
Etherial Adventurer [Adventure LitRPG]

Humanity as a civilization and species has come very far compared to the time they only inhabited a single planet. The reason? Humanity has long since been completely integrated into the Intergalactic Society (IGS), hundreds of thousands of years ago to not be exact. Over this long stretch of time, technology and society continued to develop, with its ups and downs, until in the cycle 745 of the IGS Universe Calendar, where the Universe finally reached the necessary ether density to awaken a bringer of extraordinary changes, the Ether Law. Amidst the gargantuan IGS spanning tens of galaxies, Rune is only a good-standing galactic citizen living a peaceful life on a rural planet with his family. And when the previously unimaginable changes start to happen, his heart tells him it was something he had waited for, for a long time. *** My first serious attempt at being a webnovel writer. It ended up being relatively successful Ultimately though, objectively, I was too ambitious and didn't have enough experience to start with this story. If you want to read because you really ran out of other novels, you better brace yourself for dozens of chapters where I struggle before it becomes more exciting. *** Chapters: Around 3 000 words each. Update: It's dropped duh~ Of course the title isn't miswritten~ It's Etherial, not Ethereal. A serial killer, not a sereal killer. It's controversial, not controverseal. Quintessential, not quintessenteal.

AgalaxySama · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
171 Chs

Intented Rune

And the first thing that came to his mind.

'Ether colors…'

The second thing was something he only linked to intent the previous night, it was a very touchy subject.


He didn't even consider acting to be a hobby, it was more intrinsic, it was part of what made him, him, and with it came the rest, including his social awkwardness and search for loneliness and entertainment, because he wanted to be alone, or with only familiar people, not on a stage.

'If I really want to try, then I need to start somewhere, with something I always do, it should not be training, I want it to be enjoyable.'

So he looked at something he never really gave much thought to.

His appearance and fashion.

Brown hair tied in a low ponytail, to easily not need a haircut even after months of travel, clear blue eyes, white-pink-beige-ish skin, or normal white human skin, blue fabric pants, normal white and blue underpants, white shirt, black socks, and a pair of shoes nearly permanently protected by a layer of energy.

Starting from this point, he realized he had all the tools he needed and wanted, body-shaped energy form, from his reinforcement training, detailed energy manipulation as well as massive overwhelming energy explosion, with his fireworks training…

'If I wanted, I could change my skin color, add as many details as I want to anything, and create my own energy clothes… It's a new era, after all, maybe it's time to try new things?'

Testing everything externally first was a must, so he shaped all sorts of clothes, from flower-patterned buttoned shirts to black leather pants, and diversified as he tried things out.

Taking off his socks and shoes, he put them in his personal pocket dimension.

'Maybe the savage style?'

With a simple layer of energy protecting it, he touched the ground completely barefoot while standing.

And the more he thought about things, the more his imagination invoked fantasy outfits and derived a satanic pleasure out of imagining himself into them.

A cape, baggy pants, crown, pompous to the possible kingly outfit, then imagining various intent, even those he couldn't create yet or were nowhere near enough to the level required to have them influence people.

After noting all his ideas for future entertaining adventure breaks, he got back to the idea he wanted to represent the most.

'Intense minimalist, simple shirt, simple underpants, comfy though, and a… Short? What I always wore when I got back home after school… And then barefoot? Or with only socks?'

His appearance was simple, so simple that he got over it within half an hour.

He just had to look up a few fashion websites and make the cut similar and comfy at the same time, energy clothing was just so easy to shape, and they didn't need maintenance except for the minimal, nearly nonexistent, energy cost.

With the base shirt and shorts made, he could change their color anytime, but as they were the Alpha version of what he wanted, he named the all-white clothing set "Alpha Base Set".

'The next part…'

He looked downwards, the "small" park where everyone could practice violently and test Ether Law things.

To show how seriously he took this sudden new plan, he created a new note document, one he named "Intented Accessories", and started to note and vaguely depict different things he thought of.

Rune put particular attention to his eyes, they were what people would look at first if he engaged in active communication, so atypical eyes belonged to the strong first-encounter game-changers.

