

  Chapter 611 Shocking Information

  In fact, I prefer code names like "Justice" and "Wheel of Fortune". As his thoughts floated, Leonard focused on the members who introduced themselves in a certain order, and evaluated them one by one in his mind.

  The identities are very complicated. There are noble ladies, sailors or crew members, adventurers, arrogant people, and lazy people.

  Leonard was still thinking about it, and he saw the "Hermit" lady sitting in front of him made a move. She faced the direction of the top of the bronze long table and saluted:

  "Respected Mr. 'Fool', I still haven't collected the Roselle diary this time."

  It's normal. It's estimated that there will be no more in the future. It's not right that Emperor Roselle has half a leg sticking out of the grave. Maybe Bernadette will need a translator. After all, it's impossible for the emperor to read the diary to her himself.

  As his thoughts raced, Klein leaned back in his chair and said calmly,

  "This is normal. She has achieved her goal."

  "Hermit" Cattleya was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses. She wanted to ask more questions, but couldn't say it out loud, so she could only sit back in her seat.Has the queen achieved her goal? She found the clues left by Emperor Roselle? Or has she confirmed the information? When?

  Who is she? Leonard, the "star", who was attending the Tarot Club for the first time and was a little confused about the relationships between the characters, was thinking in a daze.

  Without making any further response, Klein said leisurely:

  "You guys start."

  Reminded by Klein the Fool, Anderson raised his hand first, looked around and said:

  "Who among you has the potion formula for the Iron Knight?"

  Klein glanced at the red priest card that he had turned upside down on the table, and then manipulated the World to speak in a low voice:

  "I have it, twenty thousand pounds."

  "So cheap?"

  It can't be fake, or incomplete, right? Anderson doubted it in his heart, but didn't say the rest.

  The World looked at Anderson gloomily, and said in a tone without much fluctuation:

  "It's a reward for your previous help."

  Anderson's eyes lit up, and he nodded without hesitation:

  "Okay, I need some time to raise funds, um, this week, I will find you to trade this week."

  It feels good to get two rewards for one job, but it seems that it doesn't quite meet my moral standards. Forget it, moral standards can be flexible, and at worst I can give the World more money when the time comes.

  After making up his mind, Anderson calmed down, and the Tarot Club fell into silence for a short time.

  With Anderson's demonstration, Leonard followed suit and raised his right hand, then opened his mouth to express his needs:

  "I need a magical item."

  "What type?" "Justice" Audrey responded in time to avoid awkward situations caused by a cold atmosphere.

  "I don't know."

  After a pause, Leonard, who felt that his answer was a bit silly, hurriedly added:

  "I mean that the type is not limited, it is best to have a strong attack power, and it is best to use a more concealed one. It doesn't matter if the side effects are a little bigger."

  Anyway, I can let the old man steal the negative effects on me directly. As long as it is not a negative effect like instant death, it will not affect me too much.

  "Justice", "Hanged Man", "Hermit" and other members of the Tarot Club all turned their eyes to the side, and a trace of doubt flashed in their hearts. Not caring about the negative effects, he has a good way to avoid it? Or, know an excellent "craftsman" who can re-forge the magical items?

  This is the grandfather who makes good use of his body. Klein sighed in his heart, then manipulated the "world" and said,

  "I'll help you keep an eye out."

  The other members of the Tarot Club also echoed him. Today's trading session ended just like that, and the Tarot Club members tacitly entered the free exchange session.

  "Chariot" Anderson, who was lazily leaning against the back of his chair, suddenly leaned forward, and his tone was like those boastful pirates in the bar. With body language, he exaggeratedly said,

  "The new religion that believes in the 'True Creator' in the southern continent has received an oracle, pointing to an additional sentence in His honorific name: 'Ruler of the Spiritual World'."

  Ruler of the Spiritual World. This, this sounds like a description of the "audience" path. Did the "True Creator" erode the authority of the adjacent "audience" path?

  As her thoughts diverged, "Justice" Audrey subconsciously turned her head to look at Mr. "Fool" at the top of the mottled long table, thinking about how to ask. This matter involved the sequence path she was in, and people had to pay attention to it.

  Renekton's eyes slid across the faces of the Tarot Club members with different expressions, and he narrated in a calm tone:

  "Adam merged with the 'True Creator' in a self-sacrificing way. Now the 'True Creator' is already a true god of the dual paths."

  Can a person occupy multiple dual paths? No, it should be adjacent paths. "The Hanged Man" Alger was stunned for a second, and soon figured out the key.

  Audrey pursed her lips, looked at Renekton, and asked with some concern:

  "What impact will this have on the 'audience' path? Will it become as dangerous as the 'secret prayer man'?"   

  Renekton slowly shook his head and explained,

  "No, He is already asleep, and with Adam's integration, He can get rid of madness."

  "I understand."

  Audrey nodded gently, then turned her head again to look at Mr. Fool at the top of the mottled long table, and organized her words to say,

  "Mr. Fool, why can Adam merge with the 'True Creator'? Wouldn't this cause him to become schizophrenic or even out of control?"

  Klein, the Fool, whose figure was shrouded in thick gray fog, smiled leisurely,

  "Others would, but He wouldn't. They have always been one person."

  One person! Adam and the True Creator are one person!

  The words of Mr. Fool kept echoing in the hearts of the Tarot Club members except Renekton, and their emotions were agitated to varying degrees, as if they had heard an incredible secret.

  "The Hermit" Cattleya tilted her head slightly and glanced at Renekton. She thought of what Renekton said when he introduced the president of the Psychological Alchemist Society. Then she looked at the top of the mottled long table as if to verify, and said hesitantly:

  "Adam is an identity separated from the 'audience' channel, just like the many identities possessed by the president of the Psychological Alchemist Society."

