

Chapter 556 Bugs Bunny's Invention

The chubby orange cat Ritz stretched out a paw to rub his chin, and said as if he was thinking seriously:

"Hmm~ This is a bit like the mirror magic of witches, but the distance is far greater. What principle is used to achieve it?"

Bree, the cow cat on the other side, coughed lightly and said:

"It must have relied on angel-level sealed objects. Only angels and true gods can respond to prayers all over the world."

Renekton touched the mirror lightly with his finger, ignored the conversation between the two cats, and said instead:

"Have you two read the manuscript of the second-generation difference engine? If you can convert electromagnetic information, image information, and language information into each other, you can invent an engine that can operate within a wide range without extraordinary abilities. Real-time communication equipment."

"What is electromagnetic information?" Bugs Bunny, sandwiched between two craftsman cats, blinked his red eyes. He could understand every word, but when they were connected together, he couldn't understand it at all.

The prophet clone behind it squatted down, pinched its soft rabbit ears, and explained:

"The electromagnetic signals mentioned by the ontology are electromagnetic waves that carry useful information. If you want to learn more about it, you can go to the 'Golden Dream' to find Edwina for tutoring."

Bugs Bunny's furry face showed human shock, he took two steps back, shook his head and said:

"I don't want to take extra classes. There is a test required to take extra classes at the Knowledge Church!"

To Bugs Bunny's right, Bree, who was bowing her head in thought, suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted in a very excited tone:

"Hmm~ I understand. Using the computing power of the second-generation difference engine, we can record and analyze the ever-changing electromagnetic field, and then decode it according to certain rules to restore the hidden information!"

Ritz's eyes lit up on the other side, and then he jumped up and said:

"That's right! Let's go find Grant. She can become an information creature, and she must know the rules of information transformation."

The two cats quickly clapped their hands in mid-air, and then ran out of the room quickly.

Bugs Bunny looked at the two crafter cats leaving quickly with a naive expression, then turned to look up at Renekton in the mirror and asked:

"Hmm~What do they know?"

"You don't need to understand things about scientists." Renekton replied calmly. At the end, he added: "How is your 'biologist''s digestion of the potion going?"

When the digestion progress of the potion was mentioned, Bugs Bunny, who was still naive and puzzled, suddenly changed his expression. He straightened his back, raised his chin slightly and said:

"It digests very quickly. I feel like I will be able to fully digest the potion in my body in another two months."

"I have studied all the monsters from the God-Forsaken Land, and hybridized many plants with magical effects. Although there are still some flaws, they can be considered mature works."

Renekton's eyes fell on the prophet's clone in the full-length mirror, and he asked curiously:

"What did it invent?"

The prophet's clone lowered his eyes and glanced at Bugs Bunny standing at his feet, and sighed with a somewhat incomprehensible expression:

"It's hard to describe. It's better to understand it when you see it yourself."

After speaking, he reached out from his pocket and took out a handful of silver powder and sprinkled it on the mirror, then rubbed his fingers to spread spirituality.

The silvery white powder quickly adhered to the mirror surface, and soon bloomed with brilliance, making the mirror seem to be covered with a layer of water waves. Gradually, a new picture emerged on the mirror surface:

Vertical pillars wrapped with green vines stand on both sides of the quiet street. On the top of the pillars are flower buds of different sizes, clustered together to form a huge flower cluster, which requires two or three people to hug each other to surround it.

Bugs Bunny gave a timely explanation:

"These are luminous flowers. They bloom at night and emit a dazzling light. They can replace gas street lamps, which not only saves resources, but also makes them more popular."

The voice of the prophet's clone immediately sounded:

"But each of these flowers emits a different light color. In the evening breeze, the whole street turns into a discotheque."

"As long as we improve it a few times, it will definitely be fine." Bugs Bunny's retort seemed a little weak.

It looks like it has been improved more than once. Renekton sighed in his heart, and then asked: "What else?"

A wave of water spread out in the full-length mirror, and the picture quickly changed.

A leafy apple tree appears in the picture, with many green and red apples hanging on it, swaying on the branches, which makes people very appetizing. Under the tree, there are two expressions of falling on the ground. People who are frightened, foaming at the mouth, and have fainted.

Bugs Bunny raised his head and explained loudly:

"This is a frightened apple tree. As long as there are living creatures passing by, this tree will make the sound it fears most in its heart to drive them away and protect its fruits. And the more creatures it scares, the more fruits it will bear. The more delicious the apples are, the scarier ones, especially the Extraordinary ones, have the best effect."

The prophet clone continued:

"So Bugs Bunny planted the tree in the city, and now there are legends about scary ghosts circulating in the city."

"But this kind of strange apple tree is not completely useless. I transplanted them to the woods behind the school to punish students who were not serious in class. Now their learning efficiency is unexpectedly high." The picture in the mirror Things changed very quickly. In a glass greenhouse, a young female worker wearing thick earmuffs pulled a green leafy plant out of a pot, revealing a rhizome that resembled a human infant underneath.

The moment it was pulled out of the pot, the plant let out a wailing scream. The glass in the greenhouse in the picture shattered piece by piece amidst the scream. This lasted for nearly half a minute before the plant finally calm down.

"This is mandrake, my most outstanding creation. It is a panacea with extremely high medicinal value. It can also be used as an extraordinary material to prepare paralysis, sedation, hypnosis, and inducing effects. Extraordinary potions with miraculous effects, or as part of ritual magic."

When introducing Mandrake, Bugs Bunny put his hands on his hips, his head tilted back, and his voice sounded very proud.

