

  Chapter 606 0-01

  In the library deep in the spirit world, streams of information flowed out from outside, and countless complex and pure knowledge gathered here to reconstruct Renekton's body.

  As soon as he appeared, he threw the gray-white book with many abstract and twisted patterns in his hand to Mr. Huang, who was sitting on a bench and drinking tea leisurely. The

  gray-white book did not fall into Mr. Huang's hands, but turned spontaneously in mid-air and flew to the bookshelf beside it, and was placed together with a pile of blank books without covers and content. In just a moment, those blank books began to have content constantly emerging.

  Putting down the teacup in his hand, Mr. Huang looked at Renekton leisurely and said softly:

  "Are you curious about why I didn't stop Adam after I saw through his plan, and even cooperated with him to perform and deceive the gods?"

  Without waiting for Renekton to answer, he continued to talk to himself:

  "Whether it is the fusion of Adam and the real creator, or the real creator walking out of the God-forsaken Land, this is something that is bound to happen. It doesn't make much difference if it's earlier or later."

  "Compared to Adam, the incarnation of divinity, I hope that the real creator will take the leading position. To return to his integrity, He needs to fight against the extreme emotions he once left behind and the madness accumulated over the years. This will leave Him with less energy to interfere in the affairs of the North and South Continents."

  "'The Sun' also figured this out, so He did not come directly like the impulsive 'Tyrant', but exerted influence in the astral realm."

  "Due to the special authority, even if Adam fails, He can leave calmly. Neither the 'Sun' nor the 'Tyrant' have authority related to the spiritual realm, so it is difficult to keep Him."

  "Moreover, you still have water from the 'River of Eternal Darkness' there. If the one who descended into reality at that time was not the 'Tyrant' who could electrocute himself at the speed of light, but the arrogant 'Sun', He would have been silently polluted by you."

  "Arrogance is sometimes a shortcoming that is easily exploited."

  Renekton listened calmly and nodded lightly. As he thought, as the most "intelligent" dragon, the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" had already seen through all the plans and chose the most advantageous side for himself.

  After a moment's silence, Mr. Huang spoke again:

  "The conflict between the gods will soon be reflected in reality and erupt in the form of war. This is a real war that will sweep across the northern and southern continents. At least five of the seven gods, or even all of them, will die."

  "The last time it was so lively was during the 'Pale Age' when the 'Underworld Emperor' was the most powerful."

  Renekton nodded slightly, and said with some emotion:

  "The end of an era is always accompanied by war and disaster, especially when this may be the last era."

  With a sigh, Mr. Huang changed the subject and pulled out a book describing war and conflict from the round table next to him. He tapped the crimson leather cover twice with his right index finger and said:

  "Please help me meet Medici. I'm curious about His current attitude and position. If appropriate, you can pass the information of 0-01 to Him."

  "0-01?" Renekton asked in surprise. He

  didn't expect that the seal numbered 0-01 was in the Church of Knowledge, and it seemed to be related to the "Hunter" path. With the whereabouts of the three copies of the sequence one characteristic clear, it could only be the uniqueness of the "Red Priest".

  As his thoughts drifted, Mr. Huang's gentle and calm words continued to echo in his ears:

  "It's called the Blood Flag of Salinger. It evolved from the uniqueness of the 'Red Priest' path. It witnessed the fall of two true gods and was also affected by the 'Eternal Dark River'. It has become very dangerous. Even angels can hardly get close to it without mastering the correct method."

  "It is sealed in the underground mausoleum of Morola, a city isolated from reality."

  "No problem, I just happen to have something to do with Medici." Renekton nodded slightly and responded.

  Seeing that Mr. Huang had no intention of continuing to talk, he turned around and walked in the direction behind him. During this process, his body became illusory and disintegrated bit by bit, turning into a stream of complex and pure information, surging away into the depths of the spirit world. Above

  the gray fog, after recovering a little from his desireless and calm state, Klein came directly to the gray fog.

  After a quick look around, he spread his spirituality and touched the crimson star that represented Anderson. The crimson light surged and spread out like a tide, condensing the image and sound of Anderson bowing his head in prayer.

  Listening to the information Anderson conveyed to him through prayer, combined with his own understanding and speculation, Klein finally knew what happened at that time.

  While Anderson was praying, he relied on the special power above the gray fog to carefully observe Anderson, and after confirming through divination that there was no remaining danger on the other party, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  At this time, he just heard Anderson mention Danitz:

  "Respected Mr. Fool, I have a friend who has been parasitized by Amon, but it is only a shallow level of parasitism. May I ask if I can get your help, and what price do I have to pay?"

  After a moment of silence, Klein leaned back in his chair and said leisurely:

  "Let him recite my name and hold this ceremony."

  While speaking, he stretched out his right hand slightly and threw the improved version of the secret ceremony process held by the little sun into the crimson star representing Anderson.

  When Anderson finished praying, Klein sighed and said:   

  "Everyone is a character on the stage who promotes the development of the plot, openly or secretly. Whether they are willing or not, things will always go in the predetermined direction under various arrangements and coincidences. Is this the horror of the 'audience' passing the Angel King? Even the gods are written into the script."

  While sighing, he spread his spirituality again and touched the new crimson star representing Leonard!

  In the guest room of the manor, Leonard was quietly listening to Pales's chatter. Suddenly, thick gray fog surged in front of his eyes, and the crimson light surged like a tide, drowning all his sight.

