

Chapter 531 Wrongful Soul

Seeing the paper man's incarnation melting into the shadows in the distance, the prophet turned around and walked back to the desk against the wall. He rummaged through the drawers to find the candles, essential oils and other items needed for the ritual, and skillfully arranged the ritual of praying for blessings.

As soon as the ceremony was completed, Klein completed the response above the gray fog and sent out a stack of cut paper figures, a dark copper lantern, a picture scroll like a child's scribbling, and a golden metal Rubik's Cube. .

With the appearance of these things, the temperature in the room rises rapidly, directly from early spring to hot summer.

The dim light of the gas wall lamp also became brighter, more like a bright yellow stove, emitting light and heat.

The prophet's clone lowered his head to feel the temperature in the room and the breath of the sun, and murmured in a low voice:

"This container won't last long. It's really troublesome to store the characteristics of the 'Light Chaser'."

As he spoke, he summoned an invisible hand and picked up the metal Rubik's Cube on the ground.

The moment he took it, it was like holding a burning flame in his hand. The skin on his palm quickly dried, turned red, and gradually showed signs of burnt black marks.

Enduring the scalding temperature in his hands, the light blue glow in the eyes of the prophet's clone continued to flow. The glimmer of brass around him quickly moved around, outlining strange symbols in the air and gradually integrating into his hand. In the metal Rubik's Cube glowing with pale gold.

The temperature of the Rubik's Cube gradually dropped, and the many symbols and magic signs engraved on the surface that reflected the golden sunlight also quickly dimmed, turning from golden to bronze with a hint of rust.

Putting the Rubik's Cube into his coat pocket, he bent down and picked up the scribbling scroll that was still on the ground. He looked at Klein who had emerged from the gray fog and said:

"You can get ready to start running. I just used paper figures to lure away a few people who were approaching, but they will react quickly."

"Let your marionette hold this lantern. Since it is essentially a corpse, it can avoid the negative effects. As long as you are within the range of the light, you should be able to be attacked through the distortion or confusion of the connection between you and the marionette. The goal."

"Okay." Klein did not refuse. After nodding, he directly asked his marionette Gilcias to pick up the dark copper lantern and the stack of cut paper figures that were still on the ground.

He quickly tidied up the room, erasing the traces he left, and then took out a piece of paper from the inside of his coat and shook it away.

Naturally, it spontaneously ignited quickly in mid-air and turned into a wisp of ashes, which was blown out of the half-open window by the spiritual wind.

These paper figures that he placed above the gray mist and were soaked in the aura there would have a better anti-divination effect.

After doing all this, he nodded slightly towards the prophet's clone who was leaning against the wall and turning a bunch of scrolls in his hand:

"Which way is safer for me to run now?"

"Inside the city, in the direction close to the church." The prophet's clone nodded slightly.

While speaking, he turned around and pressed his right hand on the wall. The light blue light swayed like water under his palm, spreading outwards, and in an instant, an illusory light blue "door" was formed.

Pointing to the "door" opened from the wall, he chuckled and said:

"I wish you good luck. I will catch up with you after you escape from the city."

Klein nodded lightly and did not ask what he wanted to do here. He took his marionette and walked directly through the "door" on the wall and left the hotel.

After watching Klein leave, the prophet sat back at the small round table by the window. He suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the spiritual wall that enveloped the hotel room disappeared in an instant.

Then he took out several folded paper figures from his coat pocket and threw them out of the window casually.

With a sudden gust of wind, these pale yellow paper figures were carried and flew to various locations on the street.

After doing all this, he unfolded the scroll on the table that looked like a child's scribblings.

He rubbed his fingers gently, creating dots of brass-colored light chips, which fell on the scroll. The chaotic colors on it seemed to suddenly come to life and began to flow slowly on the painting paper.


A cold wind suddenly blew in the quiet room. Under the dim light of the gas wall lamp, a figure was suddenly reflected in the full-length mirror standing in the corner.

His figure was illusory and erratic, like a disembodied shadow, easily breaking away from the mirror and appearing in the hotel room.

He was wearing a black tuxedo, with sunken eye sockets and a frighteningly pale face. He looked to be in his thirties. His light brown hair was parted in four parts and meticulously styled. His eyes were dark green with a hint of irrepressible madness.

He looked down at the weird little man in his hand, and then glanced around the room with doubtful eyes, not paying any attention to the figure sitting in front of the round table.

The prophet's clone sat on the wooden chair in a leisurely posture. His voice was calm, and he spoke like a warning:

"An 'injustice'?"

"Do you know it's rude to just barge into someone else's room?"

After hearing his words, the other party finally set his eyes on him, with unconcealable malice surging in his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Are you alone in this room?"

"Of course not, he also has the extraordinary characteristic of getting lost." The prophet's clone chuckled.

The light blue glow in his eyes was flowing, outlining one strange symbol after another in his pupils, making him look cold and rational. The emotions and desires in his heart were also suppressed to the extreme at this moment, and the whole person entered a kind of absolute rationality. status.

At the same time, the figure of the wronged soul who suddenly broke in became transparent and illusory. With him as the center, a cold wind of unknown origin blew in the room, and the white frost was stained with the breath of death. It quickly covered the entire room, and beautiful and dreamy snowflakes floated in the air.

The sudden drop in temperature made people's hair stand on end, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

The next moment, all the frost and snowflakes in the room disappeared, turning into a pool of colorful paint dripping to the ground.

"Oh, if you can't call a demigod to save you immediately, then I will accept the 'wronged soul' trait in you." The prophet cloned himself and leaned back on the chair, one after another gray three-dimensional symbols in his eyes. Floating makes his voice very contagious, and he will be irritated and impulsive unconsciously.

As if aroused by anger, the "wronged soul" on the opposite side suddenly took a step forward, and his body disappeared completely transparently.

The next moment, a figure wearing a black tuxedo, with sunken eye sockets and a frighteningly pale face appeared in each of the two pupils of the prophet's clone.

His body became stiff to a certain extent at this time, as if he was suddenly thrown into extremely cold ice, making it difficult for his body to make effective movements.

This state did not last long. He gently rubbed his fingers twice, creating little bright yellow glimmers that scattered on himself.

The next moment, his body became thinner and brittle, turning into a roughly cut pale yellow paper figure, and spontaneously ignited a golden flame filled with the breath of the sun.

Among the golden flames, a transparent and illusory figure suddenly appeared. His body was burned and melted like a candle, and drops of transparent liquid dripped onto the ground.

