

Chapter 571 Conversation between father and daughter

Renekton nodded with a faint smile, stretched out his hand to peel off the penguin Russell from his body, looked at Bernadette and said:

"I have read a lot of Russell's diaries. If you want to know the contents, you can always ask me to translate some of them for you."

Penguin Russell glared at Renekton fiercely and said, "Shut up, don't force me to fall out with you."

Renekton narrowed his eyes, reached out and pinched Penguin Russell's head and said, "What will happen if you fall out?"

"I will... damn, let's discuss this topic in private." Penguin Russell's tone quickly softened.

Bernadette looked at the two people in front of them who had no image of angels or true gods, and sighed in her heart. Maybe this is the reason why they became friends so quickly.

After two seconds of silence, she walked to the desk and sat down, then spoke to bring the topic back on track:

"When are you going to go find Zaratul? Do you need help?"

Hearing this, Renekton stopped teasing the penguin Russell, leaned back slightly, leaned against the back of the chair, and said in a calm voice:

"After I become the 'Emperor of Knowledge', I will be able to find Zarath on my own, but I do need help with stealing things from the Church of Steam."

Penguin Russell looked left and right, and finally found a few books to put under his feet. After making himself taller than Renekton and Bernadette who were sitting on the chairs, he said with a serious face:

"Church of Steam? You plan to steal the 'Emperor of Knowledge' trait that I left behind. Aren't you worried that 'Steam' will come to you after discovering you?"

"I even think it's very possible for Him to rush out of the perfect place and come directly to kill you with force."

Renekton raised his head slightly, looked at the ceiling of the captain's room and said, "Wouldn't it be more exciting to steal something in front of a true god and run away?"

Penguin Russell complained speechlessly: "You should really become a thief. I feel like your potion can even melt in your mouth."

"Thank you for the compliment. In fact, if this path does not include Amon, it is indeed a good choice." Renekton chuckled twice, then looked at Bernadette and continued:

"Bonova is in the Iron Church. When the time comes, I need your help to hold him down for a while. You can ask Saslier for help to add some depraved and negative humanity to him to counter the overly strong divinity in him. "

When Bonova was mentioned, Penguin Russell's aura instantly disappeared. He lowered his head and sighed:

"It's my fault for Bonova. If I hadn't inherited so many characteristics from him, he would have had more time to grow up and accumulate humanity."

Bernadette pursed her lips and comforted in a low voice:

"This is an unexpected development. No one would have thought that Steam would give him a copy of the 'knowledge mentor' characteristic."

While several people were chatting, Renekton's inspiration was suddenly touched. He reached out from the air and took a piece of light yellow letter paper that fell from the spirit world.

He briefly glanced at it. It was a letter from Frank. His research on plants that could survive in the dark had already achieved some results.

"You are an unusual messenger," Penguin Russell retracted his dark red gaze from high above and sighed thoughtfully.

Renekton chuckled, skipped the topic and said, "It's just a book. We need to talk about remuneration."

"I thought you were a kind-hearted person who values ​​friendship just like me, but it turns out you are also a person who takes advantage of kindness in return."

Penguin Russell looked like I'm disappointed for you, sat slowly on the stacked books, and continued:

"What do you want to do? Or, what do you need?"

He seemed to enjoy the form of this little pet, and started to let himself go. After sighing in his heart, Renekton raised his hand and stretched out two fingers, and said with a chuckle:

"Two things: first, I need you to help me recover the characteristics and authority of 'Steam'; second, work for me for 200 years."

Penguin Russell jumped up from the book with exaggerated movements, raised his neck and said:

"Two hundred years!"

"It's impossible. I, the Emperor Russell whom everyone respects, will never work for others!"

Renekton smiled and nodded, then continued:

"You can let Bonova or Bernadette replace you, and the salary is an 'Enlightener' or 'Knowledge Emperor' attribute."

Penguin Russell said without thinking:

"Two copies! You don't need so many characteristics, and giving the position of King of Angels to someone will not affect your status."

Renekton nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

"You agree so readily?" Penguin Russell suddenly asked suspiciously.

Renekton shrugged and said in a relaxed tone: "It's just a drawing. Anyway, I don't have anything now."

Penguin Russell took a deep breath and waited for two seconds before looking at Renekton and saying, "I really want to punch you in the face." Renekton picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then He sighed: "What a pity. If you can't beat me now, it will probably be difficult to beat me in the future."

Putting down the coffee cup, he stood up from the chair and said:

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye. I wish you a happy life."

"By the way, if you are not satisfied with the body of this penguin, you can come to me in the Southern Continent and I will be responsible for after-sales service."

Penguin Russell waved his hands in disgust and said, "I don't need to change from penguin to panda."

Renekton shrugged and sneered. His body instantly faded and disintegrated into streams of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature that surged into the depths of the spiritual world like a torrent.

After Renekton left, Bernadette looked at Penguin Russell with calm eyes and said in a cold voice:

"What happened to the diary just now?"

"January 1184, 1, the grand New Year's party, and what did Mrs. Fronard say that she didn't finish?"

"The diary of the day is. It will be in the evening."

The dark red light flowing in Penguin Russell's eyes became dim, and his voice became choppy, as if the battery was low and was about to shut down.

Bernadette looked at the extreme doll that seemed to be about to fall at any time, and said without any fluctuation in her tone:

"This is a mechanical doll driven by demigod-level characteristics as energy. It will not malfunction easily."

Penguin Russell sat on the table like a sad frog, his head lowered, and he sighed heavily:

"Alas, I have regretted it more than once. Why did I fail to figure out why I wrote diaries in the first place and let them be circulated?"

