

Chapter 546 Frank communication

The identity of "The World" can be closer to that of Gehrman Sparrow, which will make him more real, and it can also be regarded as part of my role as "Secret Puppet Master". Moreover, some people in the Tarot Club already know this identity, no Need to continue hiding.

Thinking of this, Klein, shrouded in gray fog, looked at everyone slightly, then controlled his trumpet "World" and said in a low voice:

"That conflict originated from the actions of the Rose School. They dispatched two saints and an angel for this purpose. Unfortunately, in the end, only the 'god' Si'a managed to leave."

Still immersed in the 'Witch King' characteristic taken away by the Church of Storms, "Moon" Emlyn, who did not react, subconsciously said:

"Didn't the Church of Storms only kill one 'Witch King'?"

"The World" looked up at Renekton under the control of Klein, and then continued:

"There is also a saint from the 'Prisoner' path who was killed by our people. If you need that characteristic, you can buy it from the 'White Tower'."

"Justice" Audrey straightened her body slightly and looked like she was listening attentively. Our people, meaning that the people who were present and took action were not only the "World" and "White Tower" from the Tarot Club, but also I don't know who the dependents of Mr. "Fool" or other forces belonging to Mr. "Fool" are, and what kind of forces they are. It's really curious!

"The Hanged Man" Alger glanced back and forth between the gloomy and restrained "world" and Renekton, who was lazily leaning on a high-backed chair, and thoughts in his heart couldn't stop churning:

Sure enough, the "world" is Gehrman Sparrow. The conflict that broke out in Bayam originated from the "Mother Tree" and Mr. "Fool" believed in by the Rose School? The Church of Storms was a third party that was involved, and at the same time it cleared away the pirates and adventurers hiding in the city.

"The Hermit" Cattleya thought of something, and subconsciously wanted to raise her head to see Mr. "The Fool" at the top of the mottled long table, but she quickly restrained her movements:

Does Mr. "Fool" have a conflict with the "Mother Tree" believed in by the Rose School? I heard "Justice" and "The Hanged Man" mention it before. His favored ones ruined some plans with the Aurora Society and the Witch Sect in Backlund. Both of these forces believe in evil gods. Does this mean that "The Fool" "Sir, are you deliberately suppressing the forces belonging to the evil god?

"Chariot" Anderson was sitting leisurely on a high-backed chair, and couldn't help complaining in his heart that Dougelman Sparrow's life is really exciting. He is either killing someone or on the way to kill someone.

After a brief silence, "The Hanged Man" Alger changed the topic and said:

"Many pirates have been to Bansi Port recently and found that it has been completely destroyed. Even if all efforts are made to rebuild it, it will take at least several years."

No one responded to Alger's words, and the field fell into silence again. After two seconds, Renekton changed his posture, leaned forward a little, and said:

"The Artificial Death Faction of the Spiritual Religion seems to have gained nothing over the years. My clone saw a monster some time ago, which should be a by-product of their experiments."

"It has no actual body, and is more like a mist that fills the surrounding space, mixed with white feathers with light butter stains. It has strong pollution. Once it comes into contact, it will run wildly on the road to death, even if Even a 'Sea King' can hardly resist this influence."

After that, everyone briefly exchanged some of their knowledge and shared some simple occult knowledge.

At the end of the party, everyone still taught Derrick the Sun some ancient Hermes words.

Until "The Fool" Klein, who was sitting at the top of the mottled long table, announced that the party was over, everyone immediately stood up and saluted. Deep red light continued to rise in the grand and ancient hall, melting everyone's figures, and then disappeared into the gray mist. above.

Renekton turned his head and looked around, and when he saw that he was the only one left, he sat back on the high-backed chair. Rosewood looked more casual and lazy.

Klein raised his hand and made the "world" at the bottom disappear, and then said:

"Some changes have occurred in you. My intuition is warning me that I cannot observe you with my spiritual vision."

Renekton glanced sideways at Klein, who was at the top, and said with a smile:

"You're not even a demigod, and you want to peep at an angel?"

Klein was speechless for a moment, and after a two-second pause, he continued:

"This should not be the main reason. I have also peeked at the 'Eternal Blazing Sun', 'Dragon of Imagination', and 'True Creator' through divination above this gray fog before."

"In that moment of intuition, I almost thought that spying on you was more dangerous than spying on them."

After a second's pause, he continued:

"Not long ago, some unusual turmoil occurred in this gray fog. I relied on some connection with this gray fog to divine some pictures."

"In the picture, I also saw a gray fog similar to here, but I can be sure that it is not here."

"In addition to the gray fog, I also saw some hazy, flickering stars. Just a half-hearted glance filled my mind with a lot of messy and useless knowledge, and I was forced to interrupt the divination. "

After saying that, he looked at Renekton suspiciously.

The latter shrugged his shoulders and said calmly:

"If there is nothing wrong with your description, then you most likely saw me."

Klein immediately asked:

"Were you being promoted at that time? Also, why did you cause the gray fog here to vibrate?" Renekton nodded lightly and said:

"Yes, as for the gray mist here, there has also been a chain reaction. It should be that the gray mist there was left by the previous owner here. The things inside impacted the seal and penetrated the force outwards, affecting this space."

"Seal?" Klein keenly grasped the key point in Renekton's words.

