

  Chapter 601: Changes in the Sky

  A ray of light invisible to the naked eye emerged from the void, surging like a torrent, reflecting a brilliant starry sky in the sky, scattering one ray after another, converging into a magnificent pillar of light, covering the entire sky.

  The black fog formed by various desires and emotions was constantly dissolved by the starlight, quickly collapsing and dissipating.

  Amid the prayers of many believers, the "Hidden Sage" showed His miracles.

  At the same time as the Hidden Sage appeared, a series of dim, unclear, and colorless glimmers, as if composed of a large number of illusory things, surged out from the "Perfect Land" and bloomed in the starry world. In a flash, they crossed an infinite distance and headed straight for the "Hidden Sage".

  In the sky covered by starlight, the orange-red light suddenly lit up, and the color of dusk broke in forcefully and occupied most of the sky.

  As the dusk appeared, the surrounding matter and the void were bent, and all things began to decay uncontrollably, including the starlight created by the "Hidden Sage", the hazy glimmer descending from the perfect land, and the various desires and emotions intertwined in the black fog brought by the "dark side of the universe".

  Amon looked up at the ever-changing sky, curled his lips, and sighed easily:

  "Things are becoming more and more interesting."

  After two seconds of silence, he suddenly looked at Renekton and chuckled:

  "Anyway, none of us is sure to force the other side back, so why not temporarily stop fighting? Isn't it more interesting to sit in the audience and watch those high gods fighting each other?"

  "This way we can also delay the other side. Anyway, no matter which of us moves, it is difficult to hide from the other side's eyes."

  Renekton glanced at Amon and said thoughtfully:

  "Did the damage to the uniqueness make you lose contact with the original body?"


  Amon pressed the monocle with several cracks on the right eye position, and his tone was very calm, with a little playfulness.

  "I think so. What do you think of me taking advantage of this opportunity to grab a copy of the 'Fate Horse' feature?"

  Renekton said calmly. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of running water under his feet, and pink peach petals fell in the air.

  Silently, a barrier that was isolated from the outside world and difficult to connect to was formed around him, and the scenery a little further away became blurry.

  Amon looked around and said in a relaxed tone:

  "'Steam' has personally taken action, aren't you curious at all?"

  While speaking, he raised his hand to take off the monocle on his right eye, and took out a brand new monocle without a single crack from his pocket.

  He looked at Renekton, whose eyes flashed with shock, and chuckled: "I am not the real body,   so

  the monocle I wear is naturally not the real body." "Since it is not the real body, then of course I can take as many as I want, and I can replace it at any time."   As he spoke, he put the new monocle on his right eye, and the cracked monocle was easily crushed by him, turning into a pale white stream of light and merging into his body.   After a moment of silence, Renekton said dumbly:   "I don't understand the uniqueness of 'error', but I understand 'the river of eternal darkness'."   It seemed that countless resentful spirits were wailing, and in the noisy sound of shrieks, a dark green and black river water rose from Renekton's feet and rushed towards Amon.   Countless transparent souls struggled in the river, pulling each other, and they stretched out their skinny, pale, or withered arms, trying to pull Amon into the river.   Amon stood there with a relaxed look on his face, letting the dark green river water drown him and pass through him, but he could never touch him.   Amon folded his hands in front of his chest and said calmly:   "I got some inspiration from your 'mysterious reappearance'. As long as I steal my own position and the concept of existence, store them in a dimension separated from reality, and confuse them with certain specific things, I can appear in reality in a state of both existence and detachment."   "You talk more, what are you hiding?"   "In fact, the damage to the uniqueness of the 'error' has not been repaired, right?"   Renekton stared at Amon with a firm gaze, paying attention to every expression on his face. Unfortunately, I am not a spectator and cannot read his mind.   Amon chuckled, without any sense of urgency about his secret being discovered, and spoke calmly:   "You can give it a try. Roselle said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. I think this is quite good."   "Why are you talking to me so much? Is it convenient for you to pay attention to the outside world?"   Renekton's body suddenly became ethereal, and decomposed into streams of information, flowing wantonly in this space, constantly reorganizing, constructing a series of illusory books, stacking up, filling the entire space, as if the whole world was enclosed in itself. On   each book, there is a lavender eye that flashes with cold and pure light. The higher the level, the darker it is, and the more it is filled with madness, destruction, ominousness, disaster, etc.   

  All these eyes were focused on Amon, outlining a series of blurry figures similar to Amon on the books, as if they could see everything about Amon and reveal all his secrets.

  Amon calmly scanned the area, taking in every book and every eye. He saw a familiar figure in these books, the figure of the dragon famous for its wisdom.

  "Heh, interesting, that old lizard is willing to let you analyze its mythical biological form."

  With a low mocking voice, Amon's figure became blurry, like an old TV with a malfunction, with pixels twitching.

  In this state, the figures projected by those eyes on the books also began to become blurry and distorted. They flickered, some turned into black-feathered crows, some turned into middle-aged gentlemen in formal clothes and top hats, some turned into ascetics in gray and white robes, and even some were so fine that they were difficult to see with the naked eye. The

  figures projected in the books kept distorting and being corrected and distorted, but none of them belonged to Amon.

  Light blue starlight overflowed from the eyes on the books. They moved quickly, fixing the figures that appeared on the books, then recording and destroying them.

  "Heh," Amon sneered and pressed the monocle on his right eye.

  A huge, ancient, mottled shadow appeared above his head.

