worry, 'Steam' only has one ally, and I have many."

  "That's better." Paris responded calmly.

  Renekton raised his eyebrows. Seeing that Pales had no intention of coming out of Leonard's body, he asked curiously,

  "Are you going to take Leonard with you?"

  Leonard's expression suddenly changed from calm to horrified. Before he could ask, Pales spoke through him,

  "I'm just an old man who is still recovering. If I run into Amon, he can be a safety net."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Leonard's voice rang out:   

  "Wait, I don't agree. I'm a night watchman of the Church of Evernight. Once my identity is discovered, it will directly lead to a conflict between the two orthodox churches, and I will definitely be wanted by the church as a traitor."

  Pales snorted and said calmly:

  "Don't worry, no one will find out your identity. In front of a high-sequence 'thief', your identity can be changed at any time. At that time, I will swap your identity and fate with that of an Intis person, and no one will notice the problem. 'Steam' does not have the authority of fate, and He cannot see it unless we encounter it head-on."

  Seeing that Leonard was still hesitant, Renekton continued with what Pales had just said:

  "I can provide the protection of 'secrecy'. Even if your false identity is seen through, no one will be able to tell who the real you is hidden under this identity."

  "Are you sure my real identity won't be discovered?" Leonard said doubtfully.

  Renekton calmly shook his head and said,

  "No, even if it is discovered, it is not a big problem. Your goddess will not care what 'Steam' thinks. He is very strong and can fully protect the Nighthawks of his church."

  "The Seven Gods have basically chosen their own camps now. A small matter will not make them change their original choice. The real danger lies in the attack after the action is discovered by the Steam Church, but as long as I can successfully contain that characteristic, I can easily take you away."

  "Aren't you afraid of losing control if you directly contain the characteristic? Or, have you prepared the ritual and corresponding auxiliary materials in advance?"

  Leonard looked at Renekton with some suspicion. The behavior of directly containing the characteristic to advance is very likely to go out of control even at a low sequence, not to mention that the other party is already an angel. The danger is multiplied by who knows how many times.

  "Everyone has some secrets, right?"

  Renekton looked at Leonard with a surprised look and chuckled in response. This was what he deliberately told Pallez. Revealing some of his cards would allow the two sides to cooperate better. At the same time, it was also to tell him that he had enough confidence and ability to help him fight Amon, otherwise this "Time Worm" would never help him with all his strength.

  After a moment of silence, Pales sighed heavily and said,

  ".The secrets in you are far beyond my imagination. I am already old, and I still have to be calculated by you guys. Can't you give me some time to retire peacefully?"

  "What secret?" Before Leonard finished speaking, he was interrupted by Pales:

  "This is not something you should know now. If you want to understand the haze under the surface of this world, you must at least become a Sequence 4 Beyonder and obtain divinity."

  Leonard's expression froze for a moment, and then gradually became solemn. Pales usually always urged him to be promoted, but he had never said it as bluntly as now.

  The old man's tone was particularly serious, and there was a sense of urgency. Demigods are already the real high-level of the church, the archbishop who governs a region or the senior deacon among the Night Watchers. How can it be so easy to be promoted? Even His Excellency "Sword of the Goddess" remained at Sequence 5 and has not yet been given the opportunity to be promoted.

  Sensing Leonard's thoughts, Pales snorted coldly and said:

  "There will be an opportunity soon. The world is becoming more and more dangerous. In order to cope with the more and more frequent extraordinary events and the possible outbreak of wars, the major churches will step up their efforts to train new people."

  "Didn't you find that even though the archbishop of St. Samuel's Church knew that you might have some problems, he only transferred you from the original Red Gloves Team and marginalized you, but still assigned you tasks to allow you to accumulate contributions and exchange them for the magic potion of the 'Spirit Witch'?"

  Leonard was stunned for a moment, as if he had just reacted, and muttered to himself:

  "Isn't this the archbishop's appreciation and cultivation of me?"

  "What is there about you that is worthy of an archbishop's attention? A parasite? Or an undercover under the 'Fool'?"

  Leonard opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. After a long silence, he accepted the fact that the church was wary of him.

  He took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. After calming himself down, he said slowly:

  "I understand. I have almost digested the potion. I should be able to be promoted to 'Spirit Wizard' by the end of this month. If I cannot get the 'Night Watcher' potion from the church in the future, I might consider changing another way. Although the sinister 'Corpse Collector' way does not suit my style."

  After a pause, he looked at Renekton again and said calmly:

  "During this period of time, I was pulled out of the Red Gloves Team by the Bishop to deal with some incidents caused by the undead and natural spirits around Backlund. As long as I don't disappear for too long, no one will notice that I have left Backlund."

