
Ever After High’s Next Generation

Unlock the enchanted legacy of Ever After High's Next Generation. A captivating tale unfurls as the sons and daughters of our beloved alumni step into their newfound destinies. Will they follow in their grandparents' footsteps, living out the fairy tale life predetermined for them? Or will they break free from the shackles of fate, defying reality like their parents once did? As the Book of Legends returns, a curse looms over our new students, entwining their lives within the mystical school halls. Join them on a mesmerizing journey through magic, friendship, and a once upon a time like never before. The end of their parents' story was only the beginning, and now it's time for a chapter of their own creation.

Justice_Jalloh · Others
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4 Chs


Brook turned her gaze towards the blank page, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, well, well, here we are again, reader," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "Let's start from the beginning, but this time, let's view the story through someone else's perspective."

As if by magic, the pages of the book began to turn, flipping with a gentle breeze, leading to a new chapter in the story. Brook's excitement was contagious as she exclaimed, "Oh, how thrilling! I think you're going to adore this character, Mom."

Mrs. Narrator, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, couldn't help but express her surprise. "Is that what I think it is?" she asked, her voice tinged with astonishment.

Brook nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with delight. "Yes, Mom, it's Cinderella's castle!" she exclaimed.

Mrs. Narrator couldn't contain her excitement. "Finally!" she declared, her words ringing with explicit enthusiasm.

"But, this is not where our story begins," Brook Page interrupted, cutting short her mother's elation. "However, it does start within the domain of Cinderella and her husband, the king."

"In the small village of Huntsmen Town, inside one of these houses, a young girl is about to discover that her life is so much more than what she was led to believe," Brook Page continued, her voice drawing the readers into the tale.

A familiar voice called out, "Elena!" It echoed through the house, urging the young girl to respond. The voice grew closer as the door to Elena's room creaked open. "Elena, didn't you hear me calling?"

The bedsheet was pulled back, and to the voice's surprise, Elena was not there. Worried, the voice called out to her husband again, "Hon?" But there was no response. "Don't tell me that they—" the voice trailed off, leaving a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

Brooke swiftly transported the scene to two horse riders racing across a vast field, two figures on horseback. It was Elena and her father. "Hurry up, slow troll!" Elena playfully taunted, effortlessly surpassing her father's steed.

Her father chuckled, determined to prove himself. "Oh, you're going to eat those words," he retorted, their laughter echoing through the countryside as they continued their spirited race.

After a long and adventurous ride through the vast fields, Elena and her father arrived on the edge of the hillside, Elena couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking view before her. The beauty of the landscape stretched out as far as the eye could see, and she couldn't contain her amazement. "Woo! Just look at this view," she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe.

"Yes, it is truly magnificent," her father replied, taking a moment to tether their horses to a nearby tree. "Elena," he called out, his voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Come, sit with me."

Elena obediently joined her father, settling down under the shade of a massive oak tree. As they sat together, she sensed that something important was on his mind.

"So, today's the big day," her father began, his voice tinged with a touch of sentimentality. "I know you're excited to become the next huntsman, but before you embark on this new chapter of your life, there's something I want to share with you." He paused, his words stumbling as he struggled to find the right way to express himself.

Elena, sensing her father's nervousness, furrowed her brows in confusion. She had never seen him like this before. "Well, I thought the day would never come; seeing the great Hunter Huntsman nervous," she teased, attempting to lighten the mood.

Hunter sighed, gathering his thoughts. "This has to be serious," Elena stated, concern seeping into her voice.

"Indeed, it is," Hunter replied. "As you know, your grandfather is the esteemed chief of our village, the huntsman from the Snow White story. But have you ever wondered about your mother's family?" His words hung in the air, carrying a weight of curiosity and hidden secrets.

Elena's eyes widened in surprise. "No, didn't you guys say her parents passed away before I was born? Dad, where are you going with this?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Hunter cleared his throat, ready to reveal something important, but just as he was about to speak, his mirror phone rang, interrupting the moment. Frustrated, he reached for the device and answered the call. "Where are you guys?" came the familiar voice from earlier.

"We just went for a morning ride, hon," Hunter replied, a hint of guilt in his voice.

Elena couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Let me guess, Mom?" she asked sarcastically.

Hunter chuckled. "Yeah, that was her, alright. She sounds pissed. Come on, let's go home," he said, his tone suggesting that he was trying to avoid the impending conversation.

Elena crossed her arms, determined not to let the matter slide. "What about what you wanted to talk to me about? This can't be brushed aside," she insisted.

Hunter paused for a moment, contemplating his response. "It's nothing serious," he finally replied, his tone deflecting the issue at hand. "Now come on, unless you're ready to lose to your old man."

A mischievous smile graced Elena's lips. "In your dreams, Dad," she declared, mounting her horse with determination. "Come on, girl!" she called out, urging her horse forward.

Hunter chuckled, his heart swelling with pride as he mounted his own horse. Then took a moment to reflect before returning to the present. "Wait up!" he called out, laughter filling his voice as they rode side by side, heading home together.

Upon their arrival, the familiar voice awaited them at the door, wearing an expectant smile that couldn't hide a hint of frustration. "Took you guys long enough to arrive," she remarked, her tone laced with irritation. Hunter, never one to miss an opportunity, closed the distance between them and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "We're here now, aren't we?" he murmured, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Elena, standing a few steps behind, blushed deeply at her parents' public display of affection. "Get a room, you two," she muttered, feeling of embarrassment and disgust. The voice, now more concerned than angry, addressed Elena, "And you, Elena, you should know better than to go off like that." Worry etched deep lines on her face as she continued, "Come on, Ash, we were just having some quality father and daughter time before she goes off to high school," Hunter chimed in, attempting to soothe the situation.

"Yeah, Mom," Elena chimed in, emphasizing her father's words, hoping to alleviate some of the tension. Ashlynn Huntsmen, Hunter's wife, sighed and motioned for Elena to go upstairs and prepare her belongings. "Okay, now you go upstairs and get your things ready. The Everber will be here soon," Ashlynn instructed, her voice tinged with both sadness and anticipation. As Elena made her way upstairs, Hunter turned his attention back to his wife, eager to continue their interrupted moment. "Now that she's gone, where were we?" he whispered, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

Ashlynn playfully pushed him away, her tone firm yet teasing. "No, no. And as for you, mister, sit down and have your breakfast," she scolded, guiding him towards the table. Once he complied, she leaned against the kitchen counter, her expression turning serious. "Now, what I want to know is when you told Elena... how did she take it? It seemed like she handled the news quite well," she said, her gaze shifting from the table to Hunter, silently urging him to be truthful.

Hunter hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "About that, Ash," he began, his voice tinged with regret. "You didn't tell her, did you, Hunter?" Ashlynn asked, her concern evident. "I did, or at least I tried to, but... you called, and it just... it all slipped away," he admitted, his gaze filled with guilt and longing.

A teasing smile tugged at Ashlynn's lips as she leaned closer. "So, you're saying it's my fault then?" she asked, raising an eyebrow playfully. Hunter's eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head. "No, Ash, of course not. It's not your fault," he reassured her, pulling her into a tender embrace. "I just want Elena to have the best life possible, even if it means considering my mother's offer," Ashlynn confessed, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

Hunter nodded, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. "I know, Ash. I know," he whispered, his voice laced with unspoken promises of support and love. As they held each other tightly, Elena's voice interrupted their private moment. "What's going on here?" she asked, confusion evident in her tone as she descended the stairs, her eyes catching a glimpse of tears in her mother's eyes.

Ashlynn quickly composed herself, offering a reassuring smile to her daughter. "It's nothing, sweetheart," she said, her voice attempting to convey a sense of normalcy. Elena's brow furrowed, concern etched on her face. "Nothing? Mom, you're crying," she pointed out, her confusion growing. Ashlynn tried to downplay the situation, conjuring up an excuse. "Oh, this? No, no, it's nothing, really. I was just cutting some onions earlier, and it made my eyes water," she explained, hoping to divert Elena's attention.

Ashlynn's gaze fell upon Elena, who was not wearing the dress she had bought for her. With a tinge of disappointment in her voice, she asked, "Why aren't you wearing the dress I bought you?" Ashlynn attempted to change the subject, hoping to understand Elena's perspective. Elena sighed, knowing this conversation was inevitable. "Mom, you know I don't wear dresses," she replied matter-of-factly. Ashlynn's expression shifted, worry etched on her features. "Yes, I understand that, but I just thought..." she began, but Elena cut her off, her voice firm. "Mom, I appreciate your gesture, but as the future huntsman, practicality and mobility are crucial. Dresses simply don't align with that lifestyle," she explained, her words carrying a touch of defiance.

"Mmm, about that, sweetheart," Ashlynn said, her worried expression deepening. Elena noticed the change in her mother's demeanor and questioned her, "Are you sure you're okay, Mom? You look really worried." Ashlynn hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Well, there might be a reason," she finally admitted. Elena's curiosity piqued. "What is it?" she asked, eager to uncover the truth.

"It's just that I'm going to miss you so much," Ashlynn confessed, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and longing. Elena, initially expecting something more serious, was taken aback. "Mom, I thought it was something serious," she said, her tone softening. Ashlynn looked into her daughter's eyes, her own welling up with tears. "This is serious, sweetheart," she replied, embracing Elena tightly. Hunter, drawn into the moment, joined the embrace.

