
Ever After High’s Next Generation

Unlock the enchanted legacy of Ever After High's Next Generation. A captivating tale unfurls as the sons and daughters of our beloved alumni step into their newfound destinies. Will they follow in their grandparents' footsteps, living out the fairy tale life predetermined for them? Or will they break free from the shackles of fate, defying reality like their parents once did? As the Book of Legends returns, a curse looms over our new students, entwining their lives within the mystical school halls. Join them on a mesmerizing journey through magic, friendship, and a once upon a time like never before. The end of their parents' story was only the beginning, and now it's time for a chapter of their own creation.

Justice_Jalloh · Others
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4 Chs


The Enchanted Forest was a place of magic and wonder, with towering trees that seemed to touch the sky and quaint cottages that were straight out of a fairy tale. Briar Beauty, the mayor of Book End, was seated in the back seat of her limousine with her daughter, Aurora Beauty. They were discussing their upcoming visit to Ever After High, where Aurora would be attending school.

As they made their way through the forest, the limo suddenly came to a halt, causing Briar Beauty to drop her phone, interrupting her conversation with her campaign manager. She looked irritated as she demanded to know why they had stopped so suddenly.

The driver looked worried as he spoke up, "I'm sorry, Mayor Beauty. We seem to have a bit of a problem with the engine."

Aurora Beauty looked concerned as she asked, "Is everything okay, Mom?"

Briar Beauty reassured her daughter, "Don't worry, honey. We'll be fine. It's just a minor inconvenience."

Aurora Beauty's excitement couldn't be contained as she exclaimed, "I can't believe we're going to Ever After High, Mom! This is where you went to school, right?"

Briar Beauty felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her as she reminisced, "Yes, it is. And now it's your turn to attend. You're going to love it there."

Aurora Beauty was curious as she asked, "Do you think I'm going to make friends when I get there, Mom?"

Briar Beauty held her daughter's hand as she replied, "Of course, dear."

Aurora Beauty pressed further, "Really, who do you think I'm going to be friends with there, Mom?"

Briar Beauty thoughtfully replied, "Definitely Apple White and Darling Charming's daughter, Fairest White. Her mothers are members of the city council, and we need their support for the upcoming election."

Aurora Beauty was reluctant as she remembered, "But I don't want to be friends with Fairest. She gave me a tiny scar on my back when we were younger, remember?"

Briar Beauty empathized with her daughter as she said, "I remember, honey. But that was a long time ago. She's probably changed since then. Besides, it's important to have friends in high places."

Aurora Beauty was skeptical, but before she could say anything more, the driver announced, "We have arrived at Ever After High."

Briar Beauty was excited as she exclaimed, "Here we are! Are you ready, honey?"

Aurora Beauty was determined as she replied, "I am. Let's do this."

As they stepped out of the limo, they were greeted by the sprawling campus of Ever After High. It was bustling with fairies flying by, students chatting, laughing, and studying.

Briar Beauty was proud as she said, "This is where all the famous fairy tale characters come to study. It's going to be an amazing experience for you."

Aurora Beauty couldn't help but feel nervous about what the future held. What if she didn't fit in? What if she didn't make any friends? These thoughts were racing through her mind as they walked towards the entrance.

As they entered the school, Aurora was taken aback by the sheer beauty of the place. The walls were lined with exquisite artwork . Everywhere she looked, there were students who looked like they had stepped out of a fairytale.

Briar Beauty could see that her daughter was nervous, and she put a comforting arm around her. "Don't worry, Aurora. You'll do just fine," she said.

Briar Beauty stepped onto the vibrant school grounds, her heart brimming with excitement as she prepared to drop off her daughter, Aurora. The weather couldn't have been more perfect The warm sun shone brilliantly in the clear sky, casting a golden glow over the scene. The air carried a gentle breeze, dancing through her long, flowing hair as she gracefully made her way through the crowd of students and parents.

Among the sea of crowds, a familiar face caught her attention. It was her old classmate, Raven Queen.

She couldn't contain her delight and called out, "Raven! Raven!" Her voice caught Raven's attention, and she turned around, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Briar. "Briar? Is that really you?" Raven exclaimed, unable to believe her eyes. "Or should I say Mayor Beauty?"

