

Chapter 566 Djinn God

Leonard glanced at Renekton and said in a cold voice:

"The 'Sleepless' are just more energetic at night, but that doesn't mean our daily routine is the same as that of those vampires."

No, they are vampires! I defended myself on behalf of Mr. "Moon" and cursed in my heart. Renekton sat down on the single sofa on the left and said at the same time:

"I have found where the thing I need is, and I need grandpa to steal it out with me."

"Oh Moon, it turns out you are too," Leonard said in an old voice that did not match his appearance, with a somewhat mocking tone.

After a pause, he continued:

"Which church's sealed artifact do you want to steal? 'Eternal Blazing Sun'? Or 'Steam'?"

As soon as Paris' voice fell, it was replaced by Leonard's voice asking: "What is it too?"

"You don't need to know." Pales replied angrily.

Renekton was leaning on the single sofa, looking at Leonard speaking in two voices alone, talking to himself, making him want to laugh inexplicably.

After Leonard finally calmed down, he introduced in detail:

"Under the steel church in Trier Parish of the 'God of Steam and Machinery' Church, there is a sealed object numbered 0-45, called the Seat of Knowledge. It looks like a strange and gorgeous throne made of gold."

"It is a magical item made from the extraordinary characteristics of the former Emperor Russell after he was killed by the 'Eternal Fierce Sun'. It contains the angel-level characteristics of the two paths of 'Perfect' and 'Hermit'."

"You're going to steal a level 0 sealed object from the Church of Steam? Are you sure you're not going to turn yourself into a sealed object and put it there?" Before Palles could speak, Leonard had already taunted.

There was silence in the living room for a while, and then Pales' voice came from Leonard's body:

"The problem is not how to steal it, but how to leave after we succeed. With this kind of provocative behavior, the 'steam' will probably come directly from the gods."

"The current 'Steam' is not in the same state as the 'God of Craftsman' before Russell appeared. He has the extra energy to strike from a distance, or even descend directly from God."

"And there is an angel in the Iron Church in Trier, Bonois Gustave, Russell's second son."

Renekton nodded calmly. He had already expected this and had already thought of how to solve it. When Pales stopped making any noise, he spoke:

"Bonova, I will find someone to hold him back. We just need to survive the first wave of blows from 'Steam', and then there will be other beings who can stop him."

"'Hidden Sage'?" Paris murmured, and then he stopped talking and directly interpreted Renekton's plan by stealing his heart.

Five or six minutes later, Leonard, who looked leisurely, spoke again, speaking in Paris's old voice:

"Your plan is already perfect and you don't even need me to take action. You can definitely find an angel in better condition than me to cooperate with you."

Renekton raised his hand and rubbed his face, then smiled and said:

"When it comes to stealing things, of course it's better to find a 'thief'. The only 'thieves' I know are you and Amon."

Leonard sighed and said:

"Huh, Amon and I are the only ones alive."

"Although you are hiding something, I will not go back on what I have promised, and don't forget your promise."

Renekton nodded, raised his hand and promised: "Of course, if you don't believe it, I can swear to the 'Hidden Sage' or the 'Knowledge Wilderness'."

Paris did not respond to Renekton's words, and said in a flat voice:

"I need to sleep for a while to repair my condition. When I return to the level of Sequence 2, I can start taking action."

After pausing for a second, he said to Leonard: "Don't come to me if you have nothing to do during this period, and don't bother me if you have something to do. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, just go to this rude boy."

After the words fell, Pales fell silent. Leonard regained control of his body. He moved towards Renekton and asked:

"Hey, rude boy, the 'Knowledge Wilderness' is also a hidden entity? Sounds more like a location?"

Renekton raised his hand and touched his nose, but instead of answering Leonard's words, he said:

"I collected a few spiritual insects from the 'Dark Demonic Wolf' in the Land Abandoned by God, and there are still some leftover. I can make them into spells to borrow power from myself in history."

"Borrowed power is always false." Paris, who had been silent, suddenly sighed.

"You don't need it?" Renekton asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Don't joke with an old man casually, you rude little guy."

Pales complained a few words about Leonard's body, and then fell silent again. No matter what Renekton and Leonard said, he stopped making a sound.

Leonard and Renekton looked at each other in wordless silence for a while. Leonard suddenly sat up straight on the sofa, staring at Renekton with bright dark green eyes and asked:

"If the old man wants to go to Trier with you, will he leave me?"

Renekton was silent for a moment, thinking that in the original novel, Paris did not escape from Leonard's body until the end, he said in an uncertain tone:

"Perhaps, but I think he might also bring you with him." "And then let me bear the infamy of betraying the church and be hunted by the goddess and the church of the God of Steam?" Leonard said calmly, as if he had already seen it. To his own bleak future.

"It's just about concealing your identity. There are many ways to do this, especially 'thieves' and 'diviners', they are experts in this area."

"While grandpa is sleeping, you can write to me if you have anything to do, although I may not be able to come in time."

After comforting Leonard, Renekton stood up from the single sofa. At the same time, his body became illusive and quickly disintegrated into streams of complex information, surging out of the room.

Leonard looked at Renekton who suddenly left, opened his mouth, and swallowed back the words he wanted to ask about the identity of Dwayne Dantès.

Deep in the spirit world, Renekton, who was rushing forward with a torrent of information, suddenly changed his direction. The mark he left on Cattleya was touched by someone. The other party seemed to want to trace him directly through that mark, but failed. .

"It's interesting. Can you touch the mark I left on my true body, that unlucky djinn?"

