

  Chapter 586 Red Angel Evil Spirit

  Roselle glared at Renekton fiercely, and said with gritted teeth:

  "You win. One day, I will hide all the diaries and delete them from this world."

  Renekton chuckled and reminded:

  "This is the authority of the 'Goddess of Night', but unfortunately, you can't beat her and get the authority of 'secret'."

  Roselle glared at him and said in a very unhappy tone:

  "Let's end this topic here, let's go. It happens that I haven't been to the South Continent for a long time, so I can revisit the old place."

  "And recently Bernadette has become more and more disrespectful to my old father. I think we need some distance between us to maintain a good father-daughter relationship."

  Renekton looked at Roselle opposite with pity. With Bernadette's character, escape will not solve the problem. To be honest, he should be even worse.

  As if stimulated by Renekton's eyes, Rosal muttered in dissatisfaction:

  "What's that look?"

  Renekton smiled and said nothing. He put his left thumb and index finger to his lips again and whistled.

  Soon, the pumpkin carriage pulled by two fat mice appeared on the deck of the "Dawn" again. The carriage door opened automatically and became a step to board the carriage.

  Rosal looked at the two fat mice and glanced away with some disdain:

  "Can you use something normal to pull the carriage? You messed up the fairy tale magic like this. Children will have nightmares when they see it."

  Renekton lowered his head and thought for two seconds, then refuted seriously:

  "Isn't this appropriate? This is in line with the true nature of fairy tales. This is an absurd and weird aesthetic!"

  "Your childhood must be very different from others' childhoods." Rosal sighed speechlessly.

  In two or three steps, he crossed a long distance on the deck and walked to the side of the strange carriage.

  In the southern continent, at Berens Port, the northernmost part of West Balam, under the dim street lights, a figure wearing a black double-breasted long frock coat and a tall black hat walked out of the spirit world. His hair

  was dark gold under the black hat, and his pupils were blue to the point of being dark black, but one eye was blind. In the remaining eye, a fiery red figure was reflected.

  This figure was none other than Ince Zangwill, the traitor from the Church of Evernight. However, his current condition did not seem to be good. The evil spirit sealed in his body was too powerful and took control of his body. A

  vain smile suddenly appeared on Ince Zangwill's face, and his nose slightly expanded twice, greedily breathing in the smell in the air.

  After a moment, Ince Zangwill, who was controlled by the evil spirit, finally stopped his exaggerated movements and sighed to himself:

  "I feel the breath of my Lord. Even if I don't take the initiative to look for him, someone will come to find me soon."

  "Haha, Soran, Einhorn, you two idiots, after all this trouble, didn't you follow me to my Lord?"

  The next moment, a slightly illusory mouth appeared on the left cheek of Ince Zangwill, and a sharp and hoarse voice came out:

  "The real Creator is still sealed in the southern continent. There are at most one or two of His followers here. This doesn't affect anything."

  As the voice fell, a slightly illusory mouth appeared on the right cheek of Ince Zangwill, and then he said:

  "Don't forget, without the cooperation of Soran and me, you can't control the physical movements of Ince Zangwill at all."

  Medici, who took the initiative, whispered disdainfully:

  "Hey, two idiots, you'd better continue to be women. 'Hunter' is not suitable for you."

  The next second, the illusory mouths on Ince Zangwill's left and right cheeks seemed to be irritated, and they were in a stalemate with Medici who took the initiative.

  The battle between the three evil spirits made Ince Zangwill's body twisted strangely. His left hand tore his right face, his right hand tore his left face, and his two legs were pulled forward and backward, forming a straight line.

  Under the dim street light, this scene looked absurd and weird.

  Near dawn, Renekton brought Roselle to the Pas River Valley and handed him over to Grant, who arranged a job for him.

  After Renekton left, Roselle suddenly changed his expression, as if chatting with an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time:

  "You left the Steam Church just to change a place and continue to repeat this boring and boring work?"

  "Did you know that my daughter is now a 'Sage', the same Sequence Two as you."

  Grant rolled his eyes at this guy and said with disgust:

  "It seems that dying once didn't teach you any lessons. You're still as annoying as before."

  "If I had known that the little guy was talking about you, I would have refused directly at that time."

  Roselle seemed not to hear Grant's disgust, and laughed: "Haha, little guy, what aspect of him do you mean is smaller?"

  Grant's face changed, but soon returned to calm. She looked at Roselle, who was laughing obscenely, and said calmly:

  "Do you need me to help you change a mechanical body? It happens that I haven't separated the characteristics of the 'Alchemist' yet."

  "I'm talking about age. Why are you reacting so strongly? Is there something you can't say?"   

  Russell waved his hands repeatedly. Before he finished speaking, there was a bang. Several metal coils like magnets flew out from the corner, tightly binding his mechanical body and hanging it upside down on the ceiling.

  "I remember you said you liked bondage games. As an old friend who I haven't seen for a long time, I will fulfill your wish."

  While speaking, Ge Lan gently rubbed her fingers, and dots of starlight overflowed from her palms, outlining strange symbols in the air, and then sank into Russell's mechanical body, disabling the ability of this mechanical doll.

  Ignoring Russell's shouts, she walked back to the bedroom on the second floor without looking back.

  When Ge Lan disappeared from his sight, Russell distorted the extraordinary ability acting on himself and lowered himself from the ceiling.

  He moved his body and found no hidden dangers. He said with a sigh,

  "You are already hundreds of years old, but you still can't take a joke."