Briar chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, please, stop. It's just the same old me," she replied, her happiness evident. It was wonderful to see a familiar face after all these years. Suddenly, Aurora, Briar's daughter, chimed in with disbelief in her voice, "Wait... you know Raven Queen, the famous rockstar?" Aurora's astonishment was palpable.

Briar nodded with a smile"Yes, we used to attend Ever After High together," she confirmed. Turning to Raven, she asked, "Raven, do you remember my daughter?" Raven's eyes sparkled with recognition. "Of course! But the last time I saw her in person, she was just five. How have you been, Aurora?" Raven inquired warmly.

Aurora, still in a state of shock, stammered, "I'm... I'm fine, thank you." She couldn't believe she was standing before one of her biggest idols. Sensing Aurora's overwhelmed state, Briar reassured her, "It's okay, honey. Raven is just a person like anyone else." Aurora took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

Then, Briar asked Raven, "Have you seen Apple?" Raven shook her head. "No, I thought you guys came together," she replied. Just as Raven finished speaking, Apple and Darling approached the group. Apple's presence was announced with her confident proclamation, "You can call off the search party because I'm here!" her voice filled with joy.

Briar's face lit up, and she rushed forward to embrace her friend. "Apple White!" Raven exclaimed with nostalgia in her voice. Aurora smiled warmly, observing her mother heartfelt reunion. Apple, curious as ever, wasted no time in asking, "Raven, how have you been, you sweet thing? And where's Dexter?"

Raven's expression turned slightly somber. "He couldn't make it. He had some unfinished work at the studio," she explained. Briar turned her attention to Apple and Darling, saying, "Oh, by the way, I heard you guys adopted a child." Apple beamed proudly and nodded. "Yes, we did. No big deal. We wanted our daughter to have a sibling to attend Ever After High with," Darling chimed in.

Apple called out to her children, Fairest White and Allen Charming, who were approaching. "Where are they?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.Fairest White and Ali Charming appeared before them, their eyes bright with anticipation. "Yes, moms?" they chimed in unison, their voices filled with love and respect.

Apple beamed at her children, pride evident in her expression. "Oh here they are! You remember your aunts, right?" Apple asked her children. Fairest White and Allen Charming greeted Briar and Raven politely, displaying good manners. Briar couldn't help but comment, "My, aren't they well-brought-up? Nice to meet you too."

As the conversation flowed, two figures approached the group. It was Raven's children. Fairest White couldn't contain her excitement and immediately asked, "Aunt Raven, where's Griffin?" "Did someone call my name?" Griffin responded with a playful smirk. "Yes, someone did. Where were you two?" Raven asked, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

Meanwhile, Poison, the mischievous and free-spirited twin sister of Griffin, couldn't resist adding her own touch of sarcasm. "Relax, Mom. We were just making new friends," Poison retorted, her voice filled with mischief. Her words hung in the air, intermingling with the chaotic scene unfolding behind them—the aftermath of an unexpected explosion. As Raven's eyes scanned the disarray, a mixture of amusement and exasperation flickered across her face.

Raven rolled her eyes, well aware of her daughter's penchant for trouble. "Don't tell me you caused that explosion, Poison," she said, her tone a mix of amusement and exasperation. She had long grown accustomed to her daughter's knack for finding trouble in the most unconventional of places.

Poison shrugged nonchalantly, her eyes sparkling with mischievous delight. "Oh, no, Mom," she replied, her voice dripping with feigned innocence. "I assure you, this time, I had nothing to do with the chaos that just ensued." Her words were accompanied by a subtle tilt of the head and a sly grin that betrayed her playful deception.

Letting out a sigh, a mixture of relief and mild exasperation, knowing all too well the lengths to which Poison's pranks could go. Raven swiftly composed herself, her magical powers at the ready. With a graceful wave of her hand, she summoned the ancient incantation that would quell the unruly flames and restore order to the disheveled scene.

Briar couldn't contain her laughter at the banter between Raven and Poison. "Oh, Raven, your kids always keep things interesting," she chuckled. Raven smirked, shaking her head. "You have no idea," she replied.

Briar's eyes widened with recognition as Raven introduced her children, Griffin Charming and Poison Queen. Memories of Poison's spirited nature and Griffin's charm flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Of course, with a daughter like Poison, who could ever forget?" Briar replied, a warm smile spreading across her face. Turning to her own daughter, she said, "You remember Griffin, right?"