  Under the gray fog, Klein nodded slightly and said leisurely:

  "Adam failed in his pursuit of the last characteristic of becoming a 'dreamer', so He chose another extreme."

  "Help the 'True Creator' escape from the God-forsaken Land and sacrifice himself to completely merge with the other party."

  "Won't the Seven Gods stop it?"

  "Star" Leonard asked subconsciously.

  "They failed." Klein the Fool said calmly, and after a pause, he added,

  "Adam had already prepared the stage and written the script."

  Anderson smacked his lips and said with a sigh,

  "The sky at that time was like a weak, trampled-on white paper. Sometimes it was starry, sometimes it was dusk, and sometimes it was sunny."

  This description gave Mr. Chariot a feeling that his true nature was gradually being exposed after he got used to the Tarot Club. Audrey, the Justice, turned her head to glance at Anderson, who was still describing what she saw at the time, and her repressed thoughts gradually became active.

  "Stars" Leonard leaned back and slightly against the back of the chair, recalling the scene he saw at that time and the subsequent description of Pales to him. He added in a calm tone after Anderson:

  "The black fog originated from the 'Dark Side of the Universe', and the starlight is probably related to the 'Hidden Sage'. This evil god is quite active in the southern continent, and His condition seems to be getting better."

  "That dusk originated from the 'God of War'. It was a manifestation of the battle between Him and one of the Seven Gods in the astral realm. The thunder and sunlight behind it came from the 'Lord of Storms' and the 'Eternal Sun'. According to the information I have learned, one of the 'Lord of Storms' or the 'Eternal Sun' has personally descended into reality."

  "It sounds like you were there."

  "The Hanged Man" Alger looked at Leonard with a heavy gaze, and there seemed to be surging waves in his blue eyes.

  Leonard chuckled and shook his head,

  "Not really. The phenomenon in the sky was huge, almost covering the entire Uttar Pradesh. As long as you were nearby, you could see it."

  "Justice" Audrey leaned forward slightly, clasped her hands on the edge of the table, listening with great interest. To be able to know so many details, the source of Mr. "Star"'s information was not simple. Either his status in the Orthodox Church was high enough, or he knew some real big shot and learned all this from the other party.

  If you think about it in a rounded way, I am also a person who has participated in the script written by Adam together with many true gods and evil gods. Klein, who was shrouded in gray fog, sighed for his own amusement, and then manipulated the "world" and said:

  "After leaving here, do not say or write Adam's name, including His title, or any description that can point to Him. He has the characteristic of 'whatever is said, must be known'. The more you know about Him, the more He knows about you."

  After a pause of one second, he added:

  "Including the 'True Creator', any description pointing to both of them will be perceived by Him who has returned to completeness."

  With the support of the true God, this characteristic of "whatever is said, must be known" should be more comprehensive and terrifying than before Adam. Leonard made some guesses in his mind. Unconsciously, he thought of the church's ambiguous attitude towards the southern continent, and the "God of War" who seemed to have helped the "True Creator" at that time. A bold idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

  Leonard turned his head and looked at the "world" at the bottom, and directly expressed his guess:

  "Perhaps, when that person wakes up, he will become the eighth true god in this world."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 612 Cooperation of the Blood Clan

  "The World" Gehrman Sparrow looked back at Leonard with a gloomy face, and said in a flat tone:


  But the probability is not high. The contradictions between the "True Creator" and the three gods, "Lord of Storms", "Eternal Sun", and "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", are irreconcilable. Perhaps the gods will be divided into camps and confront each other in the future.

  With the respective narrations of "The World", "Star", and "Chariot", the Tarot Club members basically knew what had happened in the southern continent recently, and everyone fell into silence for a while.

  Until "Moon" Emlyn spoke up to break the silence:

  "Everyone, a big man in the clan is about to arrive in Backlund recently, and he asked to see me. How should I deal with him?"

  He? A blood angel? The blood angels known for their long life are likely to be a person who survived from ancient times.

  "The Hanged Man" Alger thought for a while, then spoke carefully:

  "This is both a test and an observation. Just behave as usual. There may be some tests and tasks for you later."

  "This test may involve testing the forces behind you. You cannot complete it alone. You must rely on the power of our Tarot Club."

  "The Moon" Emlyn was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

  Regarding the direction and content of the possible test of the vampires, everyone had a brief exchange for a while, until "The Fool" Klein reminded the party to end. After everyone stood up and saluted, a series of deep red lights rose up, submerging everyone's figures.

  On the south bank of the Paz River Valley, in the Innis family's hotel reserved by the Church of the Night, Leonard stood up from the chair in front of the desk and stretched his body a little.

  In his mind, the slightly old voice of Pales echoed:

  "Your spirit just left your body and went to that party?"

  "That's right." Leonard responded, and then murmured to himself: "It turns out that the people who appeared there are only spirits." After a

  pause, he tilted his head and said in a low voice:

  "Old man, can you block the perception of 0-08?"

  Pales sneered, and then said:

  "What do you think? Why do you suddenly care about this? Did you learn about Adam at the party?"

  Hearing Pales mention Adam's name, Leonard was stunned for a moment, and his eyes subconsciously moved left and right, but soon regained his composure. The old man acted so carefree, which meant that he had a way to block the other party's perception. In Leonard's

  mind, Pales snorted and said in a strange tone:

  "It's okay for me to mention His name. He will only think that it is an ordinary person who is saying it, but you can't do that."

