

  Chapter 576 Commission

  Renekton looked at Bugs Bunny who was adjusting his bones skillfully, and the corners of his mouth that had just been suppressed twitched again.

  He looked at Bugs Bunny who was carefully checking his equipment, and sighed speechlessly. Starlight spread from his hand, turning into a large palm that was glittering with misty starlight, and easily twisted Bugs Bunny in front of him. Bugs Bunny, who

  was caught in the air, twisted his body twice, and found that he could not break free from the palm formed by starlight, so he turned his attention to Renekton:

  "Boss, wait a minute, I want to check if there is any problem with this mechanical armor. If there is a malfunction, it will explode."

  Renekton glanced at the mechanical device worn by Bugs Bunny, and said in a calm tone:

  "Don't worry, it won't explode. Even if it explodes, it won't be a big deal with your current physical strength. At most, it will hurt for a while and lose some hair."

  "It's not just a little bit. It blew my butt bald last time!" Bugs Bunny refuted strongly.

  Renekton shrugged, turned around and walked into the house behind him, while controlling the palm of starlight to twist Bugs Bunny to follow him.

  As he walked, he asked curiously, "Were you fooled by those two cats into becoming their invention experience officer?"

  Bugs Bunny shook his head and said, "No, they are building a robot for me."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Anu, a crow with shiny black feathers, flew out of the room and said with a tone full of contempt:

  "No, stupid rabbit was fooled by those two cats."

  "Humph! You stinky bird, you are getting more and more rude."

  Bugs Bunny glared at Anu, the crow circling in the air, as if he would jump up and bite it off immediately if it dared to lower its altitude.

  Renekton reached out and patted Bugs Bunny's head, letting it down from mid-air, and said at the same time:

  "Don't make trouble, first report to each of you how the tasks I gave you before were completed."

  "I have been promoted to Sequence Six." Anu, the crow, answered first.

  Backlund, the Brave Bar, Klein, who was transformed into Sherlock Moriarty, appeared in the middle of the bar.

  He held a glass of Southwell beer and followed the bartender's instructions to the third billiard room behind the bar, knocking on the door.

  Dong~Dong~ The door creaked open with a rhythmic knock, and Ian, with bright red eyes, poked his head out from behind the door. When he saw Klein in the image of Sherlock Moriarty, he immediately smiled:

  "Sir, please come in."

  In the room, Maric, with messy hair, sat on the billiard table. At the same time, Sharon, wearing a black and complicated court dress, appeared on the other side of the billiard table. She sat quietly on a high stool.

  "Good evening, both of you," Klein took the initiative to greet.

  In the southern continent, in the manor on the outskirts of the Pas River Valley, Renekton sat at the desk in the study on the second floor, flipping through the southern continent observation notes written by Bugs Bunny.

  Amid the rustling sound of flipping papers, Bugs Bunny buried his head lower and lower, as if he wished he could retract his entire head into his shell like a turtle.

  After a while, Renekton sighed and put Bugs Bunny's observation notes aside. He stretched out his hand and pulled it onto his legs. While kneading its soft big ears, he said,

  "You only paid attention to the taste of fruits in different regions and the local species richness?"

  "I also studied how to improve them." Bugs Bunny raised his hand and said, paused, observing Renekton's expression, and added, "After all, I'm just a rabbit, and writing is already very strenuous."

  Renekton pinched its ears twice, then cast his eyes on the crow Anu standing on the bookshelf and said,

  "How is your side?"

  Crow Anu flapped his wings in front of his chest, and said in a sharp and serious voice,

  "The dead souls and natural spirits under my command have found many people who secretly believe in the 'Mother Tree'. According to Mr. Prak, we have not done anything extra except recording them."

  "In addition to the Rose School of Thought, there are also many people from the Feysac Empire here. The people from the Church of the God of War are trying to contact Mr. Prak, Mesanyes and others."

  "Also, Mr. Prak said that the Feysac military seems to have the intention to unite with Intis."

  Renekton nodded gently to the crow Anu and said, "Well done." After

  throwing Bugs Bunny on the desk in front of him and indicating that they could move freely, Renekton stood up and walked to the window of the study. Looking at the scattered lights outside the window, he sighed:

  "The major churches and the kingdom's military seem to have subconsciously ignored the new religion led by Sasriel. Are they planning to wait and see the state of the 'True Creator' first?"

  "Except for 'Storm' and 'Sun', there is also the ambiguous 'Knowledge'. The other four will not mind letting the 'True Creator' who has escaped madness return to the North and South Continents."

  With a long sigh, Renekton's eyes flashed and became extremely deep, like the sea before the storm, obviously losing focus, and his eyes were blank.

  In this state, his eyes penetrated the real dimension and saw the long river representing destiny. With the help of his own connection with the Pas River Valley, he cast his eyes into the future, trying to see the direction of destiny at a certain moment.   

  A red light filled with rust and blood gradually emerged in his eyes. Under the light of iron and blood, he saw a gray church of bones, a tall angel with blurred figures and layers of wings, and a battlefield of guns and gunpowder.

  After a moment, his eyes became clear again, and the sporadic fire outside the window came into view again.

  "With the conflict of iron and blood, the winner wins everything, and the loser is the loser."

  "Oh, the unfortunate Medici, he was used by Adam again, trying to use his special status to stimulate war."

  "The trinity of evil spirits of Medici and others cannot have such an influence. Has he been to Bansi Port and has been controlled by the 'City of Disaster' without knowing it?"

  While talking to himself, thick gray mist suddenly surged in his eyes, and the deep red light rose and surged like a tide.

