

Chapter 551 Dark Demonic Wolf

Renekton's deep gaze made Kotar, the "Dark Demon Wolf" who was controlling the marionette behind the scenes, feel uncomfortable. He continued to control his marionette and said:

"I can feel that you have the aura from the Origin Castle."

".There is also a very dangerous feeling."

Renekton twitched his lips, showed an insincere smile, and said calmly:

"'Dark Demonic Wolf' Kotal? Are you a marionette created after applying many layers of historical projections to yourself?"

The marionette that looked like a middle-aged man in front of him said expressionlessly:

"My spiritual intuition tells me that you are in danger."

"But you couldn't help but be curious about the aura of the 'Origin Castle' on my body, so you asked the marionette to observe me nearby again and again?"

Renekton followed the other person's words while stimulating the remaining aura from above the gray mist on his body, and recited the honorable name of "The Fool" twice in his heart.

Backlund, Klein, who had changed his identity and appeared in this metropolis, was busy re-establishing his social circle and enriching the new identity he had prepared.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a vague murmur suddenly echoed in his ears, and the scene above the gray fog appeared in his mind again, and he saw the swaying gray fog.

He stopped, looked at the steward waiting aside and said:

"I think I need to change into a more decent and suitable set of clothes. Please wait for me for a while."

After saying that, he turned around and returned to the room without hesitation, closing the door behind him.

After he was out of sight of Mr. Butler, he quickly walked to the bathroom, reciting a mantra and walking four steps backwards to reach above the gray mist.

Klein was slightly stunned as he looked at the star in front of him that was constantly shrinking and expanding, creating circles of crimson ripples.

The whispers in his ears were still vague, making him feel that the other party was saying meaningless words at random, just to stimulate the crimson star and cause the gray fog to tremble.

"I, the 'Fool,' am really losing my cards. What's the difference between this and knocking on other people's doors late at night when I have nothing to do?"

While Klein complained, his spiritual touch spread out and touched the crimson star representing Renekton.

A wave of light erupted instantly, flooding half of the hall, and then quickly retracted, condensing into a picture.

In the picture, Renekton was communicating with a middle-aged man who was holding an animal skin lantern and wearing a classical palace robe that was not in line with this era.

As Klein cast his gaze, the middle-aged man seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, as if he was searching for something.

At the same time, Klein felt several strong or subtle eyes looking at him from different places. They searched blindly for a while, unable to find the target, and then gradually disappeared.

Klein paused above the gray fog. He resisted the urge to cut off the picture now and stared at the middle-aged man wearing a classical palace robe in the picture. Above the gray fog, he could easily see through him. The thread of the spirit body that is controlled by others.

The spiritual threads on his body slanted upwards and disappeared into the deep darkness.

Klein tried to expand his field of vision and search for the operator behind the Secret Puppet. Within the range that he could observe through the crimson stars corresponding to Renekton, there was no operator at all. He only found some hidden in the darkness. , a monster that was transformed into a Marionette.

"The maximum distance at which the other party can control the marionette has exceeded the range that I can observe above the gray fog. This is at least a Sequence Three saint, or even an angel."

"Could it be the 'Dark Demonic Wolf' that Al mentioned once before?"

Klein muttered to himself for a moment, then quickly calmed down and watched the conversation between Renekton and the other party on the screen.

The Marionette in front of Renekton retracted his gaze to the sky and said in a calm voice:

"Strange 'Sage', are you willing to make a deal with me and use the breath from 'Origin Castle'?"

Renekton chuckled and said, "Okay, I just need the characteristics of a 'Miracle Master'."

"This is impossible. There is no extra 'Miracle Master' characteristic in me that can be separated, and this transaction is not equivalent."

The middle-aged man controlled by the "Dark Demonic Wolf" shook his head and rejected Renekton's conditions. His eyes lingered on the mechanical glove on Renekton's right hand for a while, and then he spoke again:

"If you need angel-level characteristics, I can help you hunt down an 'Elder of Whispers' wandering here."

Renekton sneered and said:

"Hunting the angels under the 'True Creator' in front of him? Then why don't I cooperate with the other party to hunt down a 'Dark Demonic Wolf'?"

Kotal wasn't angry at Renekton's words, at least he didn't show it on his marionette.

The middle-aged man wearing dark classical palace robes had a gentle expression and said in a calm voice:

"I can create an environment that distorts the surrounding space and time. In this case, he will be completely isolated from the outside world, and even information cannot be interacted with."

"This has a certain secretive effect and can be used to isolate the eyes of the 'True Creator'." Renekton moved his right hand with the mechanical glove, and the lavender glow flowing in his eyes became deeper. There was appropriate shock on his face, and then he said with a clear look:

"'Secret Realm'? This should be an ability only possessed by the Sequence One 'Servant of Secrets'."

"You probably haven't been promoted yet. Amon is in the Land Abandoned by the Gods. If a 'Secret Servant' appears here, he will not react at all, even if you are almost no threat to him."

"In other words, you have mastered the characteristics of the 'Servant of Secrets', or can you summon the historical images of Antigonus and Fregra from the pores of history?"

In front of him, the middle-aged man in classical robes showed a rare change in his expression. He looked at Renekton up and down quite unexpectedly, and then slowly said:

"You know this path very well. If I hadn't been able to confirm that you are a real living person, I would have even suspected that you are a marionette controlled by the Source Castle."

After a two-second pause, he suddenly said with a look of realization:

"I felt prying eyes just now, but I couldn't see who it was. The person who is really communicating with me now is the one who has mastered the 'Origin Castle', or the 'Origin Castle' itself?"

