

  Chapter 591 Amon is here too

  In Mr. Huang's hand, the book about dragons stopped at the page with the city floating in the sky. While rubbing his fingertips, he said in a nostalgic tone:

  "He is the only ancient god who returned after his death. Although most of his characteristics are gone, he has truly gotten rid of madness."

  "In this era, he doesn't have many allies he can find. He will most likely use some help in exchange for the remote help of the 'Demon King'."

  After a pause, he continued to add:

  "The same goes for Adam. Apart from Amon, he has no other reliable allies, but when facing him, you need to pay attention to those who are involved in disputes for various reasons, either openly or secretly."

  "In Adam's pursuit of 0-08, you can use the power of the storm and the sun at the critical moment."

  "Dark Night and Omybella don't have much energy to interfere with reality for their own reasons. The positions of Badhair and Steam are not clear, but they may not be willing to help Adam. They will most likely only try from the side."

  Renekton pondered and nodded, saying calmly:

  "So, in the battle for 0-08, the only angels who have chosen their camps are the main force."

  Mr. Huang lowered his eyes slightly, glanced at the glass bottle of water from the 'River of Everlasting Darkness' in Renekton's hand, and said in a flat tone:

  "Aren't you ready? Even the King of Angels dare not confront the influence of the 'River of Everlasting Darkness' head-on."

  "You should leave. Ince Zangwill, who is at the center of the storm, is approaching Port Berens."

  "So fast?"

  Renekton asked in surprise. According to his previous predictions, it would take at least several days for Ince Zangwill to escape to Port Berens under the pursuit of the demigod of the Iron-Blooded Knights.

  Mr. Huang's eyes darkened for a moment, then quickly returned to normal. He smiled calmly and said,

  "The high-sequence characteristics of the 'Hunter' pathway appeared there, passively accelerating the speed at which Medici, Soran, and Einhorn's evil spirits were attracted."

  Renekton nodded gently, without saying anything more. His body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into streams of pure knowledge, rushing out of the library in the form of a torrent of information, and rushing towards the direction of Port Berens.

  In the process, he touched the aura left by the "Source Castle" on his body and passed the information about Ince Zangwill to Klein.

  Above the gray fog, in the magnificent ancient palace, Klein sat on the high-backed chair belonging to the "Fool" with a somewhat tired look.

  "I just left, why do you have something to ask me again?"

  He complained, while spreading his spirituality to touch the crimson star that was abnormally expanding and contracting.

  The crimson light spread out in ripples, forming a string of Hermetic words in the air:

  "Ince Zangwill is about to arrive at Berens Port. Amon will most likely appear there as well. You can observe Anderson above the gray fog."

  Amon! Isn't he in Backlund? Why is there another clone coming to the southern continent? Klein's face suddenly became very ugly. Whether Amon's target was him or Pales who was parasitizing Leonard, it was not good news.

  "Should I give up this opportunity for revenge? What's wrong with Anderson? Will he also be parasitized by Amon?"

  After taking a deep breath and calming down his emotions, he materialized the fake "world" and asked him to make up a reason to contact Anderson and ask the other party to provide him with some information about the Misty Sea.

  The transmission of this information needs to go through the "Fool". Anderson will definitely pray to him, and then he will be able to see the situation of Anderson with the help of the prayer light.

  After cutting the request of "the world" into a video clip, he threw it at the crimson star representing Anderson.

  In the open square at the dock in Berens Harbor, Anderson continued his street art performance, and Danitz mocked him while cheering him on.

  With the crisp sound of "ding~ding~", several patterned gold coins were thrown into the tricorn hat lying on the ground.

  Anderson continued to play the harmonica while giving a thumbs up to this generous guest.

  Opposite him, a young gentleman wearing a straight black long wide tailcoat, a top hat of the same color, and holding a black cane with gold thread smiled at him.

  The young gentleman took back his right hand that had just thrown the gold coin, pressed the monocle on his right eye, and said in a very pleasant tone:

  "I didn't expect to hear the Intis-style ditty in West Balam. It seems that my paranoid brother really didn't lie to me. Coming here will bring unexpected gains."

  Anderson kept playing the flute, smiled and bowed to the generous gentleman in front of him, thinking whether to stop the performance and talk to the gentleman first. Maybe the other party would give him a few more patterned gold coins if he was happy.

  At this moment, a thick gray fog suddenly surged in his vision, and the deep red light surged like a tide, quickly condensing into the gloomy and restrained image of "World" Gehrman Sparrow, and at the same time, the other party's voice echoed in his ears.

  In front of him, Amon, dressed as a young gentleman, smiled. He raised his right hand holding the monocle forward, and then held back and put it down.   

  He looked up and whispered to himself somewhere in the sky:

  "It's really interesting. I found you again."

  Anderson, who had come to his senses, put the harmonica in his pocket, took a step forward, bent down, took back the tricorne hat that was lying on the ground, and shook it gently twice.

  Listening to the sound of gold coins colliding with each other, he pulled a happy smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the generous gentleman in front of him and said:

  "Sorry, my friend, today's performance ends here. I have earned enough money to go to the nearby tavern for drinks."

  It was not until Anderson put all the money in the tricorne hat into his pocket and walked quickly to the tavern behind him that Danitz, who was standing aside, came to his senses. He quickly followed him and asked in confusion:

  "Aren't you going to play two more songs? Maybe if they are happy, they will reward you with a few more patterned gold coins."

