

Chapter 541: Promotion to "Sage" (complementing yesterday's chapter)

The easternmost part of the God's Abandoned Land is where the thick barrier formed by the endless gray fog is located.

Renekton, who was in an information state and lost the ability to perceive things around him, suddenly became sober and gradually regained himself.

Countless people's prayer voices echoed in his ears, using different languages, different tones, and different voice lines. It seemed very messy, but he could easily distinguish what these voices wanted to express, and he understood The emotion and will mixed in the language can make one's spirit more stable.

During this process, his own spiritual will began to undergo qualitative changes little by little. Gradually, he left the level of an angel and evolved to a higher level. This time, his spirit seemed to be extremely stable under the impact of the chaotic and complex information around him. .

As his thoughts became clearer, he began to gather up the divergent and diluted torrent of ontological information little by little, and began to reassemble it.

At a certain moment, he vaguely saw an indescribable, indescribable silver-white light. These lights were rushing with no beginning or end. It was inexplicably reminiscent of the river that represented destiny.

As the light emerged, something in him seemed to be broken, and something was taking root little by little and growing rapidly.

His whole body felt much more relaxed and at ease, as if he had taken off a heavy layer of disguise and returned to his true self.

In his mind, many vague memories that he had forgotten intentionally or unintentionally emerged.

He saw that indescribable, infinitely vast wilderness, but this time his perspective changed, and he seemed to become the wilderness itself.

He saw that indescribable, pure, silvery white light that seemed to contain everything and was extremely chaotic. This time he knew the name of this light: Key of Light, Endless Chaos, and the Incarnation of Destiny.

It is the key of light that represents the chaos of destiny and is the embodiment of destiny.

It has always been alone, watching everything, observing everything, never participating in the plans and actions of other sefirot, nor communicating with them.

Below it, in the wilderness where countless figures wandered, huge ravines opened up, countless dark things poured out of them, and the long silver-white river flowed in the distance and became entangled.

The picture quickly blurred, and he saw the wilderness and silvery light that had returned to calm. A misty light that was difficult to see burst out from the depths of the wilderness, fell into the river that represented destiny, and was stained with... A thick layer of silvery white was pushed into the distance, beyond the endless gray mist.

Gradually, a clearer murmur echoed in Renekton's ears. The voice was indifferent and crazy, as if he was talking to himself:

"It is the most mysterious and the earliest source of life."

"As the chaotic side of destiny, it senses that the soul I captured is different from the soul of this universe."

"It is our instinct to pursue knowledge and destiny. I had some battles with it, and the soul was shattered in the process, so we changed from confrontation to cooperation."

This is not any known language, but Renekton can easily understand it and understand the meaning it wants to express.

After a brief silence, he asked to himself:

"Am I the experimental product of your cooperation? An identity used to collect characteristics and authority outside the seal?"

The indifferent and crazy murmurs continued to echo in his ears:

"Yes and no"

"You are more successful than the 'Hidden Sage'. You are a separated part of me, an aspect of my personality."

"Before the seal of the Western Continent is lifted, I will not be able to fully integrate with you. The information I can convey has limited penetration power."

"Your interference with destiny will become the material of the 'Key of Light' and its anchor to the outside world. If enough chaos is created, perhaps we can break free from the seal and seize more power before the mystery returns."

"This is extremely important in the subsequent confrontation with the 'High-Dimensional Overlooker', 'Superstar Master', 'Destiny Weaver', and 'Circle of Destiny'."

"Don't believe in the 'mystery,' and don't believe in Him under any circumstances."

"'God' is also not worthy of trust. Maintaining the balance between them and letting 'God' never be born is the best result."

This is not the other party answering his question, but the information that has been preset and has been sent out in advance. However, the "knowledge wilderness" as the ontology has already anticipated his reaction, so it seems like he is asking a question at this time. One answer.

The murmurs echoing in the ears gradually disappeared, and the misty light composed of streams of complex knowledge broke away from the depths of the spiritual world, gathered in front of the wall composed of endless gray fog, and reorganized the thunder with the complex and pure knowledge. Keton's body. His flesh and blood was still squirming and churning extremely slowly, as if eyes were growing out of his body.

His eyes shone with pure light, giving people a feeling of being extremely holy and full of wisdom, but they also seemed quite cold and without warmth.

This state did not last long. He found a boulder around him to sit down, closed his eyes and meditated to restore his state.

Ten or twenty minutes passed, and when he opened his eyes again, the unusually pure and unusually cold light in his eyes had disappeared, and the flesh and blood on his body had also calmed down.


"It's a little worse than I expected, and a little better than I expected."

"But I probably understand why my luck fluctuates, and sometimes I make decisions that are not in line with my predictions and personality."

"No wonder I took away Will Asceptin's Dice of Probability. He just complained a few words in his dream. I wanted to see Ourolius but couldn't."

After a pause, he quickly thought of a new question. If I return to the "Knowledge Wilderness", I should encounter the same problem as the "True Creator". After the fusion, who will be the leader? I am just a personality profile, I am sure I can't compete for the "Knowledge Wilderness" of the Western Continent, unless that old salted fish of the "Key of Light" is willing to help me.

"The new identity adapts a bit quickly. It's a bit like the embodiment of the 'virtual personality'. The 'knowledge wilderness' was compatible with God before, so it still retains some information about the visionary. Can the corresponding abilities be simulated?"

