
Everlasting Darkness: Fate

In the depths of a world forever shrouded in darkness, where the sun's disappearance has unleashed a reign of terror, Aaron, a devoted husband and father, must navigate the treacherous landscape of a desolate reality. When the sun vanished, the Nightmares emerged - hellish creatures that feed on fear and terrorize the remnants of humanity. As the last vestiges of hope begin to fade, a glimmer of light appears in the form of Resonance, an ancient power that lies dormant within select individuals. As Aaron's family fall apart, he faced unimaginable horrors, discovering his own Resonance in the process, a latent ability that could be the key to reclaiming their world. Aaron embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the mysteries of Resonance, confront the darkness within himself, and face the Nightmares head-on. But as the stakes grow higher, Aaron realizes that the line between good and evil is not always clear-cut, and the very power that could save humanity may also be its downfall. Will Aaron's love for his family and his determination to restore light to the world be enough to overcome the forces of darkness, or will the shadows consume them all? ***************************************** WSA 2024 Entry.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Fight For Survival | Confession.

Right before him is a grotesque scene, one that will be etched into his memory forever.

Right before him, an unknown lady lay on the ground, her innards spilling out on the cold asphalt, the occasional movement of her body is the only indication that she is alive despite this cruel torture.

'Such cruelty... To be eaten alive...' Aaron gasped.

Sweat trickling down his forehead despite the cold when his eyes met a pair of cold-inhumane eyes.

A nightmarish creature with pale gray skin and a row of unnaturally sharp teeth, its body seemed muscular yet disgusting like rotting flesh.

The creature opened its disgusting maw with thick saliva drooping down with chunks of red bloody flesh stuck in its teeth.

Aaron concluded that this creature is the one responsible for the woman's agonizing screams and her current sorry state.


In an instant, it struck with a back-handed strike!

Aaron's pupils contracted, his heart beating wildly as he jumped back raising his arms to defend!


Aaron landed on his feet skidding across the icy ground.


Aaron raised his left hand, feeling a sharp pain after the collision instead of the much expected blunt hit.

His eyes widened as he saw a trickle of blood down his arms and claw marks on his arm.

'Damn... It even possessed claws' Aaron wondered who his ancestors offended for him to meet such bad fortune.

He believed his karma isn't that bad, at least not to the point of fighting such a monster without any weapon, but he believed his ancestors' total accumulated bad karma is.


As Aaron is dealing with his own set of troubles, a certain group of students are fighting for dear life.

It was just a normal day until the strange fog appeared and with its appearance, terrifying mostorocities attacked them... The whole school is now turned into some sort of mass-burial site but the corpses where still there on the ground.

A group of four ran away from the school playgrounds which was littered with corpse, a lean muscular-fair skinned handsome boy In his teenage years hurriedly closed the door behind him.

He had black hair which would've being neatly combed back on a normal day but not today.

"Kaelin! Where is Jeff?" A dark-skinned boy with dark brown hair hair and angular looks ran inside from the opposite direction asked.

"Lloyd..." Kaelin hesitated, his eyes turning sad, he then added, "Jeff couldn't make it"

Lloyd sighed appearing very sad for a moment but he quickly put up a determined face.

"Then we have to make it at all cost. I've found a class where teachers and some students are staying, that's our best option for now" Lloyd Informed while at the same time wishing that he stayed with the group and didn't go on their agreed scouting mission.

Maybe, just maybe, he could've saved Jeff's life.

"Great job, Lloyd. Let's join them" A girl named Karin commended.

The other two stayed silent, one is a dark-skinned boy with dreadlocks, black haired yet ending in a light brown, he current had a tired and uncaring face at the moment.

(PS: Picture Juice WRLD's hear style.)

The other is a beautiful red head, with long hair and fair skin, she appeared to be extremely sad at the moment, her eyes red and moist.

"Smoke... Jane?" Lloyd asked, concerned.

Seeing that he got their attention, at least he got Smoke's attention, he continued, "We don't have much time, we gotta go, okay? That's our only chance at survival"

Jane is unresponsive staring blankly at the space before her, seemingly in a world of her own.

Smoke coldly scoffed, "Survival? Hope? Don't give me any of that crap!"

"Blud, listen, we are all gonna die, got it?" Smoke said, his anger evident.

"Look, we can really get out of here man. We just need to regroup with the teachers, barricade the door and wait for help. It's just that simple" Lloyd explained yet with each and every word, Smoke's expression continued to darkened.

"Simple?" He scoffed then continued, "You wouldn't have said if you were there when Jeff died!"

Lloyd was at a loss of what to say, just staring at his comrade, this guy is always so hard to convince.

"Smoke... Please understand. Us arguing among ourselves isn't what Jeff wanted, remember why we started." Karin said.