While talking to himself, he had arrived at the foggy sea. On the undulating sea, the "Future" was drifting alone along the wind direction.

The next second, his body became insubstantial again, decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, and turned into a pure information flow creature, approaching the "Future".

On the deck at the stern of the "Future", several green vines hung down from mid-air and quickly disappeared.

Frank, who happened to be dealing with the experimental residue nearby, looked around suspiciously. Seeing that there was nothing, he looked away again, scratching his head and muttering to himself:

"Strange, I seemed to have seen some vines that were not dealt with just now. Was it because I was too tired that I was hallucinating?"

"After the last batch of experimental materials are processed, I need to take two days off."

In the captain's cabin of the upper cabin, a strange-shaped lamp is placed in a rectangular metal box painted with intricate patterns. It is like a miniature kettle, with a wick extending from the spout.

Suddenly, the golden surface of the lamp burst into bright but not dazzling light. This light only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

In front of the desk in the captain's cabin, Cattleya, who was thinking about something, suddenly turned her head and looked behind her. A deep lavender flashed in her eyes. She looked at all the items in the captain's cabin, and then frowned slightly. Look back.

In a cascading forest formed by countless intertwined green vines, Renekton was sitting on a seat woven with vines, staring straight ahead.

In front of him, there was a twisted and blurred figure formed by the viscous light golden water.

Renekton and the other party stared at each other in silence for a while, then he raised his hand to rub his forehead and chuckled:

"When we first meet, should I call you 'son of chaos' or 'god of djinn' now?"

In front of him, the pale golden figure said in a calm voice with an indescribable sense of majesty:

"For me, the title is not important. Whether it is 'Son of Chaos' or 'God of Djinn', it is still me."

"How should I call you, 'Wildness of Knowledge', or 'Hidden Sage', or have you made up a new identity for yourself?"

Renekton leaned on the seat and whispered leisurely:

"You can call me 'Lampman'. I am just a guide for intelligent beings when they explore the truth and mysteries. I am not exactly the same as the 'Wilderness of Knowledge'."

"Lie!" The pale gold figure's voice suddenly became high-pitched and serious.

"As the embodiment of order and rules, any lies are invalid in front of me."

Renekton chuckled with a slightly provocative tone: "Is it really ineffective? Then how did you get shut into the lamp by Tianzun?"

As the words fell, Renekton felt as if he saw an expression of anger and fear on the distorted and blurred pale gold figure in front of him.

The distortion on the blurry pale gold figure became more confusing, and his voice was full of ridicule:

"Hmph, how are you better than me? You're just locked in a larger cage and changed from a single room to a dormitory."

Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"Even the dormitory knows about it. It seems that you and Russell have communicated a lot."

"But we are still better than you. Although we were sealed, it gave us a chance to survive, and we were not torn into several pieces."

After a pause, he added: "Do you want to know the situation in the 'Country of Disorder' in the Western Continent?"

The confusion and distortion on the pale gold figure gradually calmed down, and he said in a cold and majestic voice:

"What do you want from me? Now I am just a helpless djinn, unless you are willing to send me to the stars."

"But with your identity, once you leave the original barrier, you will be discovered by the 'super star master' and the 'high-dimensional overlooker' in an instant, and then eat them."

Renekton smiled noncommittally and said: "They want to take away the power of 'civilization' and 'knowledge' from me, so why don't I want to tear something away from them? Only with high risks can there be high rewards! "

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 567 Mausoleum

The pale golden twisted figure chuckled disdainfully:

"Being able to recover all the powers and characteristics before the distant barrier is broken and become the 'Demon of Knowledge' is already your best state."

"If you want to fight against the 'Superstar Master' and the 'High-Dimensional Overlooker' at the same time, you need one or even multiple allies from the old days."

Renekton raised his eyebrows and looked at the pale golden figure in front of him, and narrated in a calm tone:

"Are you recommending yourself to me?"

"You have been sealed by Tianzun for so long, and that part of the starry sky has already developed self-awareness. Who do you think will be the leader after returning to the starry sky?"

"We don't have the so-called humanity of the gods in this world. When the divinity is consistent, some conflicts in consciousness will not affect us too much."

The genie's voice did not contain any emotion, as if he was emphasizing his difference as a purely mythical creature.

Renekton chuckled, ignored the topic, and said instead:

"Give me three wishes, and I will tell you the state of the 'country of disorder' in the Western Continent that was torn apart by the original."

The djinn's voice suddenly became indifferent and majestic and said:

"I refuse. Returning to the starry sky is more important to me than taking back power. Your conditions are not worth three wishes to me."

Renekton was not surprised by the Djinn's rejection. He nodded slightly and then added new conditions:

"I can add another condition to help you pollute a 'Hand of Order'. Whether you want to return to the stars or take back the scattered authority, this will be of great help to you."

"Deal!" After a second's pause, the pale golden figure added: "We need to swear by the 'source' we each have. We are not in a good state now. Even if we have the ability to break the oath, we will definitely not do this. Do."

The unlucky djinn has the sequelae of Tianzun. He sighed in his heart, nodded lightly and said:

"Okay, but you can't deliberately distort my wishes, otherwise the transaction will be invalid!"

After reaching an agreement, the pale golden figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

The ability to bend the rules is so useful. I want to grab two copies of Prince Murder's attributes. The wishing lamp has arrived at Cattleya. It seems that Bernadette has set off to find her long-lost old father.

After a moment, the surrounding green vines that intertwined into the forest quickly retracted, and the isolated space merged with reality again. A misty light composed of countless complex pure knowledge surged out of the void and headed north of the Sea of ​​Mist. Surge away.