  This shadow was like the surface of a wall clock carved out of stone. It was divided into twelve grids, each of which was grayish white or dark blue, interspersed with each other, with clear boundaries and different symbols.

  Amon's action seemed to trigger a chain reaction. The shadow of the ancient mottled wall clock was also outlined on the books around him. Eyes flashing cold and pure light watched and analyzed the shadow from different angles. The

  illusory bell rang, and the longest hand on the ancient mottled wall clock turned one grid clockwise. An

  indescribable invisible torrent surged out of the shadow, as if it came through a long history, and the narrative swept around.

  The illusory books that filled the entire space began to shake, as if they would collapse at any time.

  Soon, the illusory books stacked up began to turn pages, as if they had found a gap in the invisible torrent and quickly stabilized themselves.

  As if the invisible torrent that had come through a long history quickly receded, Amon's figure also disappeared.

  In the silent silence, many pale white lights appeared on the stacked books. In each group of light spots, there was a time worm with twelve transparent links. They destroyed each book through fraud, parasitism and theft. The bright

  starlight overflowed from the eyes on the illusory books, quickly repairing the damaged books and trying to analyze the time worms that were wandering around. Renekton and Amon were also caught in a long tug of war for a while.

  Outside the Port of Berens, Leonard, who had not received a response from Pales, changed his expression from panic to determination. He took a deep breath, exhaled a long breath, and whispered the honorific name of "The Fool" in ancient Hermetic language:

  "The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the yellow and black king who controls good luck."

  As soon as the prayer fell, a strange picture appeared in his mind.

  The strong sense of familiarity made him instantly know that this was the picture around him. He quickly found himself in the picture, and then locked onto the deformed feathered wolf running fast in the lightning and constantly uttering crazy mutterings.

  In this picture, the figure of Ince Zangwill was extremely blurred, almost blood red, as if the "Fool" had made special processing to make it easier for him to see and lock onto Ince Zangwill.

  Leonard was startled at first, then chuckled:

  "I found you."

  As he spoke, a layer of pale white light floated on the glove on his right hand, and his body quickly became transparent and illusory, as if he had turned into a creature like a ghost.

  The next second, Leonard's body disappeared from the spot, and then was reflected in Ince Zangwill's eyes.

  With the help of the "ghost" that was grazing in hunger, Leonard used Ince Zangwill's eyes as a mirror, completed a mirror jump, and appeared directly beside Ince Zangwill.

  Due to his bad luck, Ince Zangwill's body, which maintained an incomplete mythical creature form, was paralyzed for a moment by the electric current running on the ground while running.

  It was this brief moment that he did not have time to react, and was directly stabbed into his body by the scissors in Leonard's hand that had an unusually cold feeling. The

  hard fur on the eight-legged feather wolf was penetrated without any hindrance, and the huge scissors used to trim branches easily inserted into its only remaining eye.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 602 Revenge

  Under the influence of bad luck, the chaotic aura of Ince Zangwill touched the aura of "Death" remaining on the scissors. The "lethal" effect of the scissors, which had never been triggered by Klein, was triggered at this moment.

  The feathered wolf with pale flames burning in his eye sockets was stunned for a moment, and then his body collapsed. The feathers on his body, some white and some stained with pale yellow oil, fell off one by one, and the coarse black short hair became dull. The aura on his body became rotten and dilapidated.

  Leonard wanted to pull out the scissors and stab twice more. The premonition of danger in his heart made his reason overwhelm his anger. He used the mirror jump to move away from Ince Zangwill through the creeping hunger. As

  soon as Leonard left, exaggerated lightning gathered in the air, intertwined and intertwined, forming a dazzling silver-white spear, which fell from the air with a destructive aura that seemed to be substantial, and pierced into the lower body of Ince Zangwill, destroying most of his incomplete mythical creature.

  After doing all this, Klein raised his hand and kneaded his brows to relieve the discomfort caused by excessive spiritual consumption. He then left the gray fog and planned to kill Ince Zangwill himself to avenge himself, the captain, and those innocent people who died.

  Before leaving the space above the gray fog, he looked at the sky. The dusk that spread across the sky seemed to him like a huge sword covered with orange light, splitting the hazy glimmer that seemed to be composed of a large number of illusory things with an unstoppable posture, causing it to quickly decline, completely collapse, and die. Klein

  quickly rushed over to Ince Zangwill, whose limbs had become incomplete, after leaving the gray fog.

  He restored his original appearance, raised his hand to lower the half-high silk hat on his head, and endured the impact of the incomplete mythical creature form on himself. He slowly stepped forward, took out the revolver from the gun bag on his waist, and pressed it against Ince Zangwill's head that was almost unrecognizable.

  Feeling someone approaching him, the strong premonition of danger allowed Ince Zangwill to temporarily get rid of the paralysis caused by the lightning and the pain of losing most of his body. His brain, which was charred and exuding a pungent smell and with gray-white liquid slowly flowing out, shook slightly, and his throat moved and made a ho~ho~ sound.

  Klein curled his lips and pulled out an ugly smile, mocking Ince Zangwill who was lying on the ground and weak:

  "It seems that the effect of 'lethal' is stronger than I expected. Even a demigod would find it difficult to bear it."

  "Heh, I forgot that your only remaining eye has been blinded by Leonard. I can't let you watch my revenge with your own eyes, which will make it less fun."

  As if stimulated by Klein's voice, Ince Zangwill temporarily regained some reason, and said in a hoarse and intermittent voice:

  ".Yes. It's you"

  "Yes, that's right, it's me, I'm here to seek revenge on you!"


