

  Chapter 581 Performance

  After a moment of silence, Sharon asked again:

  "What did you encounter? I just felt a very powerful aura, and the heavy sense of majesty made me breathless and difficult to move."

  "The angel-level aura attracted the 'founding father' of Loen, but he should have left now."

  While speaking, Renekton looked around, and dots of starlight fell from his hands and condensed into a high-back chair behind him.

  Maric, who was listening quietly at the side, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "William Augustus I! He's still alive?"

  Renekton nodded slightly, leaning against the high-back chair condensed by starlight, and spoke calmly:

  "That was an angel who followed Solomon. Time will not leave too many traces on him. He has been secretly protecting the Kingdom of Loen, but few people know and few people can see it."

  "Did you have a fight with the 'founding father'?"

  Sharon still maintained the posture of possessing the mummy, and her slightly illusory and erratic voice came out from the mummy's body.

  Renekton nodded slightly, tossing the metal ring he had snatched from Celt in his hand, and said,

  "He and I just briefly tested each other. Due to some concerns, he didn't intend to continue to entangle with me, and let me go without much resistance."

  "Why?" Maric asked in confusion.

  Renekton shrugged and said, "Perhaps, the royal family of Loen has a more important plan."

  Then he looked at Sharon, who was possessed by the mummy, and said calmly,

  "Don't forget our agreement. After you are promoted to 'Puppet', you need to help me clean up the members of the Rose School outside the South Road and prevent them from returning to West Balam for assistance."

  "No problem." Sharon's voice was a little erratic, but her tone was very certain.

  Renekton nodded calmly, and then asked, "Do you need me to take you back to Backlund?"

  "We were ready when we came." Sharon's voice in the mummy was erratic and restrained.

  Renekton nodded gently, and his body instantly became transparent, as if he had turned into a statue made of countless starlight.

  The statue and the high-backed chair beneath it shattered together, turning into bright starlight that surged through the gaps in the surrounding walls and ceilings, and surged into the depths of the spirit world.

  In the depths of the spirit world, the bright starlight that kept flowing forward suddenly stopped, and the starlight pieces reunited inside, revealing the figure of Renekton.

  "The ability to be informatized that was deprived by William Augustus I has finally been restored. I'm used to the convenience of information form, and it's really hard to adapt to it when it's suddenly lost!"

  While sighing in a low voice, his figure became illusory, and it gradually disintegrated into a complex and pure information flow, surging into the distance like a torrent.

  During this process, his inspiration was suddenly touched, and his eyes naturally fell on the area outside the spirit world, which was at the junction of the Sonia Sea and the Raging Sea.

  A huge sailing ship appeared in his field of vision. The ship was mainly dark, with some dark green, and a blooming black tulip was depicted on the pale main sail. There were almost no living people on the ship, and most of the crew's work was replaced by some zombies or undead.

  White skeletons, some naked and some wearing leather armor, were busy manipulating the sails. Pale zombies carrying long swords were patrolling back and forth, looking around with eyes stained with dark green flames. Phantoms, resentful spirits, and various strange spiritual creatures were sometimes flying and circling, and sometimes drilling into the hull, protruding transparent faces with unclear eyebrows and eyes on the side, as if they were patrolling the surroundings.

  "'Black Tulip', I didn't expect to see Ludwell here, is it a coincidence?"

  The huge and pure information flow was entrenched in the depths of the spiritual world. Through the information exchange between the spiritual world and reality, he could easily know the situation in reality.

  On the "Black Tulip" driven by many undead creatures, a dark blue door appeared out of thin air. Under the vigilant and malicious eyes of the living and dead on the ship, the crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow, wearing a white shirt, black vest, and a half-high silk hat, walked out of the "door".

  On his face, strange patterns full of mysterious charm appeared faintly, and the whole person looked quite gloomy and cold, more like a living corpse than a living person.

  His eyes were fixed on Ludwell, the "Admiral of Hell", who was standing in front of the group of dead souls and living people. There was a cold light in his eyes, like a king who was high above.

  Opposite him, Ludwell, who was wearing an exaggerated tricorn hat embroidered with white skulls and feathers, a lace-trimmed white shirt and a complicated and gorgeous brown short coat, and a silver-white mask on his face, was shaking constantly, as if he was trying his best to resist something and endure something.

  On the silver-white mask, there was water vapor condensing around the holes that symbolized the positions of the eyes, nose, and mouth, as if the whole face under the mask was distorted.

  All the dead souls on the "Black Tulip" were trembling and crawling on the side, as if they were worshiping their king.

  Some of the few living crew members on the ship joined the undead, overwhelmed by the enormous and indescribable mental pressure, and crawled on the ground trembling; some still couldn't understand the situation, and stood there in a daze, feeling that this suddenly appeared crazy adventurer was not like a living creature, and his aura was terribly gloomy.   

  Deep in the spirit world, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Renekton, who had become a pure information flow creature.

  He wore a silk hat and a black suit, was of medium build, had a bronze complexion, and had a small black mole under his right ear. His eyes were full of vicissitudes and restrained, giving people an unusually cold feeling. The

  huge information flow shrank and converged inward, reorganizing Renekton's body with a vast and pure knowledge.

  He bowed slightly to the person who suddenly appeared in front of him and said:

  "Good evening, Mr. Azik."