The thoughts in his mind emerged one after another, and finally he said with an almost firm tone:

"The 'Knowledge Wilderness' is sealed there. Is it precisely because of this that you come into contact with me and the 'Hidden Sage' chooses to invest in me?"

After a pause for two seconds, he continued:

"Some of the changes in your body cannot be explained by your promotion to an angel. Just like what you said to Ms. Hermit before, your blood is surprisingly effective as a ritual for her promotion to demigod. Can I make a bold guess? You are the 'Hidden Sage', a certain incarnation of Him, just like the identity of Hermoshuin used by 'Orange Light' Hilarion when he was active in the real world."

After speaking, Klein pursed his lips and stared at Renekton, looking a little uneasy.

If my guess is correct, then there is a problem with his identity as a time traveler. It is almost impossible to directly travel to become a "Hidden Sage". Compared with the "Hidden Sage", the soul of an ordinary person is like a vast and vast world. The sea and a bowl of clear water were assimilated and became a part of Him the moment they fell into the sea.

If you think so, there is another possibility. After he was assimilated by the "Hidden Sage", he was used by the other party to directly separate an identity. In this state, he seemed to be an independent and complete person, but in fact That's why he was promoted so smoothly on the path of sequence, and why the "Hidden Sage" took special care of him.

The more Klein thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct, and he almost confirmed his idea in his heart.

Renekton remained leaning on the high-backed chair without moving. It wasn't until Klein's eyes gradually became complicated and weird that he spoke:

"Most of your guesses are correct, with only a few errors."

Sure enough, so he recalled his identity after being promoted to "Sage"?

As his thoughts turned, Klein continued to ask:

"You took on the identity of a time traveler? What about the original time traveler?"

Renekton shook his head slightly and said:

"It's not really a replacement, it's just like putting on a mask like the 'Faceless Man'."

"As for the template of this mask, it no longer exists. I just used the information that I had analyzed and recorded."

Klein was silent for a moment before continuing to ask:

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Regarding his next purpose, Renekton did not hide anything and said directly:

"Looking for Russell, I need allies in my fight with Steam."

"Rather than a long and secretive layout like the dark night, I prefer to find the key points and then quickly defeat the opponent."

Klein repeatedly tapped the edge of the table with his right hand and did not ask any further questions.

After a brief silence, Renekton chuckled and said:

"From a rational point of view, you don't need to care about this problem, because I am who I am from the beginning."

"Except for the seal of the Western Continent, there are no conflicts between you and me."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body became transparent and illusory, with a little bit of bright starlight twinkling in it.

During the conversation just now, he had used his special personality to sense his body in reality.

As the stars twinkled, the gray-white mist around him swirled and surged for a while, forming a vortex with a diameter of about two meters, engulfing him from bottom to top.

When the gray fog calmed down again, Klein looked slightly complicated and sighed:

"Huh, from a rational point of view? This doesn't sound very humane."

"He has changed too much before and after his promotion. In addition to the loss of emotion and lack of humanity, he also has an indescribable feeling."

After sitting quietly on the seat for a moment, he suddenly stood up and carefully scanned the entire gray fog with his spiritual vision, confirming that Renekton had not left any secret marks here.

It seems that I have overthought it. He is not an extraordinary person in the three paths of "divineer", "apprentice" and "thief". This place does not mean much to him.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 547 Chernobyl

In the place abandoned by the gods, in the almost completely collapsed temple, green vines hung down and quickly became transparent until they disappeared.

During this process, Renekton's figure quietly emerged.

He gently rubbed his fingers, and dots of golden starlight filled the air, bursting out pure and clear light, illuminating every corner around him, dispelling the darkness that shrouded the surroundings, leaving no shadow.

In the light, monsters with bat wings, bodies like human children, and gray-black short hair sticking close to the skin were revealed, and were quickly melted into drops of transparent liquid by the light.

After getting rid of the monsters hidden in the darkness, he walked straight towards the half-collapsed altar in front of him. Above the altar, there was a statue of a god that had fallen on a cross.

As he got closer, the statue seemed to come alive, exuding a very deep aura full of depravity. A dark, viscous liquid was secreted bit by bit on the surface of the statue, as if it was covered with a shadow.

In the pure and clear light, the sticky black liquid on the statue continued to spread outwards, like a dark and lightless shadow curtain. Deep in the curtain, there was an eye staring at everything with extremely crazy emotions.

A deep lilac glow appeared in Renekton's light blue eyes. His whole person exuded an unusually sacred and wise feeling, but he also seemed quite cold and without warmth.

He just stood there, looking into the eyes deep in the shadows. After two seconds of silence, he suddenly said:

"You look like you're doing better."

Deep in the shadows, the indifferent and rational voice of the "True Creator" came out:

"No wonder Herabergen cooperates with you"

"The seal left by the Seven Gods is still there. I can't leave this continent. I can't interfere with your recovery of the power and characteristics of the steam."

Renekton nodded calmly, and then said:

"I know that what I want to ask you for help with is another matter."

"I can help you reclaim the authority of the 'Sun'. In exchange, I need at least one copy of the 'Pure White Angel' properties."

"Go to Sasril." The "True Creator" replied simply.

As these words fell, the viscous black liquid flowing out from the inside of the statue was quickly recovered, disappearing into the light like an invisible shadow.

"You didn't ask me to help him get back the first blasphemous slate from the Giant King's Court. Are you trying to guard against me and worry that I would just take the blasphemous slate away or seal it?"