The prophet's clone nodded in rare agreement and said:

"This kind of grass can be regarded as a living plant. It has only one negative effect. It will emit a terrifying howl comparable to the 'Scream of the Wounded Soul'. At a low sequence, it can be used as a weapon. It is difficult to plant and pick. Larger, but effective."

"Currently we can only rely on Mr. Plunk's undead creatures to grow them."

After a two-second pause, the image of the mandrake in the mirror disappeared. The prophet's clone standing in front of the mirror raised his hand and pressed the frame of the mirror, and said calmly:

"These are crops with acceptable side effects and are generally more practical. In addition to these, it has also hybridized to produce tasteless coffee, and eggs with pairs of wings growing out of the eggshell, which cannot be cut with a knife. Tomatoes, vines that spray water everywhere, mushrooms that need meat."

"These are all things I improved after carefully collecting everyone's opinions. They said they wanted a way to wake up without drinking coffee. They like to eat chicken wings. They also complained to me that tomatoes are inconvenient to transport and they don't want to eat them every day. Everybody cleans the room."

"It's all because they didn't express their needs accurately, and I failed."

Bugs Bunny's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, and he gradually lowered his head, pouting, and looking at Renekton in front of him from time to time.

"." After a moment of silence, Renekton praised with a sincere expression: "You are a genius. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, being able to hybridize these things is a skill in itself."

Bugs Bunny twitched the corners of his mouth and showed an exaggerated smile: "Of course! I want to become a 'Nature Walker' rabbit!"

".as long as you are happy."

Renekton looked at the prophet clone standing behind Bugs Bunny, with a strange expression on his face, and communicated with him with his eyes:

"Are you fooling it again?"

"It didn't even ask me what the previous sequence of 'Natural Walker' was called."

The prophet clone shrugged his shoulders, and then changed the topic: "Why did you contact me suddenly because you need me to come forward?"

Renekton twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his right hand wearing a mechanical glove, and chuckled:

"Ask Sasril for me and see if I can get a copy of the Sequence 4 or 3 'Hanged Man' path characteristics. I plan to inlay a few gems on the gloves to make them achieve an inferior version of 'omniscience and omnipotence' "

"By the way, help me raise 15000 pounds in cash so that the Rabbit of Knowledge can be handed over directly to Lawrence. I purchased a magical item corresponding to the 'Traveler' from him."

The clone of the prophet in the mirror raised his hand and pressed his forehead, and said with a big head:

"Infinity Gauntlet? Why, do you also want to try the feeling of making half the people on this planet disappear with a snap of your fingers?"

"There are six gems in the Infinity Gauntlet. In addition to 'omniscience and omnipotence', what else do you plan to put on it? Can the glove on your hand coordinate the conflicts between so many characteristics?"

"Also, next time you have such a large-amount transaction, say hello to me in advance. Don't overestimate your wealth. The Pas Valley is a huge pit that cannot be filled. We do not have sufficient liquidity. "

"Definitely next time." Renekton waved his hand, and then continued: "That's why we need to find the characteristics of the 'Hanged Man' path first, and use the ability of 'grazing' to be compatible with the other characteristics. The gloves themselves only have to reduce negative effects."

The prophet clone nodded expressionlessly and said:

"For us, knowledge is power. As long as we master the corresponding knowledge, we can easily use extraordinary abilities in different fields."

"This inferior version of 'omniscient and omnipotent' can only be regarded as a toy to you, why not give it to me, I can become the most comprehensive and powerful saint."

"When I have enough fun, I can consider lending it to you." Renekton responded with a slight nod, and then directly cut off the contact this time.

The water in the full-length mirror swayed twice, and the reflected image dissipated, and the hotel room and Renekton's figures reappeared.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 557 Middlemen

Deep in the spiritual world, in a complex of brass-colored buildings with many classical bell towers and stone pillars, a hazy light composed of countless complicated information surged closer and passed directly through the walls and roofs. Inside the library, Renekton's body was reorganized from streams of complex and pure knowledge.

As soon as his figure solidified, Renekton saw many translucent rabbit-shaped spirits swimming around in the air, holding books larger than their bodies in their hands and passing them to each other.

Next to Renekton, Mr. Huang, holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, quietly appeared aside. He looked at the Knowledge Rabbits busy around him with warm eyes, and said in a calm voice:

"Although they don't like to talk, they still make this place lively. And with a little training, they are fully capable of doing my previous job."

Renekton glanced at Mr. Huang thoughtfully. The appearance of the other party did not arouse his attention or vigilance at all. They were both Angels of Sequence 2. The Rabbit of Knowledge did all the work, and you are responsible for drinking it every day. Read the newspaper over coffee?

Feeling the curse sliding through Renekton's heart, Mr. Huang chuckled and said:

"As the administrator of the library, isn't it normal for me to have some privileges here?"

Nodding silently, Renekton stopped dwelling on this topic and said instead:

"I didn't find the characteristics of the third 'Emperor of Knowledge' in the Land Abandoned by the Gods. Is it hidden by someone?"

Mr. Huang took two steps forward thoughtfully while holding the coffee cup, and then said:

"There are not many people who can prevent you from finding it. Perhaps, you can ask the 'Mother of Secrets'. In exchange, she will most likely let you go to Calderon City and get some." The river of eternal darkness."

Renekton shook his head and said:

"The 'River of Eternal Darkness' represents absolute, eternal death, the end of all things. Ordinary things cannot carry its river water at all. Even the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence One will be polluted by it."

Mr. Huang stopped and looked deeply into the depths of the spiritual world through the bookshelves and walls of the library. His eyes were covered with a thick, cold silvery white.