"Aww, let me get in on this," he exclaimed, joining the hug with equal enthusiasm. Suddenly, the arrival of the Everber interrupted the emotional scene. "Mom, Dad, the Everber is here," Elena announced, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and sadness. Ashlynn and Hunter released their embrace, their eyes still glistening with unshed tears.

"You're sure we can't drop you off? I'll leave everything behind," Hunter offered, his voice filled with genuine concern. Elena shook her head, her determination evident. "Mom, Dad, I'll be fine. You guys have important jobs that need your attention," she reassured them, understanding the weight of their responsibilities.

"Look at you being responsible," Ashlynn said, a hint of pride in her voice. Tears began to well up in her eyes again. "I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming," Hunter added, his voice filled with love and admiration. Elena felt a whirlwind of emotions—excitement for the journey ahead, sadness at leaving her parents, and a spark of unwavering resolve to make them proud.

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad," Elena said, her voice filled with a bittersweet farewell. With a final glance back at her parents, she stepped towards the waiting Everber, ready to embark on her own adventure at Ever After High.

"You know she's never going to forgive us when she finds out, right?" Hunter's voice carried a note of concern as he spoke to his wife, Ashlynn. His eyes searched for reassurance, hoping that somehow their daughter would understand their intentions.

"I know, Hunter," Ashlynn replied, her voice heavy with both sadness and determination. She knew the path they had chosen for Elena would bring countless challenges, but she believed it was the right choice for their daughter's future.

As Elena embarked on her journey to Ever After High, the Everber suddenly came to a halt, causing Elena's curiosity to resurface. "Excuse me, driver. What's happening?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern. The driver turned to face her, his expression apologetic. "It seems we've stumbled upon some unexpected traffic," he explained. Elena's frustration began to bubble up. "You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me the traffic is at least moving," she pleaded, her tone tinged with desperation. The driver nodded, trying to pacify her. "Yes, it's moving, but we're going to be stuck here for a while. It'll take approximately thirty minutes before we can continue," he informed her, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. Elena let out an exasperated sigh, sinking back into her seat. As she gazed out of the window, a sight caught her attention—an equestrian rider on the side of the road.

An idea sparked in Elena's mind, one that could potentially help her arrive on time, but she was aware it might also lead to trouble. Determined, she exited the Everber and approached the horse rider. The driver, perplexed, called after her, "Where are you going, miss?" Elena turned back, a dramatic flair in her voice. "I'm going to high school!" she announced, before commanding, "Hold my bags, please." With those words, she confidently approached the horse rider.

"Hey there," she greeted, catching his attention. The man looked around, perplexed, before realizing she was addressing him. "You talking to me?" he asked, his tone tinged with surprise. Elena nodded with a mischievous smile. "Yes, I am. Can I borrow your horse for a short while?" she requested, her eyes pleading. The man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. "Sorry, ma'am. I can't do that," he declined politely.

Elena sighed, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Well, I apologize for what I'm about to do," she said, her eyes determined. Without wasting another moment, she swiftly pushed the man off his horse, taking control of the reins. "I promise I'll return it," she called back as she rode off, leaving the bewildered man in her wake.

"Knights, pursue her!" The man, his pride stung by Elena's actions, shouted urgently, his voice carrying authority and determination.

As Elena rode away, she couldn't help but mutter sarcastically to herself, "Just great, now I have knights on my tail." Her eyes scanned the horizon, searching for an escape route. The ever-busy city streets were congested with traffic, making it difficult for her to lose her pursuers.

"See you at Ever After," Elena whispered unto the driver, a glimmer of excitement shining in her eyes. With renewed resolve, she guided the stolen horse through narrow alleyways, skillfully evading the knights who were hot on her trail.

After hours of relentless evasion, Elena found herself deep within the foreboding embrace of the dark woods in the enchanted forest. Her surroundings filled her with a sense of unease, and the realization of being lost in this sinister place only intensified her growing anxiety. "Of all the places to be lost in, it had to be the dark forest," Elena muttered, her voice betraying a tinge of apprehension. The horse beneath her trembled, its instincts warning against venturing further into the unknown.

"Come on, boy," Elena spoke softly, her voice soothing as she tried to calm the frightened creature. "We can make it through. Just a little longer, and we'll find our way out." Unbeknownst to them, hidden eyes observed their every move, silently stalking their vulnerable presence. Elena's attention was momentarily caught by a rustling in the nearby trees. "What was that?" she wondered aloud, her voice filled with curiosity. "Ah, just a bird," she chuckled, a touch of relief washing over her. Little did she know that lurking in the shadows was a menacing Grau, ready to strike.

Without warning, the Grau pounced from behind, startling the horse into a frenzy. Elena was unceremoniously thrown from her mount, landing hard on the forest floor. "Wait, come back, boy!" Elena pleaded, her voice laced with desperation as the horse disappeared into the darkness, leaving her alone and vulnerable. Resilience surged within her, and she rose to her feet, brushing off the dirt and debris that clung to her.

The sound that had been haunting her returned, growing louder and more insistent. "What in the world?" Elena muttered, her voice tinged with both curiosity and concern. Doubt crept in, but she dismissed it as a trick of her imagination, refusing to succumb to fear. "I am lost in the dark wood, late for the entrance ceremony. How can things get any worse?" she sarcastically mused, her frustration simmering just below the surface. As if the universe heard her plea, rain suddenly began to pour, drenching Elena to the bone. "Oh, come on!" she exclaimed, her anger fueled by the unfortunate turn of events.

The ominous sound persisted, growing louder with each passing moment. Elena's resolve solidified, and she drew her sword, her grip firm and unyielding. "Show yourself!" she commanded, her voice echoing through the forest with unwavering courage. "Well, well, if you insist on seeking me out, I suppose I must oblige," Elena declared, charging toward the source of the sound with a firm resolve, fueled by courage and defiance. The source of the sound revealed itself—a colossal fire-breathing salamander, its fiery breath illuminating the darkened surroundings. Without hesitation, the creature lunged at Elena, unleashing a relentless onslaught. Each strike seared her flesh, leaving burns and causing her clothes to smolder. But Elena stood firm, her unwavering courage shining through the pain.

Waiting for the perfect moment, Elena seized her opportunity. With a swift and calculated movement, she delivered a final, decisive blow, severing the salamander's head and claiming victory over the forest's fearsome guardian. Her triumphant cry echoed through the trees, a declaration of her indomitable spirit.

The victorious roar that erupted from Elena's throat echoed through the forest, a proclamation of her indomitable spirit. Bloodied and bruised, she surveyed the surroundings, her voice echoing with dominance. "Does anyone else dare to challenge me?" she challenged, her words resonating with the power that radiated from her very core.

Satisfied with her victory, Elena forged ahead, pushing through the tangled undergrowth, her body bruised and battered but her spirit unbroken. As she emerged from the dark woods, the air became lighter, a tangible sense of relief washing over her. Her gaze swept over the majestic mountain that marked the end of the treacherous forest, and in the distance, she caught sight of the gates of Ever After High—a glimmer of hope.

With sound determination, Elena descended the mountain, her steps purposeful. She neared the gates, exhaustion and exhilaration coursing through her veins. She was ready to step into the realm of Ever After High, prepared to embrace her destiny and face whatever challenges awaited her.

As Elena reached the entrance, a palpable tension hung in the air, thick with anticipation. With her hand poised to open the gates, she fixed her gaze upon the stoic figure of the giant stationed as the guardian. With a voice that belied her youthful appearance, she called out to him, her words laced with an air of both respect and authority.

Elena took a deep breath, stepping forward, her gaze fixed upon the gatekeeper. A towering giant whose stern expression conveyed a silent warning. She raised her voice, projecting her determination. "Excuse me," she called out, her tone calm yet assertive, capturing the giant's attention. His gaze shifted downward, regarding her with skepticism and amusement.

"What do you want, kid?" the giant bellowed, his voice rumbling like distant thunder.

"I would like to enter, please. Thank you," Elena replied, walking forward towards the gate. The giant's expression twisted into a mocking smirk. "Hold up, kid. Why should I open up for you?" he questioned, folding his arms across his massive chest. Undeterred, Elena stood her ground. "I am a student here, and I am running a little late," she asserted, her voice unwavering.

The giant towered over Elena, his imposing figure casting a shadow that seemed to swallow her in its darkness. His deep, rumbling voice dripped with condescension.

"A student here? Don't make me laugh, kid," the giant scoffed, his words laced with derision. His contemptuous tone sliced through the air, resonating with the weight of his superiority. He reveled in belittling her, relishing in the power dynamic that tilted overwhelmingly in his favor.

Elena refused to falter, her resolve unshaken by the giant's condescension. "I assure you, I am a student," she reiterated, her voice carrying a note of defiance. The giant's expression hardened, frustration and disbelief etching itself onto his face. "Kid, I advise you to turn back. This is not a place for you," he warned, his tone tinged with a hint of pity.

Undeterred by the giant's resistance, Elena's blazed like an inferno within her. "Okay, that's it," she exclaimed, her voice rising with a hint of defiance. In one swift motion, she defied the odds, nimbly scaling the giant's hand to perch on his towering palm. Her agile movements defied logic, catching the giant off guard.

"What do you think you're doing?" the giant bellowed, his eyes widening in disbelief. His initial laughter now transformed into fury, a tempest brewing within his colossal frame.