  When he reacted, the scene in front of him was no longer the guest room of the manor. The surrounding stone pillars were towering, standing on the boundless gray and white fog, and together supported this magnificent palace like a giant's residence. After a

  second of stunnedness, Leonard finally reacted and found that he had sat down on the side of an old mottled bronze long table without knowing when, and beside and opposite were high-backed chairs that gave people a sense of majesty and solemnity.

  At the top of the mottled long table, a figure was obscured by the thick gray fog, making it hard to see clearly, like the bottomless abyss of the sea, or the towering mountain whose top could not be seen. One could only intuitively feel that the other person seemed to be leisurely looking down at everything in the world.

  Thoughts flashed through Leonard's mind, and he had a rough guess about his situation. He had recited the honorific name of the "Fool" when he was taking revenge on Ince Zangwill.

  Thinking of this, his expression suddenly became serious, and he subconsciously wanted to get up and leave his seat to worship and praise the great existence who helped him.

  As soon as he moved, he was held down by an invisible force and pressed back. A calm and leisurely voice echoed in his ears:

  "Don't bother so much, I don't care about these."

  "You can call me Mr. 'Fool'."

  As expected, I was easily brought here from under the old man's nose. This is definitely not something that other angels at the same level as the old man can do. Leonard kept diverging his thoughts to hide his nervousness.

  After two seconds of silence, he stood up from his seat, turned sideways and saluted the figure at the top of the mottled long table, saying,

  "Respected Mr. Fool, why did you summon me?"

  Klein, who was shrouded in gray fog, chuckled. Seeing the familiar man's performance in front of him made him more relaxed, and even his own state improved a little.

  He looked at Leonard, who was very sincere, and chuckled,

  "I follow the principle of equal exchange. Since you asked me for help and got my response, you naturally need to pay a price."

  Price, at this time, it doesn't sound like a good word. Leonard's body trembled unconsciously, and he buried his head lower and said,

  "What do you want?"

  After a short interval, the voice of the "Fool" came from the gray fog and echoed in his ears:

  "Hehe, you can relax a little. The price you need to pay is not urgent for the time being. Maybe you will be asked to do something in the future to provide some help to certain people."

  "Sit down."

  Leonard slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Just doing something and providing some help, not asking for the soul.

  As his thoughts drifted, he subconsciously looked around. After sitting back on the high-backed chair behind him, he looked up at the figure at the top of the mottled long table and asked casually,

  "Has Klein Moretti been here like me?"

  This was a question that he had expected long ago. Klein said without much fluctuation in his tone,

  "A different way."

  Was he guided by the "Archon of Death" himself in a different way? Or, at the moment when he was killed by Ince Zangwill, he chose to exchange his faith and soul for power. Leonard couldn't help but diverge his thoughts and thought of the evil god in the church archives, which reminded him of the "Archon of Death" that the old man had talked about.

  As his thoughts surged, Leonard looked around again and looked more carefully. Twenty-two high-backed chairs just corresponded to twenty-two extraordinary paths, or twenty-two tarot cards?

  Just as Leonard had some guesses in his mind, he heard the leisurely voice of Mr. Fool:

  "Besides you, there are other creatures who come here for various reasons."

  "They begged me to be a witness and convener, to hold regular gatherings here, so that they can conduct some transactions and help each other, which will help them improve their sequence."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 607 Red Priest Card

  Klein the Fool's words immediately reminded Leonard of the organization that always leaves tarot cards at the scene. This is different from the secret organization I imagined, and it is relatively loose. Why did Mr. Fool agree to such a request? What is His purpose?

  After hesitating for a moment, Leonard looked at the top of the mottled long table and asked carefully:

  "Dear Mr. Fool, is Klein Moretti also a member of the regular gathering? He has a seat here?"

  "Can I join the regular gathering?"

  Klein the Fool answered casually:


  While speaking, he gently tapped the chair with his right hand, and a deck of tarot cards appeared, with their backs facing up, arranged in order in front of Leonard.

  "They use tarot cards as their code names. You can also draw one for yourself. I have eliminated the selected ones."

  As expected, the tarot cards are used as code names. Leonard was relieved for no reason. According to the information he currently has, this secret organization using tarot cards as code names did not show too much malice and hostility towards the Orthodox Church.

  While he was relieved, he looked at the tarot card in front of him with his back to him and was entangled for a while. If it was the front, he could easily make a choice, but he was entangled when gambling on luck like now. After hesitating

  for a moment, he couldn't help asking:

  "Which card did Klein Moretti draw?"

  "The World."

  "That's not completely the same as him."

  The "Fool" said lightly.

  What does it mean? Leonard was puzzled for a moment, but didn't dare to ask more. He stretched out his right hand and casually pinched the card closest to him.

  The other cards around him disappeared. After Leonard turned over the tarot card in his hand, he saw the stars in the sky and the goddess pouring holy water.

  The "Star" card from the twenty-two tarot cards!

  Although it didn't quite meet his expectations, Leonard had to accept it since he had already chosen it.

  "The party will be held at 3 pm every Monday, Backlund time."

  "Remember to mention this to Pales Zoroaster when you go back, and don't try to hide it from Him."

  Klein, the "Fool" whose figure was shrouded in gray fog, smiled and raised his hand, causing Leonard, who had just opened his mouth to ask why, to disappear directly into the ancient palace.

  After dispersing the gray fog that enveloped the surroundings, Klein took a deep breath, leaned against the back of the chair, raised his hand and rubbed his brows to relieve his mental fatigue.

  After being promoted to a demigod, he had a deeper control over this gray fog, and was able to grasp all the details here more clearly, truly leveraging the power of "Source Castle". A "trickster" with a certain ability to conceal himself could also hide the gray fog on his body.