  Leonard's expression was stiff on his face, and the words on his lips were neither right nor wrong.

  "You really can't stand being scared. Just say whatever you want to say. I will change the concept and make what you said become the unconscious mumbling of passers-by around you in Adam's eyes."

  Leonard was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said hesitantly:

  "Why didn't you do this when you faced 0-08?"

  "That's your own business, and too many movements will inevitably be noticed by Adam."

  Pallez snorted coldly, his tone sounding a little impatient.

  Leonard was silent for a moment, then he sighed deeply. After calming down, he carefully said,

  "Adam and the real Creator are the same person. They have merged again and are now in a deep sleep. When He wakes up, he will be a normal true God who masters dual paths."

  "Okay, no more talking."

  Pales suddenly interrupted Leonard's narration. Before Leonard could get confused, he continued,

  "It's a good thing He is asleep, otherwise He might have appeared in front of you now."

  "Why? Aren't you already..."

  Leonard was interrupted by Pales before he finished his question,

  "The real Creator is sleeping in the Pas Valley. At such a close distance, my interference is basically useless."

  "Unless there is secret help, don't talk about topics related to Him in the future."

  "Secret?" Leonard muttered to himself. He suddenly thought of the kingdom of God of Mr. Fool above the gray fog. They were quite bold in discussing these topics at the Tarot Club.

  Thinking of this, he lowered his head and asked with curiosity in his tone:

  "Mr. Fool also holds secret authority?"

  "Of course, otherwise Dwayne Dantes' identity issue would not have been hidden from me."

  Pallez's voice quickly faded.

  There was a knock on the door at this time. Leonard walked to the door and reached out to turn the handle.   

  With a creaking sound, Daly appeared at the door in a black robe with a hood. She had her usual blue eyeshadow and blush on her face, and her mental state seemed much better.

  Looking at Leonard who opened the door, Daly chuckled and said,

  "I thought you would leave the church because there are too many secrets. People who are too old are not suitable for such a place."

  Leonard was stunned for a moment, lowered his head, and sighed with mixed emotions:

  "I, I'm used to staying in the church."

  Daly nodded slightly, skipped the topic, and said,

  "'Eye of the Goddess' Ilia has reached a cooperation with the Moss Ascetic Order in the Pas Valley and the Aurora Order that has changed its name."

  "One of their requirements is to obtain the right to publish books, newspapers, and magazines in Loen, and to obtain the promotion of the church. 'Eye of the Goddess' asked me to first understand the types and contents of the books here, and kick out those that are not suitable for dissemination."

  "Does the Storm Church not object?" Leonard asked blankly.

  "So our cooperation in Loen is limited to the Moss Ascetic Order. The Steam Church may have some opinions, but after all, it is not their home ground, so they can only painfully hold back their desire to vent."

  Daly said as she lowered her eyes, making people subconsciously associate her words with other things.

  In the Knowledge Church on the north bank of the Pas River Valley, a stream of pure and complex knowledge quickly gathered and reorganized the figure of Renekton.

  He had just finished today's Tarot Club and was ready to deal with the affairs that had accumulated in the Knowledge Church in the past few days.

  Just as he sat down at the desk full of documents, an illusory and hazy door engraved with many mysterious symbols emerged on the other side of the room.

  A crimson hazy moonlight flew out of the door, shattered in an instant, and quickly reorganized.

  Wearing a long tuxedo, with dark black hair, bright red eyes, and a straight posture, Duke Olmer of the "Full Moon" appeared in the bishop's lounge of the Knowledge Church.

  He looked at Renekton with a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then he said in deep thought:

  "I can't see through you. Your life has changed in essence. It's not a change brought about by divinity, but a deeper change. In essence, you have surpassed angels."

  "Is it the protection from the 'secret' that I didn't see the special nature of your life at the beginning?"

  Isn't the big man Emlyn mentioned the Grand Duke of "Full Moon"? Renekton looked up at the Duke of "Full Moon" Olmer who suddenly appeared in front of him, and a trace of doubt flashed through his mind.

  He did not answer the other party's question, but asked in return:

  "Is this the perception and judgment of life by the 'Creator'?"

  Without waiting for Olmer's answer, he continued to ask:

  "What happened that would allow a vampire archduke to directly break into the church of a righteous God?"

  Olmer raised his hand and made the "Gate of Summoning" behind him disappear. Then he dragged a chair across from the desk and sat down, saying calmly:

  "Ballanca has not returned to the Rose School yet."

  Renekton nodded slightly. He knew this information because Gran, who was responsible for restraining the Rose School angel, had not returned to the Pas Valley. He had paid attention to Gran through the "Hidden Sage", and she had the upper hand in the chase with Balanca.

  Olmer suddenly sighed heavily, and said with a tone of not-so-obvious vicissitudes:

  "The Rose School has mastered an important seal belonging to the blood race, which is evolved from a characteristic of the 'Goddess of Beauty'."

  "I suspect that the 'Mother Tree' they believe in used this characteristic to interfere with the believers of the 'Original Moon' and make them join the Rose School."

  "This characteristic was lost in the Second Epoch. Because of the betrayal of the 'Giant King' Olmir, the ancestor was ambushed by the 'Destruction Wolf' and the 'Alien King'. They successfully assassinated the ancestor at the cost of their own deaths. The characteristics belonging to the three ancient gods were separated and picked up by the subordinate gods present."

  "At that time, the 'God of Spirits' Tolzner took away the characteristic of the 'Goddess of Beauty' before I arrived. He was very cautious, and the blood race failed every time they tried to take back this characteristic."

