

Chapter 561 It's Monday again

Renekton retracted his gaze and quickly walked to the round table where Orange Light and the others were sitting. He lowered his voice and greeted:

"Good evening, Mr. Hilarion." "Good evening, Ms. Gulen."

"Good evening to you two lovely kittens."

"Orange Light" Hilarion looked at Renekton deeply, maintaining a warm smile on his face and said:

"Good evening, Your Excellency."

After a pause for two seconds, he added:

"Congratulations, you have taken another step towards regaining your authority."

"Although it's not polite to say this, I feel that in the near future, I will probably be able to witness the birth of a true 'God of Knowledge'."

"Huh!" A cold snort without any emotion suddenly sounded, and Mr. Huang, wearing a simple robe, appeared quietly aside.

"Haha. Sorry, I made a mistake." "Orange Light" Hilarion smiled lightly and saluted Mr. Huang to apologize.

There was no emotion on Mr. Huang's face, and he didn't seem to take this episode to heart. His eyes fell on the square iron box Renekton held in his hand, and he said calmly:

"Did you find the characteristics of the 'Dream Weaver' so quickly?"

Renekton nodded, and while handing over the iron box containing the characteristics, he told how he got the characteristics.

After listening to his narration, Mr. Huang nodded slightly without answering. His eyes were a little deeper, as if he was in a thinking state.

After a moment of silence, he said leisurely:

"There is a certain coincidence of fate, but it should just be for you and Adam to meet."

"As the one closest to a 'visionary', he is also the best psychiatrist in the world. If he is willing to help you weave a real and reasonable human nature, it will be of great help to you."

Renekton shook his head slightly and said calmly:

"It was impossible for me to let him weave humanity into me, just as he was unwilling to let me touch the first slab of blasphemy. There was a lack of necessary trust between us."

Mr. Huang nodded slightly and stopped talking. He opened the metal box containing the extraordinary properties of the "Dream Weaver" and took a look at it, then returned it to Renekton and said at the same time:

"Leave it to Luca Brewster for me. His contribution to the church has already been enough for promotion, but he has always lacked the corresponding characteristics, and he is not willing to jump to the two paths of 'The Hanged Man' and 'The Storm' "

While he was speaking, a little bit of silvery light appeared on his body, moving quickly around, outlining the patterns of the omniscient eye one after another.

These silvery white light spots quickly converged towards his open right hand, and gradually condensed into shape. As the silvery white light faded, a pair of cold and indifferent silvery white eyes were revealed.

While Renekton took over these two characteristics, Mr. Huang explained in a calm tone:

"This 'Insighter' trait is my personal property. There are really no extra 'Insighter' traits in the church. Even if there are, they will be assigned to those who need it soon."

Renekton shrugged and smiled without much emotion:

"Well, I hope Bishop Luca won't be too surprised and uncomfortable when he finds out that while he was promoted to the 'Dream Weaver', his colleagues became the 'Insighters'."

"He can turn back to 'cherubim' in the next sequence." Mr. Huang responded in a very calm tone.

Renekton smiled silently, saluted to the other party, and then his body disintegrated into countless pieces of complex knowledge and left the library.

After Renekton left, Mr. Huang turned to look at the round table beside him. The two people and two cats there were flipping through the books in front of him without changing their movements.

Mr. Huang shook his head slightly and said calmly:

"The change in the frequency of reading books is too obvious. For those who have gone through the 'Keeper of Knowledge' stage, this is a very obvious sign."

After pausing for a second, he continued: "I have asked a technical university in Lundberg to send a cooperation invitation to the Steam University in Trier. When it comes to knowledge in the mechanical field, the Church of Steam is at the forefront. "

Grant closed the book in his hand and said in a deep voice:

"With the Steam Church's enthusiasm for technology, they will definitely agree, but this will expose too much information to them, and they may actually research it."

"All we need is a time difference." As the words fell, Mr. Huang's figure quietly disappeared into the hall of the library.

The next day, Queen Backlund.

Audrey followed her psychology teacher Isilante Osisleka to an empty cafe, where she met Hvin Rambis, who claimed to be a member of the psychological alchemy committee. This is a middle-aged man with a gentle and elegant temperament. He has a pair of blue eyes that seem to be full of wisdom and knowledge.

While restraining herself from sizing up the other person, Audrey sighed silently in her heart: She didn't expect that the royal advisor was also a member of the Psychological Alchemy Society. No wonder Mr. "White Tower" would say that the senior leaders of the Psychological Alchemy Society have different positions and beliefs. There is a certain tendency.

Hvin Rambis looked at the beautiful girl in front of him with gentle eyes. In the spiritual realm, his virtual personality had quietly invaded Audrey's island of consciousness.

After Isilant left, Hvin Rambis took out a piece of white paper from the briefcase he carried with him and said in a calm voice:

"I'm sorry to disturb you so suddenly, Miss Audrey. According to our original plan, we really need to examine you for a while, but something happened in the Psychological Alchemy Society recently, which forced us to speed up the training of new people."

"What happened?" Audrey asked at the right time.

Hvin Rambis did not answer in a hurry, but first handed over the white paper in his hand. Audrey reached out and took it and took a brief look. The picture on it was still a man wearing a cloak and having eyes all over his body. Humanoid monster.

The reason why she used the word "monster" to describe it was because she really couldn't find any human characteristics in this portrait other than the human form.

Hvin Rambis's tone became a little heavy, and he said with some fear that he could hardly detect:

"The president of our Psychological Alchemy Society was assassinated, and the other party succeeded. Fortunately, because of the special way of the 'audience', the president did not really die."

