

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

bloody tsunami

The man then announced himself.

"Bitches! Fuckers! Everyone! Bow down to me! For I am Dasha! Conqueror of the Blue!" Large waves then started to appear. They towered over the siege walls, and then they crashed down on everyone. Trees, buildings, and defenses were brought down everywhere. Millions of people were killed, Silvestrian, Druvian, and cultists alike. Dasha just maniacally laughed as he watched them get impaled by debris, or get stuck under something and drown.

But then, a brilliant ray of light wiped away all of the water. Kalem, Keel, Carlos, and Jerome all emerged out of the water with nothing but a scratch on them. Dasha then chuckled.

"Brilliant, brilliant. Please, entertain me more!" Dark clouds then rained down a monsoon, causing part of the ground to collapse into the mantle which is a sinkhole. Thousands of people fell down, and millions paralyzed with fear. But the battle must go on, so the Silvestrians and Druvians start charging towards the cultists. The cultists were still in shock, but when they realized, it was too late. The Silvestrians and Druvians had the upper hand, until Dasha intervened.

He caused a high pressure bubble around the ones he deemed as allies, which were the cultists. And then fired pressured water into the ground. The ground shook and crumbled from the immense pressure. People were getting cut in half, body parts being severed, and straight up brain matter spewing everywhere.

The four guardians then jumped him, but were all slammed down by pressured water. Dasha then submerged everything in a tidal wave, which tainted the water with blood. Rain started to pour down, and the ground was littered with red puddles. The four guardians were on the brink of death. But Dasha was only severely damaged from an ability Kalem had. Basically, any damage that Kalem receives, 75 percent of that damage is caused to the one who dealt the damage.

Even if Dasha took 75 percent of the power of his tidal wave, he could still walk slowly towards them. He raises his fists, and rains down pressured water.

Before they had even docked, Lee investigated Krev and began trekking up the mountain. But this took him about 4 hours to do so. He killed a few cult members up there which was light work, and started searching for the blue oroborn. He searched for hours and hours, but couldn't find any. He damn nearly gave up until he had an amazing idea.

"Holy shit! I'm a fucking dumbass! Oroborn deposits emerge whenever there is immense pressure in the area, so I should just be able to use the bombardier beetle!" He raised his fists and started wailing on the ground. He got down on all fours and started to do everything he could possibly do to cause pressure. His skin burned and his clothes ripped. Until finally, after 30 minutes of wailing on the ground, a small chunk popped out of the ground. He chuckled and said, "Fucking hell."

He took the oroborn and sprinted down the mountain. He tumbled down on some parts of the mountain, but soon he made it down after 3 hours. He quickly entered the car and started to speed to the Eastern Headquarters. When he got there, he sprinted through the building and went to the bellow ground floors where the dormitories were. He sprinted through the hallways until he got to door 405. He then started banging on the door. Then finally, Diwa opened the door. She had nothing but a towel, and a loose bra on.

"Oh! Hi there Lee. What do you need?" Lee noticed that she was flustered.

"May I enter?" He asked.

"Right now? I mean sure." She let Lee in, but Lee noticed someone's sneakers at the entrance. The shoes were too big for her, so he could've guessed why she was so nervous. He ran through the rooms, until a man stepped out with a towel covering his crotch and legs. The man had mid length black and curly hair. He had a decent stature, about the same height as Lee. He was built, but wasn't lean. He looked like a powerlifter that got strong off of calisthenics. His eyes were brown, and he had a slight bend in his posture.

"Hey, what the fuck is going on?" He asked agitated. Lee stared at him for a good second, "Got a staring problem buddy?" He started to approach Lee.

"Woah! Zach, calm down. It's okay. He's my friend." Diwa stopped him as she tried defusing the situation.

"I don't care, he's pissing me off!" Zach argued with her.

"Still, you couldn't win against him. Just let him get done with his business and let him go. Plus, he's supposed to be one of the main ones in the mission of helping Dru." Diwa told him.

"Then why is he here?" Zach asked angrily. Lee walked up to him and inspected him.

"A human, damn, I got no use for you." Lee brushed him away and walked up to Diwa.

"What is it?" She asked. But then he grabbed a strand of hair and pulled it out. She made a weird squeaking noise but was unaffected by it. Lee took her hair and put it into a bag. He stuffed it into his pocket and pulled out a tiger beetle and the blue oroborn. He stabbed the blue oroborn into the beetle, causing it to be covered in guts, but these guts had DNA in them. And then Lee stabbed himself with the blue oroborn and his skin started to crumble. It then started to fall off his face in flakes, but were being regenerated at the same time. When it was done, he snatched Zach's towel in a fraction of a second.

"What the fuck!" Lee then quickly handed it back. He then jumped with excitement.

"Yes! Yes! Holy fucking shit it worked! Diwa! It worked!" Lee then sprinted out and started running to the shore.