"Don't mind me," Elena retorted, her voice slicing through the air like a blade. The defiance in her tone echoed across the vast expanse of the entrance, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. With a surge of audacity coursing through her veins, she propelled herself forward, catapulting from the giant's hand with breathtaking agility. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as she soared through the open gates, a silhouette of rebellion against the backdrop of towering authority. Her form, graceful and fearless, painted an indelible image against the tapestry of defiance. The wind whispered in awe, as if it, too, recognized the audacious spirit that animated her every movement.

The giant roared in anger, his voice echoing through the mountain peaks. "Get back here!" he thundered, his pursuit hindered by his inability to enter the school's threshold. With urgency in his steps, he summoned his fellow guards, determined to apprehend the audacious intruder.

Elena's heart raced, each beat a testament to her audacity and the unknown fate that awaited her. In her path, she encountered other security guards, formidable obstacles intent on halting her progress. Yet, her quick-thinking mind provided a solution born out of necessity—she ran.

"You'll have to catch me first!" Elena called back, her words imbued with bravado as she darted through the hallowed halls of Ever After High. Panic and urgency spurred her onward as she sought to find her way to the school's main hall.

The authoritative voice of a guard pierced the air, commanding his companions,"Seize her!" The guard's voice erupted with an unyielding authority. that sliced through the air, instantly commanding his companions to action. Their synchronized footsteps reverberated off the cold stone walls, a resounding chorus of pursuit that sent shivers down Elena's spine. She felt their menacing presence drawing nearer, their heavy boots thundering against the ground a relentless rhythm that fueled the fire of her fierce will to elude their grasp.

But just as the guards closed in, the harmonious chime of a bell resonated through the air, silencing the commotion. A resonant voice echoed over the intercom, cutting through the chaos, "Attention all parents, you are now welcome to accompany your sons and daughters to the dormitory entrance."

In an instant, the hallway transformed into a bustling scene of students and parents, their voices mixing with the fading echoes of the guards' footsteps. The sudden diversion granted Elena a fleeting opportunity to make her daring escape. Without wasting a second, she darted through the crowd, skillfully maneuvering through the maze of bodies, like a shadow dancing through the chaos.

The bustling symphony of voices enveloped the hallway, blending with the fading echoes of the guards' footsteps. Elena's heart raced, propelled by fear. She seized the momentary distraction, her senses sharpened as she weaved through the crowd, each step a calculated dance of evasion.

In her desperate rush, Elena's focus faltered, her gaze momentarily diverted from her path. The collision with a fellow student became an inevitable collision course, an accidental ballet of bodies and fate. "Look out!" Elena's voice rang out, a plea entwined with urgency, as she desperately sought to capture the attention of the unsuspecting student. But destiny played its hand, and their encounter became an unavoidable calamity.

Their bodies clashed, gravity pulling them mercilessly to the cold, unyielding floor. Elena's eyes shimmered with concern as she swiftly regained her balance, her movements graceful yet purposeful. She extended a hand, her touch laced with genuine care and a hint of anxiety.

"Are you alright?" Elena's words hung in the air, carrying the weight of their predicament on a delicate thread.

"No, I'm not," the student replied, her voice quivering with disbelief and anger as she gazed up at Elena, who's body adorned with a tapestry of blood and scars. For a brief moment, her words caught in her throat as she was captivated by the sight before her. Gathering her wits, she firmly clasped Elena's outstretched hand and pulled herself up from the floor.

"I... I don't know what kind of person..." the student began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words to convey her thoughts. The image of Elena, battered yet unyielding, overwhelmed her momentarily, leaving her speechless.

The weight of the impending danger pressed heavily upon them, and Elena's voice quivered with heightened anxiety. "Are you okay?" she asked once more, her words tinged with a genuine concern that reached deep into her soul. Her eyes, like beacons, sought reassurance for the student's response, understanding the gravity of their situation.

As Elena's gaze caught sight of the school guards closing in on them, her heart raced, pounding against her ribcage like a caged bird desperate for freedom. Panic clawed at the edges of her mind, threatening to consume her and urging her to flee from the clutches of impending capture. The student, not understanding the gravity of their situation, stepped forward, her face a mask of determination tempered by caution. She called out to Elena, her voice low and steady, drawing her close as she spoke.

"Why are the school guards after you?" The student's voice resonated with an intensity that matched the danger elena faced. She knew they couldn't afford to waste time, but she needed to understand the situation fully before they could proceed. Her eyes locked onto Elena's, searching for answers in the depths of her troubled gaze.

Elena hesitated, her mind racing to find the right words. She knew she had to trust her, even though they were practically strangers. There was an air of mystery about this student, an enigmatic aura that both intrigued and unnerved her. But she had no other choice.

The guards were coughing up to her, and she needed her help to survive.

"I would be happy to explain, but right now, time is of the essence," Elena replied, urgency lacing every word. Her eyes flickered to the approaching guards, their shadows growing larger by the second. Fear gnawed at her insides, urging her to flee, but the student's gaze halted her in her tracks.

"Scar girl, wait," she implored, her voice infused with an correspondent resolve. She knew she had to make her understand the gravity of her situation. "You can't outrun them unless we work together. Trust me, okay?"

Elena's brows furrowed in disbelief. Trust was a fragile concept, easily shattered. And yet, something in The mystery students's demeanor spoke volumes. There was conviction in her eyes, a fiery spirit that burned like a steady flame within her. Reluctantly, she nodded, allowing a flicker of trust to ignite within her.

"Trust you? I don't even know you," Elena whispered, her voice filled with skepticism. The words hung in the air, pregnant with doubt and uncertainty.

The student understood her reservations, but time was running out. In a swift motion, she reached out, her fingertips brushing against her arm. Drawing upon her own well of magic, she cast an intricate spell—a veil of invisibility that would shield Elena from prying eyes. A wave of invisible energy enveloped her, rendering her unseen to the world.

Elena gasped as the spell took effect, the world around her shifting and warping. She was hidden now, a phantom in the night, but the danger still lurked, and she could feel it. The mystery student's voice, softer now, reached her ears like a gentle breeze.

"Stay still, and most importantly, don't utter a word," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos. The weight of responsibility settled upon The student's shoulders, for she knew that Elena's survival depended on her skill and cunning.

Elena nodded, her heart pounding within her chest like a primal drumbeat. She trusted The mystery student, at least for now, and she clung to that trust like a lifeline. She steeled herself for the unknown, her eyes trained on the shadows that concealed her.

A guard approached The student, his footsteps echoing through the dimly lit hallway. His gaze was stern, his voice firm as he addressed her. "You there, miss. Did you happen to come across a girl covered in blood and scars pass by here?"

Elena maintained her position, standing right in front of the guard, her invisibility spell working its magic. She observed The mystery student expertly manipulating her way around the school guards, her movements fluid and calculated. With a sense of poise, The student turned to face the guard, her innocent smile casting an air of charm. "No, not really. But I'll be sure to inform you if I do."

The guard's eyes narrowed suspicion evident in his voice. "Very well, please be cautious, and notify us if you come across someone matching that description." With a final glance, he turned and departed, leaving Elena and her newfound ally to exhale a shared breath of relief. The mystery student lifted the invisibility spell, allowing Elena to become visible once again.

Elena, filled with gratitude, turned to her savior and spoke with a heartfelt sincerity. "I cannot express enough my gratitude for your help. You risked everything for me." Her voice trembled slightly, touched by both fear and genuine appreciation.

The mystery student, was Poison all along, a name befitting both her manipulative and crafty ways, regarded Elena with a hint of a wry smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Her voice held an edge of mystery, laced with a tinge of dark humor. "Ah, scar girl, you owe me a debt now. But don't worry, I'll collect it when the time is right."

Elena nodded, not understanding the weight of her words. "Okay, thank you again," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I won't forget what you've done for me. Goodbye."

Poison watched Elena disappear into the distance, a mischievous grin playing upon her lips. "Well, I have a feeling you're going to make things quite interesting around here," she murmured to herself before turning away, excitement coursing through her veins.

Elena pressed forward through the bustling school corridors, her presence igniting whispers and curious gazes from both students and their wide-eyed parents. But their prying eyes were inconsequential; she remained resolute, her focus fixated on a singular objective—to locate the principal's office, the very epicenter of her current predicament. Blocked paths seemed to taunt her at every turn, akin to a labyrinth designed to confound her at every step.

Desperation fueled her every move as she navigated the chaotic landscape, ducking and weaving, evading the looming presence of the approaching guards. She was a trapped animal, desperate for escape, and her instincts roared within her

In a fleeting moment, a flicker of opportunity caught Elena's attention—a door concealed behind her, hidden like a secret pathway. Its worn wooden surface beckoned, whispering promises of refuge and a chance to outwit her relentless pursuers. Without hesitation, her heart pounding in her chest, Elena's lithe form pivoted in a seamless pirouette, her body propelled forward by sheer tenacity. Her eyes, now ablaze with a volatile mixture of trepidation and hope, locked onto the doorknob—a portal to an uncertain fate.

With a breathless resolve, she reached out, her fingertips trembling as they brushed against the cold, weathered metal. Ignoring caution's feeble plea, she silenced its voice with a defiant conviction. She made a bold decision, stepping into the unknown without bothering to read the words etched upon the door. For in that moment, Elena chose to let her actions paint the story, rather than relying on mere words.

Elena cautiously stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest as she surveyed the mysterious room. Shadows danced along the walls, lending an air of mystique to the scene. With a flicker of light, the entire space suddenly illuminated, revealing a lavishly decorated office.