  Azik nodded slightly, and said with some emotion:

  "Good evening, I didn't expect that you have become a 'sage'. This speed of promotion is difficult to achieve even for the gods' favored ones."

  As he said that, he suddenly turned around, looked at the "Black Tulip" outside the spiritual world and said:

  "I have almost completely recalled my lost memories, except for the last part. I can roughly guess what happened to me."

  "I plan to go to the Raging Sea. Something is calling me there, but to find the exact location, I need the ring left by the god of death."

  "I have a hunch that I may continue to fall into a deep sleep and forget my past memories again. Before that, the help I can give him is a secret doll and a chance to act."

  At this point, Azik's tone suddenly became emotional, and the indifference in his eyes faded a lot, and his gaze became soft and warm.

  Renekton nodded calmly and was silent for two seconds before he spoke:

  "Under Trier, there is a spring called the Samaritan Woman. Its water can repair the damage to the soul. It has an extraordinary effect on the 'God of Death' and the adjacent paths."

  This was information from the "Hidden Sage". For him, the "Hidden Sage" was an encyclopedia where he could browse information at any time. When he was free, he would find the "Hidden Sage" to read some knowledge, including the "Samaritan Woman Spring" hidden under Intis.

  Azik frowned slightly, searched his memory in his mind and shook his head after finding nothing:

  "The Samaritan Woman's Spring? I don't have any relevant memories. It should have appeared after I fell into a state of continuous memory loss and then woke up, right?"

  Renekton nodded gently and said: "Indeed, it came from the 'Pale Disaster', which was some influence exerted by the 'Eternal Dark River' through the seal."

  "It seems that there were more participants in the Pale Disaster than I knew."

  "Unfortunately, I probably don't have time to find that spring again."

  Azik sighed with a complicated tone.

  While the two were talking, the trembling arc of Ludwell's body on the "Black Tulip" suddenly became slow and stiff. There was a faint green light floating between his chest and abdomen. The powerful spirit sealed in his body wanted to break free by force.

  The next second, it retracted into Ludwell's body.

  In its perception, at that moment, in the gap of the deck on the ship, where the shadows blended, there were terrifying and evil eyes twisting and growing out, looking at itself in unison. The instinct for survival made it decisively retract into Ludwell's body.

  On the silver-white mask, the position of the eyes with a hollow blue light revealed a desperate emotion.

  The spiritual line on his body had been initially controlled. Under the suppression of the high-level of the same path, he could not even raise a trace of resistance. He could only feel his thinking becoming slow, his body becoming stiff, and his movements becoming sluggish.

  For those extraordinary people on the "Black Tulip" who were not "Death God" paths, this scene was like "Hell Admiral" Ludwell and the crazy adventurer in a confrontation.


  Standing on the other side of the deck, Gehrman Sparrow suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Ludwell, who had been initially controlled by the spiritual line and could not raise the consciousness of resistance, followed him and snapped his fingers.

  Under the astonished gaze of the surrounding crew, the zombies and skeletons crawling on the deck fell down one by one, as if they had turned into real corpses and skeletons.

  Klein, who still looked like Gehrman Sparrow, put on a cold smile that didn't match his character, and said in a calm and indifferent tone:

  "Very good."

  "Very good," Ludwell repeated his words in a low voice.

  This scene looked particularly strange among the living crew members on the "Black Tulip". They had goose bumps all over their bodies, and the overly excited "sailors" had a layer of fine scales on their faces.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 582 Raging Sea

  Klein looked around at the crew of the Black Tulip and nodded imperceptibly. He had already felt that the signs of the potion in his body were digesting well. As long as this matter fermented on the sea, the potion in my body should be able to digest more.

  Thinking of this, he became much happier. He then raised his hand and asked Ludwell, who had been completely transformed into a secret puppet, to walk to his side. He said to the "Admiral of Hell":

  "Then, you are my trophy today."

  "Yes, Master!"

  Ludwell bowed respectfully under his control.

  A pair of huge arms made of countless white bones suddenly stretched out from the void behind them, grabbing Gehrman Sparrow with one hand and Ludwell with the other, dragging them into the spirit world.

  In a place where the living crew of the Black Tulip could not notice, a bronze arm stretched out from the spirit world and pulled the person hidden in the shadow into the spirit world.

  After the indescribable horrific pressure disappeared, several minutes later, the living crew members crawling on the deck of the "Black Tulip" dared to move.

  They looked around carefully to confirm whether the strange and scary crazy adventurer had really left.

  After searching the ship, they finally confirmed that the crazy adventurer German Sparrow had left, and their captain, "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell, had also left.

  A crew member of the "Corpse Collector" path swallowed and said, "Perhaps, the captain was already a corpse at that time."

  As an extraordinary person of the "Corpse Collector" path, he just felt more than other crew members. That kind of oppression, even if the other party asked him to die, he would execute it without hesitation, even if his will was unwilling, his body would execute it by itself.

  No one on the ship responded to his words, and everyone did not want or dared to recall the weird scene just now.

  After a long silence, a crew member looked at the empty deck and said hesitantly,

  "How can we leave this sea area?"

  On the "Black Tulip", all the crew members fell silent. Without the group of undead creatures controlled by Ludwell, the remaining living people were not enough to drive such a large sailboat.

  In the foggy sea, on an uninhabited reef island, several figures suddenly appeared in the air.

  Klein pressed the half-high silk hat on his head. Under his control, Ludwell, wearing a silver-white mask, took off the square dark ring left by the "God of Death" on his hand and handed it to Azik beside him.