The strong burning sensation made him scream out loud. His voice was extremely sharp, as if it could pierce the human eardrum and hurt the spirit body.

The glow flowing in the eyes of the prophet's clone, which appeared in the corner of the room, suddenly deepened. Dots of brass-colored glimmers of light intersected in front of him, outlines a pattern similar to a scale, and exuded an eerie atmosphere. Sora was afraid and couldn't help but want to crawl in majesty.

At the same time, his voice spoke with an indescribable sense of majesty:

"The screams of innocent souls are prohibited here!"

The scream that had just reverberated in the room suddenly disappeared, as if it had been transferred to another dimension, and there was no longer any sound in the room.

The "wronged soul" burned by pain in the golden "light fire" still opened its mouth and roared, but could not make any sound.

The prophet clone stood calmly and continued to recite in a very majestic voice:

"Resentful ghost shadows are prohibited here!"

In the center of the room, the movements of the "wretched soul" filled with translucent white frost suddenly stopped. The aura on his body became sluggish and continued to fall. The already pale and illusive figure became more transparent, as if it would disappear at any time.

The prophet's clone stared at the opponent closely, leaned forward, made a fist with his right hand, and while waving his arm, he whispered in dragon language:


An afterimage rushed out of his body as he punched, like an executioner executing death, crashing into the "wronged soul" in the center of the room with an attitude that he could not resist or dodge.

Before the "wronged soul", whose breath became weak, could react, the afterimage of the fist waving had already crashed into him.

The body of the transparent and illusory "wronged soul" cracked open inch by inch from the heart, shattering into pieces of red phosphorus composed of crimson moonlight.

At the same time, a crimson moonlight appeared at the window of the room, and quickly reassembled the body of the "wronged soul".

The prophet's clone kept moving, and bits of bright yellow light gathered in his hand, blooming into bright and clear sunlight, and gradually condensed into the shape of a spear.


The next moment, the hotel room was torn apart from the outside like a piece of drawing paper. A pair of broad palms with brown and black skin and full of grooves stretched out from the outside, grabbed the "wronged soul" by the shoulders and dragged him away. Pulled out.

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, it turns out there is really a demigod following behind!" The prophet's clone sighed as if he didn't know anything.

The ceiling, walls, and floor of the hotel room all began to melt, and colorful and rich paints flowed everywhere, spontaneously converging on the small round table by the window, forming a picture that looked like random graffiti.

As the paint melts, the overlapping spaces in the hotel room return to normal.

Mr. "Wrong Soul", who had just been dragged out of the "room" by the sudden appearance of hands, appeared in front of the prophet's clone together with the owner of those hands.

It was an old man with brownish-black skin. The wrinkles on his face formed deep ravines. His white hair was as sparse as autumn leaves. He seemed to have lived for many, many years, and his whole person was filled with the smell of decay. .

The prophet's clone looked at the demigod who appeared in front of him calmly, and the light accumulated in his right hand became brighter.

He chuckled at the two people who were looking seriously at him and said:

"Rose School of Thought? This is Bayam, the capital of the Rhoside Islands. Is your behavior a bit too presumptuous?"

"At sea, the 'Silent Disciple' cannot defeat the 'Sea King' in the same sequence."

While speaking, he squeezed hard with his right hand.

Wow! With a crisp shattering sound, the spear in his hand that had just condensed was instantly decomposed into a piece of blazing pure sunlight.

This light spreads out layer by layer like a tide, dyeing the surrounding area with a layer of gold, illuminating every corner, purifying all filth, darkness and corruption, leaving no trace of darkness or shadow.

As soon as the light appeared, there was a sizzling sound in the air.

Before they could get out of the light immediately, the two people from the Rose School had wisps of green smoke rising from their bodies.

The light came and went quickly. It only lasted for a second or two, and the surroundings returned to a quiet and cold night.


In mid-air, the sound of wind suddenly became fierce, and a figure swept by the strong wind came galloping from a distance.

The "wronged soul" who had turned back into a flesh and blood body looked sideways at the old man beside him with a somewhat uneasy expression, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Lord Jacks"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 532 Chase and Escape

The saint of the Rose School known as Jacks looked up at the direction where the wind was blowing, and said in a calm voice:

"He can't run away. Sylnis is already waiting for him outside the city with the 'Blood Pirate Group'."

"You lead the sect members in the city to chase him. If he has helpers, drag him away and drive him outside the city. If he doesn't, just take action directly."

"The 'Mother Tree' will guide us, he can't escape."

When mentioning the "Mother Tree", Jacks' expression and tone became extremely pious, as if he would crawl on the ground at any time, reciting the honorable name of the "Mother Tree" and kissing the ground.

"Yes, Lord Jacks." The "wretched soul" with an excessively pale face bowed slightly and saluted. While bending down, he did not forget to take a look at the weird little man in his hand.

Tightening his right hand, his body quickly became transparent and ethereal, and he "mirror flashed" directly through the glass windows of nearby houses. He quickly traveled through the mirror world and rushed towards the church in the city.

Boom! Boom!

Several thick bolts of silver-white lightning suddenly jumped out of the clouds, fell from the sky, and exploded where Jacks was standing.

After a burst of smoke and dust, there was only a charred pit and tiny currents scattered everywhere on the street.

Jacks' figure appeared on the roof nearby. His eyes were a little dark green, looking up into the air with irrepressible cruelty and bloodthirsty.

The black clouds in the sky were rolling and pressing down continuously, and the silvery white lightning shuttled through the clouds, making a rumbling sound, which seemed extremely oppressive.

Several pale yellow paper figures were swept into the air by the wind. Under the silvery-white electric light, the paper figures quickly spontaneously ignited. The pale gold flames outlined strange symbols in the air, and were quickly crushed by the silver-white electric snakes.

On the second floor of a hotel at the end of the street, the prophet's clone stood by the window of the stairwell, quietly looking at the scene outside.

Looking at the pale gold flames rising in the air and the silver lightning falling around him, he sighed and said:

"'Sea King' has actually learned to be cautious and doesn't give me any chance."

While sighing, the light blue glow in his eyes flowed little by little, as if reflecting a bright galaxy.

As the stars flickered, his body became transparent, like a statue made of countless stars.

The statue shattered, and bright stars surged through the gaps in the surrounding floors and walls, surging away in a direction away from the street.