In the northern part of the Sea of ​​Mist, close to the Oradec Islands of the Republic of Intis, this is the first overseas colony of Intis, also known as the Islands Province.

At the same time, it is also the main overseas colony of Intis, the largest archipelago on the Misty Sea, and a place where adventurers and treasure hunters gather.

The architectural style here is largely influenced by Intis. It is basically bright yellow and is decorated with gold inlays or gold paint everywhere.

The skin color of the locals here is yellowish, and their eyebrows and hair have varying degrees of burnt yellow. Their clothes are bolder and more open than those of Rune and Fenebaud. Unlike Rune's reservedness, they like to show off themselves. Physical beauty.

In Faling Port, the capital of the Archipelago Province, on a street that was not too crowded with pedestrians, a hazy light that was difficult to see with the naked eye surged out from the depths of the spiritual world, gathered in mid-air, and reorganized Renekton's figure.

The surrounding pedestrians seemed unable to see this magical scene, and no one exclaimed or questioned, until Renekton merged into the crowd and disappeared into the street. The people around him did not notice that a person suddenly appeared here just now. Then left quickly.

In the dock area, in a hotel called Carnelian, Renekton leaned against the window of the third-floor room, looking calmly at the bustling crowd outside the window. On the window sill to his left, there was a bronze-colored, A mechanical glove inlaid with three gemstones of different colors.

Several fingers of the mechanical glove made an OK gesture. There was a large cracked mouth in the palm of the hand, and he was actively reporting the information he had found:

"Dear Master, I have searched for some information in the nearby collective subconscious sea. Recently, there have been reports from treasure hunters and adventurers who went out to sea, saying that they saw the 'Dawn' of the 'Queen of Mysteries' in the depths of the Mist Sea. "

"There are rumors on the sea that the 'Mysterious Queen' has got clues about a lost treasure and is actively searching for it."

"Treasure hunters believe that this is likely to be the legendary 'Ghost Empire', or the 'Lost Newins'. Only this legendary treasure will be searched for by the Mysterious Queen herself."

"Well, and also, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun and the Ignorant Steam Church also seem to have sent ships out to sea to get information. I can't see any more information."

"Well done." Renekton praised Gloves who was finger dancing on the window sill in a low voice, then leaned on the window frame and closed his eyes to enter a meditative state.

In this state, his spirit gradually separated from his body and connected with a magnificent consciousness hidden in an unknown place. The voice of prayer in his ears became more and more obvious, echoing in his ears layer by layer. The strong emotion and will contained in it made him naturally calm and rational, like a holy, wise and indifferent sage.

Reasonable and clear faith has a very good stabilizing effect on the mental state. With the spread of faith, even the "hidden sages" are not so crazy anymore. Unfortunately, there is power belonging to the fallen mother goddess on that island, otherwise I would You can easily find it yourself.

While sighing in his heart, he had already found the marked Bernadette with the help of the "Hidden Sage".

Deep in the misty sea, on the Dawn sailing smoothly between storms and waves, Bernadette sat with her legs crossed on the wooden chair in front of the desk.

She wore a pair of beige trousers for easy movement, a pair of short black leather boots, and a light brown knee-length skirt on her upper body. The skirt was scattered diagonally, showing a bit of uninhibited and unrestrained, like a woman walking on the sea. There are more adventurers than pirate queens.

Feeling the gaze cast down from a very high distance, Bernadette raised her eyes slightly, her eyes deep and dark, as if she could look at Renekton through countless obstacles.

"After you find him, inform me that there is residual contamination from the 'primordial moon'."

Renekton's voice echoed in Bernadette's ears with some illusion. She turned her head slightly and listened carefully for a while. After discerning the content, she nodded expressionlessly and sighed in a low voice:

"You really are."

Without responding to Bernadette's words, Renekton directly cut off the contact.

After opening his eyes, he glanced at the mechanical glove that was still dancing on the window sill and whispered:

"What do you think would happen if I intercepted and killed an archbishop of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun here?"

The mechanical glove that was dancing with its fingers suddenly stopped moving, opened its five fingers, grasped it hard twice and said:

"Great Master, I think this is a good idea. You can also grab another Level 1 Sealed Artifact from the 'White Tower' path, or two?"

Renekton lowered his head and stared at the increasingly activated mechanical glove for a moment, then chuckled and said:

"Don't worry. When the war starts, we may still have a chance to hunt angels."

"I can't suppress so many characteristics at the same level as mine. I will inevitably be contaminated by the crazy will and spiritual imprint."

The glove standing on the window sill swayed with his fingers. Renekton chuckled twice and put it back on his right hand.

Renekton stayed in Falinport for two weeks. On this day, when he was sitting on the shore of the pier feeding seabirds, the prayer belonging to Bernadette suddenly echoed in his ears.

A little faster than I expected, it seemed that she had found some clues and determined the general location of the primitive island before setting off.

As his thoughts floated, his body suddenly became empty and decomposed into streams of complex and pure knowledge, pouring into the spiritual world like a torrent.

Deep in the spirit world, Renekton rushed forward like a torrent of information. Relying on Bernadette's mark, he soon arrived at the spirit world area corresponding to the original island.

The complex and pure knowledge quickly reorganized Renekton's body. He looked out from across the spiritual world. In his eyes, the entire island was covered in crimson, filled with the atmosphere of corruption, evil, life and other realms. The entire island The island seemed to be coming to life.

His eyes carefully searched the island, but did not find Bernadette's figure. Finally, he set his sights on the center of the island, a place where his eyes could not penetrate.