  "It's time to explore this so-called 'Source Castle'."

  Klein muttered to himself, then stood up from the high-backed chair and walked to the back of the hall. Deep in this ancient and magnificent palace, there was a "light gate" that he had never been able to touch before. He had a hunch that there was the real "Source Castle", and this gray fog was just a byproduct. In

  the Uttar Pradesh, in the aftermath of the battle between many angels and evil gods, the port of Berens had been completely destroyed. Renekton's figure quietly walked out of the spirit world.

  The original port city had completely disappeared, leaving only a piece of scattered gray-white stones, extremely twisted and evil flesh and blood trees extending from the ground, and a faint black fog everywhere.

  The deep and dark illusionary tide rose and fell, affecting the hearts of the surrounding creatures, stirring up all kinds of emotions and desires, and the gods who had too strong emotions and desires would be corroded by the surrounding black fog, and unknowingly mutated and became part of the surrounding flesh and blood trees.

  Neike Da stopped where he was, staring blankly ahead, muttering:

  "For my own plan, I caused the disappearance of two towns in Uttar Pradesh. Unconsciously, I seem to be no different from those evil gods."

  A hoarse and slightly sarcastic voice suddenly sounded at the side:

  "Everything is done. Don't you think it's hypocritical to come here to feel sad at this time?"

  Renekton turned his head in the direction where the voice came from, and saw Medici, wearing black armor that looked like it was splashed with blood, and his bright red hair like burning fire swaying slightly in the wind, walking slowly out of the sudden flames.

  Renekton retracted his gaze and sighed,

  "People always have to find an excuse for what they do, so that they can accept the benefits they get with peace of mind."

  Medici was stunned for a moment, his expression was a little speechless, and then he couldn't help but complain:

  "You are so honest that people don't even have the desire to mock you."

  Ignoring Medici's words, Renekton stepped forward, reciting as he walked:

  "The sage who sees through the world, the eyes that peek into the truth, the embodiment of endless knowledge and spiritual numbers."

  As the name of the "Hidden Sage" was recited in full, one star after another emerged, densely packed and dazzling.

  These stars filled the sky, like a brilliant galaxy, casting down one after another, converging into a magnificent pillar of light, covering the entire Port of Berens.   

  Under the bright and clear starlight, the diffuse black fog and the towering flesh and blood trees were dissolved, collapsing and dissipating bit by bit.

  This lasted for about half a minute, and the various auras and forces remaining in Berens Port were purified, and the remaining traces of buildings also disappeared completely, leaving only a piece of gray-brown soil and waves beating the coastline in the distance.

  After doing all this, Renekton turned around and looked at Medici who had an indifferent expression behind him, and asked:

  "Why are you still staying here? Knowing the truth about the conspiracy, you shouldn't avenge yourself or choose new allies to fight for yourself."

  Medici glanced at Renekton and said in a very unfriendly tone: "Are you provoking me?" As soon as

  the voice fell, the scar on his right cheek that stretched from the corner of his mouth to the root of his ear suddenly split open, and a scarlet lip grew out. He laughed hoarsely:

  "He is a coward. He is unwilling to forgive his master, nor does he want to seek revenge on the other party."

  The next second, the scar on his left cheek also split open, and a mouth opened, also mocking Medici:

  "You are a sissy, not even as good as Chick."

  "Maybe you should go to Chick, offer this 'Conqueror' characteristic, and become a 'Disaster Witch' under her seat, so that you can enjoy the most extreme pleasure every day."

  Renekton glanced at the two mouths on Medici's face with a strange look in his eyes, and sneered:

  "You three are one now, do you want to enjoy three times the fun at the same time?"


  "Shut up, Soran, you idiot."

  The mouth on Medici's right cheek yelled in exasperation.

  Rekton raised his eyebrows in understanding, and he could finally tell which of the two mouths was Soran and which was Einhorn.

  "Shut up, two idiots."

  Medici growled, took over the control of his body, looked at Renekton and said:

  "You came to me to get feedback from these two idiots and digest the 'Provocateur' potion? Then you need to jump a path first."

  "I don't like the name of Red Priest." Renekton responded calmly, paused, and then continued:

  "I am a little curious about what choice you will make, and by the way, try to see if I can win a reliable ally for myself. Of course, I need to ask for some rewards. After all, I helped you fight against Amon and Adam before."

  "Heh," Medici snorted coldly without any expression, and then said:

  "What do you want?"

  "A copy of the Extraordinary Characteristics of 'Iron Knight'. After accommodating the characteristics of 'Conqueror', you should have extra characteristics."

  Renekton stated his purpose frankly.


  Medici nodded lightly, and as he spoke, a little red fire rose from his body and quickly gathered on his raised right hand.

  After more than ten seconds, the red light gradually faded and gathered into a shape. A bloodstained, simple miniature helmet appeared in Medici's hand.

  The top of the helmet was inlaid with a red hair-like thin line, shining with a metallic luster, which was quite strange.

  Starlight flowed out from Renekton's fingers, rolled the extraordinary characteristics of the "Iron Knight" into his hands, and condensed into a ball of transparent amber, temporarily sealing it.

  "By the way, I'll give you this too. As for the allies, forget it. I don't want to have anything to do with Him anymore. The red angel who followed Him has fallen in the ruins. Now there is only one evil spirit who has returned." As Medici

  's voice sounded, a playing card-sized card flew into Renekton's hand. On the front of the card was a vast army with a full range of military branches. At the front, there was a figure wearing full-body armor stained with iron and blood and wearing a red cloak.