  After taking the ring left by the "God of Death", Azik looked at it for a few seconds, and then put it on the index finger of his left hand.

  Suddenly, a terrifying, deep, and indescribable feeling spread from him, extremely noble, lacking the breath of the living, like an illusory god perched high above countless undead.

  Renekton, who was standing at the side, narrowed his eyes. The "Eye of Secrets" allowed him to see more, and even directly saw the missing half of Azik's soul. The

  slight burning and stinging in his eyes brought him back to his senses, and he looked away at the same time. His eyes shed a line of blood and tears unconsciously.

  Raising his hand to wipe the blood on his face, Renekton sighed in his heart. It's a bit uncomfortable. My spirit can withstand this level of influence, but this body can't. In essence, I am just an ordinary Sequence II angel.

  On the other side, the figure that had always maintained the appearance of Gehrman Sparrow squirmed and finally turned into an unknown pirate.

  His flesh and blood decayed at an incredible speed. Red sparks were transmitted in the blood vessels under the skin. Mottled rust appeared on his skin, like rags, falling piece by piece.

  In just a few breaths, he turned into a pile of minced meat and scattered dirty yellow bones.

  Dots of red light precipitated from the flesh and blood, slowly squirming and gathering.

  Klein bent down and picked up the strange crown covered in rust and blood that had fallen along with the piece of flesh and blood. He handed it to Renekton and said,

  "How did you get here?"

  "I just happened to pass by in the spirit world and saw you scaring people on the Black Tulip."

  As Renekton spoke, bits of starlight overflowed from between his fingers, surrounding the strange crown covered in blood and rust, solidifying into translucent amber and temporarily sealing it.

  After doing all this, he looked at Klein and said,

  "I need to take this trait of 'Conqueror' away. It will come in handy soon."

  "No problem." Klein nodded, and then sighed,

  "No wonder after I converted Ludwell into a secret doll, the secret doll I originally controlled did not lose control directly. I had planned to appear on the stage myself after he was shattered into flesh and blood to prove that German Sparrow is still alive." "

  But this is not bad either. The performance is more real and vivid."

  After a pause, he asked curiously, "How did you do it? While delaying the collapse of the secret doll, I can still continue to control it?"

  Renekton chuckled and said,   

  "I made some information modifications to your puppet, temporarily hiding some of its negative status information. It shows that it has reached its limit, but it has not collapsed at all." "As for

  allowing you to continue to control it, that's even simpler. There are still a few spirit insects left from the Dark Wolf."

  Klein nodded thoughtfully and said, "I see."

  On the other side, Azik, who had obtained the ring left by the "God of Death" and communicated with Ludwell, suddenly said,

  "Give me the copper whistle."

  "Okay." Klein was stunned for a moment, then nodded, took out an iron cigarette box from his arms, and took out the ancient copper whistle sealed inside.

  Azik reached out to take the copper whistle and held it in his left hand wearing the ring left by the "God of Death".

  After quietly sensing for a moment, he said in a deep voice,

  "I can almost find the place where the "God of Death" fell."

  "So fast?" Klein asked in surprise.

  Azik nodded gently and said,

  "Since I recovered all my memories, I have had some sense of that place, but because of the special nature of the Raging Sea, it is difficult for me to determine the exact location of the voice calling in my ear. With this ring, I can locate it directly there."

  Renekton raised his hand and asked with some curiosity, "Can I go over and take a look?"

  "Sure." Azik nodded calmly.

  Klein took out a reflective metal pocket watch from his arms and controlled the secret puppet Ludwell, asking him to use the natural spirit that can enter the mirror world to hide himself in it.

  Then he bent down and picked up the deep red object on the ground that was condensed by the extraordinary characteristics and had a very elastic and textured jelly-like shape, and put it into the metal iron box prepared in advance.

  Azik nodded to Renekton, then raised his hand and placed it on Klein's shoulder, taking him into the spirit world.

  As Azik and Klein's bodies faded and disappeared, Renekton's body also quickly became ethereal, decomposing into a stream of complex and pure information flows, surging into the spirit world.

  In the raging sea area, in the deep and dark spirit world, the sound of howling winds came from all directions, and dark lightning flashed from time to time, making people feel cold from the depths of their souls, as if their souls were dying bit by bit.

  Renekton, who had transformed into a pure information flow creature, followed Azik and quickly shuttled forward into the depths of the raging sea.

  As he moved forward, his voice reached the ears of Azik and Klein without any hindrance:

  "Affected by the power radiated by the death god when he fell, the spirit world here has also been polluted and has become dangerous."

  Azik, who was quickly traveling in the raging sea, suddenly stopped. He quietly listened to the call from an unknown source, and suddenly clenched his right hand. The

  surrounding spirit world suddenly stopped for a second, and then all the surrounding scenes collapsed inward, forming a black vortex with no visible edge and slowly rotating.

  The vortex suddenly expanded, enveloping Azik, Klein, and Renekton in the information flow state at the same time.

  The surrounding space changed rapidly, as if entering a deep and narrow pipe.

  After an unknown amount of time, the changes finally stopped, and the vast and pure knowledge quickly reconstructed Renekton's body.

  He calmly scanned the surroundings, and saw the open coffins in the dark and cold mausoleum, the rotting dead with white feathers on their backs, and the black thin tubes extending from these corpses. They intertwined in the air, and the source pointed to the depths of the mausoleum, in the black mist that flowed slowly like haze.

