

Chapter 536 Si'a's Curse

The body of the "Crimson Queen" who had just completed a curse was instantly penetrated by a spear made of pure sunlight.

The next second, her body disintegrated into a crimson paper figure, as if it were condensed by moonlight, and turned into ashes in the burning of the sun.

boom! boom!

The violent wind collided with the air, making an explosion-like sound. The narrow airflow stirred up a burst of dust around, directly submerging the prophet's clone and the "Crimson Queen".

The terrifying hurricane visible to the naked eye appeared in circles, the air flow turned sharply in circles, and the unchecked tornado suddenly rose from the ground, pulling things on the ground into the air at the same time. The tornado that shot straight into the sky was like a terrifying giant. Everywhere he passed, the ground was clean, with nothing left behind.

The terrifying tornado was connected with the thick clouds in the sky, and silver-white lightning was constantly flying in the wind. It struck the surroundings densely with an aura of violence and destruction that was as strong as real.

The crimson moonlight and bright sunlight were covered up in the violent and rapid tornado. The "Crimson Queen" still failed to recover the ability to moonlight and flash. Her whole body was like a helpless leaf that had been blown down, scurrying around in the lightning. He kept moving his body in the tornado to avoid attacks.

Amid lightning and hurricanes, the prophet's clone kept flashing and moving, looking for Jax and Reinette Tinichole who were still chasing each other.

With the help of his "prophecy" ability, he quickly found the two people entangled in the soil, leaves, and leaves thrown up by the tornado.

The two of them were completely entangled together, making it difficult to attack the target without accidentally injuring them.

While his thoughts were wandering, a pattern similar to a scale was reflected in the eyes of the prophet's clone. His figure seemed to be much taller, with a majesty that made people feel fear and wanted to crawl.

His voice was also filled with an indescribable sense of majesty and he said:

"Possession by wronged spirits is prohibited here!"

"Mirror travel is prohibited here!"

"It's forbidden here."

His third "Law" failed to take shape, and several streaks of blood-red color, like long arrows condensed by moonlight, cut through the violently disturbed air and shot towards him.

His body was instantly penetrated and carried into the air by the tornado. Then it quickly became thinner and brittle, and finally turned into a pale yellow paper man with many strange symbols painted on it, which was torn to pieces in the strong wind.

Under the influence of the two "laws" that had taken shape, the bodies of Jax, who was charred and rickety, and Renette Tinichole, who was holding four blond hair and red-eyed heads, quickly emerged, changing from illusory and transparent to solid. , and temporarily lost the ability to enter the mirror world and possess and manipulate inanimate objects.

The two heads of Reinette Tinichole flying in the air opened their mouths wide and let out a silent scream at the same time.

This sound is tainted with the breath of curse, which can pierce people's eardrums, damage internal organs and spiritual bodies, and at the same time, people are inevitably tainted with curses.

The remaining two heads held in her hands simultaneously puffed up their cheeks and blew air forward.

The head on the left spit out a cold wind dyed with dark green and frosty white. Layers of frost spread wherever it passed, which could corrode and stiffen human flesh.

The head on the right spit out an illusory skull surrounded by black energy and struck forward, carrying a strong will of death, like a messenger sent by the underworld.

The light blue glow flowing in the eyes of the prophet's clone outlined one mysterious symbol after another. At the same time, he stretched his hand forward and pulled it. A layer of invisible things fell down, and his body instantly entered a state of non-existence.

A thick black mist spreads behind the "Crimson Queen", forming a pair of wide, illusory bat wings.

The huge wings closed forward, tightly wrapping her body, and at the same time isolating the "scream of the resentful spirit" emitted by Reinette Tinichole from the mystical and realistic levels.

Only Jacks, who had been injured and his condition had declined seriously, did not have time to react. Although the "Wraith Scream" did not cause any substantial damage to him, it also made him temporarily dizzy for a while.

The cold wind that was tinged with dark green and frosty white blew by, and layers of white frost condensed on his body, almost turning into an ice sculpture with a bit of dark green.

The illusory skull filled with black energy hit the ice sculpture, and there was a crackling sound, and cracks began to spread on the ice sculpture.

The next moment, the ice sculpture quickly melted into a pool of black liquid, and a black, wet baby with slender limbs and swollen and wrinkled skin crawled out of the black liquid.

His eyes, nose, mouth and ears all grew together, in the center of his face, as if they were coming together to form a brand new organ.

The appearance of his skin, arms, and new organs all had an indescribable sense of mystery and evil. Just by looking at it, the prophet's clone felt that the skin on his body was itchy.

The incomplete mythical creature form looked a bit ugly. While sighing in his heart, he simulated the extraordinary ability of the "Storm" path, snatched the control of some lightning, and let them all fall on Jacks' incomplete mythical form. superior.

Silver-white lightning fell indiscriminately, striking the strange, incomplete mythical creature that looked like a baby or a doll, breaking into countless tiny silver-white lightning flashes that flew around.

Immediately afterwards, as if being provoked, more lightnings with a violent and destructive aura so strong that they seemed to be real fell down, densely attacking the surroundings, covering everyone present.

"People from the Church of Storms are still so easily angered." The prophet's clone sighed in a low voice. His body instantly became transparent, illusory, and turned into a pile of foam.

These bubbles were shrouded in silver-white electric light, reflecting a dazzling silver color, and were all destroyed in an instant.

The next moment, his body appeared directly outside the tornado, breaking away from the terrifying swirling airflow.

Beside him, Reinette Tinichole's body also appeared immediately. The head she was holding in her hand had changed back to blond hair and red eyes, but she looked a little depressed.

The four heads she held in her hand looked at the terrifying airflow moving towards them in front of them. She spoke in a calm voice without the slightest chuckle:

"You" "like it very much" and "provoke."

"Should." "Go to." "Become." "A hunter."