Audrey suddenly widened her eyes, not hiding the shock in her eyes, and there was no need to hide it.

Jianhai County, Constant City.

It only took Renekton one morning to follow Sean and visit all the remaining celebrations in Constant City.

Under Sean's pleading eyes, Renekton gave him a ritual to summon his messenger, and then disappeared from his sight with the surging crowd.

After casually finding a local restaurant and having lunch, he took a rest in the hotel and waited until the clock on the wall reached three o'clock in the afternoon.

While the wall clock chimed the time on time, a thick gray fog surged in front of his eyes, and crimson light surged like a tide, quickly drowning his sight.

Renekton restrained his instinct to resist. Following the pull of the crimson light, his spiritual body separated from his physical body and came to the magnificent ancient palace above the gray mist.

Sitting on the high-backed chair belonging to the "White Tower", Renekton lowered his eyes and looked at the mechanical glove that followed him above the gray fog, and a relatively plain smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

It was "Justice" Audrey who was still the first to stand up and salute, but her state today was not as active as before, and she seemed to have encountered something troublesome.

After everyone stood up and saluted according to the procedure, and nodded to each other, "Hermit" Cattleya took the lead in raising her hand and directly presented four pages of Russell's diary.

She did not choose to ask questions or exchange them for items, but instead exchanged the diaries she had accumulated for one from Mr. Fool for help when necessary.

The diaries contributed by Ms. "Hermit" are accumulating, and my pressure is also increasing. If it is a need for more advanced occult knowledge, it is okay. If it is the kind of help that Mr. "Fool" needs, Mr. "Fool" can't do it either!

Klein sighed while scanning the faces of the people on both sides of the mottled long table.

Seeing that only "The Hanged Man" Alger and "Chariot" Anderson focused on the extra card on his right, a trace of disappointment flashed in his heart. If Ms. "The Hermit" asked me about this card The content is good, it's a pity that I can mix it up again

While sighing, he bent his fingers with his right hand, tapped the edge of the table twice, making a soft sound, and said at the same time:

"You guys start."

After receiving the prompt from "The Fool" Klein, "The Hermit" Cattleya looked directly at Renekton and said in a calm voice:

"I want to exchange for a drop of your blood. What price do I have to pay?"

"It seems that you are a little eager to improve your strength. Have you encountered anything?" Renekton asked curiously, and then added:

"Two conditions. One is that I need the Future to help me transport some things between the northern and southern continents. You can think of it as smuggling trade."

"Second, I need you to conduct a regular class on the 'Future' to teach the crew some necessary knowledge. Combined with the crew's feedback, you can compile it into a book and send it to me."

"Only these? This is not equivalent to the blood of an angel." Cattleya asked with some confusion.

Moreover, she felt that the two conditions proposed by Renekton were a bit strange. She could still understand the first condition, but the second condition was difficult to understand. Except for Frank and Ottolov, the rest of the crew on the "Future" did not Without the enthusiasm for learning, if you do this, the "Future" will most likely fall into the same predicament of long-term manpower shortage as "Vice Admiral Iceberg"'s "Golden Dream".

Renekton looked at Cattleya, who looked puzzled, and calmly explained:

"It is not an easy thing to make pirates addicted to learning, and it involves a very important follow-up plan of mine, so it is equivalent to a drop of my blood."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 562 Communication

Cattleya lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then took a deep breath and nodded calmly: "No problem."

Looking calmly at Cattleya in front of him, Renekton nodded lightly and said:

"After the party is over, I will have someone deliver the blood to you."

After a two-second pause, he looked around at the other members and then chuckled:

"Help me pay attention to the two paths of 'sun' and 'storm'. Things at the demigod level can be lone extraordinary people or magical items."

"Moon" Emlyn looked at Renekton in surprise. He hesitated for two seconds before speaking:

"Our Vampire Clan has such a magical item. If you can help us recover the characteristics corresponding to the Vampire Count or even the Marquis, I think the big shots in our Vampire Clan will be happy to trade with you."

"Okay." Renekton responded with a chuckle.

"Hermit" Cattleya, who had just reached a deal with him, also expressed her position:

"I will help you pay attention, but there are not many items at the demigod level, especially those from the 'Sun' and 'Storm' pathways. Most of them have been recycled by the churches of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' and the 'Lord of Storms'."

Renekton nodded slightly in Cattleya's direction.

"I will also keep an eye on it for you."

"Me too, I will go through the information on the sealed objects held by Silver City, but I can't see much with my authority, and my contribution is far from enough to redeem them."

"Chariot" Anderson and "Sun" Derrick also made their commitments one after another, while the remaining members of the Tarot Society did not speak. Things at the demigod level were still too far away from them.

Next, "Justice" Audrey, "Magician" Forsi, and "Chariot" Anderson initiated transactions one after another, some were successful and some failed.

After a brief silence, "The Fool" Klein, who was sitting leisurely at the top of the mottled long table, chuckled:

"You can communicate freely."

After hearing Mr. Fool's prompt, "Justice" Audrey quickly raised her right hand and looked around the crowd before saying:

"I met a jury member of the Psychological Alchemy Society today. His true identity is Hvin Rambis, advisor to the Royal Family of Loen."

"I learned a piece of news from him. The president of the Psychological Alchemy Society was assassinated, and it was successful. However, the unknown president did not really die because of some special features of the 'audience' channel. What kind of special features are they? I don't know, Hvin Rambis didn't tell me that."

"The Psychological Alchemy Society has increased its efforts in cultivating newcomers because of this incident. They have already started asking me to complete some tasks and accumulate contributions to redeem the Sequence Five 'Dream Walker' potion."

