

  Chapter 616 Happy May Day (One more chapter)

  Roselle waved his hand nonchalantly and said,

  "You can't let an old man like me run around on the sea alone, can you? How dangerous is that?"

  "Besides, the fact that there are so many documents on the desk means that you have never thought about dealing with them."

  As he spoke, he walked to the high-backed chair on the deck near the cabin, and seemed to be hesitating whether to sit down.

  I hope Bishop Luca will not be too surprised to see the untouched documents in the lounge after his promotion. Well, after becoming a "Dream Weaver", he can also separate an identity to help him share the pressure of work. As the thought floated, Renekton gradually convinced himself.

  The next second, the surrounding scenery floated quickly. Although no one moved, the environment area quickly came from the deck to the cabin.

  A voice with a heavy and majestic feeling echoed in the cabin:

  "Are you really Emperor Roselle?"

  Renekton looked at the figure sitting on the high-backed chair on the high platform in front of him, and a deep light purple glided across his eyes.

  A very majestic figure sat on a dark high-back chair, wearing a miniature spire crown on his head, a black robe with silver edges, a hard face, slightly wrinkled forehead, a short black beard on his chin, and a height of about 1.9 meters. He looked very majestic.

  His temperament was very recognizable. Anyone who had seen him would never doubt his identity. He was one of the four pirate kings, the recognized pirate king, and the most famous strong man on the sea!

  "King of the Five Seas" Nast's dark eyes flowed with dark red brilliance, with some disbelief in his eyes. He calmly stared at Russell below, and a deep sense of majesty spread from him. The air in the cabin seemed to become sticky, making people feel difficult to breathe.

  The crew members of the "Black Emperor" in the cabin, as well as the second mate Bird Mustang who was moved in with Renekton and Russell, all lowered their heads unconsciously, their chests rose and fell violently, and they swallowed and exhaled the air in the cabin in large gulps to relieve the suffocation.

  As a mechanical puppet, Roselle completely ignored the pressure from "King of the Five Seas" Nast and the stagnation in the air. He took two steps forward and looked up at Nast.

  After a second, he suddenly laughed and said,

  "As your guests, don't you want us to sit down, Nast?"

  "Please sit down." Nast raised his hand. His words were filled with an indescribable sense of majesty, which made people unconsciously want to follow his words.

  However, this sense of majesty was completely ineffective on Renekton and Roselle. The two of them were not affected at all and found a chair to sit down.

  There was silence in the cabin for two seconds. Nast looked at Russell and said in a deep voice:

  "As a mechanical puppet with the characteristics of the 'Fallen Count', you should not be able to ignore my influence so easily." He

  closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something. After a moment, he continued:

  "There is something about you that makes me tremble instinctively."

  Russell did not respond to Nast's doubts. He leaned back in his chair and said in a tone as if he was showing off:

  "Bernadette has been promoted to 'Sage'. When do you plan to become a Duke?"

  "In fact, in the absence of external pressure, I think staying in Sequence Three is the best choice. The extraordinary people at this stage already have all kinds of special features and have a life far beyond that of ordinary people, but they have not reached the point of qualitative change. They will not be affected too much by potions and the top of the sequence, and will not actively or passively choose a camp."

  Russell talked naggingly, like an old father who was trying to show off his daughter, and like an elder's warning to the younger generation.

  Except for the crew members on the "Black Emperor", their faces were not very good. What Roselle said just now always made people feel that he was mocking Nast, mocking him for not being able to advance to Sequence Two and become an angel active on the Five Seas for such a long time.

  I deserve a beating. This guy didn't call me here to be his bodyguard. Renekton's thoughts kept floating in his mind, and then his eyes calmly glanced at the expression of Nast, the "King of the Five Seas".

  Nast, who was sitting on a high place, sighed with a flat tone:

  "After the Solomon Empire, there are no living mythical creatures on the path of the 'Black Emperor'. The remaining characteristics have either become sealed objects or belong to angels from the two major families of Tudor and Terensost."

  "So you need some help, some allies who have the strength to help you hunt angels."

  Roselle chuckled and looked at Nast, whose eyes were dark red, as if he was sure that the other party would not refuse him.

  Nast shook his head slowly and said:   

  "That's not enough. You need a reason to convince me."

  "Like you said just now, I'm not in a hurry to be promoted to Sequence Two. I still have enough life and can patiently wait for the opportunity."

  Roselle tilted his neck back, exhaled a long breath, and said in an unusually flat tone:

  "No, you have enough life to wait, but this world may not have enough time. Only by becoming an angel can you protect yourself and the people you want to protect when the end of the Fifth Epoch comes."

  "Because of the doomsday?" Nast seemed a little hesitant. He didn't know much about the so-called doomsday, but when he had communicated with many saints of the church, he had heard their descriptions of the doomsday very affirmatively.

  After a pause, he continued to ask:

  "All major churches have statements about doomsday, but there are not too many descriptions. They only express that when doomsday comes, the gods they believe in will become the savior of the world. Apart from those unreasonable contents, I am very curious about the cause of the doomsday, which is something that all churches and secret organizations have not mentioned."

  Roselle shook his head and said calmly:

  "Before you become the Duke, just knowing this information will bring pollution."

  "No wonder." Nast murmured in a low voice, and quickly adjusted his mood. He chuckled and said:

  "How do you plan to cooperate?"

