
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Make a soul ring

"Wait tianmeng, I just realized something" Yuhao suddenly had a good idea

"What is wrong"

"Why is it necessary to kill to get a spirit ring"

With Yuhao's question, Tianmeng explained !! because it is easier, it takes a long time for spirit beasts to grow soul power and indeed humans can do the same thing but in the history of Douluo, cultivators with that method were very difficult so that the emergence of the soul ring era spawned, this reminded yuhao about tales of demon and god where the fighters couldn't match the demon spiritualists

'As I thought, the beginning of the era of soul ring cultivation was where the first humans could understand the laws of this world' "I'll try something first but first go back home and wear clothes"

Yuhao is sitting cross-legged in his backyard like a cultivator but mentally yuhao is looking at his system 'this is a tailed monster, hmn quite expensive all my savings can only get two of them, please try, first shukaku ... download'

A red aura slowly enveloped Yuhao, feeling that power Yuhao opened his eyes

And activate the power of the Rinnegan, Yuhao uses his shukaku to make a second ring, the process is very slow and yuhao closes his eyes slowly.

Seeing this, Tianmeng became confused and speechless. "This kid is really something, actually makes a spirit ring with his strength and it is red, what a scary child, okay then there's nothing to worry about, bingbing honey I come let's sleep together, huehehuehehehe "

"Get away from me, you useless trash let me rest" bingbing angrily kicks tianmeng

The end of the holidays and Yuhao is still making his third ring, matatabi

At Shrek Academy

Wangdong worriedly asked around about Yuhao's whereabouts, because they answered with the same answer, Wangdong decided to go back to their dormitory to clean the place, seen a bed with two pillows there which made him sad again thinking about yuhao

As if it was an act of fate that made it late, Yuhao immediately returned to the academy after he finished making his third spirit ring

"Whose deed is this, with all my ability I'm still late" muttered Yuhao as he entered the dorm and saw Wangdong there "yo, do you miss me"

Wangdong who saw Yuhao immediately hugged him and hit his chest gently "why are you late, I'm worried about you !! you're late and will be kicked out, you know "

"Ah that's right, let's meet Zhuyi's teacher to ask for a solution" Yuhao smiled and rubbed Wangdong's head.

Finally they went to meet zhuyi teacher after they had hugged for a long time

Fanyu's house

"Why do you think he's lying, he's not an honest kid !! He is a lying wolf "

"Okay, don't be angry, I was fooled by it too! it's hard to find a good student "

"Don't let me meet him again, I'll skin him alive"

"I understand this kid, let's hope he returns safely, he must have a reason."

"Why did he come back still to be released

"Don't talk like that, if he has a good reason we can still tell others that he is my student"

'It must be destiny playing with me, I vaguely remember this conversation written on manhua, hearing it immediately made me very touched by the kindness of master fanyu, forgive me for ever thinking of killing you and stealing your wife, really forgive me, I almost became a cultured man, forget it ,, there are still many beautiful women to love '

"What about you, afraid to enter !! Hehehe let's "wangdong dragged yuhao who was still silent" zhuyi teacher, I brought yuhao, ah ,, zhuyi teacher turned out to be very beautiful "

Wangdong shouted when he saw Zhuyi sitting on Fanyu's lap

"Yuhao, it turns out you know how to go back, enter and close the door" Zhuyi shouted when he saw Yuhao, Fanyu could only smile weakly at his wife's behavior.


Yuhao tells what happened, this time he tells the plan to become a god and his conscious spiritual ring, yuhao is not too worried by telling them because he feels strong enough to protect himself and his loved ones