Eye patterns, parallel or different, heterochromia, sclera and iris, possible energy tattoos to accentuate everything, then branching to the next categories…

Flowing with the wind energy threads in his hair, an accessory he also added to his clothing accessory, changed and flowing skin color, energy aura cloud projecting various intent…

'From theory to practice, often the most unexpected part in… Everything I did until now? What the salamander, why is theory always so different from practice.'

Complaining a bit to himself and the world, he started his practical application tests.

With drawing circles in the air, very small circles.

The first step of intent-infused accessories creation, creating the base.

Opening another note document at the same time, a vast table full of hundreds of names appeared, it was the color table he created to remember himself of all the general, unique, and weird colors he created through his life.

As could be expected, the table was principally full of gibberish, fortunately, no complicated mathematical formulas, but lots of combinations that worked but Rune couldn't explain why, as well as lots of combinations that didn't work, but should.

The second step of intent-infused accessories creation, selecting a color with the future intent in mind.

Having easy access to 6 base elements greatly helped him in finding different intent he could easily boost with the converted energy.

Taking the easiest, Rune took the pure ether white color, with the bright intent of the light element as the objective, and for the rest.

It was why he was here.

Boosting an intent with his mind, like the time he boosted the bright dazzling aspect of the light element to disorient the pursuing peak tier 4 bird leading to escaping into the hole tunnel.

Once the first prototype of the "iris circle made of light" was complete, he started to produce intent.

With a lot more experience in this intent than the anti-life or the corrupted ones, he easily brought it to its maximum potential.

Now, just looking at this small white circle floating in front of him, he felt his mind "hurt" a little, like looking at an intense source of light, he even closed his eyes a little by reflex.

"It seems I'm as photosensitive spiritually than I am ocularly, that's bad news hehe," he funnily noted.

A smile appeared as he remembered his whole life passed not looking at any sources of intense light due to it hurting too much and being diagnosed with photophobia.

It really didn't impact him that much, and Rune even considered it to be one of the traits that he loved, it represented he was a true nerd, and being outside with too much sun hurt his eyes too much.

Intent could be comprehended by everything, it was universal, and fusing the same intent with the same phenomenon and same element, ended up producing something truly blinding.

And it was blinding as long as it was in one's perception sphere.

The intensity of intent was much more important than its quantity. Intents weren't something like energy that could be quantified or converted, it was just a degree of comprehension.

Expressing language with intent only needed someone to use an intent-infusion in what they were saying, and then everyone receptive would be able to understand.

The singers and instrumentalists took special builds to make sure their intent spread as far as possible with the most efficient energy cost ratio to operate everything transporting it.

Expressing concepts? Ideas? They could of course be put through language, but it was also possible, like the core concept of intented singing explained, to refine and transmit a lot more in a single intent than simple language could.

'Hu! Too bright, too bright! Let me change to something less painful,' turning the iris circle made of light off on this thought, he felt immediately better.

Or he would if it wasn't for the other people looking at him like he wronged them.

"Sorry everyone, I'll not use something painful like that in the future, very sorry!" He excused himself to all the people that had to put up with an intense spiritual light turned on suddenly.

'Let's try the pure intent, it should still work fabulously with pure ether white and the light element.'

With more difficulty, Rune refined the purity property of the light, making it shine whiter and whiter, it was a concept, after all, there wasn't only one answer, it depended on the person and what he thought purity was.

The iris circle made of light changed from simple light to pure light, it wasn't the blinding intent he already trained before, but he was satisfied with the result.

After he made one, he made a second one and wore them, they were energy so they could even fuse with his eyes, facilitating the process.

With his sphere, he could see himself better than he ever could with a mirror, so he focused his senses on himself.

With only his eyes part finished, he could only vaguely sense his purity intent emanating, only when he "looked" at his eyes and was welcomed by two circles of light did he really feel "purity" as he wanted it to be felt.

'Well, it seems that I need to train… No, not train. Become used to creating intents and accessories, yeah, that's better.'

Following his plan, he had to keep those intent accessories turned on all the time, refining and recreating the intent within while cycling the detailed energy.