  Klein's voice echoed in his ears:

  "Do you have time to accept a commission? The location is Backlund, the time is two days later, and it is related to the Rose School."

  Renekton raised his eyebrows, recalling the news that Crow Anu had reported to him before, and chuckled:

  "Related to the Rose School? No wonder they have not been so active in the southern continent recently."

  "What exactly is it? If I can get some good results, I don't mind returning to Backlund."

  Returning to the southern continent so soon? Above the gray fog, Klein sighed in his heart, organized his words, and began to introduce the commission he mentioned:

  "This commission comes from Miss Sharon. In two days, a ship from the southern continent will arrive at Pritz Harbor. On it are the wealth that the Loen military had previously plundered from the southern continent. Because of the changes in the situation in the southern continent, Loen shipped the wealth back first."

  "Among them is a mummy. It is the 19th king of the ancient Highland Kingdom, Tutankhamun II."

  "This mummy seems to be of great significance to the Beyonders of the 'Alien' Path. Miss Sharon and the others want to snatch this mummy, and the members of the Rose School who also belong to the 'Alien' Path also want to take this mummy back."

  "Dwayne Dantes' identity happens to have some business dealings. I will leave Backlund tomorrow and board the airship to West Balam."

  Renekton narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "I understand."

  After a pause, he continued:

  "Remember to find a time to go to Calderon City and get the real soul of the spirit world plunderer as soon as possible. If you delay too long, it will be too late."

  "What do you mean it will be too late?" Klein asked in confusion.

  Renekton pretended to be mysterious and chuckled,

  "You will know when the time comes."

  "Tell Miss Sharon that I accept this commission. As for the reward, after she is promoted to 'Puppet', she needs to help me clean up the members of the Rose School outside the southern continent."

  I am obviously the "Fortune Teller", why is this guy more like a charlatan than me?

  Miss Sharon robbed the mummy in order to be promoted to "Puppet"? So the mummy is part of the material? Or part of the ritual? It should be the latter. The mummy that has lost its characteristics cannot be the main material, and the auxiliary materials are actually not that important. Miss Sharon and the members of the Rose School will not take the risk to rob it.

  After collecting his thoughts, Klein took a deep breath and resisted the urge to continue asking. He responded in a deep voice,

  "I will tell Miss Sharon. I should be able to give you an answer soon."

  As he finished speaking, he cut off the connection between the two and quickly left the gray fog. He searched for banknotes in the room and began to write a letter to Sharon.

  By playing the harmonica to summon the messenger, Klein handed the letter he had just written to her and asked,

  "Can you still locate Miss Sharon? She is the lady who summoned you to send me a letter before."

  Renette Tinicole, who was holding four blond and red-eyed heads, bit the letter with one head, bit the gold coin with another head, and the third head said,


  Klein nodded, and after watching the messenger leave, he turned around and brewed himself a cup of black tea by the locker in the room. He

  had just put the brewed tea into his mouth and took a sip when his inspiration was triggered. He saw the location of the oriel window, and the messenger lady, wearing a complicated court dress and holding four blond and red-eyed heads, appeared in the room with a piece of letter paper in her mouth.

  "So fast!" Klein exclaimed in surprise.

  While sighing, he put down the tea in his hand, took out a gold-rimmed coin from his pocket and handed it over, while reaching out to take the letter.

  He swung the letter in front of him. There was a large blank space on the letter, with only a single word in the middle written in elegant Loenese: OK!

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 577 Mental Plague

  In the manor outside the Pas Valley, Renekton, Bugs Bunny and Anu the Crow were enjoying a luxurious dinner made by a group of undead in the restaurant.

  These undead specially selected by Anu the Crow retained some of their instincts as chefs in their lifetime. At the same time, they also obtained their lost knowledge from the "Hidden Sage" through the secret ceremony and became qualified chefs again.

  After eating and drinking, Renekton put down the tableware in his hand, leaned back and rubbed his temples. Suddenly, a thick gray mist surged in his eyes, accompanied by Klein's low voice:

  "Miss Sharon agreed, she will pass the specific information to you through the messenger."

  As the voice fell, the gray mist in his eyes quickly disappeared.

  An angel ran out to rob, always feeling a little embarrassed. Well. I can't say robbing, I went to take back the looted property in the southern continent, so it's much more convenient.

  Gathering his thoughts, Renekton raised his hand and rubbed Bugs Bunny's head and said:

  "What are the two artisan cats doing recently?"

  Bugs Bunny put down the green fruit in his hand, patted his belly and said:

  "Burp~ Last time Ritz seemed to say that they were developing a radio receiver that can directly transmit sound. No, it's called an infinite telegraph."

  "They have invented a machine that can record sound and then play it repeatedly, and there is also a machine that can play simple pictures."

  Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "It's so efficient."

  "Because there are so many people from the Moss Ascetic Order here, they can repeat a single prayer in large quantities to make the knowledge imparted by the 'Hidden Sage' have a certain direction." "Well,

  this is what Ms. Grant said when they were communicating. She also said that the danger of 'knowledge chasing people' will not be reduced because it is the necessary price to obtain knowledge through shortcuts." As

  he spoke, Bugs Bunny shook his head, looking like he was trying hard to recall.

  Anu the crow took over and said,

  "Ms. Grann and the people of the Church of Knowledge are experimenting with using the power of the 'Light Chaser' to replace steam engines and gas. Recently, the breath of the sun is everywhere in Impas, and the undead that originally occupied the city have all fled."

  "Well, I roughly understand." Renekton nodded gently, stretched out his hand to pinch Bugs Bunny's ears, and continued, "You go and inform Miss Grann tomorrow. I found her a helper who is very good at mechanics. Remember to make up an identity for the other party."