"Thank you for the compliment." The prophet's clone replied with a chuckle. After a pause, he added: "Where do you think the two Rose School members will appear after they escape from the storm?"

The three heads held up by Renette Tinichole spoke at once:

"Gehrman", "Sparrow", "Beside me."

Two people, five heads, and ten eyes looked at each other, and the prophet clone said:

"We chase after him."

"Okay," the head in Reinette Tinichole's hand that had been unable to speak spoke first.

As soon as they finished speaking, their two figures disappeared from the spot transparently at the same time. With the help of the spirit world, they quickly approached Klein's direction.

In the spirit world, an extremely evil roar that pierced the spirit body suddenly exploded, making the prophet's clone and Reinette Tinichole tremble at the same time. The body became stiff to a certain extent, and the mind suddenly went blank, and everything was temporarily lost. Thoughts.

Translucent granules bulged out on the skin of the prophet's clone, and there seemed to be a dark, viscous liquid flowing inside, which would break through the skin's constraints and flow out at any time.

When his head was a little clearer, he found that his body and soul seemed to be bound by unknown forces. The fit between body and soul was gradually declining. The body gradually became a prison for the spirit. His movements became stiffer and stiffer. heavy.

"Siua" "the" "curse."

The three heads held by Reinette Tinichole opened their mouths one after another. The scarlet eyes of the remaining head turned dark, and it opened its mouth in the direction of the prophet's clone, and breathed in forcefully.

A burst of black and sticky smoke came out of his mouth, nose, and pores on his skin, and was swallowed by the blond-haired, dark-eyed head.

After the sticky black mist left the body, the prophet's clone instantly felt that the stiffness and heaviness in his body disappeared, and his head became clearer than ever before.

Deep in the spirit world, from a very far away place, a terrifying gaze with obvious malice focused on it.

The prophet clone and Reinette Tinichole looked at each other, quickly left the spirit world and returned to reality.

The moment the figure emerged from reality, they felt a few glances coming from behind them from the rapidly rotating hurricane and the falling silver lightning.

The tornado soaring into the sky was like a terrifying giant. It seemed slow, but in fact it was approaching rapidly.

Jax and the "Crimson Queen" were in a state of embarrassment when being chased by "Aquaman" Yann Coatman. The former had been injured in the previous battle and his condition declined seriously. The latter lost the moonlight environment and many of his extraordinary abilities. All are restricted, and Lightning restrains them to a certain extent.

Seeing the revealed figures of the messenger lady and the prophet's clone, Klein stopped and looked at the tornado and lightning that were getting closer and closer behind him, and sighed with a sigh:

"'Sea King' is so strong?"

"Otherwise, why would he be able to sit on the Rhoside Islands alone? On the sea, even if they are both Sequence Three, they can basically only be chased and beaten by him."

The prophet clone sighed and stretched out his right hand forward. The light blue glow flowing in his eyes outlined one after another mysterious symbols symbolizing the sun.

The surroundings instantly lit up with dazzling light, like the midday sun, and quickly accumulated in his hand, condensing into a spear that was so pure and so white that it seemed to be composed of pure sunlight.

The moment the spear took shape, it came out of his hand and shot towards the lower left corner of the tornado with great purpose.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 537 Sunshine

The moment the blazing white spear was about to approach, the figures of Jacks and the "Crimson Queen" appeared in the lower left corner of the tornado.

The blazing white spear was detonated at this moment, expanding into a miniature sun that was so blazing white that it illuminated the city, directly covering both Jacks and the "Crimson Queen".

Looking at the miniature "sun" ahead that was even distorted by the tornado, the prophet's clone raised his chin slightly and sighed:

"Although it can barely reach the level of Sequence Four, it is still very effective when used to attack vampires and alien species."

Klein narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the heat mixed with the wind blowing on his face. He nodded expressionlessly and said:

"Indeed, but with the hatred between you and 'Sea King', will he just abandon the saints of the Rose School and directly chase you and strike you with lightning?"

The three heads in Reinette Tinichole's hand stared forward with slightly uncomfortable expressions, and spoke one after another:

"He" "already..." "he's here."

Klein opened his mouth to ask something, but suddenly found that his movements became a little slow.

His spiritual intuition was frantically warning that there was danger everywhere around him, beware of fatal danger.

In his stunned eyes, he saw a huge arm with a dark and sticky surface that seemed to have evil liquid flowing out of the void.

With the appearance of this arm, the surrounding spirituality changed and seemed to turn into layers of barriers, trying to bind them in place and restrict their movements.

"It came so fast!" The prophet's clone sighed in a low voice, and at the same time reached into his pocket with his right hand and touched the metal Rubik's cube that only loved to eat and became hot.

"What?" Klein opened his mouth slowly and made a sound.

"Sia" Renette Tinichole, the head who was unable to speak just now, spoke first.

Hearing Miss Messenger's answer, Klein's expression froze. If I pray to the goddess now, will she take action to end the chaos here because I was once a nighthawk? Or, here is At sea, will the Storm Lord repel or even kill him because he doesn't like this evil deity of the Rose School?

The prophet clone glanced sideways at the huge arm stretching out from the void, and an adventurous idea came to his mind.

He threw the huge scissors he held in his left hand to the secret puppet Gilcias on the side, and then took out a few small yellowish figures tied with paper from the outer and inner pockets, and handed them to Renette Tiny on the other side. Cole said:

"Please help me get it. I'll try to see if I can play with the second largest one."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash of blue light and reappeared hundreds of meters away.

"He wants it." Klein's murmuring voice suddenly became quieter, and he thought of the metal Rubik's Cube made with the "Light Chaser" characteristic.

With the strength of that metal magic cube, it is indeed possible to directly kill aliens and vampires in close contact, even if they are already demigods, but the problem is that the attack of the magic cube does not distinguish between friend and foe at all, and can only be used to kill each other.

Thinking of this, he looked curiously at the yellowish paper man with three heads held up by the messenger lady.