  He lowered his gaze and saw Azik standing on the stairs. The other party's face was no longer so tense, and he said in a calm voice:

  "I feel that I am gradually becoming what I used to be."

  "But the experiences I have had after losing my memory are reminding me not to really change back to my original appearance."

  Renekton walked slowly to his side and said as he walked:

  "The human self is like a ship constantly rising and falling on a raging sea. It may sink in the ocean called 'madness' at any time, and our emotions and experiences are like anchors, helping us to fix the 'ship' that represents the self."

  "And now, you have enough anchors. They remind you all the time, pull you, and help you stabilize your own humanity."

  ".Anchors?" Azik whispered, and then sighed:

  "Maybe, but since I'm here, I still have to go and see what is hidden in the depths of this mausoleum, and what it has to do with me."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 583 Choice

  Klein had woken up at some point. He looked around in a daze. When he saw Renekton and Azik, he quickly stepped forward and said,

  "Mr. Azik, here."

  Azik looked back at Klein and gave him a gentle smile. His expression was very firm.

  Klein silently took back his words of dissuasion. Even though he had a premonition, the things hidden deep in this mausoleum were also dangerous for Mr. Azik, who had recovered all his memories and returned to his peak state. The things deep in

  this mausoleum were obviously deeply connected to Mr. Azik. Even if he left today, Mr. Azik would be drawn here by fate at some point in the future.

  As his thoughts turned, he heard Azik's voice:

  "This is a question that has troubled me for more than a thousand years. Although I already have some guesses in my mind, I still want to see the answer myself."

  As he spoke, his eyes gradually became clearer and firmer.

  Azik raised his hand and pressed the half-high silk hat on his head, then turned his head to look at Klein beside him and said,

  "Remember to close your eyes. The things inside are too dangerous for you now."

  After saying that, he stepped forward and walked along the stairs one by one to the dark and cold depths of the mausoleum.

  The thick black fog around him gradually dissipated, revealing something entrenched in the deepest part of the mausoleum:

  it was a feathered serpent that was so huge that it seemed to occupy an entire island!

  It was covered with huge dark green and black scales, and feathers stained with pale yellow oil grew in the gaps between the scales. On each feather, there was an illusory black tube extending out, connecting the corpses lying in the open coffins in the hall before, and connecting to the "corpse collectors" of the Path Beyonder that it radiated.

  This exaggerated feathered serpent was both illusory and real, and its more specific form seemed difficult to describe and incomprehensible.

  It, no, He was a complete mythical creature!

  In the place of His head, there was a human face that was enlarged in proportion, and looked exactly like Azik next to him.

  When he saw the feathered serpent clearly, Azik was startled at first, and then his forehead twitched, as if a huge hammer was smashing his head, trying to split him in two. The

  unbearable pain made Azik kneel on the stairs like a paralysis, pinching his head tightly with both hands, trying to use the physical pain to ease the pain of his soul being split in two. The

  heavy panting sound echoed in the empty mausoleum, and drops of sweat slid down from his forehead, hitting the stone slabs on the ground, soaking a layer of light yellow oil, and giving birth to fine white fluff.

  "No" Anhui Zhike whispered painfully, and the hand holding his head became more and more powerful.

  The split souls instinctively wanted to return to wholeness at the moment they met.

  Silently, the shining stars fell, covering the dark and cold mausoleum around with a layer of starlight, and the quiet and peaceful atmosphere spread around along the starlight.


  Azik let out a long breath. The strong fusion instinct in his soul was calmed down, and he seemed less agitated.

  The humming sound of the wind spread out from the depths of the mausoleum. The huge feathered snake, between reality and illusion, raised its head. On the face that was exactly the same as Azik's, two pale flames burned, making his eyes look quite cold and full of madness.

  As its eyes turned over, the stars hanging around began to flicker in and out of uncertainty. Fine white fluff grew from the stars, then fell off, and then grew again on

  Azik's forehead. Suddenly, it split open, and a bloody cut grew out of it, and a golden light burst out from it.


  Azik opened his mouth and let out a heavy gasp. The pain of soul-tearing and the strong urge to gather made him unable to utter a complete sentence.

  A layer of fine dark golden scales appeared on the mechanical glove on Renekton's right hand, and his pupils became pale gold and vertical.

  With the help of the characteristics of the operator, he released a "comfort" to Azik.

  Seeing that Azik was slow to approach, the huge feathered snake entrenched in the depths of the mausoleum finally began to move its body. It took the initiative to approach Azik and take back the other half of its soul that was split.

  As it approached, the entire mausoleum began to vibrate, and the surroundings became transparent, reflecting a world with countless skeletons and shadows, as if the real underworld was eroding the hazy starlight that covered half of the mausoleum

  bit by bit. In this reflected underworld, bloody arms, blue-black vines with baby faces, slippery tentacles with sharp teeth, and huge palms made of white bones penetrated the boundary between illusion and reality, stretched out, grasped the stars in its hands, and then stuck to the ground tightly, not daring to move.

  Renekton looked down at his left hand. The back of his hand was covered with a layer of paleness visible to the naked eye, and fine white hairs grew in the pores.   


  Renekton chuckled, and his right hand with the mechanical glove rubbed the back of his left hand. The white hair that had not yet grown fell off, and the paleness on his hand quickly disappeared.