A tiger beetle can run about 58 body lengths in a second. Lee adopts this ability by upscaling it to his size. Since he is about 5'11, and in inches that is 59, you multiply that by 58. When you do, you get 3422 inches. 3422 inches a second is about 0.05 miles per second. And that in mph is 180 miles per hour. But this is only with regular oroborn. Oh, with the blue oroborn, Lee could run as fast as a Bugatti Chiron. If he raced one at top speed on a 1 mile track, Lee would win by 3 seconds. The Bugatti Chiron's top speed is 305 miles per hour, which can travel 1 mile in 12 seconds at top speed. So Lee beating that by 3 seconds means he would be running at about 400 miles per hour. And the speed needed for an average adult to run on water is 35 miles per hour, so how easy would it be for Lee to run on water? Pretty fucking easily.

Lee sprints to the shore at top speed, and starts to run on the water. Large splashes form on the side of him as he blazes through the water. The water practically feels like ground as he runs on it. The ocean between Silvestr and Dru was about 3000 miles wide so he would arrive in about 7 hours to run. By the time he was half way there he was completely exhausted. He took a ten minute break on some islands and then started to run again. After 3 more hours of running, he finally made it to Dru. He saw a large dark black cloud appear over the coast as he was running though. It then began to rain down giant volumes of water. High pressure streams pierced the ground. And he even saw part of the ground collapsing, "What the fuck is happening?" He asked himself. But when he made it to the island, the ground was littered with red puddles. He slowly walked over until he saw someone raising his fists over Kalem.

Then time seemingly slowed down for Lee. He sprinted to the man as pressured streams of water rained down. He tackled the man and time resumed again. The two of them tumbled a few hundred yards, but they both finally got up. But before the man could do something, Lee quickly ran to the guardians to see if they were ok. He inspected everyone, and only a few people were killed. Luckily none of the members of his team had their lives taken. He ran back to the man and stared him down.

"You dare attack me unprovoked! Me? Dasha the Conqueror of the Blue!" He yelled in anger.

"Bitch I don't give a fuck who you are. All I know is that you're related to Krev." Lee told him.

"So you've met my sister? Well, did she give you a hard time?" He asked with amusement.

"No, we captured her and are now running tests on her." Lee told him.

"Well, aren't you a bunch of monsters. Well, I'm a monster myself." He said with pride.

"Well, to defeat a monster, you must become a monster yourself right?" Lee stated as he got in a stance.

"You're damn right!" Dasha got ready to fight, he got a massive hole in the abdomen. From 20 yards away, Lee had successfully killed him in a tenth of a second, yes I calculated it. Dasha fell over and bled out and died. Lee threw one punch and killed him, while it took multiple powerful attacks from the guardians to just injure him badly.

Everyone watched in astonishment as they watched him walk up to the guardians and help them up. After the battle, everyone was evaluated and treated properly. After a few days, they were sitting in a room lit up with fluorescent lights. He sat and ate as everyone else contemplated about the next plan of action. Lee sat next to Diana, and then Keel walked up to him.

Even in just about a week, Lee was able to make out what everyone's personalities were. Their mannerisms, how they act and feel around one another, and even how they breathe around one another. And he had noticed that Keel's breathing would get more rapid around him, like she was shy or nervous.

She walks up to Lee and asks him, "Hey, are you free?"

"I know what you want, but just look at this." Lee showed her his ring and Diana leaned on his right shoulder.

"But how did you know I was gonna-"

"I was just observant." Lee got up and cleaned his dishes. He went back into the room and went up to the board where they were debating what they should do next.

"Ight so." He started, but some people thought that that was unprofessional. "Our next plan of attack should drive fear into the cultists, right? Let's say we take back the Capitol. They would most realistically have their most powerful asset here. So if we were able to defeat them and reconquer them, it would show them our strength. From there on, their morale will lower due to the fact that their strongest one is dead, or captured. So then they will be more anxious and terrified that we will pop out of nowhere and attack them. So what I thought of doing was have me create sand storms around them and drive them into a single area. But first we would have to cut off all communication with everything. It's ok, we will restore them after this whole thing is over. I'm the sand storm, someone will cause a distraction to make them locate to a specific area. And once there, they will be so tense and anxious, anything will trigger them. We know they have guns and melee weapons. So why don't we just put them against each other? We trigger one person, causing them to accidentally kill another member. Which then causes a ripple effect of them just sabotaging themselves."

He looked at them to see if anyone would agree. They all seemed to nod their heads. But then Keel stood up and walked up to the board.

"Yeah, your plan is good. But we have to count on the fact that we've experienced the cultists not fearing us even after we took out a powerful member. Like how in Silvestr, you took out that polar bear dude. But then it just caused the cultists to be even more active." Keel told him.

"Yeah, I get your point. So what did you have in mind?" Lee asked her.

"Well you see, we may just need to outnumber them. There are about 3 million of them, while we still have around 9 million soldiers ready. Or if that isn't optimal, we can do like you said on a way larger scale. We rally them up into a single area, and instead of making them turn on each other, we bomb them. But not a nuke because those are illegal now. Something like napalm or even tear gas will do." Lee nodded in agreement and turned to everyone else.

"Do you guys agree?" He asked.

"We will proceed with this plan, yes." The president tells him.

"Ok." Lee turns to Keel and shakes her hand. He walks back to Diana and sits down next to her. The others then continued to talk about stuff that didn't really matter to him so he just laid his head down and fell asleep.

Sorry for the math...

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