"Maybe you need to ask the goddess of the night about the characteristics of the third 'Emperor of Knowledge'. I originally thought it was hidden by the 'Hidden Sage', or lost in the land abandoned by the gods, but I simply feel it here. Without the existence of the 'knowledge emperor' characteristic, it can only be artificially hidden."

"No concealment can be hidden from the 'Mother of Secrets', and only she may have clues."

While talking to himself, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the temple. In the process, his body gradually faded and decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, which penetrated into the depths of the spiritual world and flowed like a torrent. Move forward.

He originally planned to collect a group of believers from the remaining city-states in the land abandoned by the gods, but now he can only give up this plan and shift the center of the faith to preaching in the southern continent.

The light composed of pure and complex information that surged like a torrent in the spiritual world suddenly stopped, and Renekton reorganized his body in the complex and pure knowledge.

He looked towards the place outside the spiritual world. There was a city completely different from the styles of the northern and southern continents, a majestic city built of steel bars and concrete.

Although the city has become decayed and collapsed over the long years, its distinctive features can still make people recognize at a glance which era it belongs to.

Deep in the spirit world, Renekton subconsciously stepped out of the spirit world and entered this gray and white city.

The air was filled with the smell of rust and sand, which was not pleasant, but he breathed heavily, as if something deep in his soul was throbbing.

Chernobyl. The former traveler left something behind after all, even if this is not his hometown, it is just a place that once was similar.

By the way, what kind of ultimate suture monster am I now? The unknown time traveler, Renekton Soth of Feneport, the personality profile of the "Knowledge Wilderness" and the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" seems to be deliberately strengthening me except " Knowledge Wilderness" Cognition beyond the personality side.

If my identity is recycled by the "knowledge wilderness", but it is unable to digest it, or is unwilling to digest this redundant identity recognition, will an identity be stripped out again, and I, in a sense, be resurrected?

While he was thinking, his eyes suddenly flashed, and Amon, wearing something like a white coat, appeared in front of him.

A trace of curiosity flashed in Amon's eyes, but his tone was very calm and he asked:

"What are you thinking? I can't steal your ideas?"

Renekton curiously looked at Amon's dress in front of him and said:

"The 'Sage' has mastered a certain amount of 'secret'. Although it is not as good as the 'Servant of Secret', there is still no problem in using it to cover up one's own thoughts."

Amon raised his hand and pinched the monocle at his right eye, then curved the corner of his mouth and said:

"As a qualified 'thief', I can not only steal other people's thoughts and ideas, but I can also tell through the expression and demeanor on your face just now that you know this place and the past of this city. You just were in Missing the past? "I'm curious what's worth missing here? It's just an ordinary city without any mystery."

Renekton walked straight past Amon and walked on the streets of the ruins of the city, saying as he walked:

"You should ask your father this question."

After a pause for two seconds, he continued to add:

"There are some things that only you with normal humanity will understand."

The expression on Amon's face did not change at all. His figure flickered and appeared in front of Renekton again, saying with a smile on his face:

"Normal humanity? Why do I feel that I have more humanity than you now?"

Renekton glanced at him lightly and said:

"You deserve a beating now. You are worthy of being a naughty kid raised by Medici."

"Really? I suddenly feel like I want to beat you up." While speaking, Amon raised his hand to remove the monocle from his right eye and held it in his hand.

Suddenly, streaks of pale white light emerged from the surrounding void, converging towards the monocle in his hand.

During this process, the aura on his body continued to rise, and within a moment, it reached the level of Sequence Two.

Renekton glanced at Amon with some surprise as his breath gradually calmed down, and said calmly:

"It seems like you were prepared. How did you know I would come here?"

Amon put on the monocle again, and then, as if he was showing off his work, he slightly raised his chin and said:

"I didn't know you would come here, I was just betting on a possibility."

"This is the place where my father walked out of. I think this place must have extraordinary meaning to him and some people like him."

"After you successfully avoided me by relying on the remaining aura and divine power of the night and storm, I sent some clones here."

Renekton chuckled and nodded, not too worried about stepping into Amon's trap. With the changes in sequence and position, it has been difficult for Amon to steal important things from him unless It is his true nature that comes.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly asked:

"Do you know the whereabouts of the three 'Emperor of Knowledge' attributes?"

Amon raised his eyebrows and said in a bewitching tone:

"Are you looking for the third attribute of 'Emperor of Knowledge'? I can give you a hint, but what are you going to exchange for it?"

"How do I know for sure if you actually know something?"

A deep lilac appeared in Renekton's eyes, and he looked at Amon who was wearing a monocle.

Amon raised his hand, tried to grasp it forward, and said calmly:

"You can bet, maybe I won't deceive you on this matter."

Renekton frowned slightly. The next moment, he felt that he had lost something, some knowledge.

He must be so lucky to have stolen my extraordinary ability so easily. While sighing in his heart, his body instantly became illusory and decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, flowing in this dilapidated and collapsed city. With.

A moment later, his figure reappeared on a high gray-white concrete wall that had mostly collapsed.

Amon followed closely and appeared on the high wall. Pieces of white, illusory feathers appeared behind him and spread out to form a pair of pure white wings.

Under the pure white wings, there are strips of insects of time with twelve-segment patterns, an ancient mottled twelve-segment clock.

The surrounding city ruins change instantly, and there are many illusory "worms of time" with twelve links of light and shadow swimming quickly and wandering around, quietly affecting the surrounding environment, forming a more conducive to "time". insect" environment.