After a moment of silence, Bernadette gave up her intention to ask. Based on her understanding of her father, she could already guess the rest of the content after hearing only the first part. After a slight sigh, she spoke in a low voice;

"Those diaries served their purpose."

After two seconds of silence, she continued to add:

"There is an existence who calls himself 'The Fool' who is collecting your diaries. I passed Cattleya, a little girl I adopted, and I passed some diaries to the 'Fool' through her."

"Someone calls himself 'The Fool', and is still consciously collecting my diaries? Interesting, this path does not have the birth of Sequence 0. Is it an old guy who hides his identity? Or is it a newcomer later?"

Penguin Russell held up his chin with his pair of small wings and tried to look like he was thinking. After sighing for a few words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He looked at Bernadette with wide eyes and asked:

"Did you give him the diary I wrote later or the diary I wrote in the earlier period?"

Bernadette recalled: "The parts related to 'Mr. Door', as well as some of your later diaries when your mood fluctuated greatly."

"Huh~, not bad, not bad." Penguin Russell patted his chest. Before he could be happy, he heard Bernadette continue:

"There is not only one channel for him to collect diaries, such as the Russell Memorial Exhibition, or gatherings between some extraordinary people. The diaries are not in a fixed order."

"In Backlund, a favored person of the 'Fool' got the Black Emperor card that you disguised as a bookmark, and successfully activated it."

Damn diary! I feel like I have died in the circle of time travellers, reduced to the mechanical penguin they chat with after dinner. Russell feels that his spirit has become twisted and ferocious. I am about to crawl in a twisted and dark way. Damn, I must destroy those diaries, destroy them all!

Bernadette stared at the mechanical penguin who was stunned in place and continued:

"I had contacted his favored one before and wanted to learn that peculiar writing from him, but he refused."

"Haha. There's nothing to learn there, it's just a special encryption method."

Penguin Russell smiled awkwardly, and the stone hanging in his heart was finally put down. Phew~ Fortunately, fortunately he refused, which almost made me crawl out of the grave to kill.

"Can you teach me the special encryption method?" Bernadette stared at the little penguin in front of her, her tone steady.

Penguin Russell was stunned, and said hesitantly: "Well, of course. Later, after I am resurrected, I will teach you this kind of writing myself."

"Isn't it an encryption method? Why did it become text again?" Bernadette said while staring at Penguin Russell with a smile.


Before Russell could continue to make excuses, Bernadette said calmly: "I hope you won't forget what you said today after you are successfully resurrected."

After she finished speaking, she opened the cabinet under the desk, rummaged for paper and pen, and began to write a letter to Cattleya, so that she would not have to pass the diary to Mr. Fool in the future.

After handing the written letter to her messenger, she turned to look at Penguin sitting on the desk and asked curiously:

"What kind of animal is this mechanical doll based on? I have never seen this kind of creature in either the Northern and Southern Continents or the Five Seas. Is it a mutant of some kind of bird?"

Russell sighed softly and said: "It's called a penguin, a creature that once lived on this planet. That was a long, long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 572 Thief

In the Harvest Church in the southern area of ​​Backlund Bridge, countless complex and pure knowledge poured out from the spiritual world, gathered in the prayer hall, and reorganized Renekton's body.

Emlyn White, who was wearing a gray and white loose priest robe, subconsciously stepped back several meters away. After seeing clearly that the person who suddenly appeared was Renekton, he breathed a sigh of relief and complained in a low voice:

"It's still daytime, and someone may come to the church to pray at any time. What if you just casually emerged from the spiritual world and were seen by ordinary people?"

"Ordinary people can't see me."

Renekton responded calmly, his eyes lingering on the candlestick and rag in Emlyn's hand, as well as the priest's robe, and chuckled:

"It seems that you are doing a good job at Harvest Church. You have already put on the priest's robe. When are you going to squeeze out Father Utravsky and become the bishop here yourself?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I will never abandon the moon. This is just a necessary disguise, yes, disguise!"

As if he had successfully convinced himself, Emlyn's words became smoother and smoother:

"In the Harvest Church, no matter whether they are vampires, official Beyonders, or other forces, they dare not investigate me in depth, or even come close. This is my natural refuge."

"You're getting smarter." Renekton commented, then passed Emlyn directly and walked to the Holy Emblem of Life on the altar in front.

"What do you mean by becoming smarter? Are you questioning the IQ of a noble vampire?" Emlyn's expression twisted slightly.

Then he saw Renekton sitting down in front of the Holy Emblem of Life, clasping his hands in front of his mouth and nose, looking like he was praying seriously. His expression instantly became weird and he said:

Renekton chuckled and said, "You want to preach to me?"

Behind the prayer hall, Emlyn, who saw this scene, quickly came closer and said in an exaggerated tone:

"The Mother Goddess gave him a revelation? How is it possible? He is not a believer of the Mother Goddess."

Father Utravsky suddenly raised his hand to stop him, and said in a serious voice:

Renekton whispered, then stopped talking to Emlyn and began to pray seriously.

Seeing that Emlyn had left the prayer hall, Father Utravski lowered his eyes slightly, looked at Renekton and said:

Until the prayer ended, Renekton continued to sit in front of the Holy Emblem of Life for a while, but never felt any strangeness or revelation.

"It is impolite to interrupt someone else's prayers."

"Are you planning to convert to the 'Mother Goddess'?"

After getting up from his seat, he left a few one-pound banknotes in the offering box in front of him, then said hello to Father Utravsky who was sitting next to him praying seriously, and prepared to turn around and leave.