  The next morning, Renekton had just finished breakfast and was about to go see how the ritual required for the clone to be promoted to "Insighter" was prepared. The shadow under his feet suddenly began to move spontaneously.

  In Renekton's surprised eyes, the shadow flowed like a stream, forming a paragraph of Dutan words on the ground:

  Come to the Red Rose Church.

  "What could make Sasriel come to me on his own initiative?"

  While whispering to himself, his body gradually became ethereal, disintegrating into streams of pure knowledge, penetrating the walls of the house and pouring out.

  On the riverside of the south bank of the Pas River Valley, a group of buildings with pointed roofs were built at some point. They were all dark, with crimson rose patterns painted on the walls, surrounded by an inverted cross. The

  towering clock tower stood on the edge of the square surrounded by fountains, and the hour hand just pointed to the eight o'clock mark.


  The melodious bell sound spread with the air, startling a group of gray pigeons resting on the top of the bell tower. As they went away, the bell sound echoed on both sides of the river.

  On the square paved with gray and white marble below, several clergymen wearing black priest robes with gold lines were distributing some simple food and some newspapers and books to the volunteers around them.

  Renekton's figure quietly appeared in the square. He looked around the people around him briefly, and then walked straight to the magnificently built church in front.

  After passing through a corridor painted with thorns and murals, they arrived at the prayer hall. There were several stained glass windows high on the walls on both sides of the hall. The morning sun could just penetrate in, leaving a series of distinct color traces above the prayer hall. The prayer hall

  was very quiet. There were no extra believers praying here. Sasriel sat on the bench in the front with his back to Renekton, praying to the statue standing upside down on the cross.

  Renekton stood quietly for a while, and waited until Sasriel finished praying before talking to him:

  "This church was built a little too fast!"

  "We don't belong to the Seven Gods Alliance, and we don't need to abide by their conventions." Sasriel's voice was calm and rational.

  Does that mean you can just let the Beyonders be the construction workers, or even build this church yourself? Renekton raised his eyebrows and chuckled:

  "That's true, and this is the South Continent."

  After a pause, he continued to ask: "What did you find when you suddenly asked me to come here?"

  Sasriel stood up from his chair, and the black robe with gorgeous accessories made a rustling sound. He clasped his hands and held a dark cane, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a thick shadow that could not be dissolved.

  He looked through the wall of the church, looking towards the north-west, and sighed softly:

  "Medici has come to West Balam. He is currently staying in the Northern State. Soren and Einhorn's consciousness conflicted with him, and they were deadlocked there."

  Renekton looked out along his gaze, and his special status allowed him to see some colors of war gathering in the north.

  After a two-second pause, he retracted his gaze and looked at Sasriel and said:

  "What are you going to do? He can no longer be completely regarded as the Red Angel he once was."

  After two seconds of silence, Sasriel said in a low voice:

  "Help me transfer the characteristics of the 'Conqueror' to him, and the rest is up to him to choose."

  "The conflict between Amon and Adam was irreconcilable when they planned it. I have no position to interfere with this. He can choose to return to me or find new allies."

  Renekton sighed twice, and sighed with a sigh:

  "It's really not easy. On one side is a disobedient son, and on the other side is the most loyal subordinate."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 587: Sudden Encounter

  Deep in the spirit world, a torrent of information formed by countless knowledge surged like a tide, and quickly roamed to the spirit world area corresponding to the capital of the Northern State, Citron.

  The dim light that was difficult to observe quickly collapsed inward, and reconstructed Renekton's body with complex and pure knowledge. With

  a lavender glow flowing in his eyes, his gaze easily penetrated the barrier between the spirit world and reality, and searched for Ince Zangwill, who was possessed by the red angel evil spirit in Citron City.

  Without much effort, he saw the former Archbishop of the Church of Darkness, Ince Zangwill, who wrapped himself tightly, on the platform of a steam train station.

  "An evil spirit with the status of an angel king, a rebellious feather pen that always wants to write its holder to death, without any ability to anti-divination and anti-prophecy, is really not challenging."

  Renekton whispered to himself as he stepped out of the spirit world.

  The next second, something unexpected happened. The surrounding spirit world was suddenly covered with a layer of sticky black liquid, causing the surrounding spirits to change, as if they had turned into layers of barriers, interfering with the overlap of reality and the spirit world.

  Renekton's action of entering the spirit world was interrupted, and the spirit world in the surrounding area was sealed off. His figure, which should have appeared in reality, remained in the same place.

  "My stinky mouth!"

  Renekton was speechless for a moment, not knowing whether to lament that he was too unlucky or that Adam's movements were too fast.

  While he was sighing, pale skulls, eyeballs with obvious blood vessels, tongues with fangs, and all kinds of strange things had grown out of the sticky black liquid covering the surrounding spirit world.

  The feeling of extreme evil and extreme madness spread rapidly, making the originally bright and vivid colors around chaotic. This evil and madness spread rapidly with the special spirit world, causing the consciousness of the surrounding creatures to be infected with madness, or die directly, or mutate.

  Before Renekton could react, an extremely evil roar that pierced his spirit body suddenly came from a distance, causing his spirit body to tremble. His body also became somewhat stiff, his mind went blank, and he lost all thoughts for a short time.

  Various strange things that grew out of the sticky black liquid suddenly swelled up around him, quickly approached Renekton's body, and revealed their mouthparts with rows of sharp teeth, biting fiercely at his body.