"We still need to find Miss Justice again. I hope she has been promoted to 'Hypnotist' so that the effect of psychological intervention will be better."

After muttering a few words in a low voice to himself, he quickly converged his divergent thoughts, and with the silvery white light brought by the lightning that frequently fell in the sky, he raised his head and looked around.

A lavender glow flashed through his eyes, and everything around him changed in his eyes, becoming extremely clear and thorough. As long as he concentrated, his thinking speed would be greatly improved, allowing him to Everything in the field of vision looks like it's in slow motion.

As he concentrated his attention, the silvery white lightning streaking across the sky gradually slowed down in his eyes. He could dismantle it bit by bit and see clearly the trajectory of the charge. He could decompose the current from the information level and understand its effects. Figure out the types of forces that restrain it and are restrained by it.

You can see the traces left by the monsters hidden in the darkness, see where they hide, and see what's special about them.

He could even peek out from the clouds covering the sky to see the remaining aura belonging to the "Lord of Storms", clearly see the shadow curtain hanging from an infinite distance in the darkness, and see the quiet and peaceful darkness within it.

After taking in everything around him, he closed his eyes and opened them again. The light blue eyes no longer had the faint purple color, but they still gave people a feeling of wisdom, a little too calm and indifferent. a feeling of.

He curled up the corners of his mouth, and felt that his smile was a little fake, like a simple expression on the surface.

Human nature is getting weaker and weaker. He sighed in his heart, lowered his eyes slightly, and carefully felt some of the changes in himself after becoming an angel, as well as the improvement of his extraordinary abilities:

"The 'Eye of Peeping Secrets' has been further improved. In addition to being able to see the structure of things clearly from the information level, it also has the ability to see the essence of things clearly, similar to what angels in the 'Perfector' path have."

"Coupled with the rapid thinking ability similar to bullet time, I can analyze the extraordinary people, extraordinary abilities, and magical items I see in a very short time, understand their weaknesses and strengths, and solve them in a very easy way. question."

"This is somewhat similar to the 'insight' of the 'White Tower' path, but it should be stronger. Even an angel would have a hard time hiding anything in front of my 'Peeping Eyes', unless it is a 'secret' angel."

"The extraordinary abilities that I originally possessed have also been upgraded to the angel level. In addition, I can also transform the knowledge I have mastered into substantial power. It is a bit like a more advanced version of 'Mysterious Reappearance'. I can also turn myself into a A pure information flow creature, this goes one step further and is the 'Knowledge Emperor''s ability to manipulate and modify information."

"I am now a complete mythical creature. Thanks to the nature of the 'Knowledge Wilderness', although I do not have the personality of the old days, I am still far higher than ordinary angels, and even the true God of Sequence 0, especially when facing When the two paths of 'Perfect' and 'Hermit' exist in high positions, I have natural suppression on them."

"Oh, I even feel that I can challenge Steam alone now, and then there is a high probability that it will be suppressed by him and made into a new sealed object."

After mocking himself, he stretched out his hand and photographed the dark copper lantern out of thin air. The next second, his figure disappeared suddenly and then reappeared a hundred meters away.

He had a premonition and headed north along the barrier made of gray mist. The figure kept disappearing and reappearing. In a moment, he walked a distance of more than a thousand meters.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 542 The Eternal Mist.

Shortly after Renekton left, as a bolt of lightning flashed across the dark sky, silvery white light illuminated the surrounding land, and a figure wearing a black classical robe and a pointed hat of the same color appeared on the boulder.

He wore a monocle made of crystal on his right eye, folded his hands in front of his chest, and while looking around with interest, sighed in a voice with no emotion:

"It's a pity that I came a step too late. The noise just now was really loud. No wonder I came here to be promoted. If I were outside, the steam would have rushed out of the perfect place and started a round of divine war in the real world."

"However, with such a big movement, the 'Hanged Man' hiding in the mountain just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. This attitude is a bit thought-provoking!"

"Perhaps it's time for my body to go out for a walk, and I can find an opportunity to take back the 'Insect of Time' properties stored in Palesna."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand and raised the monocle at his right eye. His figure suddenly disappeared on the boulder, and the next moment he appeared directly on a hill thousands of meters away.

After a second's pause, his figure disappeared again.

About a few hundred miles away from the place where he was previously promoted, Renekton's figure holding a dark copper lantern kept flickering forward. He didn't know that Amon would appear there shortly after he left the place. If You know, he'll go faster.

The figure moved forward several times in a flash, then he suddenly stopped and stood quietly in front of a rotten tree stump, looking calmly ahead.

About five hundred meters in front of him, there was a crudely decorated altar with many spiritual materials from monsters placed on the altar.

Right in front of the altar, an old man wearing dark brown animal skin was sitting on his knees. His hair was completely gray and hanging messily. He was reciting something in a low voice with a very pious attitude.

Behind the old man, dozens of figures squatting and holding animal skin lanterns sat sparsely. They were covered with simple animal skin clothes, their heads were hung tightly, and they had varying degrees of alienation on their bodies.

"Are you from Moon City?"

"Because of the commotion I just caused, they thought it was feedback from this gray fog, so did they start holding the ceremony again?"

After muttering a few words in a low voice, Renekton turned his head to look at the gray mist on the other side, his eyes filled with a very charming lavender color, as if he could glimpse all the secrets in the world.