  Renekton looked at Roselle curiously. He was also a little curious about what the other party wanted to cooperate with the "King of the Five Seas".

  Roselle looked around the cabin, his eyes fell on Renekton, and nodded to him, saying,

  "Give us a secret, and let the people on the ship forget that we were here."

  "Okay." Renekton nodded lightly, snapped his fingers, and a dark golden pattern like dense scales appeared on the mechanical glove on his right hand. His eyes turned pale gold and vertical, and soon recovered.

  The light of the candlelight in the cabin suddenly dimmed, and one star after another appeared in the air, swimming quickly in the air, outlining symbols and representations of secrets.

  The cabin shrouded in hazy starlight was cut off from the surroundings in reality and mysticism, isolating it from all attacks and interactions with the outside world.

  "It's really more convenient to bring you with me." After sighing softly, Roselle turned his head to look at Nast, who was sitting on the high-back chair at the top, with a serious expression. He chuckled and explained, "Before I am truly resurrected, my identity cannot be exposed."

  After a pause, he continued:

  "I don't know if you have been paying attention to the news in Loen. I suspect that someone in the royal family of Loen is preparing to be promoted to the 'Black Emperor'."

  "Do you need my help to stop him?"

  "As the 'King of the Five Seas', my movements have always been noticed by the major churches and the royal family, and I cannot stay on land for a long time. The 'Black Emperor''s roaming in the spirit world will always leave traces, and it is not suitable to go to a place like Backlund."

  While speaking, Nast leaned back slightly, searching for the information he knew in his mind, and recalling the rituals related to the "Black Emperor".

  After a moment, he nodded in realization and said,

  "The Storm Church has been investigating the disappearance of people in some colonies at sea. This was not something worth noting, but now, I have some new ideas."

  When Nast stopped talking, Roselle stood up from his chair, looked at Nast levelly, and said leisurely,

  "There are more suitable people than you to stop the apotheosis ceremony, such as Bernadette and Bonois."

  "I need you to help me do another thing, which is to help me and yourself."

  "I will lend you the Black Emperor card at that time. You just need to wait in the corresponding spirit world in advance, and use the aggregation effect between extraordinary characteristics to make the characteristics of the guy who failed to be promoted to the 'Black Emperor' gather around you. You don't need all of them, just one or two will do."

  "As a reward, I will give you the characteristics of the 'Duke of Entropy'."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 617 Zaratul

  Nast stared at Roselle, and instead of agreeing directly, he asked in confusion:

  "As the 'Black Emperor', as long as you successfully revive, the corresponding characteristics and uniqueness will naturally return to you. Why do you still want to take the risk to fight for the characteristics there?"

  "There were some problems with my resurrection process. I want to try to skip the mausoleum and directly use the extraordinary characteristics to return from death."

  Roselle did not hide his situation. For those who know the 'Black Emperor', this is not difficult to guess.

  The dark red in Nast's deep black eyes surged more and more violently. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the dark red flowing in his eyes had converged, leaving only a heavy and majestic dark black.

  "Okay." He nodded slowly in response, and then added: "I need to know the truth about the end of the world. Tell me when I become the Duke."

  "Okay." Roselle smiled and nodded.

  After a brief moment of silence, the hazy starlight surrounding the surroundings quickly dissipated, and along with the starlight, the figures of Renekton and Roselle also dissipated.

  Inside the cabin, the crew of the "Black Emperor" looked hesitantly at the captain sitting on the dark high-backed chair at the top. The heavy majesty of Nast, the "King of the Five Seas", made them lower their heads again.

  Strange, what was I thinking just now? Why did I feel that the captain had disappeared for a while? The second mate of the "Black Emperor", Bird Mustang, muttered to himself in confusion, and as he thought about it, he forgot what he was thinking about just now.

  Forget it, it shouldn't be an important matter, but what am I doing in the cabin? Isn't it my turn to patrol the deck today? As the thought floated, Bird Mustang turned and left the cabin.

  Deep in the spirit world, among the layers of rich colors, a pumpkin carriage pulled by two fat mice moved forward quickly.

  Inside the pumpkin carriage, Renekton looked at Russell who was sitting opposite him with some curiosity and asked:

  "Are you sure you can skip the mausoleum and resurrect directly in this way?"

  Russell shook his head slowly and said:

  "Of course not."

  "But if I have mastered a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence One, then I can actively distort concepts and rules the moment my consciousness returns, break free from the constraints of the mausoleum, and appear in the astral realm, without having to wait for the return of uniqueness, and then start this process again."

  "As long as the uniqueness is not polluted by the 'original moon', even if my spirit has problems, there is still room for relief."

  "And with the characteristics, I wouldn't be as weak as I am now, even needing someone to accompany me when I go out, and I have no privacy at all."

  Renekton glanced at Russell's lower body, and said sarcastically in a calm tone: "You are just a mechanical puppet, without any extra functions."

  "Don't slander my noble character." Russell snorted twice and stopped talking.

  After sending Roselle back to Bernadette's "Dawn", Renekton did not rush back to the southern continent, but first went to Toscat Island in the Sonia Sea, which belongs to the sea area where the Church of the Night preaches.

  In the Church of the Night on Toscat Island, Renekton appeared quietly in the prayer hall. Because it was close to night, there were many people coming to the church to pray. Renekton's figure was submerged in the crowd and did not attract anyone's attention.