  With a sigh, Olmer continued:

  "I would like to invite you to cooperate. The Rose School is the biggest cancer in the southern continent for you, and the blood race wants to reclaim the characteristic of the 'Goddess of Beauty'."

  "During the previous Rose School's attack on the Pas Valley, this seal was handed over to Balanca. The 'evil god' Si'a must have been in a bad state after being repelled by Sasriel. The 'Blade of Flesh and Soul' from the 'Fall' realm is particularly restrained against alien species that indulge in desires."

  Renekton supported the edge of the table with both hands, leaned back, leaned against the back of the chair, looked at Olmer, and said in a calm tone:

  "Maybe the 'evil god' Si'a is in a bad state, but the Rose School still has the 'Bound God' and the 'Mother Tree of Desire' that can influence reality from a distance."

  Olmer looked back at Renekton calmly, and said in a firm tone:

  "As far as I know, the 'Hidden Sage' also holds some secret authority."

  "As long as we can pray for the protection of the 'secret', we can quickly kill Balanca before the Rose School reacts."

  After a pause, he continued to add:

  "If I'm not mistaken, you want to promote change in the southern continent, so that the vampires can further cooperate with the Moss Ascetic Order that you represent."

  After two seconds of silence, Renekton chuckled and said, "I don't think I have any reason to refuse."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 613 Balanca

  Deep in the spirit world, huge and pure information flows surged rapidly, rushing out from different directions, chasing and surrounding an ugly rag doll as big as a castle.

  Its body was engraved with countless mysterious patterns, and there were many burnt marks on the huge rag doll wrapped with evil vines. Sticky black liquid kept flowing out of its body, carrying a strong smell of filth and curse.

  At a certain moment, violent winds roared around, and the sound seemed to come from reality, and it seemed to come from illusion.

  The wind sounded with some strong will, like a thick shackle, locking the huge rag doll tightly, making its body, mind and spirit in a state of difficulty in self-control.

  Streams of huge and pure information quickly converged and reconstructed the figure of Ge Lan.

  She looked calmly at the Rose School angel in front of her who was temporarily unable to control herself due to "mind deprivation", and lifted her hands up.

  Green gourd vines hung down around him, forming a tall mountain with seven colors. They pressed down from the top of the giant rag doll, pushing him out of the spirit world and onto a mountainside covered with gravel. The

  seven-colored mountains turned into layers of invisible barriers, trapping him in place, isolating the connection between the spirit world and reality, and preventing this "ancient evil" from leaving here through the spirit world.

  Green vines hung down around him, revealing Renekton and the "full moon" Duke Olmer of the blood clan who had been hiding on the side.

  In the spirit world, after forcing back the angel Balanca of the Rose School's indulgence faction, Gran's figure became illusory again, decomposing into a stream of complex and pure information flows that continued to expand and extend around until the surrounding spirit world area was completely wrapped. With the

  help of the special information creatures, she blocked the floating information in the spirit world, making it impossible for Balanca's information here to be transmitted, and difficult for the "divine evil" of the Rose School to sense and rescue him.

  In the real world, Balanca, who maintained the form of a mythical creature, faced the sky and was pressed to the ground, unable to move.

  Above the giant rag doll, a red moon quietly emerged, and the surrounding spirituality and life grew wildly and uncontrollably. Green leaves grew one after another on the gravel ground, and quickly grew, bloomed, and bore fruit.

  Even the evil vines wrapped around the giant rag doll began to grow new green leaves and roots, constantly going down, drilling through the skin of the rag doll, and taking root in His body. The

  giant rag doll continued to ooze out sticky and evil black liquid, and its body began to shrink abnormally.

  The strong sense of panic made the bright red flowing in the eyes of this "ancient evil creature" shake. He opened his mouth and kept breathing in, trying to blow a dark green wind around him that could kill life.

  Before the cold wind took shape, an invisible and transparent breath fell from the air, directly acting on His mental body and spiritual body.

  It was as if he was struck by lightning, his mind was torn apart, his spirit body seemed to be pierced, and the cold wind that had just gathered dissipated spontaneously.

  In mid-air, Renekton's eyes changed from pale golden vertical pupils back to normal human eyes, and at the same time, a dark red light flowed out.

  He stretched out his right hand wearing a mechanical glove and grasped it downwards. The plants growing and spreading on the huge rag doll body of the "Ancient Evil" instantly became dense, almost burying all the ugly dolls the size of the castle.

  The ice crystals dyed with dark green spread rapidly, freezing the wanton growth of plants, and withering little by little under the infection of the breath of death.

  In the interval of breathing, Barranca opened his mouth full of scarlet fangs and let out an extremely evil scream that pierced the spirit body.

  Renekton and Olmer paused at the same time, their minds suddenly went blank, and they temporarily lost the ability to think.

  Taking advantage of this gap, Balanca quickly recited a passage of honorific names:

  "The son of God who should not have been born, the cage of curse, the evil that erodes history."

  As he recited the honorific name of "God's Evil" S'a, Balanca's eyes, which remained in the form of a mythical creature, flowed blood-red, and the strong curse contained in his body seemed to boil, and it turned into a dark and sticky evil liquid, pouring out of the huge rag doll body.

  The countless mysterious patterns engraved on the surface of the rag doll began to wriggle, and the right hand covered with withered vines suddenly became longer, and an extra section of illusory nails with strange patterns grew on the fingertips, deeply inserted into the invisible heavy barrier. The

  invisible barrier became boiling, covered with sticky black liquid, which continued to spread and erode outward. The layers of invisible heavy barriers were like ice cubes placed in boiling water, melting rapidly.