  Renekton's stiff body suddenly became transparent and illusory, and under the bite of the strange creatures that grew around him, it turned into a pile of foam and flew away.

  The next second, his figure emerged in another area of ​​the spirit world, holding a dark ancient horn in his hand, with an extremely heavy and powerful meaning.

  He put the horn to his mouth and blew it hard.

  A low humming sound came from the horn and spread out quickly. Under the superposition of sound waves, the things that grew out of the evil sticky black liquid around him were shattered.

  Under the continuous superposition of sound waves, even the space in the surrounding spiritual world began to collapse, and dark and deep cracks appeared around, densely packed, as if this place would collapse into nothingness at any time.

  A gust of cold wind suddenly blew around, forcibly pulling Renekton's spirit, as if to separate his soul and body, making it difficult for him to maintain the action of blowing towards the horn.


  Renekton's right hand wearing a mechanical glove snapped his fingers, and a dark red light flashed on the surface of the bronze mechanical glove, outlining an eye with a heavy and majestic feeling on the back of his hand.

  The cold wind whistling around him suddenly became chaotic, forming a windless area around him.

  Suddenly, a touch of silver-white color flashed in his eyes, and instantly became extremely deep, like the sea surface before a storm.

  In this state, he saw an evil and twisted doll that showed strong malice towards him.

  Its body was as huge as a small mountain, with an evil and sticky liquid flowing on its surface. Its facial features shrank into a ball, but its mouth was exaggerated, with the corners of its mouth almost stretched to its ears, and it was roaring silently at itself.

  In just a moment, Renekton came to his senses and realized that the picture he had just seen was a prophecy generated by his own inspiration.

  Without hesitation, he took out an illusory hat from the void and put it on his head.

  His figure disappeared, hiding all traces.

  The next second, the surrounding spirit world suddenly turned black, as if it had become a muddy abyss, from which twisted blood-colored vines grew. It was divided into multiple sections, each with four fangs and an eye.

  These blood-colored vines grew wildly upwards, and soon completely surrounded the surrounding spirit world area, forming an evil cage.


  The cold wind from nowhere blew again, and beautiful and dreamy snowflakes with a hint of dark green floated around. These snowflakes were like tiny mirrors, reflecting broken figures.

  Standing far enough away, one could see that it was an ugly doll covered with evil symbols and patterns, and full of curses and ominous aura. The

  green snowflakes suddenly became chaotic and disordered, and the figure of Sua reflected in them also became blurred.   

  This chaos did not last long. Dark and sticky liquid continued to seep out of the snowflakes floating around. Soon, the snowflakes floating in the air disappeared, leaving only the evil black liquid that seemed to be condensed from countless curses.

  These sticky black liquids quickly became transparent and turned into layers of barriers, imprisoning the surrounding spiritual space layer by layer, constantly reducing Renekton's activity space.

  Sizzle! The sound of a match being struck suddenly sounded.

  Then Renekton took off the illusory hat on his head, revealing his figure. Around him, golden stars fell, emitting bright and clear light, and a majestic sun breath.

  Snap! Renekton raised his hand and snapped his fingers. On the mechanical glove on his right hand, dark red light flowed and outlined an eye full of heaviness and majesty.

  The light emitted by the surrounding golden stars suddenly became blazing, like small suns. The majestic sun breath and the extremely evil and crazy curses around formed a confrontation.

  The bright yellow light and the dark evil liquid were clearly separated, and the surrounding spirit world seemed to have turned into a monotonous painting.

  During the stalemate between the two sides, the figure of the "divine evil" Si'a silently appeared behind Renekton. His ugly rag doll body, which was like a hill, was covered by the dark and sticky liquid around him. His aura was extremely restrained, without revealing the slightest trace.

  The next second, Si'a, who maintained the form of a mythical creature, suddenly opened his mouth and let out an extremely evil roar that pierced the spirit body.

  In the bright yellow light, Renekton's body stiffened a little bit, then broke, turned into a dim flame, and disappeared with the surrounding golden stars.

  Only the bronze mechanical glove remained in place. Its five fingers grasped twice, and soon loosened powerlessly.

  Silently, a night with a sense of peace and tranquility descended on the surroundings, falling on the body of the god Si'a like a veil.

  The huge and ugly rag doll seemed to be wiped away bit by bit and disappeared into the spirit world.

  The bronze mechanical glove that was left in place suddenly raised its index and middle fingers to the air and made a "yeah" gesture.

  The next second, fine blue-green scales appeared on the glove, and the symbols and signs of the storm field lit up one by one.

  The surrounding air currents spun in circles, and the violent wind collided with the air, making an explosion-like movement. An unrestrained tornado suddenly rose from the ground.

  Silver-white electric snakes jumped around in the tornado, carrying a strong and violent destructive breath that seemed to be real, and densely chopped around, covering the spirit world area wrapped in the dark and sticky evil liquid in storms and thunder.

  Those strange things that grew out of the dark and evil liquid were destroyed bit by bit by the silver-white lightning, and they shattered and evaporated in the strong wind and disappeared.

  The whistling, swirling tornado was like a terrifying giant, pulling at the huge cage formed by the crazy growth of blood-colored vines in the outer area, destroying it bit by bit, leaving nothing behind.

  In the secret world, a pitch-black ball of thread covered with eyes and a huge ugly rag doll were playing a game of chasing each other in mid-air.