Above the gray fog, Klein looked strange for a moment. The guess makes sense, but I am actually just a spectator sitting above the gray fog.

While his thoughts were surging, he stretched out his right hand forward, intending to convey the locations of the marionettes he had found to Renekton. When his hand reached halfway, he suddenly stopped moving.

After thinking about it, he changed direction, picked up the strange crown stained with rust and blood that was placed on the table on his right, and used the connection established by the crimson stars to build a "spiritual crown" between himself and Renekton. "Communicate", passing on the locations of the marionettes he found hidden in the depths of darkness.

At the same time he asked in his mind:

"The one who controls these marionettes behind the scenes is 'Dark Demonic Wolf' Kotar?"

Renekton's voice quickly reached his mind:

"It was it. It should have been the movement I made before that caught its attention, and then it noticed the 'Origin Castle' aura on my body above the gray mist."

"Do you need the 'Spirit Insect'? Now that you've met it, you can't leave empty-handed."

There is nothing wrong with it. However, the other party is a living angel, and you can already call it him. Are you looking down on this "Dark Demonic Wolf" a little too much? Klein couldn't help but curse in his heart. Two sentences.

Immediately, Renekton's voice echoed in his mind:

"Is it possible? I can hear it."

The expression on Klein's face froze for a moment, and then he changed the topic:

What is the 'Spirit Worm'? Also, the other party is an angel of the 'divineer' path. Is it true that our conspiracy out loud will not be discovered? "

"'Sage' already has some hidden abilities, so it didn't notice your gaze just now."

While Renekton was answering Klein's questions in his mind, he slowly shook his head towards the "Dark Demonic Wolf" waiting for his answer in front of him and said:

"I don't think you are sincere. Moreover, I still maintain a cooperative relationship with the 'True Creator'."

At the end of his words, his voice became very slow. His body was like a rusty, old, poorly operating machine, and his movements and thoughts slowed down simultaneously.

This state only lasted for a moment, and his whole body suddenly became illusory, and the threads of his spiritual body became non-existent.

Don't use the paper angel. I can't cover it up, and it will catch traces. I warned Klein in his heart. He quickly calmed down and gently rubbed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove.

Silently, a pure and clear light lit up all around, illuminating every corner, turning this place into a dark-free kingdom where there is no trace of darkness, no shadow is left, and no thing is hidden.

All the monsters transformed into marionettes hidden in the darkness were revealed, and they became extremely visible to Renekton's eyes.

As soon as the light emerged, Renekton once again fell into a state of sluggish thinking, stiff body, and sluggish movements. The "Dark Demonic Wolf" once again tried to control the thread of his spiritual body.

In the pure and clear light, a monster with a human body, a bird head, hands and wings combined together, somewhat similar to a harpy, flew into the air and made a high-pitched, hoarse voice:

"I make a wish: Darkness comes."

The rich, deep darkness flooded the surroundings like a tide, swallowing up all light and sound, and plunging the surroundings into deathly silence.

In the pure lightless darkness, Renekton felt the remaining aura belonging to the goddess of the night gathering and stirring.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 552 A chapter without a name

While the spiritual thread was being manipulated, Renekton's thoughts and movements became stiff and sluggish, and the extraordinary ability that could have been formed in an instant was delayed for a second or two.

In the lightless darkness, streaks of golden light emerged, wandering in the air, becoming more and more pure, and finally evolved into a seal-like projection.

A second after the seal was formed, Renekton recited the ancient Hermetic language to notarize:


In mid-air, the seal-like projection turned into a stream of pure light gold and sank into Renekton's body. Most of his slow thinking, stiff body, and sluggish movements caused by the manipulation of the spiritual threads disappeared in an instant.

Taking advantage of this gap, he used a "mysterious reappearance" that he had always possessed but had never used.

The orange-red dusk light suddenly emerged, and in the center of a transparent and illusory palace, ancient and majestic like a giant's residence, people with extremely blurred figures and extremely terrifying auras sat around a long table stained red with blood. Their expressions Ferociously, they ate the things on the long table like they were fighting for each other.

The next moment, the blurry figures sitting on both sides of the long table all turned their heads and looked at the middle-aged man wearing dark classical palace robes.

The auras of some of them are particularly terrifying, resonating with certain things in the surrounding environment, as if they will come out of this illusory scene at any time and come to reality.

This is the scene of the "Feast of Betrayal". The mysterious magic created by the occult knowledge of the death of the ancient sun god can awaken or give intelligence to objects, allowing them to perform acts of betrayal.

As the scene of the ancient sun god being eaten emerged, as if it caused a chain reaction, the lightning flashes across the sky suddenly became more frequent, with golden spots falling from time to time, and something began to surge deep in the darkness. , becomes quiet and dangerous.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became chaotic and dangerous, exuding extreme madness and evil, as if an extremely terrifying existence had set its sights here.

The rich, deep darkness was illuminated by more and more silver-white lightning and golden spots in the sky. Under the dazzling light, a middle-aged man wearing dark classical palace robes showed an evil smile on his face. The deep black was a little ghostly. The green eyes became more lively, and the intuitive feeling was that he seemed to be a little different from before.

Under Renekton's gaze, he threw away the animal skin lantern he was holding, opened his hands, and had an indescribable smile on his lips, as if he was feeling something or embracing something.

Renekton looked at each other with the strange marionette in front of him, and gently rubbed his right hand wearing a bronze mechanical glove twice.