  Then he looked up at the feathered serpent that had brought its huge face closer. The deep brilliance in his eyes flowed, outlining one strange symbol after another, which were connected to form a pattern of a sun that was shining brightly.

  As he opened his hands to embrace the sun, the stars around him that were caught by his arms, tentacles, and vines suddenly turned golden, bursting with pure and clear light. These lights quickly intertwined into a wandering ocean of light, and the majestic breath of the sun filled the entire mausoleum.

  Where the light shone, the translucent wronged souls, shadows, zombies, and skeletons collapsed and melted little by little.

  The power of the sun's domain caused the feathered serpent, which contained the uniqueness of the "God of Death", to react to the stress. The pair of broad and thick white wings stained with pale yellow oil spread out behind it, fanning out gusts of wind.

  As the sound of the sobbing wind sounded, an indescribable sense of silence and the breath of death instantly filled the entire mausoleum, dispersing the majestic breath of the sun that permeated the surroundings.

  The wandering ocean of light quickly became dim, breaking up inch by inch, like a little bit of death, heading towards the end, even though it was not a living being, or even a material existence.

  "Uh no." Azik groaned. The change in the surrounding environment made his body undergo a more obvious alienation. Black scales crawled all over his skin, and white feathers stained with oil grew in the gaps. On

  his forehead, the golden light condensed and formed into a bird-shaped ornament made of gold, surrounded by wings made of white flames. Inside the bronze eyes, the light was layered, like a stack of illusory doors.

  As the golden ornament in the shape of the phoenix appeared, two pale flames burned in Azik's eyes. His state began to interact with the other half of the soul in the feathered serpent and approached each other.

  Klein, who was standing some distance behind Azik and Renekton, lowered his head and closed his eyes. The changes in the surrounding environment made his spiritual intuition alert him frantically, and beads of sweat soaked from his forehead.

  He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. His brain was working rapidly, thinking about how to solve the current problem.

  Unconsciously, he had reached into his pocket and touched one of the talismans.

  When he was about to whisper the ancient Hermetic words to activate the talisman, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. It was so quiet that there was no sound, and even his own breathing could not be heard.

  A figure quietly appeared in front of Renekton. She was wearing a black classical robe with a hood. There was no expression on her face. Her eyes were dark and lacked spirituality, but her appearance was extremely beautiful.

  She stood between the giant feathered snake and Azik, like an insurmountable natural chasm, easily separating them.

  Renekton looked at each other, then bowed and said,

  "Good day, Lady Amanesis."

  The Goddess of Night, who had descended here with the help of 0-17, glanced at Renekton and nodded lightly with no expression on her face, as a response. It seemed that this divine vessel had some influence on her personality.

  Azik, who had just come out of that state, hesitated and looked at the mysterious woman who suddenly appeared in front of him. After hearing Renekton's greeting, he suddenly understood and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

  "It's you."

  The consciousness of the goddess of night that descended on 0-17 did not wait for Azik to finish, and interrupted directly:

  "You have three choices: continue to move forward and seek completeness, which will allow Salinger to return from your body; or I will help you extract that half of your soul, and you will find a way to sew it up yourself, which will allow you to return to your original appearance and become the former death archon of the Balam Empire; or, give up everything and leave directly, you will remain in your current state, die again and again, and return again and again from losing all your memories."

  "And the price is to lose the uniqueness of the 'God of Death' path that does not belong to you." Renekton chuckled and added the unfinished words of the goddess of night.

  Azik looked at the goddess of night who suddenly appeared, and the pale flame in his eyes flickered.

  Before Azik made his choice, Renekton looked at him and said,

  "Everything has the instinct to complete itself, and a torn soul is not irreparable."

  "There are two ways. One is to take back the other half of the soul, wash away all his memories and emotions, and then find a saint or angel from the 'mother' path to help you sew the soul together, but this will still retain some instincts and the divinity he contains."

  "The other is to give up this half of the soul, use some special things, and complete your own soul bit by bit through repeated death and rebirth."

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 584 Darkness

  The uniqueness of the "Death God" path is actually here! Is this the resurrection plan left by the "Death God" for himself?

  Salinger? Is it the "Death God" who once ruled the southern continent? Who is this suddenly appearing Amanisis? Why did she suddenly appear here? It sounds like her status seems to be very high. Judging from Mr. Azik's tone, his first reaction when he saw him was confusion and surprise, but he quickly reacted.

  As his thoughts floated, Klein subconsciously asked the doubts in his heart:

  "Can the soul be repaired?"

  "Yes, the 'Death God' path originally belongs to the path dedicated to the field of death. The problems with the soul are relatively simple for them. If it were an ordinary person, the soul torn in half would have collapsed and gone crazy long ago."

  Renekton answered Klein's question calmly, looking at the huge feathered serpent hidden by the goddess of night. It seemed to have noticed the bad changes and wanted to swallow Azik madly, but it couldn't touch this side, as if it was living in another world.

  Azik calmly watched the huge feathered serpent that was both real and illusory. He watched it open its huge mouth, revealing dark red flesh and fangs stained with pale yellow oil, and spit out a pitch-black forked tongue and dark green mucus.

  After a long silence in the uneasy atmosphere, Azik suddenly raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, saying calmly:

  "People always change. Now I am used to this peaceful life, or I have more humanity. I don't want to give up these humanities, even if this is not all a good experience."