  From time to time, Rekton would virtualize himself, turning himself into something that did not exist at all, or into a pure information creature, while avoiding the attacks of the "evil god" Sua, while simulating the power of the sun and storm domain to weaken his influence on the surrounding environment.

  After counting silently for thirty seconds in his mind, Rekton opened the secret world.

  The pitch-black ball of thread covered with countless weird and crazy eyes quickly disintegrated, turning into a stream of complex and pure information, which carried the mechanical gloves that were still maintaining the storm and lightning away from this spiritual area.

  The expression on Sua's face became distorted, making his already ugly features even more indescribable.

  His right hand stretched forward, and suddenly became longer. It instantly crossed a long distance and appeared next to Renekton, who had transformed into an information state.

  On this arm, a dark and sticky evil liquid continued to flow, and many pale skull heads and tongues with fangs instantly grew out.

  These strange things simultaneously let out shrill roars, affecting the spirituality around them, reducing the degree of fit between the body and the soul, and gradually turning the body into a prison for the spirit.

  The torrent of information that kept surging forward slowed down a little bit, as if it was getting heavier and heavier.

  In the depths of the spirit world, a sun that looked like a child's graffiti happened to appear, stained the surrounding spirit world with a layer of radiance that purified everything.

  The influence exerted by Sua was quickly dissolved, and Renekton, in the form of a torrent of information, seized the opportunity and quickly got rid of this "evil god" of the Rose School.

  (End of this chapter)


  Chapter 588 Monday

  On the steam train to Port Berens in Hitlon, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, a black classical feather pen, without anyone holding it, spontaneously wrote words in the Dragon language on the brown notebook on the dining table:

  Mahams of the Rose School failed to snatch the mummy of Tutanses II, but accidentally found clues about the leader of the Temperance Faction, Renette Tinichol, and passed this clue back to the Rose School.

  Baranca (corrected) who went to investigate, and the leader of the Indulgence Faction, "God Evil" Si'a, who went to investigate, accidentally found Al Tynes' figure in the spirit world, and He decided to raid him and solve this "hidden danger".

  Si'a was too confident in his Sequence One strength, and was easily teased by Al Tynes, and left calmly.

  During the pursuit, the "sun" of the spirit world just rose here, so He lost the best chance to pursue and had to give up helplessly.

  This development is very reasonable!

  After getting rid of the "evil god" S'a, Al Tynes decided to go to Port Berens. The unlucky Factor Zangwill also planned to go there. He would bring the evil spirit of Medici Soren Einhorn in his body to Al Tynes.

  Soren and Einhorn wanted to stop him, but they were not as strong as Medici, so they could only work together to restrain him. The wonderful balance made the evil spirit Medici Soren Einhorn quiet down. Without additional interference, Ince Zangwill's move to Port Berens would be smooth.

  This is a very reasonable development!

  The classical feather pen suddenly fell down, as if the content just written had exhausted all its strength.

  The window of the steam train was suddenly opened by someone, and in the whimpering wind, the notebook that 0-08 had written just now was flipping.

  At some point, the paper on the notebook stopped, revealing the dazzling words of the dragon language on it:

  On a night unknown to anyone, Ince Zangwill unconsciously recited the honorific name of my great father in his sleep. In a corner that no one noticed, the great "Dragon of Imagination" had already cast his gaze. In

  Berens Port, relying on the language spell that Danitz got from the bishop of the local Church of Knowledge, Anderson was finally able to communicate with the locals without any obstacles. In the

  dock area, Anderson and Danitz, who had just finished lunch at a local specialty restaurant, walked side by side on the street.

  After sidestepping who knows how many bicycles passed, Anderson curled his lips and grinned,

  "Sometimes I really doubt whether this is the poor and backward West Balam. Their food is even richer and more diverse than Feynaport in the northern continent, and the streets are full of bicycles for easy travel."

  Danitz glanced at Anderson with disdain, and said with an undisguised sense of superiority,

  "It's already 1,350 years ago. Don't always look at the problems here with your eyes that are out of touch with the times. The times are developing, and society is progressing. These are all very normal phenomena."

  "In the near future, you will find that even civilians here can travel by steam train or airship."

  Anderson sneered and interrupted Danitz's endless words,

  "Heh, this doesn't sound like something you would say. Who did you hear that from?"

  "Also, you know too much about the situation in West Balam, don't you? Edwina has rarely been active at sea recently. Has your 'Golden Dream' changed its business?"

  Danitz shook his head repeatedly and said,

  "Of course not. We just found a good part-time job while searching for treasure."

  "You don't know how dangerous the sea is now. I just received a message from Blue that 'Admiral of Hell' Ludwell was killed by Gehrman Sparrow near the Raging Sea."

  "That guy boarded the 'Black Tulip' alone. There was no fight. He just stared at Ludwell for a while, and then the 'Admiral of Hell' turned into a zombie and was taken away by him."

  Danitz's description was so vivid that Anderson even doubted whether it was real news or something he made up to attract attention.

  It should be true. With this guy's IQ, he couldn't think of such a wonderful plot. But if you look at it this way, Gehrman Sparrow has become stronger again? Isn't this too outrageous? He had just been promoted to Sequence 5 when we last met. Anderson crossed his arms in front of his chest, and his expression gradually became serious. In

  a trance, he seemed to hear a sigh beside him.

  Anderson looked around suspiciously. Apart from Danitz, there was no one else around him.

  Strange, am I hallucinating? Anderson scratched his head and thought about it briefly. He put the question behind him and unconsciously forgot the memory just now.