On the rooftop in the distance, Jacks, who was being carried by the swirling wind, glanced at this side deeply. His body suddenly became transparent and erratic, like a completely insubstantial shadow, floating on the leaves blown up by the wind. Shuttle between , paper and tiles.

The lightning that was constantly falling around him did not affect him at all. Every time he was about to be struck, he could avoid it just right.

The chase between the two sides gradually moved away from the streets and the city.

In the fountain square outside the Church of the Waves, clergymen wearing dark blue robes walked around from time to time. Since Amon stole the Church of the Waves last time, the number of Extraordinaries stationed in the Church of the Storm has increased.

On the streets at the edge of the square, in the shadows that were not illuminated by the gas streetlights, Klein moved forward neither fast nor slow. From time to time, he raised his head to pay attention to the patrolling Storm Church punishers to ensure that he was in danger for the first time. It can attract the attention of the punishers for a while.

I feel a little irritated inexplicably. What's going on? With my identity, no matter if I fall into the hands of the Rose School or the Church of Storms, there will be no good end. I hope I can escape smoothly when they fight. While sighing in my heart, he raised his head. His hands lowered the brim of his half-high silk top hat.

Behind him, holding a dark copper lantern in one hand and a stick wrapped in black cloth in the other, the marionette Gilcias walked quickly on the street, acting like a man rushing to the Red Theater. sailor.

In the corner where no one noticed, Klein slowed down a bit. He was almost out of the range of Fountain Square.

Why hasn't anyone attacked yet? I'm almost out of Fountain Square, you can't let me turn back, right? Then it won't be the Rose School of Thought chasing me, but the Church of Storms' punishment agents arresting suspicious persons.

When he was about to turn into the next street, Klein suddenly stopped. He suddenly felt a sense of crisis that he could not find the source of.

Sure enough, the people from the Rose School had discovered me a long time ago, and they were waiting for me to get out of the sight of the patrolling punishers in Fountain Square.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his tense breathing, Klein turned around and looked ready to return to Fountain Square.

As soon as he lifted his feet, his movements suddenly stopped and he stood frozen in place.

Each of his brown eyes reflected a male figure in a black tuxedo, with sunken eye sockets, a pale face, and light brown hair parted in four parts, meticulously groomed. He looked to be in his thirties.

The next moment, the figure reflected in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in the pupils of the marionette Gilseas who was following not far behind him.

The moment he was "possessed by the wronged spirit", he controlled the marionette to use the ability of the dark copper lantern, twisting the possessed target into his own marionette.

Immediately, he opened his vision of spiritual body threads, and he saw some more spiritual body threads on his marionette Gilsias that did not belong to him.

Sure enough, it was an "injustice soul". Fortunately, he had resisted the action of observing the surroundings through the spiritual thread before and did not alert the snake. The spiritual intuition of the "injustice soul" can easily sense this kind of gaze. Miss Sharon has shown this before. special.

As his thoughts turned, he had already tried to manipulate these spiritual threads that did not belong to his marionette, and at the same time amplified the effect of his own spiritual threads through the dark copper-colored lantern. On the body of Secret Puppet Gilsias, a transparent and illusory face loomed over him, with a numb and ferocious expression.

The amplified spirit thread is a bit scary. It takes less than a second to enter the preliminary control stage. I feel that as long as I persist for one minute, this "wronged soul" will transform into my new marionette. It's a pity. I already have a marionette. With my current progress in digesting magic potions, I am still far from being able to master two marionettes at the same time.

call out!call out!call out!

The sound of cutting through the air suddenly sounded from behind him. Klein immediately gave up on controlling the spiritual thread of the "wronged soul" possessed by the marionette Gilcias. He threw himself forward sideways, and after rolling twice on the ground, Get up quickly.

Several thin, glistening white ice crystal arrows flew past his hair and sank into the chest of Marionette Gilsias, instantly forming a layer of frost.

Taking advantage of this gap, the "wrongful spirit" possessing Gilcias quickly escaped.

call out!call out!

Several more thin ice crystal arrows struck from the darkness in the distance.

While Klein was busy rolling on the ground to dodge, he controlled his marionette to launch a counterattack.

"Death!" A demonic word originating from the abyss, full of filthy and depraved meanings, came out of the marionette's mouth.

Before the "wronged soul" that had just escaped from the marionette had time to completely disappear, his movements suddenly stagnated, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by invisible hands, stained with mottled red rust, and his breath instantly Feeling sluggish and coughing up a few sparks from his mouth.

The next moment, Gilsea's body suddenly expanded. The goat's horns on his head bent and stretched out, covered with countless mysterious patterns. A pair of giant bat-like wings spread out behind him, entwined with red and light blue flames, exuding A strong sulfur smell.

The two curved devil horns on his head burned with colorful and illusory flames, like the convergence of various desires and emotions, and an invisible wave impacted the "wronged soul" in front of him.

The emotions of despair and fear uncontrollably spread and climbed in the heart of this "wronged soul", making it difficult for him to think for a while.


Another devilish word full of filth and depravity, accompanied by a sudden sway of flame from the lantern in his hand.


Even the "wronged soul" who has strong resistance to damage caused by filth and curses, at this moment, his pupils shrank, and blood rushed up to his brain crazily, as if it was going to squeeze his head.

The amplified filthy words made his heart no longer able to withstand the damage. It burned with a fire that smelled of sulfur, turning into ashes bit by bit. The pungent smell of sulfur filled the air from his mouth and nose.

It is worthy of being a magical item at the demigod level. I solved an "wronged soul" so easily. I feel that even if I encounter a demigod head-on, I am not without resistance. Klein sighed in his heart as he approached the " The corpse of the "wretched soul".

Creeping Hungry still had room, so he was ready to graze the soul of this "wronged soul". Facing the pursuit from the Rose School, the ability of the "wronged soul" became very useful.

call out!call out!

In the darkness, several fine white ice crystal arrows shot out again, and at the same time, two figures rushed out one after the other.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Klein opened his mouth slightly, simulating the sound of a cannonball being fired.

The air in front of him was instantly compressed into air cannonballs, intercepting the thin ice crystal arrows coming from the air.

Then he walked quickly to the body of the "wronged soul". The glove on his right hand squirmed, and a scarlet mouth full of fangs sprouted from the palm of his hand and began to devour the flesh and blood on the ground.

While letting the crawling hunger devour the flesh and blood, he distractedly controlled the marionette Gilcias to block the surrounding enemies.