This is the "mysterious reappearance" that Amon just stole from Renekton, which allows the user to reveal the "ugly duckling" in the form of a mythical creature.

After becoming a "sage", the "mysterious reappearance" he mastered has also changed. When revealing the form of mythical creatures, the "ugly duckling" can make the surrounding environment more suitable for him.

Renekton smiled at Amon, who showed the form of a mythical creature in front of him, his light blue eyes dyed with a deep lavender color.

He stared intently at Amon's mythical creature form, analyzing and recording the corresponding knowledge.

As this process progressed, his appearance, image and temperament were rapidly changing, becoming somewhat closer to Amon, as if he had become a real "Trojan of Destiny".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 548 News from Amon

The "Cinderella" at the angel level can not only change her appearance, image and temperament, but as long as she masters enough and correct knowledge, she can also gain part of the ability to change her goals as her image changes.

In this state, he noticed the changes in the environment under the influence of the "ugly duckling". The rules around him became extremely conspicuous, and it seemed that he could easily deceive it and tamper with it.

Renekton reached forward, took out an illusory hat from the void, and put it on his head.

His figure then disappeared, disappearing all traces.

Amon, who maintained the form of a mythical creature, did not restrain himself. Instead, many insects of time separated from his body and merged into the light and shadow that were swimming and wandering around him, making it difficult to tell which one of them was real and which one was fake.

After a moment, a transparent figure emerged from the shadow of the distant building ruins and gradually became solid.

He looks very similar to Amon, in terms of his clothing, appearance and temperament, except for the fact that he doesn't have the iconic monocle on his right eye.

Several phantoms of the Time Worm wandering in mid-air suddenly merged and turned into the image of Amon with a monocle. He put one hand behind his back and held the other hand forward while speaking:

"Why don't you also put on the monocle, so that you can be closer to me and this unique spell of yours can have more effect."

Renekton chuckled and said:

"Then I was parasitized by you in an instant?"

While speaking, his figure flashed rapidly and appeared in various places in the ruins of the city, but the figure that stayed in front of Amon never disappeared.

More and more Amon figures appeared around, and they all reached forward to grab hold of them. From time to time, gravel, rusty iron pieces and other items appeared in their hands.

His confrontation with Amon devolved into a constant process of stealing and having stolen locations, twisting and tampering with stolen targets.

Amon's clones kept appearing around him, some were busy stealing, some were looking around, and some were chatting with Renekton:

"You have the talent to be a 'thief', do you really not consider changing your career path?"

"The True Self can help you steal the characteristics of the 'Sage' and below in your body, and you can safely jump to a new path."

"The 'Stealer' and the top of the adjacent path are still empty, and the top of this path is still the pillar-level 'Old Days'. Are you really not tempted?"


Renekton, who had been unable to successfully steal his position, suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The sound was amplified and distorted into an air cannon that could destroy a huge sailboat.

The one who was attacked by the air cannon was the Amon standing in front of him. At the same time, all the surrounding Amon's bodies showed signs of tearing, like a newspaper torn apart by the strong wind, instantly falling apart.

Renekton distorted the target of the attack, turning it into all the Amon present. They were essentially one person. This distortion was easily completed.

In mid-air, the torn apart Amons became illusory and erratic, turning into the light and shadow of the insects of time again, wandering around.

"Interesting, it turns out that you carry a magical item from the 'Black Emperor' pathway. No wonder you dare to confront me on the rules level."

"I remember that this magical item didn't exist when I saw you last time. Where did you find it? Or did you rely on the 'Fool' to get it from the outside world?"

"Oh, it seems to be the latter."

Amon's voice seemed ethereal and unreal, echoing from the dust in the air, the shadows in the corners, and the stone slabs and soil on the ground.

Renekton did not answer Amon's words, but raised his head slightly and looked at the sky where lightning flashed from time to time. The deep blue and almost purple glow in his eyes brightened for a moment, and he recited in a low voice:


His body was dyed with a touch of gold, and countless golden light spots emerged around his body, radiating out circles of pure, clear, warm white light.

The moment this light emerged, every corner of Chernobyl was illuminated, leaving no blind spots or shadows.

Under the pure and clear light, the shadows of the Time Insects swimming and wandering in the air quickly became fainter until they disappeared.

The affected environment returned to normal instantly. Renekton took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, his figure reappeared on the gray street hundreds of meters away, and returned to his original appearance.

Less than five meters directly in front of him, Amon, wearing a white coat, walked out of the void. He raised his hand and pinched the monocle on his right eye.

Boom! Boom!

Silver-white electric snakes jumped out of the air, carrying a violent and destructive aura that was as strong as real substance, and landed around Renekton, drowning his figure.

On the ground, silver-white electric snakes were scurrying around, making crackling sounds.

This state lasted for about two or three seconds, and the dazzling silvery white faded away. Renekton still stood in the same position as before. Under his feet, there was a scorched black pit with some red and fine electric current. Renekton was just here and there out of thin air, as if he didn't exist at all. He looked at Amon calmly, and his figure suddenly twisted and reappeared, directly behind Amon.

Amon turned around calmly and asked at the same time:

"How did you discover my attack intention? Logically speaking, apart from detecting and evading this lightning attack in advance, it is difficult to dodge it by relying on one's own reactions."

"It's difficult, but not impossible." Renekton replied in a low voice.