  In the upper left corner of the card, a line of words was written in ancient Fusac: Sequence 0: Red Priest!

  When Renekton withdrew his gaze from the Card of Blasphemy and looked up at Medici, he had transformed into a blazing white and purple flaming spear, shooting towards the sky.

  I haven't finished yet. Renekton opened his mouth and swallowed back the words that he had not yet said.

  Suddenly, a thick gray fog surged in front of his eyes, and an invisible force from a very high distance tried to pull his spirit body to a certain place.

  Feeling the call from above the gray fog, Renekton relied on his own status to resist this attraction. As the deep blue and nearly purple light flowed in his eyes, the clean vines around him fell like waterfalls, quickly covering the surroundings and completely submerging his figure.

  After placing himself in a space isolated from reality, Renekton let go of the resistance and let his spirit body follow the invisible pulling force to the gray fog.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 608 Communication

  Above the gray fog, Klein, who was sitting on the high-back chair belonging to the "Fool", exuded a gray, depressed, lost, confused, depressed and other emotions, as if he had no interest in anything.

  If he was not above the gray fog, Renekton had no doubt that Klein would have lost control directly. His previous state after being promoted to the "Trickster" was not very good.

  "Did you know this a long time ago?"

  Klein's tone was very firm. He did not say what he knew, but he believed that Renekton could understand what he wanted to express.

  Renekton nodded and said calmly:

  "If you mean that this is the Earth, I knew it from the beginning."

  At the top of the mottled long table, Klein was angry, confused, and finally sighed:

  "Yeah, you haven't been hung."

  "I should have thought of it a long time ago, but I just haven't been willing to admit it, and I always subconsciously avoid this issue."

  Renekton tapped lightly on the edge of the table with his right hand, making a thumping sound. Pieces of tiny starlight overflowed from where his fingers tapped, spreading out an invisible ripple, "calming" Klein's increasingly intense and extreme emotions.

  After two seconds of silence, he lowered his voice and said:

  "Time is a distance that is more difficult to cross than space. However, when you have the authority over history, you can at least look back to the past in the long river of history. Will you feel better if you say this?"


  After letting out a long breath, Klein looked at Renekton expressionlessly and asked in a flat tone:

  "Besides me and Roselle, who else is a time traveler? Or who else is a relic of the ancient times?"

  "Two you are very familiar with." Renekton curled his lips and said:

  "'Goddess of the Night' Amanesis, and the 'Ancient Sun God.'"

  Klein stared in surprise. He did have some doubts about the identity of the "Ancient Sun God", but he did not expect that the "Goddess of the Night" whom he had come into contact with from the beginning would also be a time traveler.

  After a moment of silence, he murmured,

  "Goddess. No wonder."

  "So, from the beginning, the goddess noticed me?"

  "If she hadn't intervened, you would have been killed."

  Renekton half leaned back in his chair and answered leisurely. He didn't hide anything from Klein's question.

  Neither of them spoke again. After a long silence, Renekton leaned forward and sighed,

  "Time cannot be reversed. No matter how the world changes, we will move forward and can only move forward."

  "But before that, you need a psychiatrist."

  "I have made an appointment with Miss Justice." Klein nodded calmly.

  Renekton nodded slightly and changed the subject. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the blasphemous card that he had brought with him to the gray fog. He casually threw it onto the table in front of Klein and said,

  "Medici gave it to you. You can use it to play the dress-up game."

  Klein reached out and took the card in his hand. He whispered the small words in the upper left corner:

  "Sequence 0: 'Red Priest'."

  With the infusion of spirituality, the information hidden in the card was also revealed:

  "The ritual requirements of the Red Priest: Start a war that sweeps across the continent, and win enough victories. Take the potion in the grief and cheers of victory."

  He thought of a page of Roselle's diary that he had read before. It contained Roselle's speculation about the "Red Priest":

  "Red" refers to the red of war. The priest can be understood as a priest of the essence of power.

  As long as the "Red Priest" exists, it will naturally affect the people around it, causing them to become inflated and evolve into violent conflicts. If they want, this influence can also become pollution.

  Placing the Red Priest card upside down on the table in front of him, Klein half leaned back and sighed:

  "It's a pity that it's not the Fool card."

  Renekton leaned back slightly and said in a calm tone:

  "The Blasphemous Card is on the main peak of the Honachis Mountains. It should be that a holder was attracted there, but ultimately failed to get out."

  "Honachis Mountains. What's there? It shouldn't be just the birthplace of the Antigonus family as you said before?"

  Klein murmured in a low voice, and then asked.

  Renekton did not hide anything and said frankly:

  "Antigon, who was barely considered half a 'Fool', went crazy and was sealed there by the 'Goddess of Night'."

  "Half a 'Fool'." Klein's face, which was not very good to begin with, froze, and he could vaguely see the transparent insects wriggling under his skin.

  After a while, he pulled the corner of his mouth and chuckled:

  "To be called half a 'Fool', He has surpassed the average Angel King and mastered the uniqueness and two or three copies of Sequence One Beyonder characteristics?"   

  Renekton nodded calmly and said,

  "Two, but now He only has one of the characteristics of the 'Servant of Mysteries'. The other has been taken away by Zaratul."

  "I see." Klein nodded slightly and slowly exhaled a long breath. He asked the next topic with a very restrained tone and emotion:

  "Can you tell me what happened before? What happened when I was hunting Ince Zangwill?"

  Renekton looked at Klein deeply. His mental state slipped a little bit, and he looked like he might not be able to maintain his human form at any time and collapse into a pile of wriggling insects. Starlight

  emanated from his fingers, with the effect of soothing and purifying the soul, echoing in this ancient and magnificent palace above the gray fog.