  "Leave it to me." Bugs Bunny stood on the dining table, with his hands on his hips, and said with his head held high.

  At night in Pritz Harbor, gas street lamps made of black metal emitted a dim light, illuminating the bluestone paved road below.

  In the warehouse area some distance away from the dock, on the top floor of a warehouse, countless information flows that could not be observed by the naked eye flowed out from the depths of the spirit world, and reconstructed Renekton's figure on the top floor of the warehouse filled with wooden boxes.

  He looked towards the vent. Maric, wearing a white shirt and a black vest, was leaning against the wall, holding a telescope in his hand, observing the environment outside.

  "Good evening, both of you."

  Renekton nodded to Maric and the shadow beside him.

  In the shadow, Sharon, wearing a black bonnet and a court dress of the same color, slowly emerged. Her face looked a little paler than before, with a transparent illusion, like a real ghost.

  Sharon nodded at Renekton and said in a soft and restrained voice:

  "Good evening, what are you going to do?"

  Renekton looked across the warehouse wall to the dock area in the distance. His eyes easily penetrated the barrier and saw the steamship docked at the port, the steam vehicles surrounding it, which looked like exaggerated mechanical monsters, and the soldiers standing on the tops of nearby buildings, carrying steam backpacks and holding thick-barreled rifles in their hands.

  After a brief observation of the surrounding situation, he said in a deep voice:

  "I will create enough chaos to make the magical items they brought back from the southern continent go out of control and run wild. At that time, I will banish the mummy. As a 'ghost', you can enter and exit the spirit world freely, and it should be easy to take the mummy away."

  "Okay." Sharon nodded gently.

  Renekton raised his right hand, and a little starlight spread out from between his fingers, condensing into a pair of cold and indifferent eyes covered with a layer of starlight.

  He flicked his fingers at Sharon and Maric, and two eyes with twinkling starlight flew over spontaneously, explaining at the same time:

  "This is the 'Eye of Peering', which can help you locate the objects I banished in the spirit world. It can also be used as a temporary magical item. I have stored two 'Flashes' on it. Once used, it will disintegrate in a short time, no matter if it is used once or twice."

  "This place is too close to Backlund. If a serious chaos occurs, it is likely to attract the attention of the two angels of the Augustus family."

  After Sharon nodded lightly, her figure quickly faded and blended into the dim environment around her.   

  Renekton nodded to Maric, and his figure quickly disintegrated into a stream of pure knowledge, pouring into the spirit world like a torrent.

  On the dock under martial law, a hybrid boat with a chimney and sails slowed down and docked little by little.

  Not long after, a ladder was lowered from the ship, and the crew began to land. The

  sailors who walked in the front were carrying wooden boxes, and the last one was a major holding a crystal box. He had a solemn expression, surrounded by several crew members, each of whom held a lantern in his hand, illuminating the crystal box from all directions.

  In the spirit world, Renekton's eyes flashed a touch of light purple, and his eyes became deep and dark.

  His eyes stayed on the human skull in the crystal box without any flesh and blood for a long time, and then looked at the huge iron barrel held by a man in a black suit behind him. The iron

  barrel was filled with ice cubes that were cold, and in the middle of the ice cubes was an arm made of pure gold!

  The man holding the iron bucket walked very fast, sweat dripping from his forehead, and the ice in the bucket he was holding was melting at an abnormal speed.

  Behind him, another middle-aged man in formal clothes got off the boat, holding a box made of gold, which was painted with symbols representing the sun, light and purification.

  Renekton's right hand was folded across his chest. The bronze mechanical glove cracked open a mouth-like crack and emitted a sharp, hoarse voice:

  "Great master, the arm placed in the ice is a thing of the 'Sun' pathway, probably Sequence Five or Sequence Six. Its negative effect is to keep the surrounding area in a terrible hot environment, evaporate the moisture in the surrounding air, and ignite flesh and blood."

  "The skull placed in the crystal box seems to be a combination of 'Necromancer' and 'Nightmare'. It will affect the spirits of surrounding creatures and make them die little by little in their sleep."

  "The golden box seems to contain the 'Moon Messenger'. The box is too eyesore, and I'm not sure, but there is a breath of the 'Moon' in it."

  "I can't see more clearly unless I can get closer to them."

  "Okay." Renekton nodded slightly in response, paused for half a second, and then continued: "Can you make them all active?"

  "If I can get close to them, I can inject souls into these items and make them come alive, becoming chaotic and crazy."

  "Without touching them, I can only affect them by destroying the seals against them."

  The mechanical glove tapped its fingers twice, and the voice became a little low.

  Renekton nodded gently, stopped talking, and quietly observed the Loen military moving items from the ship in the spirit world.

  About ten minutes later, four "knights" wearing black full-body armor appeared on the deck of the steam and sail ship. They carried a golden coffin, and every step made the deck bang.

  The surface of the golden coffin was engraved with patterns such as strange birds, feathered serpents, and masks. It looked ancient and mysterious, with a strong Highland style.

  They lifted the heavy coffin through the pulley system that had been set up in advance and moved it to a carriage with a dismantled roof outside the dock.

  As the coffin was lifted by the steel cable, the "knight" in black full-body armor in the front right suddenly groaned and fell down without warning.


  The "knight's" helmet was knocked off, revealing his sunken eye sockets, rotting flesh and shrunken head. Dark red blood flowed from the gaps in his armor.

  This scene seemed to stimulate the other three "knights" who were already in a state of mental collapse. They roared and took off their full body armor, ran to the side of the ship, and jumped down without a care.

