
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Essens dual spirit

Yuhao was currently standing in front of the tomb, sadness could be seen in his eyes

Yuhao's feelings are now overflowing 'I am Yuhao and Yuhao is me, his feelings are mine, all his wishes are mine and I make sure to fulfill all desires in this heart, I have thrown away my past name and now I am Huo Yuhao '

"Yuhao calm down" Tianmeng felt Yuhao's sadness that he had never felt from Yuhao, such a deep sadness.

"Here a child buries his mother, his father doesn't care about them so that the child's mother dies, a servant who gives birth to the son of a noble! What a sad fate, that child will definitely one day take revenge and bring his mother back to life, for sure "

"Yuhao, people who are dead can't come back to life! It goes against nature "

"There is a way and I will definitely do it, kamui"

Yuhao brought his mother's grave into his own dimension

Absolute north

For humans this was a terrible place not only because of the cold but also a place full of terrifying spirit beasts

"Is this the place"

"Yes let's do the plan, you are great at surviving with just your body"

Yuhao proudly said "Didn't I tell you not to rush and train the body first, this is the result."

"Yes, I will leave your body"

Yuhao felt a little dizzy when Tianmeng came out, a gold ring was seen floating behind him, Yuhao closed his eyes when he felt the whole expanse around him and Yuhao felt that nothing could escape from his sight, it had been a long time since the seal that restricted the spirit ring made by Tianmeng was removed because Yuhao's body was already able to withstand his strength

Tianmeng who took the spiritual form of Yuhao emitted his aura to attract the Ice Emperor "Ice Emperor, I know you feel my presence, I am Tianmeng has come, face me now, I already feel your presence"

The sky turned a sparkling green color, a strong presence that Yuhao could feel even though he was far away from him

"Your Tianmeng is still alive" a menacing voice could be heard

"I always stick to my word, I will definitely make you my bride"

"Tianmeng are you looking for death" attacks from all directions towards Tianmeng

But Tianmeng made a spirit shield to block it. "I know you don't have much time left! I choose to come back now, if you die I don't want to live, I came back so you can live! Let's live together "

With tianmeng's provocation a green scorpion pawn appeared, tianmeng wasted no time and surrounded him with spirit energy and brought him to yuhao.

With that goal accomplished, Yuhao went to our room

Currently yuhao and tianmeng explain their plan to green scorpion or bingbing

"How successful is your plan" bingbing seemed interested

"More than 90 percent, with you the plan will succeed with 99 percent" replied Tianmeng happily, seeing the development of Yuhao now Tianmeng is very confident of his plan.

"Fine, I'll go, prepare yourself Yuhao this will hurt"

"Yes, come with all your abilities" Yuhao replied with complete confidence, very confident in his abilities

The pain started the next second, but this was nothing compared to the pain he had been feeling all this time. 'System, download shikotsumyaku, Tomogoroshi no Haikotsu'

Yuhao mentally started to download during the spirit bone fusion process, the pain was multiplied by the terrifying folds of the entire bone being crushed almost simultaneously and was replaced with a scorpion glazed green jade ice bone.

Seeing what happened tianmeng and bingbing can't help but be surprised by what happened, the spirit bones that should only join the spine and chest now fuse with the whole body, which is even more surprising bingbing is still Yuhao's unyielding eyes that endure the pain without screaming.

After seeing the process finished, now bingbing transfers spirit into yuhao's spirit ring and technically bingbing becomes yuhao's second conscious ring

After the fusion process finished, Yuhao stood up feeling his whole body, you could see a green scorpion tattoo on his back as all the clothes he was wearing were shattered.

System status

Name: Huo Yuhao

Race: otsutsuki origin

Age: 12

Level: sage of six path

Spirit: 20

Sage body: 99

Will: 99

Chakra: 400,000

Spirit core: spirit eye <spirit ring 1

Jade Emperor scorpion ice

Ability <

Download <

The aura that Yuhao gave off was like the aura of a ruler who looked down on the world. "There this is, a 400,000 year old spirit ring"

The aura around Yuhao grew slightly wild as a crimson ring with four gold marks appeared

"Let's find a second spirit ring for your spiritual eyes"

"Yes let's go"