  Behind them, Amon took off the black hat on his head and slowly walked to an empty bench next to him. He stood in front of the bench for a while, as if waiting for the person on the bench to make room for him.

  After two seconds, he sat on the right side of the bench, legs crossed, with a smile on his face. He patted the non-existent dust on his hat and said,

  "There aren't many things that would make you contact me. Are you planning to kill the evil spirit of Medici?"

  "Or maybe your deal with Hei Ye has changed, and there was an accident in the process of recovering 0-08 that you can't solve?" After

  sitting quietly for a few seconds, he looked at the right side of the empty bench, pouted his lips in boredom and said,

  "You're really boring."

  As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared at the end of the street, and then disappeared again.

  In a place where no one noticed, a few leaves were blown onto the empty bench by the wind, and then swept down by a pair of invisible hands.

  After entering the tavern, Anderson suddenly turned around and stared at Danitz who was following him for a long time. Suddenly, he spoke mysteriously:

  "Do you know what is the most taboo in our line of work?"

  "Bad luck?" Danitz was stunned and said in confusion.

  Anderson raised his index finger and waved it in front of Danitz, saying in a calm tone:

  "No, it's taboo not to leave room for yourself. People have been generous once, why don't we change to the target?"

  Danitz stared at Anderson with a look of "are you sick?

  " "Are you stupid? Isn't it that since you have been generous once, why can't you be generous twice more?"

  Anderson didn't care about this topic. As he turned and walked towards the bar, he asked casually:

  "Didn't you say yesterday that your captain wanted you to go to East Balam? Why don't you leave when it's almost afternoon?"

  "Go to East Balam? When did I say that? Did you remember it wrong?" Danitz scratched his head and looked at Anderson in confusion.

  Above the gray fog, Klein held the Seagod Scepter in one hand and pressed the Tyrant card in the other, looking solemnly at the crimson star that represented Anderson, which was constantly rippling crimson.

  He took a deep breath, and then spread his spirituality, touching the crimson star. Crimson light surged out like a tide, and quickly gathered in front of the grand hall to form a picture of Anderson praying.

  Klein carefully looked at Anderson who was praying to him, confirming that there was no trace of Amon parasitizing him, and there was nothing around him that was possessed by Amon.

  "Except for the abnormal activity of his spirituality, Anderson has no obvious abnormality."

  "No, this is a very obvious abnormality. He should have passed the stage of digestion long ago. His spirituality is restrained, and he will not appear like he just drank a potion."

  While talking to himself, Klein zoomed out the picture to let himself see more of what he had just seen.

  Then he saw Danitz in the room next to Anderson, and a priest in a simple white robe sitting with Danitz.

  He had a light golden beard that covered the lower half of his face, eyes as clear and pure as a baby's, a cross pendant on his chest, and a warm smile on his face.

  He was looking at Danitz, or more precisely, he was looking at Amon, who was wrapped around Danitz's spirit.

  Noticing Klein's gaze, Amon, who was wrapped around Danitz's spirit like a long snake, suddenly looked up and looked at Klein. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said in a very polite tone:

  "Long time no see, I didn't parasitize the little guy you chose this time."

  Boom! Boom!

  A huge thunder exploded out of nowhere, as if it was going to smash people's eardrums, and the silver-white electric snake disappeared without a trace the moment it appeared.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 592 Each One

  Above the gray fog, Klein's expression became extremely solemn. He did not try to do anything. The lightning just now was just a stress reaction and test after seeing Amon. The Amon parasitic on Danitz was not so easy to get rid of.

  The test just now had made him understand that this Amon's clone retained a strong strength and could easily steal the lightning he struck with the Seagod's Scepter.

  "It's still the priest who always has a warm smile. He seems to be able to see Amon parasitic on Danitz, and he can still get along with Amon so closely. He must be not simple."

  Sighing, Klein gave Anderson a normal response and cut off the connection. Then he threw the scene he saw through the prayer light and shadow just now into the crimson star representing Renekton.

  A moment later, the crimson star representing Renekton spread out ripples. As Klein extended his spiritual power to touch the crimson star, words in the Hermetic language floated in the air:

  "Amon and Adam, you'd better pray to the night and say that Adam brought Amon here as well."

  The crimson words floated in the air for a while and then disappeared spontaneously. Klein leaned back in the high-backed chair at the top of the mottled long table with a solemn expression:

  "Is that blond priest Adam? He is a little different from what I imagined. He gives people a very warm feeling, and he doesn't understand the oppressive feeling after 0-08 at all."

  "The demigod in the audience that Anderson provoked was Adam's subordinate. He was more unlucky than I thought. What did Adam or his subordinates do to Anderson? And why did they bring him to the Southern Continent? Anderson is only a Sequence Five. He will definitely not be favored by Adam, the King of Angels."

  "Anderson replaced the pirate he hunted. His spirituality is extremely active. It's a bit like fishing bait, to attract a hunter."

  Klein thought of the Red Angel evil spirit in the underground ruins of Backlund. Only the evil spirit of the former Angel King was worthy of Adam preparing bait for him.

  As his thoughts floated, Klein thought of Ince Zangwill who was possessed by the evil spirit. He whispered in a daze:

  "Isn't Ince Zangwill possessed by the evil spirit of the Red Angel? Did he come to the South Continent under the influence of the evil spirit, or to find a solution to the evil spirit possession?"

  "What help can I get by praying to the goddess? More information? Or quietly influence Ince Zangwill so that he can be solved by the Red Gloves Team before he falls into Adam's trap?"