"Of course. No, my faith only belongs to the 'moon'!" Emlyn glared at Renekton, put the candlestick he had wiped on his hands back on the table, turned and walked towards the clergy lounge at the back of the church.

After a pause for two seconds, he seemed to suddenly think of something, looked at Renekton with a strange expression and said:

"Wait a minute, you're not really going to change your faith, are you?"

"I understand, thank you for informing me." Renekton bowed towards Father Utravski and thanked him.

"'Mother Goddess' asked me to tell you that you can go to the Emerald Jungle and ask Him for that item when you are confident. If you choose to wait, He will give it to you at the right time."

Father Utravsky looked at Emlyn's quickly disappearing figure and shook his head with a smile. In fact, he wanted to tell the awkward vampire that there was no need to avoid it, and that the revelation given by the "Mother Goddess" did not need to be hidden from him.

Emlyn said almost subconsciously: "That must be because you haven't realized the joy of harvest and the preciousness of life!"

"Thief?" Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly, and then nodded with understanding. Amon and I didn't have much conflict. Didn't Lilith want to remind me that this was a gesture of kindness to "The Fool"?

After thanking Father Utravsky again, his body disintegrated into streams of pure information and disappeared into the prayer hall of the Harvest Church.

Father Utravsky nodded slightly and continued: "'Mother Goddess' asked me to remind you that a thief has sneaked into Backlund."

"Please wait a moment, the 'Mother Goddess' has revealed a message for me to hand over to you."

Glancing sideways at Emlyn, Renekton shook his head lightly and said, "No."

Emlyn glanced at the words, then took the candlestick and rag and sat on the seat at the back of the church.

Deep in the spirit world, a hazy shimmer composed of a torrent of information lingers here, forming a huge slowly rotating vortex, constantly observing and analyzing the information in the surrounding spirit world area.

About ten minutes later, the vortex formed by the torrent of information suddenly collapsed inward, and countless complex and pure knowledge gathered and reorganized Renekton's body.

His eyes easily penetrated the spiritual world and looked at Backlund, the 'Capital of Ten Thousand Capitals' in reality, scanning the streets one after another. "There is too much information in the spiritual world and it is too confusing. Just screening the information related to a monocle is such a huge project."

While sighing, he spread his spirituality to wrap himself up, and at the same time stepped forward, his body instantly penetrated the spiritual world and returned to Backlund in reality.

Dock area, near East Balam Dockyard.

A postman carrying a crossbody bag and riding a bicycle among the crowd suddenly straightened his back. He released his right hand from holding the handle of the bicycle, pinched the monocle at the position of his right eye, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Smiling, he whispered to himself:

"I want to search for information related to the monocle through the spirit world. How naive. I have known that old winged lizard for thousands of years. How could I not be prepared for this method."

"Since your reaction is so big, it means that Backlund does have the person I'm looking for. Is it Palles or the 'Fool'?"

The smile on Amon's lips became brighter. He held the handles with both hands, stepped on the pedals, and walked quickly through the streets. His figure was soon overwhelmed by the crowd.

Shortly after he left, a dim light that was difficult to see with the naked eye passed through the air and surged away in the direction of the East District.

In the North District, underground of St. Samuel's Church, Leonard was participating in an internal meeting of their team with the members of the Red Gloves team.

Sost, the captain of the Red Glove Team, looked around at the players on both sides of the long conference table, cleared his throat and said:

"Headquarters sent a secret letter, requesting that some personnel from the Red Glove Teams from various places be transferred to the Pas Valley area of ​​the southern continent for preliminary investigation. If there are no problems, relevant personnel will be sent there to preach."

"The people from the Church of the God of War seem to have started taking action a few weeks ago. We need to get ahead of them. Once the belief in the God of War takes root there, it will be difficult for us to spread the belief in the Goddess."

Opposite Leonard, a thirty-year-old Red Glove team member raised his hand and asked:

"Although the Fusac Empire is further away from the Southern Continent, it's hard for us to make up for the time difference of a few weeks, right?"

Sost raised his hand and pressed his temple, and said calmly:

"The secret letter from the headquarters didn't say it, but there should be senior personnel already communicating with the Southern Continent. We just need to complete our tasks."

"Because the mission is far away and the time is uncertain, you can volunteer to participate. If there are not enough people in the end, I will select a few of you to go to the Southern Continent with me."

Leonard was sitting back in his chair, carefully recording the contents of the meeting. His movements suddenly paused, and the look on his face was slightly surprised, but he quickly hid it. He pressed his ear with one hand and turned slightly. His head seemed to be listening intently to something.

In his ears, Pales' old voice whispered:

"Here comes the impolite boy, and he doesn't hide his presence."

"It's strange that the Archbishop of the Church of the Dark Night who sits in St. Samuel's Church should have noticed him, but he didn't make any response. Oh, no wonder the Dark Night would suddenly let people go to the Pas Valley to preach. They reached some kind of agreement. protocol."

Leonard resisted the urge to ask and looked up at Sost, who was sitting at the top of the long conference table. Thoughts came to his mind one after another. According to previous intelligence, the Moss Ascetic Order had recently gone to Pas in the Southern Continent. The river valley is very active. Has the "goddess" reached an agreement with the "hidden sage"? But isn't that the evil god?

"Oh, what do you think is the difference between the evil god and the righteous god? Is it evil and justice?" Pales's voice echoed in his ears again.

Isn't it? Leonard subconsciously asked in his mind.

"Naive!" Pales sneered, and then stopped talking.