As if sensing the confusion in Klein's eyes, the remaining head of Miss Messenger spoke on her own:

"Stand-in doll."

Doll? It looks a bit sloppy, but is the "reader" path so powerful? In addition to extraordinary abilities, even magical items can be reproduced. Just as Klein sighed in his heart, a scream with obvious anger suddenly sounded in his ears.

His head instantly became dizzy, and every organ in his body seemed to have its own thoughts and consciousness, wanting to go out independently and tear him apart.

At the same time, the prophet's clone, whose figure kept "flashing", came to Jacks' side. The screams echoing in his ears made his movements suddenly stop. Before he could react, a dark and thin palm directly hit him. Penetrated his chest.

His body shriveled up in an instant and turned into a yellowish paper figure stained black. It was broken into pieces and turned into scraps of paper and dissipated in the wind.

To the right of Jacks, the prophet's clone reappeared. His eyes were lowered, and he smiled sarcastically at Jacks in a daze.

In his hand, he was holding a golden metal Rubik's Cube, and his body was turning it instinctively.

A strong premonition of danger hit his heart. Jacks opened his mouth without hesitation and let out a silent scream, bursting out the ultimate curse he had brewed in the long silence.

The prophet's clone stood there without hesitation, with gurgling black blood overflowing from his ears, nose, mouth, and eyes. His body continued to crack, and the blood vessels under the skin became clearly visible, squirming like worms. Twisting. The metal Rubik's cube he was turning became more and more dazzling and hot, like a bright yellow fireball dyed with light gold and blazing white, exuding the majestic and pervasive breath of the sun.

All the filth and curses on his body were evaporating quickly, along with the water and part of his flesh and blood.

The surrounding aura of the sun was so strong that it was almost substantial, so Jacks gave up his plan to stop the prophet's clone. He turned around and looked at Si'a's arm protruding from the depths of the spirit world. His body quickly faded into transparency, and he opened the mirror with the help of the mirror world. past.

The next second, a violent burst of sunlight burst out, and the blazing light that was so pure and flawless engulfed everything in an instant, like a radiance that purified all things, leaving no evil and no darkness remaining around!

The thick dark clouds in the sky, the howling wind and the falling silver lightning were all dispersed by the blazing sunshine in an instant, and the entire Bayam and the surrounding sea area were pulled into noon.

This situation only lasted for less than a second, and was blocked by the silvery white light that continuously poured out from the void. Layers of silvery white barriers emerged from all directions, isolating the area where the blazing sunlight was from the surrounding area.

Under the blazing sunshine, the surrounding space also became chaotic. Jacks, who was walking among leaves, soil, and stones, could never get close to Si'a's arm in front of him. Instead, his body and soul were constantly being burned and purified. .

Under the burning and purification of the strong sunlight, the arm stretched out from the depths of the spiritual world by "Godly Sin" Si'a quickly became shriveled, and the dark and viscous evil liquid flowing on it quickly evaporated, along with it. Part of the flesh and blood turned into dark smoke and spread, revealing the deep white bones underneath.

Renette Tinichole, who was staying with Klein, directly possessed his marionette Gilcias, relying on the flesh and blood of this "Apostle of Desire" to help her resist the erosion of the blazing sun.

The dim lantern held by Gilgeous was flickering in flames, and a layer of hazy yellow enveloped him and Klein after being squeezed by the blazing sunlight.

In the dim light, the blazing sunlight was weakened to the extreme and no longer had such a strong effect of burning flesh and blood and purifying the soul.

Klein was choked by the black smoke rising from the body of the marionette Gilsea and kept coughing. This marionette was no longer usable. If the messenger lady hadn't possessed it, he would have collapsed into a mixture of flesh and blood that was constantly being dissolved.

In the central area where the blazing sunlight burst out, the prophet's clone stood there calmly. The blazing sunlight penetrated his body, making it seem a bit illusory.

This state lasted for less than two seconds. A small pale yellow figure made of paper suddenly appeared. The strange patterns on his body reflected dim colors in the sunlight, and quickly turned into a ball of ashes with pale golden flames.

The prophet's clone's eyes were slightly bright, and the paper-tied stand-in doll prepared in advance gave him a little buffer time. He once again simulated a mysterious reappearance, transforming himself into a non-existent state to avoid the damage of the surrounding blazing sunlight.

Soon the second and third dolls appeared and spontaneously combusted.

As the last little paper figure was used up, the blazing sunlight finally subsided, and the gloomy night enveloped the surroundings again.

In the sky, the gloomy and thick clouds appeared in succession with almost no gaps. Silver-white electric snakes kept moving in the clouds, making rumbling sounds.

One after another, silver-white electric snakes jumped out in no particular order, carrying a violent and destructive aura so strong that it seemed as if they were real. They slashed densely towards the surroundings, shrouding an area of ​​several hundred meters within the Thunder Forest.

The prophet's clone reached out to take the dimmed metal Rubik's Cube that fell from mid-air. The light blue glow flowing in his eyes outlined the symbols of layers of illusory doors.

His figure kept "flashing" in the faint blue light. While avoiding the dense lightning falling from the sky, he planned to get closer and pick up the things left by Jacks.

In mid-air, the flesh and blood on the arm of "Godly Sin" Si'a squirmed rapidly, but in an instant, it had returned to its original appearance.

He inserted his arm into the ground through the spiritual world, causing the area to boil, covering it with a layer of thick, viscous black liquid, which spread far away and covered the location where Jacks left things.

In this liquid, pale skull heads, eyes with obvious blood vessels, tongues with fangs, and all kinds of strange things grew out, and a feeling of extreme evil and madness spread rapidly.

Silver lightning with a destructive aura fell on these things, destroying them instantly, and then quickly being submerged in the strange things that grew back.

Seeing that he could not snatch the things left by Jacks before Si'a, the prophet's clone stopped flashing to dodge the lightning, and while using the paper man avatar to avoid the lightning, it simulated the extraordinary ability of the "Law Mage".