  As soon as he finished speaking, Klein pulled the trigger without hesitation. The muzzle of the "Death Knell" revolver fired a yellow bullet, which penetrated into Ince Zangwill's head.

  This was the reward he received for helping Anderson solve his bad luck problem. Compared with the scissors of "Until Death", he still felt that the revolver was more in line with his personality. Moreover, the negative effect of "Until Death" was too strong, so it could only be used by the secret puppet.   After

  a two-second pause, Klein raised his head to let the tears in the corners of his eyes stay in his eyes. He spoke again: "The death knell tolls for you!"   Bang!   As soon as the words fell, another gunshot rang out.   The silver demon hunting bullet penetrated Ince Zangwill's spine, leaving only his head able to move.   Bang! Bang! Bang!   Bullets shot out from the "Death Knell" revolver, piercing Ince Zangwill's head into a hornet's nest.   "This is the last shot. I want revenge for myself and for the peaceful life I can't go back to."   As he spoke, he pulled the hammer, poured the little spiritual energy he had left into it, pulled the trigger, and fired a bullet with a "massacre" effect.   Bang!   Ince Zangwill's head shattered, and charred, gray, and dark red things fell to the ground.   "I thought you were dead."   Daly, who was wearing blue eyeshadow and blush, walked to Klein's side at some point. Looking at this person who was both familiar and unfamiliar to her, she didn't know what to say for a moment. The words she spoke turned into a sigh:   "It's good, it's good."   "He should be happy. At least, you're still alive."   A drop of cold tears quietly crossed her cheek, dripping onto the charred soil on the ground, splashing a white.   The cold wind blew, and Daly pushed forward with both hands. A door creaked and shook, and countless transparent things emerged from the cracks. Some were skeletal arms, some were vines with baby faces, and some were strange tentacles with fangs and eyes.   They rushed to the body of Ince Zangwill, dragging out a translucent and blurred spirit from his broken body, pulling and biting to eat his remaining spirit bit by bit.   Klein was silent for a moment, and smiled at Daly with a gentle and calm smile:   "Ma'am, we have completed our revenge."   "Yes, but my heart is even emptier."   

  Daly looked at the spirit being eaten absentmindedly, her eyes gradually losing focus.

  After a long while, she suddenly came to her senses, looked at Leonard and Klein who were looking at her nervously, stroked her hair, and chuckled:

  "Hehe, I just sighed, I'm not going to commit suicide."

  Not far away, Anderson was tactful and didn't bother those people who looked like they had a lot of stories. He sat cross-legged on a gray stone and stared at the sky.

  On his forehead, which he couldn't see, a "Peeping Eye" flashing with pure light loomed. As he moved, this "Peeping Eye" also looked at the sky above his head. The

  "Peeping Eye" looked through the orange dusk and saw a warrior sitting on the throne with a long sword in front of him.

  His face was hidden behind the visor, and the armor on his body had an indescribable sense of dilapidation and desolation.

  Opposite the warrior, a figure was hidden in the layers of steam roar and gear rotation, with an indescribable sense of heaviness, as if carrying a glorious history and civilization. The

  "Eye of Secrets" only looked at it for a moment, and immediately looked away, to prevent the other party from following the line of sight and seeing itself, and seeing the body entangled with Amon.

  The bright starry sky in the sky disappeared silently, and the surging black fog that condensed countless emotions and desires seemed to have lost its support and fell from the sky like a waterfall.

  Right below the black "waterfall", in a place ignored by everyone, a man with a weathered face knelt on the altar with a very pious attitude.

  His forehead, eyes, and mouth were covered with deep wrinkles, but his hair was black and shiny without a single silver strand. His eyes were filled with a frenzy of scarlet, and he murmured in ancient Hermetic language:

  "The Lord who created everything, the Lord behind the veil of shadows, the fallen nature of all living beings."

  "Great Lord! Your faithful believers pray for your coming, for your return to this land."

  "Great Lord! I am willing to sacrifice my life, soul, and faith, and pray for you to open the gate of the kingdom."

  As the prayers continued, the devout believer of the true Creator, the "Black Saint" Leo Master of the Aurora Society, ignited an illusory and transparent blood-red flame, melting his flesh and blood bit by bit, turning it into a dark red viscous liquid, which was wriggling and boiling on the altar, gradually forming the shape of a portal.

  The black "waterfalls" that fell from the sky were guided by invisible forces to fall into the portal, expanding the door and completing it.

  As the black "waterfall" fell, this place that was ignored by everyone interacted with the outside world and reappeared in their field of vision.

  For a moment, all eyes were cast over, either from the astral world or from the abyss.

  The spiritual world, Eri Hogg in the form of a dragon suddenly restrained his breath and turned back into the image of an old man with dark blond hair and beard. In front of him, a closed brass book floated quietly.

  Around him, the woven, almost real images of various ancient gods and monsters disappeared one after another, including the tall giant incarnated by Adam.

  Eri Hogg looked into the distance leisurely, penetrating the barrier between the spiritual world and the real world, and looked at the summoning ceremony that had already taken shape, the summoning ceremony belonging to the real creator!

  "What a grand show, it fooled everyone, even the 'mother tree' in the starry sky became part of the stage."

  "After today, the identity of 'ancient dragon' Erihog will be completely equated with 'Dragon of Imagination' Angerwede."