Wasn't the old man sleeping? Why did he suddenly wake up again? He had never communicated with me under the church before. It seemed that the deep sleep during this period had restored his condition. Leonard took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts, and returned his attention to the meeting.

Soon, this impromptu meeting came to an end.

"You should think about it for yourself these two days. Anyone who is willing to go to the Southern Continent can come to me at any time." As Sost finished the last sentence and briefly saluted, the members of the Red Glove Team left the conference room one after another.

Leonard deliberately avoided the two teammates who wanted to communicate with him, walked out of the basement at a slow pace, and came to the prayer hall of the church.

Looking around, he soon saw Renekton sitting at the back. He slowed down a little and walked straight past Renekton. He didn't look back until he walked out of the church.

He walked all the way to the edge of the square outside the church, then stopped. He skillfully took out a small handful of shelled wheat from his coat pocket and stretched his hand forward.

After a while, two white pigeons landed on his hands from mid-air and pecked at the wheat in his hands.

Renekton's figure appeared quietly next to him. He looked at the two pigeons pecking at the wheat and chuckled:

"Aren't you worried that a black circle suddenly appeared in the right eye of these two pigeons?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 573 Amon is coming

Leonard glanced sideways at Renekton beside him, opened his mouth, and what came out was Pales' old voice:

"What do you mean?"

Renekton looked at Leonard, who looked serious for a moment, opened his mouth, and spat out the words one by one:

"It means Amon is here."

Leonard was stunned for a moment, and said to himself in a panicked voice:

"Old man, what should I do? Go to the Southern Continent, or stay in the church for a while?"

Pales did not answer Leonard's question, took over control of his body, and continued to ask:

"How did you know?"

Renekton turned around and looked at the towering St. Samuel's Church behind him, and said calmly:

"I just went to the Harvest Church and got some hints there. Then I searched around Backlund and didn't even see a monocle."

"Hei Ye moves very quickly. She has already made arrangements for you before I even come over."

"Arrangement? Are you saying that the actions in the Southern Continent were specially arranged by the goddess to allow me to avoid Amon?" Leonard looked at Renekton, his tone a little hesitant.

"Before going to the Southern Continent, you'd better not leave St. Samuel's Church. Under the gaze of the dark night, Amon's clone will not easily approach here, at least not openly."

"Amon should be here to find Palles. This is the last 'Insect of Time' characteristic he needs. His body is inconvenient to come to Backlund, but if traces of you are found here, I think he You probably don't mind taking risks either."

"In a big city like Backlund, Amon will definitely leave several clones to collect information in case of emergencies. If all his clones disappear, then he must be hiding himself and arranging some plans. "

"You two, see you in the southern continent,"

Leonard took a deep breath, nodded solemnly and said, "I understand."

Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he thought of something, and sighed in a low voice:

"Oh, I probably know what you will encounter in the Southern Continent."

Amon? Why did he come to Backlund? Just as doubts arose in Klein's heart, he heard Renekton's subsequent words:

After a two-second pause, he started talking to himself again:

In the crimson light, Renekton's voice came out somewhat erratically:

"Have you forgotten where the honorable name 'The Fool' first came from?"

Aurora Society. What is his relationship with Aurora Society? It's impossible. The 'True Creator' and Amon have reached some kind of tacit understanding?

Thinking of this, Klein's expression gradually became serious. "The True Creator" was originally born from the corpse of the "Ancient Sun God" and is His successor. As the child of the "Ancient Sun God", Amon can obtain Him. It's normal for me to help. Damn it, why are all the people who have a grudge against me a family member?

"Amon is here in Backlund. You'd better find a suitable reason to leave here. If you can't find a suitable reason, you can try praying to the night and she will arrange it."

After the words fell, Pales fell silent again. Leonard called the old man twice in his heart. Seeing that he didn't get any response, he quickly collected his emotions and turned around and walked towards the church.

"What does he mean?" Leonard asked the old man in his body with some confusion.

Pales snorted coldly and said calmly:

"Humph, it means that if you make more preparations, your trip to the Southern Continent will not be peaceful."

"Okay, in order to prevent Amon from being noticed in the past few days, I will enter a deeper sleep. You don't want to scream like an old man all day long. If there happens to be Amon's clone next to you, just wait to wear it. A monocle."

Klein was silent for two seconds, and then asked hesitantly: "Why did he think he could find traces of me in Backlund?"

Above the gray mist, Klein sat on the high-backed chair belonging to The Fool, spreading his spirituality to touch the crimson star belonging to Renekton.

While speaking, his body quickly disintegrated, disintegrating bit by bit into a complex and pure knowledge, surging into the spiritual world.

"You can come to the Southern Continent. There will be harvests here that you didn't expect."

Crimson light surged like a tide, and soon images and sounds emerged:

As soon as he finished speaking, Pales mocked unceremoniously:

"Haha, you think too highly of yourself. You are just passing by. Moreover, when you go to the Southern Continent, there must be something that requires your participation. Hei Ye will not be so kind to help."

Taking a deep breath, he quickly sorted out his emotions and said calmly:

"I know, I will find a suitable opportunity to go to the Southern Continent."

On the outskirts of Backlund, Renekton looked at the gray fog that quickly dissipated in his field of vision, raised the corners of his lips, and whispered to himself:

"Amon's early arrival disrupted their plans. In order to make everything go smoothly, there will definitely be changes on the Southern Continent."

"Oh, it's going to get lively."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body instantly became blurred, decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, and turned into a pure information flow creature, surging forward like a torrent.