His voice carried an indescribable sense of majesty as he recited:

"Lightning is prohibited here!"

The thick lightning that was about to fall on him instantly disintegrated and turned into countless tiny electric snakes scurrying around.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 538 The End

The laws simulated by the prophet's clone cannot make the lightning really disappear, but the lightning that has been weakened countless times is no longer lethal.

Holding back the numbness and tingling sensation in his body, he chanted again:


An invisible force burst out in front, tearing apart the void, sucking in the things that Jacks left behind, and throwing them to who knows where.

The strange-shaped things growing out of the pitch-black liquid roared crazily, with even more unabashed malice and anger that wanted to tear everything apart.

The feeling of extreme evil and extreme madness spread rapidly, causing the surroundings to instantly dry up and become infected with madness. All living and dead things began to mutate, become chaotic, become crazy, and attack their own people.

His thoughts were disturbed, and the prophet's clone fell into a brief daze. Suddenly, a blond head with red eyes flew over and bit its collar, pulling it out of the area covered by the lightning storm and viscous black liquid.

All kinds of weird things grew out of it, and the dark, sticky, and evil liquid surrounded Klein's direction with great purpose.

After taking the prophet clone out of the influence of "Godly Evil" Si'a, Reinette Tinichole's head opened her mouth, became illusory and transparent, and flew back to Secret Puppet Gilsea's. in vivo.

The next moment, the body had become pitted, and the mutilated Gilsea clasped his hands together, squatted down, and inserted the huge scissors in his hand into the ground.

The strange patterns engraved on the gray-black scissors lit up pieces of golden-red light, like the setting sun at dusk, bright but not dazzling.

The dusk-like orange-red instantly covered the surrounding area, and broke into countless tiny spots of light in an instant. They were densely packed and countless, forming a violent and sharp storm of light, sweeping towards the surroundings with the momentum of destroying everything.

The pale skull head that grew out of the dark and evil liquid, the eyes with obvious blood vessels, and the tongue with fangs were shattered and melted bit by bit in the dusk-like storm of light.

All tangible and invisible things around are being cut by the sharp storm. Under this dusk-like light, everything is inevitably approaching withering and corruption, and the extremely evil and crazy atmosphere is temporarily contained.

In the sky, dark clouds surged rapidly, converging and splitting, with eyebrows and mouth growing out, like an angry human face.

Silver-white lightning flashed in the clouds, and dazzling eyes lit up from the mouth and eyes.

A moment later, thick silver-white lightnings with a real aura of destruction fell like a torrential rain, drowning the huge arm with a dark and sticky surface that seemed to be flowing with evil liquid, and drowned the spreading and surging sticky black arm. The liquid submerged the dusk storm below that carried the aura of decay and decay.

"Sea King" Yann Coatman seems to have been strengthened in some way, and his attacks have far exceeded the intensity of a Sequence Three saint.

In the center of the Senbai Thunder Forest, Si'a's arm stretched out through the spirit world was tightly wrapped in silver-white lightning, and was destroyed inch by inch.

On the ground below, the dusk-like storm of light was also shattered bit by bit by the falling silver lightning.

The prophet's clone raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, which were a little sore from the stimulation of the electric light. After calming down his breath, he simulated the ability of a "notary public".

Little bits of brassy light gathered in front of him, wandered around, and finally evolved into a seal-like projection. At the same time, he spoke in a solemn and solemn voice:

"Notarization: Valid!"

After being "notarized", the dusk storm that was shattered bit by bit by the silver lightning received a brief boost. The orange-red light blade became denser and more violent, barely resisting the blow of the lightning storm.

After doing all this, the prophet clone raised his head and stared in the direction above his head. His gaze seemed to be able to see through the dense lightning falling in the sky and see the arm trapped in the center.

After a short silence, he muttered in a low voice:

"The 'god' Si'a is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant cage built by countless silver-white lightnings in mid-air fell into a strange state, losing the characteristics that lightning should have, becoming sluggish and heavy.

Then these lightning bolts were torn apart from the inside, and countless silver-white electric rays flew around, with a meaning of destruction and madness, and fell to the ground.

Just halfway through the process, the scurrying lightnings seemed to be attracted by some strange attraction, and they reversed their directions and rushed towards the thick clouds in the sky.

Under the heavy clouds, "Sea King" Yann Coatman, who was wearing a loose Storm Priest robe, with a majestic look and an angry expression, was lifted up by the strong wind. He held a handle in his right hand and was surrounded by countless silvery white rays, full of energy. A straight sword with a mysterious meaning.

The aura on his body became extraordinarily high and majestic, and the howling wind and lightning spontaneously surrounded him, as if surrounding him, worshiping their king!

The lightning that rushed towards the clouds spontaneously gathered together, forming dozens of huge ball lightning around him, rotating rapidly around him.

Right in front of him, where the silver lightning was originally, a huge evil doll appeared.

His eyes are as red as blood, his body is engraved with countless mysterious patterns, and there are many evil vines wrapped around his body. His skin does not have the luster that humans should have.

His bright red eyes directly ignored "Sea King" Yann Coatman and "scanned" towards the ground.

Next to the prophet's clone, Renette Tinichole had stepped out of the body of the secret puppet Gilcias. She was holding two identical heads with blond hair and red eyes in each hand.

Now, every head of her head looked at the "god" Si'a who appeared in mid-air with an extremely serious expression.

The prophet's clone pressed his palm towards her to signal not to get excited, then turned his head to look at a certain position in the air and said in a calm voice:

"Having been watching for so long, it's almost time for you to come out, right?"

In the other direction where he looked, a ray of light composed of pure knowledge surged out of the void and reorganized into a female figure wearing a classical wizard's robe.

She has brown eyes, her hair is very thick, hanging casually, looking a bit disheveled, and her eyes are bright.