Aurora blushed and nodded shyly. "Hey, Griffin," she greeted him, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Griffin returned her greeting with a friendly smile. "Hey, Aurora," he replied, his eyes twinkling with familiarity and warmth.

Just as their conversation was beginning to deepen, Fairest White, with her enchanting presence, rushed over to Griffin, her hand gracefully reaching for his. Aurora's heart sank for a moment, a wave of confusion washing over her. "Aurora, hi! How have you been?" Fairest asked, her voice brimming with sweetness and curiosity.

Aurora, still caught off guard by the sudden display of affection between Fairest and Griffin, managed to compose herself and replied, "I'm... I'm doing well, thank you." Her voice held a hint of longing, betraying the mixture of emotions swirling within her.

Just as the atmosphere was growing more intense, a magical herb floated gracefully from the sky, emanating a soft glow. Its presence commanded the attention of all the students and parents gathered on the school grounds. Whispers of anticipation filled the air as the herb's enchanting aura captivated everyone's senses.

Anticipation and excitement filled the air, weaving an electric atmosphere as the crowd made their way towards the grand hall room. Conversations buzzed with a mix of curiosity and enthusiasm, each person eager to discover what lay ahead.

Briar, Raven, Apple, Darling, their children, and the rest of the crowd followed the enchanting herb's gentle guidance, leading them to seats that bore their names. Warm smiles were exchanged among the group as they settled into their designated spots. As they took their seats, fairies gracefully descended from above, distributing papers to the parents and sleek mirror phones to the students, each device emanating an otherworldly glow.

Just as the excitement reached its peak, a familiar voice resonated throughout the hall, captivating everyone's attention. With a burst of light, Farrah Goodfairy, one of Ever After High's esteemed alumni, appeared on the stage. As she spoke, her voice carried a regal yet soothing quality, as if she held the power to whisk them all away to a world of magic and wonder.

"Welcome, students, parents, and esteemed guests, to the enchanting school of Ever After High," Farrah began, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. However, her entrance wasn't without a touch of clumsiness as she stumbled, momentarily forgetting her graceful demeanor. Apple couldn't help but chuckle at the familiar display, a reminder of their own school days.

"Farrah, you haven't changed a bit," Apple teased, her laughter ringing out.

Raven nudged her gently, a playful reprimand in her eyes. "Apple, that was rather rude," she whispered, unable to hide a smile herself.

With grace, Farrah composed herself and offered a sincere apology. "I must apologize for my clumsiness. Now, where was I?" she mused before continuing with renewed confidence. "Ah, yes. Your journey at Ever After High will be a grand, magical experience, perhaps the most overwhelming of your lives. But fear not, for you are not alone."

As her words floated through the room, each student noticed that they had been bestowed with a Mirror Phone 14—a gift from the beloved Queen Snow White herself, a symbol of welcome and connection. Farrah's eyes sparkled as she addressed the crowd once more, her warmth enveloping the room. "Now, let us continue our journey of destiny and friendship."

But before Farrah could finish, the enigmatic Headmaster Milton Grimm stepped forward, refusing to let go of the spotlight. The room fell silent, curious gazes fixated on him. "Thank you, Miss Goodfairy, for that beautiful introduction," Milton Grimm said, his voice commanding attention. "But now, let us delve into the real issues at hand."

"Recently, our beloved fairytale kingdom has faced an inexplicable disappearance," he proclaimed, his eyes scanning the room, ensuring he had their undivided attention. "Sidekicks, the companions who have faithfully accompanied our heroes and heroines throughout the ages, have vanished without a trace. Fairies, trolls, and even mighty giants have vanished from our realm, leaving us with a void we cannot ignore."

"Imagine a world where fairies no longer flutter in the meadows, their delicate wings absent from our skies," Milton Grimm began, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Where trolls retreat to the shadows, leaving behind an eerie silence in their wake. Giants, once towering and formidable, vanish without a trace."