  Outside the dock, the four "knights" in black full body armor who were preparing to receive the golden coffin began to take root and sprout after witnessing this strange and terrifying scene. The panic and fear in their hearts began to spread rapidly and infected people.

  The seeds of the "mental plague" spread various mental illnesses and extreme madness with the help of the surrounding collective subconscious sea. Unknowingly, the entire dock was already full of "infectious mental illnesses."

  Deep in the spirit world, Renekton's eyes turned into pale gold pupils, and the mechanical glove on his right hand lit up with a grayish-white light, outlining one complex and three-dimensional mysterious symbol after another, extending to the surrounding void, as if communicating with something that did not belong to the real world.

  In the dark and deep sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, several virtual personalities that looked exactly like Renekton appeared here, and each personality had obvious emotions on their faces, either angry, happy, or sad.

  They turned some of their own thoughts into a mental storm that swept around, causing the "celestial phenomena" to change rapidly, and the spiritual perception of the surroundings was strongly disturbed, effectively destroying the mental barrier.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 578 Chaos

  Under the sweep of the mental storm, the mental barriers of the surrounding soldiers and the mid- and low-sequence Beyonders were quickly destroyed. In this state, they were completely unable to resist the erosion and infection of the "mental plague".

  The atmosphere on the dock was instantly tense. The faces of the soldiers standing on the tops of the surrounding buildings, carrying steam backpacks and holding thick-barreled rifles, became agitated and uneasy. The steam rifles in their hands trembled slightly, as if they would fire bullets in the next second.

  Beside the carriage with the roof removed, the breathing of the four "knights" wearing black full-body armor became more and more rapid. Amid the panting, a black-armored knight was the first to be unable to bear the pressure and ran towards the sea where the ships were moored in front.

  Following his action, the other three black-armored knights could no longer hold on. Their psychological defenses completely collapsed, and they fell into despair and madness. While tearing off their armor, they rushed to the sea.

  Those carriages that stayed quietly in place or moved steadily along the road also went crazy and ran around in the dock.

  Under the influence of the "mental plague", some soldiers stationed around also dropped their weapons and followed them into the cold sea.

  On the top of the surrounding buildings, the soldiers holding steam rifles could no longer bear the pressure and pulled the trigger. The steam rifles made a banging sound and fired yellow bullets.

  The entire dock was instantly in chaos.

  Near the dock, a steel chariot with a chimney, a gun barrel and a machine gun suddenly turned around, and a low and majestic voice came out from it unimpeded:

  "No running here!"

  "No shooting here!"

  As the voice fell, the chaotic scene around seemed to be forced to press the pause button. The expressions of the surrounding soldiers and horses were ferocious and crazy, but they seemed to be pressed by heavy objects and could hardly move. The bullets that cut through the air also stopped, and the entire dock was left with only roars one after another.

  The next second, a figure wearing a white robe inlaid with gold threads, with light yellow and slightly curled hair, obviously sunken eye sockets, and a thin face appeared from mid-air.

  He was the descendant of the Pharaoh of the Rose School, the "Silent One" Mahmud. He looked at the iron chariot that had just made the sound. His brown eyes were filled with uncontrollable malice and madness, giving people a feeling of being both evil and terrifying.

  Without any hesitation, he raised his right hand and pulled it at the corner of his mouth. The golden nails that were covered with fine patterns and sealed his entire mouth flew out at the same time, no longer sealing his mouth.

  Mahmud also opened his mouth, and a silent scream came out of his mouth, giving people a feeling of being both evil and terrifying.

  The huge iron chariot that he regarded as his target suddenly twisted as if it had melted. In just a blink of an eye, it turned from a mechanical creation into a goat with dull eyes and curly hair!

  Mahmud did not continue to attack. He looked around quickly, and his figure faded and disappeared.

  His goal was just to get back the remains of the Pharaoh that had been robbed. He didn't care who the "audience" demigod was hiding in the dark. In his opinion, a cursed mummy was not worth the risk for a "audience" demigod. The other party must be after one or several magical items here. In the absence of conflicting goals, temporary cooperation was a win-win choice for both parties.

  On the other side of the dock, the firmly bound steel cables on the golden coffin that had not yet been lowered from the pulley device suddenly began to wriggle spontaneously, untying the coffin and letting it fall vertically.

  Below the coffin, the void floated in darkness, and a translucent, hideous giant mouth that was more than ten meters long emerged.

  The giant mouth suddenly opened, sucked in air, and created a terrifying gust of wind, trying to swallow the entire coffin into its mouth.

  Suddenly, bright yellow sunlight lit up around, like a magnificent ocean of light, drowning everything around.

  In the spirit world, Renekton narrowed his eyes, and the mechanical glove on his right hand made a gnashing sound:

  "Ah! My eyes."

  "I hate the 'sun'!"

  The light lasted for about a second, then dissipated into nothingness, and the spirit world creature with a huge mouth also disappeared, leaving only a pool of liquid on the ground after evaporation. The

  goat that was transformed from the iron chariot seemed to have exploded inside, and the flesh and internal organs in the belly were splashed all over the place.

  On the ground not far away, a piece of meat inlaid with white gloves and a golden mask rolled to the ground.

  A light that was not dazzling burst out from the inside of the meat, dispelling all the chaos and evil breath.

  Without the suppression of the evil curse, the meat began to wriggle spontaneously, and pieced together into a human form again, returning to its original appearance.