The red magma and light blue flames intertwined into exaggerated giant pillar-like shackles, sealing the surroundings tightly. No matter how many people from outside attacked the barrel, they could not shake it at all.

The body of the "Wronged Soul" had just been half devoured when a fierce wind suddenly sounded around it. Thick silver-white electric lights fell from the mid-air, covering the flame barrier created by Secret Puppet Gilcias and the members of the Rose School who attacked the barrier outside. Inside.

"How come the Punisher came so fast?" Klein sighed as he reached out and picked up the remaining half of the body on the ground and started running away.

The secret puppet Gilcias followed him diligently, waving an exaggerated giant sword composed of red magma and light blue flames, intercepting all the wind blades and lightning that attacked him.

A punisher with dark blue hair suddenly opened his palm forward. The surrounding wind became sticky under his influence and turned into an invisible rope, hindering and restraining the progress of Klein and others.

This influence only lasted for a moment, and the light of the dark copper lantern held by Secret Puppet Gilcias swayed.

The invisible wind around them became chaotic, forming an area without any obstruction around them.

At the same time, the surrounding distance measurement standards were chaotic. He and Secret Puppet Gilcias could run dozens of meters away with each step, and soon left the street, leaving the punishers of the Church of Storms behind.

Klein ran forward quickly, moving his position from time to time to avoid the wind blades that struck from mid-air behind him.

Above his head, layers of dark clouds were pressing down, and silver-white electric snakes were scurrying in the clouds, as if they were preparing for a fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 533 Divided battlefield

During the process of escaping, Klein's clothes suddenly came to life. His belt, shirt, coat, and trousers all tightened, wrapping around him like a rice dumpling, with extremely terrifying force, as if from A hug from a giant bear.

His forward movement paused, his body lost its center of gravity, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably. At the same time, several thin green translucent ice crystal arrows condensed in front of him, carrying a strong aura of death, and headed towards him. The heart position hits.

Secret Puppet Gilcias stretched out his right hand forward, and light blue flames ignited in his palm, turning into a huge cage and solidifying thin green ice crystal arrows in mid-air.

As the thin ice crystal arrows shattered little by little, the ignited light blue flame also turned into a transparent ice sculpture, exuding a cold chill.

Klein, who was restrained by his own clothes, tried to rub his fingers together, trying to ignite the paper figurine in the inner pocket of his clothes to create some fire light so that he could jump in flames.

The hem of his clothes rolled up very spiritually and tightly wrapped his hands, making him unable to make any movements.

The surrounding leaves, newspapers and other items that were blown into the air by the wind suddenly changed their directions and were shot towards him.

Just when they were about to hit him, the leaves, newspapers and other items changed their direction contrary to the laws of physics, and all of them sank into the trunk of the street tree nearby.

The tree trunk, which was originally as thick as an adult's waist, was instantly turned into a hornet's nest.

A light yellow paper figure filled with various symbols and magic signs suddenly appeared, flew here with a sudden gust of wind, and landed next to Klein.

As soon as it touched the ground, the paper figure began to spontaneously ignite, bursting out with a burst of bright pale gold fire, and outlining strange symbols symbolizing light and the sun.

The next moment, a magnificent and pure pillar of blazing light descended from the sky, covering the surrounding area, exuding the majestic and pervasive aura of the sun.

The clothes that tightly wrapped and restrained Klein's body suddenly loosened, and a transparent and illusory body emerged in the air not far from him.

He looked extremely old, the wrinkles on his face formed deep ravines, and his white hair was as sparse as autumn leaves. He was none other than the Saint Jacks of the Rose School.

Under the blazing sunlight, his ethereal and erratic body had a faint tendency to melt.

Not far away, Gilcias, who maintained a devilish posture, was also sizzling in the blazing sunlight, with green and black smoke rising from his body.

The blazing sunshine came and went quickly, and the majestic and oppressive figure of the prophet's clone appeared at the location where the paper man had spontaneously ignited.

A little bit of brassy light moved quickly in front of him, outlining a pattern similar to a scale.

He recited ancient Hermetic words in a deep voice with an indescribable sense of majesty:

"The shadows of innocent souls are prohibited here!"

"Floating is prohibited here!"

"Curse is forbidden here!"

As his words fell, the aura of the transparent and illusory figure floating in the air quickly declined. His body became heavy and could no longer float in the air.

Without giving him a chance to react, the prophet clone continued to simulate the law spell:


An invisible majestic force suddenly burst out, directly blowing away Jacks who was still in the shadow state.

"Exile!" "Exile!"

The prophet's clone simulated the "exile" spell ability several times in succession, pushing Jacks to the other side of the street and roaring into the swirling wind.

After doing all this, he turned his head to look at Klein who had just gotten up from the ground and said:

"You can call the messenger lady over. I am certain that I can kill this saint of the Rose School."

"But you may need to face some dangers alone. The people of the 'Blood Pirate Group' are already waiting for you outside the city. Their captain is most likely a 'Witch King' of the 'Moon' path."

"I need to face a 'Witch King' alone, as well as an entire pirate group under her. Are you sure you don't want me to kill someone?" The corner of Klein's mouth twitched slightly.

He was not familiar with this new pirate king. He only knew that he was sent by the Rose School to take over the 'Blood Pirate Group' and the 'Tree of Flesh', and called herself the 'Crimson Queen'.

The prophet clone nodded slightly and said:

"You have to believe in your own strength, and Miss Messenger and I are two against one, so we have the energy to look after you."

Klein sighed softly, took out the mouth organ used to summon the messenger lady, brought it to his mouth, and played it hard.

Wearing a complicated, gorgeous, dark and gloomy black dress, holding an identical girl with blond hair and red eyes in both hands, the messenger lady appeared here silently.

"The saint who appears here from the Rose School is Jacks. Does he have what you need?"

The four heads held by Reinette Tinichole looked at the other side of the street at the same time, and said in turn:

"Together." "Kill." "Him"

The prophet clone nodded clearly. He turned back to indicate to Klein that he could leave first and said:

"Of course, but Si'a may arrive at any time, and we need an opportunity to kill him with one blow."

The head in Reinette Tinichole's hand that had been unable to speak first said:


After reaching an agreement with the messenger lady, the prophet clone immediately raised his hand to create dots of light blue light, drew a mysterious symbol representing the secret in front of him, and at the same time recited in a low voice in ancient Hermetic language:


The starry night with a sense of tranquility and tranquility suddenly appeared, shrouding him and the messenger lady together, covering up the traces and atmosphere of their existence.