'Now, for the aura cloud…'

*Ding* Energy: Specialized Mist Element reached Tier 1 Level 99

*Ding* Energy: Specialized Light Element reached Tier 2 Level 8

*Ding* Energy: Specialized Darkness Element reached Tier 1 Level 99

*Ding* Energy: Specialized Nebula Element reached Tier 1 Level 99

*Ding* Energy: Specialized Mystic Element reached Tier 1 Level 99

*Ding* Energy: Specialized Illusion Element reached Tier 1 Level 99

3 months of leisure urban lifestyle mixed with his habits of training for 12 hours his elements every day allowed him to start his elemental dissociation training 2 months in.

And while he expected it to be difficult, it wasn't as difficult as he imagined it to be, mostly because after he asked for some tips from Aleda, he correctly understood how to use the elemental analysis present in the IGS guide to start and delve into his unlimited supply of light elements.

He also saw first-hand what a tier 2 elemental specialization looked like, and how it differed from the minor stat infusions.

Energy: Specialized Light Element

Specialized Slotted Mastery (Tier 2)

Energy can be changed into anything, and you desire it to be light, you can now practically convert your energy into light elements.

You have reached the point where you can perfectly convert your energy into its light elements equivalent at a ratio of 1 energy for 1 light element energy.

An element taken to perfection can be taken further, but you're the only one who can discover more use to it, accept what this element represents and become one with it.

Current effects: Blinding, Pain

Discovering that what he thought of light perfectly translated in his personality effects had been as much of pain as it was a relief.

Other than discovering it really was personality-dependent, nothing really changed, he didn't have divine, godly, or hero effects and was perfectly happy with that.

Having reached 99 in the training cycle of his other 5 elements, Rune felt a bit proud, he was already a tier 4, so advancing his elemental masteries tier 2 should be that easy.

His energy training path also bore fruit, and he opened his masteries to check their advancement as he did every day to add to his note.


Tier 1 Masteries

Physical Fundamental: Reinforcement: Tier 4 Level 18

Physical Fundamental: Fighting Instinct: Tier 4 Level 8

Physical Fundamental: Body Control: Tier 4 Level 9

Energy Fundamental: Fine Manipulation: Tier 4 Level 14

Energy Fundamental: Grand Manipulation: Tier 4 Level 14

Energy Fundamental: Energy Compression: Tier 4 Level 8

Spiritual Fundamental: Perception Control: Tier 4 Level 2

Spiritual Fundamental: Awareness Division: Tier 4 Level 16

Spiritual Fundamental: Momentum Manipulation: Tier 4 Level 5

Tier 2 Masteries

Energy: Specialized Mist Element: Tier 1 Level 99

Energy: Specialized Light Element: Tier 2 Level 8

Energy: Specialized Darkness Element: Tier 1 Level 99

Tier 3 Masteries

Energy: Specialized Nebula Element: Tier 1 Level 99

Energy: Specialized Mystic Element: Tier 1 Level 99

Energy: Specialized Illusion Element: Tier 1 Level 99

Tier 4 Masteries




'3 months equal 10 levels in reinforcement, grand, and fine manipulation, and awareness division, the anomalous 1 level gain in perception control can be excluded. It seems that because I'm not using the light elements I invoke for something, the leveling speed drastically slowed down…'

Every month, he did such a report and self-diagnosed himself, often to arrive at nothing, of course, except for one area in which he was developing…


'Artificial color intent heroism found, needs the color-within process during its creation, resulting color is a magical pale gold color, Adreana is trying to learn it but she encountered difficulty as she just started, she also insulted me.'

'Iris cross pattern 5 corrupted intent has remained stable for 3 hours without any maintenance, I think I can confirm the theory that intent has no effects on energy accessories longevity unless the current intensity of blinding intent I can reach isn't strong enough to unveil this part of intent and energy interactions.'

In a grey short and a blue-white patterned shirt, Rune finished writing on his holographic energy keyboard, a new release he deemed essential enough to spend 800 000 EP on.

As he was in casual mode, or on-his-lonesome mode, the only intent accessory he wore was on his eyes, a circle around his iris, with a wide horizontal and a wide vertical trait crossing each other.

Only this much already massively impacted how others looked at him, from an average humanoid to a curiosity, and when people really looked at him and felt the intent behind it, it went from curiosity to shock.