Dots of pale yellow stars floated around him, quickly outlining a pattern similar to a scale.

At the same time, he clenched a fist with his right hand and pressed it against the marionette's chest from a distance, whispering an ancient Hermetic word in his mouth:


In front of him, the marionette with his hands open as if hugging something was sluggish for a moment. Rusty red stardust suddenly surged out of his heart, and a red almost white flame arose. In an instant, he was heading towards decline and death. There was a final bang.

As if a chain reaction had been triggered, red fires continued to rise within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, making explosion-like sounds.


A somewhat illusory and erratic cold snort came from the darkness in the distance. It was very unreal, as if it was echoing from the fog of history.

The aura of "Dark Demonic Wolf" Kotal disappeared in a flash. The light in Renekton's eyes flashed and became extremely dark in an instant. He tried to peer into the river of destiny in order to find the "Dark Demonic Wolf" "Mark of.

After a moment, his eyes became clear again. After shaking his head slightly disappointed, he rubbed his fingers, creating a pair of hands stained with mist and invisible, and controlled them to pick up the things left by the marionette who had just died nearby. come over.

Seeing that the sudden conflict ended so suddenly, Klein still felt a little unreal above the gray fog. While he carefully checked whether there were any hidden secret puppets left around him, he asked in his mind. :

"How did you do it? Kill most of the marionettes around you in an instant, and the other party didn't resist?"

Renekton whispered to himself while picking up the spirit insects that the "Dark Demonic Wolf" had not had time to take back:

"Incited a marionette to rebel, and let it connect all the marionettes around it to itself, so that the influence I exerted can affect all marionettes in an instant."

"Instigating rebellion?" Klein felt a little unbelievable. He didn't expect that something like a marionette could instigate rebellion.

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"The mysterious reproduction I used just now is called the 'Feast of Betrayal', which comes from the mysterious knowledge of the ancient sun god being eaten. Its effect is very simple. It can make the item give birth to intelligence, or awaken the intelligence of the item itself to make it do something An act of betrayal."

"I used the characteristics of the 'Earl of Chaos' to distort the concept between marionettes and items, allowing the marionette of the 'Dark Dark Demonic Wolf' to give birth to its own intelligence, and betrayed the 'Dark Dark Demonic Wolf'."

This is unscientific but very occult. Danger in the mysterious world may come from various places. In the future, you have to be careful about your marionette being instigated to rebel. Klein cursed a few times in his mind before asking about the role of the spirit worm. "It can be used to make spells or magical items. It can also be used for certain rituals and potions. It is considered a relatively advanced material, especially since it comes from an angel."

Renekton answered as if muttering to himself, then sealed all the well-collected spirit insects into a translucent amber and handed them over to the invisible servant standing behind him.

After doing all this, he suddenly said:

"I happen to be free, so I can help you find a trickster. Remember to make more money during this time, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it."

Klein above the gray fog was silent for two seconds before he chuckled and said:

"It seems that your humanity is gradually returning."

After a pause, he continued:

"My 'Secret Puppet Master' potion hasn't started to be digested yet, so I'm not in a hurry to collect the materials. You can save it first, and I'll buy it from you when I save enough money."

"Okay, as long as you're not afraid that I'll sit down and raise the price."

As soon as the words fell, Renekton's body suddenly disappeared, decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, pouring into the spiritual world like a torrent, moving towards a certain direction deep in the spiritual world.

Above the gray fog, Klein deactivated "spiritual communication", sat on the top seat of the mottled long table, looked at the endless gray fog in front of him, and briefly fell into deep thought.

If I were on Earth, I would have posted a message on the forum asking for help: What should I do if my friend suddenly turns into an evil god?

As he thought about it, Klein couldn't help laughing.

After sitting on the chair and relaxing for a moment, he spread his spirituality around himself, simulating the feeling of falling, and left the space above the gray mist.

Deep in the spirit world, Renekton, who had transformed into the form of information, was surging forward like a torrent while sifting through the various information that was constantly being deposited in the spirit world, trying to find information about trickery and evil.

Although the scheming monsters are the main materials of "tricky mages" like the spiritual world predators, their intelligence is far inferior to that of the latter. They do not have the ability to communicate normally, and they cannot perform counter-divination from the spiritual world level. , counter-prophetic interference.

However, this kind of monster is rare in the Land Abandoned by the Gods. In addition, the information deposited in the spiritual world is too complicated. Without special means like Arrods, it is difficult to quickly screen them out.

After lingering in the spirit world for nearly half an hour, Renekton roughly determined the general area of ​​activity of the trickster monster.

The misty light composed of streams of complex information surged rapidly. The creatures active in the spiritual world seemed to be completely invisible to this light, allowing it to flow past them and even pass through their own bodies. Only a few Some spiritual creatures with strong auras will notice abnormalities and take evasive actions on their own.

In more than ten minutes, he arrived at an area with scheming and evil activities.

In the spiritual world, his body was reorganized from the complex and pure knowledge, and his eyes looked extremely deep, resembling the surface of the sea before a storm, obviously losing focus and becoming a blur.

Under such circumstances, he could easily peer into the long river that represented destiny and extract some information from it.

After using the messenger of "prophecy" to confirm the existence of trickery and evil spirits nearby, he took a step forward, and his figure quickly faded into transparency, breaking away from the spiritual world where colors were layered and accumulated, and came to reality.

The frequency of lightning falling in the sky dropped to one every one or two minutes, and in the darkness, the atmosphere belonging to the realm of secrecy, depravity, and mutation became extremely active.