His words cast a spell over the audience, evoking a sense of wonder and unease. The room held its breath, captivated by his storytelling prowess. Milton Grimm's eyes swept across the room, making a connection with each individual. His gaze held a challenge, as if daring them to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"I have spent countless nights delving into the heart of this enigma," he continued, his voice growing more resolute. "And I have come to a disturbing realization. It is the consequence of a delicate balance disrupted, the fabric of predetermined destinies unraveled by the actions of our former student."

As he continued to outline his theories, a voice unexpectedly rang out from the back of the room, interrupting Milton's speech. All eyes turned to Poison, who wore a mischievous smirk on her face, as if she relished the opportunity to challenge the esteemed Headmaster. The room held its breath, captivated by her audacity.

"Didn't my mom, Raven Queen, already break the chains of following predetermined destinies?" Poison's voice danced with intrigue, her words laced with a sense of rebellion. It was a daring question that echoed through the air, stirring the curiosity of everyone present.

Milton Grimm paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he considered Poison's question. The room was consumed by an expectant silence, waiting for the Headmaster's response. His expression softened, revealing a hint of admiration for Poison's sharp insight.

"You raise a valid point, young Miss Queen," Milton Grimm acknowledged, his voice carrying a mix of respect and contemplation. "Your mother did indeed challenge the established order by destroying the book of legends. But there is more to the tale than meets the eye."

As Milton's mind raced to find an explanation, he realized he couldn't reveal everything, fearing it would create panic among the students and parents. With a quick decision, he shifted the topic, diverting attention away from the question raised by Poison Queen.

The room buzzed with anticipation as Milton paused for dramatic effect. "Ladies and gentlemen, parents, and students, please give a hand of applause as I present to you our new headmaster—or should I say, headmistress—Miss Goodfairy!" Milton Grimm announced, casting a spotlight on Farrah once more.

Farrah stood there, stunned, her eyes widening in surprise. She hadn't expected to be thrust into such a position of authority. Yet, as she gathered her composure, a sense of honor and determination filled her heart. She stepped forward, radiating confidence.

"Thank you, Headmaster Grimm, for your faith in me," Farrah began, her voice resonating with a newfound strength. "Today, we embark on a journey of discovery, friendship, and destiny. Brace yourselves, for the most extraordinary year awaits!"

The crowd erupted in applause, their excitement reaching a crescendo. The energy in the room was palpable, as if the very walls of Ever After High were alive with magic. Students and parents exchanged excited glances, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Just as the applause began to die down, a magical announcement echoed through the hall, capturing everyone's attention. "Attention, all parents! You are now invited to escort your children to their assigned dorm rooms," a melodic voice announced. "Students, your dorm numbers have been assigned and can be found on your Mirror Phones. Please follow the path of twinkling lights to reach your dormitory halls."

A sea of eager faces turned towards their parents, anticipation and bittersweet emotions filling the air. Hugs were exchanged, words of encouragement whispered, and promises of love and support made.

Briar's heart swelled with pride as she pulled Aurora into a tight embrace, her arms wrapping around her daughter's slender frame. The bond between them was strong, a connection forged through love and shared experiences.

"Remember, my dear, embrace your own destiny and make it extraordinary," Briar whispered, her voice carrying a mother's warmth and wisdom. Her words were meant to inspire and encourage, to remind Aurora of her own strength and potential.

Just as Briar reveled in the precious moment with her daughter, her phone rang, interrupting their embrace. She reluctantly pulled away and reached for her phone, answering the call from her campaign manager, Jeff.

"Hello, Mayor Beauty speaking," Briar greeted, her voice composed but tinged with a hint of distraction. She listened intently to the voice on the other end, a mix of determination and responsibility etched across her face.

Aurora's disappointment was palpable, her eyes filled with a glimmer of sadness. She had hoped for a day with her mother, a day of laughter and shared adventures. But it seemed that duty called, pulling Briar away once again.

"Just go, Mom. I'll be fine," Aurora said, her voice laced with disappointment, yet still trying to be understanding. She mustered a small smile, attempting to hide the longing in her eyes.

Briar's heart ached at the sight of her daughter's crestfallen expression. She knew that her role as mayor demanded sacrifices, but it pained her to see Aurora's disappointment. She reached out, gently cupping Aurora's cheek with her hand.

"Don't be like that, honey," Briar urged, her voice filled with reassurance. "I promise to call you as soon as I get the chance."

Aurora's disappointment began to soften as her mother's words sank in. She nodded, understanding the responsibilities her mother carried and the importance of her work.