Amon nodded thoughtfully and said, "I probably know what you are."

After saying that, he stepped forward, crossed Renekton neither quickly nor slowly, and walked towards the depths of Chernobyl. As he walked, he said:

"Deep in this city, there is a pit that goes straight to the depths of the earth. It is connected to the 'Sea of ​​Chaos'. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Amon's temptation was over, and Renekton was not interested in continuing to fight with him. Although he could rely on his special personality to suppress the opponent's 'stealing', he could not do anything to the opponent other than that.

Stepping behind Amon, he said calmly: "I'm more curious about the third piece of information about the characteristics of the 'Emperor of Knowledge'."

Amon put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and said in a leisurely tone:

"In the Second Age, the authority of the 'Hermit' and the 'Perfect One' was scattered in the hands of various ancient gods. Among them, Lilith, Angelweed, and Sunia Thorem had the most control. "

"As far as I know, from the Second Age to the present, there are only two 'Knowledge Emperors' who have definitely appeared. The first one is the god of the big lizard of Angelweed, who fell to the giants a long time ago. In the conflict with the dragon, his characteristics were missing. The second one should be familiar to you, he is very well-known."

"Roselle Gustave." Renekton whispered Russell's name. He frowned slightly, feeling a little incredible that there have only been two "Knowledge Emperors" from the Second Age to the present. .

Amon raised his hand and pinched the monocle at his right eye, twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"I also think that without the birth of Sequence 0, the frequency of the 'Emperor of Knowledge' appearing is a bit too low. However, it does not rule out that the Extraordinaries on this path are unlucky. After all, 'Secret Peepers' are very easy to die. Dropped."

Renekton subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Amon. Let him steal my thoughts again.

The figures of the two people who stopped talking flickered for a few times. They stole the position and twisted the distance. In a few breaths, they arrived at the edge of the deep pit that connected to the underground "Sea of ​​Chaos".

This was an ordinary-looking, approximately circular hole, with the edge of the hole stained with a layer of pitch black that was difficult to wash away.

As soon as Renekton stood at the edge of the pit, there was a faint sound like whimpering wind or strange murmuring echoing in his ears.

He frowned subconsciously, with a look of disgust on his face. He lowered his head and looked down, seeing nothing but darkness.

Amon asked at the right time: "Do you hate the breath of the 'Sea of ​​Chaos'?"

"Except for those who are omniscient and omnipotent in the five paths, I don't think anyone would like the aura of the 'Sea of ​​Chaos', unless they want to be compatible with more authority."

Renekton took a few steps back while speaking, and the deep lavender slowly flowing in his eyes gradually faded.

The will of the "God" in the "Sea of ​​Chaos" is not too strong. He didn't even notice my existence. Well, that may be the reason why I didn't go deep.

Thinking of "God", he suddenly turned his head and looked at Amon on the other side and asked:

"Do you think your father knows the whereabouts of the third 'Emperor of Knowledge' trait?"

"He is all-knowing and all-powerful." Amon tilted his chin slightly, his tone a little arrogant, but he did not answer Renekton's question directly.

Renekton looked at Amon and sneered: "It seems you are not sure either."

Amon did not show any mood swings because of his words, and said in a very calm tone:

"Why don't you ask the existing 'All-Knowing One'? Don't you have a good relationship with the betrayal dragon?"

"Why, are you also worried that he will betray you at the right time, seize the power of knowledge and civilization, and become the new 'Demon of Knowledge'?"

Renekton shook his head slowly and said with a very firm tone:

"Absolute rationality allows him to make the decision that is most beneficial to him. This kind of blind and impulsive gambling behavior is not something that a born mythical creature like him can make."

"People change, and so does God."

Amon sighed vaguely, and his figure instantly turned into countless rays of pale white light, flowing into the void and disappearing.

Renekton glanced at the place where Amon disappeared, then looked down at the hole leading directly to the "Sea of ​​Chaos" deep underground, and said in a low voice:

"Your breath is as disgusting as ever."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body instantly became blurry and decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, rushing away into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 549 Return to Xexiting

In the ruins of Sexitin, the place abandoned by the gods, a dim light that was difficult to observe with the naked eye emerged from the depths of the spiritual world. Countless complex and pure knowledge quickly gathered to reorganize Renekton's body.

After being promoted to "sage" and regaining his identity, he felt the hidden characteristics of "knowledge teacher" just by appearing here.

It seems that as long as you have a stronger will, that characteristic will break through the blockade and fly into your hands.

He also had some control over the things in the "Perfection" path, but the "Hermit" path was weaker than his own. He muttered a few words in his heart, and suddenly stretched out his right hand forward and grabbed it in the void. .

Si Xiding, who was silent in the rich darkness, suddenly burst out with a layer of illusory light from all directions. This light overlapped with each other, as if building a huge and complex city.

These lights gradually merged into the ruined city, and the whole city seemed to come alive at this moment.

He directly captured the information world hidden on the other side of the ruins of the city and forcefully integrated it with the real city.

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of machinery running and gears meshing was everywhere. The city seemed to have turned into a huge mechanical factory, and the streets gradually lit up with dim light.

Renekton stepped forward calmly. Behind him, pieces of pure white, illusory feathers condensed out. These feathers stacked outward, like a pair of exaggerated pure white wings.

