

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Blood Queen

As Lee, Mohammed, Jimmy, and Diwa pulled up to the mines, there was blood everywhere. Bodies littered the ground and guts were spread all around. Lee, Jimmy, and Mohammed were unaffected, but Diwa quickly threw up from the stench. Mohammed patted her back as she was throwing up.

"Holy fuck." Jimmy said.

"What the fuck happened?" Lee asked.

"All they said was that there were cultists, but not to this extent." Mohammed told them while helping Diwa up.

"My fucking god bro. The only other time I've seen so many bodies was 3 years ago." Lee said.

When they entered, there were torches spread all around leading to 3 different pathways. But before they could make a decision, Finna pulled up behind them with a bright red scythe. She had a coat with cut off sleeves, it also dropped down to her claves. On the bottom part of the coat, metal plates covered it and she had shoulder pads on both sides. Her gloves had protection, and her chest was covered with a triangular breastplate. She wore black pants with black plated boots.

"Diwa is coming with me while you guys explore those caves on your own. Lee, you go to the left. Jimmy, center, and Mohammed, you go right. Diwa and I will go to the crocodile hole from 3 years ago." Finna told them.

"Ight, but why did you come?" Lee asked.

"Because I don't trust the three of you dumbasses to train a newbie. You guys would've probably left her alone to fight something cool or some shit." Finna answered.

"Hey, that was one time!" Lee rebuttals.

"Mother fucker! Diana was crying her eyes out when y'all left her!" Finna shouted back.

"So? I was a kid, I didn't know any better." Lee told her whilst defending himself even though he knew full well that he was in the wrong.

"The fuck you mean bro! You're pulling that card?" Finna asked angrily.

"Yes I am bi- wait no, mother fucker! What are you gonna do about it?" Lee instigated.

"You tell her!" Mohammed yelled as he entered the right trail.

"What am I gonna do?"


"This!" Finna leaped at him and swung her scythe violently.

"Ooh! Are you gonna hit me?" Lee teased her while dodging. But as he was, Finna sliced his arm and his body collapsed. His body was paralyzed and his heart started beating irregularly. His head started spinning, and started losing air. But Finna reached into her backpack and pulled out a needle. She stuck it in Lee's neck and he jumped up. Lee tripped a little but ran through the center tunnel and blew the ground up. But this collapsed the entrance of his tunnel and now he couldn't escape.

As Finna and Diwa entered the burrow, they were met with dozens of cracked and spoiled eggs. Eggs that were the size of dune buggies.

"Oh fuck. I think we've just entered its nest." Finna said. Then she looked down at her feet, blood covered the floor. There was an opening up ahead. And when they walked through, they were met with a woman dressed in a brown robe. Her robe was stained with what seemed like years of blood built-up. Blood filled up this room's floor as well. And from the ceilings fell 5 bodies. Finna could recognize them easily. It wasn't just the mutant crocodile that was the threat. Hybrids as powerful as this posed a higher degree of caution.

Her hair was a full brown, and her eyes slightly squinted with pleasure. She had a long smile on her face as she licked her lips. She slowly walked towards them, then Finna felt something inside of her. Her heart started to beat rapidly and she fell to the ground. Diwa soon followed. Even if she was a tardigrade, she was still vulnerable to such things like this. Finna and Diwa's nearly unconscious bodies fell into the puddles of blood. Finna laid her head back, desperately trying to get up, but blood leaked from her eyes. She started to drool, but instead of saliva it was blood. Soon, her entire body was covered in blood. Her clothes were stained and her eyes closed. But was immediately woken up by an explosion.

Lee jumped in from above, and Mohammed busted through the wall from her left. Jimmy dug out from under her and pulled out his axe. The three of them bombarded the woman with attacks. But all of them were slapped away with a pressured spray of blood.

"I am Queen Krev. And I am the offspring of the Horned Dragon King! And unlike most hybrids, I have full control of my ability. My brothers and sisters have been spread out around this world. And if you aren't fast enough, you'll see a world of chaos and death."

"Shut the fuck up!" Lee yelled as she sprinted towards her with intent. And as she shot a stream of blood at her, he ducked down and tackled her. Mohammed pulled out a staff that extends into a spear. He bites down, and venom starts seeping into the blade. He raised it up high and jabbed it through her shoulder. But as Jimmy was trying to get a hit in, the blood on the floor, walls, and ceiling started caving in. So they jumped back and Jimmy helped up Finna and Diwa. They quickly ran outside and the cave collapsed.

"Ha! Hell yeah!" Lee yelled while flexing every possible muscle.

"Why are you so hyped?" Finna asked while panting for air.

"The fuck you think? That shit was so cool!" Lee told her with excitement.

"Nerds will be nerds." Jimmy said while shaking his head.

"Bro, all of y'all had to make a specific score to get into the program. There is no way you guys are calling me a nerd." Lee fought back. But as he did, the ground started rumbling and blood poured from the crevasses of fallen rock. And after a few seconds, Krev busted out in a blind rage.

"Rah!" She cried as she skied across the ground. Everywhere she went, blood would splatter all over the place. Lee reached into his holster and pulled out his pistol.


He shot her in the head, but this only made her angrier. She charged towards him, spraying blood and snapping at him. Soon, she caught up to him and pinned him down. But Lee maneuvered his wrists and was able to shoot her in the stomach. She fell back and the blood started to disappear. Lee aimed at her head, but Mohammed stopped him.

"We need her." He said.

"For what?" Lee asked.

"Research purposes." Mohammed told him.

"Woah buddy, don't get too ahead of yourself there." Lee said jokingly.

"How the fuck do you find the worst connotations in a simple sentence?" Mohammed asked in confusion and astonishment.

"I'm just that guy. Now let's tie her up and get her back to the headquarters." Lee told them.