In this state, he could clearly see the essence of the endless spreading gray-white fog. He could even see the broken spots of light in the fog of history, some dim and some shining. It seemed that as long as he concentrated, You can clearly see the information contained in it.

Can I also see the pores of history and see the historical records contained within? It should be my own specialness. I have a certain control over any form of information, so I can see the information in those historical holes. If I switch to other "sages" or even the "Knowledge Emperor", I may not be able to do it. of this.

With a few silent sighs in his heart, his eyes were once again attracted by the endless gray-white mist in front of him. As the residents of Moon City offered sacrifices, some changes gradually occurred, and he became more alive.

In his ears, he could still clearly hear the residents of Moon City chanting their honorary names repeatedly in a language similar to giant language:

"The eternal fog, the barrier that solidifies time and space, the existence that embraces everything"

As the residents of Moon City chanted repeatedly, the gray mist flowing quietly in front of them surged up again, making a whining sound, like the friction of air, or like a low and hoarse roar.

The gray mist kept gathering and tearing apart. Gradually, it tore out a blurry face, as if it was made up of countless tiny insects squirming and gathering together. It was a face between humans and beasts. The top of the wall of gray mist is trying hard to extend outward.

Renekton, who witnessed all this, sighed in a low voice:

"It's interesting. The incident just now seems to have made it come alive again."

The dark copper lantern in his hand flashed a few times, and his figure kept "flashing". In a moment, he appeared in front of the wall made of boundless gray mist.

He raised the lantern in his hand toward the top of his head, and the face that grew out of the boundless gray fog stretched downwards. The gray fog rubbed against the air, making a whooshing sound, which sounded like it was in time.

Renekton held up the lantern and stared at it. The deep blue and almost purple glow in his eyes slowly flowed, reflecting a dense and bright starry sky.

In this state, he could perceive the state of this gray fog and the emotions of this face more clearly and more easily.

"Is it because you remember the aura just now that you remain malicious to me?"

Renekton murmured to himself in a low voice. Under the dim light, the distance was very long. No matter how much the face on the gray mist stretched downward, he could never really get close to him.

Silently looking at the face growing out of the gray fog for a moment, his free left hand stretched forward a little, condensing a dark ancient horn with an extremely heavy and powerful connotation.

The "horn of destruction" at the angel level emits a low-pitched sound that is difficult to cover up and isolate. When the sound waves are superimposed, everything within a certain range can be shattered.

He brought the "Horn of Destruction" to his mouth, his cheeks slightly bulging, and he blew the horn vigorously.

A deep, thick, low-pitched sound echoed all around, and invisible sound waves spread out in circles. The surrounding void continued to make tiny clicking sounds, as if it was cracking bit by bit, gradually heading toward destruction.

In the sound waves full of destructive charm, the face condensed by countless gray fogs, between humans and beasts, gradually collapsed, turning into the most primitive historical fog, and blending into the endless wall of gray fog behind it. middle. Behind Renekton, the residents of Moon City who were holding sacrifices had discovered what had happened. They looked at the sudden appearance of a figure and the face growing out of the gray mist in shock.

After a brief period of confusion, the high priest Nim who was responsible for presiding over the ceremony quickly called on the people behind him to retreat.


The thick low roar with the meaning of destruction turned into invisible sound waves that continuously swayed outwards, swaying far away, almost covering the scope of a city.

Within this range, whether it was the gray mist, the soil on the ground, or even the silver lightning falling from the sky, the deep and oppressive darkness around them was disintegrating and dissipating little by little.

It lasted about half a minute, and the constantly echoing horn sound finally disappeared.

Renekton stood calmly in mid-air. The ground he originally stepped on had disappeared, leaving only a large hole. In front of him, gray mist continued to surge, and the gap created by invisible sound waves filled up. , the remaining gray space was quickly shrouded in darkness again.

"Isn't it possible?" Renekton shook his right hand holding the lantern a few times and whispered to himself.

The next moment, he raised his left hand high, as if touching the sky above his head. Warm and clear light quickly emerged around him, and began to accumulate in his hand, condensing into a spear that was extremely pure, extremely white, and seemed to be composed of pure sunlight. .

Under the dim light of the lantern, the spear in his hand became extraordinarily white and hot, as if dyed with a layer of brilliant gold.

The spear came out of the hand the moment it took shape, and sank straight into the depths of the gray mist.

The slowly surging gray fog suddenly stirred violently, and in the depths of the gray fog appeared a miniature sun that was so white that it could illuminate the entire city. It bloomed with blazing white heat, as if it could purify everything. Brilliance.

The gray mist continued to surge outwards for a while, and then began to gather inward again, gradually submerging the miniature sun that was extremely white, covering up all the light.

"The seals formed by these gray fogs also inherit some characteristics of those three pathways, and cannot be broken through by violence."

Muttering to himself in a low voice, Renekton put his left hand in his pocket, turned around and walked towards the direction of everyone in Moon City.

As he took steps, his figure flickered a few times, and he easily left the area that had just been destroyed by the "Horn of Destruction".

Less than a kilometer away from the place destroyed by the "Horn of Destruction", the people of Moon City, who had varying degrees of alienation on their bodies, looked ahead nervously and curiously.

It wasn't until the surging gray fog gradually subsided that someone began to whisper, both curious and worried.

Standing at the front is the gray-haired high priest Nim. Next to him, there is a young man carrying an animal skin lantern. His body is abnormally hunched, and there are one or more large lumps from his neck to his cheeks. Or a small protrusion, as if a new limb is growing out of it.