"Oh, by the way," Briar whispered, leaning closer to Aurora's ear. "Don't forget what we talked about in the limo." Her voice held a hint of secrecy

As Briar pulled away, she placed a tender kiss on Aurora's forehead, a gesture of love and affection. She lingered for a moment, her gaze filled with both determination and motherly adoration.

Raven, always the playful mom, gently nudged Griffin with a mischievous smile. "No slacking off, Griffin. Show them what Charming blood is made of," she playfully teased, her eyes shining with a mix of love and pride. However, her expression quickly shifted to one of concern as she realized someone was missing. "Wait, where's your sister?" she asked, scanning the surroundings in search of her absent daughter.

Griffin glanced around, his brows furrowing in slight worry. "Maybe she's gone ahead," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of responsibility and protectiveness. "Watch over her for me, Griffin. Please keep her out of trouble," Raven pleaded, her tone laced with a hint of worry.

A determined look crossed Griffin's face as he nodded in assurance. "That's going to be tough, Mom, but I'll try my best," he replied, his voice brimming with determination. "I know you will. It's your twin I'm worried about," Raven admitted, her voice filled with a mix of affection and concern. "The last thing I need is a call during my world tour."

Griffin's eyes softened as he understood the weight of his mother's words. He reached out and gently squeezed Raven's hand. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll keep an eye on her. We'll make sure nothing gets in the way of your success," he reassured her, his voice filled with a heartfelt sincerity.

Raven's worry began to subside as she looked into Griffin's eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her son's love and understanding. "Thank you, Griffin," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't ask for a better son."

Griffin smiled warmly, a genuine affection shining through his eyes. "You're welcome, Mom. I'll always be here for you, and for Poison. We're a team, remember?" he said, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty.

Apple and Darling stood side by side, their smiles radiating warmth and love. The sun bathed them in its golden glow as they prepared to say goodbye to their children, Allen and Fairest. A bittersweet mix of pride and longing filled their hearts.

"You've both been blessed with the power of choice," Darling said, her voice a gentle yet unwavering whisper. "Never forget the importance of forging your own path, my dears."

Allen, their adopted child of the same age as Fairest, looked up at their parents with a soft smile. "Of course, Mom," they replied, their voice filled with a quiet confidence. "I'm quite content with the destiny I already have. You don't have to worry about me. My path is clear, and I'll make the most of it."

Fairest, boasting the privilege of her royal lineage as the future queen, interjected with a proud tone, "After all, I am going to be the future queen, just like Grandma Snow White." With a sense of entitlement, she turned to leave, eager to find her dorm room and establish her place in the world.

"Allen, would you be a dear and carry my bag for me"Said Fairest. Allen, ever the sweet and caring sibling offered a gentle nod. "Of course, Fairest. I'll bring your bags for you," he said, displaying Fairest dominance.

As the parents bid their children farewell, the students felt a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within them. They followed the path illuminated by twinkling lights, their Mirror Phones guiding the way. Each step taken, they could sense the weight of responsibility and the thrill of endless possibilities.

Entering the dormitory halls, they were greeted by enchanting surroundings, each room reflecting the unique personality and destiny of its occupant. Excited chatter filled the corridors as students discovered their roommates, forging bonds that would last a lifetime.

Amidst the laughter and joyful chaos Amidst the laughter and joyful chaos that filled the School of Ever After, Aurora finally arrived at her dorm room, a mixture of nerves and excitement bubbling within her. She took a deep breath, her hand trembling slightly as she reached for the doorknob. With a gentle push, she entered the room, only to find it empty, devoid of any signs of her future roommate.

Her side of the room was adorned with delicate roses, their petals whispering tales of her Sleeping Beauty heritage. Intertwined with the beauty of the flowers were thorns, a reminder of the challenges she had overcome and the strength she possessed. On the other side, a mirror stood proudly, reflecting the room's enchanting aura, while a bed adorned with apple-themed decorations stood as a silent curiosity.

Just as Aurora began to wonder about her mysterious roommate, her attention was diverted by the melodious ring of her mirror phone. She quickly answered the call, and her father's warm voice filled the air. "Hey, Dad," Aurora greeted with a smile.

