

The world as we know it may be coming to a horrifying end. This is because of one careless action of our gods. Threatened by their opponents, the gods decide to genetically modify a particular number of humans to help them fight these enemies. Michael, the one telling the story is granted beyond measure and understanding, the absolute ingredient necessary to be more than the gods themselves. He will hold the responsibility of saving the world if he can survive after the power asleep in him awakens. Will he be the savior of the world if he manages to survive the awakening or will she be the doom of the world? We can only know for sure by hearing what he has to say to us. Let's delve into his story to find out.

mike_mystery · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Helping Out A Foe

Did I interrupt something, he asked. Why did you think you interrupted something, I asked. He said; with the way she's smiling, I think I did interrupt something. Anyways, do you think you could come with me or do you two wanna have some time together.(haha) We all laughed.

On a more serious note, I need you to come check something out. So where are we going, I asked, not knowing what to expect. To visit Nathan. For real, that guy tried to kill me.

I think you were the one that actually almost killed him. I mean, seeing how you are on your feet already and he's fighting to stay alive, I'd believe nothing else.

I agreed to go see him. When we arrived, the guy had bandages almost everywhere. There was a little blood on it so I guess he wasn't good to go. I don't understand, what am I supposed to be doing here? Lucinda popped out of nowhere.

Lucinda: Well, let's see. You are the chosen one. If we didn't know any better, we'd say the gods came from you rather than the opposite.

Me: Am I supposed to know what I'm doing here after hearing that?

Lucinda: Lemmeput it this way. You are more just the exact replica of the gods and because of that, we believe you can do what the gods can do.

Me: umm... I still don't understand why I'm here

Lucinda: That's okay. The thing is, Nathan has the ability to regenerate. You know, being able to heal really fast.

Me: okay? So why am I her, then?

Lucinda: Lord Michael...

Me: Can you stop calling me that. Michael is just fine. Please.

Lucinda: Alright, Michael. You are here because, we need you to heal Nathan.

Me: What do you mean?

Lucinda: You see, when you two fought earlier, we think you might have given him more than his body could take. Thus, rendering some of his abilities inactive at the moment. We need you to heal him because, the nurses say he'll remain in this condition for the next six months at least.

Me: Sorry but I don't think I can help you with that and you know it.

Lucinda: You don't know that for sure. At least try.

Me: Fine. Let's see what happens.

I approached the bed, not sure of what to do or expect. I sat by the guy, wondering how I'd heal him. Just then, I started to feel weak. I didn't know why so I got up to leave. Lucinda asked where I was going and I told her I wasn't feeling so good that maybe I hadn't fully recovered, myself. Also, I didn't think it was working.

Well, I think you are actually healing him because he moved, she said. I sat by him again and this time, I held his hand. I felt the energy in me drain so fast that I lost my balance and almost fell but thanks to Lucinda, I didn't. I didn't know Lucinda had such a soft body and touch. Well it always reflected on her by looking at her, but feeling her, ...

There I was, thinking about Lucinda without noticing Nathan had fully recovered and was already on his feet. Mr. Strongheart's voice made me realize he was on his feet. I let go of his hand immediately. Lucinda hugged me so tight and whispered; I knew you could do it. Thank you.

Mr. Strongheart: You never seize to amaze me, young man

Me: Thanks?(I wasn't sure of what to say)

Lucy: That's my Michael

Lucinda: mmhm, always to the rescue

Nathan: Why is everyone focused on this kid and celebrating him, he almost killed me

Lucy: He was only defending himself, paying you back for what you did to him, jerk

Mr. Strongheart: True he almost killed you, that was intense

Lucinda: but he also healed you completely, so, that evens things up

Nathan: What do you mean he healed me? I have regeneration, I healed on my own

Lucy: If it wasn't for Mike, you'd still be in a coma, dummy

Nathan: What do you mean by that and stop insulting me!!

Lucy: Make me!

Mr. Strongheart: Feisty, I like that

Lucinda: Cut it out, will you. What she's saying is, according to the nurse's report, you should have been in a coma for at least a month. Even if after one month, you manage to wake, your abilities won't work for another three-four months.

Nathan: What's that supposed to mean?

Mr. Strongheart: In other words, you received a badass beating from a 15 year old. Hilarious

Nathan: What does he have to say for himself? He almost killed me, besides, it won't happen again

Lucinda: Can you hear yourself right now? You allowed a 15 year old beat you till your abilities were rendered useless

Mr. Strongheart: That's the first I've heard of something like that

Nathan: Shut up! Shut up, all of you! Hey kid, what do you have to say for yourself?

Me: huh?

I didn't even have the strength to speak so I slept instead. I know he must've felt insulted because when I woke, he was still there, looking like a volcano about to erupt. Can I help you, I asked. Oh no you don't, he said. You are not going to act cool about all of this kid.

You got lucky. What do you mean, I asked. He replied, well, you were only able to beat me because I underestimated you. I'm sorry, I said. Finally, you apologize for almost killing me. No, you've got it wrong. I apologized for overestimating you. With those words, he looked straight into my eyes and said, it's not over kid, then he left.

I don't know what just happened and I don't care. He can't beat me, I guess he'll just have to find out the hard way. I set out looking for Lucinda. It took a while but eventually, I found her. Hey there Michael, how are you feeling now?

I'm better, thanks for asking. I was wondering if I could get to spend time with you of you are not busy or if it won't distract you. From what, she asked. Huh?, I don't get you, I said. You said if spending time with you wouldn't distract me and I said from what. Oh, umm, maybe your work , I replied. Don't be silly, you can come to me anytime you need something, anything, she said. I smiled and hugged her. I told her I wanted to be with her for the next couple of weeks, whenever I had nothing to do. To my surprise, she agreed. I thought she would even ask why or protest or talk me into associating with the others and spending time with Lucy. I felt she should have said anything other than agreeing. Now I don't even know what to say whenever I'm around her. It's almost like my mind malfunctions or something.