In the southern continent, at the mouth of the northern part of the Pass Valley, close to Uttar Pradesh, countless complex and pure knowledge surged out from the spiritual world, gathered on a sailboat reflecting the golden light in the port, and reorganized Renekton's body. .

As soon as his figure appeared on the deck of the "Golden Dream", a faint blue "door" instantly appeared out of thin air in front of him. Edwina, wearing a beige jacket with a tight waist and a dark knee-length skirt, emerged from the Walk out of the "door". Renekton's eyes swept over Edwina, and his eyes stayed on the dark brown parchment book in her hand for two seconds, and then he chuckled;

"Good morning, ma'am."

Edwina nodded gently and said in a calm voice:

"Good morning, Mr. Tynes, I have asked the crew to move the food you need to the warehouse at the port. You can go directly to the warehouse manager to pick up the goods."

"Thank you for your help." Renekton nodded slightly and saluted the other party.

While the two were talking, Danitz, wearing a black cloak, also appeared on the deck. Before he even got close, his voice came over:

"Captain, isn't that guy Jordan working as a teacher in school? Why did he suddenly return to the ship?"


Daniz opened his mouth, then suddenly froze on the spot. He scratched his head in confusion and said, "Hey, what do I want to say?"

After being stunned for two seconds, he looked at Edwina and wanted to say something more. When the words came to his lips, he forgot what he wanted to say again.

Renekton glanced towards the cabin near the deck, where he saw Jordson smiling proudly.

"Are you already a 'Dream Stealer'?" He whispered to himself, then turned to look at Daniz who was still confused, and chuckled:

"Shouldn't you be in contact with the local resistance forces on the Rhoside Islands?"

"How do you know?" Daniz asked in shock, and then nodded as if he understood:

"I'm just providing them with some necessary supplies. I'm not joining them. I'm still the fourth boatswain of the Golden Dream."

Behind him, Jordan came out of the cabin and said as he walked:

"You're right. I'm just helping out with some work in the Pas Valley. I'm still your third mate. Isn't it normal for me to appear in bed?"

Seeing more and more crew members gathering on the deck, Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly. He felt that everyone on the ship except Edwina was wary and defensive about him.

Why are you suddenly hostile to me? Because I asked Edwina to give them a few more classes per week? As his thoughts turned, he turned to look at Edwina, pointed at the parchment book in her hand and said:

"If you find a way to complete the ritual, you can come to me. I can help you crush it and recover its properties."

"I will, thank you for your help." Edwina nodded gently.

After a few brief exchanges, Renekton looked at the crew members who were about to surround him, sighed slightly, saluted and said goodbye to Edwina, and then his body instantly disappeared, breaking down into streams of information, penetrating The bodies of the surrounding crew members were rushing towards the warehouse in the port.

He quickly found the warehouse manager here, and after proving his identity to the other party, he opened the warehouse where Edwina stored the grain.

Randomly finding a reason to send away the warehouse manager who was eager to introduce the transport fleet to him, Renekton clapped his hands and summoned an invisible servant holding a material box.

Taking the suitcase from the invisible servant, he skillfully arranged the sacrificial ceremony. Through the illusory sacrificial door, he transferred all the food in the warehouse to the gray mist, and then arranged it from the little sun to accept the gift. Ritual to remove it.

After doing all this, Renekton looked at the closed warehouse door in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief:

"This should be the last batch of food for Silver City. Frank's new variety of mushrooms is close to success, so there won't be such trouble in the future."

While sighing, his body disintegrated little by little, breaking into streams of information and rushing into the spiritual world.

On the south bank of the Pas River Valley, the city of Innisnis, where the Steam Church originally preached, has become the headquarters of the Protestant Church after the official forces of Intis were expelled.

Renekton's figure quietly appeared on the street. He looked around with curiosity. It wasn't that long since he last came here, but the city had changed quite a lot.

The streets became clean and tidy, and the old houses were repaired. The sound of bicycles jingled incessantly. The expressions of pedestrians on the streets became richer. Renekton could clearly feel the energy emanating from them. Confusion and excitement.

As he moved around, pieces of debris like light spots fell from his body. Each piece of debris was a flow of information. They flowed freely in the city, recording the surrounding information.

In this state, he seemed to be able to peer into the city's past and future through the long river of time. He could see things flowing quietly in every corner of the city, and bursting out from every tiny thing that made up the city. The light is not brilliant, not pure, and has no color.

Countless images are floating in this light. It looks very thin, but it gives people an extremely heavy feeling, as if it carries a scroll of time and civilization.

Renekton's eyes followed the direction of the flow of light and looked higher. Suddenly, the sounds of steam engines, gears and whistles rang in his ears. The strong light and shadow flowed, outlining symbols such as steam, gears and levers. An extremely thick and attractive figure is gradually outlined.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 574 Monday

Sensing the changes in the civilization scroll, Renekton quickly detached himself, and the flow of information scattered in the city turned into pale white light that was difficult to see with the naked eye and sank into his body.

At the same time, an indescribable, majestic and powerful gaze penetrated the barrier between illusion and reality, and fell from an extremely high distance.

The surrounding light suddenly became dim, the rustling wind also became quiet, and the gaze falling from an extremely high distance also disappeared.

Renekton looked up at the sky thoughtfully, and could clearly see that the sun in the sky was not blocked by clouds, but the light was not so strong, as if the entire sky was covered with a thick curtain of shadow.

Huh~ Exhaling softly, Renekton turned his head and looked towards the north of the city near the Pas River. His eyes easily penetrated the barriers of the surrounding houses and trees, and saw the building located on the outskirts of Insness City. Church of the Red Rose.

He bowed slightly towards the newly built church and said, "Thank you for your help."