  Klein sat back in a high-backed chair, letting the starlight slide over him and dispel his pent-up emotions.

  After feeling that his condition had recovered a little, Klein raised his hand and spoke in a calm voice:

  "I won't lose control so soon. Although my mental state is not very good, I have a clearer control over myself."

  "Hehe, I should say that since my mental problem, I feel that I am much more energetic."

  "You should look in the mirror when you say this. The spiritual worm under your skin can't be hidden anymore."

  Renekton sighed and paused. He no longer dwelled on this topic. He leaned lazily against the back of the chair and told Klein about the grand drama planned by himself and the true creator:

  "When you were hunting Ince Zangwill, Erihog and I, um, that is, Angerweed's current identity, He, Ouroboros and I were competing with the Amon brothers for 0-08."

  At the end of the story, Renekton pursed his dry lips, leaned forward slightly, and said with excitement in his tone:

  "The final result is that the 'Lord of Storms' descended, but the obstruction failed. The 'True Creator' broke free from the seal of the God-Forsaken Land and descended to the southern continent. Adam merged with the 'True Creator' in a self-sacrificing way and fell into a deep sleep. The best psychiatrist in the world had to treat his own psychological problems in his dreams."

  "A self-healing psychiatrist?" Klein sighed noncommittally, and then continued:

  "Adam is not the child of the 'Ancient Sun God', but an identity he separated with the help of the 'Deviator's' ability, a back-up for resurrection, just like Angerwede left behind Erihogg?"

  "No wonder He is the Angel of Dreams. I should have thought of this when I saw Angerwede."

  Klein let out a long breath, looked down at the gold-shell pocket watch he had materialized, and smiled at Renekton:

  "Let's stop here today. It's time for the psychological treatment that Miss Justice and I agreed on."

  Renekton nodded calmly, and a deep red light rose around him, dissolving his body and taking his spirit out of the space above the gray fog.

  After looking around the empty hall, Klein stood up from his chair and materialized a small room separated by wooden boards on the side of the hall, where Miss Justice would help him treat his psychological problems.

  After sitting down on the other side of the small room, Klein raised his hand and pulled Audrey, who had already made an appointment, into the gray fog.

  In the manor outside Impas, Renekton walked out of the spirit world and saw Anderson standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, holding a dark short blade in his hand, gesturing at his lower abdomen.

  After staring at Anderson for two seconds, Renekton nodded expressionlessly and said,

  "Remember to clean up the blood after committing suicide, so as not to dirty my bathroom."

  Anderson's mouth twitched twice, and he complained speechlessly,

  "If I commit suicide, how can I clean up the blood? Will I become a zombie or a ghost?"

  "If you don't mind becoming a zombie, I can help you."

  Renekton nodded, and while speaking, he threw the miniature strange helmet wrapped in transparent amber in his hand to Anderson, and said,

  "This is the characteristic of the 'Iron Knight'. You only need to complete the promotion, and you can absorb the excess characteristics in your body through your own status."

  "Can you see it?" Anderson looked down at his lower abdomen, and then looked up at Renekton.

  "Well, it's been almost two months." Renekton nodded lightly and made a joke.

  Anderson was speechless for a long time, and only said: "This is not pregnancy."

  Renekton nodded indifferently, turned around and walked towards the direction of the manor hall. During this process, a transparent, headless, and paper-thin undead creature emerged from under the floor and led the way for Renekton like a personal maid.

  Following the undead maid, all the way to the reception room on the side of the hall, Renekton saw a woman wearing the robes of the clergy of the Church of the Night.

  The other party looked about 30 years old, well-maintained, with shiny skin on her face, dark blue hair, and heavy eye shadow, as if to cover up the non-existent dark circles.

  Seeing Renekton coming, she took the initiative to stand up, tapped her chest four times, drawing a crimson moon shape, and saluted gently:

  "Good morning, Mr. Tynes, I am Ilia, the senior deacon of the Church of the Night who is responsible for the affairs of the southern continent."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 609 Meeting

  After returning to his room with the "Iron Knight" trait, Anderson's expression relaxed a lot, but soon became serious again:

  "I don't have the potion formula of 'Iron Knight', so I can't use it even if I have this trait."

  "And the ceremony of becoming a demigod is not easy. I am carrying a bait for high-sequence 'hunters' on my body, which may attract unknown demigods at any time." With

  a long sigh, Anderson slumped in the armchair on the balcony, looking unwilling to think.

  In the living room, Ilia, a senior deacon of the Church of Evernight, explained her purpose:

  "Thank you for your help in killing Ince Zangwill. Because his remaining spirit has been severely damaged, I can't get many clues through spiritual communication, so I came to learn more details from you."

  "In addition to the matter of Ince Zangwill, I also represent the Church of Evernight's support for the independence of the southern continent's regime, and I propose cooperation with you on this basis."

  Renekton opened his mouth and wanted to say, "Why don't you go directly to Bishop Luke?" When the words came to his mouth, he suddenly remembered that the other party was preparing for the promotion of "Dream Weaver", and now he was temporarily taking over his affairs.

  The clone was also preparing for the promotion of "Insighter", and I couldn't even find someone who could help me share the work.

  Sighing in his heart, Renekton straightened his face and began a more formal negotiation with Ilia, who came on behalf of the Church of Evernight.