Finally, she added: "I feel that the Psychological Alchemy Society has entered a tense atmosphere. While they are increasing their efforts to cultivate new members, they are no longer developing and accepting new members."

"The Hanged Man" Alger sneered and said:

"They are afraid of exposing themselves and attracting new assassinations, but some of the tasks that originally belonged to them need someone to do it."

"At this time, you newcomers who have just joined and haven't established a deep relationship with them are just right. Those who survive this storm will become loyal due to the vigorous training of the organization. Even if you die, you will not It would be a shame for them."

Audrey was stunned for a moment, the expression on her face was obviously astonished. As an aristocratic girl who was inexperienced in the world, she had never been exposed to this before, and she had never thought about this issue in such a deep and dark way.

"Tsk, you humans are really vicious!" "Moon" Emlyn sighed as he sat on a high-backed chair.

Next to him, "Chariot" Anderson also shook his head, and then said:

"Although this kind of speculation about people's hearts is too dark, in many cases, this is the fact."

"Hermit" Cattleya looked at the noble girl and said in a calm voice:

"Members of the Psychological Alchemy Society have advanced research into the spiritual and spiritual fields. You need to be careful. That Hvin Rambis may have left psychological hints or some hidden influence on you."

Audrey glanced subconsciously at the figure at the top shrouded in gray mist, and said with a bit of joy in her tone:

"He did, but I prayed to Mr. Fool in advance and received the protection of an angel."

Can it still be like this? Mr. "The Fool" will at some point provide substantial help to the members of the Tarot Society. "The Hermit" Cattleya was briefly stunned and then her thoughts couldn't help but wander away.

During this process, Audrey had asked Klein the Fool for permission to materialize the portrait that Hvin Rambis of the Psychological Alchemy Society had shown her and display it in front of everyone. Renekton glanced at the image on the gray-brown parchment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that Adam was not prepared to help them. He didn't even give me a portrait of me. He even took the initiative to help me cover up my appearance in the Garden of Eden. The traces left behind make it impossible for people in the Psychological Alchemy Society to obtain effective answers through divination and prophecy.

Thinking of this, he chuckled and said:

"This portrait really doesn't look like me at all. It doesn't look like they got any help from Adam."

"Having lost his true body and his most active identity, it is not certain whether the president of your Psychological Alchemy Society still retains the status of a demigod. He may be preparing for a possible backstab from the members of the jury somewhere."

"Justice" Audrey looked at Renekton in astonishment, pursed her lips, and said hesitantly:

"Mr. 'White Tower'? You were the one who assassinated the President of Psychological Alchemy? Why?"

Renekton leaned back in his chair leisurely and said in a calm voice:

"I traded a copy of the 'Dream Weaver's' trait with someone to get the 'Insighter' trait."

At the end, he added: "By the way, I still have a copy of the characteristics from 'Audience' path nine to sequence four left here. If you need it, you can buy it from me before I use it up."

"Dream Weaver" and "Insighter", the former should be the third sequence of the audience path, and the latter is... well, most likely it is the "reader" path. But Mr. "White Tower" actually broke into the psychology directly The headquarters of the Alchemy Society, this is really, really too arrogant.

Audrey thought for a moment, quickly adjusted her emotions, and said calmly:

"When I successfully advance to Sequence Five, I will buy this characteristic from you."

"However, I am still a little curious. What does it mean to lose the main body and the most active identity? Why did Hvin Rambis say that the assassination was successful, but the president is not dying?"

"The Audience Path's Sequence Three, 'Dream Weaver', can separate some of the identities they once had and turn them into living people. Even if these identities die, they will not lead to the fall of the main body. If the main body falls first, They can awaken themselves from the clone and complete the recovery."

"However, the lost characteristics will not return. The president of the Psychological Alchemy Society and the 'King of the Black Seat' above the sea were both killed by me and took away their characteristics."

"Except for the 'King of the Black Seat', his remaining identities are likely to be below the demigod level. The separated identity of the 'Dream Weaver' does not have actual power, and must gain power by accommodating its characteristics."

"I understand." Audrey nodded slightly in response. She suddenly yearned for the "Dream Weaver", who could turn her past experiences into a real identity, just like the characters in the adventure story came closer to reality. Same.

You can separate some of the identities you once had, which is a bit like the precursor to the dreamer's ability. "The Fool" Klein at the top of the mottled long table was making a judgment in his mind.

The exchange continued, and this Tarot session soon came to an end.

After everyone stood up and saluted, rays of deep red light rose up, taking everyone on both sides of the long mottled table away from the space above the gray mist.

Looking at the suddenly empty hall, Klein leaned against the back of his chair and sighed softly, waving his hand to make the "world" at the bottom disappear.

"No one is curious about whether this new card is the card of blasphemy, and what kind of card it is? Maybe they discovered it, but there is no suitable reason to ask me."

While speaking, he reached out and took the new card that was upside down on the table. The front of this card was a church. In front of the church stood a group of Emperor Russell in different costumes. They had different identities. Wearing sailor uniforms, some had captain's hats. At the front, the tallest one, Russell, was wearing a papal robe and a triple crown.

In the upper left corner of the card, there is a line of small words written in ancient Fusac language: Sequence 0: Tyrant!

After holding the Tyrant card in his hand and turning it twice, Klein threw it back on the table and left above the gray mist.

In Constant City, Jianhai County, Renekton opened his eyes in the easy chair next to the hotel window. He turned his head and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only three-thirty now.