  The golden coffin containing Tutanses II fell to the ground, and the lid of the coffin fell off. The buried gold, gems, and golden vessels with dried internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

  A corpse wrapped in yellow-brown linen also rolled out. The corpse was extremely thin, and the surface was stained with dark red and oily liquid. There was a mask with gold-based patterns on the face, and two extremely pure black gems were embedded in the eye sockets.

  This was the mummy made during the time of Tutanses II. As soon as it appeared, the lights of the surrounding gas street lamps seemed to dim.   

  The two black gemstones inlaid in the mummy's "eyeballs" each reflected the figure of a middle-aged man wearing a white robe inlaid with gold threads, with light yellow and slightly curly hair, obvious sunken eye sockets, and a thin face.

  Mahmud's figure quickly became clear, and the long-dead mummy of Tutanses II suddenly moved. The

  black-haired, golden-eyed man wearing a golden mask, who had just recovered from the state of a piece of meat, spoke majestically:

  "It is forbidden to possess the wronged souls here."

  As the voice fell, Mahmud's figure floated up above the mummy of Tutanses II little by little, as if it was squeezed out of the void by a huge pressure.

  He glared at the black-haired, golden-eyed middle-aged man and took out a rag doll that seemed to be made of old cloth.

  This rag doll was stained with obvious stains and blood spots. Its eyes were dug out by someone, leaving two holes.

  The position of its empty eyes was facing the Loen military demigod with a golden mask. Mahmud's face quickly changed to the appearance of the demigod.

  The ring of light on the right hand of the demigod of the Loen army burst out with a crystal-like light, quickly covering his body and flashing behind Mahmud.

  Deep in the spirit world, Renekton looked at the ring of light on the right hand of the demigod of the Loen army and sighed in a low voice:

  "The apprentices are really pitiful. Their relics are everywhere."

  As he spoke, he threw down a white jade chess piece. The chess piece passed through the spirit world and fell into reality, instantly melting and disappearing.

  The entire dock area became slow and quiet, as if the flow of time was greatly stretched, causing the time at this moment to become extremely slow.

  Renekton's eyes penetrated the spirit world and took in the entire Pritz Harbor, scanning all the existences that were bright or dark.

  Then he flipped his right hand twice like a magic trick, took out a deck of poker cards that he had prepared in advance, and threw it out of the spirit world.

  The cards were scattered in the air, quickly expanded and twisted, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into poker soldiers about two meters long with hands and feet, holding spears or straight swords.

  The poker soldiers ran quickly on the dock, breaking the seals that the Loen military had placed on those magical items one by one.

  Under the dim light of the street lamps, a thick and indissoluble darkness surged out like a tide, bringing with it a quiet, deadly atmosphere, and layers of hoarse humming, pulling the surrounding creatures into dreams one by one.

  In the deep darkness, crimson moonlight rose up and gradually grew hideous features.

  Rotting mud appeared on the ground, and red sparks rose from time to time in the air, accompanied by a pungent smell of sulfur.

  In another direction, the street lamps suddenly became blazing, like the sun at noon, and the surrounding air quickly became dry and hot.

  Under the negative influence of the magical items around them, the paper soldiers either fell to the ground, or ignited themselves with flames from the inside, or rotted bit by bit.

  While paying attention to the situation outside, Renekton raised his hand to condense a dark green seed and threw it at his feet.

  The seed took root and grew directly in the spirit world. In just a moment, it grew into a sturdy gourd vine with seven gourds of different colors.

  Renekton plucked the seventh purple gourd, and the gourd vine and the remaining six gourds withered and disappeared instantly.

  On the dock, pure golden light like a tide surged from everywhere, converging into a sea of ​​light.

  The majestic breath of the sun seemed to materialize, quickly infecting and purifying everything around it, as if to suppress all the out-of-control magical items around with absolute power.

  The next moment, an invisible suction came from above, pulling the sea of ​​light and collecting it into a purple gourd.

  In mid-air, Renekton's figure appeared and his eyes swept across the ground. Mahmus and the man wearing a golden mask appeared on the other side of the dock. A lady wearing a black evening dress and a golden mask stood next to the golden coffin.

  His eyes fell on the crown of thorns on the lady's head, and finally looked at the mummy of Tutankhamun II lying on the ground. He stretched out his left hand half open and whispered:


  An invisible force burst out, sweeping the mummy on the ground and the funerary objects around it into the void, throwing them to an unknown place.

  After doing all this, the hazy starlight instantly covered Renekton's body, and took him to the battle site between Mahamus and the black-haired, golden-eyed military demigod. The

  deep red moonlight instantly poured out, and condensed into a hooded figure wearing a black robe embroidered with crimson patterns opposite him.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 579 William Augustus I

  "Witch King" Karaman, it seems that the high-end combat power of the Rose School is not enough, even the believers of the "Original Moon" have been called in. As his thoughts floated, Renekton smiled and nodded at the other party, and his eyes swept over the exquisitely crafted male doll in Karaman's hand.

  It was only the size of a palm, wearing a dark red dress with gold patterns. Someone dug out its eyes, leaving only two black holes. Its vague eyes fell on Renekton, with strong hatred and malice.

  The next moment, the dense darkness and shadows around it quickly squirmed, condensing into illusory but solid black shackles, rushing from all directions, trying to entangle Renekton.

  At the same time, the male doll held by Karaman suddenly disappeared.

  Renekton suddenly felt that the mechanical glove on his right hand shook slightly, conveying disgust and anger to himself.

  Then, his clothes suddenly tightened for no reason, and the collar, cuffs, and waistband tightened him hard, as if to tear him apart.

  This state lasted for less than a second, and Renekton's figure suddenly became illusory, as if he did not exist at all. The dark shackles formed by the shadows around him penetrated his body directly.