She calmly looked at the "god" Si'a and "Sea King" Yann Coatman who were looking at her, and a subtle atmosphere filled the air.

"Godly Sin" Si'a was the first to raise his hand. He inserted his hands directly into the void. The surrounding space boiled instantly and was covered with thick black liquid. It spread outwards, eroding everything around it and disturbing the relationship between reality and the spiritual world. overlapping.

Boom! Boom!

"Aquaman" Yann Coatman thrust forward the silver-white straight sword in his hand, and the ball lightning surrounding him quickly spread forward. Lightnings continued to fall from the thick clouds in the sky, like a line of pure silver-white lightning. , the mighty river that destroyed everything, rushed towards the evil viscous black liquid created by Si'a.

At the same time, stars one after another appeared in the sky, densely packed and dazzling. Behind each star, there seemed to be a cold and indifferent eye watching everything. These stars shed rays of light one after another, converging into a magnificent giant pillar of light, covering the surrounding area, dissolving the silvery white electric light and the evil viscous black liquid, and then collapsed and dissipated.

The prophet's clone turned his head with an expressionless expression and looked at Grant Pars, who was surrounded by stars.

The latter returned a dull look and said in a nonchalant tone:

"I didn't come much earlier than this 'god'."

Then she casually threw the object in her hand to the ground.

It was a neatly cut left hand palm, and a palm-sized doll with a dark color that looked like wood and flesh. The doll's body was covered with weird patterns, and its mouth was even covered with nails. Nails stained with rust.

This was the legacy from Saint Jacks of the Rose School. The prophet's clone decisively chose to "exile" these items at that time, betting that Grant, who had received his letter, had already arrived.

The head held by Reinette Tinichole suddenly flew out, opened her mouth wide, and swallowed the neatly cut palm of her left hand into her mouth.

The prophet's clone reached out to catch the strange doll. Without looking at it carefully, he put it directly into his outer pocket.

Reinette Tinichole glanced at the prophet clone who put away the puppet casually, and spoke with all four heads at once:

"It is." "Silent Disciple." "Characteristics of."

"Bring with", "will", "contaminate." "curse."

The prophet clone nodded slightly and explained: "I don't have anything with me that can seal it."

Then he turned to look at Klein aside, and asked with a little curiosity:

"Do you have any items on your body that are contaminated with the aura of the True Creator or other existences? You can bring more people over to cause chaos. Only then will we have a chance to leave here unobtrusively."

"Yes." After a brief thought, Klein nodded slightly and took out a square iron box from his pocket. Inside the iron box was a copper whistle.

The copper whistle was thrown out by him forcefully, and was thrown into the giant pillar of light formed by the intersection of bright stars. It was dissolved and disintegrated little by little. The yellow-green aura with a bit of rotten smell lost its restraint and spread instantly.

Between the starlight, lightning, and the black evil liquid, there was another darkness, a dead silence, and a darkness filled with the smell of decay.

In this darkness, there were constant murmurings and gasping sounds that were high and low, far and near. Between the silvery white electric light and the pure and clear starlight, from time to time, a few pieces of white feathers stained with light butter would hover and fall.

The prophet's clone, which was originally raising its head, suddenly lowered its head. His eyes fell on his exposed arms, and tiny white hairs grew out of the pores.

He rubbed his fingers gently, creating dots of golden light that shrouded the surroundings, purifying the death and evil power in his body.

In mid-air, a mist with no fixed form filled the surroundings, mixed with many white feathers with yellowish stains. It was like the evolution of death itself, releasing its power wantonly, polluting everything around it, and venting death. the power of.

The light scattered by the bright stars quickly dimmed, and tiny white hairs grew on the blue stars that seemed to hide their eyes.

In just the blink of an eye, these fluffs grew into white feathers, and the surface seemed to be soaked in light yellow oil.

Let those shining blue stars quickly move toward decay and death, dimming little by little.

The prophet's clone raised his head and glanced at Grant, whose expression became increasingly solemn in mid-air. He raised his hand to create a "door" and passed the metal Rubik's Cube with its dimmed surface through.

As soon as the metal Rubik's Cube fell into her hand, it began to rotate spontaneously. The patterns on the six sides quickly unified. The golden metal surface turned bright white in an instant, and pure and clear blazing light burst out from within.

This light swayed out in circles, illuminating every corner of the surroundings, igniting the white feathers stained with light butter, and quickly burned them out.

The mist that seemed to be derived from death seemed to be very repulsive to the aura belonging to the solar domain. It quickly moved its position and broke into the dark and sticky evil liquid created by the "god" Si'a. All kinds of grotesque things that grew out began to decay, striding towards the end of death.

Reinette Tinichole, who stood quietly on the spot with four heads in her hands, suddenly said:

"Okay." "Leave" "It's time"

Klein opened his mouth, wanting to ask something else. The head that Renette Tinichole was holding that had not spoken just now suddenly stretched forward, bit his collar forcefully, and took him into the spirit world, further away. Shuttle everywhere.

The "god" Si'a, who was caught in a brief stalemate in mid-air, felt something. He retracted the palm inserted into the void, and his figure quickly became transparent.

The next moment, bright starlight fell around him, and his figure became solid again.

Sia's movement into the spirit world to chase Reinette Tinichole was abruptly interrupted. Starlights surrounded him and wandered around, outlining strange symbols that connected the spirit world with reality. cut off.

These strange symbols dimmed instantly, and began to flow out of dark and sticky evil liquid, disintegrating little by little.

Boom! Boom!

In the sky, heavy clouds pressed down, and countless silver-white lightnings were moving, trying to cover everyone present.

Surrounded by bright stars, Grant opened her hands forward, and the misty starlight swayed outwards in circles with her as the center.

In silence, the surrounding things peeled off pieces, and even the colors quickly dissipated like evaporation.

The silvery white lightning disintegrated layer by layer after falling into the misty starlight, and finally only some small and random currents were left, flickering occasionally.