His body instantly disintegrated into countless streams of information, and a hazy light that was difficult to detect with the naked eye surged out from the depths of the spiritual world and continued to surge on this primitive island, passing through the trees, stones, and soil on the island. , even those who are performing weird rituals.

Soon, he had collected almost all the information on the island. After doing all this, the information flow rushing on the island began to spontaneously gather together and headed towards the magnificent and mysterious mausoleum in the center of the island.

Inside the mausoleum, Bernadette faced a figure whose entire body was pitch black. Its face had two small and one large cracks, like eyes and mouths growing out, from which a deep red light burst out.

Bernadette looked at the human figure in front of her with a complicated expression, a little sparkle flashing in the corners of her eyes.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time." Renekton, who had condensed his body from the complex and pure knowledge, cleared his throat and interrupted the affectionate look between the father and daughter in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 568 Russell

Russell, with only a faint dark figure left, looked over and asked in a puzzled tone: "Hidden Sage?"

Bernadette quickly collected her emotions, turned to look at Renekton behind her, and asked with a hint of hope:

"Do you have a solution to the contamination of the 'primordial moon'?"

"Not yet." Keton shook his head slightly, paused for two seconds, and then explained: "He has been pickled, and on this island, the 'Primordial Moon' may interfere at any time."

There were a few words in Chinese in the words, and Russell, who was left with only a faint figure, paused, looked over again, then waved his hand, and said in a tone full of disgust:

"Then don't disturb my family time."

Renekton glanced at the shadow of Russell in front of him, which was a mixture of consciousness, breath, and power for two seconds, and a deep lavender color flashed across his eyes.

The Peeping Eye's gaze easily penetrated this figure, giving a complete view of Russell's current situation.

"Don't look!" Russell's voice suddenly became low and hoarse.

Renekton's eyes were distorted by him, and the scene he saw turned into the mausoleum wall made of huge rocks behind him.

The excitement just now caused several cracks to open in the figure of Russell, from which crimson moonlight burst out.

"Don't get excited. If you get stuck, I won't be able to pull you back."

Renekton raised his hand to stop Russell's movements. While speaking, he gently rubbed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove, releasing a "comfort".

Bernadette looked at her father with worried eyes, and temporarily stabilized his condition. Then she turned her head to look at Renekton and asked aloud:

"What you mean by temporarily not being able to do that is that after reaching a certain sequence, are you sure that you can remove the pollution from him?"

"Does it require the power of the 'hermit'?"

"No, it will take a few 'miracles'." Renekton shook his head slowly.

Russell, who had only a few figures left, sighed:

"A miracle? It's a pity that the old guy Zaratul is missing, otherwise you can look for him."

"But the 'Miracle Masters' are only Sequence Two. Although their abilities are weird, they are far from being able to compete with the 'Original Moon'."

Renekton did not explain why he needed a "miracle", but instead talked about Zaratul:

"He is visiting the misty town of the Night Goddess. He will be released when the battle for the 'Origin Castle' enters a critical stage."

"'The Fool', can you exchange a miracle from Him? What price will it cost?" Bernadette said with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Not yet." Renekton shook his head and took out a palm-sized card from his pocket as he spoke, the Card of Blasphemy and the Card of Hermit.

Russell's figure looked sideways at the cards in Renekton's hand, chuckled and said:

"The Hermit Card? You got it. You're lucky. I remember I didn't leave any clues about this card."

Renekton did not answer, but gently held the cards in his hand.


The wind roared in the quiet mausoleum, and bright stars emerged one after another, shrouding the entire mausoleum in a hazy starlight.

Renekton stood calmly on the spot and sighed softly. Then a bright and dazzling dark blue and almost purple light emerged from his eyes, and the stars that appeared around him began to rotate according to a certain pattern, turning these stars into stars. This mausoleum is separated and separated from the real world bit by bit.

In a moment, Russell's last tomb was pulled from reality into a magical place isolated from the outside world.

Through the walls of the mausoleum made of huge rocks, one can see the starry sky with countless twinkling stars outside, as well as the boundless wilderness reflected in the starry sky below.

In the illusory and erratic wilderness, there are countless figures walking forward at a loss. Among them are people, inhuman monsters, and even strange machines.

Strands of bright and clear starlight fell from high in the sky, penetrating the mausoleum made of huge rocks, and fell on Russell's figure, bit by bit eroding the crimson moonlight under the darkness.

"Hiss!" The sudden sharp pain in his body made Russell almost scream out unbearably.

Even though he had lost his body and was left with only this figure that was a mixture of his own spirit, aura and a little will, the tearing feeling that penetrated deep into his soul was still unbearable for him.

Renekton, with pure light shining in his eyes, said calmly:

"You can scream out if you can't help but don't hold on. The pollution of the 'primordial moon' has become one with you. Cleaning up this pollution will also dissolve your spirit, will and soul."

Now he gives people an extremely sacred and wise feeling, but also seems extremely cold.



Russell's voice, with only a faint figure left, seemed to be gritting his teeth.

In an extremely rational state, Renekton didn't care about Russell's strong behavior to protect his old father's image and dignity. He nodded calmly, turned to look at Bernadette who was already feeling uncomfortable, and stretched his right hand forward.

Strings of sticky, thick jet black secreted from the surrounding air, flowing and converging rapidly, surrounding her and condensing into a giant black pupa about two meters long.

Isolating Bernadette from the surroundings, he returned his gaze to Russell's thin figure. The pale blue starlight eroded his figure inward little by little. Because he was isolated from reality, the crimson moonlight that could not be replenished became dimmed little by little.

