
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Time skip

Today is the day for the new class, Yuhao is chosen to be the class president but many students are against that

"Teacher Wang, Yuhao doesn't have the talent to be class president !! He only has one spirit ring. "Wufeng strongly refused

Wang Wang "This recommendation is based on his ability to go through a lot of discussion and debate"

"I still don't want to accept it, let us fight! If he wins I can accept that "

"Hmph, if you want to fight against me then let's go to the arena" jerked Wangdong because how dare this bitch underestimate her husband.

Wangyan was quite furious at this "enough of you", he snapped with a serious face and exerted a lot of pressure

"Ugh .. this is the power of teacher Wang" thought Wufeng

'He's not as weak as he looks' thought wangdong

Wangyan can only obey the students "let the whole class decide, who doesn't agree to raise their hands"

Shrek Academy is an academy that guides monsters, if you can enter it means you are a true genius, 2/3 raise their hands

Wangyan was worried seeing this 'if it's like this do I have to give up the title of yuhao' before deciding he saw Yuhao raise his hand "eh, what do you want to say yuhao"

"I don't really care about being the chairperson or anything but challenges are still challenges, I accept wufeng challenges." Yuhao looked at Wufeng and released pressure on the whole class.

Feeling the pressure from yuhao, the whole class became silent even the wangyan teacher felt the pressure from yuhao

Wufeng who felt pressure and yuhao's gaze became scared "no no ... I didn't challenge you" after saying that he sat back down quietly while shivering

With this the fight that was supposed to happen was avoided due to Yuhao's bullying

The class started with Yuhao being chosen as class president, because today was not the class official class was finished after the election of class president and other trivial matters.

In class the next morning

Today is the first day of the official class, the Zhuyi teacher and the Wangyan teacher come together as in the original, the Zhuyi teacher threw out the Huang Chutian and Dai Huabin.

In the afternoon, Yuhao will study under Fanyu

Pass the time

Eight months have passed and Yuhao is still focused on spirit controlled weapons, Yuhao's training has stalled

Yuhao status

Spirit: 20

Sage body: 90

Will: 70

Chakra: 300,000

Even though experiencing traffic jams, Yuhao doesn't really bother because after the upcoming holidays and going to the absolute north all obstacles will be solved,

These eight months Yuhao honed all his abilities, except for bringing the dead to the world of the living, all of Yuhao's abilities became smoother when used.

Spirit-controlled arsenal

Yuhao "WoHoho finally finished, spirit controlled weapon, transmutation ability sure enough"

Fanyu and Caitou heard Yuhao's screams and came to see him

"Master behold" saw them enter Yuhao showed his gun

Fanyu "let's show it, put some spirit power in it"

Seeing Yuhao's success they became happy

"Yuhao, even though you are still in the training stage but you have become a weapon master that is a grade 3 spirit" Fanyu is happy with him

"Yuhao, your spirit level is at level 20 for a very long time and you refused to get your second ring, holidays are coming so I'll go with you"

"No need to bother master, I have my own way" Yuhao always refused to get his second ring and focused on cultivating his body, spirit and chakra.

In his mind room

"This is my turn to shine, Yuhao always refuses to get his second ring and now it's finally my turn." Tianmeng was excited about it.

"Okay, don't get too excited, during this time I'm working on my body so that your plan goes without a problem."

Because Yuhao always refused to get the spirit ring, the two Tianmen became worried so he told Yuhao his plan

"Today rest and pack your things" fanyu left after telling them to rest

"Fine" Yuhao and Caitou shouted as they watched their master walk away

In the classroom

Wangyan "after the holidays there will be a progress test against animal spirits for at least 100 years by yourself, if your score is less than 100 you will be issued and if your score is in the lowest 20 will also be issued"

Random student "ah there is such a thing"

"I don't think anyone here wants to be expelled so try training during your vacation, that's all for today, class is closed."

Yuhao went outside but on the way Zhuyi's teacher stopped him

"Yuhao, do you have a problem with your second ring, do you need help during your vacation"

"No, teachers don't need to worry, I'll get my second ring later"

"Okay then, be careful"

Yuhao packed up and said goodbye to Wangdong

"I'll go first, I'll miss you in a month you know"

"I know"

"I'll go first, watch me till I go"

"Okay my cute wife"

Yuhao saw Wangdong leave and decided to meet Xiaotao first

Xiaotao "honey you want to go, can I come with"

"No, I need to do something"

Xiaotao frowned when he heard "let's go to your house for a moment"

"Okay, let's go"

Yuhao don't need to ask why Xiaotao went to his house, they did shaking shaking ah, ah for 2 hours before xiaotao was exhausted and yuhao left