On the other side of the street, the howling wind in the air suddenly calmed down a lot, and the gloomy and dark environment became a little brighter, as if dawn was about to enter.

A golden translucent rain fell in the sky, with a sacred and warm feeling. When the rain fell on the members of the Rose School, it instantly became hot, burning black marks on their skin and sending up bursts of black smoke.


Jacks, who was bound in the air by the invisible and powerful wind, snorted coldly. His voice was hoarse and low, with an air of obvious malice and curse that could not be concealed.

The surrounding wind that turned into an invisible restraint suddenly became fierce, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly. The rainwater falling in the air condensed into fine ice crystals, and moved forward with the sudden fierce wind.

The roaring hurricane subsided in the next moment, but in a breath or two, only the breeze caressing the face was left.

Silver-white electric snakes were flowing in the dark clouds in mid-air, as if they would fall at any time.

At the same time, an extremely majestic spirit with a strong sense of anger "scanned" the entire Bayam in a very short time, including the prophet's clone and the messenger lady who were in a secret state. They all clearly felt that the gaze "scanned" "Up to myself.

The silvery white in the prophet's clone's eyes quickly appeared and disappeared. After a pause, he said:

"People from the Church of Storms have used sealed items. It feels like items from the 'Black Emperor' or 'Judge' path."

"Let's stay away from Bayam City first. There is no need to confront the Church of Storms head-on."

The four heads held by Reinette Tinichole looked around carefully, and then one of them spoke:


As soon as she finished speaking, the figure of Renette Tinichole holding four blond hair and red-eyed heads quickly retreated. Where she had just stood, a silver stabbing sword cut through the secret and sank into the ground.

A flood of silvery white suddenly erupted, and the surrounding "secrets" were strangely dissolved. The space was also distorted at this moment. People and objects with extraordinary power were irresistibly separated from the real world, forming an overlapping world. Two dimensions that do not interfere with each other.

The sharp silvery white light divided the surrounding area into checkerboard-like grids, just like dividing the battlefield.

A silver transparent barrier was erected between the prophet clone and Renette Tinichole. The two looked at each other, and the head held by Renette Tinichole suddenly opened her mouth and breathed out.

The whining wind sounded, and a cold wind mixed with the breath of death and coldness blew past, blowing on the silver and transparent barrier in front, and disappeared without arousing the slightest reaction.

The prophet took two steps forward and raised his hand to press on the silver transparent barrier. It was like touching a solid wall of air. No matter how hard he tried, his arm could not move forward even one centimeter.

He turned his wrist slightly, and bits of light blue light spread out like ripples, going round and round, but the "door" that was supposed to take shape never appeared.

Withdrawing his arm, he explained calmly:

"This wall is like an impractical thing that cannot connect the spaces on both sides by 'opening the door.'"

After a pause, he added and asked:

"Can you just leave here and return to the spirit world?"

The head held by Renette Tinichole suddenly flew out of her hand, quickly became illusory and transparent, and then flew back quickly, as if it had hit something.

The other three heads in her hand looked around and said one after another:

"Can't." "The spiritual world is" "closed."

The prophet's clone lowered his head thoughtfully and sighed in a deep voice:

"It can seal the connection between the spiritual world and reality. Perhaps this sealed object mastered by the Church of Storms also incorporates the high-level characteristics of the 'Gate' pathway."

Reinette Tinichole's silent head spoke quickly:


As soon as he finished speaking, many chessboard-like squares around him, divided by thin silvery lights, began to change. They either constantly exchanged positions or merged with each other.

She suddenly turned sideways, her four heads and eight eyes staring at the side and said:

"Jacks" was "thrown"

The prophet clone did not answer her words. He had been moved to other places along with the squares on the chessboard.

The four heads held up by Renette Tinichole looked around for a while, but could not find each other in the ever-changing space.


A thick silver lightning suddenly fell. Reinette Tinichole had a premonition in advance and moved her position a second before the lightning struck.

Where she was standing just now, a black hole was left on the ground, with tiny silver-white electric snakes scurrying around it.

The lightning just now was like a signal, and the dark clouds in the sky were constantly moving with lightning, making rumbling sounds.

boom! boom!

Silver-white electric snakes jumped out one after another, carrying a violent and destructive aura that was as strong as the real thing, and struck the surroundings densely, completely covering the chessboard space where Reinette Tinichole and Jacks were in the Thunder Forest. .

The brutal and violent attacks are densely packed, regardless of the enemy or friend, and forcefully destroy everything covered.

On the other side, an old man with gray hair, a black soft hat and unusually serious silver eyes suddenly appeared in front of the prophet's clone.

He wears a black robe embroidered with storm symbols, and on his right hand is a black glove with an eye pattern embroidered on it, which is composed of many symbols of luck and magic.

Blown by the strong wind, the robe on his body was constantly flipping up and down. There were traces of silver in his blue eyes, lightning was wrapped around his body, and thick dark clouds spontaneously gathered in the sky.

"The heretic who blasphemed the storm!" The old man's voice in the sky was hoarse, almost growling, and the silvery white lightning in his eyes became two points stronger.

The prophet's clone quickly recognized his identity, twitched his lips, and chuckled:

"'Singer of God' Ace Snake, the former Archbishop of Backlund Diocese of the Church of Storms, have you been sent to Bayam? Are you replacing the previous Bishop Khogori?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 534 Melee

Klein, who was running wildly through the streets with his marionette Gilgeous, was also divided by a chessboard composed of fine silver lights.

He looked around in confusion, and manipulated the secret puppet Gilcias to lift the dark copper lantern in his hand, trying to distort the surrounding space so that he could get rid of this strange influence.

In the dim lantern, the dim flame swayed for a few times and then stopped, without any change in the surrounding environment.

"No way? This should be a powerful sealed object controlled by the Church of Storms, and its effect is somewhat restraining the ability of the 'Black Emperor' path."

After muttering a few words to himself, Klein walked slowly to the shadows on the side. The secret puppet Gilcias followed behind him, and the dim light of the lantern quickly illuminated the shadows.

This magical item is a little too high-profile, and there is no way I can hide myself with Gilsea. After hesitating for a moment, Klein decided to give up the plan of hiding himself.

With the two magical items carried by Secret Puppet Gilcias, as long as my spirituality is not exhausted or I do not encounter a demigod head-on, my safety can still be guaranteed.