  As a gap appeared in the barrier, Balanca's huge rag doll body instantly became illusory and transparent, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  The next second, the figure of Barranca, wearing a torn robe with burnt marks, with deep facial features and vicissitudes of life, appeared in Duke Olmer's eyes. The

  dark blue hair on his head had turned completely white, as if he had suddenly gone through hundreds or thousands of years in just two days.

  In Olmer's bright red eyes, Barranca's figure quickly became clear, his body became stiff, and his body and soul felt separated.

  Without waiting for Renekton to help, Olmer dug out his eyes directly, and a thick black mist surged, instantly enveloping his two eyeballs, using the curse to wipe out all of Barranca's senses.   

  The next second, he himself fell into deep darkness, losing his vision, hearing, smell, touch, and even his spiritual intuition.

  The "ancient evil" Baranca, who was also good at cursing, used the connection established between the two sides to spread the curse on Olmer.

  The sound of the sobbing wind sounded again, echoing in reality and shuttling through the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness.

  A "storm" was set off in the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, violently impacting Baranca's consciousness island and mental barrier.

  In Baranca's consciousness island, Renekton's figure quietly emerged, planted the seeds of "contagious madness" here, and then left quietly.

  Outside the mental island, a gray-white dragon loomed in the center of the storm.

  In reality, golden stars emerged one after another around Olmer, emitting a series of blazing and pure light, accompanied by a strong breath of the sun.

  Olmer's body sizzled in the light, and black smoke continued to rise from the surface of his body. His flesh and blood melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  But in a moment, Barranca's translucent body emerged from Olmer's body, and his figure quickly solidified and flew away.


  A thick silver-white lightning bolt fell instantly, turning into countless fine silver-white electric snakes that coiled and leaped around him. The strong paralysis effect made Barranca's body stiff instantly, and he fell forward to the ground under the action of inertia.

  The surrounding shadows surged quickly, turning into dark shackles, wrapping around Barranca from all directions.

  One by one, deep red arrows condensed by moonlight cut through the air and pierced into Barranca's body.

  Barranca's body blurred for a moment, and then turned into a rough doll the size of a palm. His body was imprisoned by chains, pierced by long arrows, and shattered into pieces.

  Barranca's huge rag doll body covered with evil patterns and withered vines emerged from not far away. He looked in the direction of Renekton, his mouth opened, as if he was making a silent scream.

  Silently, the curse infected Renekton's body. His eyes were blank, his body was swollen and hunched, and fine white hair grew on his body, turning him into an ordinary goat. The

  transformation curse lasted for less than a second, and the body of the "goat" instantly became transparent and illusory. Relying on his special status, he directly modified his own information, allowing streams of information to separate from the "goat" and quickly reconstruct Renekton's body.

  Unexpectedly, his transformation curse would fail so quickly, and a look of astonishment appeared on Barranca's huge, ugly rag doll face.

  After a moment of silence, He stretched out a hand and inserted it into his heart, dragging out a ball of light as red as blood. Inside the ball of light, there were countless mysterious symbols floating, like a miniature red moon, extremely beautiful and spiritual. The

  full moon environment summoned by the "Full Moon" Duke Olmer shifted uncontrollably, filled with darkness and weird meanings, constantly invading the spirit world, trying to break the surrounding blockade.

  Olmer looked at the crimson ball of light held in Barranca's hand with fiery eyes. His emotions became excited. His body quickly split into a group of vampire bats between reality and illusion, wrapped in extremely corrosive black mist, and submerged Barranca like a wave.

  In the black wave formed by the vampire bats, the extremely evil and extremely crazy aura spread rapidly. Soon, those vampire bats were infected with madness, or died directly, or mutated, or attacked their own people. The black wave collapsed instantly.

  Barranca's figure was reflected in the eyes of the vampire bats, and he quickly moved his position, making it difficult for Renekton to lock him for a while.

  Suddenly, there was an illusory sound of breaking in his ears. Renekton raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes penetrated the barrier and looked at the spirit world.

  The information torrent covering the surrounding spirit world was torn by a huge black arm full of evil liquid. The evil and crazy aura spread instantly, boiling the surrounding area.

  This influence quickly spread from the spirit world to reality. The crimson moonlight quickly became stagnant, gradually oozing out a layer of sticky black liquid, and breeding all kinds of strange things.

  Balanca quickly broke away from the vampire bat, and a transparent and illusory figure emerged in mid-air.

  The curse and madness that filled the surroundings did not affect Him at all. The transparent and illusory rag doll sneaked into the spirit world like a shadow.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 614: The Evil that Corrodes History

  Around the shadowy rag doll, a series of dim, unclear, colorless lights burst out from the void, as if composed of a large number of illusory things.

  These lights slowly floated around, forming a mottled light curtain that seemed light but gave people an extremely heavy feeling, forcing Barranca back from the spirit world.

  A deep red moonlight gathered and floated, quickly reorganizing Olmer's figure. He stretched out his hands and stretched out a door that was illusory and hazy, engraved with many mysterious symbols.

  A cold wind blew from the other side of the door, as if it could freeze the spirit body and make life move quickly towards death.

  In the sobbing cold wind, slippery tentacles with dead fish eyes stretched out from behind the door, wrapping around Barranca's huge rag doll body from all directions, as if to violently tear Him apart.

  The tentacles that stretched out from the "Gate of Summoning" tightly wrapped around Barranca, and also reflected the huge rag doll figure of Barranca in the eyes that looked like dead fish eyes.

  Barranca's body became stiff little by little, and his dull skin became pale and decayed little by little, with patches of corpse spots growing and oozing out yellowish corpse oil.