  The palm-sized, exquisitely crafted male puppet was also outlined in the air in front of him.

  Renekton stretched out his right hand and easily grabbed the palm-sized puppet in his hand. The bronze mechanical glove was immediately covered with a faint and hazy brilliance, flowing like water, drilling into the puppet's interior little by little.


  A shrill, sharp, and directly damaging spirit body scream erupted from the puppet, and then disappeared in an instant.

  Several dark gold nails with strange patterns were created out of thin air, sealing the puppet's mouth tightly.

  Not far away, Karaman's eyes clearly reflected Renekton's figure, and one of his eyeballs was taken out by himself.

  Thick black mist surged in his hand, covering the eyeball.

  A deep, solidified darkness then emerged around Renekton. The surrounding scene seemed to be frozen, and an invisible force bound him firmly in place. Renekton

  chuckled and shook the purple gourd in his left hand. Pure and clear golden light surged out of the gourd, instantly drowning the surroundings.

  In the blazing and dazzling ocean of light, two muffled groans sounded at the same time, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh and blood.

  In the pure and clear ocean of light, light black smoke kept floating and disappearing. A group of vampire bats between reality and illusion quickly flashed their wings and flew to the other side of the dock. After leaving the range of the light, they reassembled the body of "Witch King" Karaman. As

  the figure solidified, his eyes quickly reflected the figure of Mahams, who was wearing a white robe inlaid with gold threads and had a skinny face.

  With the help of Karaman's eyes as a mirror, Mahams also escaped from the coverage of the ocean of light.

  Not far away, the light that covered half of the dock was quickly gathered and gathered into a ball, appearing in the hands of the female demigod of the Loen military, who was wearing a black evening dress and a strange crown made of thorns. It gradually stretched into a pure and extremely blazing white spear of light that seemed to be made of pure sunlight. At

  the front of the spear, two white wings stretched out layer by layer, surrounding the tip of the spear like an angel. The space around Renekton was directly blocked, making it impossible for him to dodge attacks by flashing.

  Renekton looked at the female demigod who was about to throw the blazing white and scorching spear of light in his hand, and his eyes instantly turned pale gold and vertical. The layers of dark golden scales on the mechanical hand on his right hand were looming.


  The crisp sound of finger snaps echoed in the silent night, and the air around them suddenly became violent, rubbing against the air and making a crackling sound. The wind blew in all directions with some will.

  At this moment, everyone on the dock fell into a brief state of confusion and panic. It seemed as if a giant dragon was roaring in their ears, which seemed to come from reality, but also seemed to come from illusion. Their bodies, minds and spirits were all in a state of uncontrollable. Some

  stood there trembling, some ran blindly and irrationally to the corner of the garden, some lost control of their bowels and blanch, their legs fell limply, or they fainted and fell into a coma.

  In the hands of the female demigod, the spear of light accumulated by pure sunlight lost its spiritual support and decomposed into pieces of pure white and blazing sunlight, and the blocked space around was also liberated.

  Renekton curled his lips, and a layer of misty starlight covered his body. His figure disappeared instantly.

  Silently, the peaceful and quiet night enveloped the surroundings, and the whistling wind and the sound of waves hitting the embankment gradually faded away, and the entire dock fell into a state of secrecy.

  Renekton's figure emerged on the deck of the hybrid sailboat docked at the pier. Around him, the orange-red dusk light emerged from the void.

  Gradually, an illusory and magnificent palace, like a giant's residence, emerged in the orange-red light. Several extremely blurry figures with extremely terrifying auras sat on both sides of a long table stained with blood. They had ferocious expressions and were fighting to share the food on the long table.

  The next moment, the blurry figures sitting on both sides of the long table turned their heads and looked at the other side of the pier, the female demigod in an evening dress, and the black-haired, golden-eyed male demigod next to her, with a mature and elegant temperament. The

  magical items they were wearing suddenly lost control. The wooden thorns on the strange crown made of thorns became longer and sharper, and quickly extended inwards, deeply piercing into the head of the female demigod, and hot red flowed out.   

  On the hand of the black-haired, golden-eyed male demigod, the ring suddenly burst out a crystal-like light, which only covered the arm on which he wore the ring.

  Before he could react, the light disappeared along with one of his arms. The

  black-haired, golden-eyed male demigod was stunned for a moment, then half-knelt on the ground as if weightless, with a painful expression on his face, and tears flowing from the corners of his eyes because of the intense pain stimulating his body.

  Renekton rubbed his fingers, creating pieces of starlight, which turned into a wide palm and grabbed the top of the head of the female demigod.

  A long arrow condensed from deep red moonlight shot from the other side of the dock, shattering the palm condensed from starlight.

  At the same time, Mahamus opened his mouth again and let out a silent scream at Renekton.

  The scream was wrapped in the extreme curse that had been brewing in the long silence, and it erupted on Renekton.

  The next second, Renekton's body became ethereal, as if it did not exist. The curse that had originally acted on him turned into pieces of dark and dense worms, which crawled in the air and disappeared.

  After the Pharaoh's mummy was exiled by Renekton, Mahmus and Karaman of the Rose School regarded him as an enemy. The operation to recapture the mummy failed. In order to successfully escape from Backlund, they planned to temporarily join forces with the two demigods of the Loen military.

  With the Rose School demigod delaying time, the blonde military demigod breathed heavily for a moment. He supported the ground with his only remaining hand and looked at the female demigod whose brain was pierced by the crown of thorns and whose eyes became dazed and helpless.

  "It is forbidden to animate dead things here."

  "It is forbidden to bleed and get injured here."