Today's Tarot session ended faster than usual. Also, as the sequence improved, everyone's needs were obviously reduced, so the focus of the Tarot session has unconsciously shifted to the final communication and sharing session.

While sighing in his heart, Renekton placed his left hand under the sunlight shining through the window. The nail of his thumb lightly scratched the pad of his middle finger, leaving a small wound.

Dots of light blue brilliance were wrapped in pieces of stardust and overflowed from the wound. The surrounding sunlight instantly became dim. In the hotel room, on the street outside, and on the pedestrians passing by, everything around them showed abnormal distortions. It's like the picture being pulled on an old TV when the signal is bad.

In less than two seconds, everything around him returned to normal again, the sun was still shining brightly, and the pedestrians passing by on the street continued to walk and talk as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 563 News from the dark night

Renekton looked down at the pad of his left middle finger. The original wound had disappeared, and a strange crystal in the shape of transparent amber appeared on the palm of his hand. Inside the crystal was a drop of crimson blood with countless fine floating symbols.

He put the transparent amber that sealed his blood into the square ring box that he had prepared, and then arranged a ceremony to summon a rabbit of knowledge wearing a gray-blue vest. After giving it two gold coins, the rabbit of knowledge took The square ring box slipped back into the spirit world and wandered towards the direction of the "Future".

In the Zhongsunya Sea, the Blue Avenger sailed quietly on the sea. Alger stood by the oriel window of the captain's cabin, looking at the sea in the distance.

Through a series of previous hints and guidance, I finally let the crew on the ship make their own proposal to go to the north of Sunia Island. At that time, I only need to use the anesthetic gas of the vampires to buy me some time, and I can rush to there. Complete the promotion in the sea area where the Obris sea monster is active.

It was indeed the right decision to go to explore that primitive island with "The World" in advance. Although this would increase the risks I would take, the characteristics of the "Ocean Singer" alone were worth the risk, not to mention the That tyrant card!

When I become the "Ocean Singer" of Sequence 5, I will be able to catch up with the second level of strength in the Tarot Society.


A sudden knock on the door interrupted Alger's thoughts. He turned his head to look at the door of the captain's room and said in a calm voice:

"what's up?"

Outside the gate, the voice of the boatswain on the ship came:

"Captain, we are about to approach Sunia Island. Do we need to find a private port to anchor and carry out certain supplies?"

"Okay." Alger responded in a calm voice, then turned and walked towards the navigation chart spread out on the desk.

At the junction of the Sea of ​​Mist and the Sea of ​​Violence, the "Future" broke through the waves at extremely fast speeds and headed northeast of the Sea of ​​Mist.

In the captain's room, Cattleya was quickly flipping through the information from the Moss Ascetic Order:

"The Moss Ascetic Order has shifted its focus to the Pas Valley area in the southern continent. Even if there is no request from the 'White Tower', I will travel between the northern and southern continents for internal tasks within the organization."

With a slight sigh, her inspiration was suddenly touched. As she raised her head, a translucent rabbit-shaped spirit body wearing a gray-blue vest emerged from the spiritual world and landed on the desk in front of her.

".Rabbit of Knowledge?" Cattleya whispered in confusion.

Although the "Secret Peeper" path does not have a sequence called "Erutologist," as long as you embark on this path, you are destined to be knowledgeable. Even if you don't take the initiative to learn, knowledge will creep into your head.

She recognized the spiritual creature in front of her at a glance, but the small vest he was wearing made her a little confused for a moment.

The Rabbit of Knowledge looked at Cattleya blankly, looked at her carefully from head to toe, then reached out and took out a small square iron box from his translucent body, and put it in Cattleya's body. on the table in front of you.

Then it said in a relatively childish voice: "Please sign for your express delivery."

After doing all this, the Rabbit of Knowledge quickly returned to the spirit world and disappeared from Cattleya's sight in the blink of an eye.

Deep in the spiritual world, Renekton, who was moving quickly like a torrent of information, suddenly stopped and used his complex and pure knowledge to reorganize his body.

His eyes looked deeply to the side and in front of him, as if his eyes could penetrate the barrier between the spiritual world and reality and clearly see the scene on the distant sea.

He felt his own aura erupt, and someone established a deeper mystical connection with him.

"By using my blood so quickly, it seems that she has already prepared everything she needs for promotion. All she needs is a drop of the blood of a mythical creature."

With a low sigh, he stretched out his hand and pinched the void to cut off the connection between himself and Cattleya. Otherwise, the influence from the "Hidden Sage" and "Knowledge Wilderness" would make her lose herself while being promoted. Become a puppet.

After doing all this, his body once again decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, surging forward like a torrent.

Soon, Renekton, who was in a flood of information, left the spiritual world and appeared near St. Samuel's Church in Backlund, using his vast and pure knowledge to reconstruct his body.

Renekton slowly walked out of the shadows under a house. In the process, his appearance, image and temperament changed rapidly, and finally settled into a scholar with an ordinary image and temperament.

Without any pause, he walked directly into St. Samuel's Church along with the crowd of twos and threes around him.

On both sides of the aisle, narrow high windows inlaid with blue and red fine patterns let in wisps of colored light, blue almost black and red like the moon, making the surroundings extremely dark and quiet, as if peaceful and quiet. of dark night.

At the end of the corridor is the large prayer hall. The decoration here is mainly dark, with dim candles lit around it, like stars twinkling in the dark night. The soft light does not make people feel too dim. Renekton slowly walked to the seat in the front row and sat down. He clasped his hands in front of the dark night holy symbol with a dark background, bright embellishments and surrounded by just half of the crimson moon, closed his eyes and prayed softly.