In the church, which had a towering spire and was mainly dark, with red rose patterns painted on the walls, a vague sigh echoed in his ears.

In just a moment, all the strange phenomena around him disappeared. The sun was still dazzling, the wind was rustling, and the pedestrians on the street seemed completely unaware of the changes just now, and were still busy minding their own business.

After this little episode, Renekton no longer had any intention of observing the progress and course of "civilization". Green and thick pea vines hung down from mid-air, quickly engulfing his figure.

Backlund time, three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sighing softly, he suppressed his instinct and let his spiritual body follow the pulling force to the ancient palace above the gray mist.

Renekton, who was sitting on a bench woven with green vines, suddenly saw a thick gray mist pouring out in front of his eyes, and crimson light surged out like a tide, quickly flooding his vision.

When the words reached his lips, Klein quickly retracted them, almost biting his tongue. He maintained a relaxed and natural tone and changed his words:


The "Queen of Mystery" didn't provide a diary. Has she already found the answer? As his thoughts turned, Klein looked at the Tarot Club members who had fallen into silence. Without saying anything more, he leaned back on the chair in a leisurely manner and said:

Um. Is Mr. "World" also interested in this kind of commission? For him, this was just a small business that was time-consuming and labor-intensive, with low returns. Forsi was stunned for two seconds, and the expression on his face gradually froze.

"Dear Mr. Fool, I'm sorry, I didn't collect the diary this time."

"Justice" Audrey organized her words a little and said:

"I would like to ask someone to investigate a wealthy businessman named Dwayne Dantès. He has only come to Backlund in the past two months and has just donated shares worth tens of thousands of pounds to the Church of the Night in an attempt to establish A scholarship fund for the poor."

"Magician" Forsi looked at Miss Justice in surprise, and proactively asked:

Rays of crimson light shot up, then shrank quickly, freezing into blurry figures.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

"What investigation mission?"

Seeing that it was quiet for the time being, "The Hermit" Cattleya pushed down the glasses on the bridge of her nose, took a deep breath, turned her body sideways, and saluted Mr. "The Fool" at the top of the mottled long table:

"The preliminary investigation fee is 500 pounds. If there is danger or some accident that increases the difficulty of the task, I will increase the reward."

"You guys start."

After hearing Mr. Fool's words, "Justice" Audrey looked around half a circle, and then said:

"I have an investigative mission to entrust."

In her impression, Miss Justice's commission rewards were extremely generous, and the other party was also in Backlund, so she had a high probability of receiving the other party's commission.

The members of the Tarot Society, except for Renekton, more or less turned their gazes away and looked at Cattleya with surprise.

"Magician" Forsi's eyes lit up, and just when he was about to raise his hand to reply, he accepted the commission when he saw Shijie, who was sitting at the bottom of the mottled long table, raised his hand.

With "Justice" Audrey taking the lead, everyone in the Tarot Club saluted one after another and completed their greetings to each other.

"Justice" Audrey looked at the silent Cattleya, one question after another flashed through her mind. Ms. "The Hermit" didn't have a diary. How could it be possible? Didn't her diaries all come from the "Queen of Mystery"? ? The "Queen of Mystery" doesn't want to provide her diary anymore? Why?

Others who had the same question as her, "The Hanged Man" Alger and "The Queen of Mystery" did not provide a diary this week. What happened to her and she had no time to contact Ms. "The Fool"? No, it shouldn't be. The "Mysterious Queen" must have prepared for such a more important matter in advance, and there haven't been any big things happening at sea recently.

"Justice" Audrey looked around quickly, then looked at the top of the mottled long table, raised her skirt and saluted:

"Justice" Audrey, who issued the commission, also looked at "The World" with some surprise. In her original expectation, Mr. Moon or Miss "Magician" should accept this commission.

After a brief daze, she looked at "The World" with implicit expectation and asked:

"Mr. World, you want to accept this commission."

"Heh." Opposite the mottled long table, Renekton lowered his head and chuckled.

Seeing everyone in the Tarot Club looking at him, he quickly waved his hands and said, "I suddenly thought of a joke. Just ignore me."

This guy knows who Dwayne Dantès is? I haven't even told him? Klein glanced at Renekton in confusion, then withdrew his gaze, controlled his trumpet "World", coughed twice, attracted everyone's attention, and said:

"Dwayne Dantès is an identity, a public identity."

"Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's other people."

Having said this, he glanced at "Magician" Forsi without emotion.

"Magician" Forsi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of the previous task of protecting Dwayne Dantès. Xio and I were obviously working very hard on the task, so why did it feel like we had picked up a fortune in vain? .Um, this shouldn't require a refund, right?

"Justice" Audrey was also stunned for a moment. She had no idea that the true identity of Dwayne Dantès, a wealthy businessman, was like this.

At certain times, Dwayne Dantès is equal to Mr. World, such as at the previous charity gala. This can understand the other party's expression when he saw me and his guard against Susie. Susie's existence is It is not a secret in Tarot meetings. Although no one knows what kind of animal it is, it is the only dog ​​I have.

After a brief silence, "Moon" Emlyn asked directly:

"What is this public identity used for?"

"Both of them have recently returned to Backlund. Is there another big event going to happen here?"

Besides Mr. "World", who else has returned to Backlund? "Justice" Audrey glanced at "Moon" Emlyn curiously, then turned her head to look at "The World" at the bottom of the mottled long table, looking forward to it the other person's answer.

The rest of the Tarot Society also set their sights on the "world" at the bottom.