This state only lasted for a few seconds. Grant's figure suddenly flickered in the air, and then appeared next to the prophet's clone.

Cold and indifferent eyes suddenly appeared in the surrounding void, flashing with tiny and hazy starlight, dividing the surrounding space bit by bit, and replacing it with somewhere in the spiritual world.

 I owe a chapter, so I'm just going to update today. I've run out of manuscripts, so I don't have time to finish them. I'll make up for it in the next two days! !

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 539 Conversation

Deep in the spirit world, several eyes shining with cold and pure light twisted and stretched out, overlapping the surrounding spirit world area with reality, and the figures of the prophet's clone and Grant appeared here.

Grant half-raised his right hand, and the bright stars shone down from the mid-air, spontaneously condensing into the shape of a carriage at their feet, and the carriage carried them speeding towards the depths of the spiritual world.

After completely staying away from the spiritual world area corresponding to the Rhoside Islands, Grant finally relaxed completely, leaned half on the seat behind the carriage, and said in a calm tone:

"The silver straight sword in the hand of 'Aquaman' Yann Coatman is a bit interesting. It seems to strengthen the upper limit of the power he can withstand from the 'Storm Lord'."

"The copper whistle thrown by the person next to you just now should be an item belonging to a high-ranking member of the artificial death faction of the Spiritual Religion. It actually summoned something related to the god of death. It seems that their plan was not fruitless at all."

"Why did you appear there? I remember you told me the day before yesterday that you were going to check the information on the Church of Knowledge to find effective ways to utilize and transform the extraordinary power of the sun field."

"Huh" exhaled, the prophet's clone shrugged his shoulders, took out a piece of fluorescent blue crystal from his pocket, tossed it twice in his hand and said:

"'Yellow Light' Venitan reminded me that I can find the real-world incarnation of 'Orange Light' Hilarion, Turani von Hermoshuen, who is known as the 'Father of the Second Generation Difference Engine'. Then I was casually involved in this chase planned by the Rose School of Thought."

"That mist-like monster should be the long-standing sacrifice of the Artificial Death God faction of the Spiritual Religion, a monster created by slightly alienating the uniqueness hidden by the God of Death."

Grant leaned on the seat, nodded slightly and sighed in a low voice: "I don't know how many followers of the night are hidden among the artificial death faction of the Spiritual Religion."

After a pause, she continued:

"Hermoschuyin turned out to be 'Orange Light' Hilarion, but their seven rays do often enter the real world, transform into humans in different ways, and teach corresponding knowledge."

"This kind of hobby is very suitable for our knowledge church. Luca Brewster from the Pass Valley also likes to give lectures on various occasions and in various places."

"You should have noticed something about the 'Yellow Light' Wenitan's prompt, but you still chose to go to the Rhoside Islands. Why?"

On the left side of the carriage made of stars, the prophet's clone was leaning on the back of the chair, with his eyes closed as if concentrating, and said in a calm tone:

"Buy him a favor, and I will need their help later."

"As for the artificial death god faction of the Spiritual Religion, as the 'Secret Mother', he has a better way."

"What did you find?" Grant turned his head slightly curiously and asked in a low voice.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to feel that this topic was not suitable for such a casual discussion. She raised her left hand and gently rubbed it with her thumb and middle finger.

Stars emerged one after another, and the starlight seemed a little dim. They kept wandering around the carriage, outlining mysterious symbols and magic signs that symbolized secrets one after another.

The prophet clone opened his eyes and looked around, then closed his eyes again, and said in a calm tone:

"The 'Death Archon' from the Fourth Age's 'Pale Catastrophe' fell into a state of repeated death and resurrection similar to that of the 'undead'. He last appeared in Tingen City, Loen, in a Served as a teacher in the history department at the university."

"There's something special about that place, always under the watchful eye of the night."

Grant nodded thoughtfully and sighed:

"It sounds like it has been planned for a long time. Maybe it won't be long before the names prayed by believers in the dark night will have more descriptions like 'the final destination of all living things'."

On the Rhoside Islands, on the flat land not far from Bayam City, "Sea King" Yan Cotman rode the strong wind and fell to the ground.

The ethereal and lofty aura on his body has disappeared, and his deep blue eyes look rather indifferent, mixed with extremely tolerant madness. A few silvery hairs appear in his green hair like seaweed, as if he has suddenly become much older.

The ground in front of him was scorched black, with withered grass and trees, and even the soil and stones showed signs of weathering to varying degrees. Originally there should have been two small peaks here, but at this moment they all disappeared without a trace, like It was as if it had been plowed countless times by huge machinery, leaving only a flat depression.

Everything around him had a sense of decay and withering, as if he was running wildly on the road to death, almost reaching the end.

Yann Coatman stared intently at the white fish belly rising on the sea in the distance, and whispered the names of several people who had appeared here before:

"Al Tynes"

"Rose School. Si'a. Gehrman Sparrow!"

"Glen Pals, one of the ten pillars of the Moss Ascetic Order, and that strange spiritual creature."

After a moment of silence, he suddenly waved his hand to summon a gust of wind. The howling wind was condensed into a huge substantial hand, and two things shining with spiritual light were photographed from the charred ground in the distance:

One is a gem that seems to be condensed from rich blood. It is the size of a fist and is emitting crimson light, just like a miniature red moon. Another one is a round glass lens with some burnt marks and broken marks.

"The 'Witch King' also has a magical item evolved from the characteristics of the 'machine'."

With a low murmur, the strong wind picked up again, supporting Yan Cotman's body away from this area.

Above the gray fog, with the help of the messenger lady and Azik who arrived later, Klein, who had completely gotten rid of the "god" Si'a, found a safe place and entered the mysterious space above the gray fog.

He looked around the empty palace, and finally landed on the crimson star that symbolized Renekton. He spread his spirituality to touch the past, told him what happened in Bayam, and asked him to pass the request. The ritual of giving brings back magical items.