  He slowly walked with the crowd to the dark holy emblem in the front, and found a corner to pray quietly.

  Unconsciously, he woke up in the fragrance of night vanilla, and a female figure wearing a layered black classical long skirt stood quietly in the flowers.

  Her body was relatively virtual, with signs of ripples swaying outward. Her face seemed to be covered with layers of gauze, hazy but extremely beautiful.

  Renekton looked at the figure that appeared in his dream and chuckled:

  "It's just a small request. You shouldn't have to come to see me in person."

  "This is necessary courtesy."

  "You can release Zaratul's historical projection and use it to ask him for a suitable reward."

  The voice of the goddess of night was very peaceful. Even if it did not contain any extraordinary power, it also had a soothing meaning.

  Renekton nodded calmly, looked at the figure of the goddess of night in front of him, and chuckled:

  "Then, what do I need to pay?"

  "A drop of water from the 'River of Everlasting Darkness'." The goddess of night said in a flat voice.

  "Okay." Renekton nodded slightly.

  The request of the goddess of night was somewhat beyond his expectations. He originally thought that the other party would ask for a little more. The water of the 'River of Everlasting Darkness' would be of great use to her who was trying to control the uniqueness of the "God of Death".   

  As he responded, he extended his left hand forward, with dots of starlight floating on his fingertips, outlining a somewhat illusory and hazy door.

  He reached directly into the door, took out a dark brown glass bottle painted with strange symbols and patterns, and threw it to the goddess of night in front of him.

  The dark brown glass bottle created a layer of ripples when it approached the goddess of night, and then disappeared, and it was unknown where it fell.

  A breeze with a faint floral scent blew past him, and Renekton suddenly woke up from his dream. The believers kept walking around and the low voices of conversation broke into his ears.

  Renekton lowered his eyes and looked at his half-clenched right hand. On it, a dark badge appeared at some point, with a dark black background, dotted with stars, and surrounded by a half of the crimson moon.

  After putting away this dark holy emblem, Renekton took a deep breath and exhaled for a long time, then stood up from the chair, left a few banknotes in the offering box at the front, and then walked out of the church.

  In the unusually pure sky, a crimson half-moon hung high, and only a little dusk remained on the horizon shrouded in night.

  Walking on the street where pedestrians were gradually becoming sparse, Renekton suddenly stopped and brought the dark holy emblem to his eyes. After a simple look, he poured some spirituality into it.

  Silently, the dark holy emblem broke into pieces bit by bit, and a layer of deep and quiet darkness poured out from the broken holy emblem, drowning Renekton's figure like a tide, and his body quickly melted under the wash of darkness.

  In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared from the street, and the pedestrians around him continued to come and go, as if they had never noticed that there was a person here, let alone how he disappeared.

  In the main peak of the Hornachis Mountains, in an unusually quiet, uninhabited, but clean and tidy town, Renekton's figure quickly stood out.

  He looked around calmly, and the deep lavender glow in his eyes flowed quickly, outlining one symbol after another in his eyes.

  In this state, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the appearances to the essence of things. The streets under his feet, the houses on both sides, the dead trees on the roadside, and even the red moon in the sky all turned into pure information with dark mist floating in his eyes. After

  a simple search, he soon found the spire church in the center of the town. Inside the church, there were many mummies hanging, quiet and weird.

  Poor Zaratul, someone finally remembered you and decided to come to save you. I hope you can prepare enough rewards. Renekton hooked his lips, sighed in his heart, and then walked towards the church in the center of the town.

  As he walked, his body suddenly became empty and decomposed into a stream of complex knowledge, surging like a torrent towards the center of the town.

  After a while, the crimson moonlight fell on the ground, casting shadows on the streets here, and the originally quiet streets became noisy.

  In the spire church in the center of the town, streams of information poured in from the outside, and countless knowledge gathered here to reconstruct Renekton's body.

  He looked back at the bustling street, his eyes penetrated those figures and saw their true nature.

  With a sigh, he retracted his gaze and walked under the mummies that fell on the roof, finally stopping in front of a gray stone bench.

  A figure wearing a hooded black robe stood out on the stone bench. His eyes were as dark as the lightless water, and the white beard on his face was long and dense, like a mysterious and wise elder.

  He is the target that Renekton came to find, the historical projection of Zaratul, the leader of the Secret Order, who was sealed in the Hornachis Mountains by the Goddess of Night.

  Zaratul's gaze stayed on Renekton for a moment, he curled the corners of his lips, and said in a low and hoarse voice:

  "So many years have passed, I didn't expect another angel to come here."

  "Your eyes are very special, but there should be nothing you need here. Why did you come here?"

  Renekton looked at the old man in front of him calmly, and said leisurely: "There is nothing I need here, but you have it."

  While speaking, he glanced back and forth at the historical projection of Zaratul with deep eyes, taking in every illusory spirit worm on his body.

  Ignoring Renekton's rude look, Zaratul said in a calm tone:

  "What do you want from me? I am just a historical projection left here. I don't have any substantial characteristics, nor do I have too much power."

  Not paying attention to the mistakes in Zaratul's words, Renekton snorted and stated his purpose bluntly:

  "Pay me three wishes, and I will take you out of this secret world. How about it?"