He looked forward with a somewhat uneasy expression, as if he was worried that the mysterious man who attacked Gray Mist just now would suddenly appear in front of them and attack them.

While vigilant, he asked the high priest Nim next to him with some expectation:

"High Priest, that figure that suddenly appeared just now, is he really a human? Or is he a monster somewhere deep in the darkness? Was he attacking this gray mist just now?"

"I don't know either." High Priest Nim sighed softly.

"Are you talking about me?"

A clear voice that sounded very young and spoke a completely different language than theirs suddenly echoed in the ears of everyone in Moon City.

Everyone was instantly alert, and Renekton felt that he could even hear their beating heartbeats.

He paused and planned to continue approaching. He raised the lantern in his hand and said with a friendly smile that he thought showed a little emotion:

"I don't mean any harm, I just saw you guys looking here all the time, so I came over to take a look out of curiosity."

Everyone in Yuecheng seemed to become more nervous after hearing his words. They hesitated and wanted to get closer, but did not dare to take a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 543: New Week's Party

High Priest Nim, who was standing at the front, took the animal skin lantern from the hand of the hunched young man beside him, nervously moved forward a little, and stopped less than five meters away from Renekton.

It seems that because he is too old or has eaten contaminated food all year round, his eyesight is not very good. After looking at Renekton from different angles for a while, he said in a nervous voice:

"I'm very sorry. We didn't mean to discuss you. This is the first time we've seen humans other than ourselves. Please forgive me."

"You don't have to be so polite." Renekton nodded lightly in response.

Nim seemed to have finally determined something, and he said curiously:

"You don't seem to be from around here, or from this continent. The language you speak is very strange. Although I can understand the meaning, it should belong to the magical effect you exerted. It itself does not belong to me. any language known."

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"This is the language of Feneport, the language spoken by a country outside the God-Forsaken Land."

"The land abandoned by the gods?" Nim murmured with a complex expression, as if he had suddenly become much older.

After a moment of pause, he asked as if he mustered up the courage:

"Do you know how to leave this god-forsaken place? What price do we need to pay for this?"

"Oh, there is no price, because you can't do it at all." Renekton said with a chuckle, paused for two seconds, and then continued:

"Starting from here to the west, we need to cross the entire continent. The Giant King's Court there is the passage out of the Land Abandoned by the Gods."

"The King's Court of Giants. I know where it is." High Priest Nim lowered his head and murmured softly, his voice getting lower and lower until he was silent.

The scene was silent for a moment, then he raised his head again and smiled bitterly at Renekton.

He opened his mouth to say something, but Renekton interrupted:

"You don't need to ask me for anything, your fate is not mine."

"Just wait. A year later, someone will come here again. He will come with oracles and hope. That is your opportunity to leave here."

"This is a prophecy."

As the last sentence fell, Renekton's figure suddenly became transparent and blurred, decomposed into streams of complex knowledge, and turned into a pure information flow creature, surging like a torrent and moving away into the distance.

Nim stood there blankly, looking at the place where Renekton disappeared, with a little disappointment in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, he held the animal skin lantern and returned to the ranks of the Moon City people.

As soon as they got closer, the people in Yuecheng who had been watching anxiously asked eagerly:

"High Priest, what did that man say at the end? Is he really a human from the outside world?"

Nim looked at the complicated expressions of the people in front of him and slowly said:

"a prophecy"

After leaving Moon City, Renekton headed west for a distance and came to a collapsed and abandoned temple.

In the darkness, scarlet eyes lit up in the depths of the temple, and a gust of wind with a fishy smell roared towards the face.

Green and thick vines hung down from high in the sky, covering the surrounding area like a heavy rain, completely covering Renekton's figure, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only a few blurry figures in the darkness hit the walls and ground of the temple, causing a sound of masonry collapsing and breaking, making the temple, which was already in a semi-collapsed state, even more dilapidated.

In a dimension isolated from reality, green vines intertwined and intertwined with each other, quickly forming a broad and green forest, with layers stacked up, and the top could not be seen at all.

Under Renekton's deliberate manipulation, part of the green vines intertwined around him to form a set of green tables and chairs.

He put the lantern in his hand on the table, sat lazily on a long chair intertwined with vines, closed his eyes and took a nap.

After about a few minutes, a thick gray fog suddenly emerged from his eyes, and Klein's somewhat erratic and distant voice echoed in his ears:

"Get ready for the party."

Different from before, this time he grasped some of the aura of "Origin Castle" and looked deeply above his head, as if he was looking at Klein across space. Above the gray fog, Klein's heart beat two beats faster for no apparent reason. He unnaturally looked away from Renekton.

After two seconds, he looked back curiously, but Renekton had already withdrew his gaze.

"It's so strange. What happened to him? Even above the gray fog, I actually felt a sense of crisis. He seems to have some kind of quality that can shake this gray fog?"

After muttering to himself for a while, Klein decided to do a divination. He skillfully displayed the citrine pendant commonly used for divination, closed his eyes, and silently recited the divination sentence.

After repeating it several times, he opened his eyes and looked at the citrine pendant that was slowly rotating counterclockwise in his hand, feeling a little more relaxed:

"Fortunately, the changes in his body will not pose a danger to me. However, what happened to him? His whole person has undergone considerable changes, changes that are difficult to see through."