Russell's figure has become thinner and thinner, a little transparent and illusory. There are countless cracks in the dark figure, as if it will break into countless pieces at any time. The crimson moonlight bursts out from it, and a small amount of misty starlight.

The will that Russell felt the pain radiated caused the rules in the entire mausoleum to become distorted and chaotic, causing the stars hanging from the sky to sway constantly, as if they would be cut off at any time.

He could only rely on his own will to fight against his instincts and guide as many stars as possible to fall on him.

When he finally couldn't help but roar, Renekton suddenly squatted down and placed his right hand in front of his dark figure with countless cracks.

The bronze mechanical hand bloomed with a dark red light that was neither bright nor dazzling. This light separated the corrupt thoughts from Russell's figure bit by bit, and combined with the surrounding shadows to form an uncontrollable independent body. biology.

The dark figure lying on the ground quickly twisted and recovered. The cracks on his body quickly disappeared. His image became clearer. Some traces of his facial features could already be seen on his face. His blue eyes were unusually bright, with a patch of Pieces of light blue stardust spilled out.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? If you didn't use this method earlier, you would be satisfied if you saw me rolling on the ground?" Russell's voice seemed a little weak.

"Get rid of your corrupt side quickly. Its status is too high and I can't control it."

Renekton stared expressionlessly at the independent creature that was separated from Russell's body. The deep blue and almost purple glow in his eyes swayed slightly, as if it would break at any time.

"Hmph!" Russell snorted coldly, and the dark figure stood up from the ground in an instant.

His eyes were staring flatly at the dark red and black figure in front of him, and his lips opened and closed slightly and said:


The sound of a heart exploding sounded in his ears, and the next second, the figure that was a mixture of crimson and pitch black suddenly froze in place. The crimson moonlight that was constantly leaking out of his body suddenly dimmed, leaving only a layer of darkness.

The dark figure's abdomen suddenly swelled, getting bigger and bigger, as if it would explode in the next second.

"Death!" Russell shouted again.

The dark figure's abdomen stopped bulging instantly, and gradually deflated like a deflated balloon.

Silently, the pitch-black shadows turned into water-like shadows and slid downwards, dissipating into nothingness, leaving only a small crimson figure floating in the air.

This little figure looks like an underdeveloped baby, with a somewhat weird shape and an undegenerated tail behind it.

Renekton looked at Russell's figure next to him and swallowed: "Congratulations, you have experienced a painless birth."

"Get out! That's not me." Russell's voice was a little angry, and his whole figure twisted into a ball of dark paste.

This state only lasted for a moment, and the blurry and distorted pitch-black figure quickly became clear, and one could clearly see his high nose bridge, thin lips, and two beautifully groomed mustaches, and even a pitch-black The shadow extends outward, forming a voluminous coat.

Russell sighed as if he was reborn: "I finally feel comfortable. I feel like I'm alive again."

Renekton glanced at him and said in a serious tone:

"This is just your illusion. This place is isolated from reality, and your resurrection process has still not progressed."

"Also, your problem has not been solved yet. You have brought on your own depravity, and the child you gave birth to needs to be aborted."

"It's a shame you don't become a hunter!"

Russell gritted his teeth and glared at Renekton. His standing position was distorted and he instantly became upside down on the ceiling of the mausoleum hall.


The baby's cry instantly echoed throughout the tomb. The sound was even worse than the screams made by the "Silent Disciples" and was unbearable.

Even with the body of the Second Angel, Renekton was briefly distracted. Suddenly, he seemed to see a red moon rising.

As soon as the red moon emerged, it was overwhelmed and disintegrated by the bright starlight.

The unbearable wailing was silenced in an instant, and the entire mausoleum became silent. The rules here were modified and sound could not be transmitted.

The next second, Russell's figure appeared in front of the crimson villain. He made a fist with his right hand and punched it hard.

It was obviously just an ordinary beating, but it exploded with power that could shatter an island.

The crimson villain instantly flew backwards and hit the wall made of huge rocks. It still did not make the slightest sound, and the wall of the mausoleum was not damaged at all, as if it was just a light blow.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 569 Taking advantage of the situation

"Death!" Russell's low, hoarse voice sounded, and at the same time he stretched his right hand forward to make a grasping gesture.

The little man struggling and crying on the ground was suddenly tightly wrapped by the force coming from all directions and compressed into a ball. His body cracked from the inside to the outside and disintegrated into pieces of crimson moonlight like red phosphorus.


Renekton's figure left the ceiling of the mausoleum at some point, stood next to Russell, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The bright and clear starlight fell from the sky, easily penetrated the stone walls of the mausoleum, and enveloped the crimson moonlight in the hall.

The crimson light seemed to have substantial weight at this moment, falling rapidly, penetrating the stone wall of the mausoleum, and falling into the endless wilderness below.

Russell looked at the disappearing crimson moonlight and couldn't help but sigh: "'Hidden Sage'. He is so strong?"

While speaking, he raised his hand forward and easily tore apart the giant black cocoon covering Bernadette, returning it to the most ordinary shadow and sinking to the ground.

Bernadette looked at the figure in front of her who could already see the outline of his former appearance, her eyes suddenly moistened, and she murmured in a low voice: "Father."

"Ahem!" Renekton coughed twice, interrupting their affectionate gaze. Under Russell's unhappy eyes, he calmly said:

"This place cannot last long. This state is also a great burden for me. Once this mausoleum returns to reality, you will be contaminated by the breath and power of the 'primordial moon'."