After a moment, his eyes became clear again and he said in an extremely calm tone:

"Knight has been planning the legacy of the God of Death. I can see that the son of the God of Death will find himself at some point. There is a high probability that Heiye will take the opportunity to find the uniqueness of the God of Death."

Renekton nodded in agreement and said, "Among the seven gods, Night is the one most likely to become the Old One."

After a pause, he added:

"But He shouldn't feel comfortable letting a unique thing that is important to Him pass through my hands, just like the 'True Creator' doesn't dare to let me touch the first blasphemous slate, even if I don't need these things, they You must also be prepared for the possibility of me doing something secretly."

Mr. Huang nodded slightly and ignored the topic, and asked instead: "Why did you come to me for anything else?"

Renekton touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment and said, "I want the characteristics of a 'prophet' and a 'insighter'. What should I give you in exchange for them?"

Mr. Huang was silent for two seconds before saying:

"If you can find the characteristics of the adjacent pathway at the same level, I can separate a copy of the characteristics for you, but there is only one copy. The characteristics of the 'White Tower' pathway are in short supply, and it is difficult to meet the needs within the church."

Reckon nodded clearly and then asked:

"Can I buy from you information about demigods or magical items outside of the 'White Tower' path outside the church? If so, what price do I need to pay?"

Mr. Huang calmly shook his head and said:

"There is no cost. Retrieving the scattered attributes is a good thing for the church. Our Lord does not mind the ownership of the attributes."

"The Church of Storms and the Twilight Hermits both have their own 'prophet'. There are not many magical items in this way. Most of them have been recycled by the church through trading and other methods. Only the Church of the Eternal Fierce Sun and the Mother Earth Parts of the Church of God and the Church of the Lord of Storms were not recycled."

After a second's pause, Mr. Huang looked at Renekton's thoughtful expression and asked with a smile, "It seems you already have an idea?"

Renekton nodded calmly and said: "I will find a copy of the characteristics of the 'Dream Weaver' and exchange them for the 'Insighter' with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly became empty and decomposed into streams of complex and pure knowledge, surging out of the spiritual world like a torrent.

Back at the hotel in Constant City, Renekton looked at the lunch and wine left by the hotel waiter on the table, walked over quickly, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Before he could pick up the tableware, a thick gray mist suddenly poured out of his field of vision. Deep red light rose up in the gray mist, condensing into a blurry figure half lying on an easy chair, with black hair and red eyes. He is a handsome man who looks serious and somewhat dashing. He looks about 27 or 28 years old.

Emlyn White? Renekton recognized the figure on the easy chair at a glance. He hesitated for a moment before remembering the deal he had told the other party before. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Is the recovery efficiency of your vampire clan too slow?

As if responding to his thoughts, Emlyn White's voice echoed in his ears:

"Dear Mr. Fool, please help me tell Mr. White Tower that we vampires have agreed to the deal he proposed. We will buy the characteristics he helped us recover from the land abandoned by the gods at market prices, or use them to wait. Exchange of valuable things." After Emlyn finished speaking, the figure condensed by the crimson light disappeared instantly.

Then Klein's voice echoed in his ears: "Do you want to refuse?"

"No, reply for me, I agree." Renekton shook his head slightly, and then added: "Contact Little Sun for me. I would like to ask their chief to help me hunt some vampires. It would be best to have someone At the demigod level, I will buy it at the right price and find a way to help them collect the 'Silver Knight' potion formula."

Above the gray fog, Klein, who was sitting on a high-backed chair, twitched the corner of his mouth and complained silently in his heart: He actually used the information gap as a middleman. Why didn't I think of this operation before? Sure enough, I am still too kind.

After a moment of silence, he replied with a nice word, and immediately cut off contact with Renekton.

In the hotel, Renekton enjoyed the lunch provided by the hotel, rested for a while, and then went out directly.

Located in the Fountain Square in front of Yunwu Church, because most tourists and residents are still dining, although there are many people here, it is not crowded.

Renekton walked on the gray and white marble floor painted with patterns of wind, waves and ships. He felt some inexplicable feelings in his heart. Obviously my relationship with the Church of Storms can be said to be the worst, but the number of times I have been to the Church of Storms is the most times except for the Church of Knowledge. the most.

While sighing, he had already seen Sean looking back and forth at the fountain. He chuckled, approached from behind, reached out and patted Sean on the head and said:

"You came early. Have you had lunch?"

Sean lowered his head and turned around, complaining: "Don't touch your head, you won't grow taller!"

"Are you worried that I will just take the money and leave? I'm not that kind of person. We people in the sea always keep our promises."

Renekton looked at Sean, who had a serious look on his face, and couldn't help but hit him:

"Didn't your father tell you that in the vast sea, the most important thing to guard against is people?"

For the entire afternoon that followed, Renekton played around with the celebrations here under the leadership of Sean. Although he did not personally participate in them, he felt the emotions of the people around him and could feel his state changing little by little. good.

No wonder every church has its own festival. This is not only a rare time for people to relax, but it can also deepen the anchor of the gods and relax their suppressed emotions.

While sighing, a rabbit of knowledge wearing a gray-blue vest emerged from the spiritual world.

A bright-eyed rabbit pattern is drawn on its left chest, and its hands hold a dark leather briefcase and an iron-gray metal small box.

Renekton glanced at the briefcase and the small metal box, and saw the banknotes neatly placed inside, as well as the extraordinary characteristics of the "Black Knight". The efficiency was so fast, Saslier separated a copy of the characteristics on the spot come out?

The Rabbit of Knowledge jumped up and handed the leather briefcase and the small iron-gray box to Renekton, while saying in a childish voice:

"Postage, 3 pounds, or a piece of occult knowledge."