The room was a symphony of opulence, adorned with rich tapestries and ornate chandeliers that cascaded a warm, golden glow. Polished oak bookshelves lined the walls, filled to the brim with leather-bound volumes that whispered untold stories. A portrait of a formidable figure hung prominently behind the grand mahogany desk, its eyes seeming to follow Elena's every move.

A voice, resonating with authority, pierced the silence, making Elena's spine tingle. "Welcome, Elena," it commanded, its tone laced with warmth and intrigue. The sound seemed to reverberate through the room, capturing her attention completely. Elena spun around, her eyes widening in both surprise and apprehension, fixating on the source of the voice.

Before her stood a woman, the embodiment of elegance and grace, seated confidently behind the imposing desk. The woman's tailored suit accentuated her commanding presence, the impeccable craftsmanship reflecting her attention to detail. A single streak of silver elegantly adorned her luscious dark hair, flowing like a shimmering river down her left shoulder, hinting at the wisdom and experience she carried.

But it was the woman's piercing blue eyes that captured Elena's gaze, captivating her with their enigmatic brilliance. They held the secrets of a thousand untold tales, a silent invitation to discover the hidden depths within. In that moment, Elena couldn't help but feel that she was in the presence of someone extraordinary, someone whose very essence whispered of a vast world beyond the confines of this office.

Caught off guard by the woman's confident proclamation, Elena's curiosity battled with a flicker of caution. She couldn't tear her gaze away, studying every line etched on the enigmatic figure's face, searching for clues to unravel the mystery before her. How did this stranger know her name? Was this encounter orchestrated by fate or something more profound? Unspoken questions swirled in Elena's mind, creating a whirlwind of anticipation mingled with a touch of trepidation.

Elena's voice trembled slightly as she finally voiced her burning question, her eyes never leaving the woman's penetrating gaze. "How did you come to know my name?" Her words carried a sense of awe and apprehension, a vulnerable admission of her curiosity.

The woman's voice, a delicate melody intertwined with an undercurrent of authority, resonated through the air, capturing every ounce of Elena's attention. "I have been waiting for your arrival," she declared, her words wrapped in a cloak of intrigue and certainty that sent shivers down Elena's spine. The room seemed to hold its breath, eager to witness the unveiling of a profound revelation.

Elena, her gaze still fixed on the woman, drew her sword with a swift, fluid motion, the weapon gleaming in the dim light. The metallic blade whispered with a song of danger, its glint reflected her countenance. "That didn't answer the question I asked," she uttered, her voice steady and resolute, the sword an extension of her unwavering will.

"Dear, put that thing away," the voice interjected gently, its tone infused with familiarity and concern. As the words rolled off the woman's lips, an air of enchantment seemed to weave itself around Elena. Her hand, gripped tightly around the sword, loosened its hold, and with a measured motion, she sheathed the weapon. The metallic whisper echoed softly, surrendering its place to the anticipated revelation.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the voice continued, a twinkle of mischief gracing its words. "I am your godmother, or rather, a fairy godmother, if you will." There was an ethereal quality to the voice, as though it floated on unseen wings, imbued with a power beyond mortal comprehension. Elena's brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to comprehend the fantastical notion presented before her. "Fairy what?" she queried, her voice laced with a blend of awe and uncertainty.

"Fairy godmother, my dear," the voice replied, amusement evident in its gentle tone. "I am here to assist you, to guide you on your path, and to bring a touch of enchantment to your life. Does that ring a bell?" said the voice. Her melodious tone trailed off momentarily, its perceptive gaze sweeping over Elena's disheveled attire and scarred flesh.

A mischievous glint flickered in the voice's words. "Let me help you with that." And with a flicker of intent, as though plucking stardust from the night sky, the voice wove an elegant spell. Elena's tattered remnants of clothing unraveled and transformed before her eyes, morphing into a resplendent gown that defied the boundaries of imagination. The fabric shimmered with a myriad of hues, each thread pulsating with a life of its own. From delicate pastel pinks to vibrant iridescent blues, it embraced her like a gentle breeze, whispering secrets of hidden wonders.

Simultaneously, the voice's magic reached out, its unseen tendrils brushing against Elena's scarred flesh. With a gentle caress, the magic's ethereal touch sparked to life, like tiny stars awakening from slumber. It weaved an intricate tapestry of healing, mending the broken skin with delicate precision. The scars dissolved beneath its gentle sway, leaving only faint traces of Elena's past struggles, etched as a testament to her strength and resilience.

Elena's eyes widened in awe as she gazed upon her transformed self. The gown clung to her figure like moonlight woven into fabric, and her once marred skin now glowed with a renewed radiance. The voice's magic had not merely altered her appearance; it had unveiled a hidden beauty that had always resided within her.

Elena, still marveling at her stunning transformation, couldn't help but express her curiosity and slight frustration. Elena's gaze shifted from her now flawless skin, "My scars... they're healed," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. Turning her attention to the unexpected changes in her clothes, she approached the voice with determination, "And my clothes...what have you done to my clothes?" Elena's voice thundered with anger and confusion, her palms slamming against the table with an authoritative force. Determination coursed through her veins, fueling her demand for answers. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with a touch of desperation. "And don't you dare feed me some fairy godmother nonsense."

The voice's owner, a woman with an enchanting aura, maintained a warm smile despite Elena's assertiveness. She gracefully rose from her seat, her eyes sparkling with wisdom and mischief. "Ah, my dear Elena," she began, her voice carrying an air of whimsical authority. "If you must know, my name is Farrah Goodfairy. But today, I stand before you as the new headmistress of Ever After High."

Farrah's words lingered in the air, allowing Elena to absorb the significance of the moment. The truth had been unveiled, entwining their paths in a tapestry of destiny. Intrigued and still grappling with her disbelief, Elena regarded Farrah with a newfound curiosity.

The room was filled with an electric tension as Elena processed the revelation. The enigmatic woman before her, Farrah Goodfairy, emanated an otherworldly charm that seemed to dance around her like a veil of enchantment. Her warm smile remained unwavering, hinting at a hidden depth behind her eyes that held a delicate balance of wisdom and mischief.

With a graceful motion, Farrah rose from her seat, her movements fluid and effortless. As she stood, her eyes sparkled like radiant gems, their brilliance reflecting a lifetime of experiences. The air seemed to carry her voice, which held a captivating blend of whimsy and authority, drawing Elena further into her mesmerizing presence.

Elena's breath grew heavy, her racing heart struggling to keep pace with the rapid turn of events. She spoke, her voice trembling with both surprise and curiosity, "You're... the principal?" Her words hung in the air, the weight of the truth settling upon them like a velvet curtain. Elena couldn't help but reflect on her earlier assertiveness, now overshadowed by awe and regret.

As Elena attempted to rise and apologize, Farrah's melodic voice intervened, her words dripping with understanding and forgiveness. "It's quite all right, my dear Elena," Farrah reassured her, her tone carrying a soothing cadence. "I can hardly blame you. Anyone would have reacted similarly if they were faced with your predicament."

Relief washed over Elena like a gentle tide, but a hint of uncertainty lingered in her eyes. "Really?" she questioned, searching for confirmation amidst her newfound peace.

Farrah, with a graceful sweep of her hand, dismissed any doubt. She circled the room, her gaze moving from one corner to another, taking in every detail as if assessing the essence of the space. "Honestly, no one is quite as foolish as they may seem at times," she remarked, her words carrying a touch of playful sternness. Her eyes met Elena's once again, holding a firmness that bespoke her position of authority.

Elena's voice trembled as she continued to apologize, her words stumbling over each other in an attempt to convey her remorse. "I'm... I'm so sorry for what I did," she murmured, her voice laced with genuine regret. "Honestly, if I had known that you're the principal, I wouldn't have acted so..." She struggled to find the right word, giving off an expression of guilt and longing for redemption.

Farrah, ever perceptive, finished Elena's sentence with a gentle smile, her tone tinged with both understanding and guidance. "Irrationally," she interjected, her steps leading her back to her seat with an air of grace.

Elena's eyes widened, a glimmer of acknowledgment flickering within them. "Yes, irrational," she agreed, finally recognizing the truth in Farrah's assessment. The weight of her actions settled upon her, driving her to take responsibility for her impulsive behavior.

Farrah settled back into her seat, her regal poise returning as she gazed at Elena with eyes kindness and expectation. "Well, what has happened is in the past," she began, her voice carrying a touch of gentle wisdom. "There is no need to shed tears over spilled tea. All we can do now is look forward."

Elena's gaze met Farrah's with newfound determination, her voice filled with sincerity as she acknowledged her commitment. "Of course, ma'am," she replied, her eyes shining with gratitude and admiration for the enigmatic woman before her.

"Now, let us attend to matters at hand," Farrah declared, leaning closer to her mirror phone to place a call to her trusted secretary, Mary. "Mary, if you would, summon Mr. Goodfairy to my office," she requested, her lips curling into a warm smile as her eyes lingered on Elena. Mary's obedient voice resonated through the phone, assuring her compliance. "Consider it done, ma'am," Mary affirmed. Farrah acknowledged her secretary with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you, Mary," she expressed.

"Ah, now where were we? yes, your enrollment," Farrah resumed, rummaging through the drawers of her immaculate desk in search of Elena's documents. Finally, she procured them, her fingers gingerly offering them to Elena, along with her mirror phone. "Here we are. I assume you will be identified as Elena Elle," Farrah informed her, a subtle hint of amusement in her voice.