Renekton, wearing a mechanical glove, tapped the index finger and thumb of his right hand twice. The glove on his hand quickly made a clicking sound, and then a crack opened in the palm of his hand, exuding a slightly hot smell. Blazing white light.

He raised his hand slightly and raised his right hand to his shoulder, letting the light from the glove disperse the surrounding darkness.

With this light, he finally saw the surrounding environment clearly. It was a piece of ruins of buildings that were not too big or dense. They looked like a village. Their houses used more bluestone as raw materials, so they could still Leave some traces.

A deep lavender color slowly appeared in Renekton's eyes. He calmly looked around in the surrounding darkness for several times, and found several monsters hidden in the darkness, but none of them were the scheming evil spirits he was looking for. Strange.

Pausing on the spot for two seconds, he followed his intuition and walked deeper into the ruins.

Before he had gone far, there was suddenly a rustling sound in his ears, like the sound of some creature chewing stones. It was very high-pitched and made people feel like their teeth were sore.

When he got closer, the sound quickly disappeared again.

In two or three seconds, the sound sounded again in another direction completely opposite to the one before.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 553 Leaving the Land Abandoned by God

Renekton turned back, looked in the direction of the noise, and softly uttered an ancient Hermetic word:


A bright, bright and pure light fell from the sky, completely dispelling the darkness in front of it, revealing the monster in the darkness that was chewing on the broken and decayed bluestone slabs in the ruins.

It is nearly four meters tall, its entire body is gray-white, its body is carved with armor-like patterns, its head has goat-like horns, and its mouth is like that of a hound, with its fangs half-open and half-closed.

It held the bluestone slab with both hands and carried it to its mouth. There was also a seven- to eight-meter stone halberd at its feet.

What attracts the most attention is its pair of burning red eyes and six pairs of gray-white covered wings, which will gradually turn to stone if you look at them.

"Six-winged gargoyle?" Renekton groaned as he looked at the monster revealed in front of him.


Heavy footsteps came from the surroundings, and two more gray-white six-winged gargoyles nearly four meters high came out of the darkness. They each held a four-made spear about seven or eight meters tall, burning with red light. His eyes were fixed on Renekton.

"Did I stab the gargoyle in his lair?"

After muttering something to himself in a low voice, his body suddenly became transparent, illusory, and turned into a pile of foam.

Under the illumination of light, these bubbles reflect dreamy colors, scattering in all directions and disappearing in an instant.

The next moment, his figure appeared directly next to the six-winged gargoyle that was still stuffing a bluestone in its mouth. His right hand with a mechanical glove pressed firmly on the gray stone body of the six-winged gargoyle. .

Bits of bronze-colored light flowed out of the mechanical gloves and quickly traveled through the body of the six-winged gargoyle, disintegrating its body structure bit by bit.

Silently, the tall six-winged gargoyle turned into pieces of mottled and decaying crumbs, scattering all over the floor. Only its burning red eyes remained intact and separated from its body. , fell onto Renekton's right hand wearing a mechanical glove.

After doing all this, Renekton turned his head and looked at the other two six-winged gargoyles coming out from behind.

As if they had been greatly frightened, they ran towards the darkness behind them at a speed that was not suitable for their heavy bodies. Their huge feet landed on the ground without making a single step.

Renekton narrowed his eyes, reached out and grabbed it in mid-air, condensed a white jade-like chess piece, and threw the chess piece out casually.

In the darkness, the two six-winged gargoyles that were running quickly suddenly slowed down and couldn't take a step for a long time.

Renekton carefully looked at the two fleeing six-winged gargoyles for a moment. Their tall gray stone bodies gradually became transparent, collapsed inward, and finally turned into a translucent ghost with the size of a normal human.

"Only one of the three six-winged gargoyles is real. It doesn't seem to realize that all its companions are fake. It's not very smart to have a brain structure of stone."

After muttering in a low voice, Renekton raised his left hand, and bright starbursts surrounded him. These starbursts flew away at the moment they were formed, contracted and condensed in mid-air, and turned into spears that shimmered with starlight.

These spears easily penetrated the translucent ghosts that were in a sluggish state, melting and disintegrating their bodies bit by bit.

Compared to the six-winged gargoyles, the bodies of the trickster monsters are much more fragile. I feel like the sunlight I just summoned can melt them directly if the sunlight I just summoned is a little brighter. Renekton made an evaluation in his mind as he moved forward, preparing to pick it up. Items made by condensing the characteristics of these two trickster monsters.

They were strange eyes, mainly dark, with complicated and unclear patterns around them, and the eyes were like lightless water.

Renekton picked up the main eyes of the two trickster monsters, then summoned several invisible servants and handed them the extraordinary materials condensed in his hands.

After the invisible servant retreated, he once again transformed into a pure information flow creature, quickly approaching the Giant King's Court by roaming in the spirit world.

As time passed, the frequency of lightning falling in the sky increased from once every one or two minutes to once every three or four seconds.

Where the Giant King's Court is located, a light that is difficult to observe and consists of countless pure and complex information pours out from the spiritual world.

This light has a strange rhythm, as if it is integrated with this magnificent palace, moving freely inside, but not touching the guards here.

At the front gate of the Giant King's Court, a hazy light that was difficult to see gathered in mid-air.

These lights suddenly became chaotic and distorted, as if they would disintegrate into countless information streams at any time.

At a certain moment, these lights suddenly disappeared in place, completely disappearing without leaving any trace.