Gradually, he felt that the surroundings had become extremely quiet, and the footsteps and small sounds of communication that could still be heard disappeared.

The smell of night herbs lingered in his nose along with a gentle evening breeze, and Renekton opened his eyes immediately.

He casually looked around, surrounded by an invisible night herb garden, and above his head was a quiet night sky dotted with only a few dim stars.

Five or six meters in front of him, a somewhat illusory and hazy figure appeared there at some point.

She was wearing a layered black classical dress, with dots of stars inlaid on the skirt, like the late night sky. Her face seemed to be covered with layers of gauze, giving people a hazy feeling, but they also subconsciously thought that face Extraordinarily beautiful.

Renekton only looked at it for a moment, then withdrew his gaze, stretched his right hand to his chest, bent down and saluted:

"Good afternoon, Ms. Amanysis."

Through an illusory veil, Renekton felt as if the goddess of the night smiled at him without emotion, and then an ethereal, illusory female voice echoed in his ears:

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Wilderness of Knowledge."

"Your disguise is very good. At first, I really thought you were a remnant of the past. If you hadn't taken the initiative to appear in front of me, I still wouldn't be able to accurately determine your identity."

Renekton chuckled along with the other person's words and said: "This is a gift from fate. Except for the 'Ring of Fate' and the 'Weaver of Destiny' in the starry sky, there is no existence on earth that can easily see through and uncover this layer of cover. Birth."

"It seems that the two 'mercury snakes' have been unable to compete for a winner. It is not as simple as it seems."

The goddess of the night sighed vaguely, and then continued:

"I'm still a little curious, why did you choose to disguise yourself as a remnant of the past?"

Renekton spread his hands and said, "Because this is very simple to me. Also, this is the only bit of humanity I have."

"I understand." The goddess of the night nodded quietly, and then she continued to ask: "What are you going to use in exchange for the information about the disappearing 'Emperor of Knowledge' characteristic?"

"News about the 'River of Eternal Darkness'." Renekton said calmly. After a pause, he added:

"There is no conflict between us. Whoever becomes the 'Demon of Knowledge' is the same to you, and I am the one most likely to succeed, no matter which one I am."

"Okay." The goddess of the night nodded gently, and then she began to talk about the third piece of information about the characteristics of the "Emperor of Knowledge":

"It's at Omi Bella's."

"In the age of twins when giants and dragons were more powerful, the wisest god under the dragon king, in addition to the dragon of wisdom, there was also a dragon of knowledge. It fell in a conflict between the dragon and the giant. Correspondingly The characteristics were condensed into a sealed object called 'False Paradise', which was controlled by Omi Bella, the 'Harvest Goddess' at that time."

"The effect of this sealed object is rather special. It can create an information world between reality and illusion, where the influence of the 'Fallen Mother Goddess' on the two paths of 'Mother' and 'Moon' is reduced to lowest."

"This is also the reason why the 'Earth Mother Goddess' is closer to the outer gods than the 'Bound God' and the 'Dark Side of the Universe', but is least affected."

"This is a secret cooperation between me and the 'Earth Mother Goddess'. I 'secret' all the information about that sealed object, including the information world between reality and illusion. This can help Him fight against the The Fallen Mother Goddess' influence."

After quietly listening to the story of the Night Goddess, Renekton breathed a long sigh of relief, bowed towards her and saluted:

"I understand, thank you for your answer."

It seems that there is no way to get this characteristic from Lilith for the time being, unless I can find a way to replace the seal, and I can't keep it by myself. The method of using pollution to fight pollution is feasible, but He will definitely not be willing. .

After sighing in his heart for a moment, Renekton quickly adjusted his emotions and began to describe the situation of the "River of Eternal Darkness" to the Night Goddess.

The goddess of the night listened quietly and did not interrupt. It was not until Renekton finished his story that she said with emotion:

"Different from the magic potion system, is this related to the spiritual warlock system developed by you and Herabergen?"

Renekton clasped his hands and muttered:

"Essentially speaking, they are similar. The spiritual warlock relied on myself and some of the authority of the 'Origin Castle' to finally take shape."

"Although stepping onto this system will inevitably approach us, as long as we are not disturbed, this situation will not be too serious. It is just some changes in personality and habits."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 564 Witch

In the large prayer hall of St. Samuel's Church, Renekton, who had closed his eyes to pray, suddenly opened his eyes. He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the Holy Emblem of the night in front of him. His sight seemed to see a hazy illusion through the Holy Emblem. The figure is nodding to himself.

As expected of the true God of Sequence 0, he pulled me into a dream without a sound. Renekton sighed while recalling the conversation in the dream just now.

Lilith's "Emperor of Knowledge" feature can only be obtained when I am promoted to "Hermit". After becoming a "Hermit", I can pry the seal left by Tianzun and borrow power and status from the main body. Forget it, now only the "Knowledge Emperor" characteristic of the Church of Steam is left to choose.

After gathering his thoughts, he stood up from his seat, walked to the offering box in front, put two gold coins into it, and then turned around and left.

As soon as he reached the side of the prayer hall, he bumped into Leonard who was walking out of the church.

Leonard just subconsciously looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, then passed him directly and walked to the other side of the church.

As the two passed by, Renekton turned his head and whispered:

"It seems that grandpa is recovering well. Just in time, I have found where the things I want to steal are. Ask him when he is free and give me an answer tonight."

After saying that, he walked quickly outside the church without looking back, leaving only his back in Leonard's eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, Leonard came back to his senses, lowered his head slightly, and whispered to himself: "Old man, he"

"That impolite boy just changed his appearance." Pales' old voice interrupted Leonard's words.

"Faceless man?" Leonard reacted quickly, thinking of some information he had read within the church.

The Church of Dark Night also has the habit of cultivating "divinationists". There is no shortage of low-sequence information on this path within the church. After becoming a Red Glove, Leonard already has the authority to access most of the church's information.

In his mind, Pales's voice continued to sound:

"No, the 'Wizard' always creates some strange but effective spells. Spells that can change appearance are not very unusual. Besides, he is already a 'Sage', so it is not difficult to create some small spells by himself."

"'Sage'? Which sequence is this?" Leonard whispered to himself as he walked outside the church.

"Basically equivalent to the name of this church." Pales' voice was a little annoyed and mocking, as if he felt that Leonard's promotion speed was too slow.

Equivalent to this church. Saint Samuel? .The former Archbishop of Backlund Diocese made outstanding contributions to the spread of the goddess's faith. He entered the Kingdom of God during his lifetime and became His Excellency Saint Samuel of the Angels!

Leonard couldn't control his expression. His dark green eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly. After a moment, he reacted, restrained his expression, and walked out of the church quickly.

As soon as he walked out of the church, he couldn't help but lower his head and muttered to himself:

"Old man, are you serious? Are you sure you read it correctly? He has really become an angel?"

"That is an angel. Even in major churches, he is a legendary figure recorded in the classics."

Pales, who was parasitic in Leonard's body, snorted with some dissatisfaction:

"Humph, I haven't reached the point where my eyesight is dim yet. I'm just a Sequence 2 angel. If you work harder, you might already be a saint by now."

"How is it possible? Even if I can keep up with my promotion speed, I still won't be able to save enough contributions to redeem the potion." Leonard subconsciously retorted.

"If you choose the path of belonging to the dark night, it is destined to be difficult to be promoted. Extraordinary characteristics are limited. This path is too competitive in the Church of the Dark Night."

Pales's voice was filled with dissatisfaction, dissatisfied with Leonard for not following his advice and choosing the "Sleepless One" path.

Leonard glanced at his mouth and said nonchalantly:

"Both the 'Corpse Collector' who works with corpses all day long and the 'Soothsayer' who is like a magic stick are not suitable for me. The 'Midnight Poet' is more in line with my style."

"A poet who cannot create poetry?"

Pales's unceremonious ridicule made Leonard successful in blackening his face.

In a cheap hotel room in the East District of Backlund, Triss, wearing a men's shirt and wide-leg pants, was sitting on a wooden chair, playing with an exquisite bronze mirror in her hand.

Suddenly, the bronze mirror slipped from her hands and fell to the floor, breaking into pieces.

"There's danger!" Triss suddenly became alert and stood up from the wooden chair quickly.

Illusive black flames fell from her body, scurrying around the room like black snakes, burning all the items she came into contact with.

That bronze mirror was a gadget invented by Leppard to please her. Apart from being a portable mirror for touch-ups, its only use was that it would automatically break as a warning when danger was imminent. , somewhat similar to a danger warning, except that it is stronger than the intuition of ordinary extraordinary people.

Before the flames in the room were extinguished, a layer of white frost suddenly condensed, and the temperature in the entire room dropped rapidly. The hoarfrost quickly climbed up Tris's legs and spread to her upper body, making her body so stiff that it was difficult to move.

"How could this useless mirror come so fast?" Triss complained in a low voice while igniting illusory black flames around herself, trying to melt the frost on her body.

The next second, the flames around her suddenly lost control and surged, engulfing her whole body and making a crackling explosion.

In the center of the flames, several broken mirror fragments fell to the ground.

The mirror substitute technique that witches are best at!

At the same time, a graceful figure was outlined out of thin air near the window of the hotel room. She froze there, with the men's shirt on her body sliding down to her shoulders.

Teresa's body maintained a strange posture, with one foot standing on tiptoe and the other raised high, her hands raised one after another at the same level as her chest, as if she had fallen into a strange state of sluggishness and numbness, and her neck , an abnormal blush appears on the cheeks.

Her throat suddenly felt itchy, and she coughed uncontrollably: "Cough! Cough!"

Under the wall near the door, there is a pair of dark wooden tables and chairs, with an oval dressing mirror placed on the table.

While Triss was coughing uncontrollably, water ripples crossed the surface of the dressing mirror. The surface of the mirror suddenly became dark and dark. It seemed that there were countless things and layers of spaces hidden inside, and it became a connected mirror. The passage to the middle world.

The next moment, a figure wearing a simple and holy white robe appeared in the mirror. She emerged from the dressing mirror as if she had no actual form. She grasped the invisible silk thread with both hands, adjusted her body shape in mid-air, and pulled at the same time. Triss fell into a state of sluggishness and numbness.

".It's you, cough! cough!"

Triss looked at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in the room, with a flash of surprise in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help but cough violently.

The "White Saint" Catalina Pellet emerged from the mirror and looked at Triss with a smile in her eyes. She leaned on the edge of the table in a leisurely manner with an unconcealed sense of charm, holding the index and middle fingers of her right hand. Stirring slowly in mid-air.

Invisible threads emerged from various places under her control, binding Tris tightly, scratching her skin bit by bit, spreading the occult bacteria and viruses in the air into her body, destroying her body .

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Triss coughed harder and harder, and the sounds she made became smaller and smaller.

There was a look of distress in Catalina's eyes, and she looked at Triss with soft eyes and pity, but her soft voice seemed cold and indifferent:

"The 'assassin' is to wait patiently for the opportunity and deliver the most fatal blow to the prey at the moment when he relaxes his vigilance."

"It seems that the witch who was responsible for guiding you was not very responsible and failed in training you."


Crisp applause sounded in the corner of the room, and the two witches in the room looked at each other in astonishment.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Triss's mouth. She didn't even have the strength to look back now. Is this the suppression of a high-ranking witch? I don't even know when I was cursed.

"Is it you?" Catalina looked at the person who suddenly appeared in the corner of the room applauding. The emotions in her eyes were complicated, and in the end there was only shock and a touch of imperceptible fear.

Renekton twitched the corners of his lips, showing an insincere smile and said:

"Good evening, Ms. Catalina, we meet again."

"I didn't expect that it was you who was secretly helping Triss. No wonder I couldn't get any useful information from divination."

"How did you appear? I have been secretly observing Triss for a while, and I didn't notice your presence during this period."

As Katarina spoke, she quietly spread occult bacteria and viruses in the air. Her hair strands shook, and each strand was connected to an invisible filament.

Renekton smiled at Katarina, and the next second, his figure appeared directly behind Katarina, put his lips to her ear, and whispered:

"I am always here."

Catalina's expression suddenly became dull, and layers of murmurs echoed in her ears, as if countless insects were frantically burrowing into her mind.

Renekton looked at Katarina, who was briefly absent-minded, and raised the corner of his mouth with an indistinct arc. While he was speaking just now, he had already used the mechanical glove on his right hand to create several virtual personalities, and quietly planted seeds in the island of the other person's mind. The seeds of contagious madness.

He stretched out his right hand and patted the other party's shoulder lightly twice. The "mental plague" infected on her body broke out instantly, and all kinds of crazy and negative thoughts grew in her heart, wanting to tear up everything around her, including herself.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 565 Triss's Awakening

The mechanical glove Renekton wore on his right hand lit up with a faint brilliance. This brilliance fell on Katarina, peeling off part of her spirituality and all kinds of crazy and depraved thoughts growing in her heart, and separated them from those underneath her. Shadow union.

Under her body, the shadow filled with fallen thoughts and spirituality suddenly came to life, flowing rapidly, forming an independent creature that was somewhat similar to her, but out of control.

With the appearance of this shadow creature, the dense spiderweb-like threads in the room began to shrink and roll abnormally, as if there was a disagreement, and they were fighting against themselves.

Catalina's eyes flashed slightly as she recovered some thoughts from her absent-minded state. Black flames and white frost moved around on the illusory thin lines invisible to the naked eye, fighting against each other and destroying everything around her.


Renekton raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. The flames and frost in the room quickly became lighter and thinner, losing their original intensity. Their confrontation was always embodied in this room and could not cause much damage.

Catalina's face darkened, and she looked at the figure who was somewhat similar to herself, her eyes flashing slightly.

The movements of the strange creature, a mixture of shadows and corrupted thoughts, slowed down little by little, as if bound by invisible threads. A layer of stone gray gradually appeared on its surface until it completely turned into a gray stone statue.

Catalina looked at the stone statue standing in front of her with an ugly expression. She could no longer feel the existence of her limbs below the waist. While she was petrifying the strange shadow creature, she was also being petrified by it.

She looked at Renekton who appeared by the window and reached out to pat Triss on the back. Her voice became serious and said with some impatience that she was not even aware of:

"What did you do? Why was I so impulsive and reckless to fight with it?"

"It's just amplifying certain thoughts and emotions in your heart. Stepping into the trap so easily only shows that your accumulation in the 'Assassin' stage is not enough."

Renekton imitated Katarina's previous words and taunted her. While speaking, he continued to slap Triss on the back.

"Cough! Cough!"

Triss couldn't help but cough after being photographed, her cheeks turned red from suppressing the pain, and she kept spitting out dark red and black flesh from her mouth, filling the air with an unpleasant stench.

"Ahem~ Okay, okay, me"

Bang! Red flames mixed with pitch-black flames appeared out of thin air in the room, jumped up suddenly, not only spread outwards, but quickly engulfed the entire hotel.

The flames suddenly created chaos when they touched Renekton, forming a vortex that isolated the flames.

He glanced at the position where Catalina was just now, raised his right hand halfway, and whispered in dragon language: "Frost!"

With him as the center, streams of crystal-clear light rose up in mid-air, fell on the blazing flames, extinguished them instantly, leaving a thick layer of frost on the floor, walls, ceiling, etc., and hung a Another ice edge.

Catalina's figure has disappeared from the room, leaving only a few mirror fragments blackened by flames on the ground, and gray and white stones scattered on the ground.

"Did you let her go on purpose?" Triss looked at Renekton with some suspicion and confusion.

The latter did not answer her question and said calmly: "Nighthawks and Punishers will arrive here soon. Do you have any other hiding places?"

"Bridge South District, No. 81 Tamak Street." Triss said without hesitation one of the several strongholds she had prepared in Backlund.

Renekton nodded slightly, put a hand on her shoulder, and their figures quickly disappeared transparently.

Shortly after they left, the howling wind drowned out the noisy voices around them, and an astonishingly imposing middle-aged man fell from the wind.

He is Raydal Valentine, the new head of Backlund Parish of the Church of Storms, replacing the transferred "Singer of God" Ace Snake.

He has a very strong figure, with his loose Storm Priest robe fully stretched out. His hair is dark blue and almost black, and his earlobes are larger. His eyes seem to contain lightning and storm at all times, and he stares at the hanging hanging on the eaves of the building with undisguised anger. In the icy cheap hotel, the wind whistled in his ears, but it was not urgent, as if it was conveying some news to him.