Elena chuckled, her laughter dancing through the air. "You must have me confused with another Elena. I am Elena Huntsman, the esteemed huntsman's granddaughter," she clarified, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

A flicker of surprise flashed across Farrah's countenance, a momentary lapse in her composure. "Ah, I see," she murmured, momentarily caught off guard. "I had presumed you would bear the name Elena Ella, hailing from your mother's lineage." A trace of confusion clouded Elena's features as she grappled with the unexpected revelation. "You know, Cinderella, the midnight enchantment, the glass slippers ." Farrah connected the dots, her voice carrying a touch of realization. "Your grandmother, dear Elena."

Elena's eyes widened, disbelief and incredulity flickering within them. "Cinderella... my grandmother? I apologize, but that simply cannot be," she declared, her voice resolute, yet tinged with a glimmer of doubt.

A gasp escaped Farrah's lips, her hand delicately covering her mouth in astonishment. "Oh, my," she uttered softly, a realization dawning upon her. She leaned forward, her eyes wide with wonder. "Didn't your parents tell you before you arrived?" she inquired, her voice a whisper, as if she had stumbled upon a long-kept secret.

"No!" Elena blurted out, still reeling from the seismic revelation. The words slipped through her lips, tinged with shock and disbelief. Her mind raced, desperately trying to process the implications of this newfound heritage. "Are you... okay, dear?" Farrah ventured, concern etched across her face.

Elena struggled to find her voice amidst the tumult of her thoughts. "Wait... if Cinderella is my grandmother, that means I'm... I'm..." Her words faltered, searching for the right description to capture the weight of the truth. "Yes," Farrah interjected gently, a glimmer of mischief dancing in her eyes. "A princess."

"Shut up," Elena snapped, her voice laced with awe and defiance.

Farrah's expression flickered with a brief moment of offense, her features betraying a hint of hurt. "I beg your pardon," she replied, her voice tinged with wounded pride. She quickly composed herself, realizing the emotional tumult within Elena. "I'm sorry about that," Elena interjected, her words laced with regret. The acknowledgement of her brusque remark hung heavily in the air, a bridge to rebuild the connection that momentarily wavered.

"It's quite all right," Farrah reassured her, her voice a gentle salve for Elena's wounded spirit. "I thought your parents had already told you." There was a softness in her tone, an understanding that Elena was navigating uncharted waters, and she was there to guide her.

Elena's voice trembled with indignation and frustration. Her eyes narrowed, searching for understanding as she spoke, "No," Elena uttered, "Apparently, they believed I couldn't handle it."

Farrah steadied herself, inhaling deeply as her mind raced to find the perfect words. The weight of the truth she was about to reveal settled upon her, and she began to speak, her voice a delicate blend of tenderness and honesty.

"Elena," she began, her voice a gentle caress, "your mother and father made a choice—a choice driven by their love for you. They yearned to protect you from the suffocating expectations and unrelenting pressures that inevitably accompany royal lineage. They wanted nothing more than for you to experience a life untouched by the constraints of your heritage, a normal life brimming with freedom and authenticity."

Elena's response was apprehensive, as if tentatively extending her hand towards the possibility of understanding. The words hung in the air, lingering like a fragile hope. "Would you like to speak with one of them?" Farrah asked, her voice a soft caress, brimming with genuine concern.

A flicker of hesitation danced in Elena's eyes before she found the courage to respond, her voice laced with anticipation. "Yes, please," she whispered, the words carrying the weight of a million unasked questions.

Without missing a beat, Farrah reached for her phone, fingers dancing over the sleek surface as she dialed a number etched in her memory. The anticipation swelled in the room, building an invisible bridge between past and present, as the line rang.

"Ashlynn, hello," Farrah greeted, her voice conveying warmth and a sense of rekindled connection. Memories whispered in the spaces between their words, breathing life into their long-dormant friendship. "Farrah, long time no see. How have you been?" Ashlynn inquired, her voice carrying the remnants of a shared history.

Farrah paused, sensing the urgency of the moment. "Busy with work and all that," she responded vaguely, her focus shifting from the weighty task at hand. "How's the family—"

Elena cut her off abruptly, unable to contain her impatience. "Okay, you guys can have your reunion another time," she interjected, her tone sharp with a mix of exasperation and urgency. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as Ashlynn's voice faded away. "Hello, mother," she uttered, her voice a carefully crafted mix of anger and vulnerability, like a tempest wrapped in silk.

Ashlynn's face softened, etching lines of concern and love as she reached out to her daughter. "What's troubling you, sweetheart?" she gently inquired, her voice an anchor in the midst of Elena's storm.

Elena's nostrils flared, a subtle sign of her inner turmoil bubbling beneath the surface. Anger danced in her eyes, momentarily seizing control of her emotions. "Oh, nothing," she snapped, her voice a whip crack of defiance. "I just found out," her words dripped with both a bitter cocktail of pride and resentment, "that I'm the granddaughter of Cinderella. Our revered monarch. No big deal." The syllables hung in the air like shards of shattered glass, each one a reflection of the complex emotions that churned within her.

The weight of Elena's revelation hung in the air, each breath pregnant with the truth that had been revealed. Ashlynn's eyes widened, surprise and regret etched on her face as she struggled to find the right words. "You found out," she breathed, her voice tinged with disbelief and remorse.

Elena's voice hardened, her pain seeping through her carefully crafted facade. "So, it is true, and I didn't find out. Miss Goodfairy told me," she declared, the words punctuated with accusation and wounded vulnerability.

A heavy sigh escaped Farrah's lips, her voice cutting through the heavy silence, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the turmoil. "I'm so sorry, Ashlynn," Farrah interjected, her voice tinged with a sense of disbelief. Her words carried a weight of regret, mirroring the remorse that suffused the room. "I thought you and hunter already told her before she left," she added, a note of confusion lacing her words.

Farrah's attempt to bridge the gap between the fractured trio highlighted the complexity of the situation, revealing the tangled web of miscommunication and unintended consequences. The room remained suspended in a fragile balance, waiting for the next breath, the next movement, as the characters grappled with the aftermath of Elena's revelation.

Ashlynn's voice, tender yet resilient, shattered the fragile tension that gripped the room. "It's alright, Farrah. I'm actually glad it was you who told her," she responded, her words laden with a poignant understanding and forgiveness. As Ashlynn's gaze shifted towards Elena, her eyes softened, radiating a glimmer of empathy that pierced through the veil of pain. "Elena," she continued, her voice now bearing the weight of a profound confession, as if each syllable had been etched upon her soul, tracing the intricate map of the struggles and sacrifices she had endured. "I'm deeply sorry that your father and I chose to keep this from you," she confessed, her words saturated with an undercurrent of the crippling financial burdens that had plagued them.

Elena's brows furrowed, caught in the maelstrom of confusion and curiosity that swept across her face, like storm clouds battling for dominance. "But why?" she questioned, her voice trembling with a mix of hurt and longing, searching for an answer that lay hidden beneath layers of secrecy and silence. "Why would they keep something so important from me?"

Sensing the weight of the moment, Ashlynn, with gentle grace, interjected, her voice a soothing balm against the turmoil in the room. She wove her words delicately, like an artist painting strokes of understanding upon a canvas.

Ashlynn inhaled, drawing in a breath laden with remorse. Her voice, tinged with regret, caressed Elena's ears like a whispered confession. "Oh, sweetheart," she began, the endearment spilling from her lips like a tender benediction. "We yearned to gift you with normalcy, to grant you a life untouched by the tumult that once consumed us. The weight of a predetermined destiny haunted our youthful years, suffusing us with worry and uncertainty. We wanted to shield you from that same burden, to let you chart your own course, untethered from the chains of predetermined fate."

"Elena, your father and I never wished for you to shoulder the burden of our financial struggles," Ashlynn continued, her words carrying the weight of a confession. "We wanted you to grow up free from the obligation of shouldering our responsibilities alongside the burdens of royalty." Her voice quivered with emotion as she laid bare their hardships. "Times have been tough, sweetheart. Your father lost his job at Enchantitects Inc, and our Enchantestate business has been faltering as well."

Just as she began to delve deeper into the intricacies of their situation, Ashlynn got another call on the line, its piercing urgency shattering the tender moment. Her eyes flickered with apology and resignation as she realized the pressing demand of a potential buyer required her immediate attention.

"Sweetheart, I'm currently in the midst of handling a crucial deal," she hastily apologized, her voice laced with a tinge of regret for the interruption. "But I promise, once I have the chance, I will call you. We can have a proper conversation about all of this." With a heavy sigh, Ashlynn reluctantly ended the call, leaving the unspoken promise of their future connection lingering in the air.

The moment the call abruptly ended, Elena's brows furrowed in confusion, "Did she just... ended the call," Elena murmured, her voice laced with a touch of disbelief. Farrah, ever perceptive, caught onto Elena's distress. "It seems that way," she responded softly, her voice carrying a gentle understanding.

Elena's emotions churned like a tempest, a storm of betrayal and longing brewing within her. "Call her back," she implored, her voice trembling with a raw vulnerability. Farrah, though aware of Elena's pain, attempted to soothe her wounded spirit. "Elena, I can imagine how you must be feeling right now," Farrah began, her words wrapped in a tender embrace. "But it's important to approach this with compassion and patience."