  While whispering, the brass book he held in his hand flew away spontaneously, turning into a light yellow stream of light, penetrating the spiritual sky at the top of the spiritual world, entering the spiritual world, and sinking into the library deep in the spiritual world.

  Erihog stepped forward with an easy posture and left the spiritual world.

  In Berens Port, in the independent space enclosed by the mysterious reappearance of "the source of peach blossoms", countless time worms swam quickly between books, turning into wandering light and shadows.

  Like termites, they drilled "holes" in the high wall made of countless books.

  Finally, at a certain moment, a time worm successfully drilled out from the stacked books.

  The pale light and shadows quickly gathered and reconstructed Amon's figure. He used theft, fraud and substitution to make this time worm directly equal to the whole, and removed all the time worms from the pile of books.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 603: The Advent Ceremony

  Behind Amon, a light composed of countless pure and complex knowledge emerged from the void, and quickly reorganized the figure of Renekton.

  Renekton stood beside Amon and chuckled:

  "The stage play has reached the last scene, don't you want to go and see it?"

  "If I say no, will you let me go find Pallez hiding nearby?"

  While speaking, Amon tossed the crystal-ground monocle in his hand twice. There were still two tiny cracks on the lens that had not been repaired.

  Renekton shook his head slowly and said:

  "Even if you get the last 'Worm of Time' feature, you don't have a replacement for the godhood ceremony now, so there is no need to be so anxious?" After a

  pause of one second, he continued:

  "The 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' is still watching, but 'Storm' and 'Sun' will definitely prevent the advent of the true creator."

  "Without your help, this ceremony will be difficult to succeed. By then, your father will be pushed back as soon as he steps out of the prison."

  "He is not my father yet." Amon said calmly.

  As he spoke, Amon stretched out his hand and pulled out a Time Worm from somewhere. It was a Time Worm with twelve transparent segments, a Time Worm that had lost its characteristics!

  The moment he saw the Time Worm, Renekton's head seemed to be struck, and some memories that he had long forgotten reappeared.

  As if noticing Renekton's reaction, Amon turned around with a slightly evil smile and said word by word:

  "It seems that you still remember that the Time Worm that has lost its characteristics is not the same as me. At certain times, it can produce unexpected effects."

  "For example, now I already know that Pallez is parasitic on the Night Watcher of the Night. He just recited the honorific name of the 'Fool'."

  "Unfortunately, this Time Worm that has lost its characteristics can only passively accept the information I preset in advance, otherwise I think I have a chance to find the 'Fool' together, don't you think?"

  After two seconds of silence, Renekton nodded calmly and said:

  "If it is like a living Time Worm, then it is indeed possible, but it's a pity."

  "Unfortunately, if it loses its characteristics, it naturally loses the nature of being alive."

  Amon chuckled and added what Renekton had not finished.

  In the sky covered by dusk, the orange sunset suddenly rose against the tide, turning golden and blazing little by little. The pure and magnificent sunlight dispelled the dusk and occupied half of the sky.

  The other half of the sky was covered by layers of dark clouds, and silver-white electric currents filled with the breath of destruction were running wildly in the clouds.

  "Tsk, those two are getting anxious too."

  Amon sighed in a low voice, and his figure disappeared directly from the place where he came. The next second, he appeared on the roof at the end of the field of vision, and then disappeared again .

  Renekton's body was instantly illusory, and he collapsed into a stream of information, following closely behind Amon.

  On the outskirts of Port Berens, Klein stared nervously at the figure that had just passed by, his heart pounding uncontrollably.

  "Don't worry, he can't see us."

  A slightly old but very warm voice echoed in Klein's ears.

  He turned his head in surprise and saw an old man with dark gold hair and beard, but his skin was very smooth and without a trace of wrinkles. He had no idea when the other party appeared here, but it seemed that it had been a while.

  Not sensing any ill will from this strange old man, Klein took a deep breath and nodded hesitantly,

  "Who are you?"

  The old man with dark gold hair and beard nodded in response, saying in a calm tone,

  "Nice to meet you again. You can call me Erihog, or my other name, Angerwede."

  After a pause, Klein reacted and took off the half-high silk hat on his head, pressed it against his chest and saluted,

  "Sorry, this is the first time I saw you in human form, and I didn't recognize you for a while."

  After squatting for a while, he added, "0-08 has been taken away."

  Erihog nodded slightly, without answering Klein's words, and walked straight towards Ince Zangwill's body.

  During this process, tall gray-white stone pillars rose up around him, and ancient temple-like buildings rose from the ground. In the blink of an eye, the "City of Miracles" Liveseyd was reflected from the spiritual world to reality.

  "In front of many 'audiences', Klein Moretti completed a magnificent drama, directed a wonderful murder, and completed a revenge for his past. Through this performance, he completely digested his own potion and had extra energy to try to get promoted at the end!"

  Sentences that were more like chanting came out of Erehog's mouth. He spoke in Dragon Language, but under the influence of Liveseyd, everyone present could understand it. Everyone looked at Klein.

  Gulp~ Swallowing his saliva subconsciously, Klein finally understood why Renekton asked him to prepare the potion materials in advance. Was this something he had foreseen? Or was it planned by him or them?   

  As his thoughts floated, the materials that had been prepared flew out of Klein's coat. There were golden vines, strange black eyes, and ugly rubber masks. Under the guidance of the spirit, they gathered and merged one by one, and finally turned into a gray liquid, which was spontaneously poured into the glass bottle.

