
exiled god system with naruto

the story of a man killed by the greek gods getting stronger for vengeance

Last_Dragon_Black · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


"Gaia!" kratos said to the mother of the earth

Gaia looked at Kratos, "I died because of you, you fucking mortal," Gaia said

Looking into Gaia's eyes, Kratos said, "gaia, you know the reason I killed you, you betrayed me."

~back to the past~

~kratos' point of view~

"I have to kill these fucking gods one by one, but how am I going to get to mount Olympus

And then I had an idea, titans, I can use titans, but how do I talk to them, as far as I know, the last living titan is Tartarus?"

After looking at the books around for a while, an idea came to my mind

"Of course, why don't I go to hades, it was easier to go to hell after I killed hermes"

After putting on Hermes boots, I started running, and a few minutes later I was in hell, that is, in the house of hades

He was sitting on the throne of Hades, he had black long hair,purplish eyes. He was sipping his wine in a golden goblet in his hand

When Hades saw me, he gestured for me to bow down, "what are you doing here mortal, I don't remember calling you," hades said

I stood up and held my hand up and said, "hera wanted me to check on tartarus, I think she wanted something like that, my lord, because she had no more work to do."

After my eyes merged with the eyes of Hades, he tapped his hand on the throne where he was sitting a little, "okay, you can go, in 4 days I will send a spirit from the nyx river to get you out of there," Hades said

I had my whole plan ready, I just had to go

After I went to Tartarus, I started to go down to the deepest part of it, and when I came to the last layer, there was a big prison in front of me

I walked in and he was tied to a chain, his hands were holding the ceiling, his eyes were bloodshot and he was a giant with 4 arms

After going up the stairs, I came to eye level and said, "there has been no one visiting me in this hell, except for my guard, so who are you?" the 4-armed giant said

I looked into his eyes and said, "atlas, I am the murderer of the gods, help me and I will show you the fall of Olympus."

Atlas is the titan who holds the celestial dome, punished by Zeus

Atlas laughed in a voice that said, "you are the murderer of the gods, I have not laughed so much in the last 1 millennium years." atlas

No matter how angry I was that he despised me, I showed him my feet and said, "atlas, who do you think these boots belong to?"

Atlas started looking at my feet "are you saying that you killed herme? although I'm happy that that fast bastard is dead, why do you want to start a revolution?" asked atlas

I put my hand in my coat pocket and looked at a picture and said, "they had my family killed, they exploited the world to a very bad point, and they are still exploiting, I want to destroy them, and I killed my first god, I need to bring the titans back."

Atlas seemed to be thinking of something, "all right, I'll help you, but first you need to release me," Atlas said

All the outlines were standing in hades, I asked Atlas for strength, and he gave me his last remaining magic

"Atlas, I will definitely release you, but first I have to kill Hades."

Atlas shook his head and I got out of there

I went back to Hades "I thought mortal would come back later why did you come back"

I got back up and said, "my lord, I have heard and learned some things, atlas spoke to me, and I would like to come to you to tell you these things that they are talking about, if I may."

This was of course a lie, I was planning to kill him with the magic weapon in his right arm

Hades shook his head and beckoned to him

When I got to him, I approached his ear and said, "lord of hell, I didn't know that you would die so easily," as I stuck the gun on my arm into the ground where his heart was

Hades cried out in pain "mortal you have deceived me I will destroy you," Hades said

Hades took out red spirit-like beings from his hands came straight to me

But I used both the strength of the atlas and the boots of Hermes, approached Hades and threw another punch in his face

Hades was very angry now, the purple color in his eyes was gone, and in its place were the eyes that resembled a crimson devil


I took the magic tool hanging on my back and held it in my hand, we ran towards hades and got into a fistfight

After a while I was starting to get tired, hades still continued to punch and use his claws

Suddenly, when I was very tired, Hades threw his purple claws at me, tried to pull my soul

I resisted a lot so that he wouldn't pull my soul, and I succeeded, then I put my magic tool around Hades' neck and took Hades' claws out of his hands

Hades was so angry that I took his stuff from him that he started yelling, "GIVE IT BACK TO THE DAMN MORTAL THEY BELONG TO ME."

But it was too late I got the claws of hades, puppeteered to attack hades and managed to capture his soul

Hades resisted a lot, but I finally managed to get his soul out, and I started laughing, "now your soul is mine, hades."

Since Hades died, all the souls he had drawn into his body passed into my body, increasing both my soul and the strength in my body hundreds of times

Then I began to search for the body of hades, and I found what I was looking for, the key to tartarus was in my hands

I started walking towards where the atlas is