When he was struggling, a team of punishers suddenly appeared in the divided chessboard space where he was, and there were also a few extraordinary people with obviously blank eyes and wearing only a simple inner lining. Two of them were hugging each other naked, as if they were sleeping in a warm bed just a second ago. They were Extraordinary people who had been staying nearby and had just been affected by the Sealed Artifact of the Church of Storms.

All eyes in the audience were subconsciously focused on the two naked people. Feeling the gazes from around them, the two people who had not recovered yet stared blankly at the people around them for a while, and then hurriedly stretched out their hands. key parts.

Everyone is an adult, and it's late at night. It's understandable that Klein nodded inwardly while looking sideways.

Wait, there doesn't seem to be a place like the Red Theater nearby. Moreover, the way they appeared just now seemed to be hugging each other. So, they are not companions who went to the Red Theater together, but bed companions on the same bed as pirates on the sea. It was fun to have fun with the sailors!

The other involved Extraordinaries and the members of the Punisher Team of the Church of Storms had obviously also thought about this issue, and their eyes that had originally moved away looked back again.

As if he couldn't bear to be looked at with ridicule and curiosity by a group of strangers, the stronger of the two naked men, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties, glared at the people around him and shouted loudly:

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a man as strong as me?"

His dark green hair was spread like seaweed on his head, his wheat-colored skin was tinged with red, and his muscles were extremely tense due to anger and shame, like a wild beast that could break out and hurt people at any time.

His physical strength seems to increase to a certain extent when he is angry. Is this the "Rageful People" of the "Sailor" path?

Krahn looked at the other person a little more uncertainly.

Next to this middle-aged man, another man who looked much younger suddenly moved his body, blocking Klein's sight, and glared at him.

Um, did he misunderstand me? Do I need to explain that I'm not interested in his bed partner? Forget it, this may appear more provocative. As thoughts floated, Klein set his sights on the Punisher team across the street. .

If he could, he was not very willing to conflict with the punishers of the Church of Storms. It didn't matter that Gehrman Sparrow was wanted, but it would be troublesome if his true identity was revealed.

In his eyes, the leading punisher in the distance took out something dark in color, like a heart, and a bagpipe-like sound suddenly sounded around him.

This voice had a peaceful and calm meaning, echoing in his ears. Klein instantly felt that the emotions in his heart became indifferent, and his whole body began to move closer to a calm state of no desire and no pursuit.

Before everyone present could fully react, a layer of quiet darkness enveloped them, with pure light shining in the darkness, like a night dotted with stars.

Klein was dazed for a moment, but soon woke up. He looked at the unchanged streets around him, but he was consciously aware that he was dreaming.

Fortunately, I could stay awake in the dream, otherwise when I woke up, I would have been in the basement of the Church of the Waves. As his thoughts floated, he snapped his fingers, and the clothes on his body were instantly ignited, and the flames engulfed his body.

On the other side, Reinette Tinichole and Jax, who were unable to hide in the spiritual world, moved around in the lightning storm, chasing each other.

The complicated and gorgeous black palace dress on Miss Messenger's body showed many signs of damage. All four heads she was holding in her hands were missing. She spread her hands upwards, and layers of thick ice crystals emerged around her, which were constantly struck by lightning. Split into pieces, and continue to condense.

Above her head, four heads with blond hair and red eyes clung to Jacks' limbs, imprisoning him there, like a human shield, resisting the falling lightning storm.

In the chessboard space where the prophet's clone and "Singer of God" Ace Snake were, strong winds roared and swirled, rubbing the air and making explosive noises, like air cannons that could overturn a ship.

The pale blue glow flows in the eyes of the prophet's clone, reflecting a symbol composed of countless illusory doors.

In the space where only the silver light brought by the lightning was left, a galaxy seemed to be reflected. The prophet's clone kept "flashing" in this galaxy, easily dodging every falling silver lightning and air cannon.

"Hmph!" Ace Snake snorted coldly. The howling wind around him weakened a bit, and a heavy rain fell without warning. As the swirling wind continued to roll, it obscured the sight and also conducted electric current.

The rainwater continued to gather around it with the strong wind, swelling into water balls that were constantly shaking, with silver lightning passing through them.

Compressing my living space On the frontal battlefield, the "Disaster Priest" of the Storm Path is much more powerful than the "Prophet". I basically can only rely on my strong intuition to predict and avoid his attacks in advance. The Oracle's clone stared at Ace. ·In Snake's position, the figure "flashed" and disappeared again.

The next moment his figure disappeared, a thick silver-white electric light struck his original position, splashing mud and rocks on the ground, and fine silver-white electric snakes continued to spread around along with the rain.

boom! boom!

The frequency of lightning falling in the sky became faster and faster, and it became more and more dense. Tiny silver-white electric snakes almost covered the entire ground.

These arcs had a strong paralyzing effect. During the "flash" process, the body of the prophet's clone was inevitably contaminated with some electric current, and the body became heavier and heavier as a result.

In the violent storm, a deep and deep singing voice echoed in his ears. This singing voice directly touches people's soul, and every beat seems to strike on the heart. boom! boom! boom!

The beating speed of the heart increased unnaturally, the blood in the body surged wildly, and the brain became dizzy due to excessive congestion.

The light blue glow flowing in the eyes of the prophet's clone became no longer smooth, his head gradually became heavier, his body gradually became numb due to the current mixed in the rain, and the frequency of his "flashes" became lower and lower.


A series of thin and sharp wind blades cut through the air, shooting towards the direction of the prophet's clone from different directions.

After completing a "flash" and dodging several wind blades, his body was instantly penetrated by a green wind blade.

His body became thinner and brittle the moment it was penetrated by the wind blade, and finally turned into a roughly cut pale yellow paper man.

The paper substitute was cut into tiny scraps of paper by the continuous wind blades, and fell to the ground mixed with rainwater.

After using the "paper man substitute", the prophet's clone seemed to disappear and did not reappear not far away.

In mid-air, Ace Snake, who was lifted up by the strong wind, remained silent for a moment, then raised his right hand and pressed the eye pattern on the palm of his hand to the center of his eyebrows.

The next moment, a hint of meaningful lilac suddenly flashed through his blue eyes that were pulsing with electric light. His gaze became extraordinarily deep and had extraordinary penetrating power.

His eyes briefly became complete "eyes of peeping", able to see things that are normally invisible and notice details that he ignored.

In this state, he saw the prophet's clone hidden in the mirror formed by the rain, and saw what the other person's smiling mouth was saying to him.