"If you want to express some emotions to each other, my suggestion is to find something in the path of the 'Black Emperor', and then peel off part of your own consciousness and parasitize it."

"In other words, will I ever experience the same pain just now?" Even if there was only a dark figure left, Russell's grinning expression could be seen.

"Maybe more than once. You are like a dried salted fish now. No matter how many times you wash it, it still has the smell."

"Unless you can get the 'True Creator' to personally help you strip away the madness and depravity, let it become your dark side, and then kill it and bury the pollution left behind by the 'Original Moon' deep underground."

Russell said in a disdainful tone: "Oh, that's a lunatic. If you let a mental patient help me treat you, are you sure you won't make me a mental patient?"

"The condition of the 'True Creator' is improving, and He has also separated an existence called Sasriel from his body."

Bernadette reminded her old father who had been offline for too long, and then gave a general explanation of the current situation.

Russell, who was left with only a dark figure, rubbed his chin in thought, and remained silent for a long time before speaking:

"Who are you going to find to withdraw the miracle? There are not many 'miracle masters' in existence, and those guys are better at hiding than the last, and they are extremely cowardly."

Renekton twitched his lips and said calmly:

"Crazy Zaratul, the dark night will eventually release him. I can go to him naturally and ask him for a few 'miracles' as reward. Now he will not refuse, and there is no way to refuse. "

"Hey, take advantage of the situation." Russell sneered.

The misty starlight flowing quietly in the main hall of the mausoleum suddenly began to shake, as if it would collapse at any time.

Renekton raised his hand slightly, temporarily stabilizing the surrounding starlight, and said at the same time:

"When you've reached your limit, you can peel off part of your consciousness and seal it, and the rest can go back to sleep."

Russell sighed softly and said, "Take off a piece of the gem from your glove and give it to me."

"No, this is mine." Before Renekton could answer, the mechanical glove on his hand refused.

Russell put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly:

"Lend it to me first. After leaving here, I will find a new 'Fallen Earl' characteristic for you."

The mechanical glove immediately started bargaining: "Three copies! And it must be in the order of 'Prophet', 'Darkless One', 'Disaster Priest', and 'Fallen Earl'."

"You are taking advantage of the situation!" Russell glared at Renekton, took a deep breath, and then softened his tone and said, "Okay."

On Renekton's right hand, the immature mechanical voice of the mechanical glove sounded again: "Well, you need to swear to my Lord!"

Russell took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said:

"I am the True God of Sequence 0. Even if I am in despair now, I will not lie to you with a small glove."

"Okay." The mechanical glove turned the internal parts reluctantly, making a clicking sound. Soon, the dark red gem inlaid on the back of the hand spontaneously fell down.

Ding ~ Ding ~

The dark red gem fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

Russell's figure stretched his hand forward, and the position of the dark red gem was distorted and appeared directly in his hand.

The jet-black image flows like water waves and merges into the interior of the dark red gemstone little by little, reflecting an incongruous pattern composed of a twisted clock, crown and wings.

After doing all this, the pitch-black figure became much thinner and more transparent. He handed the dark ruby ​​​​in his hand to Bernadette, with a smile that was difficult to see at the corner of his mouth and said: "Okay, it's time for you to leave."

As his words fell, the entire mausoleum felt an illusory falling feeling, quickly breaking away from the starlight and returning to the original island in reality.


The crisp sound of tearing echoed in his ears. Following the sound, Renekton looked up and saw cracks appearing on Roselle's pitch-black figure, with crimson moonlight peeking out bit by bit.

Russell looked at Bernadette in front of him and said softly: "Seal me."

Bernadette nodded slightly without saying a word, and the invisible servant who appeared behind him took the pale mask with shining metallic luster.

This mask only has holes for the eyes, and there are no gaps in the rest of it.

Russell stood there cooperatively and let Bernadette put the "Pale Death" on his face.

The pale mask with shimmering metallic luster materialized into an extremely complex and mysterious three-dimensional symbol. The moment this symbol appeared, the surrounding objects began to weather, as fast as if they had experienced tens of thousands of years in just one or two seconds. wash away.

The aura of the thin and dark figure quickly dropped, and the crimson light from the cracks became dim. He stumbled back to sit on the golden throne behind him, and tiny white hairs continued to grow between the cracks.

In just the blink of an eye, these fluffs grew into white feathers, and the surface seemed to be soaked in light yellow oil.

This made Russell's aura decay faster, as if he was sprinting towards the end of death.

Its color faded significantly, its movements became slower and slower, and it gradually turned into a transparent and erratic shadow mixed with crimson.

Before the figure completely disappeared, Russell said to Bernadette in a low voice:

"Don't feel sad for me, I will appear next to you in another identity soon."

Soon, his figure disappeared completely, and the extremely complex and mysterious three-dimensional symbol floating in the air turned back into a pale mask with shining metallic luster and fell to the ground.

After Bernadette took back "Pale Death" and handed it over to the invisible servant to put it away, she turned her head and looked at Renekton aside, remaining silent and not speaking.

The latter chuckled lightly and said in a calm voice:

"You leave this island first. I want to create some high-level pollution here to fight against the pollution left behind by the 'primordial moon'. If you only rely on the seal formed by that mask, it won't be long before he will be polluted again." "

"That's not right. The moment he returned to this island, he was already re-contaminated."

"'Dawn' is near the reef waters outside the island."

Bernadette nodded slightly, and as her words fell, her figure instantly faded, disintegrating into streams of complex and pure knowledge, flowing out of the mausoleum like a torrent.