  Thinking of this, Klein immediately made a decision, spread his spirituality to wrap himself, and left the gray fog.

  In a hotel in Kukwa City, Uttar Pradesh.

  Klein opened his eyes and stood up from the armchair. He subconsciously looked around and was relieved after confirming that there was nothing unusual.

  "Fortunately, I didn't stay in Berens Port all the time, otherwise I would have faced Amon head-on."

  While sighing, he quickly searched the room for the remaining materials used in the last prayer to the artificial death god, and prayed to the goddess of night who had mastered the uniqueness of the "death god".

  After praying and waiting for a while, he still didn't get a reply from the goddess of night. Klein sighed helplessly and had to pack up and end the prayer.

  Then he found a pen and paper and quickly wrote a letter to Leonard and the grandfather in his body, and at the same time hinted that Leonard could ask the grandfather for a few time worms.

  In less than ten minutes, the messenger lady with four heads placed Leonard's reply in front of him.

  After leaving the letter, the messenger did not leave immediately. The four heads and eight eyes in her hands kept staring at Klein, which made Klein's scalp numb. She said:

  "Recently." "Don't." "Summon." "I"


  Klein looked at the messenger in surprise. He was just thinking about whether to ask the messenger to help him hunt down Ince Zangwill, but he didn't speak because his current financial situation was really bad. The

  four blond and red-eyed heads in the messenger's hands spoke one by one:

  "S'aa" "In" "Looking for me."

  Klein nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I understand."


  The head that the messenger had not been able to speak just now suddenly spoke out, and then her body disappeared transparently in front of Klein.

  Huh~ Klein let out a long breath, frowning:

  "How come all the problems broke out at once?"

  He sighed, shaking the letter in his hand and showing the contents in front of him. There were only a few words:

  "I'm already in Port Berens."

  "In addition, the old man entered a deep sleep to avoid the sight of Amon who might be around. He was also unwilling to waste extra energy at this time to separate the Time Worm."

  "This..." Klein opened his mouth and swallowed the words on his lips.

  At the dock area of ​​Port Berens, Renekton stepped on an ant that crawled to his feet.

  There was a white circle around the right eye of the ant. As it died, a pale white light that was difficult to see with the naked eye separated from its body and swept away.

  Renekton sat on the guardrail of the coast, with a pure light purple glow flashing in his eyes, taking in all the information of Port Berens.   

  "This city is full of Amons. They have been able to gather into an angel-level clone."

  As he sighed, a piece of pale yellow letter paper fell from the spirit world and was just caught by him. A few words were scribbled on it:

  "I am in Port Berens, and Amon is here too!"

  Renekton rubbed his right hand on the pale yellow paper twice, and a red flame suddenly rose up, quickly burning the paper into ashes, which were dispersed into the air with the sea breeze.

  After burning the letter paper, Renekton turned around on the guardrail and looked at the sea in front of him. The deep silver in his eyes appeared and disappeared from time to time.

  In the air, a seagull with dark eyes circled a few times and then fell into the shadow under Renekton's feet with the wind.

  The shadow suddenly came to life, flowing and squirming like water, and words made of scarlet flesh and blood emerged from it:

  "Due to some coincidences and intensified conflicts among the parties, the Rose School joined forces with the Highland Kingdom and the Hagati Kingdom to attack the Paz Valley. I cannot leave here for the time being, and others cannot resist the influence of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' with the help of Tolzna."

  Renekton lowered his eyes to glance at the lines of words emerging from the dark shadow, and said in a low voice without any expression:

  "This is within expectations. Is there any movement from Intis and the Church of Steam?"

  The words made of scarlet flesh and blood in the shadow squirmed again, and soon formed new sentences:

  "Bonova Gustave appeared in the Harvest Plains of East Balam."

  This sentence stayed for about two seconds, and the scarlet flesh and blood quickly melted into the shadow, and the squirming shadow calmed down, as if nothing had happened and nothing was left.

  "Bonova has come to the southern continent. Did 'Steam' find something, or is it testing?"

  Renekton looked at the sea level ahead and whispered to himself. Suddenly, a crow with a white eye circle on its right eye landed on his shoulder, flapping its wings and looking at the place where the shadow had just moved.

  Renekton tilted his head and looked at the crow on his shoulder. He did not drive it away or kill it, but just asked lightly:

  "What do you two brothers want to do?"

  The crow standing on his shoulder opened its mouth and made Amon's voice:

  "My paranoid brother wants to get the last copy of the 'writer' feature, but he found that many people are hindering him in either an open or secret way. Some of the cooperation he reached with the night seems no longer so reliable. In order to prevent accidents, he chose to seek help from me."

  After a pause, Amon added:

  "The condition he proposed is to help me find Pales."

  "No wonder." Renekton's eyes flashed, silently adding a layer of stealth to himself.

  The crow standing on his shoulder raised its wings, pressed the white eye circle on its right eye, and said in a very gentle tone:

  "You don't have to be so defensive against me. After all, I'm just a Sequence 3 clone. If you reveal any information about your original body, I'll be contaminated by you."

  "Heh," Renekton laughed, and said nothing more. His body then became ethereal, disintegrating into streams of pure information, surging toward the sea. The

  crow with the white eye circle landed on the guardrail, and its figure blurred for a moment. The next second, it turned into an image of Amon wearing a long black windbreaker, black curly hair, black eyes, a wide forehead, and a thin face.