Outside the Land Abandoned by the Gods, on the ocean that has evolved from the ruins of the God War, a hazy light composed of countless complex and pure knowledge floats slowly in mid-air, as if it has fallen into some kind of slow state. The moment he left the God-Forsaken Land, countless prayers echoed in Renekton's ears. They were either men or women, some were far, some were near, some were ethereal, some were hoarse, and they carried strong and pure emotions. They were serious. Talk about your confusion and your prayers.

As if the prayers that had accumulated for a long time were all absorbed by him, Renekton felt an incomparable noise in his ears, and had the urge to silence the whole world.

After a while, Renekton finally finished sorting out the prayers echoing in his ears. He directly blocked the insignificant ones and marked those that needed to be responded to. Some of them were automatically responded to and some were thrown to the "Hidden Sage".

After re-adjusting himself, Renekton reorganized his body from the complex and pure news. He subconsciously raised his hand to touch the side of his face and murmured to himself:

"After successfully receiving faith, my state has become more stable. The humanity and emotions that were previously suppressed are returning little by little."

"This is a good thing. The more stable my humanity is, the more of myself I can retain after merging with the body of the Western Continent, and even be able to separate again."

After a moment of silence, he turned around and looked at the giant royal court behind him, shrouded in orange dusk and covered with a layer of golden red.

The Giant King's Court seen from the Sea of ​​Ruins is more majestic and spectacular than the one seen in the God's Abandoned Land. It is more like a scene coming out of mythology, and is more in line with the Kingdom of Giant King Ormir!

After quietly staring at the Giant King's Court for a few seconds, his body became insubstantial again, decomposed into streams of complex and pure knowledge, and surged away towards the periphery of the sea of ​​ruins.

On the "Future" sailing in the northern part of the Sunia Sea, Cattleya, who was leaning by the bay window of the captain's cabin and looking at the crew on the deck and the sea in the distance, suddenly turned around.

Directly in front of her eyes, on the dark brown desk, there was an additional letter.

"The Queen's reply, isn't she going to come over?" Cattleya muttered a few words in a low voice, with a bit of disappointment in her tone.

Then he quickly walked over, picked up the letter on the table, and unfolded it in front of his eyes:

I cannot give you an accurate revelation. This involves the "hidden sage" and the top of this sequence. I cannot make any form of "prophecy" about it.

If you accept his blood as a promotion ritual to Sequence Four, you will be fine and even gain some benefits while he is still him.

But if his personality completely disappears, you will probably become a devout believer in the "hidden sage", just like Bonois

My advice is: don't take the chance, it doesn't make any difference and won't make any difference if you get promoted a few months earlier or later.

In recent times, the knowledge imparted by the "Hidden Sage" to the "Secret Peeper" has included a lot of directional information, and there will always be more or less mention of an existence that represents knowledge and mystery.

He began to actively interfere with the extraordinary people on the "Peeper" path, affecting our hearts and beliefs, which also made this path more dangerous.

The Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery" has begun to pay attention to this matter. This may be some kind of sign of the war between gods.

You can no longer stay on the fringes of the Moss Trappist Order, as it is very dangerous for you if a war breaks out.

If you have time, you can come to Rasha recently. I will go to the depths of the Mist Sea soon. I don't know when I will come back, or maybe I won't come back.

Cattleya gently rubbed her fingers across the paper, and the letter suddenly burst into red flames, quickly turned into ashes, and was swept out of the window by a sudden gust of wind, scattering to the sparkling sea.

She walked to the desk and sat down, picked up a pen and paper and began to write a reply to Bernadette:

I have received an oracle from the Hidden Sage, as all members of the Ascetic Order of Moss should have received, who added to his title the description "the essence of all knowledge" and "the source of all mysteries"

Does this mean that he has truly mastered this path and become the "Hermit" of Sequence 0?

Also, why do you say this is some kind of sign of a war between gods? Could the "god of machines and steam" not tolerate the existence of a true god of adjacent paths?

At the end of the letter, she wrote: The "Future" has recently stayed in the northern part of the Suniya Sea. I will rush back to Rasha Island in the Misty Sea as soon as possible.

After writing the reply, she simply folded the paper, then stood up and quickly arranged the ceremony to summon the messenger.

At the moment she didn't notice, the speedster who traveled through the spirit world emerged from the ritually created passage, walked around the captain's room a few times, and then picked up the folded letter on the table and returned to the spirit world.

Cattleya only felt a breeze blowing around her, and saw an extremely blurry figure flashing before her eyes.

When she looked down at the desk in front of her, the white letter paper folded there had disappeared.

Cattleya glanced at the closed spiritual world channel and whispered to herself:

"What exactly is the Queen's messenger? Perhaps only when I become a Sequence Four 'occultist' can I see it clearly under the eyes of the 'Peeping Eyes'."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 554 Opening Day

Backlund, Conston City, Jianhai County.

The weather here is about to enter summer, and the warm sunshine is shining. People wear light and simple coats and many decorations similar to fishing nets and fishhooks. They look like some nondescript sailors, walking along the coast and chatting with each other.

A stream of complex and pure knowledge poured out from the spiritual world, reorganizing Renekton's body in an inconspicuous corner.

After leaving the ocean where the ruins of the God War evolved, he did not return directly to the Southern Continent. Instead, he planned to trade with Lawrence for the characteristics of a "traveler" or "mystic mage" to build the one he harvested from Cexitin. The chessboard that matches the dice.

Jianhai is an inland sea. The sea breeze here is not as violent as other sea areas. The gentle and slightly humid sea breeze mixed with the warm sunshine hitting the body makes people feel particularly comfortable.