  On the outskirts of Port Berens, Rekton walked out of the spirit world. He stood in the distance and stared at the port city for a while. He felt strange in his heart.

  Why did I want to come here? As his thoughts turned, his eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of silver. His eyes became extremely deep, lost focus, and were blank.

  This state lasted less than two seconds, and his eyes became clear again.

  "It's interesting that I can meet Ince Zangwill here. It doesn't seem like an arrangement that Adam would make. That quill, or Angerweed?"   

  After whispering to himself, green vines suddenly descended from the sky, completely submerging his figure.

  Time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon. Leaning on a bench made of vines, Renekton slightly raised his head. A thick gray mist quickly surged in his eyes, and the deep red light flooded his sight like a tide.

  When his vision became clear again, he had already arrived at the ancient and magnificent palace above the gray mist, sitting on the high-backed chair belonging to the "White Tower".

  "Justice" Audrey stood up first, and saluted at the top of the mottled long table with her skirt lifted up, saying:

  "Good afternoon, Mr. 'Fool'."

  After everyone finished saluting and greeting in turn, "Hermit" Cattleya turned sideways to "The Fool" Klein at the top of the mottled long table and saluted:

  "I'm sorry, Mr. 'Fool', I still haven't collected the diary of Emperor Roselle this week."

  "Yeah," Klein maintained a calm tone and nodded slightly.

  It seems that the "Queen of Mystery" really doesn't plan to continue giving me the diary. What happened made her suddenly change her mind? As his thoughts were floating, Klein subconsciously looked at Renekton who was sitting on a high-back chair. He subconsciously thought that this matter might be related to him.

  Sensing Klein's gaze, Renekton turned his head and smiled and nodded at the "World" at the bottom of the mottled long table.

  "Justice" Audrey, who habitually paid attention to and observed everyone, noticed this scene. She subconsciously used her thoughts to interpret the hidden actions between Renekton and Klein just now. Mr. "White Tower" and Mr. "World" seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding. Could this matter be related to Ms. "Hermit" no longer contributing Roselle's diary?

  As her thoughts were floating, she heard Mr. "Fool" at the top of the mottled long table chuckle and announce that today's Tarot Club officially began.

  "Moon" Emlyn couldn't wait to cough twice, and after attracting everyone's attention, he looked at Renekton, raised his chin slightly and said:

  "I have become a viscount!"

  "I wonder if you have any information about the 'Witch King', or artificial vampires of the same level?"

  "You don't have to say the first sentence, I can see it." Renekton teased Emlyn with a smile, and when he saw a blush on the other's cheek, he chuckled and answered the other's question:

  "I only know two 'Witch Kings', they both joined the Rose School. One is the former 'Crimson Queen', and the other is Karaman, the compiler of the mysticism book that the 'World' sold to Miss 'Justice' before."

  "The former has been killed by the Storm Church, and the corresponding characteristics have been recycled by them. The latter is probably still recovering from his injuries. He was injured by the 'Founder' of Rune in the operation to snatch the mummy of Tutankhamun II in the port of Pritz in Rune not long ago." "There

  must be demigod-level vampire monsters in the God-Forsaken Land, but you probably can't afford it."

  "Also, you haven't paid back even one tenth of your debt to me."

  Emlyn felt the embarrassment so clearly for the first time. His cheeks flushed again, his head drooped slightly, and he said with some disappointment:

  "I'm just asking in advance so that I can make plans. If I rely on the channels within the blood clan, I don't know how many hundreds of years it will take for me to become an 'earl'."

  After a pause, he continued:

  "The Viscount is already a Beyonder corresponding to Sequence Five. I have enough ability to repay the previous debts, and it will not exceed this month at most!"

  After two seconds of silence, Klein manipulated his trumpet "World" and said in a hoarse voice:

  "You can try to pray to the ancestor of your blood clan. Perhaps He will directly grant you a trait of a 'Witch King'."

  If you are really still a blood clan chosen by Lilith, He should not mind a little investment and training, and I can also take the opportunity to know the status of this blood clan ancestor.

  Emlyn's face froze, and he said helplessly,

  "Except for occasional revelations, the ancestor basically won't respond to our prayers, let alone requests."

  The transaction phase passed quickly, and the sequence promotion of everyone in the Tarot Club seemed to have reached a bottleneck. They were busy acting and digesting, and they didn't have too many needs.

  At the reminder of Klein the Fool, today's Tarot Club will soon enter the free exchange phase.

  Renekton turned his head to look at the gloomy "world" at the bottom of the mottled long table, and chuckled and said,

  "I found the trace of Ince Zangwill."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 589 Calderon City

  Klein's reaction was greater than Renekton had expected. Even the secret puppet, "The World" showed unexpected emotional fluctuations.