  He looked straight at the goddess of night who descended on 0-17, and his tone suddenly became much more relaxed:

  "I choose the second option. Half of the soul is left in the outside world. It is an uncertain factor after all."

  "After washing away his memory and emotions, I will merge with him. At that time, I am sure that I will not be affected by the divinity and madness carried by the other half of the soul."

  0-17 nodded calmly, then stretched out his hand and tightly grasped the bird-shaped gold ornament that emerged from the crack on Azik's forehead, then retracted his arm bit by bit and pulled it out of Azik's forehead. The

  intense pain made Azik's expression distorted again. From every piece of his flesh and blood, pale spirits emanated, interweaving into a translucent soul body.

  This soul was half pale white and half golden, with a sense of quaint beauty, and looked extremely inharmonious.

  As the bird-shaped gold ornament was pulled out, the golden part of Azik's soul began to crack, splitting and shattering bit by bit.


  Azik's throat emitted a wheezing sound that was not human, like the loud noise made by the friction of air, and the sound was mixed with unspeakable pain.

  This state did not last long. As the gold ornament was completely pulled out by 0-17, Azik's soul also split into two halves. One half turned into a golden stream of light and was thrown into the bird-shaped gold ornament, and the other half returned to his body and merged with his flesh and blood.

  As his own version of the soul returned, the two pale flames in Azik's eyes gradually extinguished, and the scales and feathers growing on the surface of his skin also fell off quickly and faded away.

  0-17 turned around indifferently and looked at the huge feathered serpent. Deep darkness surged under her, flooding forward like a tide.

  The huge feathered serpent, which was both real and illusory, seemed to have sensed danger. Its huge body twisted restlessly, and its wide and heavy wings behind it kept waving. Its dark red mouth opened wide and roared.

  The power of death erupted at this moment, and the entire mausoleum began to weather. The speed was so fast that it seemed to have experienced thousands or tens of thousands of years of time in just one or two seconds.

  They quickly became mottled, and fragments kept falling down or dust was raised by the wind. Tiny pale white hairs grew between the gaps.

  These hairs only took a blink of an eye to grow into white feathers, and the surface seemed to be soaked with light yellow oil.

  All this happened before his eyes, but it seemed to be far away, not in the same world, and could not reach Renekton and others at all.

  The surrounding darkness surged like a tide, with strong fear and slumber, submerging the huge body of the feathered serpent inch by inch, melting it and turning it into part of the tide.

  0-17, carrying the will of the goddess of night, suddenly walked forward slowly. The surrounding darkness gently surrounded her and pursued her, like a wide skirt. This scene seemed eternal.

  No wonder the name of the goddess of night has a description of "higher than the starry sky, longer than eternity". I thought it was the flattery of believers. To some extent, darkness is indeed the main color of the universe. Renekton stared at the goddess of night who was completely exploding in front of him, and suddenly sighed in his heart.

  After approaching the huge feathered serpent, 0-17 reached out and pulled out a bone sword covered with strange patterns from the darkness surrounding him.

  The sword was not eye-catching, but just looking at it made Renekton feel extremely dangerous. It seemed that it symbolized the danger in the darkness and the silent destruction and disappearance.

  0-17 calmly waved the sword in his hand. With every movement, the darkness around him became deeper, as if it was swaying outward like water waves. But when looking closely, it seemed as if nothing had happened.   

  The huge and exaggerated feathered serpent kept moving its body, scattering feathers stained with pale yellow oil. It twisted its long body into an extremely complex and mysterious three-dimensional symbol, exuding an unimaginable breath of death, and confronted the deep darkness around it.

  This confrontation did not last too long. The figure of 0-17, who carried the will of the goddess of night, flashed for a moment, and she came to the top of the feathered serpent's head and easily stabbed the bone sword in her hand into the face that looked exactly like Azik.

  The human face on the feathered serpent became painful and hideous, and it burst out with a fierce scream that seemed to tear the soul apart.

  The sound did not spread far before it was drowned by the surrounding tide-like darkness and disappeared into thin air.

  The deep darkness around it invaded the body of the feathered serpent along the place where the bone sword pierced, disintegrating it bit by bit from the inside.

  Soon, nothing could be seen in the darkness below the mausoleum. Only occasionally a burst of faint green or pale white fluorescence would light up, indicating that the goddess of night had not completely solved the uniqueness of the fusion of souls with Azik.

  It seems that it is more difficult to completely extract Mr. Azik's soul from this monster than to destroy it directly. As his thoughts floated, Renekton turned to look at Azik beside him. His face was still a little pale, and he felt transparent. Under the surface of his skin, he seemed to be able to see the shadows of some dark green scales.

  Renekton gently rubbed his fingers, and dots of starlight fell, outlining strange "door" symbols around.

  A burst of light blue starlight flashed, and they went directly from the bottom of the mausoleum to the top of the stairs.

  Azik looked tiredly at Klein, who still had his eyes closed, and said with a smile:

  "You can open your eyes now."

  Hearing the voice, Klein quickly opened his eyes and looked at Azik for a moment. Seeing that there was no obvious sign of loss of control or madness on him, he was relieved.

  Then he looked at the bottom of the mausoleum again. It was dark there, and he could not see or hear anything. Only occasionally could he vaguely see a little dark green light floating.

  "That... Is she still down there?"