After doing all this, he lay down lazily on the high-backed chair and whispered to himself:

"I lost a marionette, some talismans, and paper figurines, but fortunately I'm safe now, and the crawling hunger also grazed two new souls, a 'wrongful soul' and an 'apostle of desire', so it's not too bad." ."

"The most important thing at the moment is to return to Backlund. In such a metropolis, the power that the Rose School can mobilize is very limited. Maybe we can also try to find a circus to try to play the role of 'Secret Puppet Master'."

"If you have the chance, you will have to find a marionette again. Using a marionette to use magical items with powerful positive and negative effects is a good choice."

In the grand and ancient palace, a whimpering wind suddenly blew, and the calm gray mist began to surge rapidly.

The crimson star representing Renekton continued to expand and contract, spreading out in circles like tidal crimson ripples, mixed with Renekton's prayer:

"The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck."

"Your faithful servant prays to you."

"The ceremony is ready so soon?"

After whispering to himself, Klein quickly stood up from the high-backed chair and walked to the back of the hall. He spread his spirituality and pushed open the illusory door. Then he raised his right hand and placed it on the table. The things above spontaneously flew up and fell into the illusory double door.

As the illusory door of sacrifice and gift closed, the space above the gray mist returned to calm again.

Klein sat back on the high-backed chair belonging to the Fool. After thinking for a moment, he once again spread his spirituality and touched the crimson star representing Renekton, pulling the other party into the gray mist.

In the Land Abandoned by the Gods, Renekton had just put away the magical items retrieved from the gray fog when he saw the thick gray fog and crimson light pouring out of his field of vision.

His mind was slightly blurred, and when he came back to his senses, he had already appeared in the ancient and magnificent palace above the gray mist, sitting on the high-backed chair belonging to the "White Tower".

Klein sat back on the high-backed chair slightly relaxed, looked at Renekton who was looking over, curled his lips and said:

"Tell me, what do you think if I turn around and go to the Southern Continent now?"

The corner of Renekton's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly:

"Are you going to kill someone? Or do you want the Rose School to attack the Pass Valley with all its strength tomorrow?"

"Just kidding." Klein waved his hand, paused for two seconds, and then spoke again: "Help me pay attention to the scheming monsters and spiritual predators. Since there is a 'Dark Demonic Wolf' in the Land Abandoned by God, Then there is a high probability that there are potion materials in this way."

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, but if you hide back in Backlund, it won't be that easy to perform. Do you want to go behind the Chanis Gate under St. Samuel's Church?"

Klein glanced at him in surprise, but said in a very calm tone:

"How do you know that I plan to return to Backlund?"

"Now that I know the formula of 'Cunning Mage', why should I take risks behind Chanis Gate? If it's not enough, I myself will become one of the items sealed there."

Renekton shrugged and said in a tone of "I know you very well":

"It's not difficult to guess. Only places like Backlund, Trier, or Pasu Island, and the Amanda Mountains can minimize the danger from the Rose School and are safe enough for you. Among these places You don't have many choices, Backlund is the place you are most familiar with, and Benson and Melissa are also there."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 540 Gray Fog

Klein sat back on the high-backed chair and sighed silently. After being silent for a while, he suddenly said:

"I would like to purchase a copy of the 'Generalist's' potion formula and materials."

Renekton was a little surprised by Klein's sudden words. He turned his head and looked at Klein's expression carefully, and said like a detective:

"For Melissa? Purchase the materials and formula at the same time. Do you plan to let her get in touch with the mysterious world a little bit?"

"Yes, I suddenly discovered that I actually don't have the ability to protect them well. I can only escape blindly and take a look at them from a distance."

"Instead of this, as you said before, let Melissa, who is willing to know more, come into contact with the mysterious world. With my help, she will not encounter too many dangers. As long as the sequence is kept low, the risk of losing control will be reduced. Not too big."

Klein raised his head slightly and answered, as if he had experienced a journey and suddenly became much more mature.

Renekton nodded calmly and said:

"Then who do you plan to be her teacher and lead her to learn about the mysterious world? Why don't you change your image?"

Klein remained silent and did not answer this question, which was also a kind of acquiescence.

Renekton, who was leaning on the high-backed chair, chuckled lightly. He tapped the armrest with his right index finger and said:

"How about I recommend a few candidates for you."

After a pause, he faced Klein's scrutinizing eyes and continued:

"The 'Lieutenant General Iceberg' is a good teacher. She has enough knowledge and can also obtain potion formulas below sequence six of the 'Generalist' path. You have some idea of ​​her character, but as a Captain, she cannot leave the Golden Dream for long."

"The second candidate is Backlund. You also know Leppard, who invented the bicycle. He has become a Sequence 8 'archaeologist'. He can let Melissa serve as his laboratory assistant. This will not only allow her to learn some knowledge about the mysterious world, but also get a job with a good salary."

"The third candidate is Bernadette. She has mastered all the 'Generalist' path formulas except Sequence One. Element Dawn itself has also cultivated its own 'craftsmen'. To put it simply: you can trust Huang Tao."

"Although her whereabouts are erratic most of the time, it is still possible to let Melissa join the Elemental Dawn and train her."

"Your speaking style still retains the habits of the Knowledge Church." Klein said, half sighing and half complaining.

After a second of silence, he continued: "Each of them is involved in some forces."

"I haven't officially left the Church of Knowledge yet." Renekton spread his hands to explain, and then followed what Klein just said:

"This is inevitable. Alternatively, you can choose to teach her yourself. You are going back to Backlund anyway."

After being silent for a while, Klein spoke again:

"Write me a letter of recommendation to Leppard. A well-paying job is also important to Benson and Melissa."

"You can just find my clone and ask him to send you a letter." Renekton said lazily, leaning against the back of the chair.

Klein nodded calmly, and after two seconds of silence, he whispered: "That's it."