"Hey, seedling. How's everything going? Have you arrived at the school yet?" her father inquired, his concern evident in his tone.

"Yes, Dad, we've been here for a few hours now," Aurora replied, her excitement mingled with a tinge of homesickness.

Her father's voice softened with regret. "Oh, my bad. I'm sorry I couldn't make it, seedling," he expressed, his disappointment palpable.

"It's okay, Dad. I understand. At least Mom was able to make time for me in her busy schedule," Aurora reassured him, her love for both her parents shining through her words.

Her father's voice carried a mixture of pride and longing. "I know it's been tough for you since the divorce, but I'm so proud to see the strong and independent woman you're becoming," he said warmly, his words providing a comforting embrace.

"By the way, Seedling, did your mom happen to mention me at all?" her dad asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

As Aurora was about to address the issue, her attention was abruptly captured by the sight of Griffin, struggling to find his own dorm room. A mischievous smile curved her lips, and she interrupted her father. "Dad, you know what? I'll call you back," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

"Honey, honey, honey, what's going on?" her father inquired, concern lacing his words, but Aurora ended the call, leaving her father with unanswered questions.

On her way out of the room, she crossed paths with Fairest, who stood at the door, a mischievous grin lighting up her face. "This way, Allen," Fairest beckoned, turning to face Aurora. Confusion flickered across Fairest's features as she noticed Aurora's presence. "What are you doing here?" Fairest asked, her voice filled with surprise.

Aurora couldn't help but respond with a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, you know, we're roommates. Surprise," she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Fairest's disbelief was evident as she vehemently shook her head. "No, no, no, no, no. That can't be right. I distinctly remember telling my mom that I wanted to room with Poison Queen," she protested, her voice tinged with frustration. "Isn't she like dangerous? You know what, I don't even want to know what's going on inside your head. If you don't mind getting out of the way, I'll be getting out of your hair," Aurora said, attempting to scoot past Fairest and nearly tripping over Allen carrying her suitcase in the process.

Aurora, however, was too engrossed in her thoughts of catching up with Griffin to pay much attention to Fairest's words. Ignoring the warning about the precious contents of the suitcase, Aurora hurriedly left the room, a sense of urgency propelling her forward.

Aurora's footsteps echoed through the quiet corridors of the school as she made her way towards Griffin. Her heart danced with anticipation, every fiber of her being yearning to be in his presence. Spotting him in the distance, her pace quickened, a radiant smile playing on her lips. "Griffin!" she called out, her voice filled with a delightful mixture of excitement and relief.

Griffin turned toward Aurora, his eyes instantly lighting up as he caught sight of her. "Aurora!" he exclaimed, a rush of joy and surprise evident in his voice. Their eyes locked in a moment of unspoken connection, the world around them fading into insignificance.

Meanwhile, Fairest, who happened to be arranging her side of the room, glanced out of the window and spotted the two of them together. She felt a twinge of jealousy ripple through her, rendering her speechless for a moment.

Breaking away from their enchanting gaze, Aurora spoke, concern lacing her words. "Griffin, I noticed you've been going up and down the school. Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine care.

Griffin sighed, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone. "Actually, no. I've been trying to find my sister and my dorm room, but my phone is acting up," he confessed, his brows furrowing in worry.

Aurora's eyes brightened as an idea struck her. "Your sister, Poison, right? I think I saw her at the girls dorm when I was... uh, running to get some flowers," she said, pausing momentarily to hide her true reason for running. "Maybe I can help you with your dorm room dilemma."

Relief washed over Griffin's face as he realized the mystery was finally solved. "Well, that's one mystery solved," he said, giving a sigh of relief. "Now, if only I can find a way to fix this damn phone..."

Aurora extended her hand, her eyes filled with determination. "May I take a look?" she asked, her voice gentle yet confident.

Griffin hesitated for a moment, then finally relented. "Okay, but I'm not sure if it'll work for you," he replied, handing her the malfunctioning phone.

Aurora studied the device, her fingers delicately maneuvering through the intricate mechanisms. "Ah, here's the problem. You haven't placed your spell bind yet," she declared, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

Confusion flickered across Griffin's face. "Spell bind? What's that?" he asked, curiosity tinged with amusement.