Klein glanced at Emlyn speechlessly, then controlled the "world" and said:

"I don't know. The investigation is suspended. I will leave Backlund soon."

"Why?" "Chariot" Anderson raised his hand and asked very curiously.

"The World" smiled lowly and said, "Because Amon is here."

Amon has come to Backlund. Do I need to leave Backlund temporarily and hide for a while? .This is the common sentiment of all Tarot Club members staying in Backlund.

At the top of the mottled long table, Klein looked at the worried members and chuckled:

"Don't worry, his target is not you."

It's not us. Are you here for the matter Mr. World is investigating? "Justice" Audrey and "Magician" Forsi thought at the same time.

"Moon" Emlyn didn't think so much. Since Amon's target was not him, he didn't need to care. The nervous expression on his face disappeared instantly, and he leaned back on the chair in a leisurely manner.

Seeing that this topic had come to an end, he manipulated the "world" again and said:

"Does any of you know any clues about Calderon City?"

"Calderon City?" "Justice" Audrey whispered twice, recalling the cities she knew in her mind, and made sure that there was no city named Calderon among them.

Is this a city that is hidden or does not exist in reality? Thinking of this, she looked curiously at the "world" at the bottom of the mottled long table.

"Chariot" Anderson looked at "The World" in surprise, then sneered:

"You have to ask the Seven Lights of the Spirit World about this place."

"Why?" "Magician" Forsi asked curiously.

Anderson looked around at everyone, then chuckled:

"Because it is a city that exists in the spiritual world. It is the 'City of the Dead'. Except for a few extraordinary people, most people can only enter the spiritual world after becoming demigods. It is difficult to find it. It's already extremely high, let alone coming out alive after the exploration."

Seven lights in the spiritual world? Also, there should be nothing in the spiritual world that they don't know, but because the Seven Lights are too high-ranking and have an overly friendly attitude, I always ignore the option of asking them for help.

Thinking of this, Klein controlled "The World" and nodded gently towards Anderson:

"I understand."

What do you unserstand? Do you really plan to go to the Seven Lights of the Spirit World to ask for clues about Calderon City? Although Qiguang is a relatively friendly existence to humans, is this too bold and crazy? Anderson looked at "The World" Gehrman Sparrow hesitantly, his brain shutting down for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 575 The title is missing

After a brief silence, Derrick "The Sun" mentally considered the achievements he had accumulated during this period, then raised his hand and said:

"Everyone, who among you has the magic potion formula for 'Sacrifice of Light'?"

"I have, 4000 pounds."

"Of course, you can also use equivalent extraordinary materials instead."

Klein manipulated the "world" to respond quickly.

Derrick "The Sun" looked at the "World" at the bottom, nodded sincerely and said:

"I understand. I will collect materials worth 4000 pounds as soon as possible."

As the deal was completed, the Tarot Society once again fell into a brief silence.

"Hermit" Cattleya and "The Hanged Man" Alger, who had just been promoted, had no more urgent needs for the time being, and "Magician" Forsi, who was busy digesting potions, also had no new needs.

"Chariot" Anderson and "Moon" Emlyn looked around twice without speaking, and the transaction ended with everyone's tacit understanding.

"Magician" Forsi glanced at Gehrman Sparrow, "The World" at the bottom, and talked about his recent strange dream before "The Hanged Man" spoke.

It turned out to be a group of thieves hiding in the sewers. "Moon" Emlyn sighed disdainfully in his heart, then looked at Renekton and asked in a doubtful voice:

"Now that you have left the land abandoned by the gods, does the previous deal with our vampire clan still count?"

Renekton nodded lightly and said, "Of course, you can ask Mr. Sun for the specific progress. I have entrusted the vampire hunting needs to Silver City."

Well, he suddenly turned into the little shrimp that others said he couldn't even imagine. "Magician" Forsi cursed softly in his heart.

Then he turned his attention to Derrick "The Sun". Without waiting for him to ask, Derrick replied:

"The chief is organizing a team to hunt vampires. They will be able to set off in the next few days."

"Is this the symbol you're talking about?"

Emlyn opened his mouth. He originally wanted to correct that the other party was a vampire, but when he thought of the appearance of the monsters called vampires described by "The Sun" before, he gave up the idea of ​​classifying them as a vampire.

"Sun" Derrick shook his head, and then said:

"I heard that the 'Six-person Council' wants to open that mausoleum. No matter what, they must at least recover the characteristics there. However, because of the plan to hunt vampires, this action has been put on hold for the time being."

She described in detail the scene that appeared in her dream, as well as the complex symbol that combined "destiny" and "hiddenness".

"Okay, as long as it can help us recover the characteristics of the 'moon', our vampires will definitely give you a generous reward."

"That's a trap." "The World" Gehrman Sparrow said without thinking.

At the top of the mottled long table, with his body shrouded in gray mist, Klein raised his eyebrows slightly. The symbol described by "Magician" Forsi seemed familiar to him.

After briefly looking at the badge, she stuttered and replied:

"Yes, yes, that's it."

"Justice" Audrey asked curiously: "What does this symbol represent?"

Sure enough, I knew that there could be no treasure like this appearing for no reason in the mysterious world. Fortunately, I was cautious enough. Forsi sighed a few words in his heart, then looked at the "world" and sincerely thanked him:

"Thank you for your reminder."

"Magician" Forsi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that "The World" actually responded and directly embodied the real thing.

"Moon" Emlyn nodded slightly in response. He didn't care who hunted vampires, as long as he could help their vampires recover their characteristics.

Then he directed and acted on his own to let "the world" make a request to him, and then responded to "the world" and embodied the badge from Lanervus.