  As the voice fell, the female demigod who was tightly controlled by the crown of thorns finally recovered herself. Her expression instantly became painful, as if she had just felt the pain in her head.


  A heavy sigh came from Renekton's mouth. His status beyond that of ordinary angels made his sighs become indescribable, difficult to hear, and extremely polluting horror mutterings in the ears of the Rose School and the Loen military demigods.

  "I don't want to expose the power and aura of an angel so close to Backlund. This will cause unnecessary trouble."

  His sigh was like the whisper of an evil god. Even if Mahmuds and his men closed themselves off, they could not block it. The

  crazy, twisted and ominous whispers echoed in their ears, causing their brains to ache and become distracted, making it difficult for them to think effectively. At the same time, their flesh and blood cracked and strange eyes grew out.

  Renekton's eyes flashed with a cold and pure light, giving people an unusually sacred and wise feeling, but also seemed quite indifferent and lacking in humanity.

  Starlight overflowed from his fingertips, turning into several huge palms surrounded by starlight, grabbing at the out-of-control magical objects scattered on the dock, the crown of thorns on the head of the female demigod of the Loen military, and the arm of the blond and black-eyed demigod that had been cut off.


  A crisp tearing sound rang out in the air, and a silver-white rapier forcefully cut through the peaceful and quiet night, dispelling the secret effect that enveloped the dock. The

  dark night fell like a tide, revealing the real dock under the dim street lights, and the sound of waves hitting and the whistling sea breeze echoed again.

  In the air above the dock, a middle-aged man wearing a cloak, black hair and blue eyes, with a square face and a majestic temperament stood there quietly.

  His mere appearance here seemed to strengthen the rules and order of the surrounding area, as if he was a practitioner and guardian of order.

  "William Augustus I?" Renekton raised his head slightly and looked at the other person, his tone was flat, but very firm.

  On every gold pound issued by Loen, his portrait was printed, and it was hard for people not to recognize him.

  While speaking, the magical items captured by the hand of starlight had already arrived beside him.

  William Augustus I, standing quietly in mid-air, spoke majestically:

  "Return the items to their original owners!"

  His words were like an unquestionable verdict. As the words fell, the surrounding rules began to automatically execute the verdict and return the captured magical items.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 580: A brief fight

  As the judgment came into effect, Renekton reached out and grabbed the metal ring inlaid with fine gemstones in front of him. Dim stars floated around, adding a hidden power around it, hiding the ring outside the rules.

  Having lost its execution target, the power of the rules that was pried by words directly abandoned the ring and only sent the other magical items back to their original positions.

  On the other side of the dock, the figure of Mahmuds became transparent the moment the hidden effect was broken by William Augustus I, and disappeared on the spot, quickly moving away from the dock through the mirror jump of nearby metal objects and glass that could emit light.

  A burst of dark smoke surged out of the body of "Witch King" Karaman, and the body under the black robe quickly shrank, turning into vampire bats between reality and illusion, and flew away in all directions.

  William Augustus I lowered his eyes, and his majestic voice resounded throughout the port:


  The group of playful bats between reality and illusion exploded from the inside at the same time, emitting a scarlet blood mist, and then turned into pieces of paper confetti that looked like crimson moonlight, which quickly melted under the crimson moonlight. The

  crimson moonlight rose not far away, and quickly condensed into Karaman, who was wearing a hood and a black robe.

  In his scarlet eyes, the pale and thin figure of Mahams appeared for a moment, and then quickly disappeared. Using Karaman's eyes as a springboard, he quickly moved away from the street.

  On the deck of the ship where the Loen military transported magical items, Renekton's figure was in a trance for a moment, and it seemed as if he had disappeared. An invisible and majestic force exploded directly at his heart, causing ripples in the air. As soon as

  the effect of "execution" wore off, his body quickly became illusory, but recovered in the next second.

  He lost the ability to transform himself into an information creature.

  After realizing that he had been deprived of his extraordinary abilities, he sighed imperceptibly, and then, pieces of white, illusory feathers condensed behind him, and a pair of pure white wings spread out behind him.

  His body turned into a huge, disordered black ball of thread with evil eyes, and the aura of madness, destruction, ominousness, and disaster spread in an instant.

  William Augustus I's blue eyes became deep, and a strong sense of majesty emanated from him. The air around him seemed to become heavy, making people unconsciously want to surrender and difficult to think of resistance.

  A silver-white thorn was dragged out of the void by him, and the fine silver light passed by, dividing the entire dock into strange and independent spaces.

  He left himself and Renekton together, and separated the two demigods of the military and the two demigods of the Rose School who had not yet escaped from the port to the other side. While the two sides did not invade each other, they could not affect reality.

  After doing all this, he looked directly at Renekton's mythical creature form, and said in a cold and majestic voice:

  "The mystery here is weakened, and the reality is strengthened."

  As his voice fell, Renekton immediately felt that the underlying rules around him had changed. Things related to the mystery were weakened, and the physical rules at the realistic level were strengthened. The

  white, illusory feathers around him disappeared, and the black mass with evil eyes collapsed inward and turned back into Renekton's body.

  He looked at William Augustus I standing calmly in the air, and rubbed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove twice.

  Silently, the physical rules around him changed, the waves and wind became loud and harsh, and even the air was vibrating violently, as if it could not bear the violent noise.

  The next second, a blue-green light spot appeared on the bronze mechanical glove, outlining the symbolic symbols and magic signs of the storm field.

  The violent wind collided with the air, making an explosion-like movement, and set off circles of visible ripples around.

