
Eternal Tvisi

Teenage Bharat and his family were forced to leave their ancestral home and relocate to a new city when the crime lord placed restrictions on them. As a result, his father was denied employment opportunities and he was not allowed to enroll in the local college. Additionally, Bharat's childhood sweetheart left him for another wealthy boy and this devastate Bharat. This book chronicles Bharat's journey to acquire superhuman strength and abilities and return to his hometown to reclaim his house and exact revenge for his family.

Samrat_Bharat · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 22: The Last year Champion

Then there was an announcement from the commentary box.

The commentator announced: "Dear Sirs and Madams Hold your breath for the upcoming competition, the Sprint competition, which we have all been eagerly anticipating for a very long time. In the next five minutes, the 200-meter sprint competition will begin, so get ready with popcorn and other necessities if you don't want to miss a single second of it. "

As soon as the announcement was made everyone became very excited about the event as this was one of the main events of the Sports meet competition and the people began discussing among themselves about their favorite candidate.

Next another announcement was made about the name of the players who were participating from the commentator's box: "The candidates who are competing in this sprint competition are as follows: from RMU College: Peter, Saravanan, Iyer, David; from CU College: Damian, Sean, Dennis, who is the favorite, and Akash; and from the host college, Grand Cultural University: Rahul, who is the favorite and has won gold medals in state level competition; Laxman; Deep; and Bharat."

When the names were announced there were cheers by their respective college students who came here to cheer for their teams even the teachers were discussing among themselves.

Professor Ravindran said: "Wow look at the lineup of the players, it is so extraordinary to see so many outstanding players at one place competing with each other."

Professor Devika said: "Yes indeed from RMU college Peter is my favorite as I have seen him doing hard work and practice apart from him Saravanan, Iyer and David are also equally good candidates who have the potential to win."

Professor Shastri nodded in approval and said: "Yes I agree with you Professor Devika also we have a good lineup from CU College as well since Dennis was the winner of this competition last year and rest of them are also good."

Professor Ravindran said: "Of course Dennis is no doubt a champion however from GCU Rahul was able to secure the second spot last year so he seems to be one of the potential candidates who can beat Dennis in this competition also Deep and Laxman are also quite good candidates."

Professor Devika said: "Professor Shastri, who is the fourth person in addition to these three? It is only now that I am learning about this Bharat. Is he competent?"

Professor Shastri replied: "We cannot say for sure since he is a new student and he is taking part in this competition for the first time."

On the other hand, as soon as the List of Players was read aloud in the commentary Box Bharat began to feel a little apprehensive because he recognized the name Dennis as being the one who had stolen his lady and made him look bad in front of others.

When everyone gathered on the field for the sprint competition, Bharat recognized Dennis, the same Dennis who had left with Pallavi and humiliated and insulted him in front of the public eyes. His worst nightmares had come true.

He always wanted Pallavi to be successful in all of her future endeavors, but after the incident that occurred between them, he never wanted to meet Pallavi and Dennis again because of the animosity between them. However, the path of life has now come to a direction where he had to meet them once more.

When Dennis saw Bharat he frowned and thought "What is this guy doing here? This was the guy who was after Pallavi. I have to warn him."

Dennis went to Bharat and confronted him: "What are you doing here?"

Bharat replied: "I am here to take part in this Sprint competition as a student of GCU can't you see that."

Dennis was surprised and said: "Ohh!! So you have managed to enroll yourself in one of the colleges in this metro city. I wonder how since you were rejected in all the colleges in Rajgarh Town. Also though Pallavi did not say anything, I have come to know by my sources that you were actually her ex-boyfriend, however she is too pretty and I have fallen for her so I have chosen to ignore this fact for now. Right now she has come here to cheer me on and is sitting there in the stands. So I would warn you to not even think about getting back with her otherwise you will face the consequences as you know how influential I am and can make your life a living hell in this city."

While feeling conflicted emotions, Bharat turned to the stand where Dennis had indicated and spotted Pallavi, who was sporting the CU outfit, cheering for Dennis; nonetheless, he then responded to Dennis indifferently: "You don't need to be concerned; I've already moved on. She is now yours."

He then walked over to his track to prepare for the race.

While on the other hand Pallavi has also noticed Bharat on the race track exchanging a few words with Dennis so she was worried as she never wanted Dennis to know that Bharat was actually her ex-boyfriend since she thought that Bharat might tell him about her past relationship with Bharat.

At that precise moment the commentator's voice could be heard from the commentary box: "Ladies and Gentleman, finally the moment has arrived for the start of the sprint competition for which all of you were awaiting for such a long time. As you can already see the players have already arrived at the starting point of the race and are stretching their bodies to prepare for the sprint."

The commentator continued: "Last year Dennis was the champion of this sprint race and won the Gold Medal in the Sports meet which was held in the RMU college and has brought glory to his CU college now we have to see whether Dennis can repeat history once again and win this year sprint competition as well which will be very interesting to watch."