  He became more and more like a long-dead corpse, and his vitality quickly faded, as if he was crossing the river of death inch by inch.

  The eyes on the tentacles were bulging and protruding, and the bright red and dense blood vessels were clearly visible, as if they would burst or fall off at any time.

  They were suffering from the pollution and curse of an "ancient evil", dragging each other quickly on the road of death.

  Renekton slightly turned his head to look at the "Gate of Summoning", and a deep color flashed in his eyes. Behind this "Gate of Summoning" seemed to be the underworld, and these tentacles should be part of a powerful underworld creature.

  As his thoughts floated, he pressed the extremely heavy mottled light curtain downwards, pushing Baranca, who was being pulled by the tentacles, towards the "Gate of Summoning".

  Under Olmer's pulling, the crimson moonlight turned into long spikes with flashing strange patterns, piercing Baranca's body from different parts, separating the soul from the flesh, and at the same time sealing most of His characteristics and extraordinary abilities.

  In this state, Baranca's life form began to degenerate uncontrollably, and cracks appeared one after another on the huge rag doll's body. The mysterious patterns engraved on the body and the evil vines entangled around it became blurred and distorted little by little, as if His mythical biological form would collapse at any time.

  This is the "power of creation" mastered by the "creator", which can not only allow all things to grow and new life to come, but also allow the already formed life to return to its original state and return to nature little by little.

  In the spirit world, the "evil god" S'ea got rid of Gran's entanglement. The ugly rag doll with dull skin and squeezed facial features suddenly grew longer hands and stretched out of the spirit world.

  As Sua stretched out his arm, the spirituality around him began to boil and become sticky, as if it had turned into layers of barriers, trying to bind Renekton and Olmer in place and restrict their movements.

  At the same time, a dark and sticky evil liquid continued to seep out of the surrounding void, from which various strange things grew, making the feeling of extreme evil and extreme madness spread rapidly.

  The light curtain formed by the mottled light and shadows dimmed instantly, as if it was eroded by indescribable erosion and cracked inch by inch.

  The mottled light curtain composed of fragments of civilization was easily corroded, which made Renekton stunned for a moment, and he quickly thought of the last sentence in Sua's honorific name.

  Is this the "evil that corrodes history"? It represents the extremely evil and corrosive side of the curse.

  As his thoughts floated, Renekton reached out and dragged out an ancient-style spear from the void, with balls and balls of blood burning from the tip to the handle, bit by bit.

  The spear drew a dark red trace of tearing space in the air, and deeply pierced into the right hand that Suea stretched out from the spiritual world.

  Suea's right hand, which was flowing with dark and sticky liquid, instantly burst into blood-red flames, igniting his spirituality and melting his flesh and blood.

  On the other side, Olmer's body became ethereal, stained with light red, and turned into a hazy moonlight.

  The moonlight instantly shattered, turned into pieces of red scales, dissipated in the original place, and quickly reassembled beside Barranca. The

  crimson moonlight on his right fingernails floated, condensing into an extra section with mysterious symbols and patterns, easily piercing Barranca's body, and took out a deep red crystal ball from his chest.

  The surface of this crystal ball was engraved with many ancient and mysterious patterns, and different arcs could be seen from different angles, like a crimson moon at different times.

  The next second, an arm flowing with dark and sticky, extremely evil liquid grabbed him and Barranca, who was on the verge of collapse.

  Olmer's body quickly became thin, like a paper figure condensed by crimson moonlight, which instantly became dark and cracked under the infection of the curse, and shattered into pieces of dark red light spots.

  Olmer's body then appeared beside Renekton. He stared calmly at the arm that took Barranca back to the spirit world, and asked lightly:

  "You don't seem to plan to kill Barranca?"

  "There is no need. The Rose School does not have a psychologist and is not good at treating psychological problems. An angel with mental problems may play an unexpected role at some point."

  Renekton shook his head slowly, his tone was very calm, and a deep purple flashed in his eyes. He could already vaguely see a future from Barranca.

  Olmer looked at Renekton deeply and sighed:   

  "Who was the dragon that stayed in the spiritual world before? The aura on him is very ancient, which makes me feel familiar. It seems to be an old friend."


  While answering, Renekton slightly turned his eyes and looked at the blood clan archduke who also survived from the Second Age, wanting to see how he would react when he heard this name.

  Olmer suddenly realized, as if he was trapped in a long-lost memory. After a moment, he sighed and said:

  "It turned out to be him. I know this ancient dragon. He is one of the only three ancient dragons left."

  "Unlike the blood clan, the dragons have almost disappeared in the long river of history because of the recovery of power by the 'Ancient Sun God' and the emergence of the magic potion system. Only a few old guys are hiding in the depths of the spiritual world and lingering."

  Renekton nodded, and then sighed in an ambiguous way:

  "Maybe there will be dragons in the future."

  As soon as the voice fell, his body instantly became virtual, decomposing into a stream of complex and pure information, surging into the spiritual world.

  After watching Renekton leave, Olmer looked at the crimson crystal ball in his hand. A flash of joy flashed across his eyes, and then he became puzzled:

  "I didn't expect Him to be active. This doesn't seem to fit the style of the Mind Dragon?"

  "The name of 'True Creator' has been added with the description of 'Ruler of the Mind World'. What kind of secrets are hidden in the God's Descent incident two days ago?" After

  whispering to himself, Olmer stretched out his right hand and pushed open a "Gate of Summoning" that was illusory and hazy, and engraved with many mysterious symbols.

  With the characteristics of the "Gate of Summoning" connecting the real world and the spirit world, it can be used as a traveler's door to a certain extent.