  He looked at the surging information torrent, raised his right hand to the crystal monocle on his face, and curled his lips:

  "They actually left. Paris hasn't arrived yet?"

  While talking to himself, he looked at the group of seabirds circling overhead.

  Silently, several white seabirds that just flew over his head had a black eye circle on their right eye.

  After parasitizing a few seabirds, his figure suddenly blurred and then disappeared on the dock.

  Deep in the spirit world, in an area surrounded by green pea vines, Renekton's figure quietly appeared here.

  Before he could take a few steps forward, the green vines drooped down and intertwined into a swing suspended in the air, and Bernadette's figure appeared on the swing.

  She looked at Renekton with some doubts, and then asked:

  "How did you get in here silently?"

  "My manipulation of information is stronger than that of ordinary 'sages'." Renekton explained with a chuckle. Bernadette nodded without comment

  , and then handed over the wishing lamp in her hand, which looked like a miniature kettle. After

  Renekton took it, he stretched out his hand and knocked on the side of the wishing lamp twice, and said at the same time:

  "It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 593: Ince Zangwill

  The golden water flowed out from the mouth of the pot and merged in mid-air to form a golden figure full of distortion and chaos.

  A golden figure floated in the air, looking down at Renekton, and said calmly:

  "You only have one wish, and I will give you the remaining two after you fulfill your promise."

  "Also, don't make your wish too complicated, and don't let it exceed my ability. I'm just using the 'Miracle Worker' feature in this lamp to interfere with reality. I can't fulfill wishes of too high a level, unless you are willing to send me back to the starry sky."

  Renekton nodded and said indifferently:

  "With the hardness of this lamp, even if it can't be used to make wishes, it can be used as a shield."

  Then he turned his gaze to Bernadette, and said thoughtfully:

  "Bonova has come to the southern continent. 'Steam' may arrange for him to do something later. You can go find him. When the scene becomes chaotic, 'Steam' will not pay too much attention to him. It's a good time for you to chat about some topics between siblings."

  Bernadette nodded lightly and said no more. Her figure instantly faded, decomposing into streams of information, passing through the forest woven by green vines, and wandering to the distance of the spiritual world.

  As Bernadette left, the green vines around them quickly retracted and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

  Renekton looked at the genie still floating in the air and chuckled:

  "Are you sure you can pull a true god down from the kingdom of God? Or, let Him and His kingdom of God come into reality together?"

  The golden figure floating in the air said with a slightly mocking tone:

  "What are you kidding? I'm just a helpless and pitiful genie trapped in a lamp."

  "Why? You want to pull the 'God of Steam and Machinery' down from the kingdom of God directly, and then kill Him with your numbers?"

  Renekton shook his head slowly and said, "I'm just thinking, will Adam, who has lost the opportunity to become a visionary, directly choose another extreme."

  "What extreme?" The genie asked in surprise.

  "You'll see it then."

  Renekton sighed and didn't answer the question. He tapped the lamp wall twice with his right index finger. The lamp spirit floating in the air snorted coldly, and the golden figure turned into a stream of pale golden water and retracted into the kettle-shaped lamp.

  Renekton looked up at the highest point of the spirit world, the seven pure lights flowing slowly. After a moment of silence, his figure holding the golden wishing lamp gradually faded and disintegrated into streams of pure knowledge, roaming quickly in the spirit world in the form of a torrent of information.

  In the hotel in Kukwa City, Uttar Pradesh, Klein took out the radio receiver that was placed above the gray fog and placed the one in front on the table.

  With the sound of "da da da", a piece of illusory white paper was spit out by the radio receiver, on which were written neat lines of Rune words:

  "Supreme Great Eternal Master, your humble and loyal servant Arrodes has come to you at your call."

  "Great Master, you have questions for me, right?"

  Klein nodded calmly, and after two seconds of silence, he asked:

  "Is there any way to digest the potion faster?"

  "Better acting." On the illusory white paper, several black words were printed out.

  Looking at the answer of "Magic Mirror" Arrodes, Klein was silent at first, and then slowly exhaled.

  Ince Zangwill appeared too early, and my Secret Master potion has not been digested well.

  Al should have had some foresight. He urged me to quickly gather the potion materials, probably so that I could successfully complete the ceremony of ascending to demigod while killing Ince Zangwill.

  However, in my current state, I may not be able to kill Ince Zangwill, who is already a demigod and has 0-08, and my digestion progress is far behind the basics. Even if I complete a wonderful performance, it is not enough unless there are additional gains.

  It seems that I am involved in a long-woven conspiracy. Klein quickly gathered his thoughts and stopped himself from thinking about it. After sighing in his heart, he looked at the radio receiver in front of him and asked again:

  "Do you think I should go to Port Berens?"

  This time, Arrodes did not give an immediate answer. The radio receiver was clattering, and the illusory white paper was spit out and swallowed back by it in a complicated way.

  After a long while, it finally gave a complete answer:

  "Great Supreme Master, I can't see the answer to this question."

  "There are too many eyes and too many wills there. It seems, it seems... a stage that has been built, waiting for the performers to arrive."

  "Great Master, I can only say: At this time, the risk is proportional to the benefit, but the specific decision depends on what you think. If you want to go, my suggestion is that you first find some reliable allies, such as... the seven pure lights in the spiritual world. In the spiritual world, they not only have status, but also strength." In the

  spiritual world, that is to say, once they leave the spiritual world, the power that the seven lights can exert is very limited? Yes, the seven lights do not seem to correspond to any sequence path. They are not supported by extraordinary characteristics, and their power should come from the spiritual world itself.