  Klein reached out and held the transparent glass bottle filled with magic potion. His eyes lingered on the floating bubbles. There seemed to be a curled up, translucent insect in each bubble.

  This time, Klein did not throw a gold coin for divination. His spiritual intuition was already able to grasp the weight of various materials very well, and instead of simple divination, he directly relied on intuition to get the answer.

  Gu! Gu!

  Klein slightly raised his head, and the cold magic potion slid across his throat, bringing a little numbness, a numbness that went straight into his soul. Before sliding down the esophagus into the stomach, the magic potion was completely absorbed by his body.

  His caution was inexplicably raised, as if he had suddenly ascended to a high altitude, looking down at the place where he had completed his revenge.

  Leonard stood not far away, looking at Klein with a complicated expression. For some reason, he felt that the distance between him and his former colleague was getting farther and farther.

  Perhaps from the moment he came back to life, we had already gone in different directions.

  "Why, are you envious of the other person for moving towards demigod in such a short time?"

  "If you hadn't wasted so much time, and worked harder to act and digest the potion, you would now be a Sequence 5 Beyonder ready to be promoted to demigod. Before becoming a demigod, digesting the potion and acting were not difficult."

  Pallez's voice suddenly echoed in Leonard's mind, with a little sigh, and some irony towards Leonard.

  Before Leonard could explain, he sighed again:

  "Angelwede has indeed revived. When everyone thought that 0-08 and Liveseyd were the means of his resurrection, no one expected that one of the three remaining ancient dragons had awakened himself."

  Leonard turned his head to look at the blond old man with his back to him. As his thoughts drifted, he suddenly saw the old man who called himself Erihog smiled at him.

  Leonard shook his head in surprise, and when he looked over again, he found that the old man who was suspected to be the revived ancient god of the Second Era still had his back to him.

  After a brief thought, he put this question behind him, tilted his head slightly, and whispered:

  "Old man, you woke up just after the battle. Did you do it on purpose?"

  Pales snorted coldly and said:

  "I'm not that boring. I just found Amon's trace. He may have noticed me."

  Leonard's expression froze on his face. He swallowed his saliva and said hesitantly:

  "Didn't that old Mr. Erehog say that He couldn't see us?"

  "Earlier, but He has left. Amon should not plan to take back the last 'Worm of Time' characteristics now."

  "This is an unavoidable problem. As time approaches, whether it is coincidence or inevitability, I will eventually be discovered by Amon."

  As he spoke, Pales' voice gradually faded. After a sad sigh, Leonard could no longer hear any sound.

  "Old man, old man?"

  He lowered his voice and called twice, but did not get any response from Pales.

  The rumbling sound of tears interrupted his thoughts. Leonard looked up in surprise and saw countless silver-white lightnings falling like a rainstorm at the end of the sky, dyeing half of the sky white.

  "The 'Dragon of Wisdom' seems to be always unpredictable. No one knows what He is thinking."

  While sighing, Eri Hog turned his head to look at Leonard. He asked with a smile in his eyes:

  "Do you think He has really given up this fight?"

  "Ah, are you asking me?" Leonard hesitated and pointed a finger at himself.

  Eri Hog smiled and shook his head, looking into the distance, taking in the violent lightning, the scorching sun, and the dark, sticky, and decadent "ocean".

  Adam, wearing a simple white robe, stood calmly on the dark and decadent "ocean". He held a silver cross pendant in his right hand and a gray-white stone slab with an extremely inconsistent ancient pattern in his left hand, which exuded a solemn and heavy atmosphere.

  The pale golden beard covering the lower half of his face swayed slightly in the violent airflow, and his pale golden eyes, as clear and pure as a baby's, reflected a deep and dark sea, a collective subconscious sea formed by the convergence and interweaving of the consciousness of countless creatures!

  Every drop of water there was like a light and shadow, as if representing a little consciousness and a brand.

  Silently, the silver-white lightning that fell from the sky disappeared, and they were twisted by Adam and the surrounding space to an unknown place.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 604 Ending

  Adam stared up at the sky, and the deep and dark sea reflected in his eyes became agitated. The sound of the sobbing wind sounded around and reached the sky. This sound seemed to come from reality, but also seemed to come from illusion. The

  blazing sunlight burst out, and the sound of the wind from the spiritual realm was drowned and purified. Even the surrounding space was distorted by the blazing sunlight, and the concept of distance was confused.

  Under the sunlight, Amon's figure appeared silently above the "ocean" full of decadent atmosphere.

  Above his head, a huge, ancient and mottled stone wall clock appeared.

  The surface of this wall clock is divided into twelve grids, each of which is gray or blue-black, interspersed with each other, with clear boundaries, and different symbols.


  The illusory bell sound suddenly echoed around, and the pointer on the surface of the huge wall clock turned two grids clockwise. An

  invisible torrent that is difficult to see and describe surged out of it, as if it came through a long history, and quickly swept across the entire dark "ocean".

  Amon stole time and the process of the advent ceremony, allowing the process of the advent of the true creator to take a big step forward.

  In the dark and sticky "ocean", thick shadows flowed out silently, and a deep red eye was looming in the thick shadow curtain.

  The breath of darkness, corruption, filth, and mutation spread out uncontrollably, interweaving a huge inverted cross on the dark sea.

  The sunlight above the head became more and more fierce, as if it would burn everything around into ashes.