  After Klein calmed down his emotions, he controlled "The World" to look at Renekton and said, "Where is he?"   Renekton leaned back, leaned against the back of the chair and chuckled, "

  He is in   Citron, the capital of West Balam Uttar Pradesh, but he should have left now. If nothing unexpected happens, he will most likely go to Port Berens later."   "Port Berens. I know." "The World" pondered and nodded slightly.   "Port Berens?" Anderson looked at Renekton in surprise, his eyes full of confusion.   Feeling Anderson's gaze, Renekton turned his head and looked over, wondering, "Is there any problem?"   "No, it just happened that I was in Port Berens too, and I was a little surprised."   Anderson shook his head. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it.   By the way, what am I doing in Port Berens? And I still have not thought of leaving. One thought after another floated through his mind, but he soon subconsciously ignored these questions.   Seeing that the topic had come to an end, "Hanged Man" Alger turned his head to look at "Sun" Derrick and said:   "How is your exploration of the former chief's mausoleum in Silver City going?"   "Sun" Derrick organized his words a little, and then said:   "The chief has led a team to hunt vampires, and the remaining elders of the "Six-Man Council" have not yet opened the door to the underground."   "However, dense and strange plants have grown in the cracks of the stones on the outer layer of the mausoleum, some of which look like human hair."   After a pause, he looked around at everyone and asked:   "Have any of you seen or known this kind of plant?"   The Tarot Club members looked at each other and shook their heads, saying that they had never seen this strange plant.   After a brief exchange of information, today's Tarot Club ended quickly.   The crimson light flooded Renekton's sight like a tide, and when he came to his senses, he had returned to the forest woven with green vines.   His eyes passed through the layers of intertwining, and he could not see the forest at the top at all, looking towards the nearby Berens Port.   The buildings here like to use a kind of pale stone, and then paint exaggerated patterns on the walls, and hang some human or animal skulls for decoration. Skulls are a very popular element here, just like the gold of Intis.   On the street, there are postmen or skilled workers riding bicycles among the crowds, and some dock workers riding tricycles transformed from bicycles to help cargo ships or foreigners who have just disembarked to carry goods and luggage. As he   glanced around, he saw Anderson, who was dressed like a street performer, and next to him, there was Danitz, who was sent by Edwina to collect information.   "Heh, the thing in Anderson's body didn't attract the Red Angel Evil Spirit, but it attracted Danitz first."   "The thing in Anderson's body has a strong attraction to the 'hunters'. From what I've observed so far, two 'hunters' have passed by here."   While talking to himself, Renekton suddenly noticed something wrong. The information he observed through the "Eye of Secrets" was missing.   "Psychological Invisibility". If it weren't for my sensitivity to information, I wouldn't even be able to find the problem. As the thought floated, Renekton's eyes swept around Anderson again, and still didn't find anything abnormal.   "I can detect the problem, but I can't find him."   While whispering to himself, Renekton raised his hand, trying to call up a gust of wind in the city, and use the changes in the airflow to find the hidden Adam.   Why should I find Adam? He is not my target, Medici will come by himself. After hesitating for a moment, he put down his right hand again.   Above the gray fog, Klein, who had just learned the coordinates and information of Calderon City from "Red Light" El Moria and was planning to go there in the form of a spirit to look for the spirit world predators, suddenly stopped.   Outside the ancient and magnificent palace, above the boundless gray fog, the crimson star representing "Sun" Derrick kept shaking and expanding.   He immediately put down the Black Emperor card in his hand, and spread his spirituality to touch the crimson star.   The crimson light surged like a tide, and the slightly childish voice of "Sun" Derrick echoed above the gray fog:   "Respected Mr. 'Fool', the chief wants me to ask you how we can use the time worm left by Amon's clone before?"   Wanting to use the time worm, this is because the chief of Silver City has ended the hunt for vampires and plans to explore the tomb of the previous chief, but is worried about some unknown changes, so he wants to prepare more methods in advance?   After thinking for a moment, Klein made a quick decision and transformed the production process of the "Luck Stealer" spell into light and shadow, and cast it into the crimson star symbolizing the "sun".   

  After doing all this, he whispered to himself thoughtfully:

  "The 'Luck Stealer' spell is indeed very powerful. I can also prepare some for myself. Ince Zangwill is already a demigod and has obtained divinity. Compared with the mid- and low-sequence Beyonders, he has undergone a qualitative change and is not so easy to kill."

  "Write a letter to Leonard. He should be able to ask the grandfather in his body for a few Time Worms. Well, he can also ask Al for a few Spirit Worms. Since they are adjacent channels, the Spirit Worms from the 'Dark Demon Wolf' can definitely make good spells."

  After two seconds of silence, Klein quickly adjusted his state. He took a deep breath, held the Sea God's Scepter in his hand, and at the same time picked up the Tyrant Card that was upside down on the table and contained it in his spirit body.

  A blue-green light floated past, and his spirit body instantly turned into the majestic image of the Pope wearing a triple crown, a papal robe, and holding the Sea God's Scepter.

  He threw the coordinates of Calderon City in the spirit world and some information into the crimson star representing Renekton, and then he left the gray fog by summoning himself and responding to himself, and descended into reality in the form of a spirit.

  Deep in the spirit world, where Calderon City was located, a light that was difficult to observe with the naked eye surged from a distance at a very fast speed.

  When approaching the city, the hazy light shrank inwards, and reconstructed Renekton's body with a vast and pure knowledge.

