

The world as we know it may be coming to a horrifying end. This is because of one careless action of our gods. Threatened by their opponents, the gods decide to genetically modify a particular number of humans to help them fight these enemies. Michael, the one telling the story is granted beyond measure and understanding, the absolute ingredient necessary to be more than the gods themselves. He will hold the responsibility of saving the world if he can survive after the power asleep in him awakens. Will he be the savior of the world if he manages to survive the awakening or will she be the doom of the world? We can only know for sure by hearing what he has to say to us. Let's delve into his story to find out.

mike_mystery · Anime & Comics
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Your Hero Is Here

I instantly wished I could take back my words. These gods were terrifying so much that you'd never want to cross paths with them. I apologized and felt much better. I got to know another side of them. They were not all business. They were also cupcakes and rainbows. Maybe a little too much, or because it's me. ( Not in a way that's like, " I'm just too good" but like, the fate of the world now rests solely on my shoulders). After some time with them, Unyokk took me to where I first met him, then I was back in my world. Oh yes, Unyokk is the name of the god who took me to meet the rest of the family.

I went to the camp to look for something because now I was really feeling the hunger. Instead of food, Lucinda sent for me so I went straight to her. When I got there, she gave me the cold stare so I asked her what was wrong and she asked me why I treated Lucy the way I did earlier. I only told her I just wasn't in the mood for her drama. Lucinda then started to preach about Lucy. She talked for sometime and honestly, she's really boring when she talks for too long. Man, this lady's got skill. She has a way of scolding you without making it seem like she's scolding you. Some of the things she said were, Lucy this, Lucy that, blah blah blah. She also said I should apologize to her and try not to push her out of my life again.

Ugh! Can you stop talking already. I've heard you. I'll do what you say. Can I go now, I said. Well, I guess so. Thanks. As I was leaving, I saw that she had a troubled look on her face. I didn't bother to ask her about it. I went to look for Lucy to apologize to her, I couldn't find her. Now I started searching like a little boy who had lost his puppy. I finally found her in the tech department. Why didn't I think of that earlier. Of course she had to be there if she wasn't in her room or the cafeteria. That's where she likes to spend her weekends. Today, she wasn't playing with any of the gadgets as she usually does. She was sitting in a corner, more quiet than usual. She had her diary on the table in front of her. As I approached her, she noticed me and got up to leave. I stood in front of her, blocking her path. She tried to push me away, I smiled at her but she didn't return the smile. She turned her face face to look the other way.

Me: You didn't return the smile.

Lucy: (silence)

Me: Lucy

Lucy: (silence)

Me: Aren't you at least going to say something?

Lucy: (with mixed feelings) What do you expect me to say? Oh! hey Michael, where have you been. How's it hanging. What! You made it clear this morning that I'm not important to you. There are things more important than me to you right. Go to them. Talk to them. Excuse me

Me: Lucy wait! It's not like ...

Lucy: Like what Michael. I thought you and I had something going but I guess I was wrong. It seems they were all right about you. You only care about yourself and no one else. Goodbye Michael.

Me: I came to apologize

Lucy: You did, now excuse me

Me: Lucy wait

Lucy: Save it Michael, you'll need your energy for later.

With those words, Lucy left and I was there wandering what I had done wrong and thinking of what she said. I spent the night in there without moving a muscle. When morning came, I went to my room to freshen up and go take breakfast. After eating, I was heading to my room when I saw Nathan harassing Lucy. She tried to break free but she couldn't. Was this guy really strong or is it because she's a girl.

Me: Hey a**hole, let her her go

Nathan: Who invited you

Lucy: I don't need you to defend me, get lost

Nathan: You heard her, get lost, punk!

Me: She's only sixteen and you're a hundred and five. Wouldn't that mean, she's young enough to be, idk, your great grand daughter?

Nathan: Now watch your tongue boy. I could knock you out with a single punch. I'm way older than you.

(People started gathering)

Me: Oh yeah! I'd like to see you try. PUNK!!

Before I could blink, he was right in front of me. All of a sudden, I was flying, then falling. I landed on a table, breaking it. I stood to my feet and said," You know, if I beat you, you'll have to hide your face for some time right?" He was shocked I was still standing. You'll have to be able to at least land a punch, he said and then, dashed at me. This time, I was prepared, I managed to barely get out of there. You have to pay for breaking my nose, b*tch, I said. With that, I didn't even see him take a step yet he was behind me. He whispered something and struck me so hard that my body felt numb. He mounted me as I fell to ground and started to rain punches to my face. I couldn't move a muscle as my body was still numb.

Mr. Strongheart heard noises and decided to check out what all the racket was about. When he saw us, he wanted to break us up but Lucinda stopped him. Wait, she said. I then felt movement in my hand. I used whatever strength I had left after the beating to push him away. My face was bloody.

Nathan: Had enough yet, kid.

Me: I'm only getting started. Besides, you punch like a baby tapping it's mother.

This time, he didn't run. He walked slowly, grabbed my neck, pushed me to the wall and started hitting my head against it. When he stopped, I fell to the ground. I mistakenly touched my face and saw my blood. On seeing my blood, I felt a surge of energy run through my veins. I was angry, no, I was filled with rage. I stood up and said to him, " you are a dead man." I could sense his fear. I took a step but I was right before him. I grabbed his head and smashed it against the wall. He tried to run away but run into me instead. I punched him, sending him flying and breaking the wall on impact. I grabbed his leg and performed the "Hulk Smash" move. When I was done hitting him against the ground about twenty times on each side, I helped him to his feet and then hit his ribs three times. I punched his face, breaking his nose and removing some of his teeth, about three. I fell to the ground after, unconscious.

I woke up in the infirmary with headache. This time, Lucy wasn't by me crying. I asked the nurse where she was. She said she was outside with Mr. Strongheart. I waited for the nurse to leave the room. As soon as she left, I made my way to the window and got out. I headed straight for my room. I locked the door behind me once I entered. I managed to avoid too many people's gaze. I laid on the bed for sometime. As I was about going deep in sleep, I heard a knock on my door. I tried to ignore it but it only grew louder. I went to open it and it was the person I least expected to see, Lucy. She asked if she could come in. I allowed her in.

Lucy: How are you feeling? Sorry. You're obviously fine since you were able to escape through the window of the second floor.

Me: ( giggles) I'm okay. Thanks for asking.

Lucy: How are you even awake. I mean, Nathan is in a coma. They say he'll be in that condition for a month, in the very least.

Me: idk, ask the gods

Lucy: Don't tell me you now believe those stories.

Me: I thought you didn't want to talk to me again

Lucy: So you want me to leave. If you want me to, all you need to do is say so

She stood up to leave, I held her hand, pulled her closer to me and kissed her. She looked surprised for a moment then kissed back. She smiled after. I tried so hard not to return the smile but failed. I hugged her and told her I was sorry. Hush, you'll ruin the moment, she replied.

(knock knock)

Great, someone's at the door. I opened the door to see Mr. Strongheart.

Sorry it's been a while since my last update. It's just that I've been busy with something really important but I'll try to frequently update the story. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

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