  As his thoughts floated, Klein looked at the radio receiver in front of him and nodded slightly:   

  "Let's stop here today."

  "Okay, my great and wise master, as you expected, some people will look over here in a while."

  "Your loyal servant Arrodes is always waiting to serve you~"

  Why didn't you say it earlier? Klein complained in his heart, and then quickly threw the radio receiver back into the pile of debris above the gray fog.

  After putting the telegraph away, he also did a divination above the gray fog. The yellow crystal pendant that appeared in his hand swung fast and slow in a large arc.

  The danger is great, but the probability of encountering danger fluctuates. Is it because the information is not constant, or many things cannot be divined? After a divergent mind, he spread his spirituality to wrap himself and left the gray fog.

  After using the improved secret ceremony to communicate with "Red Light" El Moria, he boarded the steam train to Port Berens.

  From a rational point of view, for my own safety, I should stay away from there and kick Anderson out of the Tarot Club to avoid unnecessary trouble and danger. But people can't always be rational. I need to take revenge on Ince Zangwill, help Leonard who has been forced to get involved, and solve the problem of Tarot Club members being targeted by Amon. As the

  steam train started, he looked out the window at the trees that began to retreat and sighed.

  In Port Berens, Anderson, who had changed his place to perform on the street, looked at the two pitiful banknotes in the upside-down tricorn hat in front of him and sighed helplessly.

  He quickly packed up his things and put the tricorn hat on his head. He looked back at Danitz who had been following him and asked curiously:

  "What are you doing? Why are you following me all the time? Do you want to change jobs and follow me? Or... are you attracted by my ordinary handsome appearance?"

  Anderson took two steps back in reaction and looked at Danitz with a horrified expression.

  "Shit! My heart will always belong to the captain."

  Danitz's face turned black instantly, and he looked disgusted. He wanted to punch the other person on the head.

  But what should I do? I remember that I seemed to have something to do. It must be because I was under too much pressure from studying on the ship, which caused my memory to decline. Forget it, since I can't remember it, it's not important.

  Danitz quickly convinced himself and looked up at Anderson, but found that the other party had left him and walked towards the tavern. He cursed and trotted after him.

  Looking for a place where they didn't notice, a crow with white eye shadow happened to fly in the sky.

  At the place where Anderson was performing on the street just now, a black ant emerged from the shadows. The right eye of this ant also had a circle of white eye shadow.

  The ant stared at the direction Anderson left, and made a subtle sound that was difficult to hear:

  "There is no reaction at all, and it is quite patient."

  After a pause of two seconds, the ant seemed to have discovered something interesting, turned its head, looked at the tall people around and whispered:

  "Interesting, the evil spirit of Medici has brought the feather pen, and the show is about to begin."

  As it spoke, the ant suddenly fell down and died silently. A ball of light separated from its body, quickly merged into the void, and disappeared.

  In a warehouse in the dock area of ​​​​Behrens Port, Ince Zangwill, with dark gold hair and dark blue eyes, walked out of the spirit world.

  His facial features were like those of a classical sculpture, without the slightest wrinkle. His only remaining eye flashed coldly around, and after confirming that there were no other creatures or spirits around, he whispered,

  "Why did you come here? This has seriously deviated from my goal, and I am getting further and further away from Ilia, the senior deacon of the Church of Evernight."

  The next moment, a bright red color appeared in Ince Zangwill's eyes, and his face was stained with some madness. His lips kept opening and closing, and he made a hoarse voice,

  "The positions of the hunter and the prey may be switched at any time. Before each hunt begins, you need to wait patiently."

  "Without my help, even if you hold that quill, it will be difficult to hunt a saint who is being watched by the night."

  "But the pen is not as honest as you think. It has been making small moves since it came to the southern continent. You don't think that what you saw is all, do you? Stupid and pitiful guy."

  Ince Zangwill's face, like a classical sculpture, was stained with a hint of darkness. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the black classical feather pen in his hand, sneering:

  "Each of us has secrets and plans, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 594 The story begins

  In the Fishery Guild in the dock area, an old man wearing a gray robe, dark golden hair and beard sat at a desk.

  Everyone else in the office ignored the old man tacitly. Even if they happened to pass by him, they would reasonably avoid him.

  On the table in front of him, there was a book bound with parchment. On the dark brown cover, there was a line of dragon language words: Liveseyd!

  He glanced at the strange eye-shaped ornament hanging on the edge of the table, and said calmly:

  "The story should begin."

  As if in response to his words, a pure and cold light flashed on the eye-shaped ornament.

  The book with the word Liveseyd on the cover flipped spontaneously, revealing the content that combined text and pictures.

  The pages flipped, and soon came to the last page and stopped.

  Above the parchment, there were lines of dragon language words written earlier:

  "In order to make the evil spirit in his body willing to help and cooperate with him, Ince Zangwill must first satisfy the evil spirit's desire and allow him to obtain at least one high-sequence Beyonder characteristic of the 'Hunter' pathway.

  Thanks to the nature of the evil spirit's undead creature and his own special status, Ince Zangwill, who was once a Sequence 5 'Gatekeeper', possessed the ability of 'Spiritual Shuttle' that only the higher sequences of the 'Death God' pathway can possess. Under Ince Zangwill's deliberate concealment, this ability seems to have not been discovered by anyone, although this is just what he thinks.