  Amon turned his head to look at Adam on the other side, stretched out his hand to press the monocle on his right eye, and smiled:

  "I said that the real body should come. It's just a clone of the second level of sequence. It's difficult to accurately steal the progress of the ceremony and make you crazy. The other half of Hei Liu descended on the southern continent."

  "Without sufficient opportunities, it's not reasonable for your real body to appear here."

  Adam responded in a calm tone. His tone and expression remained as warm as always. It seemed that the obstruction of "Storm Lord" and "Eternal Sun" did not cause him too much trouble.

  "Heh, boring." Amon shook his head and sighed. He wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead. The illusory wall clock above his head turned two squares clockwise again.


  The melodious bell sounded again, and the invisible torrent surged from the long river of time and swept around again.

  Snap! Snap!

  A somewhat illusory sound of breaking came from above his head. A silver-white electric light pierced out from the star realm like a sharp spear. Its speed was extremely fast, almost reaching its limit. In the blink of an eye, it came to reality and arrived above the dark "ocean".

  The space seemed to be shattered by this attack, making a cracking sound under the heavy load, and cracking into dark gaps.

  At the moment when the silver-white electric light sank into the dark "ocean", it twisted its direction strangely and shot diagonally into the sky.

  In Adam's pale golden eyes, the deep and dark world was almost shattered. Two lines of blood flowed out of his eye sockets, down his cheeks, and dyed the pale golden beard covering half of his face red. The

  gray-white stone slab in his hand burst out an invisible wave uncontrollably, making the surrounding "ocean" full of decadent atmosphere chaotic.

  In less than a second, the silver-white electric light, which was close to the speed limit, turned around and hit the dark "ocean" again.

  An invisible, insubstantial "light" surged out of nothingness, as if composed of a stream of complex information, constantly converging and surging inward in an illusory posture, condensing into an illusory ball of light.

  This illusory ball of light is like a black hole, with an irresistible attraction, transforming the surrounding matter into information state, pulling them in and engulfing them.

  The silver-white electric light that came from the horizon instantly reached the top of the dark "ocean", and was pulled away by the attraction of the information black hole.

  A strong electromagnetic storm broke out, destroying all information structures. The black hole composed of countless information collapsed instantly, revealing the real image of a black mass with countless eyes. The

  eyes on the huge black mass were all stained with deep red bloodshot, as if stimulated by the electromagnetic storm just now. They stared at the electro-optical "Lord of the Storm", looked at him deeply, and then broke into dots of starlight and dissipated in the sunlight.

  The silver-white electric light sank into the dark "ocean" full of the aura of corruption. For a moment, the silver-white electric snakes scurried around, covering everything, rendering the dark "ocean" silver-white. The

  dark "ocean" evaporated little by little under the silver-white electric light, and the aura belonging to the fields of shadow, darkness, corruption, filth, and mutation was melted away little by little.

  Amon raised his hand to take off the monocle on his right eye, looked at another crack on it, and said in a deep voice:

  "My clone has reached its limit."

  As soon as the voice fell, his body suddenly decomposed, turning into a faint white stream of light that poured into the monocle with several cracks, and finally disappeared in the silver-white electric light.   

  Adam looked at the place where Amon disappeared and nodded imperceptibly. He stretched out his right hand and wiped the gray-white stone slab he was holding. The silver-white electric currents running around disappeared quickly.

  The blood on his cheek was gently wiped off by him, and illusory pale golden scales appeared on his body.

  Looking at the figure surrounded by countless electric currents and storms in front of him, Adam sighed softly:

  "In fact, I hope that it is Osekus who came here."

  In response to Adam, there was a silver-white electric light with a speed close to the limit. This electric light easily penetrated his body and left a charred hole the size of a basketball in his chest.

  Adam still maintained a warm smile, without any pain on his face. He calmly looked at the silver-white electric light that attacked him again, and the deep and dark world reflected in his eyes was completely shattered.

  Silently, the silver-white electric light with a speed close to the limit separated and could no longer take shape.

  After doing all this, Adam's body broke apart, turning into countless gray-white fluorescent lights, interweaving one complex and three-dimensional mysterious symbol after another, pouring into the huge cross that stood upside down on the silver-white black "ocean".

  Dark red flesh grew out from the inside of the huge cross, gradually growing into a human figure hanging upside down. One of his eyes was dark red and the other was light gold, respectively filled with extreme rationality and madness, which seemed extremely inconsistent.

  "After Amon's two "stealings", the advent ceremony is coming to an end. The "Storm Lord" failed to destroy the entire ceremony in the first place because of his own pride and many delays. With Adam's self-sacrifice, the ceremony was finally completed, and the true creator completely descended on the southern continent!"

  Renekton appeared here quietly, holding a kettle-shaped wishing lamp in one hand and a black classical feather pen in the other, reciting the script that Adam had already written, like a narrator, a script engraved in the depths of his spiritual world.

  Surrounded by lightning and storms, the Lord of Storms had only a vague figure. He stared at the real Creator who seemed to have regained his sanity, and finally did not continue to attack. After

  a stalemate, his voice was extremely suppressed and hoarse, saying:

  "You have deceived everyone."

  As soon as the voice fell, his figure turned into a silver-white lightning and rushed into the sky, returning to the Storm Abyss in the astral world.

  In the sky, the blazing sunlight also faded, revealing the covered crimson moon and the quiet night sky.

  With the departure of the Lord of Storms and the Eternal Sun, those who looked over from the astral world or the spiritual world also left one by one. The figure that

  fell on the cross turned into a thick shadow that flowed and spread to Renekton's side, and then condensed into a male figure wearing a black clergy robe with a silver cross hanging on his chest.

