
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

Origins 2

When I opened my eyes all I could see were blurry images. I tried to move my body but it felt constricted. I could hear muffled sounds from my surrounding. As things my senses started coming back to me I was half expecting to be in a hospital bed wired up to life support machines. Instead I found myself tied to a pole next to three other people that have yet to wake up. I also noticed that I'm only wearing a tunic. I also noticed that there were people standing around us dressed in clothes you would normally associate with cults.

I heard a moan to my left. I knew the person to my left was also waking up. I turn around to look and that's when I finally noticed who the two other people were. My eyes went wide in shock my mom and sister were tied to the two other poles. They were dressed in the same tunics I was. The person to my right also started waking up. That's when I started hearing chanting.

The floor under us started to glow an ominous dark red color like blood. I saw three of the people chanting take slow and steady steps forward. I also noticed that they had swords in their hands. I started to panic. I knew that they were going to stab us with those swords. I tried to call out to my sister and mother but I was gagged. I heard muffled screams from my mother and sister as they also came to the same conclusion I did. The three of us looked at each other and I could see my sister and mother crying.

As I was watching them cry I came to the conclusion that we were all going to die. So I gave them both a smile right before the figure in right in front of me dug his sword all the way through my hart and out of my back. In my last second of consciousness I heard my mother yell my name right before she was stabbed to.

-No POV-

The three bodies that hung at the alter were just sacrificed. The three with the swords started carving out the harts of the victims. When they were done they moved the harts to the alter. They dipped the harts in some unidentifiable black liquid. Carved some runes on the harts with a gold and silver ceremonial dagger. Once they were done they took the harts and put them back in the chest cavities of the three victims. The witches and druids kept chanting as the ceremony continued. After the harts were put back in the chest cavity it started to heal at a rapid pace.

After the chest was completely healed the hart started beating again and the three victims came back to life. Their happiness to see each other was short lived for the swords were plunged in their harts once more. The people with the swords once again carved out the harts, but this time on top of the alter lay a bowl half-filled once again with the unidentifiable black liquid. When they put the harts in the liquid they left them there. Everybody was chanting together as the bowl lit on fire out of nowhere.

The harts had melted and mixed in to the black liquid that is now a dark blood color with a faint glow. They took this liquid and separated it in to three different cups. The three swordsman took the cups and walked back to the victims. They stood in front of them and waited. Just like as time their chest's healed and looked as if they were never stabbed. Three more people cam forward and took the three victims from their poles and set them down on stone beds. They opened their mouths and watched as the three swordsman drained the cups in to the victims mouths.

Once that was done they all surrounded the victims in a circle and started chanting. They chanted until they couldn't chant anymore. The weaker ones lasted 10 minutes the stronger ones lasted 20 the last to remain watched as the three victims came back to life with a loud gasps for air. Then their sclera turned black and they drained everybody in the chamber of their blood. The last conscious witch wanted to run but they were to fast and got her before she could even turn around.