  Influenced by the aggregation effect of Beyonder characteristics, the evil spirit named Medici Soren Einhorn brought Ince Zangwill and 0-08 to the Port of Berens by coincidence of fate."

  The old man with dark blond beard looked at the handwriting on the parchment book, and his face always maintained a gentle smile.

  After a two-second pause, he slowly picked up a round-bellied fountain pen from the table and wrote new words in the Dragon Language on the parchment-bound book:

  "Depending on the specialness of 0-08, Ince Zangwill knew that a Red Gloves team of the Church of Evernight had just arrived at Port Berens and was investigating him.

  By some inevitable coincidences, 0-08 saw through the Church of Evernight's arrangement to capture Ince Zangwill and informed him that Ince Zangwill decided to kill the Red Gloves team after satisfying the needs of the evil spirits in his body.

  This is a provocation, and also a proof that it was a wrong decision for the Church of Evernight to give up on him before."

  At the end of the page, the old man wrote another sentence as if he had some realization:

  "Everything will go well today."

  At the same time, Ince Zangwill, who was still in the warehouse, reached out and held 0-08 after it stopped writing, and wrote the same sentence on the notebook:

  "Everything will go well today."

  Before he could put away his notebook and quill, the evil spirit of Medici Soren Einhorn once again controlled his body and sneered in a contemptuous tone:

  "Hey, is this a blessing from a coward to himself?"

  "No, this is a necessary preparation."

  Ince Zangwill was not angry, but explained in a calm tone. After a long time of getting along, he had figured out the habits of this evil spirit, including that he was very good at mocking, and he couldn't argue with the other party.

  Putting the notebook back into his pocket, he relied on his own "gatekeeper" ability, borrowed the special and status of the evil spirit in his body, used the ability of "spiritual shuttle", and his figure quickly faded and disappeared in the warehouse.

  In the open square near the dock area, Anderson held a map with many routes and symbols added to it, and said with a smile:

  "I have found out the approximate location of an ancient mausoleum these days. According to the customs of West Balam, there must be a large number of gold burial objects in it."

  Danitz was stunned for a moment, and asked in astonishment:

  "Aren't you always performing on the streets? When did you find out about this?"

  "That's just an illusion. A mature 'hunter' must learn to disguise himself and hide his own purpose."

  Anderson's voice suddenly stopped. He noticed a figure approaching him, and he inexplicably became alert.

  He looked at the other person for a moment and found that he didn't know this person, but for no reason, he felt like he was facing his natural enemy, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

  "Hey, you look a little miserable. How come you haven't found your way home for so long and are still wandering around as a 'night watchman'?"

  Danitz suddenly spoke something that didn't fit his character. He covered his mouth in astonishment:

  "I, I, what was I saying just now?"

  Anderson glanced at Danitz, whose expression had turned horrified. His eyes flickered and he subconsciously moved away from him.   

  Opposite them, the middle-aged man who suddenly approached suddenly had a deep blue and black eyes with a scarlet color that could not be dissolved. The malice and anger that could not be concealed were surging. He turned his eyes away from Anderson and looked at the top of Danitz's head. He grinned and said,

  "Little crow! When did you parasitize others and leave their self-awareness? Has the long time taught you what kindness is?"

  Parasitize? Amon! Anderson suddenly reacted, his eyes widened, and he looked at Danitz with fear in his eyes. He thought of the information mentioned in the Tarot Club before. Wasn't he in Backlund? How could he appear in the southern continent?

  "Don't be nervous."

  Suddenly, a gentle voice came to his ears, as if it had magic, which quickly subsided the panic, fear, and worry in his heart.

  Who. Anderson turned his head blankly and found that there was a figure beside him at some point. The memories in his mind surged. The figure seemed to have always been there, but was always subconsciously ignored.

  He wore a simple white robe and had a light golden beard that covered the lower half of his face. His eyes were as clear and pure as a child's, and his expression was warm and reserved, which made people subconsciously like him.

  After seeing the appearance of the middle-aged man dressed as a priest next to him, Anderson was stunned for a second, and then there was a faint sound of something shattering in his mind, and all the memories and emotions he had forgotten burst out at this moment.

  The constant outpouring of memories and emotions in his mind made Anderson gasp for air, and a chill from the bottom of his heart rose from his tailbone and rushed straight into his mind.

  He felt that his experiences during this period of time were driving him crazy and out of control just by thinking about them!

  Opposite Anderson and Danitz, Ince Zangwill's expression suddenly twisted, and bright red blood flowed out of his ears, eyes, nostrils and mouth. On his exposed skin, blood vessels bulged out, and there seemed to be red sparks floating inside.

  His emotions became extremely excited, as if he would lose control at any time. His lips opened and closed, and he uttered a voice full of anger:


  Adam? The son of the Creator, the King of Angels, Adam!

  Anderson felt that his brain was not enough. The development of things was like falling from the clouds into the muddy swamp in a second. Before he could react and pray to Mr. Fool, Adam and the suddenly appeared Ince Zangwill disappeared at the same time, leaving only him and Danitz who was parasitized by Amon.

  Anderson swallowed his saliva and took a step back. He wanted to pray to Mr. Fool, but before he opened his mouth, he had already forgotten the other party's honorific name.

  Danitz turned his head, looked at Anderson with a strange look and said:

  "It's not the time yet. In a while, I will let you ask your Mr. Fool for help."