  On the south bank of the Pas Valley, in the Red Rose Church of Inniss, Bernadette slowly walked to the side of Sasriel who was praying in front of the statue and sat down. Next to her, a black and white penguin stretched its body quickly, from a cute penguin as tall as an adult's calf to Roselle wearing a dark red coat with rusty gold thread.

  Roselle calmly looked at the statue of the hanged man in front of him, and said with emotion:

  "It's really surprising that Adam is actually another identity of the 'Ancient Sun God'. I have to say that the 'audience' after reaching the high sequence is really scary and hard to guard against."

  "You have deceived everyone and all the gods."

  "Not all." Sasriel shook his head slowly and said in a flat tone:

  "'Night' should have guessed it a long time ago. Herabergen was once the 'Dragon of Wisdom'. He is not unfamiliar with the abilities of the 'Visionary'. The 'Sage' who can represent knowledge to a certain extent also knows it."

  Without waiting for Roselle to ask, Sasriel continued:

  "'Night' and I have both paid attention to you. Unfortunately, you did not choose the 'Fortune Teller' path, and you secretly went to the moon outside the eyes of the gods, so that you were contaminated."

  "Payed attention to me." Roselle was stunned for a second, his eyes changed from confusion to shock. He pointed at himself, then at Sasriel, and murmured:

  "You also..."

  "Why? Why have you never contacted me? I once thought I was the most special one."

  Sasriel slowly stood up and said in a calm tone:

  "When I noticed you, you were already the 'Son of Steam', a crazy evil god, and 'Steam', one of the seven righteous gods. The choice is obvious."

  "As for 'Night', she may have noticed it from the beginning, but she who does not belong to those three paths cannot grasp the details too accurately. As for the follow-up, perhaps she feels that your style is not suitable to be a reliable ally."

  Roselle's face turned red and white. He didn't even dare to turn his head to look at Bernadette standing beside him. He defended himself in a not-too-strong tone:

  "This is the style of Intis. I just follow the local customs."

  The prayer hall was silent for two seconds. Roselle sighed and ended the topic, and asked:

  "How is Bonois doing?"

  Sasriel slowly paced in front of the stained glass window embedded in the wall, and said in a low voice:

  "I planted the seeds of 'degeneration' in him. The emotions and desires of the human side of Him will slowly emerge, but they are mostly negative."

  "To truly solve the problem of divinity suppressing humanity, we have to wait for my main body to wake up from its slumber."

  "Before that, he needs more anchors with strong emotions and will to fight against the oppression of divinity."

  Roselle sighed and nodded, "I understand." After

  two seconds of silence, he turned his head to look at Bernadette beside him, nodded slightly to her, and signaled that he could leave.

  Layers of green vines hung down from the air, quickly submerging the bodies of Roselle and Bernadette. A pumpkin carriage jingled out of nothingness and stopped in front of them.

  In the pumpkin carriage, Roselle leaned back against the carriage and looked at Bernadette, who was frowning slightly across the carriage, with an expression that looked like she wanted to ask something but was a little hesitant. He chuckled twice and then said,

  "When I am truly resurrected, I will tell you these secrets that have been hidden for a long time. Now, there are still some things I haven't figured out."

  After a pause, he said,

  "Do you know the name of the 'Fool'? I want to have a good chat with the guy who collected my diary."

  Bernadette nodded hesitantly and read out the name of the "Fool" she knew in ancient Hermes:

  "The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the yellow and black king who controls good luck."

  Above the gray fog, Klein, who had just finished psychological treatment and was meditating in the room of the manor to recover, suddenly heard layers of illusory prayers echoing in his ears.

  It was an unfamiliar voice, and it was a female voice. Could it be Ms. Daly? As the thought floated through his mind, Klein quickly got up from the bed, locked the door of the room, closed the windows, drew the curtains, and set up a layer of spiritual wall.   

  After doing all this, he began to walk four steps in reverse and entered the gray fog.

  Inside the grand and ancient palace, Klein looked at a new crimson star rising in the boundless gray fog outside the hall. He extended his spirituality to touch it.

  The crimson light burst out instantly, flooding most of the hall, and quickly condensed into a picture.

  "'Mysterious Queen'? The one next to her is... Emperor Roselle?"

  Klein was stunned. He didn't expect that one day he would see the real image of Emperor Roselle.

  Is this a one-to-one restored figurine?

  As his thoughts floated, he saw Emperor Roselle, who was sitting opposite Bernadette, look up and look at him. The other party seemed to be able to see him through the gray fog.

  "You are the one who collected my diary? Don't you want to meet me?"

  Roselle's voice echoed in his ears, making Klein stunned. Not a puppet?

  He took a deep breath, exhaled a long breath, and casually manifested the yellow crystal pendant he usually used, and began to do divination.

  After a simple divination, he looked at the motionless pendant in his hand and frowned slightly:

  "The divination failed. To some extent, this can also explain the problem. The divination that can block my divination above the gray fog must be covered by the level of a true god."

  After muttering to himself, he spread his spirituality again, touched the crimson star representing Renekton, and threw the information just now into it.

  Soon, the crimson star connected to Renekton vibrated, and a message was transmitted to the gray fog along the connection just established, turning into a string of crimson characters:

  "In a sense, he is indeed Roselle. You can ask him for the specific situation yourself."

  "If he asks you to destroy it, or publishes a request to destroy the diary at the Tarot Club, remember to refuse."

  Destroying the diary Klein was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that the diaries written by the emperor in the early days were really socially dead. Since he was not dead yet, it was normal to want to destroy such things that belonged to his own black history.

