
exiled god system with naruto

the story of a man killed by the greek gods getting stronger for vengeance

Last_Dragon_Black · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Hyūga Affair

Kratos turned around and saw the boy with blond hair and blue eyes smiling at him "ktatos-niichan what are you doing here" the boy said

"Naruto, I was on my way to the hokage tower for a mission, but I'm going to eat first, do you want to come?" I asked the little boy.

Naruto looked at me with stars in his eyes "yes niichan please" naruto said


Author's note: kratos recognized naruto from the ramen stand because even though he killed danzo, rumors still spread around.

And Naruto was again living his life as an outcast child.

That's all I have to say. Keep reading.


Kratos put Naruto on his back and they quickly came in front of the ramen stand

"Uncle gave us four bowls of big miso ramen," said Kratos.

When the old man saw Kratos and Naruto, he smiled and said, "Coming right up."

After a while, after they both ate, Kratos asked Naruto some questions "Naruto, did anyone try to hurt you or ostracize you during this time?" Kratos asked

Naruto suddenly started coughing "niichan how do you know that" naruto said

Kratos put his hand on Naruto's head "I know almost everything, now tell me if something like this happened, and if so, where did it happen?" asked Kratos

Naruto told him about the people who hurt him and some voices in Kratos' head said 'that damn mask maker did this' Kratos said to himself

After a while, Kratos dropped Naruto off at the orphanage where he is currently staying, then approached the principal and said "I hope Naruto doesn't get into any trouble, if he does, the uchiha's spirit will haunt you" as Kratos directed his murderous intent towards the principal.

He said goodbye to Naruto and walked away, entering the hokage building, Kratos went straight to Hiruze.

He knocked on the door and walked in "I'm here to take a mission" kratos said succinctly, hiruzen got angry and fired all the anbu in the room

"Kratos I wonder why you hate me?" asked hiruzen

"hmm let's count from the beginning, first the death of the senju people, then the constant expulsion of the uchiha from the village, and the last thing that happened was that you almost sent the hyuga patriarch to his death, if it wasn't for me, the patriarch's brother would be dead right now," Kratos said angrily.

Hiruzen lowered his head "I'm sorry for doing all this but I had no choice, especially with hyuga"

~Back to the past~

The day the representatives from Kumo village arrived was Hinata's birthday, so all the clans in the village were invited.

They invited representatives of the kumo as a representation of peace, the four representatives who came were jonin level ninjas

That night, before the party started, Kratos was walking through the village.

Even though Kratos didn't have family in the village, Itachi still forced him to invite him to the party.

While Kratos was thinking about what to give Hinata as a gift, he remembered Hinata's kidnapping.

Kratos went into a toy store and bought a plush teddy bear and thought to himself, 'this gift should be enough'.

After a while it becomes evening and the clans in the village slowly move towards the hyuga clan

Kratos was the last one to enter the party, he retreated to the corner after giving his gift to Hinata.

Kratos spread his senses around the room, trying to find out where the ninjas from the kumo village were

After a few seconds Kratos frowned, "these fucking lunatics are five of them" Kratos said to himself

Since the party continued late into the night, hinata's mother took hinata to the bedroom to sleep.

Meanwhile, the kumo ninja was starting to move, following Hinata's mother from a distance, and Kratos was also following her from a distance.

A few minutes later, the kumo ninja put hinata in a sack and started walking away.

Hyuga's patriarch saw at the last moment that his daughter had been kidnapped, so he started running fast, finally caught up with the kumo ninja in a clearing, but he was so angry with the kumo ninja that he killed him

Kratos sneaked up behind him and called out to the hyuga patriarch "Mr. hyuga leave this to me and take care of your daughter" said Kratos

Then Kratos took one of his swords and decapitated the man.

A few minutes later, Kratos came to the village and went to Hiruzen. When he entered the room, Kratos threw a scroll at Hiruzen.

Before hiruzen knew what was happening, kratos spoke "this is a hidden kumo ninja I killed him because he was kidnapping the hyuga clan's daughter and I captured the other kumo ninja" kratos said and left the room. hiruzen put his hands to his temples "I hate this boy" hiruzen said

After a while, a mail arrived from the raikage demanding the neck of the person who killed the kumo ninjas or he would declare war on the village.

Hiruzen put his hand to his head and said to himself "what do I do now" then he thought of a plan to make the hyuga patriarch take his twin brother away "this will definitely work" said Hiruzen

Hiashi Hyuga was summoned to the hokage tower and when he arrived he read the letter from kuma "hiashi I don't want you to make a statement but you have to go do this for the village" said hiruzen

Hiashi didn't want a war, but at the same time he knew that this was the only way he could protect his daughter. "I understand, hokage-sama," Hiashi said and returned to his clan.

The first thing he did after returning was to tell his brother about it, but his brother objected and said, "No, I'll go instead of you, brother, the purpose of the side family is to protect the main family, and I don't think they'll understand that you and I are twins." hizashi hyuga

After the two fought for a while, hizashi won the fight and was about to leave when kratos knocked him and hiashi unconscious "old man I told you I would take care of it" kratos said calmly to himself

After a while, hiashi opened his eyes and woke up in his bed and used the power of his eyes to look at his brother, but he was just as unconscious as he was.

Hiashi stood up and started walking around his clan. He kept walking until he heard a noise behind him, then he turned around and saw the little uchiha boy.

"Uchiha what are you doing here this is not your clan leave immediately" said hiashi in an angry voice

Kratos let out a slight grunt "after saving you and your brother, patriarch, that's quite a welcome," Kratos said.

Hiashi was surprised by what kratos said, but then kratos took the head of hinata's kidnapper and the blame wasn't on them

Hiashi continued to act arrogant "save me hah how can a brat like you help me-" before hiashi could finish a heavy lethal intent oozed out of kratos "I guess that explains how I helped" said kratos as he retracted his lethal intent

Hiashi fell to the ground, powerless, as if his feet were pulling him into the void. He looked up at Kratos on his knees. "I have never seen such devastating lethal intent on any ninja I know," Hiashi said.

Kratos looked Hiashi in the eyes "I'll tell you once, after I knocked you out I went to the hokage and asked him to tell them that if they wanted a war we'd pay them back in kind and the hokage refused so I told him if he didn't say yes now I'd go there and kill all the kumo ninjas and now here I am, the hokage was busy writing a letter"

While Hiashi was trying to get angry at what Kratos said, Kratos walked away and went home.

~The end of the comeback~

"Now give me my task and I will do it," said Kratos, his voice cold.

After hiruzen gave him his mission kratos quickly left the room "damn my hypocrisy why do I do things like this ahh I think I'm going to die early" hiruzen said to herself

after a long break I am with you again, I had to leave because of some earthquakes in my country and my school, but hey I am back with new episodes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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