  Zaratul looked at Renekton with some surprise in his dark eyes, and explained in a calm tone:

  "You are already an angel, and the effect of the 'miracle worker's' wishes on you is very limited."

  "And I am just a historical projection, and this place is isolated from the outside world. I can't borrow power from the spirit world or from history."

  Renekton smiled and said the words he had already thought of:

  "I can release this historical projection of yours first, and wait for your body left outside to wake up from the madness, and then pay me."

  "I will tell you in advance the type of wishes I need, and you can accumulate them little by little until you can create the corresponding 'miracle'."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 618 Antigonus

  After a pause, Renekton looked at Zaratul whose face was gradually becoming solemn and added:

  "In order to ensure that you will not break your promise, we need an insurance, a strong binding oath."

  "It sounds like I have no room to refuse." Zaratul sighed lightly, and then asked: "What did you promise to the night? Or, what did you pay?"

  "A drop of water from the 'Eternal Darkness'." Renekton responded truthfully.

  Zaratul's expression remained unchanged, and his tone did not fluctuate as he continued to ask:

  "There are more than one 'Miracle Master' in existence. Why did you pay such a high price to find me?"

  "The wish I need is a bit troublesome. It would be better to get the help of the 'Secret Servant'." Renekton still answered Zaratul's question truthfully.

  After a moment of silence, Zaratul sighed lightly: "I have no questions. What kind of oath do you need as a constraint for both parties?"

  Renekton smiled and responded calmly: "It's very simple, a witness with absolute binding force."

  "Who?" Zaratul asked doubtfully.

  Renekton chuckled and said, "The one who best represents knowledge."

  Zaratul's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes, as dark as the lightless water, shook slightly, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes as he looked at Renekton.

  After two seconds of silence, he said in a serious tone, "The witness can only be the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom'."

  "Okay." Renekton chuckled and nodded. Zaratul's reaction was completely within his expectations.

  While speaking, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed a long-prepared yellow-brown parchment scroll from the void in front of him. On it was a pattern composed of an open book and an all-seeing eye, the holy emblem of knowledge and wisdom!

  This was a contract blessed by the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom', witnessed by Him personally!

  "It just so happens that I am quite familiar with Him."

  While speaking, Renekton handed the parchment scroll in his hand to Zaratul opposite him.

  Zaratul looked at Renekton deeply, then took the gray-brown parchment scroll. His eyes were full of restrained emotions, making it hard to tell what he was thinking.

  "I see the shadow of a mischievous guy in you."

  With a low sigh, Zaratul reached out and took out a round-bellied fountain pen from the historical pores, wrote his name on the scroll, and then handed the parchment scroll and the fountain pen to Renekton.

  As Renekton signed his name, the gray-brown parchment instantly became illusory, decomposing into brass-colored glimmers that penetrated into the bodies of Renekton and Zaratul, and imprinted deep into their spirits.

  Suppressing the faint thought in his heart that he wanted to fulfill the other person's wish right now, Zaratul looked at Renekton with an indifferent expression and said,

  "How do you plan to take my historical projection out of here?"

  "I will temporarily open the connection between this secret world and reality, and you just need to return to the historical pores."

  Renekton said as he walked towards the dark blue stone wall behind the church.

  During this process, his body gradually became ethereal, as if it had become something that did not exist at all, and his movements quickly became relaxed.

  After a brief interruption, the church's control over his spiritual body line returned to its original state.

  Feeling the not-so-serious paralysis and sluggishness on his body, Renekton chuckled and approached the double-leaf door embedded in the stone wall.

  He pressed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove on the cold stone door, and a deep blue and purple brilliance flowed in his eyes. Silently, a series of dim, unclear, and colorless dim lights burst out from his hands and quickly covered the entire door.

  The information of this closed door was quickly analyzed and modified by him. He used the information to complete the missing parts of the door, skipped the necessary steps, and opened the door with a not-so-obvious gap.

  The next second, his body instantly became illusory, decomposed into a stream of complex knowledge, and turned into a pure information flow creature. He directly passed through the stone door carved from the blue-black boulder and came to the palace where Antigonus, the main peak of the Hornachis Mountains, was sleeping.

  With his departure, the historical projection of Zarathu sitting on the stone chair also took the opportunity of this secret world to re-establish contact with reality and left here, returning to the historical pores. His consciousness, which was forced to stay in this historical projection, was finally able to return to the body.

  In the palace on the main peak of the Hornachis Mountains, Antigonus leaned against a high-backed chair carved from bronze, his eyes closed, but from time to time he would show a painful expression, as if he was trapped in a nightmare that was difficult to wake up from.

  On his face was a translucent mask engraved with the symbol of the Fool. Under the mask were transparent worms wriggling continuously, appearing quite evil and twisted.   

  The long hair on his head was half white, half hidden and half visible, giving people a contradictory feeling of being both old and young, both rational and crazy.

  Under the classical and gorgeous clothes, translucent white tentacles stretched out and flapped around randomly, as if they had sensed that an outsider had invaded their territory.

  Renekton calmly looked at the "Fool" Path Angel King who had fallen into madness, and the deep lavender in his eyes surged, quickly outlining one symbol after another.

  Around him, one star after another emerged, densely packed and dazzling.

  These stars seemed to be an extension of Renekton's eyes, allowing him to see more details, observe Antigonus's state from different angles, and analyze the knowledge of occultism from him.


