

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Foreign Relations

As Lee looked through articles and books to read, he came across something that peaked his interest. It was an article about how there might be potential conflict between Silvestr and Dru. Dru was a major port city with connections across the globe. They controlled the central trade routes among continents, and had all the power to shut them off. And that's where the possible conflict came in. Silvestr was a major producer of oil and agriculture. The rich soil of the prairies were perfect for crops and different kinds of sustenance farming. Dru is also a major producer and exporter of goods and materials such as steel, iron, gold, and other valuable minerals. These minerals would then be used to create protection and weapons to fight against the threat of the cultists.

Some may think the cult was only in Silvestr, but really they are spread out across the southern hemisphere.

And so when Dru cut off their supply of these minerals, Silvestr had less to work with in terms of protecting and having order among them. But Dru was a monarchy controlled by a well respected and intellectual king. So for them to just cut off all trade would be preposterous. Cutting off any trade routes would be idiotic unless in war. Unless there was a civil war happening amongst themselves. No, Dru was a peaceful continent. There had never been any wars since 1939. They've had 158 years of peace, but now they're having conflicts? Unless it wasn't the people nor the ruler. Maybe it was the cultists stationed within the continent.

In terms of Cult activity. Dru has the most cult activity, but is dealt with easily due to their excellent authority. And the continent with the second most cult activity was Silvestr, which had gotten into a 3 year-long conflict between the cultists. And now they were just recovering from that.

But then all the commanders, officers, operators, generals, captains, and soldiers were ordered to meet at the President's press area which was a massive field with a podium for him to stand and talk. And so they did. Every government official, whether they were guardians or mere janitors showed up to the area.

5 people were sitting atop the podium with the president. The four guardians, and Lee.

The four guardians were of high status and power. They were intellectual and could order around the president. They were the most powerful ones, and they were feared across the world.

First was Carlos Niverez Piceno, he had short hair along the sides and back, but had longer hair at the top and front. He had dark brown eyes and his muscles were defined. His skin was tan and dark at the same time, and he had a slight beard on his chin. He was in a suit of armor which was covered by a black robe. He was also of a mythical hybrid, the Pegasus. Lord of the skies, and ruler of storms.

Next to him was Jerome Penicillin. He had long white hair and almost white skin. His eyes had dark bags under them and he seemed to be half asleep. But you could still make out his clear yet present hazel eyes. He wasn't lanky, he was tall and lean. He just doesn't look like it. He wore a black suit with a white trench coat over top it. He had the mythical hybrid of the hydra. Smart, devious, and powerful. Lord of poison, and the undying beast.

Next to them was Keel Valentine. She had long red hair which reached down to her glutes. Her eyes contrasted her hair which was bright blue, and her skin was light but not pale. She was tall, fit, and charismatic. She wore a big suit of armor that just like Carlos, was discovered by a robe. But instead of black, it was a pure white robe. She was the hybrid of the unicorn. A majestic, enchanting, and faithful creature. The god of magic, and the all knowing.

And finally, there was a tall, bulky, white man with golden eyes. His jaw was defined, and his eyes sparkled in the light. His hair was silver, and he wore an all white suit with golden accents. His beard was short, yet covered most of his face. He was an angel. Ones that protected, and guarded others in exchange for their own lives. Angels will do anything to protect their kin, and are the strongest of hybrids. His name is Kelam Ceri.

Lee sat among them, and everyone was confused as to why a regular commander was sitting up with the president and the guardians. Everyone gossiped and chatted while they waited. And finally, the president stepped on stage and introduced their problem.

"Men and women of this continent. We have heard your concerns revolving around the trade routes between us and Dru. But have no fear, this was not intentional. Currently, they are in a long fought battle with the cult and need all the supplies that they need. But still! We will sail to their lands, and declare war upon the cult!" Everyone erupted into cheering and clapping. But some were reluctant, remembering what happened 3 years ago.

"And in this course of battle, we have 4 new members that will drastically change the course of history! Carlos Piceno! Jerome Penicillin! Keel Valentine! And Kalem Ceri!" Everyone erupted into cheers and cries of joy. A war that they had the advantage. One where not only were they stronger, but had more men and firepower. One that would surely be victorious for Silvestr. Right?

As they got aircraft carriers ready to deploy, there were one million soldiers ready to go. The four guardians were on a single aircraft carrier which was the largest of them all. They had 12 carriers, and 1 massive one. But Lee waited to go to Silvestr, as he wanted to get something before going. His entire squad would've already been over there by the time he got what he needed, and probably won already, so he had to be quick. He waved at them as they set sail, and the Guardians stared at him suspiciously.

"What is that boy thinking? What is trying to accomplish?" Kalem said to himself.

"I don't know, but he's cute." Keel told him.

"You are so immature for a guardian, Keel." Jerome said as he read something on his phone.

"Shut up, Carlos is more immature than me!" She said back.

"At least Carlos gets stuff done, you only sit on the sidelines and watch us. Plus, you haven't even done anything significant in the past year." Jerome continued.

"Actually, Keel is the smartest out of all of us. She has been handling all of the district's resources and missions since that big catastrophe happened." Carlos added, Keel looked up with pride. Kalem continued to watch Lee as they sailed off. Lee noticed him staring and so he nodded down to him. Kalem noticed and nodded back. Lee smiled and drove off.