  Except for the two eyes, the rest of his body was extremely blurry, shrouded in a layer of shadow, and seemed to be in a state of self-contradiction.

  Spots of grayish-white fluorescence emerged from the shadows on His body, constantly gathering in His hands, condensing into a monotonous book with many abstract and twisted patterns.

  As soon as it took shape, the book was thrown to Renekton by the other party, saying:

  "You can keep it for yourself, or give it to Herabergen. He cooperated with us in this drama, and this is the due reward."

  "I will sleep in the depths of the spiritual world. Before I completely master the 'Dreamer' path and get rid of madness, Sasriel will still handle affairs on my behalf."

  The voice of the "True Creator" was layered, as if there was an echo reverberating in my ears, with a deep sense of fatigue and extremely restrained madness.

  Renekton nodded lightly, and did not communicate anything with the other party. His body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into streams of pure information, surging away into the distance.

  After obtaining the divinity from Adam and having a normal enough belief, the "True Creator" was in a much better state. He stared at the place that was polluted because of his coming. After a long sigh, he stepped forward and stepped into a deep and dark sea.

  On the outskirts of Port Berens, where Ince Zangwill died, countless complex and pure information flows converged here to reconstruct the figure of Renekton.

  He looked at Erihog and Klein who were talking, threw 0-08 over, and said:

  "This belongs to you."

  Erihog raised his hand, and 0-08 fell into his hand spontaneously. He looked at the black classical feather pen in his hand with a little nostalgia, and a smile that was difficult to read appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Under the curious or puzzled eyes of Klein and others, he held 0-08 with his right hand and exerted a little force, and the black classical feather pen broke into pieces, turned into gray-white light spots, and surged into his body.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 605 Sense of Ritual (One more chapter)

  In human form, Erihog's pale golden eyes turned into vertical pupils, reflecting a deep and dark sea, allowing the echo of the soul to reverberate clearly in the ears of everyone around him.

  Now "He" can easily control the collective subconscious sea and control the mind of every creature.

  This state lasted for less than two seconds, and Erihog easily restrained his own abnormality, letting the spirituality in his body calm down again.

  The returned Second Era Ancient God is one step closer to his former throne and has become a "fairy tale writer" of Sequence One.

  Noticing Klein's puzzled look, Erihog chuckled and said,

  "Although Erihog is only a Sequence 2 Ancient Dragon, Angrwide is not. I have long awakened myself, and this characteristic belongs to me. Naturally, there is no need for a ritual or to mix it into a potion. I am just taking back the power that originally belonged to me."

  "Unfortunately, this is almost my limit. I can't get more characteristics back from the 'True Creator'."

  So that's how it is. The feather pen is indeed a Sequence 1 characteristic of the "audience" pathway. I just didn't expect it to originate from the former "Dragon of Imagination." As his thoughts floated, Klein looked at Erihog and said,

  "You have surpassed other ancient gods by being able to return from death. As long as you are alive, there will always be a chance."

  Erihog nodded slightly without comment. After he saluted Klein and Renekton and said goodbye, he walked into the spiritual world and disappeared from everyone's sight.

  After watching Erehog leave, Renekton turned to look at Leonard and said,

  "Amon has left, and there should be no clones of him in the entire southern continent. But he should have discovered you. Once he repairs his monocle, he will probably come to find you."

  Leonard's face turned pale, and he swallowed without saying a word. Pallez, who was parasitic in his body, also remained silent. It was unknown whether he did not want to expose his existence in front of others, or simply did not want to talk.

  Renekton turned his head to glance at Klein, whose face was too pale and it seemed as if countless granulations were wriggling under his skin. He said in a calm tone:

  "The digestion of the potion was not enough, and the promotion was a bit forced. Erihog's treatment was not perfect. Next, you need to focus on acting for a while, and at the same time make up for the lack of the 'Master of Secrets' stage."

  Klein pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing an exaggerated but emotionless smile, and said:

  "Hehe, actually I feel pretty good. In this state, I can recognize my heart more clearly and face my escape and confusion."

  "You look like a madman now." Leonard looked at Klein with a complicated expression. After a two-second pause, he asked again:

  "Why did you have to be promoted at that time? You could have waited for a while, until the potion was digested, until..."

  "Killing Ince Zangwill just satisfied the ritual of the 'Master of Tricks,' and I have already completed my revenge. Why can't I take another gamble?"

  Klein's voice seemed extremely restrained, with a hint of madness.

  Renekton patted Leonard on the shoulder, interrupting him and saying,

  "Persuasion is useless. At this time, he needs a psychiatrist."

  He turned to Anderson, Daly and others and said,

  "Uttar Pradesh is in a state of chaos now. If you want to rest, you can come with me to the Pas River Valley."

  He looked at Klein and said,

  "By the way, you need a psychiatrist."

  Klein nodded and chuckled, "No problem. I don't reject treatment."

  Anderson looked at Klein for a long time and suddenly complained,

  "I always feel that after his mental state went wrong, Gehrman Sparrow has become much more normal."

  So-called, since he got mental illness, his mental state has improved a lot, right? Renekton glanced at Anderson and did not refute his words. His hands stayed on Klein and Anderson's shoulders respectively. Leonard

  hesitated for a while, looked at Daly, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say.

  Daly turned away, not looking at Leonard. She said to herself,

  "I will temporarily conceal your whereabouts. You can find someone to do something to relax your body and mind. Of course, remember to take safety measures."