  He looked at the city from a distance, and the deep and pure brilliance in his eyes flowed slowly. In his eyes, this city like an inverted pyramid was covered with a layer of dead gray. The   deeper

  he went, the heavier the feeling of dead silence became. At the top of the inverted pyramid, there was a bottomless black, like a ball of darkness that could swallow even light, making his "Eye of Secrets" unable to observe any effective information.   The illusory and ethereal sound of water gently echoed in his ears, with a sense of peace and tranquility.   He blinked his eyes, and the bright stars fell, spreading pure and clear brilliance, dispelling the sudden drowsiness on his body.   As the drowsiness disappeared, Renekton's body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into a stream of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature, surging towards the depths of Calderon City.   He encountered no obstacles along the way. In less than half a minute, Renekton, in the form of an information flow, arrived at the depths of Calderon City, and came to the river flowing out of the endless gray-white mist.   About 300 meters from the river surface, countless complex and pure knowledge reorganized the body. Renekton looked at the river in front of him and gently recited something.   The next second, the originally calm river suddenly shook violently, and layers of water were swept away. Then, a huge strange bird emerged from the dark and lightless river.   Its body was covered with feathers woven with pale flames and mysterious patterns. Its eyes seemed to be cast in bronze, and there were layers of illusory doors hidden inside.   Watching the giant bird emerging from the river, Renekton's eyes flashed with a cold and pure light. He looked at it and murmured,   "Gregari, the 'first ancestor of the Phoenix.'"   This was the death mark left by Gregari in the River of Eternal Darkness. It was the deepest mark left by the former true god in this world.   In Gregari's eyes, which seemed to be cast in bronze, layers of illusory doors floated, reflecting a blurry light and shadow without any color.   This light and shadow seemed to be able to accommodate everything. Whatever image you think it is, it will become that image, as if everything you know is included in it.   The sound of the river water surging became more obvious. On the dark and lightless river, an illusory door that did not exist was shaking and creaking.   In a flash, this bronze door covered with mysterious patterns and indescribable cracked a gap.   Inside the gap, there was a dead silence and darkness that could not be seen at the end.   Outside the gap, a large number of strange, wriggling things that could not be seen clearly at the moment were madly multiplying, and at the same time, they were dying little by little.   The pale flames intertwined on Greygari's body weakened a lot, as if calling out this door had exhausted the power of this mark of death.   "Help me"   "Help me"   A voice whose gender and age could not be heard came from the bronze door covered with mysterious patterns and could not be described specifically. The voice echoed on the river layer by layer, seeming very unreal.   Renekton, who had been expressionless all the time, finally cracked a little. He ignored the wandering and struggling figures by the river and walked slowly forward.   As he moved forward, one after another unreal stars fell, densely packed and dazzling.   (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 590 Tacit Understanding

  The falling stars around him continued to shed their brilliance, interweaving to form a piece of light and shadow with countless figures swaying, and the breath of the "wilderness of knowledge" spread around. The

  light of civilization and knowledge burst out here, interweaving with the surrounding death, eternal sleep, end, deep darkness and other things, recording and analyzing the breath displayed by each other bit by bit.

  At the edge of the turbulent river, Renekton looked up at the tall giant bird and said calmly:

  "I need some water from the 'Eternal Dark River'."

  The creaking and shaking illusory door was immersed for two seconds before a voice slowly came out:


  After getting the other party's response, Renekton stopped talking, grasped his right hand in the void, and quickly condensed a green seed.

  The moment this seed landed, it began to germinate, growing rapidly, growing a section of a somewhat illusory gourd vine, and producing seven gourds of different colors in turn.

  After the gourds took shape, Renekton reached out and took off the fifth green gourd. The first gourd solidified in his hand, and the remaining gourds and vines quickly withered and disappeared.

  Renekton glanced at the swaying river surface, and at the same time stretched out the green gourd in his hand.

  The river water that was splashed into the air during the shaking seemed to be strongly attracted and spontaneously gathered in the green gourd.

  Gradually, the gourd, which originally had no weight, became heavy, and the green surface gradually became stained with a hint of black.

  Renekton stopped collecting river water at the right time, looked up at the huge "Phoenix Ancestor" Graygari's voice and said:

  "I will find a suitable erosion target for you, and pour the water of the 'Eternal Dark River' on him."

  While speaking, he also raised the green gourd stained with a hint of black in his right hand.

  As his voice fell, the illusory door covered with mysterious patterns slowly closed, and the huge "Phoenix Ancestor" Graygari sank into the dark river again. The turbulent river quickly became quiet and dead. In just a moment, Renekton

  found that the surface of the green gourd in his hand had become darker.

  I have to leave quickly and find a suitable container. As the thought floated, his body quickly became virtual and decomposed into a stream of complex knowledge, rushing to the periphery of Calderon City. Boom

  ! Boom!

  Silver-white exaggerated lightning fell from the sky, and electric snakes ran around in the weird buildings full of decay and ruin, destroying the buildings here and the hunters hidden in the shadows around them.

  The torrent of information pouring out from the depths of Calderon City went straight through the area ravaged by lightning, and stopped in front of Klein, who was wearing the Pope's robe, wearing a triple crown on his head, and holding the scepter of Poseidon, and quickly reassembled Renekton's body.

  Klein stopped what he was doing and asked in surprise, "How did you get out?"

  "I went inside to meet an acquaintance and reached some cooperation with him."

  Renekton chuckled and raised the dark and green gourd in his hand.

  While speaking, his deep eyes swept around and easily saw the main eye of the trickster evil monster wrapped in Klein's spirit body.

  It was precisely because of the attraction of this extraordinary material that the spirit world predator, driven by the instinct to complete itself, appeared when Renekton had disturbed the city and tried to hunt Klein.

  Soon, Renekton saw the "invisible man" in a translucent white robe hiding dozens of meters below the ground.

  "It's hiding underground."

  While speaking, he gently shook the green gourd in his hand and threw out a drop of water that had no luster, was extremely heavy and cold.

  The moment this drop of water appeared, the aura of death, eternal sleep and darkness in the surrounding area grew wildly.

  It was like drops of ink dropped into a water tank, spreading out wildly and assimilating the surrounding things.