Renekton hummed, and a crimson light suddenly surged in front of his eyes. He was in a daze for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he was already back in front of the fire in the ruins of the city in the land abandoned by the gods.

With a long breath, he stood up from the ground, reached out and patted the dust on his clothes, then pulled out a stack of light yellow paper figures and shook them into the air.

The paper figures rapidly expanded and twisted in mid-air, and stuck to each other, turning into a normal human figure wearing a coarse cloth coat and simple facial features.

This was a physical paper man. Under Renekton's control, it bent down stiffly and picked up the dark copper lantern on the ground.

Under the dim light, the figures of Renekton and the paper man suddenly twisted, disappeared from the spot, and then reappeared dozens of meters away.

Snapped! He suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a layer of quiet night suddenly fell slowly, covering the place where he had just rested, miraculously covering all the traces he left behind.

Following his own intuition, he continued to approach the east of the God's Abandoned Land.

After several lightning bursts and gentle alternations, a familiar gray-white fog appeared at the end of his field of vision, exactly the same as the gray fog beneath their feet during every Monday gathering.

These gray fogs spread endlessly at the end of the line of sight, and the starting point and end point are completely invisible.

The next moment, his figure suddenly became transparent, as if he had turned into a statue made of countless stars.

The statue shattered into pieces and turned into bright starlight. It enveloped the paper figure holding a dark copper lantern and assimilated it into tiny bits of bright starlight, approaching the gray fog in the distance.

Under the endless gray fog, the stars reunited inside, revealing the figure of Renekton.

He held a dark copper-colored lantern in his right hand and stood in front of the boundless gray fog. Behind him were lightning flashes that frequently fell, and the dazzling silvery white flashes illuminated the desolate land. Woo~woo~

Suddenly, an ethereal whimpering sound sounded in Renekton's ears. The sound seemed to come from an infinite distance, but also seemed to be close to his ears.

Behind him, a broken ring made of countless gears and chains emerged. In the center of the ring, an illusory book was constantly turning, and bits of twinkling starlight were peeled off from it, surrounding him.

The stars are gathering more and more, like a vast galaxy, each star in it is moving according to some strange rhythm, like the embodiment of some kind of knowledge.

Opposite him, the originally calm gray fog suddenly surged, flashing out bits and pieces of misty brilliance, which were constantly covered by the gray fog, and then revealed again and again, as if there was a tug-of-war.

Following the flashing lights in the gray fog, countless voices gradually echoed in Renekton's ears. They were big or small, far or near, and they all spoke loudly with extremely pious and fanatical beliefs. They were shouting something or chanting something. Whenever he wanted to listen carefully, these sounds would become noisy and difficult to distinguish.

Around him, the vast and bright galaxy slowly rotated, faster and faster.

Set off a storm of bright blue light!

One star after another twinkled in the sky, casting rays of light. Renekton, who was at the center of it all, fell into a brief trance.

There was an illusory sound in his ears, as if something was breaking.

At this moment, he felt that he was completely integrated with the extraordinary characteristics of his body. The stars were spinning at a high speed in mid-air, and the stars shining with bright light gradually moved inward and merged into his body.

The aura on his body rose rapidly, and his spirit seemed to be infinitely elevated. His flesh and blood were constantly turning and twisting, looking evil and terrifying.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to grasp something. He saw the positions of the illusory stars in the void and understood what they represented.

During this process, his body and consciousness were decomposed bit by bit, turning into countless complex and pure information, surging freely in reality and the spiritual world.

More and more information is attracted and integrated into the majestic flow of information. The originally illusory knowledge gradually solidifies and turns into a hazy shimmer that is difficult to see with the naked eye, surging like a torrent in the spiritual world and reality. With.

On the other side, the gray-white mist surged more intensely, as if something was constantly rushing out inside the gray mist, trying to break through the blockade and vent its power outwards.

In the gray fog, countless hazy light spots flickered, as if there was a hidden bright starry sky containing countless knowledge.

Backlund, in a hotel in the Hillston District, had just enjoyed lunch delivered to the room by the hotel waiter. Klein, who was about to go out, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

A thick gray mist suddenly surged in his eyes. The gray mist surged restlessly, giving his own spirituality some omen.

"Is this... some kind of change happening in that gray mist, which has stimulated me who is directly connected to that place?"

While whispering to himself, he released his grip on the doorknob, turned around and walked into the bathroom on the other side of the room, reciting a mantra skillfully while walking four steps backwards.

In the magnificent ancient palace above the gray fog, Klein looked at the gray fog that was constantly billowing in front of him, feeling a little confused.

There is no aura of other existence, it seems that the gray fog here just feels something, and the spontaneous reaction is as long as the former owner of "Origin Castle" is not back, otherwise he will find that his home has been stolen. It was stolen by a weak Sequence Five.

After sighing in his heart for a moment, he immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote a divination sentence, trying to divine the source of this change.

In the hazy dream, he suddenly woke up and saw the boundless gray fog. Inside the gray fog, there were countless things like bright stars flickering, surging, and constantly impacting the gray fog.

The indescribable power was released, trying to break through the blockage of gray fog, but it was always close, and it was never able to truly break through this layer of gray fog.

Suddenly, bits and pieces of bright stars appeared outside the gray mist, densely packed and dazzling.

"Hoo" Klein suddenly opened his eyes, leaned forward, placed his hands on the edge of the long mottled table, and breathed heavily.

The moment he saw those bright stars just now, he felt that countless complex and pure and useless knowledge was poured into his head, and his whole head seemed to explode from the inside.

After taking a breath, he leaned back on the chair again, closed his eyes, and meditated to regain his composure.

After about a minute, he opened his eyes again and looked at the gray fog that had subsided around him. He suddenly sighed:

"That was a bit like the knowledge chase of the 'Hidden Sage' just now. What I saw was an angel from the 'Peeper of Secrets' path?"

(End of this chapter)