  "Or, you plan to leave the church. Don't tell me about this. I also need to adjust my state. Besides, I'm not your intimate sister."

  After the voice fell, Daly raised her hand to smooth the broken hair in front of her forehead, turned around, and walked towards the direction of Berens Port.

  "Wait a minute, we need a sense of ritual here."

  Klein broke free from Renekton's palm, walked to the damaged body of Ince Zangwill, and took out a stack of tarot cards from the inner pocket of the outside and scattered them.

  A star card facing up just covered the position of his broken skull.

  After doing all this, he turned around and walked back to Renekton, chuckling,

  "Let's go, I need to find a quiet place, get a good night's sleep, and then find a qualified psychologist to give me psychological treatment."

  Renekton nodded and put his hand on Klein's shoulder again. On the other side, Leonard also put his hand on Klein's shoulder. The figures of the few people quickly faded until they disappeared.

  In the manor outside Impas, several figures quickly appeared in the hall.   

  Renekton raised his hand and grasped in mid-air. Starlight scattered from his fingers, outlining an illusory "door".

  He easily grabbed Bugs Bunny from the other side of the "door".

  Wearing a white shirt, a black vest, a half-high silk hat, and a miniature revolver on his waist, Bugs Bunny groaned and kicked his legs in mid-air.

  "Damn fat cats, put me down!"

  Renekton pulled the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and patted Bugs Bunny's head, put it down and said:

  "Help me greet the guests, I have something to leave for."

  As soon as the voice fell, Renekton's body instantly became ethereal, decomposed into pure and complex information flows, and sank into the spirit world.

  After realizing that it was not a prank by the two craftsman cats, Bugs Bunny touched his head, turned around awkwardly, took off the half-high silk hat on his head, pressed it to his chest, bowed and said,

  "Okay, Boss."

  Anderson looked at Bugs Bunny and Klein with a strange expression. Was this rabbit imitating Gehrman Sparrow? Or was he imitating in front of Gehrman Sparrow himself? Wasn't he afraid of being killed and roasted on the spot?

  Klein looked at the clumsy imitation of Bugs Bunny and pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing what he thought was a gentle smile:

  "Haha, the imitation is good. I think compared to 'Tiller', perhaps 'Fortune Teller' seems to be more suitable for you."

  "It's a pity that these two paths can't be interchanged."

  "Your smile is so creepy. No, it's like a rabbit. All the bugs are wriggling under your skin. Crows won't be able to help but peck you when they see you."

  As he spoke, Bugs Bunny took two steps back, but then felt that this was not very polite, so he quickly stopped the action, dug out a bottle of light yellow potion in a glass test tube from the small pocket on the inside of his black vest, handed it to Klein, and said:

  "This is a potion with a sedative effect. It can help you control your emotions and become indifferent in a short period of time. It can calm your state."

  "Well, should I say thank you?"

  Klein grinned, showing an insincere smile. He took the potion from Bugs Bunny's hand, pulled out the stopper, and poured it directly into his mouth.

  Klein smacked his lips, savoring the taste of the potion and said, "It tastes a bit bitter."

  Bugs Bunny scratched his head and explained in a low voice,

  "This is the potion I use for extraordinary animals. Their sense of taste is not exactly the same as humans."

  "I take back what I said before. You are more suitable to be a 'hunter' than a 'fortune teller'."

  Klein sighed without any fluctuations in his tone. If it weren't for the irreversible process of becoming a secret puppet, he would have controlled Bugs Bunny to hit his head against the ground.

  The potion he drank took effect quickly. Klein shook his head and found a chair to sit down before lying down on the spot. He looked ahead with lifeless eyes. His whole body became unusually calm, without any ripples. The transparent insects crawling under his skin gradually disappeared, and his face regained some color.

  Anderson looked at Bugs Bunny in surprise. He didn't expect that the potion it gave him would be so effective. He smacked his lips twice and chuckled at Bugs Bunny:

  "Um, Mr. Rabbit, can you arrange a room for me? I just had a battle and I need to rest up."

  Bugs Bunny looked up and down at Anderson for a while, then stretched out his hand and patted the ground, summoned a translucent figure with only half a head, and said:

  "Just follow it. If you have anything, you can directly call the undead or natural spirits in the manor. They are all trained and qualified servants."

  "Your body is very healthy. There are some minor pollution residues. Just take a nap and have a nightmare."

  "Okay, don't disturb me if there is nothing else. In this manor, you can move freely as long as you can enter."

  After that, Bugs Bunny hopped to the back of the hall, and his speed was so fast that he left an afterimage behind him.

  Anderson looked at Bugs Bunny's back and tutted his tongue:

  "Is this the advantage of animals taking magic potions? This speed is beyond the reach of ordinary 'farmers' and extraordinary people."

  Leonard did not respond. He turned his head to look at the crystal chandelier above his head and said calmly:

  "Please help me move my companion into the room."

  After saying that, he looked at the natural spirit attached to the chandelier with some uncertainty. Although the "requiem master" can already see spiritual creatures, he cannot communicate with them directly. At least he must become a 'spiritual wizard' to overcome the language barrier.

  However, the natural spirit attached to the chandelier seemed to understand what he said. Its translucent body emerged from the chandelier. Its upper body looked like a young baby, and its lower body was a sika deer.

  After leaving the chandelier, it directly attached itself to the chair where Klein was sitting, and moved the person and the chair.

  (End of this chapter)