  Klein opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say the name Amanesis at all. Thinking about it, it seemed that the memory of this name in his mind was fading. He had to change his words and use "her" instead, and continued.

  Azik nodded and chuckled:

  "It seems that she doesn't want you to know her name, nor does she want us to discuss her."

  She didn't want me to know her name, so I couldn't say it. Even now, the memory of that name in my mind has become blurred. This has exceeded the influence of angels. Whether it is Mr. Azik or Al, they can't do this. It's a bit like an alternative "Everything that is said must be known." That is a special angel king, or a true god!

  Klein's face changed. He turned his head to look at Renekton, wanting to verify something, but the moment he turned his head, he saw a young black-haired woman wearing a black classical robe and a hood.

  He was very familiar with the other person's appearance. At the end of the Backlund smog incident, the angel dispatched by the Church of the Night, the angel who easily solved all problems!

  Klein, who knew the other party's identity, was even more shocked. How could this be? Could she also be an angel king? Impossible. With the presence of the Goddess of Night, this path can only reach Sequence 2 at most. But the strength she showed seemed to have surpassed that of ordinary angels, and she could easily solve things that Mr. Azik and his men could not do.

  0-17 responded to Klein's gaze with dull eyes and no expression at all. The corners of her mouth seemed to move slightly, but the arc was so small that it was difficult to detect. Is

  she smiling at me? Klein blinked uncertainly, and when he looked again, there was no expression on the other party's face.

  0-17 stretched out a hand to Azik, holding a pale white and transparent soul. The light on the soul was a little dim, and the surface was covered with a layer of deep, quiet darkness, carrying the power of sleep.

  Just looking at this soul that was pressed into a sphere, Azik felt the throbbing bursting from the depths of his heart, making him want to devour the other party and make himself whole again.

  Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his instinctive impulse, reached out to take the soul, lowered his eyes to look at it for a moment, and sighed.

  A pale white light floated instantly, outlining layers of mysterious patterns around it, and finally turned into the shape of a double door, imprinted on the other half of the soul that fell into deep sleep, and simply sealed it.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 585 Every Journey Has an End

  After sealing his other half of the soul, Azik looked up at the hidden angel who carried the will of the Goddess of Night, ready to thank her, but found that she had left without knowing when.

  Noticing Azik's gaze, Renekton chuckled and said,

  "She left after returning the other half of her soul to you. Even for her, this time she gained a lot. She needs to digest it as soon as possible and transform it into practical power, not a burden."


  With a simple sigh, Azik turned around and put a hand on Klein's shoulder. Their figures quickly faded and disappeared into the mausoleum.

  Renekton looked around, and the deep purple light in his eyes floated, taking in every detail of the mausoleum.

  In the depths of the mausoleum, he saw a mixture of dark red blood, dark green mucus, and feathers stained with pale yellow oil. They exuded a strong smell of death, connecting with the entire mausoleum, continuing to maintain the strangeness here.

  "Is this to maintain the chaos of the Sea of ​​Rage? To prevent the God of War from guessing that the uniqueness of the 'God of Death' has been taken away."

  "After she is ready, I will deliberately reveal some flaws for the God of War to discover, and then launch a war of gods regardless of everything."

  After muttering a few words in a low voice, Renekton's body instantly became ethereal, decomposing into a stream of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature, surging out of this area like a torrent. On

  the Longtail Island near the Sea of ​​Rage in the Rorsted Sea, the figures of Azik and Klein were quickly outlined under a gas street lamp.

  Azik released his hand on Klein's shoulder, pinched his forehead, and said with a somewhat tired expression:

  "This period of my life is about to end, and I will enter a deep sleep soon. Before I wake up, if you have any questions, you can ask the Seven Lights of the Spirit World or the 'sage' just now."

  "Of course, you can still write to me, but I can't reply until I wake up."

  "I understand." Klein nodded heavily and was silent for two seconds. He then asked: "Mr. Azik, without something to replace the other half of your soul, will your condition be affected?"

  Azik smiled and said:

  "It's not a big problem. I have taken back the other half of my soul. As long as I cleanse his memories and emotions and merge with him again, all problems will be solved."

  "But these things can only be done when I wake up next time. With you as an insider, I should be able to recall these memories soon when I wake up next time."

  As they spoke, a light that could not be detected by the naked eye poured out from the spirit world, reconstructing Renekton's body with vast and pure knowledge.

  He looked at Azik and Klein who were talking, and reminded them with a chuckle:

  "The water of the Samaritan Woman's Spring is in the underground area of ​​Trier. It is highly polluted. The higher the level of the Beyonder, the more polluted they are."

  "Then I can go." Klein said immediately.

  Renekton shook his head slightly, chuckled and said,

  "This is not the only way. In the world of numbers, memories and emotions are nothing more than some delicate, complex and huge data. Deleting some of them can also achieve the effect of cleansing memories and emotions."

  "But you need to wait until I become the 'Knowledge Emperor'. Now I am more or less polluted when I do this kind of thing."

  Azik listened calmly and nodded with a smile:

  "No problem, I don't lack this time. You can find me through my messenger at that time."

  Then he turned his head to look at Klein on the side, handed him the copper whistle used to summon the messenger, and smiled gently:

  "Okay, it's time to say goodbye. I hope that the next time we meet, you won't ask me for help first."

  The smile on Azik's mouth became more intense, as if he was amused by his own joke.