The weight of Elena's anguish bore down on her, like the crushing weight of a shattered reality. "You don't understand, Miss Goodfairy," Elena interjected, her voice filled with sorrow and anger. "All my life has been one big lie. Please, call her back." The desperation in her voice reverberated through the room, a plea for truth and understanding. Farrah, momentarily taken aback by Elena's fervor, sighed softly, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"I will try to reach her again," Farrah conceded, her voice holding a note of empathy. She dialed Ashlynn's number, hoping for a connection that would bridge the widening chasm between mother and daughter. The phone rang, each passing second echoing with anticipation, until the line fell silent once more. "I couldn't get through," Farrah confessed, her disappointment evident.

"Try her again," Elena demanded, her words tinged with anger, as if her very existence depended on hearing her mother's voice. Farrah, her patience wearing thin, felt a flicker of frustration ignite within her. "Elena, I think it would be wise to consider—" Farrah began, but her words were abruptly cut off by Elena's seething interruption. "Call her again," Elena snapped, her anger lashing out like a wounded beast. Farrah, stung by the curt dismissal, sighed heavily, feeling insult and understanding intertwine within her.

"Excuse me," Farrah interjected, her tone tinged with a wounded pride. The sharpness of her words betrayed the sting of Elena's anger, an ache that resonated in her chest. "I'm sorry, Miss Goodfairy, but I can't help but feel... feel..." Elena's voice wavered, attempting to explain the depths of her anger. Farrah, her demeanor softened by a hint of wisdom, reached out to her, a beacon of understanding amidst the storm. "You may be right, Elena, but remember the wisdom I shared with you earlier. What has happened is in the past; there is no need to shed tears or get mad over spilled tea. All we can do now is look forward." Farrah imparted, her voice laden with gentle reassurance.

Elena hesitated, her anger gradually subsiding as the weight of Farrah's words sank in. With a deep breath, she tried to steady herself, to find a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. "You're right, Miss Goodfairy, but..." Elena's voice trailed off, caught between explanation and resignation. Farrah, firm yet compassionate, gently interrupted her, offering a lifeline amidst the swirling emotions. "No 'buts,' my dear. Take a deep breath and focus on the path ahead."

Elena inhaled, her breath steadying her racing heart, as she cleared her mind and surrendered to the present moment. "I'm alright now, ma'am," she finally whispered, her voice a fragile declaration.

As the echo of Elena's words dissipated, a gentle knock reverberated through the door, interrupting the tender moment. The secretary's voice floated in, carrying the announcement like a melody. "Miss Goodfairy," she called, her tone brimming with urgency, "Mr. Goodfairy is at the door." Without missing a beat, Farrah Goodfairy, a pillar of composure, nodded in response. "Please, let him in," Farrah commanded, her voice betraying a subtle hint of tension as she composed herself in her seat. Her posture spoke of strength, a regal grace that belied the complexities hidden beneath the surface.

The door swung open, revealing the figure of the student, whose arrival had been announced moments before. "You called, mom... I mean, Miss Goodfairy," he stammered, his words a hesitant admission of familiarity and reverence. The shifting dynamics between them were palpable, unspoken emotions tingling beneath the surface. Farrah, composed and inviting, gestured for him to enter, her eyes catching a glimpse of Elena's presence.

"Yes, I did," Farrah replied, her voice holding a note of gentle warmth, "Come in and have a seat." Her gaze lingered upon Elena, silently communicating the significance of the moment. The student, finding his place beside Elena, sank into the offered chair, his uncertainty blending with curiosity. Farrah, a master of introductions, bridged the gap between their worlds. "Mr. Goodfairy," she began, her voice carrying a touch of both pride and expectation, "I would like to introduce you to one of our new students, Elena Elle." Her words held an unspoken invitation for connection, as if she were the conductor orchestrating the harmony of their meeting.

The student's gaze shifted towards Elena, and in that moment, time itself seemed to hold its breath. He found himself captivated, starstruck by the ethereal presence before him. Every feature of Elena's face became a work of art, each lash of her eyelashes, the curve of her lips, painting a picture of beauty that left him speechless. Love unfurled in his heart, an enchantment woven in the fabric of their meeting.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," the student finally managed to utter, his voice quivering with awe and uncertainty. Elena, her warmth radiating, graced him with a smile that eased his nerves. "Hey," she began, her voice gentle yet filled with a quiet confidence, "I'm Elena Huntsman." The words danced in the air, a melody that captured the essence of her spirit. The student, still mesmerized by Elena's enchanting presence, stammered, "I'm Zip GodFieri." His voice trailed off, as he found himself lost in the depths of her beauty, unable to form coherent sentences.

Elena, embracing the moment with grace, laughed softly, a sound that brought lightness to the air. "Ok, nice to meet you, Zip," she said, extending her hand, a gesture of friendship and connection. Her touch, as their hands met, carried a spark of energy, a subtle current that seemed to bridge the distance between their worlds.

The student, uttered the words "The mine is all pleasure," a sense of confusion tinged the air.

Farrah sensed that something was amiss. A flicker of concern flashed across her eyes, urging her to intervene. With a swift motion of her hand, she cast a spell, conjuring a bucket of water that materialized above his head before cascading down upon him, soaking him from head to toe.. Startled, the student snapped out of his daydream, his drenched state instantly bringing him back to reality. "Mom!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise and embarrassment. Farrah, with a knowing smile, addressed the situation, acknowledging her son's tendency to wander off into his own world. "I'm so sorry about my son's behavior," she apologized, her tone laced with both understanding and amusement. "He's always been a bit... off."

Elena, witnessing the exchange, couldn't help but sympathize. "Oh, he's your son," she remarked, her voice laced with understanding. The revelation of their shared surname now made sense. "Yes, the pouring wet boy in front of you is my son," Farrah confirmed with a gentle chuckle, embodying both the role of a mother and an educator. Her eyes glimmered with maternal affection as she glanced at the student. "Now that he's back to his senses, he'll introduce himself properly this time."

The student, his initial shyness momentarily washed away by the unexpected dousing, composed himself and mustered a confident smile. "Hi, I'm Zac Goodfairy," he introduced himself, his voice filled with newfound clarity. His eyes met Elena's, and a flicker of curiosity danced within them. "And you are?" he inquired, eager to forge a connection beyond the bounds of their shared introduction.

With a warm smile, Elena met Zac's gaze. "I'm Elena Huntsman," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness. The room seemed to come alive with the spark of their interaction, as if a new chapter was unfolding, woven with the threads of friendship and possibility.

Zac's confusion lingered in the air, his brow furrowing as he tried to make sense of the conflicting information. "But didn't I hear my mom... I mean Miss Goodfairy call you Elena Ella just now?" he questioned, seeking clarity. Elena, maintaining her composure, responded with a calm certainty, "No, she made a mistake. It's Huntsman."

"Oh, I must have heard wrong then," Zac mused, caught between the differing accounts. However, Farrah wasn't quite ready to let the matter rest. "You heard correctly, boy. Her name henceforth is now Elena Ella," she declared, her tone teasingly authoritative. Elena, her gaze fixed on Farrah, narrowed her eyes in gentle protest. "It's Huntsman," she emphasized, silently imploring Farrah to correct the error.

"So, is it Huntsman or Ella? Because I'm confused," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Farrah, realizing the need for clarity, motioned to hand her documents to Zac. With a sigh, she explained, "Here are her documents, and as you can see, it says Elena Ella," Farrah reiterated, presenting the evidence to Zac.

Zac, now holding the documents in his hands, observed them intently. His eyes scanned the words written upon them, confirming the name "Elena Ella."

"So, it is" he concluded, accepting the truth before him. Confusion still lingered, however, and he couldn't help but inquire further. "But why is she identifying herself as Huntsman then?" Zac asked, his curiosity begging for understanding. The room fell into a brief silence, tension lacing the air as all eyes turned to Farrah, awaiting an explanation that would unravel the enigma of Elena's identity.

Farrah sighed, recognizing the complexity of the situation. "It's a long story, which we don't have time for right now," she replied. Sensing the need to redirect their focus, she gestured towards Zac who held Elena's documents. "Her locker and dormitory room number are indicated on her mirror phone ," Farrah explained, subtly shifting the conversation. The urgency in her voice implied that it was time to move forward.

As Elena and Zac made their way towards the door, Zac paused, turning back to face Farrah. His voice held a tinge of concern. "Yes, Mr. Goodfairy?" Farrah responded, attentive to his words. Zac hesitated for a moment before expressing his worry. "Uhm, my clothes," he began, realizing that he was still drenched from the impromptu water incident. Understanding his predicament, Farrah swiftly cast a wind spell, guiding a gentle breeze that enveloped Zac. Within moments, his clothes were dry, the magical intervention solving the issue.

"Thank you, ma'am," Zac expressed his gratitude, appreciating the assistance he had received. With a renewed sense of readiness, he and Elena resumed their journey out of Farrah's office.

As Zac and Elena traversed the bustling hallway, students hurried past, each engrossed in their own lives and stories. Zac's heart raced with nervous anticipation, yearning to engage Elena in a meaningful conversation. Summoning his courage, he gently called out her name, hoping to capture her attention amidst the commotion.

"Elena," he began, his voice laced with warmth and admiration. Her presence, adorned in an elegant gown, captivated him. Zac's eyes lingered on her, his heart pounding like a melody waiting to be played. "You... you look spellbinding in that gown," he finally managed to say. His words, though intended for her ears, slipped out as a whisper of self-doubt. "What am I saying? Of course, she looks beautiful," he murmured to himself, his internal thoughts betraying his momentary lapse of confidence.