Especially Renekton, who had spent some time in the god-forsaken land shrouded in darkness, he had never felt that the sun was so kind.

He walked along the coastline with the lively crowd, feeling the lively atmosphere unique to human beings. The feeling of detachment caused by the accumulation of divinity in his body gradually faded away. Although it was slow, he could actually feel the excitement overflowing from the crowd around him. Various emotions, trying to integrate into it little by little.

At this time, a little boy dressed as a sailor, with a soft hat on his head and a long list of various sailboat models hanging around his neck, approached and chatted up in a very familiar manner:

"Sir, are you coming from the mainland to attend the Kaiyang Festival?"

Today is the Opening Day? No wonder it was so lively. Renekton muttered a few words to himself, raised his head and looked around.

Just now, he had been quietly feeling the warm emotions overflowing from the people around him, without paying much attention to the details. Now that he looked carefully, he found that the people here had more or less elements related to fishing boats and the ocean.

The Ocean Opening Festival was originally a celebration held by fishermen, sailors, and merchants traveling on the sea to thank the sea for its gifts. As more and more people joined the celebration, the festival became more and more grand. With the promotion of the Church of the Storm, It has become one of the most important festivals in coastal cities.

For believers of the "Storm Lord", this is equivalent to the Winter Ceremony Day of the Church of Night.

Putting back his divergent thoughts, he looked down at the little boy walking next to him and chuckled:

"That's right. I happened to pass by here and saw this celebration, so I planned to come over and take a look."

The little boy acted like a calm adult, lowered his voice and said:

"So that's it. Sir, I suggest you go to the Binhai Dockyard for a visit. It is the largest dockyard in Loen. It is not open to the public at ordinary times. Only during the Opening Day, they will let foreign tourists in. visit."

"There is the world's most advanced steamship there. If you are lucky enough, you can get the qualification to board the ship, and you can also draw or buy some small prizes."

While speaking, he also reached out and lifted the long series of sailboat models hanging around his neck.

Renekton chuckled and answered:

"Did you draw all of these?"

The little boy raised his chin slightly and proudly said, "Of course."

After a two-second pause, he scratched his head in embarrassment and whispered:

"My father used to be the pastor of Storm Church, and these are the prizes I saved during annual celebrations."

"Although they are not as beautiful as the models in Backlund's shops, they have a meaning that those models don't have. These are all made by the church and are models blessed by the 'Lord of Storms'!"

"Of course, if you want to buy it, it's not impossible."

"Call me the 'Lord of the Storm' directly. It seems that you are not a believer in the storm. In this case, are you short of money?"

Renekton asked, raising his hand to touch his head.

The little boy reacted quickly by bending down, turning his head, and muttered in a dissatisfied voice:

"Don't touch your head, you won't grow taller."

"And whether I am a believer in the storm or not, what does it have to do with whether I am short of money or not?"

Renekton didn't pay attention to the little boy's resistance. As if he had predicted his movements in advance, he easily slapped his hand on his head.

Looking at the little boy who looked angry but unable to show it, he chuckled twice, pointed to the golden sailboat model hanging at the bottom of his neck and said:

"Then let me buy a sailboat model. Does it have a name? It looks a bit like the 'Golden Dream' of 'Admiral Iceberg'."

The little boy curled his lips and said with some complicated emotions:

"How could the Church of Storms make models of pirate ships?"

"This is the 'Whale' that travels between Sunia Island and Pulitzer Harbor in Lun. It was once the most advanced semi-steam sailing ship in Lun. It was decommissioned a few years ago."

"Twenty, no, ten pounds if you want to buy it."

Renekton laughed out loud: "Are you sure you didn't use the wrong currency unit?"

After a pause, he added:

"It's not impossible, but you need to be my tour guide for two days and show me around the celebrations here." "No problem!"

The little boy Sean nodded repeatedly, unhooked the sailboat model hanging from the end, and introduced himself:

"My name is Sean Colter, you can just call me Sean."

"Where do you want to go first? Marina Dock, Swordfish Pier, or Fountain Square are all good."

"However, considering that you need to find a place to have lunch at noon, I would recommend Fountain Square. There are many good restaurants there and it is very popular with people who come to Jianhai County for vacation or travel."

Sean looked like a little expert, analyzing the route for Renekton bit by bit, and at the same time handed over the golden sailboat model that had been removed.

Renekton chuckled and reached out to take the model. He put his other hand in his pocket and made some fumbling movements. When he stretched it out again, he already had a handful of gold coins in his hand.

Sean held his hands together in a daze, took a handful of gold coins from Renekton, held them in front of his chest and counted them carefully:

"No problem, just ten gold coins."

"But why do you carry so many gold coins with you? Aren't banknotes more convenient?"

"As an occult enthusiast, throwing gold coins is a good way of divination."

Renekton said casually, his eyes followed the moving crowd in front, and saw Lawrence wearing a dark coat, a half-high black hat, and holding a black cane in his hand.

As if he felt the gaze falling on him, Lawrence's blue eyes looked in the direction of Renekton. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he quickly came closer.

Renekton looked sideways at Sean, who had put away the gold coins and was helping him analyze what route and order he should follow to visit the Kaiyang Festival celebration. He reached out and patted his shoulder and said:

"You can wait for me at Fountain Square in the afternoon. I need to finish the things here before I have time to play."

After saying that, he stepped forward to meet Lawrence who was approaching.