"I know the 'Peeper' better than you do, and I know the 'Peeping Eye' better than you do."

While the prophet's clone spoke silently, his eyes suddenly darkened, and the flickering light blue light was dyed with a touch of purple, like a deep and vast galaxy.

His eyes seemed to reflect another pair of eyes, a pair of cold, indifferent eyes without eyelashes that contained countless bright stars.

Ace Snake's intuition was not good and he subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but the specialness of the "Peeping Eye" had already allowed him to see what the prophet's clone had specially shown to him.

Through the layers of specialness, he looked directly at the "Hidden Sage". At that moment, endless knowledge and madness poured into his mind.

The rain, wind, and lightning froze for a second, then became chaotic and crazy.

Ace Snake's body fell out of the air uncontrollably, and the black gloves on his hands twisted into eyes showing malice and madness, and gradually spread towards his body.

Under the black robe embroidered with storm symbols, transparent viscous liquid mixed with raindrops dripped. Webbings unique to amphibians grew between his fingers. The phantom scales under the skin became obvious and broke through the epidermis. His whole body They all began to mutate towards marine life.

He covered his head with both hands in pain and rolled on the ground. The scales on his body split into gaps, and eyes grew out of them.

Less than a hundred meters away from him, a layer of blue ripples appeared on the ground water, like an illusory "door". The prophet walked out of the mirror world behind the "door" at a leisurely pace.

A pattern similar to a scale was reflected in the flowing radiance of his eyes, and his voice was extremely majestic as he recited:

"No storms allowed here!"

"Lightning is prohibited here!"

As the law spell took shape, the whimpering wind around him gradually calmed down, and finally it was only strong enough to blow the clothes. The thick dark clouds with lightning constantly scurrying around in the sky quickly dissipated as if swept by the strong wind.

The prophet's clone calmly stared at Ace Snake, the "Singer of Gods" writhing in pain on the ground. A trace of light flashed across his eyes, as if lightning came from the depths of his consciousness.

"Psychic piercing!"

His spirit quickly condensed, like an invisible sharp blade, piercing Ace Snake's spiritual body and directly attacking his "spiritual body".

Ace Snake, who was struggling painfully on the ground, suddenly stopped. His mouth was wide open, but he couldn't make any sound. Dark red blood flowed from his mouth, nose, and ears.

Colorful and smooth tentacles poked out from under the black robe embroidered with storm symbols, swaying on the ground where there was a layer of rain.

Although the "spiritual piercing" he simulated could not reach the original level, it also exceeded the intensity of Sequence Five. Ace Snake, who had already suffered a serious decline in condition due to looking directly at the "Hidden Sage", at this moment On the verge of out-of-control madness.

After glancing at Ace Snake, the prophet's clone looked in the direction of the Wave Church in the distance and took two steps back.

He did not intend to kill a saint from the Church of Storms now. This would cause a more violent reaction from the Church of Storms, and even the Lord of Storms himself would impose divine punishment.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 535 Crimson Queen

Rather than harvesting the characteristics of the "Disaster Priest" and a super-sealed object, he hopes to force the person who uses the seal to reintegrate the divided battlefield.

After remaining silent for two seconds, without waiting for the expected change, the prophet's clone looked down at Ace Snake, the "Singer of God" who was already on the verge of losing control, and said with some mockery:

"It seems that the Church of Storms intends to give up a saint and a level 1 sealed object in exchange for victory in the siege of Bayam's wild Beyonders."

"But it's not a big loss for you if you can kill a 'Silent Disciple'."

As he spoke, he gently poked his fingers, creating an invisible hand to pick up the glove that had fallen from Ace Snake's hand.


The wind that had calmed down suddenly became fierce, like a small sharp blade, cutting everything around it.

Before the invisible hand even got close, it was already wiped out in the strong wind.

The pale blue glow in the eyes of the prophet's clone suddenly brightened, and he whispered a word in dragon language:


A light like the morning sun emerged around him, condensing into an unbreakable invisible wall in front of him.

After doing all this, he reached out and touched the left side of his face. The sudden fierce wind just now cut several scars on his body.

He watched the tendency to lose control in front of him become more serious, and Ace Snake, who was no longer human at all, whispered:

"It seems like you've really been given up."

Little bits of brassy light gathered in his hand, condensing into a spear covered with strange patterns and symbols.

The next moment, the silvery white light dividing the battlefield around them faded and disappeared like water.

The divided battlefield reintegrated, and many extraordinary people who were originally separated from reality also returned to reality, but they did not return to their original positions.

The prophet's clone glanced at the clouds gathering above his head. He took a step back, and his figure quickly faded and disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already a few streets away.

The figures of Reinette Tinichole and Jax flashed in front of him, and they ran out of the city in pursuit.

The howling wind around was suddenly fierce and had a strange rhythm, which made people feel irritable for no reason. They wanted to rush out and have a fight with the people to vent their anger.

The prophet's clone did not stay, and his figure disappeared transparently again. While sensing the position of the paper man left on Klein, he kept "flashing" closer.

On the other side, Klein easily escaped the pursuit of the Punisher team with the help of the marionette Gilgeous. After once again distorting the positions of himself and the marionette, he appeared directly outside Bayam City.

Before he could be happy, his body suddenly became stiff and uncontrollable.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the messenger lady, whose complicated and gorgeous palace dress had a lot of damage and scorch marks, appeared in front of him holding two heads. The golden hair of the two heads she was holding was also stained with a layer of scorch. , I feel inexplicably disgraced.

Before he could think about where Miss Messenger's other two heads had gone, he suddenly felt an illusory, unreal tingling coming from his shoulder.

A head that became scorched and black-eyed bit his shoulder, dragging him forward forcefully.

The two heads held in Miss Messenger's hands opened their mouths and breathed in.

Then he saw a translucent figure with no hair and the entire front of his body scorched black being forcibly dragged out of his body.

At this time, another head that became a little burnt flew from a distance. Its teeth quickly lengthened and became sharp. It bit hard at the translucent figure and tore off a large piece from the opponent's body. Something like a spirit or flesh and blood.

The translucent figure that was bitten did not scream, but quickly disappeared.

The next moment, this figure suddenly appeared next to marionette Gilsias.

The large pair of scissors originally slung at Gilsea's waist was already in his hand, and the other end was inserted straight into the chest and abdomen of the translucent figure.