The time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon. Renekton looked at the gray-white mist and crimson light that appeared in front of him again. It seemed that as long as he squeezed a little harder, he could cut off the connection between himself and the gray mist. Can easily reject Klein's move to pull people.

Resisting his desire to give it a try, he used meditation to keep himself calm and allowed his spiritual body to enter the space above the gray fog with the pulling force created by Klein.

Above the gray mist, inside the palace with a towering dome.

Rays of crimson light rose up, then quickly retracted inward, condensing blurry figures on both sides of the mottled long table.

Klein carefully and discreetly turned on his spiritual vision and looked at everyone. Miss Justice and Miss Magic had not yet completely restrained their spirituality. It seemed that they had both completed their promotions in the past week.

Without stopping his gaze, he turned his head and looked at the other side of the mottled long table. At this moment, a strong warning suddenly appeared in his heart, causing him to subconsciously retract his gaze.

Can't look, can't look!

Is there anyone I can't watch? Al? Was he promoted to "sage" in the land abandoned by the gods?

As thoughts surged in Klein's mind, he turned off his spiritual vision and relied on the cover of the gray mist to look calmly at Renekton, who was sitting lazily on the high-backed chair on the side of the mottled long table.

I can't see any changes, I can only vaguely feel that he seems to be calmer and more rational.

As his thoughts turned, he heard the greeting from "Justice" Audrey.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

"Justice" Audrey stood up lightly and skillfully, lifted up her skirt, and saluted "The Fool" Klein at the top of the mottled long table.

Following Miss Justice's lead, the other members of the Tarot Club also began to stand up and salute, and then nodded to each other.

"Chariot" Anderson, who has experienced two tarot sessions, has gradually become accustomed to it. His sitting posture has changed from the upright posture of a student in school to a bohemian adventurer.

Retracting his gaze and looking around at everyone, Klein tapped his fingers on the table before Cattleya, the "hermit" who wanted to reveal the diary, spoke, and said in a leisurely voice with a little admiration:

"Let us first congratulate our Miss Hypnotist and Miss Recorder on their successful promotions, and of course, our new Mr. Sage!"

"Justice" Audrey and "Magician" Forsi were very surprised and delighted. They turned sideways and bowed slightly to Klein, the Fool, who was at the top of the mottled long table.

At the same time, he mentally guessed that "sage" was a title belonging to the sequence number.

The newly born "Sage" and "White Tower" have actually been promoted to Sage. This speed is too fast, abnormally fast. Cattleya, the "hermit" who knows the "Sage" best, could not control herself. With an expression full of astonishment and excitement, he turned his head to look at Renekton, who was sitting in front of him.

The Queen had stayed at the Sequence Three "Master of Prophecy" stage for so long before and failed to find an opportunity for promotion, but he was promoted so quickly and easily. This is absolutely abnormal!

Thinking of this, she asked with both curiosity and concern:

"How did you become promoted to 'Sage'?"

Renekton moved his body slightly, looked at Cattleya across from him, and chuckled:

"I have always had a 'sage' characteristic in me. When it is completely integrated with me, I will naturally be promoted."

This, a born angel? Only the "Hidden Sage" can do this in this way. No wonder. Cattleya was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized it. She quickly restrained her exposed emotions and said calmly:

"You need to pay attention to the balance between your divinity and humanity. Your situation is more dangerous than ordinary angels."

Angel? "Sage" is the angel of sequence two! No wonder Mr. "The Fool" mentioned our promotion alone before the party started. It turned out that Mr. "White Tower" had been promoted to an angel. "Justice" Audrey looked at the lazily sitting high-rise with unbearable curiosity. Renekton in a chair.

Angel! Turns out to be an angel! One second I was feeling complacent about my promotion, and the next second I was told that someone in the Tarot Society had been promoted to an angel? Obviously everyone is about the same age, no, Mr. "White Tower" seems to be a little younger than me. This suddenly made me feel even more uncomfortable. "Magician" Forsi lay lazily back, and she suddenly had a feeling. Plant the idea that you are actually a waste.

Angel! Is this guy still human? This speed of promotion is a bit too alarming. "Moon" Emlyn and "Chariot" Anderson have surprisingly the same thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 544: Those who bravely chase the light deserve to be embraced by the light

"The Hanged Man" Alger looked at Renekton, who was separated by a small sun from Derrick, with a complicated expression. No wonder he didn't need the coordinates of the original island. When he first joined the Tarot Club, he even had demigods. No, he was promoted to the rank of angel in such a short period of time. Is he also a favored one by God?

Derrick "The Sun" looked at Renekton with a look of deep envy and admiration in his eyes:

"Congratulations, Mr. White Tower."

"Except for the angel sent by The Fool to help me purify Amon's possession, you are the second angel I have seen and contacted at close range."

"In the history recorded in our Silver City, angels were also called slaves of gods in ancient times. They already possess the power of gods to a certain extent."

Klein controlled his trumpet "world", looked sideways at Renekton and said:


"This is just a predetermined fate." Renekton replied calmly.

After pausing for a second, he turned his head and looked at the little sun next to him, and said with a smile:

"If you can be promoted to Sequence Three, I can find you the characteristics of a 'Light Chaser'. This is my promise."

"Those who bravely chase the light deserve to be embraced by the light."

In the last sentence, his tone had some ups and downs, as if he was softly reciting a lyric or telling a prophecy.

Klein, who was the first to recover from his words, asked his trumpet "World" to ask:

"Is this your prediction?"