"Alas" Sean raised his hand, froze in mid-air for a while, then slowly lowered it, his expression full of doubts and he whispered to himself:

"What a strange person. I am not a liar who abducted children, am I? Well, someone who is willing to spend 10 gold coins to buy an ordinary sailboat model seems not to be a liar?"

He reached out and covered the pocket on the left side of his coat that contained ten gold coins. He felt the heavy weight and hard touch in the pocket. He always felt that the experience just now was a bit unreal.

On the other side of the street where pedestrians were constantly walking around, Renekton nodded slightly to Lawrence and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Lawrence, you look much better than when we last met. It seems that you have lived a fulfilling life during this period."

Lawrence took off the half-high black top hat he was wearing, put it on his chest and bowed slightly, saying:

"Good morning, Mr. Tynes, I didn't expect to meet you at the Kaiyang Festival celebration."

"You don't seem like someone who would suddenly show up at a celebration like this, so are you here to find me?"

Renekton nodded slightly, then shook his head and said:

"Originally I just came to see you, but now, I think I can hang out here for two days and feel the lively atmosphere of the festival."

Lawrence raised his hand and put the half-high black top hat back on his head, and then said with a smile:

"Do you need me to be your guide? I have lived in Jianhai County for decades, and I know this place fairly well."

"No need, I've already found a guide."

While speaking, Renekton pointed his eyes to the other side of the street, curiously looking at Sean here through the flow of people.

Lawrence followed Renekton's gaze, and his gaze paused on Sean for two seconds. His blue eyes flashed with silvery white, looking a little deep and confused.

After a moment, he suddenly said with some emotion:

"His next fate doesn't seem to be peaceful?"

Renekton glanced at Lawrence in surprise. Although the "traveler" who had gone through the "astrologer" stage could be considered a master of divination, he could get it with just a simple glance like just now. Drawing conclusions already belongs to the category of prophecy.

As if seeing the confusion in Renekton's eyes, Lawrence chuckled and explained:

"When I was traveling, I met a 'Chaos Walker' on the path of destiny, and I recorded many extraordinary abilities related to destiny from him."

"Although this kind of occult knowledge related to fate is very obscure and difficult to understand, relying on the accumulation of 'astrologer' stage, recording and using it more, I also interpreted some information, which made me good at 'divination' and The ability in 'prophecy' has improved."

Renekton nodded slightly and stopped paying attention to this topic. He turned to look at Sean and said:

"His fate will intersect with mine at some point in the future, but running from the coast of Jianhai to the Southern Continent is not an easy task for a child."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 555 Magic Chalk Box

Lawrence glanced at Sean in surprise, then looked away and laughed softly:

"The future? So you are very optimistic about him?"

"Not really, I just got a little interested by chance." Renekton shook his head and then added: "Maybe we should change our place to chat."

"Sorry, I was negligent. There is a very good coffee shop here. Maybe we can go in and sit for a while?"

While speaking, Lawrence turned his body sideways to make a gesture of invitation, and then led the way with half a step as fast as Renekton, while whispering some of his doubts:

"A blood moon suddenly occurred some time ago, and it has already happened once this year without warning. At that time, I almost lost control and turned into a monster in my sleep."

"Some of the records left by the ancestors of the Abraham family indicate that the blood moon did not occur without reason. Does this mean that some hidden and unknown changes occurred at that time?"

Renekton was silent for two seconds, recalling the timeline in his mind, and then gave a conclusion:

"Some time ago? Probably the benefactor of the 'Original Moon' was killed, and the evil god had some reactions as a result."

Lawrence was obviously a little surprised by this answer. The "Primordial Moon" is not an evil god with a particularly strong presence. It is basically only spread among the vampires and the school of life. The former still retains its belief in the ancestor Lilith and holds the power of the "moon" over the others. existence is very repulsive.

However, thinking that this was also an evil god who had the power of the "moon", he felt that it was natural for the other party to cause a blood moon night.

After a pause, he asked curiously:

"The benefactors of the 'Primordial Moon'? Is it a system of benefactors similar to that of the 'Earth Mother Goddess' church? Or does it refer to existences that simply receive gifts from the gods?"

Renekton calmly explained:

"The latter, that is, a kind of paper man who received the power from the 'Original Moon' during a long-term bloody sacrifice, gradually mutated, and came to life, resembling magical items. The believers of the 'Original Moon' know how to use them. "

While he was talking, he was already led by Lawrence to a cafe called "Black Style".

The cafe is not small, but there are not many people inside. They are sparsely seated in different positions. Compared with the busy street, the shop is so quiet that it seems to have closed.

After finding a seat near the corner window and sitting down, Lawrence skillfully asked the waiter to order two cups of black coffee from the Pas Valley.

After the waiter left, he looked at Renekton and said with a low smile:

"Today is the Kaiyang Festival, and most people are out participating in the celebrations. It is estimated that people will not go to bars, cafes, or return home to rest until they feel tired in the afternoon."

While Renekton nodded lightly, he tapped the edge of the table twice with the fingers of his right hand wearing a mechanical glove. The spirituality spread like water waves, forming a wall of spirituality both inside and outside the structure around him.

After doing all this, he leaned back slightly and leaned against the back of the chair. His eyes fell on Lawrence and he said calmly:

"I need the characteristics of a 'traveler' or a 'mystic' to create magical items. Are you, the Abraham family, willing to trade a collection of characteristics or magical items to me? Or, tell me some information, and I can do it myself. To hunt a 'traveller'."