  As his thoughts surged, he relied on his demigod status to pry the power of the gray fog, infusing it into a paper figure he had summoned from the pile of debris, and threw the paper figure to Roselle, who was sitting opposite Bernadette, through the crimson star that had established a connection with her.

  In the pumpkin carriage, Roselle looked up in surprise. His eyes penetrated the void and saw a tall angel emerging from the endless gray fog. He felt the breath of the "Black Emperor" from the angel's figure.

  "Interesting, is it the Black Emperor card?"

  Roselle raised his eyebrows and quickly thought of something Bernadette had said to him, that the followers of the "Fool" had found the Black Emperor card disguised as a bookmark through his diary.

  He let the angel wearing black full body armor and carrying twelve pairs of black wings fall in front of him and wrap himself with the overlapping wings.

  The crimson light surged like a tide, quickly drowning all his sight.

  Relying on the status of the "Black Emperor" and the aura of the paper angel just now, Roselle magnified and used the subtle connection, allowing Klein to easily pull him above the gray fog.

  In the magnificent ancient palace, the deep red light floated quickly and condensed into Roselle's figure, sitting on the high-backed chair at the bottom of the mottled long table on the left.

  Roselle looked around curiously for a long time, and finally landed on the figure shrouded in gray fog at the top of the mottled long table. He said with a sigh:

  "I have always tried to establish a connection with this place, but all attempts have failed. I didn't expect that I would have a chance to enter here after I died. It's really unpredictable!"

  Klein nodded slightly and asked in a calm tone: "What's your situation now?"

  When he looked at the other party above the gray fog just now, he had almost seen through the other party's details. It was just a mechanical doll, a mechanical doll that awakened self-awareness, so he didn't think that the other party was really Roselle at first.

  Roselle sighed and smiled bitterly,

  "There was a problem with the location of the last mausoleum I built. It had long been contaminated by the 'Original Moon', which caused problems with my resurrection. I was unable to truly get rid of the contamination, so I could only forcibly interrupt the process and wait for an opportunity."

  "Now I am just a mechanical doll. Relying on the 'Fallen Count' characteristics that I was infected with, I developed an independent self and a wrong cognition. I relied on my own Sequence 0 status to distort this error, making this mechanical doll equivalent to me to some extent, equivalent to the eyes I use to observe the outside world."

  "Although it's a bit miserable, at least it's much better than the previous state of being neither dead nor alive."

  "As long as I am truly resurrected, I don't even need to be completely resurrected, I can make this mechanical doll become the real me."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 610 Monday

  The Emperor's luck was indeed a bit bad. Perhaps it was because the first half of his life was too smooth, and all the ups and downs of fate were concentrated in the later period of his life. Klein nodded in understanding and sighed a few times in his heart.

  Russell glanced at the leisurely figure shrouded in gray mist, chuckled and said,

  "Do you think this style of using and distorting rules is very typical of a high-sequence 'thief'?"

  I hadn't thought of this at all. My understanding of thieves is limited to Amon and the old grandfather who parasitized Leonard. As his thoughts floated, Klein nodded slightly and murmured,


  Russell leaned back slightly, leaned against the back of the chair, supported his right elbow on the armrest, and said with a serious thinking and analysis posture,

  "This idea came from Renekton. You should know him. The fake identity he used when he was out was Al Tynes. His identity was too fake. If it weren't for the Church of Knowledge, anyone who came to investigate could find out his true identity."

  "'Secret Peepers' are also good at learning. Compared with 'Readers', they can better represent knowledge and are closer to knowledge itself."

  "That guy must have had too much contact with Amon, parsed and learned a lot of knowledge from him, and picked up some of the bad boy's habits."

  Bad boy. As the child of the "Ancient Sun God", Amon is indeed a bad kid from the neighborhood to some extent, but this bad kid is too malicious towards me and may take my life at any time.

  Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Klein changed the subject:

  "Why did you meet me?"

  Russell paused, forced a smile on his face, and his two beautifully groomed mustaches swayed. He said in a calm tone:

  "I am a little curious about the fellow who can understand my diary, and I also want to verify a conjecture of mine, whether the followers of the 'Fool' that Bernadette met are the same as the 'Fool'."

  Klein was stunned. He didn't expect how his identity was exposed. The inference made based on the information obtained from Bernadette?

  "It seems that I guessed right."

  Roselle looked at Klein who was shrouded in gray fog, chuckled, and then said:

  "I have another request. Don't translate those diaries for Bernadette, especially those that record my daily life. If she proposes a condition that you cannot refuse, you can choose to translate the tips I left for the later comers."

  "By the way, don't let Cattleya know too much about the diary content. This extraordinary world is too magical. I just took a nap, and when I woke up, Bernadette had an adopted daughter, which made me upgrade to the grandfather generation in an instant."

  Emperor, even if you don't count the time you were hanging on the gray fog, you are already a man of hundreds of years old. Grandfather generation is already very young. After complaining in his heart, Klein nodded slightly and said:


  Roselle nodded to Klein and said: "Thank you very much, I hope you can understand the difficulties of an old father."

  Klein leaned back leisurely in the high-back chair, his thoughts unconsciously diverged. In this state, Emperor Roselle's mentality seemed to be younger. He didn't have the calmness in his later diaries, nor did he have the kind of deeply hidden madness.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity, Klein discussed some issues about time travel with Roselle. He ended his conversation with Roselle and left the gray fog until the spiritual intuition of the body left in reality was triggered.

  After pulling open the curtains on the wall to brighten the room, he walked to the door, turned the doorknob, and opened the door.