"You can say that." Renekton nodded gently, confirming his idea.

Derrick "The Sun" was stunned for a moment before he reacted. He stood up from his seat with some excitement, bowed towards Renekton and saluted:

"Thank you very, very much. If that time comes, I will buy the properties of 'Light Chaser' from you at the right price."

There is no suitable price. At the level of an angel, extraordinary characteristics are already priceless. "The Hanged Man" Alger lowered his eyes and sighed in his heart with complicated emotions. Sometimes, luck is more important than hard work and talent.

It turns out that the second sequence of the "Sun" pathway is called "Light Chaser", which is a very meaningful name. Those who bravely chase the light deserve to be embraced by the light. Is this talking about the environment of Silver City? I don't know whether Mr. "Sun" and the others have left the land abandoned by the gods in the future that Mr. "White Tower" saw. That is the place Mr. "Fool" is paying attention to.

As her thoughts floated around, "Justice" Audrey subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Mr. "Fool" at the top of the mottled long table.

See what I do? Miss Justice also wants such a promise? If I were also an angel, I would definitely have no hesitation. Unfortunately, I am only a Sequence Five Secret Puppet Master. While Klein sighed in his heart, he also began to think about how he would play the role of a "Secret Puppet Master".

"Magician" Forsi, "Moon" Emlyn and "Chariot" Anderson had surprisingly unanimous thoughts at this time. Damn it, I'm so envious! This is a promise from an angel, an opportunity to be promoted to an angel, and it is given away for free. If the first person to say congratulations is me.

After a brief moment of silence, the most sociable "Chariot" Anderson looked at Renekton, grinned and said:

"Cough cough~"

"Mr. White Tower, if I can be promoted to demigod in the future, is there any chance I can get some tips or prophecies from you?"

Renekton glanced at Anderson without any surprise, nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

If you haven't been beaten to death before, Klein was sitting at the top of the mottled long table and mentally added what he thought Renekton had not finished.

"Moon" Emlyn and "Magician" Forsi's eyes lit up, and they raised their hands one after another, preparing to ask the same question as Anderson.

Renekton raised his hand to interrupt them and said, "You shouldn't be looking for me."

"Why?" Emlyn asked without thinking.

Renekton chuckled and said, "You have seized the most important opportunity in your life."

After a brief silence, Cattleya the Hermit looked up at Klein the Fool at the top of the mottled long table and said:

"Dear Mr. Fool, I have collected two pages of Emperor Russell's diary."

Klein nodded slightly, helped Cattleya materialize the diary she remembered, and moved it in front of him.

The scene fell silent again until Klein waved his hand to make the diary materialized in front of him disappear. He calmly looked at "Hermit" Cattleya and said:

"What is your request?"

Cattleya asked directly without any hesitation:

"There is a word that appears repeatedly in this diary, which seems to be a person's name. I want to know who he is."

Sure enough, Bernadette had no clue about the emperor's diary. She could roughly distinguish the meaning of some words or the content scope they pointed to.

After thinking calmly for two seconds, Klein, who was sitting leisurely on the high-back chair, chuckled:

"Generally, we call him Mr. Door." Mr. Door. This title is somewhat similar to Mr. Fool. This Mr. Door is also a great being, or an existence very close to it?

"Justice" Audrey put her hands on the edge of the table and guessed about Mr. "Gate" based on Mr. "Fool"'s tone and words just now.

Renekton looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Cattleya, and explained to her the identity of Mr. "Gate":

"He is the ancestor of the Abraham family and the king of angels of the 'Gate' pathway. He is currently the closest being to the throne of God."

"If you want to know more, you can only find out through members of the Abraham family."

"Hermit" Cattleya nodded gently and said, "I understand."

Klein, who was sitting at the top of the mottled long table, looked around and said in a relaxed tone:

"You guys start."

As soon as he finished speaking, he controlled his trumpet "World" and said:

"I have two items to sell."

The rest of the people remained silent, waiting for "The World" to continue introducing the two items they wanted to sell, and if they were suitable, they could buy them.

Klein looked around at everyone's reactions, and then controlled "The World" to speak:

"The first item is called the 'Biotoxin Bottle'. Its shape is a brown translucent glass bottle. As long as the bottle cap is opened, the virus will be spread within a certain range and the people around will be infected with various diseases. Over time, The longer it lasts, the more serious it will be, and below the high-sequence level, it may even be life-threatening."

"Its negative effect will make the holder gradually weaken and develop into illness. If it is carried for a longer time, it may even die of illness, and this cannot be eliminated by spiritual shackles!"

Then he went on to describe the toxins most commonly released by biological toxin bottles, their effective time and early prevention methods.

"Justice" Audrey and "Magician" Forsi felt chills running down their spines after hearing this. This effect is really strange and terrifying, especially the toxin that makes people scratch their own skin and has aphrodisiac effects.

"Moon" Emlyn was half-leaning on the back of his chair, his thoughts gradually diverging into spreading toxins. It was of no use. As a "potions professor", I can create and resolve most of the toxins myself. I can't bring this bottle with me. Make people sick and then cure them. This is not in line with the teachings of the Mother Goddess. Bah, bah! It is not in line with my status as a noble blood clan.

Seeing that no one spoke for a while, Klein could only control the world and add:

"5200 pounds."