  His target was Mr. Fool? He and Adam joined forces? What should I do? Anderson's expression became heavy and desperate.

  Suddenly, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, the noise of the crowd in the square all faded away, and even the sunlight became dim, as if it had suddenly entered the evening.

  In this situation, one blue star after another fell from the sky, reflecting a brilliant galaxy around.

  As the stars flickered, eyes grew out of the starlight. They flashed with cold and pure light, giving people an extremely sacred and wise feeling, but they seemed quite indifferent and without temperature. As

  the stars flickered, the physical rules around them seemed to have changed, and the movement of matter became heavy and slow, slowing down the mind and body.


  The sound of a match being struck was heard around, and the brilliant starlight around shook for a moment, and then returned to stability.

  Silently, a gray-white dragon with pale golden eyes and vertical pupils appeared in front of Anderson and the parasitized Danitz.

  He had two gray leathery wings on his back, and his limbs were relatively sturdy. The gray-white scales on the surface were engraved with complex and three-dimensional mysterious symbols.

  Before Anderson could see more, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder, and he instantly woke up from his dream.

  The heavy and sluggish feeling in his body was still there. Because he had glimpsed part of the gray-white dragon's body in the dream, Anderson's head also became tingling, and all kinds of thoughts were growing, and his thinking was very slow.

  This state did not last too long. The hand on his shoulder conveyed a cold feeling, and his thinking quickly became active, and the heavy and sluggish feeling in his body quickly subsided.

  Just as he was about to turn his head and look behind him, he heard Renekton's voice:

  "Your mission is to pray to Mr. Fool and cooperate with others to kill Ince Zangwill."

  The familiar voice relaxed Anderson's tense nerves. He had a series of questions to ask Ah Xing, but the words turned into other questions:

  "One of my friends, Danitz, has been parasitized by Amon. What should I do?"

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 595:

  One after another Renekton glanced at Danitz who was still sleeping calmly, and said calmly:

  "It's not a deep-level parasite. Let him pray to Mr. Fool and hold the corresponding ceremony to purify the Amon in him."

  Anderson nodded, and wanted to say something else, but he saw Renekton took out a strange crown covered with rust and blood from somewhere. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his eyes could not move away from the crown.

  Gulp! The sound of swallowing saliva came from his throat.

  Noticing Anderson's performance, Renekton chuckled and explained:

  "This is the trait of the 'Conqueror', the sequence one of the 'Hunter' path."

  "If you can help others kill Ince Zangwill and rescue the people of this city as much as possible, I can ask Medici to separate a set of 'Iron Knight' extraordinary traits as your reward."

  As he spoke, bits of starlight flowed out from between his fingers, quickly gathering and flowing, tearing a gap in the air in the shape of an eye, connecting to a certain area of ​​the spirit world.

  The strange crown covered with rust and blood was thrown into the spirit world through the gap by him and was caught by a white-skinned arm.

  Anderson's eyes followed the arm and saw the appearance of the person who caught the "Conqueror" trait.

  He was wearing a simple and plain linen robe, tall and thin, with soft features and a beautiful face. His silver hair was long to his vest, and behind him were layers of illusory pure wings formed by rays of light.

  Anderson's eyes met with the other person's across the reality and the spirit world. He shuddered subconsciously. He saw indifference and alienation in the other person's eyes, as if he was watching fate and everyone in the world as a bystander. The

  gap torn by the starlight quickly disappeared. Anderson turned his head to look at Renekton, opened his mouth, and murmured,

  "Who is he?"

  "'Tail Devourer' Ouroboros."

  Renekton responded calmly, and his body instantly became transparent, as if he had turned into a statue made of countless starlight.

  The statue shattered, and the bright starlight surged and penetrated into Danitz's body.

  The next second, an ancient and mottled huge shadow appeared above Danitz's head.

  This shadow was like the surface of a wall clock carved out of stone, divided into a total of twelve grids, each of which was either grayish white or dark blue, interspersed with each other, with clear boundaries, and possessed different symbols.

  As the shadow of the wall clock emerged, dots of bright starlight shone out. They moved quickly along the surface of the wall clock, outlining one mysterious symbol after another and cold and indifferent eyes.

  "Danis' body has become their battlefield."

  Anderson murmured subconsciously, and soon came to his senses. He clasped his hands, lowered his head, and prayed to Mr. "Fool" in ancient Hermetic language:

  "The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the yellow and black king who controls good luck."

  In the area of ​​the Pas River Valley, a bright red full moon slowly emerged in the sky accompanied by the sound of a baby crying. The sky, which was originally at dusk, was instantly replaced by night. The surrounding spirituality began to grow wildly, and the effects of inspiration and death were strengthened.

  Under the crimson moonlight, all creatures were gradually infected with madness, and all kinds of twisted and dark thoughts grew from the bottom of their hearts. They either died suddenly, or mutated, or suddenly went crazy and attacked others everywhere.

  In this situation, the feeling of extreme evil and extreme madness spread rapidly with the air, as if the entire Pas River Valley was shrouded in a curse.

  At the same time, a pair of broad arms suddenly stretched out from the spirit world and inserted straight into the ground. The surface of the arms was covered with a layer of dark sticky, and it seemed that evil liquid was flowing, and it quickly spread around, eroding the void, interfering with the overlap of reality and the spirit world, and isolating the Pas River Valley from the mystical sense.