  "When do you plan to leave?"

  "Do you have any incidents that need to be dealt with today?" Renekton asked.

  Leonard recalled for a moment, then briefly introduced the tasks he planned to complete in the next two days:

  "There have been several ghost sightings in Green Cemetery in the West District recently, and there are rumors of hauntings and traces of zombies in Haggs Cemetery on the outskirts of the East District."

  After thinking for a moment, Renekton chuckled and said,

  "You can ask Klein to disguise himself as you to complete these tasks. It will be easy for him. You can bring him some specialties from the underground of the Iron Church in Trier as a reward."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 625 Asking for Remuneration

  "You can pretend to be me." Leonard was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

  Klein used to be a night watcher, and he was familiar with me. There would be no problem for him to pretend to be me to complete those tasks. Moreover, I was carrying out the tasks alone, so no one would discover the problem of my extraordinary abilities.

  "You can write a letter to Klein first, and then make some necessary preparations. I will come to you at noon." As

  soon as the voice fell, Renekton's body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into streams of information, rushing out of the room.

  Leonard glanced in the direction where Renekton left, let out a long breath, sat directly on the sofa beside him, and whispered:

  "Old man, is there something wrong with his identity?"

  "Under normal circumstances, even for a low-sequence Beyonder, directly accommodating characteristic promotion is no different from suicide, not to mention that he is already an angel."

  "A little smarter." Pallez praised insincerely, and then sighed:

  "He may very well be the personality incarnation of the 'Hidden Sage', or he may be the incarnation of consciousness projected from the Western Continent, but no matter which identity it is, it is not something an old and frail man like me can refuse."

  "Western Continent? Where is that? The Forsaken Land of God?"

  Leonard keenly caught the word "Western Continent". He frowned slightly, and the only thing he could think of was the Forsaken Land of God where the "Sun" at the Tarot Club was.

  Pales's old voice echoed in Leonard's ears:

  "No, you were able to think of the Forsaken Land so quickly. Have you come into contact with people from there recently?"

  "Why people, not objects from that place?" Leonard asked subconsciously. Pales

  snorted and said with a mocking tone:

  "You are not a 'diviner'. A dead object cannot speak in your hands, and you can't find much information."

  Leonard retorted: "When I become a 'spiritual witch', I will also get a certain improvement in the field of divination, and I can also find and drive natural spirits with this ability."

  Pales smiled and said: "But you are not yet."

  Leonard did not refute again. He leaned forward, took out the banknotes from the coffee table in front of him, and began to write a letter to Klein, hoping that he could help him play himself for a few days.

  On the banks of the Tussock River, Renekton's figure quietly emerged. As soon as he appeared, several green pea vines fell from the air, covering the surrounding area like a waterfall.

  Green vines intertwined and intertwined, quickly forming a forest, layer upon layer, with no view of the top.

  Bernadette's figure was quickly outlined on a swing made of green vines, her body leaning against the green vines, with a golden kettle lamp placed beside her.

  Bernadette looked into the distance and narrated in a very calm voice:

  "I found the tombs used for the 'Black Emperor' rituals. They require specific spells or marks as keys to enter, and I have never been in."

  "But I found that there seemed to be other people around who were also investigating the secrets of the royal family. The other party hid very well, and I didn't see who it was. He is very good at concealing himself. It is very likely that he is from the Church of Night. He should have discovered the clues I left."

  "By the way, I also found traces of Amon in the dock area. That should be him, wearing a crystal monocle. My 'Eye of Prying Secrets' can't see anything unusual, but this is actually the biggest abnormality."

  "Amon." Renekton murmured, then chuckled, "'Night' will keep an eye on him, don't worry too much."

  After a pause, he continued:

  "I plan to go to Trier with Pallez, and I will need your help to delay Bonois then."

  Bernadette nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

  As she spoke, she handed the golden kettle-shaped lamp beside her to Renekton.

  "Thank you. I should go to Zaratul to ask for a wish."

  After receiving the wishing lamp, he nodded gently in response. Renekton's body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into a stream of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature, penetrating the forest intertwined with green vines, and pouring into the spirit world like a torrent.

  Relying on the connection brought by the previous contract and the information exchanged in the spirit world, Renekton grasped Zaratul's approximate location.

  "I came to Backlund so soon. This big city is really lively."

  He sighed in a low voice, and Renekton, who maintained the form of an information creature, followed his intuition and approached the direction of Hillston District. In

  Hillston District, near the King's Avenue in the west district, in a red three-story house, Zaratul, who was wearing a hooded black robe and covered himself tightly, was sitting opposite a middle-aged man wearing a formal dress, a cloak, and extremely long toes on his shoes, whose dress was out of touch with the current era.   