Under the pure white wings, his body quickly split into cracks, and the darkness buried under the surface of his skin came out bit by bit. His entire body turned into a black mass with countless eyes, full of madness, destruction, and ominousness. , disaster and other smells.

As the aura spreads, under the influence of the "mysterious reappearance", eyes filled with crazy, ominous and other auras grow out in the surrounding air, dust, ground, and collapsed building ruins.

They scanned the surroundings wantonly, analyzing and recording everything they saw, and passed this information to Renekton's mind.

During this process, crazy mechanical dolls continue to appear in the city that comes to life in the dark. Their bodies made of iron sheets, wood sticks, hay and other materials are mutating crazily.

Dark, viscous liquid separated from the surface painted with colored pigments, green leaves grew on the hay, and bright red fruits grew. Layers of cracks appeared on the rusty iron sheets, extending outward like There were barb-like scales and broad white feathers sprouted from the gaps in the doll's body.

In the position of their eye sockets, there is a deep red blood-like flow slowly, full of a feeling of madness and bloodthirsty, as if the crazy emotions that have been squeezed for a long time have finally been released, without concealing their malice.

Every time they took a step forward, there would be a clicking sound from their bodies, one or two white feathers falling down, or a few drops of dark, viscous liquid.

Under the pure white wings, the eyes on the pitch-black thread suddenly became deep, flowing with a deep lavender. He carefully looked at each crazy doll that came out of the darkness, his eyes penetrated their bodies. , dismantle them bit by bit, analyze them, and record them.

Every doll that was stared at by these eyes became sluggish and heavy, and the parts on its body continued to make overwhelmed creaking sounds, as if they would disintegrate at any time and scatter parts on the ground.

The mutation on the doll's body rapidly intensified, and the broad white feathers that grew out of the gaps fell off one by one, revealing the eye that was covered under the feathers and was only filled with flesh and blood.

The wind roared loudly, and a violent and sharp wind suddenly blew in the surrounding streets, blowing the crazy mutated dolls to pieces.

The wind swirling around seemed to be mixed with tiny blades, leaving tiny traces on the doll's body, the surrounding ground, and the ruins of collapsed houses on both sides of the street.

The roaring wind was occasionally interspersed with streaks of silvery lightning, red fireballs and shrill roars like those of the dead.

The alienating dolls around them completely ignored Renekton walking in the middle of the road, and began to tear each other apart and attack.

Renekton maintained the form of a mythical creature and walked through the ruins of Sexitin at a moderate speed.

Soon, eyes full of madness, destruction, ominousness, disaster, etc. filled the entire city, densely packed, as if they wanted to assimilate the entire city.

After walking through the entire city, Renekton finally stopped in front of the intact zenithal church. Under the pure white wings, the black mass with eyes began to shrink and turn inward, transforming back into Renekton. appearance.

He raised his right hand high, condensing a ball of slowly rotating bright star sand. As if being pulled, the eyes growing in every corner of the ruins of the city began to become brighter, like one eye after another. Stars emerged, densely packed and dazzling, and the light blue starlight filled the entire city.

These stars shed light one after another, and merged into a magnificent pillar of light, wrapping the entire city.

In this light, the ruins of streets, buildings, and the crazy mutated dolls that attack each other began to dissolve little by little, collapsing into little blue light spots, rising and falling under the starlight. , slowly approached Renekton's position, and merged into the slowly rotating star sand in his hands. The slowly rotating star sand became larger and larger, faster and faster, and gradually covered the entire zenith church in front.

The huge and magnificent church built of boulders and steel seemed to be stimulated. A mixture of bright yellow and crimson light bloomed from the inside, forming a huge light curtain that enveloped the entire temple, trying to absorb the surrounding starlight. disperse.

Renekton looked at the scene in front of him, lowered his eyes slightly, feeling the will gradually becoming active deep in the temple, and whispered softly:

"Will you choose to wake up desperately, or will you completely dissipate in your sleep?"

As if in response to his words, an ancient, desolate, chaotic and crazy atmosphere spread from the depths of the church, and the consciousness sleeping here was waking up little by little,

Above the church, the bright yellow and crimson light began to recycle and twist, and gradually took on a substantial feel, turning into countless interlocking, slowly rotating gears.


The sound of mechanical operation kept coming to Renekton's ears. In front of him, the slowly rotating star sand gradually stagnated, and even the color quickly dissipated like evaporation, as if it would disintegrate into the smallest particle structure at any time.

Renekton's figure flickered, and in an instant he rose from the ground to mid-air. He looked at the colorless and gradually collapsing star sand below, and stretched out his right hand to press down.

Silently, the bright stars fell from the sky and disappeared into the dim star sand that enveloped the entire church and lost its color.

The dim starlight became bright again and regained its color. The light blue misty starlight lit up again, disintegrating the bright yellow and crimson light curtain bit by bit, revealing a faint bronze-colored shimmering light below. temple.


Renekton raised his hand and snapped his fingers, leaning back leisurely. Starlight fell around him and quickly condensed into a high-backed chair floating in the air.

Renekton, who was sitting on a high-backed chair, lowered his eyes and looked down. Starlight kept flickering in his eyes, reflecting a wilderness of mottled light and shadow.

In this state, he could clearly feel the "knowledge teacher" characteristics that attracted him in the temple below.

With a snap, he snapped his fingers again, using the characteristics of the "Fallen Earl" that he carried with him that he had shattered and restored to distort and amplify the aggregation effect between the extraordinary characteristics.