  In the Red Rose Church located along the underworld, a faint sigh sounded out of thin air, and the surrounding shadows and darkness instantly came alive, surging like a tide, spreading rapidly around, covering the people and objects trapped in the curse.

  The shadow quickly slid down, and Sasriel's figure stood quietly in the air. Layers of virtual black wings fell from his back, covering most of his body, just like an angel walking out of the mural.

  Under his feet, the shadows squirmed quickly, forming a group of strange, uncontrolled independent creatures. They came from the combination of the fallen thoughts and shadows that were bred in the hearts of the people around him because of the curse.

  As soon as these fallen creatures appeared, they quickly disintegrated, turning into a dark, sticky, and corrupt "ocean", which in turn infected the surrounding dark and sticky, as if flowing with evil liquid.

  At the same time, a beautiful female figure emerged from the shadows beside Sasriel.

  Her hair was black and shiny, tied into a high bun, her ears were slightly pointed, her facial features were delicate, and her brown eyes were a little dull and lifeless, without a sense of spirituality.

  It was the soul of the "Queen of Natural Disasters" Cosinamu who was being herded.

  With the appearance of Cosinamu, thick dark clouds gathered in the sky in the blink of an eye, covering most of the light of the red moon.

  Silver-white electric snakes jumped out one after another, carrying a strong and violent destructive breath that seemed to be substantial, and densely chopped around the pair of broad arms inserted into the ground, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters in the Thunder Forest, as if a natural disaster had arrived.   

  These electric lights penetrated the barrier between reality and the spirit world, completely covering a huge evil rag doll with blood-red eyes, countless mysterious patterns engraved on its body, and entangled with evil vines, trying to destroy it directly.

  In the city of Innis outside the lightning storm, an old man wearing a simple linen robe, blood-red eyes, dark blue hair at the roots and gray hair at the top, deep facial features, and no wrinkles on his face quietly walked out of the convex window.

  His body was translucent, like a spirit creature like a ghost, and his bright red eyes were particularly cold and emotionless.

  In his hand, he also held a fist-sized, blood-red crystal ball. The surface of the crystal ball was engraved with many ancient and mysterious patterns. Looking from different directions, you can see different arcs, just like the moon at different times.

  The second angel of the Rose School's indulgent faction, "Cursed King" Barranca!

  When no one noticed, he had quietly sneaked into the Pas River Valley.

  The crimson moonlight burst out from the crystal ball in Barranca's hand, and soon enveloped the entire city, as if it had entered the night of the blood moon.

  Unconsciously, the city became extremely quiet, and even the chirping of insects disappeared.

  The expression of the old man who was walking slowly in the city gradually became cold and twisted, and the madness and tyranny in his eyes could not be concealed.

  His figure quickly faded and disappeared, and in less than a second, it reappeared.

  "I can't get out of the dream"

  As he murmured, a tall figure of nearly 2.3 meters tall emerged from the shadows at the end of the street.

  He had a slightly hunched back, his hair was completely white, there were wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, scars on his mouth, and he was wearing a dark clergy robe. His dark brown eyes were deep and calm, and he looked like a very old priest or bishop.

  The old pastor with giant blood was in the shadows, looking at the old man shrouded in moonlight across the street, and said in a flat voice:

  "I am the angel of the Lord's Word, responsible for patrolling the Lord's pastures."

  "Despicable intruder, this is the dream I wove for you, and it is also the battlefield and grave I chose for you."

  "Humph! The faith here belongs only to the 'Mother Tree'."

  Baranca snorted coldly, and before he finished speaking, he felt the change in the dream. His connection with the outside world was completely cut off, and he was completely trapped in this dream.

  In just a moment, Baranca reacted, and looked gloomily at the "dirty elder" Stiver who put himself in the shadows. "Dirty elder

  ", she also herded the soul of the "audience" saint, otherwise I would not be so careless. The thought in his heart flashed through his mind, and Baranca raised the crimson crystal ball in his hand. The crimson moonlight interacted like a substance, stretching out a door that was illusory and hazy, engraved with many mysterious symbols.

  The next moment, countless stars fell around, surging like turbulent waves, closing this illusory "Gate of Summoning".

  Steve's eyes instantly turned pale gold and upright, and violent winds continued to emerge around him, seemingly coming from reality, and also from illusion.

  This wind blew towards Barranca with some crazy and chaotic will, tearing his body, shocking his mind and spirit, and making him fall into a state of difficulty in self-control for a short time, standing still with trembling all over.

  The starlight falling in the air also quickly condensed at this time, forming a heavy, sharp, and destructive spear, which fell quickly and inserted into various parts of Barranca's body, piercing and tearing his body.

  Barranca's body, which was pierced by the starlight spear, instantly became virtual, stained with the crimson of moonlight, and disintegrated into pieces of red phosphorus, dissipating in the air.

  In the upper reaches of the Pas River Valley, near the Harvest Plains, in the city of Tok, a tall, handsome young man with long chestnut hair, blue eyes, was walking on the street with an unusually calm expression.

  He looked deeply into the distance, toward the lower reaches of the Pas River Valley, the direction of Indias and Uttar Pradesh.

  At a certain moment, he suddenly stopped and looked calmly at the green vines that kept hanging around him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  The green vines covered the surroundings like a rainstorm. They intertwined and quickly formed a forest isolated from the real space.

  Bernadette's figure appeared on a swing hanging in the air. She was sitting on it with her legs crossed, looking down at Bonova who suddenly appeared in the southern continent.

  (End of this chapter)