  Deep in the spirit world, dots of starlight floated quickly, casting pieces of light blue starlight around.

  In the starlight, dark smoke continued to seep out of Grant's body, as if it was formed by countless tiny insects, exuding a foul and evil breath, which continued to spread and wriggle in the starlight, and was assimilated and dissolved by the starlight bit by bit.

  Only when the smoke stopped seeping out of her body did Grant let out a long breath, causing the floating starlight around her to disintegrate.

  Her face was slightly pale as she looked at Renekton, who had appeared on the side, and she said with some dissatisfaction:

  "The condition of that 'God' is not right. Even if the 'Alien' path has a strong recovery ability, the arm that was cut off by Sasriel with the 'Blade of Flesh and Soul' should not be restored so quickly. That is a loss at the soul level."

  "And how could He arrive so quickly and curse me while breaking through the blockade?"

  As she spoke, she took off a silver-white glove with a metallic luster on her right hand and put it into a black cloth bag hanging around her waist.

  Renekton pondered and said:

  "He is the son of the 'Bound God'. Isn't it abnormal that he can borrow the power of the 'Bound God' to a certain extent?"

  "I didn't see any signs of him borrowing power."

  Grant shook his head slowly, denying Renekton's guess. After a two-second pause, she added:

  "But I saw some madness and heard some mumbling from him. This is why I was cursed so easily. Those madness and mumbling are a bit strange, cold and crazy, giving me a sense of facing a demon."

  ".Demon?" Renekton murmured in a low voice, his eyes became deep, as if countless information was floating.

  After a moment, he chuckled and said, "Perhaps, the 'Mother Tree' felt the pressure and strengthened his most useful offspring." "

  You mean he got the characteristics of the 'demon'?"

  Grant looked at Renekton, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Even if "demon" and "alien" belong to adjacent paths, accommodating extra characteristics is still a big burden for an angel.

  The next day, in the villa of the Audra family in the west district of Backlund.

  Emlyn came as summoned. The big man of the vampire clan had already arrived in Backlund and specifically asked to see several young vampires, including him.

  He quickly looked around at the vampires in the living room and summarized the information he observed in his mind. This was a habit he developed at the Tarot Club.

  The lowest vampire in this living room was a baron, and he was still a new vampire. The slightly older ones became viscounts like me. We are all the best of the younger generation of vampires, and I am the most outstanding one among them, the one favored by the ancestor!

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 615 The Test of the Blood Clan

  Emlyn slightly raised his chin, thoughts running through his mind. Even if everyone was the blood clan member that the big shot had asked to see, I would definitely be the first one. Just as

  the thought came to his mind, he saw Cassimy push the door open from outside the living room, glance at him and said,

  "Emlyn, the big shot asked you to see Him."

  I said. Emlyn's mouth corners could not help but rise, a trace of joy appeared.

  He took a deep breath, restrained his emotions, and walked to Cassimy's side at a moderate pace, and followed him to the basement of the villa.

  After passing through a gray-black metal door and entering the underground area, he finally couldn't bear his curiosity. He tilted his head slightly and asked in a low voice:

  "Casimi, who is the big shot we are going to meet? What should I call him?"

  Casimi glanced at Emlyn, not caring that he called him by his name. He didn't hide anything and said with a tone full of respect and admiration:

  "Lord Olmer."

  Duke Olmer!

  Emlyn subconsciously straightened his back, trying to make himself look more energetic.

  Every duke is a living legend for the blood clan, a witness and guardian of the blood clan's history and glory.

  Duke Olmer is an ancient strong man who existed before the catastrophe and the first generation of blood clan who followed the ancestor. And I am a blood clan favored by the ancestor and the savior of the blood clan. This must be the arrangement of the ancestor, in order to better fulfill my duties as the savior of the blood clan.

  One thought after another flashed through Emlyn's mind, making his heart beat faster unconsciously, and his mood became uneasy and excited.

  After passing through a series of heavy secret doors, Emlyn, led by Casimir, arrived at an iron-gray hall.

  The walls and the ground here were covered with grass and flowers, making Emlyn think that he was not in the underground, but in the jungle of the suburbs.

  Soon he discovered some subtle oddities and distortions. There were many mouth-like cracks on the grass and flowers, some spitting out plant fibers like spiders, some growing sharp and dense teeth, and some flowing out light green liquid with neurotoxins.

  The insects moving through the grass were all twisted monsters upon closer inspection, as if they were made up of many different species, extremely inconsistent, but full of vigorous vitality.

  Was this an abnormality caused by the influence of Duke Olmer? Does this mean that the blood race has mastered the authority or ability related to life in a certain sequence in the later stage of this path?

  As his thoughts drifted, Kasimir brought him to a grave. Kasimir bowed respectfully to the grave and said,

  "My Lord Duke, Emlyn White is here."

  Emlyn suddenly came to his senses and bowed in the direction of the grave, saying,

  "Good afternoon, Your Lord Duke."

  The light and shadows around him suddenly twisted, changing the environment of the underground hall into a candlelit, magnificent castle.

  A vague figure sat on a high-backed chair at the top of the dark red long table. He laughed in the direction of Kasimir and Emlyn and said,

  "A very outstanding vampire."

  "Kasimir, you leave first."

  "Yes, Your Lord Duke." Kasimir bowed respectfully and left the brand new hall.

  After Casimi left, Olmer, whose figure was blurry, looked at Emlyn and chuckled,

  "Sit down, what were you thinking about when you saw the vibrant environment here just now?"