Elena, slightly fumbling in her majestic attire, struggled to find her stride. She let out a faint chuckle, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I appreciate the sentiment, but dresses aren't really my thing," she confessed, her voice carrying a subtle hint of frustration. Each step she took seemed to be accompanied by a stifled sigh, as if the gown itself were a hindrance to her freedom of movement. "I mean, how do princesses even move and accomplish anything in these?" Elena wondered aloud, her words painted with a touch of genuine bewilderment.

Zac, eager to engage in conversation, interjected with a gentle chuckle. "Well, technically, they don't wear them all the time," he explained, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Only for royal occasions, you know." His words carried a hint of insider knowledge, an understanding rooted in his upbringing. "My mother, being a fairy godmother and all, finds any excuse to wear gowns on people," he continued, a playful twinkle in his voice, inviting Elena into his world.

Their conversation, a blend of lighthearted banter, created a bridge between them, paving the way for deeper connections to be forged. As they strolled along the busy hallway, the vibrant energy of the student body surrounding them, Zac and Elena found solace in each other's presence, their shared journey taking on a newfound sense of excitement and possibility.

"I noticed that when you're with the principal , you call her 'Miss Goodfairy.' Why is that?" Elena inquired, her curiosity piqued. Her voice carried a sense of interest, eager to understand the dynamics of Zac's relationship with his mother, both as a student and as a son.

Zac's eyes flickered with fondness as he pondered Elena's question. "It's just a way to maintain a sense of professionalism within the school setting," he explained, his voice resonating with sincerity. "But when it's just the two of us or when we're around close friends and family, I call her 'mom' like any other child would."

Elena couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, her lips curling into a playful smile. "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but that's probably one of the strangest things I've ever heard. No offense," she remarked, her words tinged with a touch of humor. She wanted to express her honest thoughts without causing offense, understanding that unconventional family dynamics could be intriguing.

Zac's laughter intertwined with Elena's, a shared moment of lightheartedness amidst their conversation. "No offense taken at all," he assured her, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "My mom has always had her own unique way of navigating life, especially since she became the headmistress. She's trying her best to fill the shoes of her predecessor, Mr Milton Grimm, and that's no easy task."

Elena fell silent, her gaze fixed on Zac as she absorbed his words. She recognized the weight of the expectations placed upon Zac's mother, and a newfound appreciation for the complexities of her role began to bloom within her. Sensing the change in her demeanor, Zac's laughter softened, his desire to lighten the mood evident.

"Zac, your mom is incredible," Elena finally spoke, her voice filled with admiration. "She's wise, caring, and may I say the boss." A sense of awe resonated in her words, the sincerity underlying her initial observations becoming more apparent. "And to think, I've only just met her today."

A warm smile graced Zac's face, his heart swelling with pride. "She really is awesome, isn't she?" he responded, his voice carrying gratitude and affection. The bond between mother and son shone brightly in his words, the deep-rooted admiration for his mother radiating from within.

Elena nodded in agreement, her eyes meeting Zac's with unwavering sincerity. "Yeah, she truly is," she concurred. "Your mom is already the best principal anyone could ask for. She doesn't need to fill anyone's shoes. Trust me, I understand the feeling of trying to measure up to expectations. But you know what? I'm already wearing shoes made of glass, and I don't think anyone can top that."

Zac's heart swelled with appreciation for Elena's understanding and support. Gratitude danced in his eyes as he met her gaze. "Thanks, Elena," he whispered, his voice laced with genuine warmth.

A warm smile graced Elena's lips as she met Zac's gaze. "You're welcome," she replied, her words carrying a warmth that mirrored the blossoming connection between them. In that moment, as they continued walking through the bustling hallway, as they continued enjoying each other's presence, a shared understanding that surpassed any preconceived notions.

They finally arrived at Elena's locker, and Zac gestured towards it with a slight smile. "Well, here we are, your locker," he said, as Elena examined the contents inside. Her eyes fell upon the paper that listed the subjects she was supposed to study, and a perplexed expression crossed her face.

"It has my name, but what are these?" Elena questioned, holding up the paper for Zac to see. Some of the subjects listed—Damsel-in-Distressing, Princessology, and Kingdom Management—didn't sit well with her. The discrepancy between her expectations and the curriculum left her feeling disoriented.

Zac sighed, realizing the weight of Elena's dissatisfaction. "Elena, you're still fixated on that," he murmured. However, he understood her concerns and couldn't dismiss them lightly.

Elena made up her mind, heading back towards the principal's office. Zac, filled with worry followed her, calling out to her. "Elena, wait!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the hallway. "And why should I?" Elena demanded, her tone laced with defiance and frustration, her feet leading her back to the door they had come from.

"Because the principal's office doesn't stay in one place," Zac explained, catching up to Elena and trying to catch his breath. He struggled to find the right words to convey the mysterious nature of their school. "You don't go to the principal's office—she comes to you."

Confusion clouded Elena's face as she tried to comprehend Zac's explanation. "Where did the door go?" she asked, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Zac began to elucidate, his words carrying a sense of familiarity. "The principal's door moves around the school, you see," he started. "It's a part of how things work here. It doesn't adhere to conventional rules. The office appears when she summons it, and it disappears just as mysteriously."

Elena sighed, feeling resignation and skepticism. "That makes no sense," she stated plainly, struggling to find logic in the peculiarities of their school.

Zac's voice softened as he empathized with her frustration. "It's not supposed to make sense," he admitted, his eyes reflecting a desire to help her navigate the challenges they faced. "I understand you have many complaints right now. How about I take you to your dorm room? You can rest, gather your thoughts, and tomorrow we can try to confront my mom about your name and the subjects together."

Elena, feeling physically and emotionally drained from the events of the day, reluctantly agreed to Zac's suggestion. She let out a tired sigh, her guard lowering just a fraction. "Fine, but I'm not happy about it," she conceded, her voice laced with weariness and resolve. Together, they made their way towards the entrance of the girls' dormitory.

As they stood at the gate of the girls' dormitory, their faces illuminated by a soft glow of anticipation. Zac reached into his pocket and retrieved Elena's mirror phone, offering it to her with a gentle smile. "I've updated your mirror phone, and you should be all set to go. Your dorm number and instructions on how to get there are on there," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance.

Elena accepted the device, her fingers tracing its sleek surface. "You're not coming with me?" she asked, her voice carrying a touch of disappointment.

Zac's gaze met hers, longing evident in his eyes. "I wish I could, but, boys aren't allowed in the girls' dormitory," he replied. "But we'll see each other tomorrow after classes."

Elena nodded, understanding the rules that governed their school, though wishing they weren't so restrictive. "Definitely," she affirmed, a flicker of excitement crossing her features. "And besides, we have to talk to your about my topic change."

Zac's nervousness resurfaced, and he fidgeted slightly, his eyes darting away momentarily. "Yeah," he replied, his voice tinged with apprehension. The prospect of discussing the topic change made him acutely aware of the potential challenges ahead.

With a bittersweet smile, Zac waved goodbye to Elena, their connection still palpable in the air. "Later, Elena," he said softly, his voice filled with sadness.

"Goodbye, Zac," Elena murmured, her voice tinged with a sense of longing as well. As the gates to the dormitory closed behind her, their gaze lingered for a moment longer, an unspoken promise of future encounters and conversations. And as Elena embarked on the next chapter of her journey within the dormitory's walls, she carried with her the memory of Zac's presence, a beacon of familiarity in a sea of new experiences.

Elena weaved her way through the bustling hallway of the dormitory, her senses captivated by the vibrant tapestry adorning each door. Each wooden portal boasted a whimsical graffiti mural, a testament to the students' cherished fairy tale lineage. Eventually, her footsteps guided her to the entrance of her own domain—a dome room concealed behind an intricately designed door. Tentatively, she rapped her knuckles against the door, only to be greeted by an exasperated voice from within.

"That better be my luggage," the voice grumbled, the irritation palpable. As the door swung open, Elena's eyes widened in disbelief. "You!" she exclaimed, astonishment and recognition tingeing her words. "Scar girl," the voice retorted, revealing its owner to be none other than the enigmatic student from their earlier encounter. "What are you doing here?" Elena inquired, her curiosity piqued. The girl scanned the corridor outside, her gaze darting anxiously. "Isn't it obvious?" she began, her voice laced with a touch of melancholy. "I'm your roommate."

The sheer coincidence of their pairing left Elena dumbfounded. Concern filled her voice as she asked, "Are you alright?" The girl hesitated for a moment, her eyes still fixed on the corridor beyond. "Yeah... I'm just waiting for something," she responded, her tone hinting at a hidden burden. Dismissing it with a wave of her hand, she added, "Anyway, forget it. Come in." Elena stepped across the threshold, her breath catching at the sight that greeted her—a room adorned with furniture that seemed to sting the senses, each piece a testament to its own unique story.

"Wow," Elena exclaimed, her eyes filled with awe as they scanned the room. "I know, right?" her roommate chimed in, a hint of pride in her voice. "They went all out to make the room perfectly reflect our stories." Elena nodded, still struggling to believe the surreal environment she found herself in. "Who would have thought you were a student here, Scar girl," her roommate continued, her tone filled with genuine surprise. "I thought you were some hobo."

"Wait, what?" Elena snapped back to reality, her surprise evident. "As you can see, I'm not homeless, and my name isn't scar girl. It's Elena. Elena Huntsman." Her roommate chuckled, observing Elena with a playful smirk. "I can see that," she remarked, a touch of admiration in her tone. "Look at you, all royaled up. And Elena, it's a nice name."

Elena smiled appreciatively. "Thank you. And what's yours?"