  His figure quickly faded, and in less than a second, he disappeared from Klein's sight.

  Klein squeezed the copper whistle in his hand, stared at it for a while, and suddenly sighed in a low voice:

  "Every journey has an end."

  Renekton shrugged, interrupting his sadness and said: "Don't sigh, do you need me to take you back to the southern continent?"

  Klein took a breath, resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and nodded gently: "Of course."

  Renekton smiled and nodded, put his left hand to his mouth, and blew a whistle.

  Soon, a pumpkin carriage pulled by two giant rats appeared in front of them. The door opened downwards and turned into a step.

  Klein, who had already passed the faceless stage, almost couldn't hold back the expression on his face. He turned his head to look at Renekton beside him and grinned:

  "Were the fairy tales you read before pirated?"

  "Haven't you heard of the fairy tale of Antu Village?"

  Renekton responded with a chuckle, and walked directly onto the pumpkin carriage.

  Klein hesitated on the street, and finally got on the pumpkin carriage.

  The door carved out of a pumpkin closed automatically, and the two mice in front responsible for pulling the carriage ran quickly. The pumpkin carriage left a pale yellow afterimage on the quiet street, and then disappeared into the spirit world.

  Deep in the spirit world, Klein looked at the rapidly receding color blocks outside through the field-shaped glass window, and sighed:

  "Don't you need to follow the original story content when you use 'Mysterious Reappearance'?"   

  Renekton shook his head slightly and said,

  "Its principle is to draw power from the mastered mystical knowledge to create magic or witchcraft. The focus is to draw power, not to recreate fairy tales."

  Klein nodded as if he understood, then skipped the topic and asked about things related to Azik:

  "Why do you have to become the 'Emperor of Knowledge' to clear the memories and emotions in the other half of Mr. Azik's soul?"

  Renekton sighed and said in a tone like a teacher preaching in class:

  "Human memory and emotion are very complicated things. It is not only related to the soul, but the body also retains some memories and instincts. If you simply clear the memory of Mr. Azik's other half of his soul, when he reintegrates and is stimulated by his own body, those memories will still be recovered."

  "And he is an angel, and his mental imprint is very strong. I can only rely on my own status to suppress his spirit. This kind of delicate operation requires at least becoming the 'Emperor of Knowledge' to ensure his safety."

  "I understand." Klein nodded slightly, and then the two fell silent.

  Two huge rats pulled the carriage and galloped quickly in the spirit world. Not long after, they arrived at the spirit world area corresponding to the southern continent.

  After dropping off Klein in Citron, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, Renekton drove the pumpkin carriage away again. He did not return directly to the Paz Valley, but first went to the mysterious queen's "Dawn".

  On the deck of the "Dawn", the pumpkin carriage pulled by two rats rushed out of the spirit world and soon stopped.

  As soon as Renekton got off the pumpkin carriage, he heard a familiar, slightly sarcastic voice:

  "Hey, what new species of rat is this that can be used to pull a carriage?"

  Renekton looked up at the figure standing outside the captain's room. The other person was wearing a dark red coat with rusty gold lines, had long chestnut curly hair, blue eyes, a high nose bridge, and two beautifully groomed mustaches above his lips.

  Roselle, who had changed into a mechanical body, seemed very satisfied with his body, which was restored to its original state in his lifetime. He raised his hands and turned around in front of Renekton.

  Retracting his gaze, Renekton said softly,

  "This mechanical puppet is well made."

  "Of course, I personally supervised the creation of the 'alchemist' on the ship."

  "Although his level is not even one percent of what I used to be, it is not bad to be able to create such a mechanical body."

  Roselle grinned and did not forget to brag about himself. Before Renekton could speak, he reached out and threw a crown of a strange style.

  This crown was made of many irregular black crystals, with a dark red eye in the middle, which gave people a sense of power and evil.

  "This is the 'Fallen Count' feature promised to you for the gloves. The remaining adult sunbird tail feathers and sacred radiant stones will take some time."

  Renekton nodded calmly, and with a slight force on his right hand holding the strange crown, the strange crown made of black crystals shattered bit by bit with a crashing sound, turning into tiny points of light that flowed into the mechanical gloves.

  After a moment, a dark red gem appeared on the back of the glove, adding some heaviness to the mechanical glove.

  Seeing that Renekton had already accepted the things, Russell waved his hand and said in a suddenly dignified tone:

  "Okay, tell me what you want to do on the Dawn?"

  "I didn't know that I would have thought you were the captain of the Dawn." Renekton sighed in a low voice, paused for a second, and continued:

  "I want to invite you to the Pas River Valley in West Balam as a technical expert to guide the immature craftsmen there."

  Russell looked at Renekton in disbelief and said:

  "I haven't even been resurrected yet, and you want me to work for you?"

  "It's not a job, it's asking you to guide the technology." Renekton explained. Russell

  rolled his eyes and said, "What's the difference."

  "No salary." Renekton shrugged and said.

  Russell was speechless for a moment. Although he was in a mechanical body, he seemed to feel his blood pressure rising.

  After two seconds of silence, he calmed down and said,

  "I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words."

  Renekton thought for a second and spoke again,

  "Your old lover is there."

  "Ahem, don't say anything you shouldn't say. Everyone knows me."

  Roselle coughed twice and interrupted Renekton's words. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Renekton again,

  "Which page of the diary do you want me to read to Bernadette?"

  (End of this chapter)