  Stimulated by Renekton's gaze, Antigonus made a meaningless murmur, which seemed to come from every spiritual insect, layer upon layer, with strong pollution.

  Under his body, translucent white tentacles flapped randomly in the palace, shattering the stars they touched.

  "I didn't sleep well enough."

  With a low sigh, Renekton raised his right hand, and more and more stars appeared around him, casting one after another brilliant light, turning the palace into a dazzling sea of ​​stars. As

  the starlight wandered, the palace quickly became quiet. The tentacles that spread from Antigonus gradually lost their vitality, became tired, and sank into a deep sleep again.

  Renekton flashed and appeared in front of Antigonus. His figure was somewhat transparent and vague, as if he did not exist. The tentacles formed by countless spirit insects passed through his body without hindrance.

  A drop of transparent and lightless liquid dripped from Renekton's outstretched right hand, penetrated the translucent mask, fell on Antigonus' forehead, and soaked into his body.

  The wriggling tentacles on Antigonus' body suddenly stopped, and the translucent worms under the exposed skin also became quiet. Each spiritual worm fell into deathly silence and fell into the deepest sleep.

  In the twinkling starlight, eyes grew from nothingness, and each eye flashed a lavender fluorescence, appearing extremely sacred and extremely cold.

  The figure of Antigonus reflected in these eyes lost its human form and turned into a deep and dark vortex of worms with countless slippery tentacles. The

  mysterious patterns intertwined on the bodies of those worms were reflected and extracted bit by bit. The breath of history, time, fate, change and secrecy spread around, gradually distorting time and space, and evolving an incomplete "mysterious realm" around.

  As he analyzed the mystical information contained in Antigonus, Renekton gradually felt an extremely weak but stable consciousness. He tried to take root deeply in Antigonus and awaken little by little in his flesh and soul.

  Influenced by the Goddess of Night, Antigonus fell into a deep sleep, and the consciousness that revived in him was also forced to fall asleep, interrupting the revivification process.

  The degree of the consciousness of the Supreme in Antigonus was higher than I expected. When Klein took in the characteristics and uniqueness of the Sequence 1 in him, plus the curtain of the God-Forsaken Land, even without the influence of Amon, he would inevitably fall into a deep sleep and fall into a confrontation with the Supreme, but the degree would be different. As

  his thoughts floated, Renekton bent down and picked up the Fool card at Antigonus' feet.

  The front of the card showed an image of Roselle dressed as a traveler. He was wearing exaggerated and brightly colored clothes, holding a white rose in his left hand, a cane with a bundle tied to it in his right hand, and a puppy following him.

  In the upper left corner of the card, there was a line of small words written in ancient Fessac: Sequence 0: Fool.

  After putting away the Fool card, Renekton turned and walked out of the palace. Without his support, the starlight around him quickly faded, and the incomplete mysterious realm formed by the interweaving of various auras also faded away.

  Around the bronze-carved high-back chair at the top of the hall, the tentacles extending from under Antigonus's clothes began to sway again, swaying without rhythm, as if uttering meaningless sleep talk.

  As the incomplete mysterious realm completely disappeared, Renekton's body instantly became virtual, decomposing into a stream of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature, penetrating the walls and gates of the palace, and surging away towards the distant sky.

  Above the gray fog, Klein looked at the Fool card placed on the table, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

  After two seconds of silence, he asked faintly, "Did you go to the Honachis Mountains?"

  His voice was transmitted to Renekton's ears through the twinkling crimson stars. The latter responded in a flat tone,

  "I made a deal with Zaratul who was imprisoned there."

  Making a deal with Zaratul. Klein's pupils shrank and expanded, and he asked in astonishment,

  "You won't let Him out, will you?"

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 619 Encounter

  Renekton did not directly answer Klein's words, but instead said:

  "If you want to become a 'Servant of Mysteries', the Sequence One characteristic of Zaratul is the safest."

  Klein was stunned for a moment, and hesitated and said: "Other extraordinary characteristics are not safe?"

  "At least he is not crazy. After all, it is a characteristic that has been repeatedly contained by others. The mental imprint in it has become mottled. Containing it will have much less impact on oneself."

  Renekton responded with a chuckle, paused, and continued:

  "I have analyzed a lot of mystical knowledge from Antigonus, and it takes some time to digest. If you encounter any problems, please don't look for me."

  As soon as the words fell, the crimson light that rose in the ancient palace quickly retracted, and the crimson star representing Renekton no longer flickered.

  Klein looked at the silent crimson star and muttered to himself,

  "He can cut off the connection unilaterally. He seems to have a deeper understanding of this area."

  "I always have a bad feeling. Will I encounter something bad recently? He asked me not to look for him. Can I solve it myself, or will there be some additional developments?"

  After a moment of silence, Klein took the Fool card on the bronze table in front of him, infused it with spirituality, and revealed the contents inside:

  "Sequence Three: Ancient Scholars;

  Main Materials: A pair of eyes of the Fulgrim Hound, a flocculent heart of the Mist Wolf.

  Auxiliary Materials: 100 ml of Fulgrim Hound's blood + 30 grams of white frost crystals of the Mist Wolf + a large number of real ancient historical records.

  Ritual: Completely detached from reality for at least three hundred years, take the potion after you have become history and no longer belong to the current era."