"I'm Poison Queen," Poison introduced herself with a mischievous grin. Elena couldn't help but be taken aback by her roommate's unusual name. "Poison... That's certainly an interesting name," Elena remarked, still trying to process it all. Poison smirked, clearly accustomed to such reactions. "Thank you," she replied, reveling in the intrigue her name evoked.

"I'd love to hear what happened to you, how you transformed into this elegant persona," Poison inquired. Elena let out a weary sigh, feeling the weight of her past settle upon her shoulders. "It's a long story," she began, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "But right now, I'm just... exhausted." Poison leaned in, a glimmer in her eyes. "Well, I have time," she declared. Elena mustered a weak smile. "Maybe tomorrow," making her way toward the inviting comfort of her bed, Elena laid down, her body surrendering to the exhaustion that consumed her. "Okay, scar girl," Poison conceded, her voice filled with gentle amusement. "It's Elena," Elena mumbled, her words fading as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.

The dawn broke over Ever After High, painting the sky with hues of golden anticipation as the students eagerly prepared for their first day of high school. Sunlight crept into Elena's dorm room, gently caressing her face with its warm rays, acting as an unwelcome alarm clock.

"You up, sleeping beauty," Poison teased, emerging from the bathroom with a brush in hand, her hair cascading behind her like a flowing waterfall. Elena groaned, rolling over to the other side of her bed in an attempt to shield herself from the intruding sunlight. "Why is the sun up so early?" she mumbled, still drowsy from sleep.

"Because it's morning," Poison replied matter-of-factly, her voice tinged with amusement. "And don't you have to meet up with Zac today to sort out your name and subject change?" Elena's surprise was evident; how did Poison possess such specific knowledge? "How do you know I'm supposed to meet Zac today?" Elena inquired, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Did you use...?" Before she could finish her question, Poison interrupted her with a wave of her hand.

"Don't worry, I didn't use magic," she reassured. "You talk a lot in your sleep, Elena. And I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of placing some pajamas on you. You looked rather uncomfortable sleeping with a gown." Elena blushed slightly, grateful for Poison's thoughtfulness. "Oh, thank you," she stammered, getting out of bed and stretching her limbs. Her mind quickly shifted to another matter. "By the way, did anyone come to drop off my belongings yesterday?" she asked, a note of concern in her voice. Poison shook her head, mirroring Elena's disappointment.

"Nope. My luggage hasn't arrived yet either," she replied, casually gliding around the room, brushing her hair with graceful strokes.

"How are we going to get dressed then?" Elena questioned, her voice laced with concern. Poison smirked and snapped her fingers, causing her nightgown into casual school attire. "Have you forgotten?" Poison teased, her voice filled with playful confidence. "You have magic." Said Elena. "Bingo" Poison replied tapping Elena's nose lightly, emphasizing her point. "See you after classes, Elena," Poison said, making her way toward the door and leaving the room.

"Wait, Poison!" Elena called out, rushing to catch up. But to her surprise, Poison had vanished by the time she reached the hallway.

Her fellow dorm mates raised an eyebrow at her disheveled appearance, still clad in her pajamas.

"What are you looking at?" she snapped, frustration creeping into her voice. Slamming the door shut, taking a deep breath to collect herself.

Elena felt a flush of embarrassment creep up her cheeks as she quickly shut the door behind her, shutting out their curious gazes.

"Okay, there must be something here to wear," Elena muttered to herself, fueled up to search. She began tearing the room apart, searching through every nook and cranny in hopes of finding suitable attire. After what seemed like an eternity, Elena gingerly opened the doors of her intricately carved wardrobe. The sight that unfurled before her was a sight to behold—an opulent sea of resplendent dresses and delicate glass shoes, each one shimmering with their own unique allure. It was as if a magical realm had materialized within her closet, teasing her with its ethereal charm.

Her frustration tinged with a tinge of resignation, Elena couldn't help but release a disgruntled sigh. "Why am I not surprised? More dresses and glass shoes," she grumbled, choosing one that caught her eye. She made her way to the bathroom, ready to prepare herself for the day ahead.

After getting dressed, Elena ventured out of the girls' dormitory, determined to find Zac. However, to her dismay, he was nowhere to be found. Anxiety began to well up within her as she searched every nook and cranny of the school, from the Castleteria to the study lounge, but her efforts proved futile. Time slipped away stealthily, its passing unnoticed, and its fleeting nature offering no reprieve. The school bell echoed through the halls, signaling the imminent start of classes.

Reluctant to attend classes that weren't meant for her, Elena begrudgingly made her way back to her dome room unwilling to attend the subjects assigned to her.

Just as she was about to reach her destination, a stern voice called out, halting her in her tracks. "You there, miss," the guard called out, his gaze bearing down on her with an unsettling familiarity, whether real or imagined. Elena turned to face him, her eyes meeting his intimidating stare. "Yes," she replied cautiously. "You called?"

The guard regarded her with an unsettling gaze, as if there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Where are you heading, miss?" he inquired, his tone laced with a subtle threat.

Elena took a moment to gather herself before answering, her tone composed. "I'm heading to class," she replied.

The guard raised an eyebrow, skepticism flickering across his face. "But the classrooms are in the opposite direction," he pointed out, a smile playing at his lips.

Elena forced a smile in return. "So they are," she conceded, turning in the direction he indicated.

"Allow me to accompany you," he offered. Elena hesitated for a moment, weighing her options. "That's quite sweet of you, but I must refuse," she replied, taking a step forward.

"I insist," the guard insisted, making his way forward as well. Realizing she had little choice in the matter, Elena acquiesced. "Fine," she sighed, continuing on her path with the guard by her side. As they walked, the guard seized the opportunity to engage in conversation.

"If I may ask," the guard began, breaking the silence between them, "what class are you heading to?"

Elena, feeling vexed by the situation, muttered under her breath, "Wouldn't you like to know?" The guard, catching only fragments of her words, asked for clarification. "What did you say?" he questioned. Elena's frustration mounting, she scanned the hallway until her gaze landed upon one of the classroom doors. Seizing the opportunity, she replied, "Good... Kingdom... Management," her uncertainty evident.

"Pardon?" the guard asked, struggling to comprehend her response. Elena, spotting the sign for the Good Kingdom Management class, mustered a strained smile. "Good Kingdom Management, that's the class I'm supposed to be in, right now" she clarified. "And what are the odds, here we are, the Good Kingdom Management classroom," she added, her tone laced with irony. "Thanks again for the help, but I have to go now," Elena concluded, promptly making her way inside the classroom, leaving the guard behind in the hallway.

Elena's entrance into the classroom caused a momentary distraction, drawing the attention of everyone present. The professor of the class, observing her late arrival, inquired, "Might I help you?" Elena, aware of the disruption she had caused, offered an apologetic smile. "Yes, I'm supposed to be here. Sorry about being a little late," she explained, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I had some trouble finding my way."

Understanding her predicament, the professor nodded and gestured for Elena to find a seat. Making her way to the top row of desks, Elena settled in. "Now, for some of you who weren't here earlier, I am Professor Arthur Hare," the professor introduced himself, erasing the previous content on the board. "But I may prefer it if you call me by my last name."

"Welcome all to Good Kingdom Management," Professor Hare continued, beginning his explanation. "What is Good Kingdom Management you asked, it's the principles of teaching effective leadership and fair governance to students, especially those who are destined to become the future rulers of their respective kingdoms." Elena's interest was piqued by the subject matter, finding resonance with the teachings she had received from her grandfather back home. Though she lacked a mirror pad to take notes like the other students, she found herself actively engaging with the professor and the topic at hand.

She wondered silently, could a subject seemingly tailored for princesses hold valuable life tools within its teachings? As she pondered this, her attention was momentarily diverted by a familiar urge, one that only women could understand. Attempting to brush it off, she tried to refocus on the class. However, the urgency grew undeniable, and with only minutes remaining in the class, Elena mustered the courage to address the professor.

"Um, excuse me, Professor Hare," she began, her voice slightly strained. "May I be excused? It's an emergency." Understanding the situation, Professor Hare responded without hesitation, "Of course." As if on cue, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and allowing students to depart. Elena swiftly gathered her belongings and made her way out.

Elena hurriedly dashed towards the restroom with determined strides, her urgency mirroring that of a cheetah on the hunt. Upon reaching her destination, she swiftly entered one of the stalls, closing the door behind her. Letting out a soft sigh of annoyance, she murmured to herself, "Come on," as she struggled to remove her dress, revealing the necessary freedom to attend to her bodily needs.

Seating herself on the toilet, Elena finally found the respite she sought, allowing her body to release with a sense of liberation.

"Ah, that feels good," Elena whispered softly to herself, still seated on the toilet. However, her peaceful moment was abruptly interrupted when the sound of someone barging into the restroom echoed through the walls. The voice, filled with despair and anguish, cried out, "What's the point? It's no use."

Intrigued and unable to resist her curiosity, Elena leaned forward, peering through the narrow gap of the stall door. What she witnessed within those brief moments was a sight that defied description, a scene that words alone couldn't capture. It shook her to the very core, leaving her breathless.

In that moment, as her mind raced to comprehend the unfathomable, a voice interrupted the scene, teasing the readers with the promise of further "I know you're wondering, who is this mystery girl?" Brooke's voice echoed. "And I know some of you have already figured it out, but if you haven't yet," Brooke paused, drawing out the suspense "well... I guess you'll just have to keep reading then. Because this ending is just the beginning."