
exiled god system with naruto

the story of a man killed by the greek gods getting stronger for vengeance

Last_Dragon_Black · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

flashback part 2

After arriving at the place where Atlas is being held in prison, the key in my hand magically opened Atlas's chains

Atlas first looked at his chains and then at me, "thank you for your help, mortal, now it's my turn to help," Atlas said

Atlas put me on his shoulder "hold on tight, little mortal," Atlas said. I immediately looked for something to hold on to atlas's shoulder, but it was too late, atlas jumped

When we landed, we were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and I looked at atlas and said, "Let me know next time, titan."

Atlas looked at my face saying "you scared my little jump mortal hahahaha" atlas started laughing

After laughing for a while, Atlas dropped me off on an island that had never been on a map before

"From here on I can't help you mortal, find the sisters of fate they will make you turn back time," Atlas said

Shaking my head, I turned away from atlas and entered the depths of the forest. After walking for a while, the dead around me began to come to life

After a while, I finally came to the castle of the sisters of fate

When the sisters saw me, I told them about the situation, I said that even atlas would help me

The sisters agreed to my wishes after talking for a while and I went back in time to bring all the titans back to life

Gaia was delighted to see me, I brought all the titans back in the pacific ocean, and so the war began

The last battle between the Titans and the gods Zeus must have felt this, so he Decamped to mount of Olympus with a large number of enemy troops

I was on top of gaia's head, but gaina had a very different idea

As I climbed Mount of Olympus, it was my job to defeat so many enemies that I was killing every being one by one

Finally, when she came to the hill, gaia took me in her hands, "my little mortal child, you have served well so far, but every servant has a life that belongs to me from now on," gaia said

My eyes opened wide, "you can't leave me, I'm the one who has been killing all beings and protecting you all this time, titan of earth, if you leave me, you will regret it very much," I said to Gaia

Gaia looked at my face and said, "Don't make me laugh, even mortal zeus couldn't kill us if he didn't have that sword."

And he left me down the cliff "I hope you survive mortal alex" said Gaia as I fell down

Now I had hostility towards everyone, titans or gods, everything was hostile to me, and I was going to be their death

I got stronger again and again, killed the gods one by one, and finally ripped out the heart of the damn titan who threw me down

There were only 7 gods left that I couldn't kill, zeus, ares and 5 more that I didn't know the name of

~the return to the past ends~

-3. Viewpoint-

"That was the price of your betrayal, damn titan," Kratos said in a cold voice

Gaia looked at Kratos, "mortal, I will crush you now," gaia said, but behind her, huge chains tied gaia's hands

Gaia shouted, "what the hell is that about these damn things," kratos said, looking at the chains, he smiled, "so a soul can't kill a person in the living realm, but I can kill you, hahahaha," kratos began to laugh, saying

Gaia felt a tremor in her leg, and kratos approached with blades in his hands

Gaia started walking backwards, but Kratos was already attacking with his blades

Just when Kratos was about to kill Gaia, the system message came


[Exile god system update requires Gaia's blessing, please kill Titan for 1 month]

[Reward: system update , gaia's blessing]

[Duration: 30 days]

[Punishment: the system will take the 'sparta rage' ability from the host to get the gaia grace and it will not be used again]

Kratos was angry when he saw the screen, but he took a sigh, "I'll see you in 1 month, damn titan, your death won't be so easy," Kratos said

Gaia just looked at Kratos in the face and shouted, "damn mortal Alex, you will pay for this."

But kratos had already returned to the real world and took a shower first thing, but he felt a difference in his body

When he looked at himself in the mirror, he looked almost like the original Kratos, the only difference was that he was not as white as him, and his hair had fallen out

But right now, Kratos thought that once he got stronger, he would be completely white

When he looked at the clock, Kratos saw that it was morning, so he got dressed and started walking to the hokage tower to take charge

A voice came from behind him and said, "Kratos-niichan, is that you?"

When Kratos turned around, he was glad to see his little friend "... nice to see you" said Kratos