Lawrence was silent for a moment, then slowly said:

"I have a magical item corresponding to the 'Traveler'. If you need it, you can buy it from me."

"'Mystic Mage' already belongs to the demigod level. Even in major churches, the number of level 1 sealed objects is limited. I have no right to decide whether to keep such a magical item. It must be approved by the Council of Elders."

After a pause for two seconds, he continued:

"In addition to the Abraham family, the Gnosis Society also holds some of the recipes and characteristics of the 'apprentice' path."

"They believe that the spirit is the essence of human beings, and the body is just a cage that binds the spirit. People can do evil because they are affected by the body. They must gain knowledge through spirituality, so that the spirit can gradually be liberated from the body, and then pass through the tests of the astral body. Finally escape from the material world, return to the purest and truest self, and obtain eternal salvation."

"But these are probably just their disguises, or part of their teachings. According to my understanding, most of their members belong to the Witch Sect, which is an active identity of the Witch Sect in various places. We suspect that the Witch Sect has a copy of the 'Planeswalker' characteristics."

Renekton leaned on the wooden chair and listened quietly to Lawrence's narration. He didn't care that the other party directed the topic to the Gnostic Society, and nodded calmly:

"I understand. If I want to buy the magical item in your hand, how many gold pounds or other things do I need to pay?"

Lawrence stated his conditions without hesitation:

"15000 pounds, or help me recover a copy of the 'Mystic Mage' attribute later."

Renekton said almost without thinking:

"Okay, I will hand over 15000 pounds to you before tomorrow." "If you need help in recycling the 'Mystic Mage' feature later, you can also come to me. I don't mind earning the money back."

While the two were talking, the waiter had already brought over the brewed coffee.

Lawrence picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, and then began to introduce the effects of the magical item he had mastered:

"I call it the 'Magic Chalk Box'. It looks like an ordinary iron-gray small box with three colors of chalk inside. It will automatically fill after use, but only after all the chalk inside has been used. That's it."

"The blue chalk can draw a 'door' to the place you want on the wall or on the ground. The farther the distance, the greater the probability of deviation, but as long as the destination is controlled in a city Within that, there won't be any major problems."

"Yellow chalk can be used for divination. Whether you write out the questions you want to ask or throw the chalk directly, you will get more accurate answers. You cannot ask vague questions, which will make the divination results unclear. Danger."

"Red chalk can turn drawn things into reality. For example, if you draw a bolt of lightning, there will really be a bolt of lightning falling around you. But if the drawn thing is too abstract or too complex, it will appear as an illusion or a random spell. Attack appears."

"It has two negative effects. One is that the holder will suffer from severe claustrophobia, and the other is that every time he uses the chalk inside, he will get lost and encounter uncertain dangers. He must soak it in water as soon as possible. scalding boiling water to avoid this negative effect."

"Claustrophobia?" Renekton muttered in a low voice, and his powerful spiritual intuition allowed him to see some vague pictures from the few words.

After a two-second pause, he said thoughtfully:

"This "traveler" seems to have had bad experiences during his lifetime, which left a strong spiritual imprint on his extraordinary characteristics, which is reflected in the magical items formed."

Lawrence was silent for a moment, and then said in a somewhat depressed voice:

"This comes from a family member who lived during the reign of Emperor Russell. He was trying to find a place that was private enough to avoid the gossip he would hear when he was promoted."

"No one knows where he went or what happened to him. It was decades later that this magical item was discovered. The family members at the time only found out about it through divination."

"Because it coincides with my own extraordinary ability, I didn't carry this magical item with me. Whenever you need it, I can get it at any time?"

"Don't worry, let me raise the gold pounds first." Renekton responded with a chuckle, picking up the coffee cup and bringing it to his mouth.

After sitting in the coffee shop with Lawrence for about an hour, the two talked a lot about mysteries and the current situation between countries. At the end of the conversation, Lawrence proposed the idea of ​​going to the Pas Valley.

"The meaning of travel is not only to visit different places and see different scenery, but the 'traveller' is also a witness. This is a further interpretation of the 'recorder'."

"I have a hunch that in the Pas Valley, which is undergoing drastic changes, the 'traveler' potion in me will be completely digested."

While speaking, a deep silvery flash flashed in Lawrence's eyes, as if he saw some future of his own.

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"This is your freedom, but I need to remind you that the 'Secret Saint' of the Aurora Society is also spreading the belief of the 'True Creator' in the Southern Continent."

Lawrence laughed twice, and then said:

"I am no longer young, and naturally I am no longer impulsive. I will not appear in front of him before I am 100% sure."

After communicating with Lawrence, Renekton found a hotel with free rooms and checked in for himself for two days using a false identity.

Then the waiter led him to the room on the third floor of the hotel. After closing the door, he walked straight to the full-length mirror against the wall, reached out and drew a Peeping Eye symbol reflecting the book on the mirror, and at the same time mouthed Li whispered a mantra.

As the spirituality spreads, circles of light blue light spread out on the mirror like water waves, and bright stars flashed out, outlining the symbols he had just drawn on the mirror.

As the water swayed, a figure who looked exactly like him, but with different attire, appeared in the mirror. Under the mirror, Bugs Bunny, wearing a black tuxedo and a top hat, was lying on the mirror curiously. Two The fleshy paws patted the mirror again and again, as if trying to see if it could pass through the other side of the mirror.

To the left and right of Bugs Bunny, orange cat Ritz and cow cat Bree were wearing black top hats of the same style as Bugs Bunny, leaning against the mirror and looking up and down curiously.

(End of this chapter)