"Fire, frost, bacteria and viruses still remain in the air. It's those witches again, huh, a group of crazy and troublesome women."

After muttering a few words in a low voice, the strong wind swirling around him suddenly became fierce, lifting his body and flying away from the neighborhood. At the end of the street, members of the Punisher Team had already arrived.

In the South District of the Bridge, No. 81 Tamak Street, a three-story building with a pointed roof and red brick wall.

The figures of Renekton and Triss were outlined out of thin air. He reluctantly took back his hand on Triss's shoulder, walked to the wall, and turned on the gas wall lamp in the room.

Triss reached out and pulled the men's shirt that slid down to her shoulders. She looked tired and whispered seductively:

"If you like it, I can let you touch it for a while longer, or you can experience real pleasure with me, as a reward for saving me just now."

Renekton took a few steps closer and looked at her. In the eyes of the other party's eager and provocative eyes, he stretched out his hand to button the men's shirt on her body one by one. He stood up the collar and wrapped her body tightly. Reality.

Ignoring Triss's confused and then angry mood, he took two steps back and said calmly:

"Rather than this kind of reward, I would rather you discount it and give it to me."

"You really are." Triss opened her mouth to say something, but thinking of the brief fight between him and Catalina just now, she swallowed back the unfinished words and said instead:

"Why did you let her go on purpose? Do you want to pity her, or are you afraid of the Witch Cult behind her?" Renekton shook his head expressionlessly and said:

"I'm just a little curious about the current status of the 'Original Witch'."

"Although I am sure to kill her, it is not something I can do easily. The vitality of the 'Eternal Witch' is as tenacious as the rats in the sewer. It can be eliminated, but it is difficult to kill her completely, not to mention that there are still people beside me. You are such a drag."

"And I have just reached a cooperation with Heiye, so it is not suitable to cause too much noise in Backlund."

Triss didn't pay attention to Renekton's words. She reached out to unbutton her shirt and turned around to walk to the closet at the end of the room.

When she approached the closet, the men's shirt on her body slipped off, revealing the snow-white skin underneath, which was looming among the loose hair, which was extremely charming.

A few red flames suddenly burst out from the men's shirt that fell to the ground, and were quickly burned out.

After taking off her shirt, she kicked off her shoes and reached for the waistband of her pants.

Renekton's throat moved. He swallowed and turned around with difficulty. He walked to the stained glass window and reached out to open the window, letting the cold night wind soothe his suddenly restless mind and body.

Sensing the movement behind her, Triss curled her lips and showed a calm and charming smile. She picked clothes in the wardrobe without moving quickly or slowly.

After almost ten minutes, she put on a black and purple palace dress and stepped on the wooden floor with her bare feet. The sound of every step seemed to be able to move people's hearts.

Renekton saw her figure through the reflection on the glass window, and said in a calm voice:

"It seems that you are quite adaptable to being a woman. Do you still want to take a new path and become an 'Iron-Blooded Knight'?"

"This is just for show." Triss defended herself with her chest rising and falling slightly.

After a second's pause, she continued:

"I have finished digesting the potion of the 'Pain Witch'. Next, you should tell me the potion formula of the 'Iron-Blooded Knight' and what are the rituals required for promotion?"

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"Of course, otherwise why would I come to you?"

"The ritual of the 'Iron-Blooded Knight' is very simple for you. Form a team of at least thirty people and cultivate a deep comradeship with them. Let them become stronger one after another and cooperate with each other tacitly. They can understand themselves based on their eyes and movements. The meaning is that they are almost one with each other, and then they form a ceremony."

"The higher the strength and tacit understanding of the team, the better the effect of the ceremony."

Triss's expression became strange, she was silent for two seconds, and finally she couldn't help but complained:

"Simple? It's quite simple for me to develop a team of at least thirty bed partners, but to become comrades with them, is this what a witch should do? Are you sure you won't become a comrade in the end?"

Renekton chuckled in response to her words:

"So the selection is very important. Backlund is not suitable for cultivating a private team now. You can choose to go to the sea or the southern continent. I will find someone to replace you here."

After a moment of silence, Triss unexpectedly rejected the proposal. She said in a calm and hoarse voice:

"I don't plan to leave Backlund until I complete my revenge. This metropolis is not just a jungle of steel and desire. A qualified 'Hunter' can be trained here."

"The awareness is good. If you can maintain this mentality, you have a high probability of becoming an 'Iron-Blooded Knight'. Once you change paths, the connection between the 'Original Witch' and you will be completely severed."

Renekton crossed his arms on his chest, commented in a calm tone, and then told her the complete potion formula of "Iron-Blooded Knight".

At the end, he added: "I asked for this potion formula from someone else, and you need to pay the price yourself."

"Of course." Triss nodded calmly.

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt her eyes blur for a moment. When she came back to her senses, Renekton's figure by the window had disappeared, and the window that was originally open had been closed.

"Already left? I didn't feel anything unusual at all. And just now, it seemed that Catalina didn't notice when he appeared and could easily suppress the Sequence Three witch. He was already an angel, or had mastered something. A powerful sealed object? Is it a pair of mechanical gloves inlaid with gems?"

After muttering to herself for a moment, Triss suddenly fell silent, sighed heavily, sat in front of the dressing table, and looked at herself in the mirror with a complicated expression.

In the West End, in a single-family house a few streets away, countless complex and pure knowledge poured out from the spiritual realm, reorganizing Renekton's figure in the living room of the room.

He looked at Leonard, who was sitting leisurely on the sofa, and chuckled:

"Don't you have to work tonight?"

(End of this chapter)