  The description of the "Ancient Scholar" promotion ceremony made Klein frown subconsciously. This is too coincidental. No, in the world of mysticism, there is no absolute coincidence. So, was this arranged by the former owner of the "Source Castle" from the beginning, a back-up plan for his own resurrection?

  As his thoughts floated, Klein suddenly felt that his promotion sequence was not entirely due to his various experiences, but also due to the push of fate.

  Just like Angerwede was able to leave murals in the "City of Miracles" Levisideri, allowing the story to be staged thousands of years later, the former owner of the "Source Castle" might have similar means to manipulate fate.

  However, there must be something wrong with the arrangement left by the previous owner of "Source Castle". Neither the goddess nor Roselle chose these three paths, including the "Fortune Teller". If it wasn't for that page of Roselle's diary, I might have chosen the path diary where the goddess was. The diary page happened to appear at that time. Was it a coincidence of fate, or the arrangement of the goddess, or something else?

  Thoughts kept floating in his mind, and finally turned into a long sigh. Klein quickly gathered his thoughts and his eyes fell on the Fool card in his hand again:

  "I don't know how many years I was hanging in this gray fog three hundred years ago. This ritual is not difficult for me at all. As long as I digest the magic potion of the 'Weird Mage' in my body, I can continue to advance at any time."

  He muttered to himself and looked down:

  "Sequence Two: Miracle Worker

  Sequence One: Mystic Servant

  Sequence 0: Fool, ritual requirements: fool time, history or fate once."

  "It's a bit abstract. What does it mean to fool time, history or fate? Does stealing other people's fate like Amon did?"

  "It shouldn't count, at least ordinary 'stealing' doesn't count. To reach the point of fooling fate, the one stolen must be at least a Sequence One angel, or even the fate of a person of the status of the Angel King, and by doing so, he must have fooled and deceived many people."

  Deep in the spiritual world, Renekton, who was roaming quickly in the form of information, suddenly caught a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure.

  After hesitating for a moment, he separated some information from the information torrent and put it into the real world corresponding to this spiritual world, the Upper Hornachis Province of Intis.

  In a small town near the Hornachis Mountains and the sea, Medici, wearing a dark red long windbreaker that looked like it was splattered with blood and flamboyant red hair, looked leisurely at the shadow in front of him with a happy arc at the corner of his mouth.

  In the shadow he saw, a light that was difficult to observe with the naked eye fell from the spiritual world, reconstructing a somewhat illusory body of Renekton with complex and pure knowledge.

  "Hey~" Medici sneered. On both sides of his cheeks, there was a scar from the corner of his mouth to the base of his ear, with illusory fangs and scarlet tongues growing out of it, like two lips torn out from the inside of the body, repeating Medici's words in unison:

  "Interesting, you 'sages' can also create clones by differentiating your own information?"

  "But aren't you being too careful? This is just a border town in Intis, not a place like Trier. Steam won't cast its sights on you for no reason."

  Renekton used the clone differentiated from the information stripped from himself to look at Medici expressionlessly, and said in a flat tone:

  "You are here, so it's not for no reason."

  Medici sneered, and didn't continue the topic. He turned to look in the direction of the Honachis Mountains and said:

  "You shouldn't come here for no reason. Did you go to Antigonus?"

  "I noticed just now that some unusual aura is spreading."

  Renekton glanced at Medici and said in a flat tone:

  "There is darkness covering the place. How can you, a 'conqueror' who is neither omniscient nor omnipotent, notice any unusual aura?"

  Medici chuckled, curled the corners of his lips, and said with a somewhat amused tone,

  "I am indeed not omniscient, but your answer and attitude make me sure that you have indeed been to the main peak of the Honachis Mountains just now."   

  "So?" Renekton asked.

  Medici took two steps forward, leaning against the gas lamp pole, and said in a leisurely manner:

  "I suddenly remembered that I left in a hurry last time. You may have something to say to me. Why not tell me now?"

  "If you are sincere enough, it is not impossible for us to cooperate for a short period of time."

  "Hehe, the once most powerful 'conspirator' suddenly found that he could not find a reliable ally and could only turn back to choose the option he had given up before?"

  Renekton sneered and mocked Medici. After a two-second pause, he continued:

  "Somewhere under Trier, there is an out-of-control 'conqueror'." The

  lip on Medici's right cheek said first:

  "Is Trier a descendant of the Sauron family?"

  "Out of control? Haha, Sauron, your descendants are as useless as you."

  The mouth on Medici's left cheek laughed and mocked.

  "Shut up." Medici lowered his voice and shouted. Relying on his own strength, he temporarily stopped Soran and Einhorn from speaking. The two lips on his cheeks turned back into two deep scars.

  He then looked at Renekton and chuckled,

  "Excuse me, this isn't what you wanted to talk to me about last time, is it?"

  "Allies and short-term partners are different, aren't they?"

  Renekton responded with a chuckle. As soon as he finished speaking, his somewhat illusory body immediately disintegrated into pure information streams, surging towards the location of his original body in the depths of the spirit world.

  Medici looked at the place where Renekton disappeared, his expression gradually became serious, and there was no emotion in his red eyes, as if he was thinking seriously.

  A moment later, the lips formed by the consciousness of the ancestors of the Soran family on his right cheek reappeared, and said in a low voice:

  "Such an obvious conspiracy, do you really believe him?"

