
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

Origins 3

My body shot up gasping for air from my position laying down on something hard. When I opened my eyes, that was when all my senses assaulted me. Like the eighteen wheeler that killed me. Once that thought passed through my head I felt like something took control of my body and all of the sudden I felt this burn in my throat. I stood up and darted to the closest person to me and bit in to his carotid artery and drained him in seconds. It quenched the thirst somewhat but not enough. I looked up and noticed my mother and sister did the same thing as me.

Their sclera were completely black and they had fangs protruding from their mouths. I used my tongue and noticed that I also had fangs. This revelation didn't keep us distracted long. Because the moment we noticed that we were all still alive we darted like blurs around the room draining everyone in the room.

Once we were done with doing that we all just stared at each other in absolute silence then my sister started to cry. I immediately went to her side to comfort her as our mother did the same. We all let it sink in for a moment that we had just killed all these people. I kept a stoic face for my family as I gave them a shoulder to cry on while I was panicking on the inside trying to find out what had just happened.

"I think we should leave." I advised quietly as I started to help my sister and mother to their feet. We made our way out of the room and out of the what we now came to realize was an underground chamber. We kept walking and walking, it took us two days of walking to finally calm down enough to start speaking about what we know. We were all siting down about to discus the problem.

"So lets list the facts that we know of at the moment. We died in the car accident there is no doubt about it. We wake up in the middle of what seems to be some kind of ritual where we die again. Then we are brought back just to be killed again. And then we wake up a third time where we end up murdering and draining a group of people like vampires." I state in a no nonsense tone.

"But that's not possible magic isn't real, vampires aren't real." My little sister says in denial. I understand where she is coming from honestly. This is all to much. The only reason I'm this calm and collected is because I realize I have a bigger problem and that is taking care of my family. So I can't freak out.

"I'm gonna be honest with you sis. We don't have the time to be in denial. We gotta start figuring out what is going on and make a plan for the future." I tell her in the calmest and softest tone I can manage to produce to help calm her down from having a panic attack. That was the moment my mother decided to speak.

"If we want to figure out what happened then we'll have to go back in to that place and I am in no mood to go back to that go forsaken place." My mom says with hard eyes

"I realize that and I know that you guys don't want to go back. That is why all I am asking you is to stand outside and wait for me while I try to find anything that can help us." I tell them and they both snap their heads in my direction.

"YOU CANT BE SERIOUS. I AM NOT LETTING YOU ANYWHERE NEAR THAT PLACE." My mom all but yells. Me and my sister fall down holding our ears from the pain we felt. When I regained my bearings I could see my mom cringe. My mom was always a sweet women, so the last thing she ever thought of doing was causing her children pain.

"It's alright mom I won't do anything dangerous just let me go back down there and see if I can find anything." I tell her and I can visibly see her calm down and mull it over.

"Fine, but we are all going together I am not leaving any of my children behind." We both agree albeit my sister did it so reluctantly. We headed back for the underground chamber.