The temple below continued to tremble, as if it would disintegrate at any time. Dots of bronze-colored light separated from it and gathered around Renekton.


The moment the bronze-colored light approached him, an illusory and erratic shout echoed in Renekton's ears, like a helpless roar, begging for mercy, or a shrill curse.

As more and more light spots gathered around him, the magnificent zenithal church below disintegrated little by little, turning into pieces, floating in the bright yellow and crimson light.

During this process, there were illusory and erratic roars echoing in his ears. The sound gradually disappeared until no more light spots were emitted.

From the beginning to the end, the will of the "secret angel" never really appeared, only the roar echoed in the spiritual imprint.

"What did Amon do after I left the information world last time? The remaining will of this 'Secret Angel' is so weak that he can't even return as a crazy monster?"

"At first I thought it was because He was too timid and didn't dare to come back in a tainted, completely crazy state. As a result, He only had some strength left to lie on the ground and moan."

After muttering a few words to himself, Renekton squeezed his right hand hard, and the newly formed "knowledge teacher" characteristics were shattered in his hand, turning into floating bronze light spots.

Under his deliberate manipulation, bronze light spots floated around his arm, converging and forming little by little, and finally turned into a mechanical glove engraved with many detailed and complex patterns, with a surface shining with bronze luster.

As the gloves were formed, the corresponding information automatically appeared in his mind:

This glove contains one copy of all the characteristics of the "Generalist" path from Sequence Nine to Sequence Two. It has certain living characteristics, but it is very rigid and mechanized. It will attract surrounding dangerous factors from time to time, creating Chaos and panic.

The life force needs to be extracted and poured into the glove at a fixed time, otherwise it will automatically extract the user's life force. After each use, the life force also needs to be extracted to feed it. The minimum life force that can be extracted is a person, and the maximum is a city. Specifically, How much is determined by the glove. If it is not satisfied, the user's life force will be directly drained.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 550 Secret Puppet

"How come you still have the attribute of gluttony?" Renekton muttered to himself as he stretched out his left hand and tapped the surface of the mechanical glove with his fingers, making a clicking sound.

The surface of the bronze mechanical glove made a squeaking sound, and a crack opened, revealing the precise gear structure that meshed with each other inside, making constant clicking sounds.

Inexplicably, the expression of a child looking at him aggrievedly appeared in his mind, as if to say: "I just get hungry easily!"

The corners of Renekton's mouth twitched slightly and he said, "The characteristic of being alive is stronger than I thought."

While speaking, he stood up from the high-backed chair made of stars. His figure flickered and appeared directly in the open square in front of the temple below.

He squatted down and pressed his right hand wearing a bronze mechanical glove onto the dilapidated and decayed gray stone ground.

The mechanical glove he wore on his right hand made a sound of gears turning, and the precise and complex lines engraved on the surface lit up one by one, flashing with a pale white brilliance.

The next moment, with his right hand pressing on the ground as the center, the color quickly dissipated like evaporation. On the ground, the dilapidated and decayed gray stone turned into pieces and spread rapidly outward.

In just a moment, the entire square, including part of the temple in front, turned into a cloud of dust, which was blown into the distance by a sudden gust of wind.

Renekton stood up from the ground that turned into dust, looked down at the mechanical glove on his right hand, and whispered to himself:

"Is your limit on absorbing life force within a range of 100 meters, and is there anything in direct contact?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his right index finger clicked three times continuously and quickly under the guidance of the mechanical glove.

After receiving the reply from the gloves, Renekton nodded slightly, and then walked towards the temple in front, intending to recover the remaining characteristics here.

Before taking two steps, he suddenly stopped, raised his head and looked to the right. With the light brought by lightning when it cut across the sky, he could see clearly in the corner of the ruins of a collapsed house in the distance. A monster that is a cross between a bird and a wolf.

The monster's green eyes dimmed instantly, and it fell back, as if it had suddenly lost all vitality.

Renekton changed the direction of his steps, and the measurement of distance was suddenly distorted. He just took a step forward, but he instantly appeared next to the fallen monster.

The deep lilac color appeared in his eyes, and the information about this monster that looked like a cross between a bird and a wolf appeared clearly in his eyes.

"Is a corpse that has been dead for a while turned into a marionette?"

While talking to himself, his eyes flashed and became extremely dark, resembling the surface of the sea before a storm.

Under such circumstances, the focus is obviously lost and the eyes are confused.

What happened to this monster during its lifetime automatically appeared in his mind:

Hidden in the darkness, quietly waiting for prey, its body suddenly stiffened, and then it ran towards the ruins of the city ahead at a speed that far exceeded its own limit. Among the ruins of the city, it saw many twinkling stars. s eyes.

The fragmentary images seen through the "prophecy" quickly dissipated.

Renekton's eyes soon became clear again. He was completely unable to trace the existence that turned this monster into a Marionette. He tried to peek at the level of destiny, but there was always a fog blocking his eyes.

"'Dark Demonic Wolf' Kotar is a bit deceitful. You are the only demonic wolf of the 'divineer' path in the land abandoned by the gods."

After taunting the 'Dark Demonic Wolf' in a low voice, Renekton bent down and pressed his right hand wearing a mechanical glove onto the monster's body.

The body of the monster, covered with short, thick gray-brown hair and palm-length feathers, instantly shriveled up, lost color, and fell to the ground bit by bit.