  Emlyn was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Duke Olmer to ask him this question. He was stunned for a second before he answered,

  "Your Majesty, I was just thinking about whether our blood clan's path will enable us to master life-related abilities or authority in a certain sequence in the later stage."

  "Yes, I know authority." Olmer, whose figure was blurry, nodded slightly, then smiled,

  "The sequence two of our path is called 'Creator'. It masters the 'power of creation' and can make the surrounding life feel the joy of the growth of all things and the arrival of new life."

  "Creator." Emlyn murmured in a low voice, his eyes subconsciously sweeping around. Although he could no longer see the dense grass and the insects flying around because of the illusion, he could still feel the vigorous vitality around him.

  Olmer didn't give Emlyn much time to think. After a short pause, he continued,

  "For a race, it is imperative to train talented young members. You have been promoted to Viscount in such a short time, which is quite remarkable among the younger generation of the entire blood race. So I decided to meet you in person and give you some tests and tasks."

  "Tasks?" Emlyn asked with a little hesitation.

  Olmer nodded slightly and said,

  "The Fifth Epoch is coming to an end. In the foreseeable future, the world will become more and more dangerous, just like the southern continent today. At this time, blindly being conservative and giving in cannot protect every blood race member and our living environment. We need cooperation and allies."   

  "The other two dukes and I have already reached a consensus. We need to consider whether we need to increase investment or find some allies to cooperate with."

  He paused and chuckled, "We need a spokesperson."

  Emlyn's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his bright red eyes seemed to brighten and become hot. He was also a little excited and at a loss. The spokespersons for the three dukes will represent the entire blood clan!

  Olmer smiled, his mellow voice had the power to soothe the soul, and Emlyn's heartbeat gradually calmed down:

  "Before that, we need to give you some tests. Of course, this test is also given to other young and outstanding vampires. I will make a judgment based on your completion."

  This is what the savior of the vampires, the vampires chosen by the ancestor, should do. With his thoughts in a tizzy, Emlyn responded respectfully:

  "I'm always ready."

  "Not bad." Olmer praised, and then continued: "Your next task is to find the members of the Rose School hiding in Backlund. This is not only a test for you, but also the sincerity of our vampires to our partners." "Most members of the Rose School

  are of the 'alien' path and are good at hiding themselves. There are few clues that can be provided by the clan, and many situations require you to investigate on your own."

  "During the mission, you can try to find out the attitudes of those heretics who believe in the 'original moon' towards the Rose School, and find out whether they have any thoughts of leaving the Rose School."

  "The followers of the 'Original Moon'?" Emlyn was somewhat puzzled by this additional task. There was an irreconcilable contradiction between the 'Original Moon' and the 'Mother Tree' that the Rose School believed in. When it came to the followers, it became a split within the organization?

  Olmer saw Emlyn's confusion and explained with a chuckle,

  "We have retrieved the holy object left in the Rose School. Without that object, the 'Mother Tree' will no longer be able to interfere with the 'Moon' path."

  Not knowing what the holy object was, Emlyn nodded solemnly as his thoughts drifted,

  "I understand, Your Excellency the Duke. I will try my best to find members of the Rose School in Backlund."

  "Very good." Olmer's voice became softer, and he nodded gently at Emlyn, saying, "Go to Cassimir later to get some information and find a suitable entry point."

  Emlyn wanted to ask more questions about the allies of the blood clan, but Duke Olmer had no intention of continuing the conversation. After ending the topic, he asked Emlyn to leave the hall.

  After Emlyn left, Olmer leaned against the high-back chair, looked at the place where Emlyn had just sat, and sighed:

  "To be able to be promoted from an ordinary vampire to a viscount in such a short time, he should not be an unknown person in the organization of the 'Fool'. He can indirectly contact the 'Fool' through this little guy."

  "Even the ancient dragons who live in the spiritual world have come out to move. The end of the Fifth Epoch may come faster than I expected."

  On the safe channel of the violent sea near the mid-range island, due to the weather of the violent sea, storms often occur on this channel.

  In the rustling rain and howling wind, a huge three-masted sailing ship covered in pure black crushed the wind and waves and sailed calmly on the sea. There were

  lanterns hanging on both sides of the huge sailing ship, which clearly reflected the nearly 100-meter-long hull. There was no sign on the three huge sails raised high, only darkness, but on the deck where the cabin was prepared, there was a two or three-meter-high mottled stone chair.

  Silently, pieces of brilliant starlight flew out from the void, quickly gathered on the deck, and condensed into a dark blue double door covered with mysterious patterns and symbols.

  Renekton and Russell walked out from behind the door. With their appearance, the door that seemed to be made of pure starlight instantly shattered and turned into bits of stardust, which flickered and disappeared in the dark air.

  The moment the two appeared, they were discovered by the pirates stationed on the deck. Bird Mustang, the second mate of the "Black Emperor", slightly shrank his pupils. He recognized Russell's figure, but he was a little bit unbelieving.

  Taking a deep breath, he took a step forward, and in an instant he covered a long distance and appeared beside Renekton and Roselle. He spoke in a low voice with a strong sense of majesty:

  "You two, what are you doing on board the 'Black Emperor'?"

  Roselle ignored the vigilant and cautious second mate, and paced forward, sighing:

  "So many years have passed, and the 'Black Emperor' is still the same. Nast's taste really hasn't improved at all."

  Renekton looked helplessly at Roselle, who suddenly became pretentious, and said in a calm tone:

  "This is a ghost ship. Except for the 'craftsman', no one else should be able to transform such a ship."

  "Also, why do you have to ask me to accompany you to see Nast? Didn't you see the documents piled up on the desk in the lounge?"

  (End of this chapter)