He grumbled in his mind that he had to pay for things he sent himself. Renekton lowered his eyes, stars twinkling in his eyes, reflecting a bright galaxy.

As he and the Knowledge Rabbit looked at each other, the twinkling stars in his eyes were reflected in the Knowledge Rabbit's eyes, and bits and pieces of knowledge were poured into the Knowledge Rabbit's mind.

This process did not last long. In the eyes of the surrounding pedestrians, Renekton just stopped suddenly and stared at the place in front of him in concentration for a while.

Except for Sean, his young face was full of shock, his eyes widened as he stared at the location of the Knowledge Rabbit, and emotions of excitement, curiosity, doubt, and fear were changing on his face.

It wasn't until the Rabbit of Knowledge left that he slowly came back to his senses. He looked at Renekton curiously, and his words became incoherent with excitement:

"Is it a rabbit? What was that just now? It, and you."

Renekton put the index finger of his left hand up to his mouth, making a silent gesture. Sean immediately reached out to cover his mouth knowingly, and nodded lightly towards Renekton, as if to say: I will keep it secret for you. of!

Renekton chuckled and said, "It's called the Rabbit of Knowledge, and it's the postman in the mysterious world."

"You have a small amount of characteristics inherited from your parents. You can be considered as half an extraordinary person, so you can see it. If you master the correct ritual, you can also summon it."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 558 The Black Seat King

Sean immediately asked: "What are characteristics? Are Extraordinaries people with superpowers? But I don't have any abilities. Can this be considered half an Extraordinary? Also, and also, can I learn to summon just now?" That rabbit ritual?"

Renekton chuckled and touched his head and said, "Yes, but any knowledge is not free. You can't afford it now."

"As for extraordinary people, your physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people. Moreover, isn't it an ability that you can see the Rabbit of Knowledge?"

After a pause, he added: "If we can meet again next time, I can directly tell you the ritual of summoning the Rabbit of Knowledge."

Sean's eyes lit up and he asked with anticipation: "The next time we meet, tomorrow will be our next meeting, right?"

Renekton shook his head and said, "No, the next time we meet is after I leave Constant City."

Sean glanced at his mouth and continued to ask: "Then when will you come to Constant City next time? Is it the Kaiyang Festival next year?"

Lake pondered and replied: "Maybe, or maybe it will be longer."

"Okay." Sean lowered his head and said in a very disappointed tone.

After parting ways with Sean, Renekton went directly to Lawrence and obtained the magical item called the Magic Chalk Box from him.

Then he entered the spiritual world directly, rushing through the spiritual world like a torrent of information. Following his own intuition, he soon came to the easternmost part of the Sea of ​​Mist, an island called Shoggoth Island. .

This is an island colonized by the Kingdom of Feneport, close to the Raging Sea. Before Russell discovered the safe channel, it was the main channel between the north and south continents. However, with the emergence of the safe channel, the focus of the major churches and kingdoms shifted. , the island gradually declined and became a gathering place for pirates and adventurers.

Renekton wandered aimlessly on the streets of the city for a while, and soon discovered several mid- and low-sequence Beyonders in this small city that the audience passed by.

"It seems that we have come to the right place. The next step is to find the hidden 'Black Throne'."

While muttering to himself in a low voice, Renekton's body quickly disintegrated into streams of complex knowledge, turning into a pure information flow creature that circled the sea around Shoggoth Island.

Through the observation of the surrounding sea area with his "eye of voyeurism", he quickly discovered the "Black Throne" in the "dead spot of consciousness" from the flow of ocean currents.

As it was observed, the psychological invisibility effect on the "Black Throne" was instantly broken, and it appeared completely in Renekton's eyes.

This is a huge five-masted sailboat that is mainly black, with an indescribable sense of majesty that makes people feel fear for no reason, making people want to run away and stay away.

It exceeds two hundred meters from front to back, and is larger than the "Death" in Sequence 3 of the Abyss Passage. On the huge sail in the middle is a giant dragon head with long curved goat horns.

The moment he actually saw the "Black Throne", a lot of information about the ship emerged in Renekton's mind. This was information that he had already mastered but subconsciously ignored.

"The Black Throne" is a ghost ship from the Trunsoest Empire in the Fourth Age. It is suspected to have integrated the "Punishing Knight" characteristics of the "Judger" pathway sequence five. On this ship, the attacks released will be weakened and subject to The damage will be enhanced, and this limit will gradually become stronger over time.

The "King of the Black Seat", Barrows Hopkins, remained in the "Garden of Eden", and he was active in the outside world under different identities.

As he recalled more information in his mind, a dim light that was difficult to observe with the naked eye emerged in the captain's cabin of the "Black Throne", and Renekton's body was reconstructed from the complex and pure knowledge.

He looked at the old man in front of him with a smile and a look of astonishment in his eyes, and said in a calm voice:

"I came here to seek the characteristics of the 'Dream Weaver', but when I saw the 'Black Throne' just now, I remembered that you are active in the outside world with different identities, not the real body, which makes me a little difficult. Do it!"

In front of Renekton, Barrows Hopkins, who was wearing a straight black evening gown with some wrinkles on his forehead and an abnormally pale face, suddenly turned into dark golden vertical pupils.

The violent wind sound emerged in the captain's room, which seemed to come from reality, but also seemed to come from illusion.

The wind blows in all directions with some strong will, affecting the body, mind and spirit of the people around it, as if facing an extremely terrifying dragon, making it difficult for people to control themselves.

