
Everything Downloaded from Narutoverse

A lone Otaku who was struck by lighting and died was given a new opportunity! What kind of adventure will he go through in the world of Douluo Dalu 2? PS: I looked for the cover on the internet

Kitsune_kitetsu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


Yuhao looked at those who had a sudden look of disbelief in what was said to decide To prove his words by showing his one spirit ring.

Violet red, a 100,000 year old ring that exudes pressure and terror

Instantly the two teachers stepped back and took out their spirit rings

"Oh my God, how is that possible"

"The atmosphere in this room is affected because of it"

Yuhao who saw that immediately removed his spirit ring

"How about that, have you trusted me"

"But so far you only have a 10 year old white ring" asked Zhuyi

"Oh I can limit its strength, white is the weakest state"

Hearing that Fanyu has sparkling eyes "then keep it a secret and only show the white spirit ring in front of other people, this could be an opportunity to bring you to a group of spirit controlled weapons"

"Yes, I was planning to say it's a spirit ring that has the ability of imitation or illusion"

"Fine, you can come back and leave the rest to me, as the plan you should study in the Wuhun group until you graduate in the third year."

Yuhao and wangdong returned to the dorm to rest, wangdong who missed yuhao used him as a pillow to sleep

The next day they met Xiaoxiao, Caitou, Tangya and Beibei, Yuhao told them the same thing and said not to worry because he now has the power to protect himself well.

At the time of meeting Yuhao and friends, the principal of the school qian came to take Yuhao as a bet they made at that time, the principal Yan who only remembers Yuhao as a child with one spirit ring is 10 years old even though he has a secret, but seeing the strength he shows is not as strong. that and decided to leave it to the spirit controlled weapons group so that Qian Doudou wouldn't grumble

In the classroom

Today's class tells about the battle test with spirit beasts, because Yuhao is a core student he will not be expelled if he is late reporting like the original the mujin are looking for trouble with them

A progress test will begin and all the first year kids gather at the spirit beast facility

Random child "I heard that there are various kinds of spirit beasts inside"

"Really, our school is amazing" another random child replied

In the distance, dai huabin looked at Yuhao with hatred, he didn't believe his team was beaten alone by him, he believed it was a forbidden technique or something similar, to be honest many people believe that


"Not interested"

Just as expected of an arrogant idiot child, dai huabin challenged yuhao and yuhao only glanced at him and turned to walk away.

"You coward" saw the provocation was not successful in trying it even harder "did your parents teach you to be a coward, only a loser gave birth to a loser, your parents would regret giving birth to you"

Hearing that Yuhao stopped and his expression turned serious, turned to look at Dai Huabin, saw the changes that had happened to his students! Wangyan who saw him came to intervene

"Remember that, if you lose beat up and bark three times" Yuhao said and left

"" The exam will start soon and beg everyone to enter "" All the students and teachers entered the arena after the announcement was made

"" The exam is about to start, each class can decide the order you want ""

Mujin "huabin you first, show your strength"


Zhuyi "yuhao, make a show to watch"

"With pleasure"

"" Class one, first student please come in ""

Yuhao walked into the arena with an annoyed look 'look at all of you how great I am, you fools can't feel chakra and they all look down on me, open your eyes'

"Huo yuhao, category control"

"What's your preferred spirit beast level"

"100 years"

Shock examiner with yuhao's choice of '100 years, isn't it too low ,, is he joking'

Mujin "pft, I think something great will happen" said sarcastically while looking at zhuyi

Random kid "isn't that too low, is it because he only has a 10 year old spirit ring"

Zhuyi sighed 'what is this kid doing, is he going to make a joke, what's being a god, god is joking'

"" Okay let's start, open the gate ""

Naturally the battle between spirit beasts and disciples was different, once the gate was opened, the lust of killing could be felt by all the disciples !! Lust for strong blood

The enmity between humans and spirit beasts had existed for hundreds of thousands of years, they wouldn't hesitate to kill humans

The silver wind wolf immediately jumped after the gate was opened

The random child "really is a spirit beast, even though it's a hundred years old it still looks scary"

The wolf that saw Yuhao immediately pounced at him

Random kid "Why is he closing his eyes, he hasn't pulled out his spirit ring yet! Even though it's ten years old it's still a spirit ring "

Yuhao didn't immediately take out his spirit ring but played around first, yuhao avoided all the silver wind wolf attacks by closing his eyes.

Opening his eyes "this is called intimidation", satisfied playing Yuhao took out three purple red spirit rings

Immediately the aura of terror radiated in all directions, everyone immediately took out their spirit rings with terrified expressions, many screams could be heard

Principal Zhu "Scarlet, 100,000 year old spirit ring"

Yuhao, who sensed what was happening immediately removed his spirit ring, saw a fainted wolf in front of him and foam coming out of his mouth.

"Examiner, I have finished my test" spoke while showing the wolf

'Eh, what kind of situation is this, how do I judge this, crimson and there are three, I'm scared too, someone up there please help me' the scoundrel thought while sweating

An angry cry could be heard during those moments of silence "wow what happened, who brought out a high level spirit ring, it's so annoying"

Gong lao immediately ran towards the principal zhu when he saw him "principal zhu, what are you doing"

"No, Gong Lao is actually a first year student on the progress exam."

"Are you messing around with me, where are the first year students absorbing 100,000 year old spirit rings, don't joke" Gong Lao got even more angry when he heard that.

"Who is it, call him here"

"You see ... Gong Lao, we are currently doing a progress test, please wait a moment"

"What test, see for yourself ,, all the animals under 10,000 years are afraid to pee on the spot, you want the test ,, cancel it"

"I don't think it will be that serious, wait a minute I'll take care of it" Principal Zhu immediately went to take care of it

"Because the specials for the exam will be temporarily canceled, return to your respective classes immediately"

"Principal Zhu, how was the yuhao exam" Zhuyi asked worriedly "that kid is so careless, I will skin him alive"

"He passed the exam, immediately call him to see him"

"Where's Yuhao" Zhuyi asked Wangdong

"He went to grade 2"

In the 2nd grade place

"The thing is that today who gets low scores lose and you lose, I will wait for you to kneel and bark like a dog" Yuhao turned around after saying that.

Dai Huabin coughed up blood when he heard this, immediately kneeling and barking like a dog

Random child "woi see dai huabin blunt"

'For myself and for my mother, I will make you suffer slowly'

"Yuhao you were so careless earlier, do you know what you were doing haaah" Zhuyi angrily tugged at Yuhao's ear "Principal Zhu called you ,, just go, trick him if he asks"


"Gong lao, I brought him here" Principal Zhu walked along with Yuhao over to him

"Damn you, take my hit" Gong Lao attacked Yuhao with his fire element

Yuhao who saw him was about to hit him only to endure the blow with the ice element without being pushed the slightest bit

"What is this, absolute ice element, this kid" Gong Lao was surprised when his hit was held

Examiner "eh Yuhao's hand turned to ice, what happened,, isn't his spirit essence is spirit eye"

Gong lao "eh cold absolud ice, very good"

Principal zhu 'damn it, we got tricked by the spirit controlled weapons department, they must be hiding it.'

Yuhao tricked them and left after showing his spirit essence to Gong Lao

Arriving outside the arena Yuhao, he was surrounded by classmates

Yuhao said it was fake and they all laughed together