Aurora's smile widened as she took hold of his hand, placing one of his fingers atop the phone. "You'll find out soon enough. Just trust me," she assured him, her voice laced with a hint of excitement.

Griffin watched in awe as Aurora's touch worked its magic. The phone sprung to life, its screen illuminating with a newfound vitality. "Wow, are you some kind of tech princess?" he marveled, a playful tone in his voice.

Aurora blushed, the warmth spreading across her cheeks. "Thanks," she murmured, appreciating his compliment.

The conversation flowed effortlessly between them as they walked side by side, heading towards the boys' dorm. Aurora couldn't help but ask, her voice filled with curiosity, "So, are you and Fairest... like a thing?"

Griffin chuckled, a hint of distance in his tone. "Yeah, I'm the distant prince from her story," he admitted, a touch of melancholy hidden beneath his words.

Aurora's voice brimmed with determination as she responded, "Oh, come on. we've surpassed all that following your destiny nonsense. Isn't Ever After about choosing your own path now?" Her words carried a sense of conviction and a desire for a world free from predetermined tales.

Griffin's laughter echoed through the corridor, his eyes meeting Aurora's with admiration. "Maybe you're right, Aurora," he said, his voice filled with a newfound sense of hope.

As they reached the imposing gate of the boys' dormitory, their steps slowed, neither of them wanting to say goodbye just yet. "Well, we're here," Aurora announced, a hint of reluctance in her voice.

Griffin turned to face her, his gaze filled with a mix of gratitude and longing. "Yes, we are. But I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around... all around," he said, a playful glimmer in his eyes, slightly embarrassed by his choice of words.

Aurora's cheeks flushed a rosy hue, mirroring the blush of the setting sun. She returned his smile, her heart soaring. "I wouldn't mind that," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

With a gentle wave, they bid each other farewell, the air crackling with the promise of newfound connection and a shared journey ahead. As Aurora turned to leave, a sense of destiny intertwined with their every step, unaware of the captivating adventures and heartfelt moments awaiting them.

Meanwhile, inside the girls' dormitory, Fairest sat patiently, her anticipation growing as she awaited Aurora's arrival. Aurora, hoping to avoid any confrontation, cautiously opened the door, attempting to sneak in unnoticed.

However, Fairest's sharp eyes caught sight of Aurora's entrance, and she wasted no time in questioning her. "Where have you been?" Fairest asked, her tone filled with a mix of concern and accusation.

Aurora, her guard up, retorted, "I don't think I owe you an explanation of my whereabouts."

Fairest's gaze hardened as she confronted Aurora. "I saw you with him," she said, her voice laced with a hint of possessiveness.

Aurora raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "With who, exactly?" she inquired, challenging Fairest to reveal her true intentions.

"Stop playing dumb, Aurora," Fairest snapped back. "I saw you with Griffin."

Aurora's expression softened, and a small smile played on her lips. "Oh, that," she replied casually. "I was just helping him find his dormitory. Nothing more."

Fairest's eyes narrowed, her voice filled with a warning. "Stay away from him," she said, her possessive nature becoming evident.

Aurora's gaze met Fairest's, a touch of defiance in her voice. "And why should I listen to you?" she questioned, determined not to be controlled by Fairest's demands.

Fairest's tone turned icy as she revealed her claim. "He's my predetermined prince and my boyfriend," she stated with a mix of pride and possessiveness.

Aurora's response was filled with sincerity. "Don't worry, Fairest. I have no intention of stealing your predetermined, prince," she reassured, her words holding a hint of amusement.

Fairest's eyes narrowed into slits, her gaze piercing and her voice dripping with a warning that sent shivers down the spine. "I hope, Aurora, that you're telling the truth," she emphasized, her words laced with an underlying menace. "For your sake. I'm not one to be trifled with. You should remember that very well, especially from our past encounters. When I desire something, I am relentless in obtaining it. And I care little for the collateral damage left in my wake."

As Fairest's dominance radiated through her presence, Aurora couldn't help but chuckle, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes. Her voice resonated with unwavering confidence, determined not to be swayed by Fairest's threats. "Oh, Fairest, how sweet of you to ask about my scar," she replied, her tone holding a hint of playful sarcasm. "It healed just fine, thank you for your concern."