Renekton withdrew his gaze and walked a few steps to the edge of the high golden throne. A transparent and blurry humanoid outline faintly emerged on the golden throne. There was an illusive and majestic murmur in his ears. .

"You're a bit noisy."

Renekton commented lightly. While speaking, his right hand wearing a mechanical glove stretched out, penetrated the transparent and blurry humanoid outline, and carved a pair of cold eyes with countless bright stars in their mouths on the gold seat. Indifferent, eyelashless eyes.

The aura of the "Hidden Sage" instantly descended on this hall. In the surrounding shadows and in the gaps between the boulders, cold, crazy and evil eyes seemed to appear.

This majestic mausoleum made of huge rocks was instantly filled with the atmosphere of madness, destruction, ominousness, and disaster.

Renekton held the Hermit Card in his other hand and tapped his forehead twice, causing bits of stardust to fall from his body.

In a daze, there was an illusory wind sound all around, accompanied by vague figures, vague moans and prayers.

The next moment, all the strange images around him disappeared, and the transparent and blurry humanoid outline on the golden seat also disappeared, as if everything that appeared before was just an illusion.

Renekton remained silent for two seconds. After confirming that there were no other accidents, he turned and walked towards the exit of the mausoleum.

As he took steps, his body disintegrated little by little, turning into torrents of pure and complex information, rushing outward.

On the sea outside the primitive island, the "Dawn" with its ancient and mysterious color is parked quietly on the sea.

A hazy light that was difficult to observe with the naked eye emerged from the island, and appeared on the "Dawn" in an instant. A torrent of information poured into the captain's cabin of the upper cabin, and the complex and pure knowledge was quickly reorganized into Renekton's figure.

Bernadette was already sitting at the desk in the captain's cabin. On the table in front of her were two cups of steaming coffee and a dark red gem the size of a fingernail.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 570 Mechanical Doll

Bernadette looked up at Renekton who appeared in the captain's cabin, asked an invisible servant to bring out a chair that had been prepared and placed it in front of the desk, and then said:

"I remember you prefer coffee, but I only have Intis flavor on my ship."

While speaking, another invisible servant came up with a palm-sized metal box and placed it in front of Renekton.

Before Renekton opened the iron box, Bernadette explained aloud:

"This is a level 1 sealed item from the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. It was a trophy I obtained in a conflict with the Intis official. It corresponds to the Sequence Four 'Disaster Priest' of the 'Storm' pathway."

"I will find the remaining two extraordinary characteristics for you as soon as possible, or I will replace them with the corresponding main ingredients of the potion. I happen to know the whereabouts of an adult sun bird."

"no problem."

Renekton nodded slightly and took out the magical item from the iron box. It was an anchor brooch painted with symbols of storms, lightning, and waves. It was golden-blue in color, cold and heavy to the touch.

He held the anchor brooch in his hand and looked at it for a while. His right hand holding the brooch suddenly exerted force. As stars appeared, the brooch cracked inch by inch and turned into pieces. From the fingers wearing mechanical gloves, Slip between seams.

Dots of cyan-blue fluorescence appeared all around, and then were sucked in violently by the big mouth that opened in the palm of the mechanical glove.

In less than half a minute, the cyan-blue light spots precipitating around it disappeared completely, and on the back of the mechanical glove, a cyan-blue gem emerged, replacing the lost dark red gem.


Renekton raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the whimpering wind exploded in the captain's room, blowing open all the surrounding doors and windows, intertwined with the howling wind on the sea, and carried the parked "Dawn" forward.

A deep lavender flashed in Bernadette's eyes. Her eyes fell on the mechanical glove Renekton wore on his right hand, and she asked in a calm voice:

"Is this glove a level 0 sealed item of the 'General Knowledge' path?"

"That's right." Renekton nodded slightly, and then said:

"Do you have the materials on your ship? I can build a mechanical doll to place the characteristics of the 'Fallen Earl', and at the same time transfer your father's consciousness. The madness inherent in the extraordinary characteristics has no impact on his current state. Not friendly."

Bernadette nodded lightly and said, "There are some, I'll ask the invisible servant to get them."

After the "Dawn" was pushed a certain distance by the howling wind, the surrounding wind gradually calmed down. Bernadette stood up from the table and chair, summoned the invisible servant to get the materials, then walked to the window and threw out a deck of cards .

The cards quickly expanded and twisted in mid-air, turning into poker soldiers holding spears or straight swords. They landed in various places on the "Dawn" and skillfully maneuvered the huge sailing ship and began to return.

Renekton leaned on his chair and saw Bernadette turning playing cards into poker soldiers. An idea suddenly popped into his mind. He thought about it and said:

"Do you like the mysterious reappearance of fairy tales? Are you interested in becoming an angel in charge of fairy tales and mysteries?"

"I plan to use the power of knowledge to create a story world composed of countless stories and legends. It is somewhat similar to the spiritual world. It is composed of various information, which is both false and true."

Bernadette was silent for a moment and said with a very firm tone: "Are you preparing for the ceremony to become a god?"

"That's right." Renekton nodded lightly and didn't hide anything.

Bernadette fell silent again.

Renekton leaned against the seat and said with a smile, "You can think about it slowly."

A few minutes later, the invisible servants took the materials moved from the "Dawn" warehouse and piled them in front of Renekton.

Bernadette pointed at the materials piled on the floor and said:

"There are only these materials on the ship. If they are not enough, I can ask the courier to send some."

"That's enough. It's just a mechanical doll. Just control the shape and size." Renekton nodded in response and began to pick out various materials piled on the floor.