  The dark tide grew from the void, surging down quickly. In the blink of an eye, it infected the deep underground, wrapped the "invisible man" hiding in the translucent white robe, and silently pulled it into a deep sleep, dying little by little in its sleep.

  Klein looked at the streets and buildings around him that seemed to have experienced tens of millions of years in an instant, and suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

  He swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and then asked:

  "What was that drop of water just now?"

  "Just now, at that moment, I felt like I was back above the gray fog, divining the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' and the 'True Creator'. No, it was more dangerous than divining them!"

  "A drop of water from the 'Eternal Dark River'."

  As he spoke, Renekton reached down and grasped it. A huge invisible hand penetrated the weathered ground and pulled out the sleeping spirit world plunderer.

  After taking a look at the Spirit World Plunderer whose translucent robe had turned black, Renekton turned his head to look at Klein and said,

  "It's contaminated. Remember to purify the materials before using them."

  After a pause, thinking of Klein's limited use of Sefirah Castle, he added,

  "Use ritual magic to pry open the power of the gray fog. The aura of Sefirah Castle can dispel the pollution of the River of Eternal Darkness, and it will not harm you."   

  "I understand." Klein nodded in response.

  In the blink of an eye, Renekton's figure in front of him was reduced to a faint light rushing into the distance.

  You haven't given me the spirit worm yet. Klein raised his hand, then put it down helplessly.

  With a sigh, he looked at the spirit plunderer whose breath was rapidly weakening under his feet, stretched out the Sea God's Scepter, and hit the other's spirit body.


  A silver-white electric light as thick as a bucket appeared out of thin air and directly struck the sleeping spirit plunderer, smashing the spirit plunderer, which was stained with a layer of black, into pieces, splitting it into slightly illusory bubbles.

  It seemed that due to the pollution of the "Eternal Dark River", the characteristics of the spirit plunderer were quickly separated. In less than half a minute, a palm-sized thing made of worm-like things entangled and nearly human-shaped things condensed out.

  Inside the human form, there was a dark liquid, and bubbles would occasionally come out, carrying a strange, crazy, secretive, changing, dead, and sleeping atmosphere.

  After just a quick look, Klein felt a dizziness coming over him. Without much hesitation, he used his spirit to contain the real soul and dust of the spirit world plunderer, and then ended his response to the ritual.

  His spirit instantly disappeared in this ancient and evil city and returned to the space above the gray fog.

  In the library deep in the spirit world, countless brass lights were floating, outlining strange symbols in the air, isolating the decayed and rotten area in the middle from the surroundings.

  Mr. Huang, who was wearing a burnt yellow robe, stood outside the area where the brass lights were floating. His calm eyes rarely showed some anger. He said in a bad tone:

  "Don't bring everything to me. This is not a place for you to throw garbage."

  "Sorry, it was just an accident."

  Renekton's voice came from the decayed and rotten area.

  Around him, pieces of starlight flickered unsteadily. The physical rules around him were modified. The dark river water floated quietly in the air, gathering little by little under the starlight and being put into a dark brown glass bottle inlaid with gold. After

  collecting the water of the "Eternal Dark River", Renekton breathed a sigh of relief.

  Then he turned his head to look at the library around him, which was eroded by the breath of death, decay, and darkness. He chuckled awkwardly, then half-crouched and pressed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove on a gray and white floor.

  A series of dim, unclear, colorless, and hazy lights that seemed to be composed of a large number of illusory things spread out from his body, quickly changing the material structure around him and clearing away the remaining breath of death, decay, decay, and darkness. In less

  than half a minute, the surrounding area eroded by the water of the "Eternal Dark River" was restored to its original state.

  Mr. Huang's figure appeared silently, and he said in a cold voice:

  "Hmph! Don't bring weird things to me anymore."

  "Don't worry, I won't do that again." Renekton smiled awkwardly.

  Mr. Huang nodded slightly, as if to change the subject. His eyes fell on the dark brown glass bottle inlaid with gold in Renekton's hand, and he said calmly:

  "You went to Calderon City? What agreement did you reach with it?"

  Renekton summoned an invisible servant and handed the glass bottle containing the water of the "River of Everlasting Darkness" to the other party. Then he looked at Mr. Huang and replied with a chuckle:

  "Help him infect a target."

  "You want to take action against those in the royal faction of the Spirit Cult?"

  Mr. Huang asked in surprise. After a pause, he overturned his previous remarks and said:

  "No, this is not appropriate. To some extent, they are potential allies, so you plan to support the Night?"

  Renekton nodded slightly and said:

  "Yes, the 'River of Everlasting Darkness' has too great an advantage in the Western Continent, and choosing the Night can allow me to get more help in subsequent battles."

  Mr. Huang nodded slightly. He looked around the library calmly for a while, and the books placed on the bookshelf started to move spontaneously.

  Amid the rustling sound of pages turning, Mr. Huang asked calmly,

  "The war between Night and Badhair is also a ritual for Adam to become a god. What are your plans?"

  Renekton glanced at Mr. Huang, who had a calm expression, and chuckled,

  "Angelwede is already interfering with Adam's plot against 0-08, but it is difficult for him to succeed now, whether it is the decline of his own strength or the lack of allies."

  A book with many dragon patterns on the cover flew from the bookshelf to Mr. Huang's hands. While flipping through the book in his hand, he sighed,

  "He is not short of allies. When necessary, we still have some tacit understanding between us."

  (End of this chapter)