With his 14 hours of training done, he could now focus on what he would do for the rest of the day.

And he decided to start with watching the latest release online.

Easing himself into a proper entertainment watcher mode, he never ceased to think about the fact that there was already more entertainment being uploaded in terms of time than he could watch, meaning he could infinitely watch quality stuff if he had the right guide website.

He had already found adequate people with the same taste as him, who advised all the right golden nuggets to occupy his free time on their website.

Lounging on the balcony, he was interrupted 2 hours later by a perception signal going at 2 kilometers per second.

And it really looked like someone he knew.

He also had only one person in mind that used momentum for his speed.

In only 3 seconds, the blue-haired young rululu arrived on the balcony, under the eyes of only one person.

To celebrate the return of the nominal leader of the Undecided, Rune made a table appear and put a barrel of infused juice on it. He also sent an energy ball full of intent through the window bay, prompting Adreana to appear a minute later.

"Why are you so flushed Utopia? Are you drunk perhaps? Sigh, drinking so young will cause big problems down the line… If you want to be treated I know some specialists, and what was that speed? 2 kilometers per second? Do you know the speed limit? Youth this day… I swear!" Ranting like an old man and joking with his instinct, Rune navigated against the smile he tried hard to keep from appearing.

"How am I not the first to come back! I only took some months for myself! Who else is there! Show yourself! Why are you already he-"

He stopped talking when he looked directly at Rune.

"What the freak are those things in your eyes?"

He looked extremely interested.

"What an interesting young rululu you are… Let me show you something I want to teach you…"

Erasing his current simple iris cross pattern that he was testing with the intent behind it, Rune engaged his full intent radiation mode.

Starting with his eyes, a circle surrounded the blue iris in his two eyes and a five-sided star drew itself in the middle. Once the form was right, the color changed to pale gold and emitted an intent he only recently found and trained.

The pale gold color acted like it was alive and colored his clothing, then it spread to an energy aura that he just created.

"Isn't something like that perfectly representative of something everyone is calling a golden era? This trick doesn't really work for me so I can't push the intent much further than that, unfortunately… And you don't want to try my blinding intent, too much pain for nothing,"

With a gaping open mouth, Utopia was lost for words, and Rune could swear that at that instant, he saw literal stars in the eyes that stared straight at him without blinking.

"I could change my skin color, and add tattoos or hair threads too, but my fashion plan is not really progressing well, I'm procrastinating it cause I already achieved what I wanted…"

"You look too shocked, so I'll only teach you tomorrow? Oh! Excuse me! I'm so sorry! I forgot you need to do a purge to start your momentum dancer path!"

Facepalming, Rune refined the heroic intent he was projecting as much as he could, keeping Utopia mute.

"Why are you so mean to our leader Rune!"

Adreana's voice came from the inside, where normal spiritual perception couldn't enter.

"If you see her, tell her I'm not here," continuing the joke to the end, Rune laid down even more and looked at the vast sky above.

The next instant, she appeared in the living room, and stepped over to the balcony the moment after, allowing her to look at the older version of the Utopia she had known before.

"Adreana! Rune isn't here right now, it's been more than 2 years since we last saw each other, right? How are you doing on this fine day marking my return?"

His charisma was at full power and with his growth to the mature age of his species, his traits had become more manly than before, though his size didn't really change that much.

Overall, he looked like a tall child with wild hair and defined muscles.

"As you'll soon realize, you're entering the frustration period of your life, and here you have two salted fish that are trying to find some enjoyment in their poor life of doing their best but with no results," apathetically, Adreana stated the truth.

Faced with two difficult-to-manage people who entered their salted-fish period, Utopia could only do his best.

"Ok, I'll soon join you then… But can't we do something to celebrate our meeting again? When is the next cultural event?"

Rune turned his head to look at Adreana, and she in turn nodded.

"Go buy your own personal pocket dimension, update your hardware, finish everything you need to, and tomorrow's night we'll bring you to an amazing place."

"And it's even according to our scheduled visit so it's perfect," Rune finished the sentence.

Once again, Utopia could feel something unsettling.

Was it a conspiracy?