A few days later, they finally made landfall on one of the few sanctuaries left in Dru. The presidents and guardians walked onto the land first, then everyone else followed suit. The people of the Druvian sanctuary cheered as they were going to be saved.

As the Silvestrians set up their stuff, Lee had driven all the way back to the BHPA central headquarters. He entered and was met with multiple guards. He showed them his badge and he was given clearance to enter. He went down to the deepest floor where they kept Queen Krev. He stared at her through the reinforced glass. She stared back in hatred.

"How did you achieve such power?" Lee asked her.

"Why would I tell a false hybrid our ways?" Krev asked back. Lee was surprised, how did she know?

"How did you know?" Lee asked.

"The scent of a hybrid and the scent of a human is different. You are a mix of hybrid and human. So I knew there was something wrong with you." Krev explained.

Lee smirked and pulled out his wallet. Lee put his key card over the sensor and entered the room. He was now face to face with her again.

"An idiotic move." Krev attempts to attack Lee, but is flung back as she gets punched.

"What hybrid is this?" She asked while recovering.

"Oh, I don't have one right now. I'm only using my bare strength. It'd be worse if I had a gun." Lee said.

"You're a monster." She said while quivering in fear.

"Tell me how the fuck you got so strong." Lee persisted. "Tell me!"

"Ok ok. It...It's from the blue oroborn. The blue oroborn infects the DNA of a hybrid, and makes them experientially more powerful." She finally broke and told him the secret.

"Hmm, that was my theory. Ok, good day now." Lee said as he opened the door.

"Wait, all you came for was that?" She asked with confusion.

"Duh, what else would I need you for? Lee asked.

"I don't know! Vital information, locations of bases, stuff like that." She told him.

"Oh, I already know all that." Lee told her while smiling and walking away.

Then it dawned on her. Just because they were stronger, doesn't mean that they would be victorious. Even if most of them are on different soil, there was still a threat. Lee. He had the upper hand, he had more information, he had more power, and he had more influence. Sure, they were very powerful hybrids, but she saw the way Finna's eyes lit up when Lee busted through. He had everyone's trust. And that was all they needed to win.

She collapsed in defeat and realization. They had no hope of winning this war. But then Lee turned around and asked, "Oh yeah, do you know what a mountain chicken is?"

"No?" She said.

"Well, what do you think it is?" Lee asked again.

"A really big chicken?" She answered.

"That's what I thought too. But no! It's a fucking toad!" Lee storms out and slams the door behind him.

Meanwhile in Dru, they had begun fighting. Bullets were flying everywhere, and hybrids on the front lines fighting melee. Keller was up in a tower shooting down any enemy drones, and Mohammed was slicing and stabbing through cultists. It seemed like they could win, but then something from the mountains emerged. A giant avalanche ensued as a giant serpent emerged. It slithered through the cultists to the Silvestrians. It slammed its head into the ground and large oroborn deposits burst from the ground.

"Slaves of humanity! Do you not want to have your misery ripped from you? Do you not want to live in peace? If so, then die!" A man on the serpent yelled. But from the castle walls emerged a bright light. Wings emerged from a single being of light, and golden rays flew across the lands. Kalem disintegrated the serpent and the man fell to the ground, breaking his legs in the process. Parts of his spine were damaged, and he was unable to move. Everyone stopped fighting and stared as Kalem walked up to the man.

"Boy, you dare kill Jormungandr!" The man cried. Kalem stared at him in disgust and slammed his boot into his face. Then one final stomp caused a large shockwave that killed all of the enemies in a 100 meters radius. Then the battle continued. Then the three other guardians emerged from the walls. Their power was also grand, and caused everyone to freeze. They aligned themselves with one another and started to attack.

A purple goo covered the ground, boiling and burning the armor and flesh of any cultists that touched it. This had no effect on the Druvians or Silvestrians though. Multiple heads resembling dragons popped out of the ground and ate thousands of cultists.

Carlos started sprinting up the neck of one head and leaped off of its nose. He spread his arms and reigns spawned in his hands. He started descending and a white horse with wings appeared underneath him. He started to ride it, and white sparkles fell onto the cultists. And when they made contact with them, they spontaneously combusted into balls of plasma. Their screams filled the land, and some were even shocked. Speechless even.

Keel raised her fists and two massive drills magically spawned in. She slammed them into the ground and they killed hundreds of not thousands of cultists. She bent back like she was throwing a javelin, and a massive golden horn formed in her hands. She ran and threw the horn, which went flying for hundreds of yards. As it fell, cultists began to die and a massive explosion happened when it pierced the ground.

The Druvians cheered as they were finally being saved after 2 months of containment. For two months the Cult was able to keep the continent hostage and act like nothing was happening. For two months no one spoke about the reduced resources being shipped. For two fucking months, no one talked about the pain and suffering that was inflicted upon the Druvians.

The president of Silvestr was a retired commander, so he was commanding the front lines. But as he was, all he could feel was disappointment. Disappointed in himself for not realizing Dru's situation. Not seeing the signs, and not reacting fast enough. But then was slapped out of his imagination when a dark shadow formed over the skies. A tsunami of water came flooding in from the skies, and emerged a man. He had tattoos all over his chest and arms. He was shirtless, with only shorts on. He had a slight beard, and had small sharp teeth.

"Wassup mother fucker! Let's get this party going!" He cried while holding up the shaka sign. His long and sharp tongue hung out as he cried in excitement.