At the same time, in the surrounding collective subconscious sea, various mental illnesses and extreme madness emerged one after another, becoming extremely active, wantonly eroding and infecting the surrounding islands of consciousness.

Renekton looked at the "King of the Black Seat" in front of him expressionlessly. His body became a little illusory, as if it didn't exist at all, and was completely unaffected by the "Plague Storm".

After two seconds of silence, Renekton suddenly turned his gaze towards the bay window of the captain's cabin and smiled silently.

Then he magically flipped his wrist and took out a lit match. Silently, the surroundings became unusually quiet, and the deep darkness flooded the surroundings. The surroundings instantly became unusually quiet, and even the sounds of the waves and the roaring wind disappeared, as if they were pulling everything around them into the deepest. Like a deep dream.

This state lasted for less than a second. The dazzling sunlight penetrated the heavy darkness and illuminated the surroundings. Giant dragons, wolves, and giants exuding terrifying majesty appeared all around, and they surrounded them with ferocious faces. Keton, as if his body was going to be torn apart in the next moment.

Barros Hopkins used the mysterious reappearance that Renekton had just used to weave a dream, covering the original illusion and making it no longer false.

Renekton ignored the phantoms woven out of the dream and slowly approached Barros Hopkins in front of him.

Following his movements, pieces of pure white, illusory feathers quickly condensed behind him, spreading their white and wide wings.

His body instantly turned into a black mass with countless eyes, full of madness, venting the atmosphere of destruction, ominousness, disaster, etc.

The moment the mythical creature form appeared, the dream weaved by Barrows Hopkins was shattered, and the surrounding environment returned to the captain's cabin again.

Between the gaps in the floor under your feet, in the shadows of items, and even on the dust floating in the air, there are eyes full of madness. They wantonly vent destruction and madness, emitting sounds that are difficult to isolate and affecting people's minds. The sound of babble.

Before Barrows Hopkins could make an effective resistance, there were evil green vines hanging from the air around him, covering the surrounding area like a heavy rain.

They intertwined and intertwined, quickly forming a twisted and crazy forest, making a tooth-wrenching squeaking sound. Countless complicated and useless knowledge was like crazy insects, scrambling to get into his head.

He hugged his head tightly with both hands, tightened his fingers hard, and dug his nails into his scalp, flowing out gurgling red blood. His body twisted and struggled on the ground.

During this process, his eyes became cloudy, his pupils became light golden and vertical, his limbs began to swell and gradually became a little stubby, dense gray-white scales appeared on the surface of his skin, and his back bulged high, as if there was something there. To break through flesh and blood and get out of his body.

At a certain moment, the eyes of Burrows Hopkins, who was struggling on the ground, suddenly became clear, as if he was a different person. He shouted in a hoarse, interfering voice:

".A. Adam."

"It's useless. This is a hidden realm. Adam can't hear your voice unless he has become a 'dreamer' now."

Renekton taunted Barros Hopkins in a low voice, and his voice turned into an unintelligible and unbearable babble in the other man's ears.

Barrows Hopkins' eyes are sometimes clear and sometimes crazy. Each of his virtual personalities is affected by nonsense and madness, and is driven crazy by the knowledge that is constantly poured into his head.

In this state, it was difficult for him to make effective resistance, or even use his extraordinary abilities. The eyes around him that were venting madness, destruction, ominousness, disaster, etc. could always interrupt his attempts to save himself.


".Kill me! Kill me!"

After a period of painful wailing, Barrows Hopkins completely lost his human form. He turned into a lizard-like monster covered with gray and white stone scales. There were two squirming flesh bumps on his back, and the scales on his body were cracked. A series of gaps were opened, and crazy and evil eyes grew out of them.

The black mass covered with countless eyes shrank inward, reappearing Renekton's human form. He quietly stared at the lizard-like monster that fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep, but its body was still squirming.

Many of the previously fictional personalities of Barrows Hopkins fell into endless madness under the influence of Renekton. They dragged the main personality of Barrows Hopkins into a dream and began to interact with each other. Fight.

"As long as you find the right way to deal with it, the 'spectator' can easily lose control during the battle."

Renekton sighed in a low voice, raised his hand, summoned an invisible servant, and took a few spiritual insects harvested from the marionette of "Dark Demonic Wolf" Kotal.

The white translucent worm was held in Renekton's hand, and a bright and twinkling galaxy was reflected in his eyes.

Gradually, bits of starlight appeared on the spirit insect he held in his hand, and then turned into a pale white stream of light and disappeared into the body of Barros Hopkins, who was twisting and struggling on the floor.

After a while, Barrows Hopkins, who had completely transformed into a monster, gradually returned to his human body. Except for the damaged clothes on his body, he looked no different from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 559 Garden of Eden

Renekton briefly turned Barrows Hopkins into a marionette through the remaining spirituality of the spiritual worm from the "Dark Demonic Wolf". However, because he was not a "marine master", he was not interested in this marionette. Only simple control can be achieved.

He tried to let Barrows Hopkins impose a "pacification" on him to calm his spirit that had been eroded by the residual effects of the "Plague Storm".

With the use of "Appeasement", Renekton clearly felt that his control over the secret puppet had declined. It seemed that after two more attempts, the remaining spirituality in the "Dark Demonic Wolf"'s spiritual insect would be exhausted. All.

The green vines intertwined into the surrounding forest quickly retracted, and the surrounding partitioned space reintegrated with the captain's room.

The sound of running feet could be heard on the outer deck. After the impact of the previous "Plague Storm" and Renekton's mythical creature form on the "Black Throne" subsided, some higher-ranking crew members had already reacted. , and tried to approach the captain's cabin.

Renekton ignored the people outside the captain's room and placed a hand on the shoulder of Barros Hopkins who had turned into a marionette. Their bodies instantly became blurred and transparent and disappeared into the captain's room.

Barrows Hopkins led Renekton through the dream world quickly, and soon came to the depths of the dream world, a city made up of a mixture of various emotions, desires and subconsciousness.

The people here wear crisp suits and dresses, but have the heads of various animals on their necks. Each of them seems to represent a human emotion and desire.

Resisting the urge to look at, analyze and record all kinds of information in the city, Renekton reluctantly controlled the marionette-turned-Barros Hopkins to get closer to the depths of the city.

In the center of the city, in a broad hall dominated by bright yellow and with towering gray stone pillars inlaid with gold on both sides, an old man with light yellow eyebrows, dark gold eyes, and his hair neatly combed back was pacing in the center of the hall uneasily.

He is the body left in the Garden of Eden by the "King of the Black Seat" Barrows Hopkins, and he is also the deceased former president of Backlund Medical College and royal medical advisor Paulie Dellaw.

His forehead, which already had many wrinkles, appeared to be deeper because of his frown, and his face looked abnormally pale.

"What's going on? Why do I have a strong sense of uneasiness?"

As soon as he whispered, the originally bright hall suddenly dimmed, and the twinkling stars fell down one by one, exuding a sense of silence and tranquility.


The sound of flesh hitting the stone slabs sounded behind him. He turned around subconsciously and saw his naked self falling onto the gray stone floor, cracking the floor and causing blood to fly from the body. The grayish character begins to develop little by little.

Pieces of white, illusory feathers fell from the mid-air, tainted with the atmosphere of madness, destruction, ominousness, disaster, etc.

"Good evening, Mr. Pauli Dellaw, I came to you to ask for a copy of the properties of the 'Dream Weaver'. I hope you don't mind."

Renekton's whispers echoed in his ears, full of madness and chaos, making him feel as if every organ in his body was coming to life, causing a tearing pain, and his brain briefly lost all thought. ability.


Circles of ripples burst out from the surrounding falling stars, colliding with each other and stirring together, making sharp and harsh sounds.

The sound sounded like countless innocent souls screaming in the ears, directly piercing the spirit body, causing the person's spirit body to vibrate with the frequency of the sound, as if it would collapse at any time.

Crazy and evil eyes sprouted from the surrounding air, and each eye reflected a bright galaxy, as if containing countless knowledge, swarming into Pauli Dellaw's mind.

The continuous blows to the spirit and brain caused all of Paulie Dellau's virtual personalities to fall into chaos, which showed that his whole person fell into a state of confusion.

In this state, it is difficult for him to have the energy to observe more details and make precise operations.

Pauli Dellaw fell to the ground, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, gray scales emerging from under his skin, and his whole body began to twist abnormally.

The next moment, his entire body suddenly swelled, gray scales covered his body, his pupils became vertical, huge curved goat horns sprouted from his head, his back bulged high, and he kept making the sound of flesh being torn apart.

He completed his transformation in a very short period of time, transforming into an underdeveloped gray-white dragon.

The huge covered wings are connected to the forelimbs, making it difficult to fly, but it also gives its forelimbs a larger striking area.


A roar like the roar of a giant dragon sounded, and an invisible transparent breath spurted out from its mouth, as if it could tear the spirit apart and pierce the spiritual body.

The invisible transparent breath passed directly through Renekton's body, and his body quickly shattered and disappeared, leaving only a playing card the size of a playing card. On the front of the card is an old man in a robe, holding a lamp and a cane. In the upper left corner, there are a few words written in ancient Fusac language: Sequence 0: Hermit.

This was an illusion created by Renekton using the Hermit card, and it successfully deceived the "King of the Black Seat" who was not in good condition.

The next moment, a black ball with countless eyes appeared directly in front of the dragon transformed by Paulie Dellaw. Each eye on the black ball of thread was clearly reflected in the dark gold vertical pupils of the dragon. .

A huge and chaotic flow of information was instantly poured into the dragon's head. The dark golden vertical pupils bulged sharply, and the scarlet blood vessels were also highlighted, as if the dragon's head was about to explode entirely.

Much of the information poured into the mind of the dragon-turned-Pauli Dellaw is "living knowledge". It is difficult to resist and defend. It will spontaneously drill into the mind of the creature and reveal the information it contains. Most of this information is highly polluting.


Blood rushed to his head rapidly, and he gasped heavily from his neck covered with gray scales, as if he was overwhelmed.

Renekton withdrew his mythical creature form and placed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove on the gray scales of Pauli Dellaw.

His dragon-shaped body began to turn red and hot, the scales on his body fell off abnormally, and the water in his body began to lose rapidly, gradually developing into a mummy.


The violent pupils made him regain consciousness briefly, and he let out a roar with complicated emotions.

Renekton's body disintegrated in an instant, and violent wind sounds followed. It seemed to come from reality, but also seemed to come from illusion, easily penetrating his body.

The sound of the wind carries strong emotions such as anger, fear, and uneasiness, which seems to shock people's body, mind, and spirit. It blows in all directions, and then quickly disappears among the twinkling stars around it.

After the "Mind Deprivation" where Pauli Dellaw made his final struggle disappeared, Renekton raised his hand and pulled out an ancient-style handful from the void. From the tip to the handle, there were blob after blob, and bits and bits of blood. Dark red spear.

The spear easily penetrated the dragon's surface skin, tore his flesh and blood, and pierced his heart.

The gray-white dragon's eyes became clear for a moment as he fell into chaos and madness. His body became stiff and his aura dropped off a cliff.