  The violent sound of the wind shook the air. Under the law of "mystery weakened, reality strengthened" and the changes in the physical level, it became deadly and could tear apart everything that the sound waves touched.

  William Augustus I's face did not change. He calmly stretched forward and whispered:


  The air around him seemed to be covered with a layer of extremely viscous transparent liquid, which stopped the air from vibrating and made it difficult for the sound to spread.

  At the same time, a ray of light flashed in his deep blue eyes, as if it came from the depths of his consciousness. The

  majestic mental power surged, turning into a terrifying long whip with fine electric light and barbs, and accurately slapped Renekton's soul.

  This is the "whip of pain" of the first level of sequence. Its attack can easily tear or even destroy the soul, causing people to die in extreme mental pain.


  Under the surging mental power, Renekton's body was instantly torn apart, turning into pieces of pale yellow paper scraps, scattered in the air.

  The next second, Renekton appeared on the other side of the deck. He stretched out his right hand with a mechanical glove, and the white electric currents intersected in his hand, making a crackling sound.

  As he pushed forward, one after another small giant ball lightning flew out, hitting William Augustus I in the air amidst the silver-white electric snakes.   

  With the physical attack greatly enhanced, the extraordinary ability of the demigod level is enough to threaten a Sequence One angel.


  The invisible and majestic force tore through the void, tearing and pulling the surrounding spherical lightning, exiling them all.

  Feeling the disappearance of the mysterious suppression of the surrounding rules, Renekton curled his lips and uttered a very polluting whisper:

  "Aren't you going to hold on for a while? You lifted the surrounding 'prohibition' so easily."

  William Augustus I was in a trance for a while before he could hear what Renekton had just said. Before he could react, a huge shadow emerged from the sea below. A huge

  black dragon with an extremely huge body flew out from under the sea. Its two wide membrane-covered wings were full of corpses, and the corners of its mouth flowed with extremely corrosive dark green venom. The

  illusory black dragon flapped its wings and rushed into the sky with the breath of despair and disaster. Under the radiation of its breath, the battlefield separated by William Augustus I collapsed and disappeared instantly.

  This is the "mysterious reappearance" from the Norse mythology, the "black dragon that devours the world" that can dispel and destroy enchantments, barriers and other things.

  Without the suppression of the mystery by the rules, this "mysterious reappearance" fully demonstrates its power.

  William Augustus I stared at Renekton, clenched his left hand forward, and majestically pronounced in ancient Hermetic language:


  As he moved, the air around Renekton instantly turned into an invisible confinement, nailing him in place. The invisible force from the rules acted on his head, as if to crush it alive. The

  imprisoned Renekton's body suddenly became transparent, illusory, and turned into a pile of bubbles.

  These bubbles were fleeting under the confinement of the air and the suppression of the majestic power.

  At the edge of the port, Renekton squeezed the metal ring he had snatched, and a crystal-like light quickly burst out and enveloped his body, taking him to flash far away.

  As the divided space disappeared, Mahmuds and Karaman, who were being chased by the Loen military demigods, merged into the moonlight and entered the mirror world respectively, and quickly moved away from the port.

  The military demigods who had lost their traveler rings no longer had the ability to chase them, and could only watch the demigods of the Rose School escape from their hands.

  The female demigod in a black evening gown pulled out the barbs from the crown of thorns on her head one by one and inserted them into her head. She looked at her colleague who had lost an arm and said,

  "Celter, go find your arm first. As long as it's not been too long and the arm hasn't lost its vitality, the 'doctor' can help you get it back." The

  blonde black smoke demigod named Celter smiled bitterly, pointed in the direction of the dock with her only remaining left hand, and said with a bitter smile,

  "Even if it hasn't been cut into pieces, it must have been contaminated by those out-of-control magical items."

  When the barbs that were inserted into her head disappeared, the female demigod in the black evening gown breathed a sigh of relief, her towering chest heaving up and down, panting slightly, and said,

  "It seems that you can only go to Archbishop Horamick of the Steam Church and ask him to build a mechanical arm for you, or go to Feynaport, the Earth Church's 'Life Refinement' can let you grow a new arm." As

  soon as she finished speaking, William Augustus I, who was wearing a cloak, had black hair and blue eyes, and a majestic temperament, appeared in front of the two.

  Without giving the two demigods a chance to speak, he said in an extremely cold voice, not allowing any objection:

  "Those out-of-control magical items have been suppressed, and the organization has reorganized the manpower to collect and seal them."

  "In addition, clean up the members of the Rose School and the Moss Ascetic Order hidden in Loen, and issue a bounty to the outside world, and arrest the demigods and angels who appeared here tonight."

  As soon as the voice fell, he clenched his right hand, and with a strong force, he directly tore the space and left Pritz Harbor.

  In Pritz Harbor, in an underground warehouse near the steam train station, pieces of starlight shot out from the void, gathered in the air and reorganized into a dark blue door painted with mysterious symbols and patterns.

  The moment the door was formed, Renekton stepped out of the door, his eyes fell on the body wrapped in bandages and missing a thigh in the corner of the warehouse.

  Sharon's figure was reflected in the black gem "eyeball" at the position of the mummy's eyes, and her face seemed to be a little paler than before.

  The next second, Sharon's calm and restrained voice came from the mummy standing on one leg:

  "The aura of this mummy attracted some spiritual creatures, and we had some disputes."

  Renekton nodded in understanding, and his thoughts diverged in his mind. The spiritual creatures that can be attracted by this mummy cannot be too weak, otherwise they can't even resist the curse on it, so is it Ms. Renette who has a castle in the spiritual world who provided help?

  (End of this chapter)