  Then the consciousness of Einhorn on his left cheek also spoke:

  "It's a poor plan. He wants us to help him attract the attention of 'Steam' and 'Eternal Sun', and then take the opportunity to complete his own goals."

  Medici pulled the corner of his mouth and pondered:

  "At least he didn't lie, right? Besides, no matter what is under Trier, we must get back the trait of 'Conqueror'."

  "You are so worried about gains and losses all day long. I really doubt how you two were promoted to Sequence One. Did you jump from the 'Witch' path?"

  As if angered, Soran's consciousness became fierce:

  "Stupid Medici, you have already paid the price for your arrogance once, and you are going to be killed a second time in the same trap?"

  "If we die again, we won't even have the chance to become evil spirits."

  "You've died once, and you're still so easily provoked."

  With a sneer, Medici suddenly leaned forward, his body ignited inch by inch, turning into a red-purple flame, and then condensed into a spear, shooting towards the sky.

  In the spirit world, streams of information without substantial form swept from a distance and sank into Renekton's body.

  He closed his eyes, feeling the extra information in his mind, and quickly finished interpreting it:

  "It seems that Soran and Einhorn's influence on Medici is greater than I thought. Not only do they need the three consciousnesses to reach a unity before they can act, but even their thinking patterns have changed."

  "It can be confirmed that there is the breath of the 'City of Disaster' on him, but it is not very strong, and it is relatively hidden, and it is difficult to be discovered under normal circumstances."

  "Perhaps they themselves have not noticed that their thinking patterns and personalities have changed unconsciously."

  "The recycling characteristics and authority are derived from the obsession of the 'City of Disaster'. They will soon reach a unity and go to Trier. At that time, I only need to amplify the influence of the 'City of Disaster' on him, and Trier will easily become chaotic and cause disasters. In this way, I can easily take away the characteristics of the 'Knowledge Emperor'."

  After thinking for a moment, he gathered his thoughts and used the power of "secret" to erase the information generated by the interaction with the spirit world just now, and then turned into a stream of pure and complex information, surging away in the distance.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 620 A New Week

  In the Knowledge Church on the north bank of the Pas River Valley in the southern continent, Luca Brewster, who had successfully been promoted to "Dream Weaver", returned to his post.

  He was wearing a plain white robe inlaid with brass threads, his gray hair was neatly groomed, and his eyes were gray-green with a hint of light gold, very bright, like a calm lake, and could easily see through people's hearts.

  In front of the desk in the bishop's lounge, Renekton stood up from his chair enthusiastically and congratulated Luca Brewster:

  "Congratulations, Mr. 'Dream Weaver'."

  Luca Brewster smiled and nodded, with a hint of helplessness flashing in his gray-green eyes, and said:

  "Although I can see that you are more happy that you don't have to deal with church affairs, I still thank you for your blessing."

  "This 'Dream Weaver' feature does not contain the pre-sequence, which makes the extraordinary abilities I already have not changed much, and I don't have to worry about adapting to potions."

  After pausing for two seconds, Luca Brewster walked to the stained glass window of the lounge, looked at the sunny sky outside, and pondered:

  "Although the promotion went smoothly, I still saw some images during the promotion process, some images that I had never seen before. It was difficult for me to understand the meaning of those images for a while. It seemed to be related to some existence before the Cataclysm."

  Some images before the Cataclysm were seen during the promotion. The real Creator is sleeping deep in the spiritual world here, and He has recovered the characteristics of the 'Dreamer' path. Some of His memories and thoughts have been scattered and captured by Bishop Luca who happened to be in the state of promotion?

  As his thoughts drifted, Renekton asked curiously, "What kind of picture was it?"

  Luca Brewster briefly fell into recollection, then slowly exhaled and described in a calm tone:

  "The pictures in the dream were not continuous, the colors were strong, the lines were abstract, and they looked more like magnificent murals painted on the wall."

  "In the center, occupying most of the space, there was a towering mountain surrounded by pure white light, like holy light falling from the sky. Around the mountain, there were gray-white steps that went up to the top, where a huge cross stood. The light on the left and right was emitted from this huge cross."

  "Around the mountain, there were many angels with wings on their backs. In the distance, a dragon with shackles on its back roared on the ground. A giant struggled in the bondage of chains and boulders. On the dark sea, tentacles with bird feathers were spreading. In the shadow of the mural, in the darkness, hideous, malicious eyes were staring at the mountain surrounded by the light of the angels."

  "These are all the images. It's closer to a dream with a revelatory meaning, but it's obviously different."

  Renekton listened in silence, frowned slightly, and then quickly relaxed. He pointed to the documents piled on the desk, chuckled and said:

  "As a 'Dream Weaver', you should be better than me at interpreting the content of the pictures,

  so I won't interpret it in detail." "As for the reason why you saw those pictures when you were promoted, you will know after you finish processing these documents."

  Luca Brewster was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "It seems that a lot of things have happened in the Pas Valley during this period."

  Renekton nodded calmly:

  "Indeed, Mesanyes has been preparing to bring Uttar Pradesh under his rule recently, and he has come to you several times."

  "It seems that my promotion to 'Dream Weaver' is a wise choice. The affairs here have made me doubt whether one clone can handle it."

  Luca Brewster sighed, and in front of him, an illusory and transparent figure slowly emerged, as if looking in a mirror.