Aurora's words hung in the air, her unyielding spirit shining through. She continued, her voice steady and resolute. "But I want you to understand, Fairest, that I am not afraid of you. Nor will I ever be. Your attempts to intimidate me will fall on deaf ears. I stand tall, undeterred by your dominance, and I will never bow down to your wicked ways."

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the dormitory walls, announcing the impending lights-out time. "Pixie lights will be turned off in 30 minutes," it proclaimed, signaling the end of their tense conversation.

Aurora, glancing at Fairest, finally relented. "I suggest you go to bed Good night ," she said curtly, a hint of tension still present.

Before leaving, Fairest couldn't resist a parting remark, her voice filled with a sinister edge. "Remember this, Aurora. You might not be afraid of me today, sweet Sleeping Beauty, but believe me, you will be tomorrow," she laughed, reveling in the building tension.

With that, Fairest moved to her side of the room, leaving Aurora alone to contemplate the challenges that lay ahead.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over Aurora's room. She reached out to turn off her special alarm clock, only to realize it had already been switched off. With a start, she glanced at the time and realized she had only twenty minutes left before her classes began. It seemed someone had played a trick on her, but she brushed off the thought of Fairest's involvement. Determined not to let it ruin her day, she hurriedly got ready and dashed out the door, bracing herself for the storm of curious glances that awaited her.

As she made her way through the bustling hallways, Aurora noticed people whispering and casting curious glances in her direction. Ignoring the stares, she pressed on, determined to face the day head-on.

Class after class, Aurora could feel the tension in the air, the weight of people's gazes bearing down on her. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of her Princessology and Kingdom Management class. As she navigated the crowded hallway, she mustered the courage to confront one of the students, determined to find out the cause of the laughter and whispers that seemed to revolve around her.

But as she passed through the crowd, the whispers grew louder, laughter floating through the air like an unwelcome melody. Fueled by a mix of confusion and frustration, Aurora mustered the courage to confront one of the students who seemed to be at the center of the commotion. Holding up their mirror phone, they showed her a picture that had been circulating—a picture of her and Fairest's brother, Allen, seemingly lying in the same bed.

Fairest, accompanied by Griffin and Allen, saw Aurora and greeted her with a casual tone, unaware of the turmoil inside Aurora's heart. "Hey, roomie! How was your night? Did you sleep okay?"

Aurora, her voice trembling, showed Fairest the picture. "What is this?" she demanded, her eyes searching for answers.

Fairest feigned innocence, attempting to deflect Aurora's accusation. "What is what?" she replied, her voice dripping with feigned ignorance.

Aurora's frustration grew. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! A picture of me and your brother, in the same bed!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anger and hurt.

"I had no idea, Aurora. You guys weren't even out yet," Fairest replied, attempting to deflect the blame.

Aurora's eyes filled with disbelief. "We weren't even together!" she declared, her voice trembling.

Allen stepped forward, trying to diffuse the tension. "Hey, babe. Last night was epic," he chimed in, causing Aurora's anger to flare even brighter.

"Tell everyone here and now that nothing happened between us," Aurora demanded, her voice filled with desperation.

But Allen, his arms still around her, spoke with a calm resolve. "Come on, we can't hide it anymore. The secret is finally out," he said, his words ringing with finality.

Aurora forcefully pushed Ali's hands away. Filled with anxiety and overwhelmed by the situation, she couldn't hold back her tears any longer. As laughter echoed around her, and people began snapping pictures, Aurora felt utterly lost. She glanced around, searching for support, and her eyes met Griffin's. Without a second thought, he rushed to her side, guiding her to the girls' bathroom where she could finally release her pent-up emotions.

As Aurora crumpled to the floor, tears streaming down her face, she wondered if her dreams were crumbling before her eyes. The first day of her first year at Ever After High had taken an unexpected turn, leaving her feeling broken and alone. Was there still hope for her? She questioned everything.

As if to offer a glimmer of hope, a voice broke through the silence. "Well, Aurora certainly has a lot cut out for her, doesn't she? In just the first day of her first year at Ever After High, are her dreams crumbling, or is there still hope?" Brooke's voice filled the air, leaving the readers with a sense of anticipation. "I bet you didn't think I was ever around, did you?" she chuckled. "Well, if our readers want to know what happens next, you'll just have to continue reading because this ending is just the beginning."