Without any pause in the movements of his hands, Gilcias pulled out the scissors in his hand, and then thrust them in again, again and again, as if he could not feel the chilly and chilly atmosphere around him at all, and it was different from the falling of Jacks' palm. The strength in him.

Taking advantage of this gap, the two heads held by Reinette Tinichole also flew out quickly. In the process, their pupils became dark, and the teeth in their mouths became sharper and longer, growing into illusory and... That extra bit between reality.

The two heads bit into Jacks' left and right shoulders respectively, and once again tore off a large piece of flesh-like substance from his illusory and transparent body.

The successive injuries made Jacks' expression become a little distorted. He suddenly stretched out his left hand forward and pushed Gilcias with all his strength. At the same time, he let out a silent scream that could pierce the human eardrum and hurt the spirit body. "The Scream of Resentful Souls".

The "Scream of Resentful Souls" at the third level of the sequence will not only cause great harm to the spirit body, but also has the power of a curse.

Klein, who was not too far away from his marionette, could only feel warm liquid flowing out of his nostrils and ears. His head was stinging as if being pricked by countless needles, and he could not think of anything.

From the perspective of onlookers, he was in a dazed state. The flesh and blood under his skin was squirming like small worms, pushing out pale or scarlet granules.

Without Klein's control, the marionette Gilcias could no longer make any movements, and just stood there in a daze while pulling out the scissors in his hand. Renette Tinichole's two heads flying in the air opened their mouths wide and sucked in air.

The "resentful scream" issued by Jacks was sucked into the mouths of the two heads as if it were a tangible thing, and the surrounding screams carrying curses and hurting the spirits disappeared instantly without a trace.

Jacks also grabbed this gap, and his figure disappeared suddenly, jumping into a piece of glass shards a hundred meters away.

Then, Reinette Tinichole and her four heads also disappeared, and Jacks started a new round of chasing and escaping among leaves, puddles, bugs, and weeds.

In the sky covered with dark clouds, the crimson moonlight suddenly broke through the clouds and shone onto the ground.

A crimson full moon hung high in the sky, pulling the entire Bayam and surrounding areas into a full moon state. Spirituality began to grow crazily, and inspiration and death became stronger.

A faint blue light and a crimson moonlight flashed nearby at the same time. The prophet's clone and a figure wearing a hood and a black robe embroidered with crimson patterns teleported here at the same time.

The prophet clone and the other party looked at each other, both of them were wary and sizing up each other.

Under the black robe, there is a young woman with an extremely tall figure, light hair color, almost silver, bright red eyes, as if hiding blood, and soft facial features.

After sizing up the other party, the prophet clone said in a somewhat doubtful tone:

"'Crimson Queen'? What you believe in should be the 'Primordial Moon'. Why do you follow the instructions of the 'Mother Tree'?"

While speaking, he raised his right hand, and an invisible giant hand transferred the pair of scissors held by the marionette Gilsias to his hand.

To his surprise, the "Crimson Queen" opposite who had just created the full moon did not take action directly, but followed his words and started chatting:

"The 'Mother Tree' and the 'Moon' are one. This is something that every member of the Rose School knows in common."

"You seem to think that the 'Mother Tree' and the 'Moon' are two independent entities?"

The prophet's clone looked directly into the opponent's bright red and blood-red eyes. She seemed to hide her crazy and bloodthirsty side very well, and her eyes were calm and rational.

He was silent for a second, tapped the scissors in his hand with his right index finger, and chuckled:

"You should think so too, otherwise you wouldn't answer my words."

"Don't you think that the 'Primordial Moon' behaves extremely contradictoryly at certain times, and the oracles it conveys are often inconsistent?"

"Do you think these are different aspects of personality, or are they basically two existences, but they are influencing each other and robbing each other's followers?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding wind suddenly became fierce, rubbing the air and making a heavy roar, like powerful air cannonballs, falling here with great purpose.


These air cannonballs suddenly twisted less than a hundred meters away from them, turned at an incredible angle, and exploded in the woods on both sides of the road, kicking up a cloud of mud and tree limbs.

The prophet clone turned sideways and glanced at Klein, who had returned to normal and was still controlling the marionette Gilcias to distort the target being attacked, and said:

"You'd better leave here first. It's easy to get accidentally injured in the melee."

After saying that, he raised his left hand up, as if he was holding something invisible, and whispered in dragon language:


A ball of golden light emerged in his hand, like a miniature sun that was constantly emitting light, casting pure and clear light around it, drowning out the crimson moonlight brought by the full moon above.

Without the moonlight, the "Crimson Queen" temporarily lost the ability to teleport and moonlight.

She glanced at the prophet clone without much emotion, then turned her attention to Klein and the Marionette behind him who were quickly moving away from here through the distortion distance, and said calmly:

"I really don't have a good impression of those crazy, irrational believers of the 'Mother Tree', but since the 'Moon' has allowed us to join them, we still have to abide by some simple tasks and orders."

While speaking, she stared intently at Klein's back. In her bright red eyes, Klein's frontal figure at this moment was strangely reflected.

The next second, the figure in her eyes turned into the secret puppet Gilcias again.


Around her, golden illusory flames suddenly ignited out of thin air. These flames exuded the majestic and pervasive breath of the sun, and exploded around her like ignited explosives.

In the center of the flames, the figure of the "Crimson Queen" quickly became thinner and brittle, and finally turned into a crimson moon paper figure, engulfed by golden flames.

Immediately, her figure reappeared not far away. Her right eye was closed tightly, her eyelids were somewhat sunken inward, as if she had lost her eyeballs, and bright red blood was constantly leaking from under her eyelids.

She raised her right hand to her chest and squeezed it hard, making a slapping sound. Some dark red blood and flesh mixture was squeezed out from between her fingers, as if it had exploded.

A few hundred meters behind her, the marionette Gilsias suddenly stopped running forward, and then fell to the ground.

His body seemed to have suffered a sudden heavy blow, and it was extremely distorted and deformed, as if someone had hit it with a hammer from the inside out, and his bones and internal organs were severely damaged.

Klein was forced to stop and looked warily in the direction behind him. What a terrifying curse. This was still the effect of being twisted and shaved. As an Extraordinary of the 'Devil' path, Gilcias, even if he did not transform into a demon form, his body His quality also belongs to the stronger category in Sequence Five. He was almost destroyed directly. If I didn't twist the goal of establishing contact with the "Crimson Queen" in time, I would definitely be killed in an instant.

(End of this chapter)