5200 pounds. Repeating this number in their minds, "Moon" Emlyn and "Chariot" Anderson no longer had any extra thoughts about this magical item.

"Hermit" Cattleya opened her mouth and quickly changed her words:

".For me, it's not necessary."

This magical item is really not easy to sell. It is not directly made up of extraordinary properties. If you want Al to help destroy it and sell the properties directly, it will not work. After sighing in his heart, Klein continued to control the trumpet "World" He opened his mouth and said:

"Another magical item is the Book of Secrets, which is a mystical book left behind by the 'Witch King' Karaman of the Southern Continent. It is suitable for mid-level Beyonders with a good foundation in mysticism."

"The price is £1000."

1000 pounds! "Moon" Emlyn couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and his desire to be promoted became stronger. It's just "Witch King". It won't be long before I will become an earl. I will write it myself when the time comes. Buy the book and you will become a rich man in no time.

Through the exchanges before each gathering of the Tarot Club, I already have a very good foundation in occultism. Further occult knowledge is exactly what I need, although the Psychological Alchemy Club will definitely teach me some high-level knowledge in the future. Occult knowledge, but certainly not comprehensive, is limited to the spiritual realm.

"Justice" Audrey successfully convinced herself after a simple psychological struggle, nodded lightly and said:

"Deal, that's exactly what I wanted."

She is worthy of being the richest "Justice" lady at the Tarot Club. There is no counter-offer at all. In fact, my bottom line is only. No, I have no bottom line at all, because I can completely change the place and sell it. Klein sighed in his heart while manipulating. He smiled at the world and said:

"make a deal."

"I need to remind you, never pray to the 'Primordial Moon'. That is a completely evil god. Those who pray to him end up turning into wriggling pieces of meat that mate crazily with other species, and even objects. "

"Of course, don't pray to other hidden beings either, that's just as dangerous."

"Justice" Audrey felt frightened after hearing this, and couldn't help but change her sitting position. Then she looked at the top of the mottled long table and said firmly:

"I understand. Thank you for reminding me, Mr. World. I will only pray to Mr. Fool when I perform secret rituals."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 545 Harmonious Coexistence

After reaching a deal with Miss Justice, Klein continued to control the "world" and said:

"I also have two attributes here, namely 'Arsonist' and 'Sailor'. The former is worth 1200 pounds and the latter is worth 300 pounds."

"The 'Pyromancer' is very good at extraordinary abilities in flames. If it is made into a magical item, it should have good offensive capabilities."

The last sentence was added to "Justice" Audrey. In addition to this noble lady, the members of the Tarot Society are Cattleya the Hermit, who is a pirate general, and Renekton, the "White Tower" who has his own property. , the others are not very wealthy, so that every time he sells something, his first consideration is whether Miss Justice will buy it.

These two characteristics were what he had gained the night he was attacked by the Rose School in Bayam, from two pirates who were implicated in the Sealed Artifacts of the Church of Storms.

At that time, he and other Extraordinaries around him were teleported in front of the Punisher Team. After the conflict broke out, he quickly broke away from the dream and relied on the secret puppet Gilcias and powerful magical items to contain the Punisher Team. At the same time, I picked up two copies of extraordinary characteristics.

"Pyromancer", which sounds very good, has the ability to control fire attacks, which to a large extent makes up for the early weakness of "Audience". My bank account balance is running low this month, although I can freely control it after becoming an adult. My share of property does not mean that my money will increase. On the contrary, as my expenses increase, my savings will become smaller and smaller.

Well, I can ask Alfred to borrow some money. Buying magical items is a normal thing for an extraordinary person, and he is the only one in the family who knows that I have become an extraordinary person. At this time, I It is normal behavior to ask him to borrow money.

"Justice" Audrey thought for a while, then turned her head to look at the "world" at the bottom of the long bronze table, raised her hand and said:

"I want to buy that 'arsonist' attribute."

After saying that, she turned her head to look at Renekton in front of her, and said in a hesitant tone:

"Mr. White Tower, do you still accept commissions to create magical items?"

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"Of course, you can tell us your requirements for magical items. I have very professional 'craftsmen' here."

"The Hanged Man" Alger turned his head slightly and glanced at Renekton, his mind constantly racing with thoughts. Professional "craftsman"? "White Tower" has also cultivated its own craftsmen. Is he building a force of his own? He wants to leave the Church of Knowledge?

Professional "craftsman" and "hermit" Cattleya murmured in her heart. She didn't know why, but the first thing she thought of was her first mate Frank Lee. What am I thinking? Frank can only become a professional flower artist. Carpenter.

"Justice" Audrey held her chin with both hands, thought briefly for a while and then said:

"I want a magical item that is easy to carry, such as some items that I carry with me in daily life, with less side effects, and preferably one that can be easily solved."

"Well, just try to meet these conditions as much as possible, as long as the negative effects are not too unacceptable."

Renekton nodded slightly and said calmly:

"No problem, it's very simple. Even if the creation fails, I can still crush the item recycling feature. If I try a few more times, I will succeed one time."

Is this an angel? His tone was flat and arrogant. He was just creating a magical item. If it fails, it can be remade. Klein kept cursing in his heart while calmly scanning the audience.

After a brief silence, he controlled the "world" and coughed lightly:

"I don't have a deal anymore."

As soon as "The World" finished speaking, "The Hanged Man" Alger, who had been waiting aside, looked at "The Hermit" Cattleya and said:

"I want to know where there are Ogonis sea monsters that don't belong to the Church of Storms."