"As much as you'd hate to admit it, you know this is our only way out"

Smoke was silent as of he was considering it.

"Hmph. So be it, let's go" Smoke gave in, now staring at Jane, his meaning clear.

To which all of them understood, someone had to convince this young lass, so who would it be?

"Leave it to me." kaelin said already beside her.

They couldn't hear what he was telling her but it seemed to be working from her myriad change of expression.

Kaelin then helped her to her feet and with his support, she nodded at her fellow teammates as if to indicate she is ready.

"Good. Let's go"

"A friendly advice, y'all should find yourselves a weapon, Nightcrawlers down the hallway" Lloyd said as he took the lead.


A deep unsettling growl sounded at this moment.

"Idiot" Smoke facepalmed and added, "You just have to jinx it now"

Karin smiled wryly while Kaelin vigilantly inspect his surroundings.

"The growl was from the left path... Let's show this beast our home advantage and just go around it" Lloyd said, presenting a great solution.

All of them agreed and started to sneak towards the path leading right until...

"AHHHH! Help- Monster!!!" A childish screamed was heard at this moment.

The group tensed up, a foreboding feeling descended as they exchanged looks with each other.

"Oh my... It's from the left what should we do?" Karin panicked.

"Save her... Maybe? But can we get their on time- wait! Where's Jane and Kael?!" Lloyd suddenly realised the absence of the duo.

Quickly turning to his left, he saw them running towards the source of the scream, Jane in the lead, closely behind her is Kaelin.

"Crazy brats!" Smoke spat and grabbed a broken chair-leg and ran after them.

Lloyd quickly followed, Karin is at a lost of what to do but the fear of being alone made her gather her courage and follow them as well.

The little girl who was running from the Monster saw them and ran in their direction.

The disgusting Nightcrawler is slowly catching up even though she is running as fast as her small legs could carry her, it seemed as if it isn't taking this serious at all.

Just like it's going for a casual stroll and then he stumble upon a pie falling from the sky.

"Jane what are you doing?!" Lloyd asked still running.

"I'm not letting anyone die here again!" She answered not even slowing down a bit.

'What a moron... She doesn't even have a weapon' Smoke grumbled in his mind , running as fast as his long legs could carry him.

Jane's heart began to beat wildly when she saw the monster few inches away from the little girl with a disgusting satisfied smile on its face.

"Jump now!" She shouted to the little girl and jumped towards the girl at the same time, ready to save her even if it means taking the blow for her.

She is truly tired of people being killed for no goddamn reason!

The little girl did as she was asked, jumping towards Jane's outstretched hands, but at this moment, the Nightcrawler raised its arm.


A disgustingly hated sound is heard, like a sword cutting through flesh!

The girl landed in Jane's arm at this moment and she hugged her tightly, as they tumbled past the Nightcrawler due to Jane's momentum.

The thick stench of blood permeated the air and at the same time the painful cry of the little girl is heard, the source of the blood being none other than the little girl.

The Nightcrawler turned and smiled cruelly at the two free meals before him, it raised its claws and strike.

This saying 'Buy one, get on free' is greatly displayed here.

Jane hold the girl even tighter shielding her with her body while silently muttering a prayer.

'Lord please save our souls.' she prayed.


Another sickening sound was heard by everyone present and blood splattered coating Jane and the little girl in a crimson color.

Jane shakily raised her head, feeling no pain but then she saw a scene that she didn't want to believe.

The blood is neither hers nor that of the little girl in her arms but of a handsome fair-skinned boy with black hair who is still grappling with the monster.

This idiot of a monster doesn't know that there are no free meals in this world.

"Kael... No..." Two stream of tears run down her cheeks, her voice breaking.

"Jane Go! Run now!" Kaelin said, his voice full of urgency.

"But-!" She was about to protested when she was swiftly cut-off.

"No buts! I Love you, now go!" Kaelin urgently sent her away while making that confession he always planned of yet this is really not the way he expected it to turn out.

Feeling good that he at least let it out though.

'At least she should know I love her even after my death' He smiled at his own thoughts, at the same time the maws of the Nightcrawler is nearing his face.

Despite her unwillingness, she didn't want to let Kael's sacrifice be in vain, thus, she ran with the crying child in her arms.

'I'll always love you Jane. In this life and the next'

Kaelin closed his eyes when the Nightcrawler overpowered him and threw him on the ground, he had already resigned himself to this fate.

The Nightcrawler now wearing a triumphant grin, raised its claws to deliver the finishing blow!


Blood gushed out coating the ground a disgusting color and Kaelin was also coated in blood, his own blood perhaps.

A sharp spike protruded from the the Nightcrawler's forehead!

All of that blood? It was of course the Nightcrawler's blood!

"Nah! You don't!"

Smoke has arrived!

Well... we have our first fight scene, how is it?

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts