
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


The next day all the students gathered, the results of the tournament and their prizes were announced all the same as it should be but this time Yuhao was chosen to be the core student.

Teacher's room, Principal's office Zhu

"Yuhao, you are very unpredictable at yesterday's match, work hard and become even stronger, to be honest I was very surprised by your appearance during the last battle I really want to know what it is but everyone must have their own secrets and don't want you to feel uncomfortable there. here "

"Principal Zhu, I will definitely work hard and thank you for understanding" Yuhao really doesn't care because people in this world can't cultivate chakra and can't feel it either, they only feel spirit energy from me and nothing else a little bit of lies is enough.

Yuhao was dragged away by Xiaotao's party yesterday, Yuhao taught him how to cultivate chakra and asked what Xiaotao felt when she used chakra and Xiaotao replied he only felt the use of spirit, Yuhao speculated that this was because he had no chakra or because of the laws of the world so Yuhao took him to space Kamui and it turned out that Xiaotao managed to process his chakra and when Yuhao asked again while using chakra, Xiaotao felt Yuhao's chakra

After doing a lot with xiaotao, yuhao argued that

1. other people cannot cultivate or feel chakra in the Douluo continent but it is different when in his kamui room

2. The Law of the World does not reject chakra but does not allow its cultivation

3. Chakra does not conflict with other forces in the body

4. only a chakra cultivator can detect other cultivators using chakra

"Yes, I have ordered a special gift for your team, please open it and see even though this is only one but this is the most valuable gift for new students, decide for yourself and remember that friendship is first"

"Waa !!! This is a spirit bone. "Xiao-xiao was surprised when they opened the gift

"This is the left leg spirit bone, it is suitable for attack and control units, it can increase speed and unlock spirit abilities with the left foot, now it's yours but remember you have to keep it a secret" Principal Zhu said seriously.

The three of them came out after getting their gifts, Yuhao gave a spirit bone to Xiao-xiao saying that this spirit bone was not suitable for him and Wangdong, on their way they passed Master Zhu.

Zhuyi "I have a special gift for you"

"Waaa !! No way. "Wangdong and Xiao-xiao shouted in joy

Teacher Zhuyi's gift was the spirit bone from yesterday's bet, Yuhao suggested that Xiao-xiao absorb the spirit bone under the guidance of the Zhuyi teacher, Xiao-xiao followed the idea and went with the Zhuyi teacher for guidance.

Finally only yuhao and wangdong are left, yuhao holding the spirit bone and looking at wangdong as if telling us what to do with this

"I don't want this, this low grade spirit bone is not suitable for me" Wangdong said with an exuberant

'Ojou-sama's annoying attitude is starting to come out' "This doesn't suit me either, I know you will say that too, I wanted to say that we could sell it"

"Alright, let's sell, hehehe whether the Zhu teacher will be angry if he knows"

Plak..plak .. a slap sound was heard

"Ouch who ... hehehe zhu teacher, why did you come back"

"I will not be angry, the gift already belongs to you, I returned to tell Yuhao that Fanyu was looking for it earlier I forgot to say" Teacher Zhu said with a deadly gaze as usual and turned to Yuhao "Go to the spirit controlled weapons department"

Spirit controlled weapon building

"Hello master"

"Oh yuhao, come here I want to ask you about the ability you used during that last match"

Yuhao said that it was a technique from a legacy that he had accidentally discovered in the forest with lies everywhere

"From now on I will teach you directly, keep this a secret !! For now, study in Wuhun class first "

Fanyu recounts the tension between the wuhun group and spirit controlled weapons and Yuhao left afterwards

Yuhao walked back and met the zhuyi teacher who was beautiful, Yuhao looked at him pensively "even though I saw it in the picture but seeing it in person, it's still amazing, she's a good waifu material"

Zhuyi "why do you look at me like that, I believe that in my class I have to show a dominant appearance so I have to disguise, keep this a secret"

"Yes, I was just a little surprised" Yuhao realized when Zhuyi spoke

"From now on, don't sell grilled fish anymore, the school will help you"

"Yes, then I beg your leave" Yuhao left after talking for a while with Zhuyi


After entering Yuhao saw Wangdong lying on the bed lazily

Yuhao approached him and sat on the edge of the bed "what's wrong with you"

Seeing yuhao who was on the edge of the wandong mattress just casually turned his back on his back to yuhao "ne yuhao, what is your relationship with that beautiful senior"

"Heeem why suddenly, are you jealous"

"Never mind just answer my question, yesterday after our victory celebration you were seen going with him and didn't come back here at night" said Wangdong with a frown.

"She has become my wife, how"

"Whatever, I don't care"

Yuhao smiled upon hearing that and hugged Wangdong from behind

"Okay don't be jealous, she is only the second wife and you are the first so you are the older sister okay, try to get along well with her"

"Okay" Wangdong smiled after hearing that

After this, three months had passed and Yuhao was now officially a Shrek Academy disciple, Yuhao didn't go to get the second ring because he wanted to focus on refining his body first to prepare for the second spirit core fusion to maximize the result.

The status of sage yuhao's body is now at the 90 limit, almost twice from three months ago yuhao put many gravity seals on his body to forge every part of his body, even so the gravity seal does not affect yuhao's current height which is only slightly shorter than xiaotao's.

These three months Xiaotao rarely see Yuhao, Yuhao can only sigh helplessly "This one wife is very excited while cultivating, only comes to me when she wants to cultivate chakra or is being aroused"

Because of Xiaotao, Wangdong also didn't want to lose and now he has slept in the same bed with Yuhao

Yuhao can only focus everything on learning to manufacture spirit-controlled weapons, his new dream is to make gundam which is his brain's dream.

Her life is very fulfilling but her heart has become a little restless recently, her heart has become uneasy, somehow