People from the Church of Storms do not need to ask for help, unless they are really not a member of the Church of Storms, or they have the intention of leaving the Church of Storms. After thinking for a moment, she calmly said:

"Let me inquire for you. We will discuss the price after we have definite clues."

"Okay." Alger breathed out silently.

The scene was silent for a few seconds again. Renekton looked at Cattleya in front of him and said thoughtfully:

"Do you need my blood? Although I am not an angel of the "Destiny" pathway, for some reasons, I have interacted with a very high-level being of the "Destiny" pathway, and there are still some traces left on me. It can also help you better advance to 'Prophecy Master'."

"What do I need to pay?" Cattleya the Hermit asked without hesitation.

Renekton raised his hand, tried his best to raise the corners of his mouth, and said with a soft smile: "You can listen to what I have to say before making a decision."

"My blood will not only allow you to better advance to 'Prophecy Master', but if you can obtain the corresponding characteristics, you will also have certain advantages in the subsequent sequences."

"This also has a negative influence, the influence from me. Even if I restrain the instinct to assimilate things of the same path, you will come closer to me. In a sense, you can be regarded as my favored one."

"If you can't make up your mind, you can ask Bernadette for help. It doesn't matter whether you refuse or agree."

"I understand, and I will give you an answer at next week's Tarot meeting." "The Hermit" Cattleya nodded heavily, while doubts continued to arise in her heart.

The blood of "White Tower" seems to be a little different. His description makes me feel that it is the blood from the Sequence 0 True God. He has a big secret in him, which may involve some arrangements of the "Hidden Sage".

At the top of the long mottled table, with his figure shrouded in gray mist, Klein frowned subconsciously. This is not the blood of a normal angel. With angel rank, the ability to control things of the same path will definitely not reach the level of assimilation, unless it is Amon. It is still possible for such a king of angels. This is more like Sequence 0's control over its path.

He had some doubts about his identity before, but after becoming an angel, he suffered a complete schizophrenia? Or has he found his true self and become the incarnation of a certain returned ancient god or evil god?

Klein sighed in his heart, and he suddenly regretted not insisting that Mr. Azik also participate in today's Tarot meeting. If Al suddenly goes berserk, I, Mr. Fool, can't stop him now.

Today's Tarot session was very high-end from the beginning. He couldn't get in the conversation at all. He even couldn't understand it. "Moon" Emlyn sighed inwardly with some discomfort. He felt that his sense of superiority as a vampire was gone. .

"Chariot" Anderson looked sideways at Renekton. He wanted to ask "Iron Knight" about some of the magic potion formulas, even if it was just a ritual, but thinking about his financial situation, he reluctantly gave up this plan. Wait a while until I find some treasure, or some previous pirates.

"Justice" Audrey looked around, and when no one spoke, she raised her hand and said:

"Everyone, who among you knows the magic potion formula of Sequence 5 of the 'Spectator' pathway, or other related information?"

"The Hanged Man" Alger chuckled and said:

"You can go through the channels of the Psychological Alchemy Society and get it from within. Anyway, you have just been promoted now, so you are not in a hurry for the next sequence. Proper reliance can increase their trust in you."

Alger's words made Audrey feel enlightened. She smiled and nodded in greeting:

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Hanged Man."

Then she looked up and looked around and said, "Then I have no other needs for the time being."

Everyone at the Tarot meeting looked at each other in silence for a few seconds. Klein, the Fool, who was sitting at the top of the mottled long table, tapped the edge of the table twice with his fingers and chuckled:

"You can communicate freely."

"The Hanged Man" Alger looked around at everyone and said in a calm tone:

"Some time ago, the pirates and adventurers hiding in Bayam, the City of Generosity, were hit hard by the Church of Storms. Most of them were imprisoned in underground prisons, or turned into special properties and magical items."

"Now, Byam is almost a no-go zone for the Pirates."

After a two-second pause, he turned his head to look at the "World" at the bottom and continued in a calm tone:

"The Church of Storms is currently looking for the crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow, as well as the former crew member of the Future, Arsonist Al. It is said that they caused a lot of chaos in Bayam."

"Also, the 'Crimson Queen' who took over Senior's 'Blood Pirate Group' has been killed by the Church of Storms and has recovered her characteristics."

"It is said that she is a Sequence Four 'Witch King'."

"Witch King", now the pirates have no information about Bayam. "The Hanged Man" can know what happened to Bayam so quickly in the past few days. He must have a certain identity in the Church of Storms. "Hermit" Jiade Liya turned her head and looked at Alger, but did not respond to his words.

"Only characteristics taken back by vampires can be called 'recycled'!" "Moon" Emlyn corrected "The Hanged Man" with some dissatisfaction.

"Chariot" Anderson asked curiously: "Why did the Church of Storms suddenly take action against pirates and adventurers, who have been living in harmony for so many years?"

Harmonious coexistence. This is the first time I heard someone use the word harmonious coexistence to describe the relationship between pirates and the Church of Storms. To ridicule him like this, this guy must not be a pirate. Is the identity of the treasure hunter he mentioned before true? There are not many famous treasure hunters on the sea, and his strength is not like that of the crew of "Vice Admiral Iceberg".

"The Hanged Man" Alger looked at Anderson vaguely, with many thoughts in his mind. He shook his head slightly and said:

"I don't know."

(End of this chapter)