Seeing that the topic had come to an end, "The Hanged Man" Alger turned his head to look at "The Sun" Derrick and said:

"Have you figured out the matter about the former chief's tomb?"

"A group of thieves who were scared out of their wits by Amon, hid here and there all day long, but in the end Amon had no interest in their group of demigods."

After thinking briefly, he controlled his trumpet "world" and spoke in a low voice:

Renekton looked at the badge manifested by Klein the Fool and sneered:

Renekton leaned on the high-backed chair, pressed the back of his head against the cold back of the chair, and chuckled softly:

"'Warrior' and 'Corpse Collector' are interchangeable pathways. Without the 'Silver Knight' potion formula, jumping to adjacent pathways is the best choice."

"Mr. 'White Tower', you mean that the former chief planned to jump to another route, so he built a mausoleum and locked himself in it?"

"Sun" Derrick quickly reacted, but he felt something was not right. But we in Silver City don't have the follow-up potion formula for the "Corpse Collector" path?

He did not express his inner thoughts. Chief Colin's teachings made him more mature. At the same time, he was not sure whether Silver City had high-sequence formulas other than the 'Warrior' path.

At the top of the mottled long table, "The Fool" Klein nodded in a small arc under the gray fog. This possibility is indeed very high, but it seems that there are some problems with the promotion of the former chief of Silver City, and he may have fallen into some kind of negative situation. The state had to fall into a deep sleep, or it had lost control and turned into a monster. Retracting his divergent thoughts, he let "The World" speak in a low voice:

"If it involves the realm of the God of Death, and Mr. Death has not participated in the Tarot Society, you can ask me for advice."

"Thank you, Mr. World." Derrick "The Sun" responded gratefully without thinking too much.

Mr. "World" means that he has a good relationship with Mr. "Death" and can easily contact that angel and ask him questions? It's really enviable. "Justice" Audrey immediately heard the hidden meaning in "The World"'s words.

The free communication session ended here. Finally, after "White Tower" Renekton and "Chariot" Anderson shared some useful tips, this week's Tarot session also came to an end.

After everyone stood up and saluted Mr. Fool at the top of the long mottled table, rays of crimson light rose up, taking everyone on both sides of the long mottled table away from the space above the gray mist.

On the north bank of the Pas River Valley, in the Church of Knowledge in Impas City, countless complex and pure knowledge poured out from the void, gathered in the prayer hall, and reorganized Renekton's figure.

The people praying in the church were unaware of this and did not notice him at all. Even if they saw him, they would subconsciously ignore him.

Renekton walked straight through the crowd and came to the clergy lounge behind the prayer hall. He quietly looked through the books in the Church of Knowledge in front of the rows of bookshelves in the lounge.

After a while, the sound of the creaking door and footsteps came from behind.

Renekton walked to the desk with the book in his hand and greeted Luca Brewster who entered the lounge:

"Good afternoon, Bishop Luca."

While he was speaking, an invisible servant holding a square metal iron box walked out from behind him.

Renekton took the square iron box from the invisible servant and handed it to Luca Brewster across from him. He nodded lightly at the other person and said with a smile:

"This is a reward from the church. I hope you won't mind that I delayed my return to the Pas Valley for two weeks."

"It seems that my prediction is indeed correct." Luca Brewster, whose hair was completely white, sighed and took the iron box.

After removing the spiritual wall on the iron box, he opened it directly. After calmly gazing at the characteristics of the "Dream Weaver", he closed the iron box again, shook his head and chuckled:

"Although I know it's unlikely to be the 'Insighter', I always have some expectations before seeing it."

"But fortunately, 'Dream Weaver' is also a good choice for me. I have some understanding of the realm of the mind and dreams."

Renekton nodded slightly and asked, "Do you need me to help you prepare for the ceremony?"

Luke Bruce slowly shook his head and said: "No, the promotion of the 'Dream Weaver' needs to be carried out in deep dreams with extremely strong emotions and desires. It is difficult for outsiders to provide help. I will pray to my Lord before the promotion begins. bless."

"Okay." Renekton chuckled and nodded, paused for half a second, and then added: "You can concentrate on preparing for your promotion. I will take over your affairs temporarily. Of course, not for too long. I Not very skilled at a bishop's job."

"Actually, with your rank and status, even if you stay at the church headquarters, you will still have at least one archbishop. The church values ​​knowledge rather than age." Bishop Luke responded with a chuckle.

Renekton slowly shook his head and expressed his opinion:

"Isn't it too miserable to stay in one place all the time? I still think it's better to be free like this now."

After a brief exchange, Renekton bowed to Bishop Luca and said goodbye.

As he straightened his back, his body disintegrated little by little, disintegrating into streams of complex and pure knowledge, surging out of the church like a torrent.

In the evening, in a manor growing coffee beans on the outskirts of Impas, Renekton's figures gathered and reorganized in the torrent of information.

As soon as his figure emerged, a gray-furred lop-eared rabbit wearing a metal belt, wrist guards, helmet and shoes fell from the air with its face on the ground.


"Boss, help me, my neck seems to be cramped."

On the ground, Bugs Bunny, who had crashed into the dirt and was stuck upside down, was kicking randomly in the air with his short legs.

The corners of Renekton's mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his hand to create an invisible hand, pulling Bugs Bunny out of the ground like a carrot and throwing it aside.

Bugs Bunny stood up from the ground unsteadily, pressed his two fleshy paws on the head with the metal helmet, and twisted it slightly with skillful movements. The bones on his body made a creaking sound, and his stiff neck became stiff. Back to normal.

(End of this chapter)