After doing all this, his body instantly became empty and decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, surging like a torrent into the spiritual world, looking for the figure of the "Dark Dark Demonic Wolf" in the surrounding area.

About ten minutes later, an information flow that was difficult to see with the naked eye emerged from the depths of the spiritual world, and Renekton's body was reassembled in front of the dilapidated and decayed temple.

He had just searched the surrounding area for more than ten kilometers and didn't see even a single wolf hair.

"As expected of an angel of the 'Soothsayer' path, he wants to hide so much that even the 'Peeping Eyes' can't find any trace of him."

Renekton sighed as he walked into the temple.

The statue in the hall that had been destroyed by Amon had completely disappeared, not even the rubble was left.

The dolls that were originally prostrate in the hall and praying have all disappeared, leaving only some scattered parts and remains on the ground, which seems to indicate that this place has experienced a chaos.

Renekton's eyes looked around, taking in all the traces and scents remaining in the hall. He soon simulated what had happened here before in his mind. "Amon brought part of the will and aura of the 'True Creator' here, breaking the original balance here. The changes in the information world simultaneously affected this place, making the puppets here go crazy and start attacking each other."

"Why did he do this?"

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Renekton decided to give up his plan to continue the investigation. There was no absolute and irreconcilable conflict between him and Amon. As long as it was not directed at him, he could completely ignore the other party, and he had already planned to leave the God Abandoned Palace. Therefore, paying attention to Amon is no longer so urgent and necessary.

Thinking of this, he half-raised his left hand and stretched it forward, condensing a dark, ancient horn with an extremely heavy and powerful connotation.

He put the "horn of destruction" to his lips and blew hard.

Thick, depressing low sounds suddenly echoed around. Under the superposition of sound waves, the dilapidated and decayed temple cracked wide cracks. From the inside to the outside, it collapsed bit by bit, turning into the smallest details. The crumbs slowly floated in the air and fell.

Bright yellow, deep red, mixed with some light blue and silvery white light spots are constantly precipitating from the floating crumbs in the air, floating around, and slowly gathering.

These light spots representing different pathways and different sequences of extraordinary characteristics gradually come together, eventually forming a dice inlaid with many gems.

It is about the size of a fist, with a dark black background, and each side is inlaid with different colors and different numbers of gems. They are one point of jet black, two points of green, three points of silver, four points of dark green, and five points of dark green. Red and six o'clock golden, each exudes a completely different atmosphere, distinct from each other, appearing chaotic, evil and sacred.

Renekton glanced at the dice lying quietly on the ground from a distance, with a deep lavender glow flowing in his eyes. In just a moment, he understood the information about this magical item.

This magical item is a mixture of many auras and characteristics. It has no clear effect. Different sides will release extraordinary abilities in different aspects. This may be positive or negative. It may have both effects. For the person who throws the dice, it may also affect a certain range around it. The intensity is between sequence nine and sequence four, which is completely random, but the higher the intensity, the lower the probability of occurrence.

The black at one point represents the extraordinary abilities in the realm of darkness and corruption, the green at two points represents the extraordinary abilities in the realm of life, the silver at three points represents the extraordinary abilities in the realm of storm, and the dark green at four points represents the realm of death. , the crimson at five o'clock represents the lunar realm, and the golden yellow at six o'clock represents the solar realm.

It will constantly attract living creatures nearby to turn it. If no living creature turns it for a long time, it will rotate spontaneously. As time goes by, the speed of its spontaneous rotation will gradually increase.

"A very interesting dice, just like adding a map with a 'door' path, you can play a real adventure game full of excitement and passion."

Renekton whispered to himself, and the idea of ​​creating a matching chessboard for it gradually became stronger.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the thoughts rising in his heart, he gently rubbed his fingers to create dots of starlight, and moved the wrapped dice lying quietly on the ground to his hand.

These starlights condensed instantly and turned into translucent amber, forming a simple seal that cut off the dice's perception of the outside world and also restricted its ability to rotate on its own.

After doing all this, he remained silent for two seconds, turned his head and looked to the side and behind. His body instantly became blurred and decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, surging towards the distance like a torrent.

On a hill about two to three hundred meters to the left of Sexitin, a complex and pure flow of information rushed here, quickly reorganizing Renekton's body.

He lowered his head and glanced at a monster corpse lying on the ground, and spoke in a calm voice toward the front:

"Are you looking for me?"

His voice continued to echo around and spread far away, showing no sign of weakening.

As the sound spread far into the deep darkness, there was no longer any echo in his ears, and he didn't get the slightest response.

After a moment of silence, seeing that no one came out to respond to him, Renekton turned back and his body instantly became illusive.

The next moment, a dim yellow fire suddenly appeared in the darkness in front of him. A man was holding an animal skin lantern and wearing dark classical palace robes. His eyes were dark and slightly green, and his face was covered with rough black hair. A bearded middle-aged man stepped out of the darkness.

He appeared very suddenly, as if he had been teleported from a very far away place. He did not have the slightest aura of an Beyonder on him. His eyes were fixed on Renekton, and he spoke in a very ancient language with a low and hoarse voice. :

"Have you seen the 'Origin Castle'?"

Renekton's illusory body solidified again, and he calmly looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes suddenly darkening.

In his sight, there were layers of illusory fog behind the marionette that suddenly appeared in front of him, making it difficult to understand and understand.

(End of this chapter)