The gray-white dragon's lizard-like head murmured hoarsely and weakly:

"How can it be."

"You are too confident in yourself and the Garden of Eden. I just amplified some of your emotions and easily affected your thinking and judgment, making you completely forget about escaping, forgetting to use magical items, and forgetting to delay time. "

Renekton's almost murmuring voice fell into Pauli Dellaw's ears, and his dark golden vertical pupils seemed to finally be unable to bear it any longer, and they burst open, with scarlet and milky white things mixed together.

Renekton wasted no time, squatted down, and placed the mechanical glove on his right hand against the dragon's gray skin.

Silently, the dragon's body began to crack bit by bit, turning into pieces and falling to the ground, and even the color quickly dissipated like evaporation.

During this process, gray-white light spots continued to separate from the dragon's corpse, floating rapidly in the air, turning into a pale white vortex, swarming inwards.

As the dragon's corpse completely disappeared, the extraordinary characteristics that emerged from his body were also fully formed. It was a gray-white brain tissue, and the folds on it outlined complex and three-dimensional mysterious symbols one after another, which extended into the flesh and blood. , extending to the surrounding void, as if intertwined into something that does not belong to the real world.

On the ground not far away, there is a dark matte leather glove with dark red evil patterns engraved on it. Just looking at it makes people feel that emotions and desires are rising.

The moment he saw this glove, Renekton seemed to understand something, and whispered to himself in a mocking voice:

"Are you affected by the negative effects of your own magical items? No wonder I used the characteristics of the 'Fallen Earl' to affect my thinking and judgment so easily."

While speaking, he summoned two invisible hands and picked up the identity-separated characteristics of the "King of the Black Seat" from the ground together with the pitch-black glove.

The characteristics of the "King of the Black Seat" belong to the "Manipulator". It is the size of a fist and looks like a heart, but its surface is covered with gray and white wrinkles, like a different type of brain.

On each fold, there are countless symbols and strange patterns that extend layer by layer, penetrating into the surrounding environment and connecting to a world that is difficult for extraordinary people to see through other means.

Lowering his head and looking at the two characteristics in his hands, Renekton called out two invisible servants holding metal iron boxes, put the characteristics into the metal boxes he had prepared, and then the invisible servants took them away and stored them.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 560 Sigh

After the invisible servant withdrew with two characteristics from the president of the Psychological Alchemy Society, Renekton turned his head and glanced at the pile of dark gray crumbs on the ground, his eyes flashing.

In addition to the "King of the Black Seat" Barros Hopkins, as well as the former president of Backlund Medical College and royal medical advisor Pauli Dellaw, he also has Eric Drake, a well-known hermit in the Central Sunian Sea. It is really difficult to kill all the saints who are "audience"!


A long, deep sigh penetrated the hidden space created by the surrounding stars and echoed in Renekton's ears, making his mind go blank for a moment.

While sighing secretly in his heart, Renekton squeezed the jet-black leather glove with his left hand. The glove shattered in his hand and broke into dots of red and light blue fluorescence, floating in the air.

The dazzling sunlight appears from the outside world, just like dawn driving away the night, easily penetrating the twinkling stars around, destroying the "secretness" here.

In the dazzling sunlight, Renekton saw a somewhat blurry figure. He was wearing a simple white robe, with a light golden beard that covered the lower half of his face, and a cross pendant hanging on his chest, like the most beautiful figure in the world. Ordinary priest.

Renekton took a faint look at Adam who appeared in front of him. He said nothing, but gently poked his fingers, letting the characteristics extracted from the glove quickly overflow and flow to various places in the Garden of Eden.

This is the characteristic of the 'devil'. As those characteristic light spots spread to various places in the Garden of Eden, the originally peaceful expression here was gradually torn apart in an instant, and various emotions and desires rose abnormally.

Adam's figure quickly became clear. He looked at Renekton with a warm smile on his face, as if he didn't care about his actions just now, and said in a calm voice:

"When we first meet, should I call you the new-born 'sage', or the incarnation of the 'wilderness of knowledge'?"

"Can you tell?" Renekton looked at Adam with some surprise, and then chuckled a little suddenly: "Yes, after all, he is the person who once mastered the 'Sea of ​​Chaos'."

The moment the words fell, his body suddenly disappeared, decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, and turned into a pure information flow creature, far away from the Garden of Eden and the dream world in a torrent-like manner.

Adam still kept a warm smile on his face, as if nothing could affect his emotions.

He looked at Renekton calmly, and his voice echoed throughout the dream world and reached Renekton's ears easily:

"Perhaps, we can have a chat. I think you need a new, unique humanity of your own."

Adam's voice echoed in his ears, and Renekton, who was maintaining the flow of information, had the idea of ​​stopping and continuing to talk to the other party, and it became more and more intense.

This thought did not make Renekton stop moving away from the dream world, but instead he ran faster.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam just glanced in the direction Renekton was away from, and quickly looked away without pursuing him.

He turned around and looked in other directions of the Garden of Eden, sighing softly.

The surrounding emotions and desires that were originally rising abnormally due to the characteristics of the "devil" suddenly calmed down, like a pool of stagnant water, unable to make a single ripple on the calm lake.

Dots of red and light blue fluorescence emerged from everywhere in the Garden of Eden and slowly gathered in Adam's hand.

In the hotel in Kangston City, Jianhai County, Renekton's figure was reorganized in the complex and pure knowledge.

As soon as the figure emerged, thick green pea vines began to hang down from the ceiling of the room, quickly covering his body and pulling him into a green forest.