Bernadette looked at Renekton who had already begun to select materials, and felt a bad premonition in her heart.

After selecting the materials, Renekton gently rubbed his fingers, and the materials piled on the floor flew up one by one and landed on the desk table that had been arranged nearby.

His right hand, wearing a mechanical glove, struck on each piece of material, and they quickly shattered into pieces, covering the entire table.

Dots of starlight flickered and emerged, and the materials turned into dust spontaneously floated upward, like wisps of fine sand, swimming rapidly in the mid-air, intertwined into a group, as if constructing a tight circuit structure.

After looking at it for a while, Bernadette looked away and asked the invisible servant to put the remaining materials back into the warehouse. Then she sat by the window of the captain's cabin, sipping coffee while looking at the gathering dark clouds and the increasingly turbulent waves outside.

"The storm is coming." She whispered to herself, and bits of bright starlight overflowed from her body.

The next moment, the "Dawn" sailing on the sea suddenly became transparent, became illusory, and turned into a pile of foam.

These foams reflected a pale light under the silvery lightning, and the foams spread out and flew away in an instant.

"Dawn" reappeared, already on the other side of the storm center, sailing away from the outer reaches of the storm circle.

Renekton, who was sitting at his desk making mechanical dolls, suddenly said:

"You can spread the reputation of Emperor Russell more secretly and prepare enough anchors for him in advance, which can help him fight against pollution during the resurrection process." Ernadai asked with some worry: "Too strong belief Wouldn't you force his resurrection process to start? "Bei?"

"It's possible, but it would be difficult for him to have so many loyal believers in a short period of time. Most of the faiths in the world are not as pious as they think."

As Renekton sighed, a lot of metal debris gathered in his hands like a tide, and soon formed a black and white penguin with fine, soft texture.

".This is it?" Bernadette looked at the strange creature that appeared on Renekton's hand and didn't know what expression to make.

"The materials are limited, so let Emperor Russell make do with it for now. He won't mind. Later, you can ask Bonova to rebuild his body."

While speaking, Renekton set the dark red gemstone on the table on the red bow tie around the penguin's neck.

Within the dark red gemstone, there seemed to be countless shadows flowing and overflowing.

Soon, the penguin's two eyes each reflected an incongruous pattern consisting of a twisted crown, clock and wings, and dark red light flowed in the deep black eyes.

Gradually, the eyes of the mechanical penguin showed emotions that only humans can have, and it came to life bit by bit.

After a brief moment of daze and thinking, it stood on the table and laughed:

"Intis, your emperor is back!"

"Well, no, why are you all so tall? No, why have I shrunk?"

Penguin Russell quickly discovered the problem. His hands groped around his body and they felt furry, and he still had no fingers.

"Damn it, what did you do to me?"

Penguin Russell roared loudly and jumped in front of the full-length mirror placed in the corner.

Seeing the penguin in the mirror, which was only as high as an adult's calf, Russell's expression gradually solidified, and then his cheeks turned red, as if they were burned by fire, and black smoke seemed to come out of his head.

"Dog thief!" Penguin Russell roared angrily, quickly jumped up from the floor, and kicked Renekton with a flying kick.

The penguin's small body erupted with unimaginable power, and its yellow feet hit Renekton's face with an momentum that could knock over the "Dawn".

Renekton chuckled lightly, and a blue light spread out in front of him like water waves. Penguin Russell's figure passed directly through the "door" and was teleported to the sea outside the cabin.

Bernadette restrained the expression on her face and looked at the sea through the open bay window. She saw that the strange mechanical doll possessed by her father's consciousness had stabilized its figure and jumped from the sea to the Dawn. The captain's cabin, she felt relieved.

Then she looked at Renekton with a complicated expression. She was already sure that the other person had deliberately made the borrowed mechanical doll look like this.

However, she was still a little confused. The two of them obviously didn't know each other, and they were not even from the same era, but they got along like friends who had been together for many years.

Penguin Russell flew in from the window of the captain's room angrily. His figure froze strangely in mid-air for a while. After adjusting his posture, he landed directly on the desk, put his hands on his hips, and glared at Renekton. :

"Bitch thief, you actually replaced my wise and mighty image with a stupid penguin!"

Renekton spread his hands and explained softly: "Actually, I prefer pandas, but there are not enough materials on the ship."

"Then you have to wait until you gather the materials to build it. No, not even pandas!"

"The body of this stupid mechanical doll has affected my thinking."

Penguin Russell pressed one hand on his chest and the other on his forehead, looking angry.

Renekton raised his hand and knocked Penguin Russell on the head and said:

"First of all, you are not Russell, you are just a projection of his consciousness. The real Russell is still stuck in a half-dead state."

"Secondly, there is nothing wrong with the dolls I created. Don't attribute IQ problems to my works."

Penguin Russell glared at Renekton angrily and shouted:

"Go away! So what about the consciousness projection? I'm just controlling this account remotely. When I'm successfully resurrected, this memory and emotion will return to my body."

Bernadette took a deep breath, walked to the desk, and asked as calmly as possible:

"Father, do you need to find Bonova to build a new mechanical body for you?"

"He won't mind." Renekton explained aloud from the side.

"Who said that about me?" Penguin Russell glared at Renekton. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Renekton:

"January 1184, 1, grand New Year's party, Lady Fronard"

"Cough! Cough!"

Penguin Russell staggered, then jumped directly onto Renekton's shoulders, reached out to cover his mouth, and said loudly:

"You're right. I don't think this body is unacceptable. Occasionally experiencing new and novel things can make me feel younger, which helps me stabilize my own state."

(End of this chapter)