  The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, and Zaratul suddenly chuckled and said,

  "Your Excellency Prince Sonia, what have you thought about it, or rather, what has your Augustus family thought about it?"

  After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man called Prince Sonia looked serious and asked majestically,

  "Why do you want to help us, and what do you want to get from it?"

  "I've already said that this is a revelation of fate. I don't know what I can get, but this is an opportunity. As long as I grasp it, it will definitely be what I need."

  Zaratul maintained his usual gentle smile on his face, but with a hint of mystery.

  Prince Sonia stared at Zaratul who had half of his head hidden in his hood, and said in a heavy and majestic tone:

  "You 'fortune tellers' are so dishonest, it's hard for us to fully believe them."

  Zaratul sighed and said helplessly:

  "This is the revelation of fate. Before the actual result appears, I myself cannot know more information."

  "As an angel who has mastered a certain authority over fate, although I am not as good as the 'Mercury Snake' on the 'fate' path, with my joining, you can still get a certain amount of good luck and increase the probability of success of your plan, right?"

  A little brilliance flickered in Prince Sonia's deep blue eyes, but it quickly converged, and he said in a flat tone:

  "Your 'miracle' cannot affect a true god."

  Zaratul smiled with an unchanged expression:

  "'Miracles' can also appear in a roundabout way, starting from subtle places, exerting force bit by bit, and leveraging a greater force."

  "At certain critical moments, perhaps it is this insignificant power that just happens to change the situation?"

  Prince Sonia's majestic deep blue eyes stared at Zaratul for a while. He could not read any emotions or will from those dark eyes that were like the lightless water surface. The leader of the secret order who had recovered from madness seemed to be even more difficult to see. Taking

  a deep breath and exhaling it for a long time, Prince Sonia stood up from the sofa, stretched out his right hand, and said in a deep voice:

  "I don't understand your 'miracle', but if you want to join this grand ceremony, our Augustus family will not refuse. As long as the opportunity you mentioned does not affect our plan, we welcome any friend, and you will all gain the friendship of Augustus."

  "Then, happy cooperation!"

  Zaratul then stood up from the sofa and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Prince Sonia.

  A few minutes later, Zaratul was the only one left in the room. He sat on the dark red single sofa, holding a cup of steaming black tea in his hand.

  A stream of complex and pure information flowed out from every corner of the room, converging on the sofa to the left of Zaratul, reorganizing Renekton's figure.

  He glanced at the sofa where Prince Sonia had just sat, a deep color floated in his eyes, then he turned his head to look at Zaratul, chuckled and said:

  "I didn't expect that the leader of the Secret Order also has so many friends in Backlund. It's a pity that I just got lost in the spirit world, otherwise I should have been able to meet your friend."

  "What a pity, I will introduce him to you next time if I have a chance."

  Zaratul responded in a calm tone, with a touch of regret in his eyes at the right time.

  Really cowardly, "tampering" with the coordinates of the spirit world several times in a row, making me run around Backlund several times. Renekton narrowed his eyes. He now had the urge to press Zaratul into the Tussock River for a few times. After becoming an angel, even Amon couldn't tease him like this.

  Chara Image did not notice the malice in Renekton's eyes, and his tone was still calm:

  "I have not accumulated the 'wishes' you need, and now I can't reach the level of a 'miracle'."

  "The 'miracle' of transferring and grafting positions should not be too difficult for you. You can pay me these two 'miracles' first."

  While speaking, Renekton stared at Charatu calmly. Appropriate delay does not constitute a breach of contract. Although it cannot change anything, it can disgust people. He cannot be sure whether Charatu will do this. After experiencing the ritual of the "Mysterious Servant", it is not too strange to become schizophrenic.

  After a short silence, Zaratul smiled and reached out from under his black robe to take out two gray-white talismans engraved with twisted lines and half of the pupilless eye logo, and handed them to Renekton, saying:

  "The talismans can only last for three months. Your eyes should be able to easily see their specific effects. The way to stimulate them is to infuse a certain amount of spirituality and express your wishes in a language that can pry natural forces."

  Renekton's eyes swept over the two gray-white talismans, nodded slightly, and put them in his arms.

  Then he looked again at the sofa where Prince Sonia had just sat, and his eyes were filled with a deep blue and purple glow, outlining one mysterious symbol after another in his eyes.

  Gradually, dots of light blue starlight appeared on the sofa, quickly wandering and interweaving, outlining a somewhat vague figure.

  (End of this chapter)