In the space isolated from the outside world created by the mysterious reappearance, Renekton once again transformed himself into an information form, checking his own transformation bit by bit.

He wasn't sure if Adam appeared after that sigh or if he discovered him and rushed over shortly after he arrived in the Garden of Eden.

That was the King of Angels who was closest to the position of "visionary". As a person who appeared at the scene, Renekton had no confidence that he could see through the other party's psychological invisibility.

After checking to confirm that his mind and consciousness were not disturbed by the unknown, the complex and pure knowledge reorganized Renekton's body. At the same time, the vines surrounding the green forest quickly retracted, allowing his body to return to the hotel room in reality. Inside.

He pulled out a chair from the desk and sat down. He tapped his right hand twice on the wooden desk table. Several invisible servants appeared behind him and placed the iron boxes in their hands on the table. Then disappear again.

Renekton breathed a sigh of relief and waved to himself. The iron boxes were opened one by one, and the characteristics stored inside flew out one after another and slowly rotated around him.

The mechanical glove he wore on his right hand spontaneously cracked a gap in the palm of his hand. The inside was filled with gears that meshed tightly with each other, rattling and turning, like a mouthpart that slowly devoured everything.

Following his thoughts, a heart that seemed to be composed of countless dark shadows spontaneously fell into the palm of his right hand and was held tightly by him.

Click! Click!

The sound of mechanical operation became clearer, as if something was constantly being torn apart. The dark heart he held in his hand melted little by little, turning into slender translucent shadows that flowed into the gloves.

Within a moment, the characteristics he held in his hand completely disappeared. At the same time, the strange symbols engraved on the bronze mechanical gloves changed slightly. On the back of the hand, there was an extra black star with a rose inside. shaped crimson blooming gemstone.

Around the gem, there is a pattern of cold, indifferent eyes without eyelashes, and the gem is like a pupil dotting it.

After sizing up the gem on the back of his hand for a moment, he suddenly stretched out his right hand forward and held it in the air.

The shadows in the room suddenly came to life, flooding up like water, condensing into dark shackles, and then instantly shattered, turning into the most ordinary shadows, flowing under the floor and between the cracks in the walls.

Withdrawing his right hand, Renekton quietly looked at the mechanical glove for a while. The deep and concentrated lilac in his eyes passed by, and he quickly understood the changes in this glove after adding the "Black Knight" feature.

"The negative effects have almost not changed, but the characteristics of being alive have been strengthened. Every day, I pray to the "knowledge wilderness" and like to acquire knowledge and spread knowledge."

After muttering in a low voice, Renekton immediately controlled the characteristics of the "Manipulator" and "Corrupted Earl" floating in the air, and successively integrated them into the mechanical gloves on his hands, turning into gray and dark red gems respectively. It is embedded slightly below the knuckles of the middle finger and ring finger, and is dotted with tiny symbols and patterns. It looks like stars surrounding the eye below.

Taking advantage of the "Black Knight" characteristic "herding" ability, these two additional characteristics do not increase the negative effects of this glove, but only allow it to master a lot of mystical knowledge about the mind, order, etc., to a certain extent. Added to its aliveness.

It seemed that Renekton's thoughts had disturbed the gloves on his hands. The three gems inlaid on the back of his hands shone with a cold light, as if they were blinking. Then a relatively high-pitched, childish voice came out:

"Great Master, I can create many virtual personalities for you, so that they have corresponding mental bodies. This can not only resist many influences in the spiritual field, but also help you quickly complete spell casting, and even achieve the effect of multiple spell casts."

"Not bad." Renekton praised in a low voice.

The extraordinary ability of "virtual personality" is one of the abilities he has always longed to possess. For the "Secret Peeper" whose main method is casting spells, "virtual personality" is like turning a small pistol into a heavy machine gun.

The thin, childish voice continued:

"Great Master, I can also help you achieve "conscious walking", allowing your consciousness and spiritual body to swim in the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, but you cannot bring your body into it."

"It's not a difficult question for me."

As Renekton spoke, he leaned back and leaned against the back of the chair. He held the remaining "Dream Weaver" attribute in his left hand, and gently rubbed his fingers with his right hand wearing a mechanical glove, creating one brilliant star after another. The golden stars emit circles of warm radiance with a strong purifying effect.

As the "purification" continued, bits and pieces of pale fluorescence began to separate from the characteristics of the "Dream Weaver".

After about half an hour, the characteristics belonging to the "Dream Weaver" were separated out individually. The remaining characteristics, which were full of Sequence Nine to Sequence Four, were put into the metal box again and handed over to the invisible servant to take them away.

"Sure enough, murder and arson are the fastest ways to get rich. No wonder everyone wants to be Gehrman Sparrow."

While sighing in a low voice, his body instantly became blurred and decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, drilling into the depths of the spiritual world.

Soon he came to the library located deep in the spiritual world.

The library seemed to be particularly lively tonight, and here he saw "Orange Light" Hilarion, whom he had met before.

When he returned to the spirit world, his image had changed a lot. He was a chubby old man wearing an orange robe, with a short white beard, and he looked quite kind.

In addition to the "orange light", he also saw Glen Pars, one of the ten pillars of the Morse Trappist Order. This fluffy brown-haired lady sat opposite Hilarion on both sides of a dark round table. .

There are also two craftsman cats, Bree and Ritz, lying on the table, flipping through books.

Renekton glanced around the library. In addition to the rabbits of knowledge who were quietly reading and moving books, there were also many strange-looking spiritual creatures with weak auras around them. This library has developed into animals. The trend of paradise, if spiritual creatures can be considered animals.

(End of this chapter)