  The figure that emerged from thin air quickly became clear. He was wearing a robe of a priest of the Church of Knowledge with books and eye patterns woven on it. His eyes were gray-green and his face was exactly the same as Luca Brewster's, but he looked younger. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face. Compared with the bishop of the church, his temperament was more like a wise man who had settled in knowledge.

  "Fortunately, I have the extra 'scholar' characteristics. This identity can quickly handle the accumulated affairs during this period."

  Luca Brewster chuckled and sighed, then nodded slightly to the identity he separated from, saying:

  "I'll trouble you with the accumulated affairs of the church. I'll go see Mesanyes."

  After waiting for his clone's response, Luca Brewster nodded slightly to Renekton again, said goodbye, turned around and walked back. The layers of light and shadow floating around him quickly submerged his figure and disappeared in the room. The

  "consciousness walk" at the level of "Dream Weaver" can allow the physical body to enter the collective subconscious sea and swim.

  Looking at Luca Brewster who had already started flipping through the pile of documents on his desk, Renekton touched his nose awkwardly. He had only been dealing with church affairs for the past two days since he replaced him.

  After saying goodbye to him, he left the church and found a quiet place to wait for the Tarot Club this week.

  It was three o'clock in the afternoon. Renekton, who was discussing with Russell about the feasibility of improving the second-generation differential engine into a computer, suddenly stopped.   

  Ignoring Roselle's curious eyes, green vines fell from the surroundings, quickly covering his body and weaving a space isolated from reality.

  "You have a bad habit of running away halfway through your conversation."

  Roselle looked at the empty space opposite and complained in a low voice, then stood up and left the room.

  Above the gray fog, in the ancient palace, crimson lights rose up and quickly condensed into blurry figures on both sides of the mottled long table. After

  a brief observation of the surroundings and confirming that no new members had joined this week, "Justice" Audrey immediately stood up and saluted at the top of the mottled long table:

  "Good afternoon, Mr. 'Fool'~"

  During this process, "Justice" Audrey suddenly noticed that there was another upside-down card on the table in front of Mr. "Fool".

  Is there another new blasphemous card? Isn't this efficiency too high? While sighing in her heart, Audrey also began to guess which path this new blasphemous card represents.

  Following the lead of Audrey the Justice, everyone stood up and saluted, then nodded to each other and sat down.

  Afterwards, most people at the Tarot Club looked at Cattleya the Hermit, as if they were a little curious about whether she would provide the diary of Emperor Roselle today.

  Ignoring the curious looks around, Cattleya turned to the top of the mottled long table, lowered her head and said,

  "Dear Mr. Fool, I still haven't collected the diary of Roselle this week."

  Sure enough, it seems that I can't get the diary from Bernadette in the future. No, the diary is no longer important to me. If I have any questions, I can ask Emperor Roselle in person. There have been so many things happening recently that I forgot to mention this matter.

  As his thoughts drifted, Klein leaned back in his chair and said calmly,

  "It's okay. You don't need to collect diaries anymore. I already have the information you need."

  After a pause, he added,

  "You can still get some knowledge or help from me, but the reward is no longer a diary. It can be anything else, such as some secret but true information, some items with magical effects

  ." This... Mr. Fool doesn't need to collect Roselle's diary. What news did he get from the diary? But no one submitted a diary last week? Was it provided by Mr. Fool's followers or some forces directly under him? Thinking of this, Audrey "Justice" subconsciously turned her head to look at the "world" at the bottom of the mottled long table. The

  same action was taken by the Tarot Club members "Hermit", "Hanged Man", and "Chariot".

  Derrick "Sun" was at the top of the mottled long table with some curiosity. He was very interested in the news that Mr. Fool got from Roselle's diary. He didn't know what kind of news it was that needed to be hidden in a diary that no one could understand, and Mr. Fool needed to collect it personally.

  As thoughts flashed through his mind, Derrick saluted the figure at the top of the mottled long table and said,

  "As you wish!"

  The rest of the Tarot Club members quickly came to their senses and followed "Sun" Derrick in saluting, saying,

  "As you wish!"

  "The Fool" Klein leaned back on his chair and nodded gently, saying, "You can start." As

  soon as he finished speaking, he seamlessly manipulated his trumpet "World" and raised his hand to say,

  "Everyone, I have some magical items to sell."

  Some? Klein's family background is quite rich. Yes, he hunted many pirates and pirate generals during his time as Gehrman Sparrow. As thoughts flashed through his mind, Leonard looked at the "World" at the bottom of the mottled long table with interest, hoping that there would be some magical items that could meet his needs.

  With the introduction of "World" Gehrman Sparrow, the few magical items he sold were quickly bought by "Justice" and "The Hanged Man".

  The transaction was over quickly. After looking around, Emlyn the Moon spoke first:

  "Everyone, I have met the great man of our blood clan. He thinks highly of me and gave me some tests. If I pass the tests, I will cooperate with the blood clan's allies as the spokesperson of the three archdukes." Blood clan's

  allies, this guy is going to be thrown to the South Continent? As a place where believers of the "Original Moon" gather, blood clans are indeed more likely to be promoted in the South Continent, but they may also become extraordinary materials and help others to be promoted.

  As his thoughts floated, Renekton nodded gently to Emlyn and said:


  (End of this chapter)