  Behind Renekton, Bugs Bunny and two cats stood neatly at the door and looked at him. He was stunned for a moment and subconsciously touched his face. He didn't feel any raised buds or anything, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Renekton pointed at the two artisan cats wearing the same half-high silk hats as Bugs Bunny and said calmly,

  "They want to see the crazy adventurer German Sparrow."

  Klein looked down at the two fat orange cats and cow cats standing at his feet. Meeting their admiring eyes, he turned his eyes away unconsciously and said hesitantly,

  "I wanted to ask before, why does Bugs Bunny imitate German Sparrow? What do you usually teach it?"

  "I think I know the answer to this question."

  Leonard, wearing a black trench coat and a pair of red leather gloves, walked out of the room opposite. While speaking, he raised a few books that looked like magazines in his hands.

  There were a few very eye-catching Tutan words on the exquisite cover: The Adventures of German Sparrow.

  "The Great Adventure series is one of the best-selling novels here. It even has different language versions, which is convenient for people living in different language environments to read."

  "But I prefer the Black Forest Fairy Tale series. The stories in it are absurd and curious enough. They are written with rich imagination, fantasy and exaggeration, which are suitable for people of all ages to read."

  Leonard spoke like an art connoisseur.

  Renekton glanced at Leonard and did not expose the review he borrowed from others. He retracted his gaze and looked at Klein and said,

  "Do I need to pay you copyright fees?"

  "Sure." Klein nodded calmly.   

  Renekton was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,

  "I thought you would be polite. I was ready to nod."

  "Great adventurers also need money." Klein resisted the urge to roll his eyes and asked casually,

  "What is the Black Forest Fairy Tale series? The Little Match Girl?"

  Renekton shook his head and said calmly,

  "The Little Girl Selling Dynamite"

  "Just kidding, this is another chapter."

  "If you are curious about these, you can go to Bugs Bunny's room. He has a complete set of books."

  "It's lunch time now. I'd like to invite you to the restaurant for dinner."

  "Okay." "No problem."

  Klein and Leonard responded.

  Renekton nodded slightly, and turned to walk towards the stairwell with Bugs Bunny and the two craftsman cats.

  After enjoying lunch together, Leonard and Klein said goodbye and left. Only Anderson chose to stay in the Pass Valley.

  Facing Klein's questioning gaze, Anderson shrugged his shoulders and said in a nonchalant manner:

  "I still have something that can attract high-sequence Beyonders in the Hunter pathway. I don't plan to leave here easily before solving this hidden danger."

  Klein, who had changed back to his appearance as Gehrman Sparrow, nodded slightly to show his understanding. Then, under the leadership of Bugs Bunny, he and Leonard left the manor together.

  Patting his already full stomach, Anderson leaned back lazily on the wooden chair and asked casually:

  "Can you predict where I can get the potion formula for the Iron Knight?"

  "Tomorrow's party."

  ".Ah?" Anderson was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, then he thought of something, quickly came back to his senses, and said in astonishment:

  "No wonder I feel familiar, it turns out that we are all on the same boat. The Hermit is Cattleya, the Admiral of the Star?"

  Anderson waited until the next day with excitement and trepidation. He lay in the easy chair by the window, and from time to time he glanced at the wall clock that he had set to Backlund time.

  As the clock hand pointed to the 3pm mark, a thick gray fog suddenly surged in front of his eyes, and a deep red light rose from the gray fog, drowning his entire vision.

  When he came to his senses, he had already arrived at the magnificent ancient palace above the gray fog. Before he could look around, he noticed that there was a new member next to him.

  Black hair, green eyes, sitting a little awkward, like me, he is usually a casual person, a little familiar, I should have seen him. Anderson looked at the new member sitting next to him, and compared him with the people he knew in his mind.

  Soon he locked on the target, the extraordinary person who had worked together to deal with Ince Zangwill before. It seems that his name is Leonard Mitchell, a night watcher from the Church of the Night!

  Anderson's heart beat uncontrollably twice, and he felt that he seemed to have discovered some secrets hidden under the calm surface. Is this a hidden cooperation between Mr. "Fool" and "Goddess of Night"? Or is Mr. "Fool" training an undercover?

  On the right side of the bronze table, Audrey Justice, who was about to stand up and salute, also noticed the new member Leonard, and also noticed the change in Anderson's emotions. Did

  Mr. Chariot seem to recognize the new member? Also, this gentleman was looking around quickly and purposefully at the beginning. Was he looking for someone? Was there anyone he knew at the Tarot Club? Well, he probably didn't know Mr. Chariot, because his eyes didn't stop just now.

  While thinking, Audrey stood up from her seat with great joy, lifted her skirt, and saluted Mr. Fool at the top:

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

  While greeting, as a Beyonder of the "audience" path, she keenly noticed some differences, differences from Mr. Fool. Mr.

  Fool's aura became more and more lofty and ethereal, like a bottomless sea and an unreachable sky, as if it had merged with the entire palace and the entire space.

  In addition to the observant Audrey, Cattleya, who has been promoted to "Mystic", also noticed the changes in Mr. Fool. With her "Eye of Secrets" now under control, she observed more than Audrey.

  Mr. Fool has further revived. According to my speculation, Mr. Fool should be mastering the path of "Fortune Teller". I don't know what kind of authority this gray fog represents. Even though I am already a demigod, I still find it difficult to see the specialness of this gray fog.

  While her thoughts were surging, Cattleya did not forget to greet Mr. Fool, who was sitting at the top.

  After Leonard saluted and greeted her half a beat later, "The Fool" Klein casually said:

  "This is 'Xingxing', you two can introduce yourselves."

  (End of this chapter)